t- c -f THE BEE. .rift!. .tl;' J : OMAHA TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 15, 1874. VOL. IV. NO. 22. OMAHA DAILY r !i i 11 w t. ' I THE DAILY BEE. EBWAKD BOSKWATnS Editor nd Pirop'r Omt So. 138 rnihmJiW.ew. KttlisusdTeitl. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy, one jetr. In &rnct f7.00 . i ' " u months, in drnc -00 i hM mfBthi in " 2.00 SVIf cot iU In adrasce, fa per annum will ) .t.rollftoa. FEEDERICK, IHKtti Bl Baliooxact has with the dog-days. again set in Beechkb and Tilton have locked horns. The silent spell is toen, and the mystery that shrouds -the scandal of all scandals will soon be solved. LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods, And now George Francis Train proposes to sue certain newspapers for libel. The Bee will come in for a round $100,000 this time. Governor Caldwell of North Caro lina is dead. Cucumbers, green orn and cholera morbus cut short his mortal career. VERT LITEST. MIDNIG-HT. Sptdally KtporUd for tat Oka Daily Bm, fcr tat Atlutic ud FieUa TtlefnPh Oo. CHICAGO INFLAMES! Another disastrous flood in Massachusetts. The dam inspectors -swear that the reservoir was per fectly safe, and therefore nobody is to blame. The ConKagratisn Almest Equal to That of 1871. Farnham St an3SZ8ti& OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CEAQKEE XAHDTAOlOBT. McUureA t-mith. 185 Harney street, bet. 11th aud lh. dlfclkU GLA83 ASD PiOTUEE PEMES. JKeinhart. 18C 1iu lis street, dealet In .window gliss aud picture Iramts, (lining done to order. -2tI B00T3 AND SHOES. Philip Lang, 155 Farnham at. between tub aiAll5hT fawri O0HPECTI0HEBT. HL. Later, corner 12th and Douglas streets, . ramufacturer and wholesale dealer In candu i and confectionery. Country trade ac llceted. Pl" C0A'- DEU.EEB. Tjoland S Ellijt.coal, Hum, cement hair .etc., X 131 Farnuam at. JA.K . ney: M. felilSinS DRUGGET?, der, di ugglst, corner 12th and Mx- ia PAWN BB0KEP. Elgutter, No. 200 Farnham t. fcml LAUHDEY. Anew HoDlr7 opened at all lHli U t Parnbac i-od Ooulas. lopwashlncand Ironing will be done to crder, nrsl cass work PAIHTEES. Lehtnsn A Beard, hou-e and sign PnUM, lOtli at. bet. F- rnham and Harney. aattl BOaP PA0T0ET. Fcminm Soup WorVs, Powell A Co, still Dianu'acfire their Premium Soap. Fire nrrt premium awarded by the l-ungla county and State fairs, and Pottawattamie county, la. Orders aoll-itod from the trade. JS early seven hundred new posioffices have been created since the first of July, which will go far to make up the loss of congression al influence by the repeal of the franking privilege and consequent stoppage of garden sass and patent office literature, formerly distributed among rural constituents. It takes from three to ,live years for the city bred son of a banker or merchant to master a mechanical trade or to become a competent farmer. It does not take twenty sour hours now-a-days for any farmer or mechanic to master the science of National finance or to know just how a bank or a railroad should be run and managed. A110BSETS. n. JC. FKAKCIS . ESTABKOJK. ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTOMEYS AT LAW. OFFICE-WsWn Block, Omaha, Neb. DcnSltl DEXTER L. THOMAS, Attorney " :CounseIor at La. SOPFMRi-BoosfBo' VlMcaiVi Block, OMJJJeIa - - - NEB An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen aud chevoit shirts ot our wii make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jiailroad lHc;cts bought and sold by I Gottheimer, Broker, at 296 Fan.ham street. Unredeemed fledge for iSale. may lv26 JOHN W, LYTLE, A.ttoraert-LaTr aad Solicitor la uPFIOL-OTtr Fkat IUnl luk. tnal-tf PAKKE G0DWI3S, Attorney at Law (Campbell's Bktk,) BTEEET. OMAHA 509 1-2 THIBTEEHTH K2h Isn Hamlet Orum, 9th street between Jones and Leavenworth sts , OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. KEEPS THE MOST COMPLETE ASSOltT met of 1 -adies" ..nd Genu straw hats, trim med and untrimmed, I'arasols, Piques, Mar seilles, Kainsooss and all kinds of lry (ioodn, Ladies' nd Gentr Bo ts, etc My line of Iry fiood ir Complete. SoM-gouly tor CASH, I am Me to UNDERSELL any other L'ealer in the City. OjrPBICESare LOWER than erer heard t-1 before. mvM-3m-pl JT. K00BEHEAD. ZDZRtTQ-O-IST AND PHARMACIST, Psttee'f Block, Bet California & Wtbtttr Eta. OMAHA, NEB. Physicians Prescriptions carefully je2S 3m4 comnoundnl. DENTIPTIIV. senger oi cinijers on tne the buildings. Although pri citizens aire" do ?2E'3 A.BALDWIM- i30. X. O'BSIEX. BALBAV1K t O'BKIEV. ATTORNEYS5LAW Ofice CaldweU Block, Douglas F.treat, OMA11A. - - - - JJEBBASKA. S-Kiti JOHX C. CO WET, l.ttomoy? oUoitor AS COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CREIGHToVs BLOCK, OMAHA, KEHBAIHA. arftf DENTISTS, OFFICE. Mo. 232 FARNHAM ST. -rrsTAiKs. Bet. 13th & 14th U- OMAHA- aWOIilcst uractlelntrlViilihla In tUecitr T. W. T. Kichards, Attorney at Law, .OSceSlO 13tk SU, bet. FarakaH aad Itoarlas, Oauha, Neb. P 0. Box 80 UflU O. H. BALLO CO. W..GLASaOW. Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Ofice n Creltb ton's new block, southeast cor room, floor. OMAUA. - AEB. DR. A, S. BILLINGS. DEITTIT, S84k 3Tmx-ailam: Bet-l Jth aad luh, pp (tain. Teeth extracted without pain, by use of M- Ctf troua Oxide Hsj W( Cce ooas itail hnti SiazrsAojsiX X I. VAN CAMP M. D. -Dispenses Ma own meddsea, and besides regular practice, makes sptclalitles of Derange ments and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Pisto ls, PUss and other Diseases of the Bectum. Orncx: Corner Farnham and 14th streets, first door to the right, np stair. Besidenc. 210 Douglss street, between ? and nth, next to Lutheran Church Omaha. Vtb. Address Lock box 34. janlldswtf LAVAGE & MANDERS0N, Attorneys at Law, 942 FABXUAM 8TBEAT. J.WsBW.BXafl, caaBUH r vavDUunar, Omaha Ksbrsska N. J. BUHNHAM. t 'J ATTORSEI AND COUNSELLOR AT T t T.aW. JTo.200 Farnham Street OMAHA - NEB. mrhSOtl J. S. SHROPSHIRE, ' Attorney-at -Law OiLAHA, - - NEBR. 3. a. srauk. co. K.raxrcsa-rr SPAUN & PRITCHEH, Atteraers ia4 CWHetors at Law. Oaw. 508 Twelt i KJSSt. , OtaabJ, ?b. 4 . Ixirk Rat 4M. G. W. AMBROSE, .ttoruer - svt - Xsm i KEDICK'S OFEBA HOUSE arttf OKA HA lEB. JOHX m. KKLLKT, Attorney 1 Counselor at Law f0iJ2fwark' -o)t- OLLECTIOX8 SOUOTED AOTPatOlfPT j ly attended to, So chart sJsas cellec tions are mads. Houses to Vef as4 IMt col ected. Beal estate bou gM asut taU. ujlTtl We. J. CONNZUU Go illor. mt AMD yfMriet Attanwr far icUlYbtrlet. Ja4- nrncs 8 t sUs of ' utkaitUssv,orsuOgwn HUB. J. K. VAN DER COOK Eoleetio Physician Bcsklence and offkt 250 Dodge at bet 14th xnd 15th sts. Special attention paid to'obstetrics and dis eases peculiar to women apd children. f9tf. LI ' .California House. FRITZ HAFSEE, Frop'r. Ko. 17 Douglas Street, comv )lth,Om.ha, Nebraska t Board by the day or week, tune 1. Tl ca.: ATI Cor. franabaua Had EUrtnlfl Its. All kinds of TAILORING, rieaninc and re p tiring done at reasonable raU a. A fine lot of rUKMslllNG GOODS constantly on band and sold chess. -tecXtf REDMAN & LEWIS, Cor. 16th and Izard Streets. Oottoxxwood. Ij XT ISA. B E :R On band and SAWED TO OBDEB. jeatlm J. o. "Dealer In "Staple and Taney " Groceries. UUhest price jiaid for Country Produce. Prick 8tore, B. , Cor. 16A it Chicago Ett, Jejttf OMAUA. Na QUAILEY'S 7a F- Soap Tactoryl Situated on the line ol the Colon Pacific Baflroad, near the powder house. Manufac tures first -class soap for home consumption. 1une84-lT P.N.GLYNN, WBOLXSaXX ASP XXTail. BKaXX Wines, Liquors, Segars, TBlCCO AKD PIPES. VsrCalifornU Wines ud Brandiea.S Corner of lSh and Dodse streets, opposite the bw Post tXace building, Oiaaha.'Keb- e2SU WW F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, A91 CAKBIA6S TKIXMEB, .J rmnasaaat.Wt.lSfsiVlk. a IX orders and rspsiring promptly sttended 4Mtewu1HtTi Chicago, July 14. A ereat Are Is raging In South Chicago, about tLe vicinity of Mich igan avenue and Twelfth street. Haifa mile of buildings are now in 'flames, and all efforts of the fire men thus far are futile to check its progress. Buildings are being blown up, and the whole force of the fire-department are on the spot, with every means available for fighting the fire. The streets are jammed with teams, moving goods from the place. The fire started at 4:30 this after noon; on Fourth avenue, near Twelfth street, in South Chicago. It ran north and northeast, through Fourth avenue, Third avenue, Slate street, two blocks on Wabash av enue, and a large number of bouses on the eastern portion of the street. It took the postonlce, several line churches, and a large number of blocks, the number of which is not attainable yet At half past G o'clock the fire had made almost a clean sweep up to the corner of Third avenue and Folk street, burning up the homes of thousands of people at the above corner. The fire department commenced the process of blowing up buildings with gun-pewder, but the buildings experimented with were but small, wooden affairs, and would only have the effect of making a quicker blaze of them, and the wind blow ing as it does very fresh from the south south-wes. The fire is now on the verge of the fire line of our big fire at Har rison street tiie west side of Wa bash avenue is now in full blaze, which takes many a stately building in its course, which offered a haven of refuge in 1871. The. tire is just now in the rear of the First JJaptjst Church, and should that structurp go down, the firp will have a clear sweep to the northward .and eastward, and the exposition' biijlding will hT all livelihood be the fin's prey of the fire and that as that is immedi ately on the lake shore, there -will be nothing further for thp fire to feed upon, provided we have the good fortune not to have a change or wind, a oiack oau or smoke is J hanging overthe expected course of L lire, dropping its advance mes- roois oi vate ing theJrutifiot in trying to prpventlhe nrp from get ting a bojd upon their homes, yet the effort is ns futile as for a phi4 to make an attempt. The roar of the advancing fur nace has the sound of our old calamity, and nothing short of its final plunge Into Lake Michigan will quench it. Streets within a mile of the conflagration are crowd ed with teams of every description, loaded to their utmost capacity with household "goods, nn storekeepers who are so fortunate as to secure a' teamare endeavoring to save theif( most valuable stocK. wnerever a vapant "PfWe north of the fire can be found, it is at onpp fljled with goods of every description and variety. Men, women and children are do ing their utmost to savo their little all. and take it io some place of safety. The work of the fire from this on will burn up as much in one five minutes as (t has previously in fif teen, considering the vajup in dol lars and cents. The heat is very great, and no doubt that In addition to pecuniary losses, we will have to mourn thp I039 of lives, as it is next to impos8ibp for a fire of this fflng iiitude and fury, burning through so closely a settled district as. this, without callincr for m.mv a humnn sacrifice. ( As the postonlce is decidedly Jn, me line 01 tne connairraUcn. its em ployes will have all they can do to secure the mail matter in the'bulld ing, and consequently there will no malls leave the city this evening, and there can by no possibility be any sent before tomorrow evening, should the department be successful in saving thejr valuables. The principal lines oi the West? ern Union Telegraph Company, running east, run through State street, and have all been burnt,'! there being some foity wires, but aj the lines on Canal street are outYof all possible danger, therp wll beco interruption of telegraphic commu ujpatlop, $f The fire has burjjt over so-fcr about half a mile in length, rndl some four blocks In width, anil al though the explosion of gunpowder is still heard every little while, there is but little hopes of staying tha fire short of the limits given above. ? Piftnnn 0-1O n. m. w .-w, .w m ... , At the beginning of the fire the. that part of the city have burned, though the majority are poor and shabby. Many people are exhaust ed with the heat, it being excessive ly warm to-night. As predicted in a previous dis patch, the fire swept into and over the elegaut First Baptist Church and Wabash avnue, and what was this evening before sundown one of the most elegant and costly church edifices of our city is now but a smouldering heap of ruins. As it was evident from the course of the fire and the strength of the wind atrabout 6:30 P. M., that the postofflce building was in all proba bility doomed, General McArthur, the postmaster, made arrangements at once to remove the mails to a nlace of safetv and all needed teams I were immediately pressed into ser vice bv him. At 8 o'clock the last wagon left the building, and the place that had been the depository of the United States mails centering here, was deserted forever, tor at,16 minutes past 8 the building first caught, and by 8:30 It was a mass offlamoi. w 11:50 p.m. The fire limits-on the south are 518 State street near Harmon Court, Wabash avenue 475, Just south of ElUridge Court; on11 Third avenue 263, between -Peck"-court and Twelfth. On the corner of Peck court and Wabash avenuo is the only point in the southern portion where the firemen are oper ating. The fire broke out-in a paiat manufacturing shop, corner of Twelfth and Clark streets, where the workmen were mixing ma terial, which exploded and caused the conflagration. July 15, 2.30 A. 31. The following are the limits of the fire; On South Clark, street to Iwelfth street Clark street burned but a short distance ;-JJef?roorn was the southern boundary; Twelfth, Northern Polk street, Third and Fourth avenues burned almojt their entire length, the buildings being chiefly of a common sort ; State street from -Twelfth tc Van Buren street J Wabash avenuo trom Har mon Court nearly to Jackson, anil on Michigan avenue many fine buildings got on fire. The fire was not general on that street, and was checked beforo roaohlngthe Exposi tion building, f Twenty blocks are burned. The loss is variously esti mated and cannot be given accurate ly to-night, but it will not be less than three millions, and probably not exceed Mx. Insurance about two-fifths loss. Some companies will undoubtedly succumb to tLe heavy strain on their finances, but they have been very careful since the great fire, not to take large risks in any one locality, and 00 the loss s wjdejy distributed among thorn. The following are sorao of the principal losses; First' Baptist Church, $100,000;, Church of- the Messiah, 525,000; Third Baptist Churpli, (gdfbrpd) $40,000; Jewish Synagogue, $30,000; Queen" iChapel, $50,000; Ailelphl Theater, $75,000; St, James Hotel arid furniture $15, 000; Poatottlpe, $30,QQQ, The following pasuaiitles are re-. ported: Three young men killed on Van Buren street by the falling of walls. A desperate thief on Har rison street, while attempting to enter a, house with a knife in his hamj, ifasehot and killed by the owner.' 'Three 'Chicago steamprs were' hurried,' 'the 'flrpdrivlh'g the firempn frora their engines. A strong patrol is guarding property in-the vicinity of the flrp, kuopk ing thieves right and left, The flames are now nearly tub dcedand the fire is perfectly under control,-havlng burned fiercely, for nearly ten hours. -" No.further apprehensions are felt for-the safety of the central busi- J'-ness part of the city. TELEGRAPHIC. jr- 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Little Rock, July 14. Official returns from all counties foot up for the convention eightv Uiousand against eight thousand. Out of ninety delegates elected, over seventy are democrats. New York, July 14. Fresh charges against Police .Commissioners Charlick and Gard iner will betaken up by the grand jury to-day. No answer has yet beenreturned to Governor Dix by Mayor Havemeyer, to charges of maladministration in office made against him. j- Washington. July 14. Thejattorney-general has directed , Madrid, July 13. Thft CflrllSf'S linVO mnnnnailml tPuyeerda without effect. The- are now waiting for reinforcements. Gen. Satiella has arrived and will take charge ot the operations. thafah appeal to the supreme court of the United States be taken in the case of the New York Central, and Hudson River Railroad against In ternal Revenue Collector Bailey, of the western district, New York. roKTSsrouTir, N. H. July 14. The Cable steamship Ambassa dor has arrived here, having suc cessfully laid the shore connections of the new Atlantic cable. M. HELLMAN & CO., CLO THIERS ASDDEALEUS is- 221 Halifax. July 14. The steamer Edgar Stuart, pur chased for the western trade ar rived yesterday. Three hundred and thirty Men onnltes, en route for Manitoba, have arrived. 'A very heavy rain fell here last rCUgUU 1 i Springfield. Mass., July 14. The Springfield Republican esti mates the damage by the Middle field disaster in round numbers at $350,000 dollars nearly half of which falls upon the Boston & Albany railroad. There was no loss of life whatever. Through travel west ward can hardly be resumed before Thursday, while it is quite possible the railroad will not get Into run ning order till late. New York, July 14. President and Mrs. Grant -and Jesse, General Babcock and Miss Drexel arrived at noon yesterday from Long Branch, and proceeded to Tifth Avenue Hotel. The presi dential party remained ouietlv at ) the hotel all day, and departed for oaru iugu iu me evening. o-zehstts' uznsrisiiiisra- goods, and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COB. 13TH ST. ELAjsonsr New York, July 14. The Orangemen of New York and Brooklyn went on their annual pic-uic yesterday on the steamer Wm. Cooke. On leaving the dock the steamer collided with the schooner Miller, sinking her imme diately. Whether any lives were sacrificed by tiie collision, it could not be ascertained, but it was learn ed that two hands of the Miller werQ found floating in the river and that they wore resoued. The Mayor will not prepare his answer to the Governor to-day. Matters at the police headquarters this morning are uninteresting. New York, July 14. A one hundred mile walking match lakes place in Barnum's hip podrome, during the first week in .August,for the championship, and $1,000 in prizes given by Bamum. Ail iong-distance walkers from Bos ton, Pjttsburg, and other cities, will compete, Loxo Branch, July 14. The second meeting of the Mon mouth Park Association, the at tendance was small; the weather hot. Tbe first nr:e for a purse of S700, mile heat, best three in five, tiiree starts, Madalicn won theflrst heat in 1,49J. Artist won second and third heats. Time 1.44J aud 1,463. OUR STOCK FOR THE Is Complete now; Our Assortment in Clothing ; Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises th.e Latest XTovslttog. THE ZiATSST STTZiES ZXT SATS AMID CAPS. We Ilaye also a Full Line in BOY'S ant Si'UTH'S Clothiii- WE WILL SELL OURG-OODS LOWEST IAN EVER. M. &CO. FAT.T. STOCK, 1873. Rew York, July 14. The steamship Colon arrived here yesterday, With 125 cabin passengers and 1,;J60 tons of freight, including 480 tons of teas, Wm. M. Tweed nude a written application yesterday, which was endorsed by the chief physician at Blackwell.'s Island, to the commis sioners asking for better quarters. AtCreedmoor to:day thp Twenty eighth Batalliou hail' a range of thp twelve best "shots, wljiph whs won by Lieut. Frey, of company A- Tftrep men were sunstrupk and will probably dje j another was ac cidently shot but not fatally. Nnw York. Julv 14. President Watson retired from the Erie road to-day. Resolutions were passed by the Board of Direc tors regretting that through ill health and excessive labors he had deemed this course necessary, and complimenting him for elevating the road to itspresenteffieienoy.aud congratulating him upon his vindi cation of the ohargos of misman agement. Tho stockholders adopt ed similar resolutions. R. A- BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. Ni:w York July 14. Money Easy at 2 per cent. Foreign Exchange Dull but steady at 487 1ST for sixty days, toa jor bigui, 5 Gold Very dull ; opened, at JOQ j, and did notchangeuntil 1:2:36, when it fell'tolooj; rallied to 109? now- l i ot " CABLEGRAMS. J Uerlin, July 14. (Emperor William has arrived at Munich. He was received by the King of Bavaria and escorted to the royal palace. S. It is reported here that the British delegate to tne .Brussels Congress will not take part)n the proceedings until the reservatlons'made'byLord Derd are considered. Washington-, July 14. The poslal treaty between the United States and Japan goes into effect on the 1st of January, 1875. Agreeably to the notice given by the Japanese legation,' six months notice was required, but at the rcz quest of the Japanese powers the thirteen days already elapsed have been waived. The conviction and sentence of Daekervey was not a surprise to the authorities here. During the pre liminary examination given him at Neuvitas, where he was first ar rested, the Cuban authorities clearly established, his gujjt, ptUl this gov ernment employed a special and able counsel to proceed to Cuba and conduct his defense. At the State department hope is expressed that tbe Cuban authorities may be in duced, as a special favor, to com mute pis sentence toiniprisonment. A the fortress for the present violation wind was east, but at sunset it ahlf-t of ihe ecclesiastical Jaw ted auicklv to the south, and drofe the blaze rapidjy ?iorthwrd. Irs now pheckeii on the east and west at Clark and Twelfth streets, but"is-j OUiUK uuinsni, ill Milium U1VVIJUU Ik UK U'lIUCU WVUU1 UIUU&S, l as far as Michigan avef nue and northward. Whoje shingles are flying toward the heart of the city and firemen are blowing up buildings as fast as possible' wherever it seenis feasible. People have been compelled to move goods the second time. The exact num ber of blocks eannot yet be-gjven. The postofflce has gone and twx churches. The number of blooks cjty on Madison street are moving gooas.- All tne police force are on the ground, to prevent stealing. Tbe firemenare workinglike heroes, A man caught stealing waa near: ly lynched, in spjte of the eflbrts of thepolloe. Chicaqo, 10:30 p. m. she fight with the fire is now be tween Michigan avenue and State street and Harrison aad Van Bur en, The merchants continue moy inggoods far down in the business oentre. The last building to suc cumb is the St. James Hotel, whioh has just commenced to burn. Many of the ffcwsi buildings la London, July 14. In the House of Commons, last evening, Disraeli said Parliament would be in a condition to adjourn on the 5th ot August. In reference .to the public worship regulations bill, he declared himself unalterably 'opposed- to the- resolutions which Gladstone introduced on the 9th Inst, because thpy were aimed at religious liberty. The resolutions in question oppose tne xfeflnlte settle ment of the pointsnow In dispute, and,clothes the Bishop with power to establish .uniformity in regard to jthe conducting of public Worshjp. Special dispatches from Madrid tTeport that General Zaballa is con tinually receiving reinforcements. Erpsh outrages have been commit d by the Carlists, who are report ed to have robbed and nearly mur dered the doctors and others who were sent out to bring some of the Wounded Republicans wjth the lines, ' " A Times special correspondent at Berlin telegraphs that the Bishop of Padenborn has received another sentepep of 18,000 thalera nne anu mree months detention m "there is intense excitement in Berlin over an attempt to take Bis mark's life. , Agnes Strickland, the historical Wtthoress, died ypstprday agedsix- ty-ejght. The Daily News reports that the police ot Vienna have issued a cir cular giving a description of a per son whom they suspect of a design tJ assassinate tbe Emperor of Aus- trfc. A special dispatch from Berlin to theTimes says if Is now reported that Prince Bismarck's journey to KIssengen has no political object The -friendly attitude of the king of burned are variously placed at elgb Bavaria gives much satisfaction, teon aud twenty-four. Merchants. Jbut, the separatist tendencies of far from the fire in the heart of tbe axeny gives rise to a feeling of un eastaess. The rate for money at stocks ex ohaage on government securities is tiHTper cent, x t The House, of" Commons has pjwed a bill abolishing patronage is tne unurcn oi nooijana. i violent thunder-storm which over tnis city on oaturqay, causM quite a number of fatal acci dent ' Avtiaaes correspondent with the Carjtete telegraphs that theyare tryac to drive away foreign oorre sponleata by shooting some as spies. ftaay Germans- have al dy wiiii!)rom theltaw; New York, July 14. The Beecher-Tilton scandal con tinues to be the absorbing topic in Brooklyn, and recent developments give tha case more interest. Mr. Beecher came down from Peeksville yesterday in company of Jas. Red path, of Boston, and remained at his home all the evening. He has not gone before the committee. In con versation wjtb a reporter, ho said ho had followed but one policy since the beginning thejwlicy of silence, and he was resolute in this. The publication of letters in the various newspapers, asking for an investiga tion, was done by his friends against his protest, Mr. Francis D. Moulton, of Brook lyn, in response to an invitation of the Beecher investigating commit tee, appeared before that committee this evening. Ills statement was bland and conciJatory, and he won golden opinions by his frank and generous manner. Jn conversation with a reporter in attendance at the meeting of tho committee, he said that he loved Henry Ward Beecher like the apple of his eye, but that' he would not stand by and. see Theodore Tilton crucified. The committee were deeply impressed with tbe dignity and courageof Mr. Moulton, though, holding m his hands the fate of two such men as Henry Ward Beecher and Theodore Tilton. There was mildness and gentle ness of manner, and an evident dig nity of soul about Mr. Moulton that was the subject of remark. He was very mueh affeeted when he spoke of Joseph Howard. The editor of the Star is preparing a statement for communicating several import ant points. On inquiry at the of fice, an attache of the Star said Mr." Howard's statement would give a new-light to the contnnvrsv. His confidence in Mr. Beecher was una- i oaten, ana ne tnougpt Tilton was laboring under an hallucination. W. B. Carpenter, the-artist, Sam uel Wilkinson, and Oliver Johnson will go before the committee. All there gentlemen are preparing statements. The Herald reporter learned front undoubted authority that Mrs. Tilton went before -the Plymouthchurch committee against her husband's knowledge and wishes, and that in consequence of this act of disobedience Mr. Tilton has separated frcrn his wife. It waa -reported, this evening, that Mrs. Woodhull had sent to Mr. Tilton" tVgenerous and touching dis patch, offering 1o come and testify before the committee in bis vindi- I cation. As Mrs, Woodhull is in California sometime must elapse before she can come. A'prommentmemberofPIymouth Church, In discussing Mr. liltou's lnttA cold 4VitV T cii: j- 2?" . 41"" r -Keener s Trlends were rejoicing at this action: that Mr; Beecher's friends wanted all the truth known, and that when it was known there would not be rooin enough In Greeswood. fo burv the dead, - 72L "- selling at 1092 Governments Declining, with good invcstmpnt, demand currency Gs, UQ, Stocks Dull ; there is quite a contest, however, over Lake Shore between the bulls and bears, and prices have fluctuated between 72J and 73. The annual election of the Erie directors is progressing quietly, more than half beinc already voted; tho regular ticked is voted bv Hiifrh JrJewctt, who will be" elected with out opposition. Erie, 32; PnelflV, 32.1 ; UP, 2Q; W U,' 71 J. er Chicago Pruuuco Market. Cmc'Aao, Julv 15. Flour Quiet ami unchanged. Wheat Qujpt and. weak, le.'low ; closed steady: No. 1 ouiet. 1 17J; No. 2 1 14I1 15J; closed 1 1G spot or July; 4$,11 ; closed 20 August ; No. 3 S9 ; rejected Corn Quiet and a trifle easier; high mixed 62; No. 2 01JG2 ; closed at tho inside prices spot or July; 61 bidder August; rejected Oats Active, strong and higher ; 4848J; closed 49. Rye Firmer and scarce, at 90c bid. r Barley Dull and nominal. Pork Active at 19 50I9 C5 for August, and closed at the outride prices. Dard Quiet at 11 c. gutter Firm at 20c. Eggs Firm : a shade higher at 1315c. Whisky Firm a: 95c. On call board this afternoon wheat closed easier at 1 14J1 14 ; 61 J. corn, St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, Juty 14. Flour Quiet, Wheat Steady; No 2 red winter, 1 17(41 18. Corn Steady; No 2, G466 this side. Oats Higher; quiet; No 2, 56 at east elevator. Rye Higher; new, SO. Whiskey Steady; 95. Pork Steady; 20 5021 33. Lard Unchanged. Bacon 5 705 90; heavy, 0 00 5 20. GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, RSPELLAIT ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELVET & BEAVER CLOAKIXGS. A FULL STOCK OF SriLAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, ZiAI)IE8 -JLina OBTXiSREN'a MERINO LTtfDERWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LINEN IN UEKAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OH, CLOTHS. MATTING RUGS, AND MATS OHEAPEB rrSA-ISr THE CHEAPEST C23IA.K-LEJS SHIYEBICK Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, trn&iv3 and UP- vWWAJJnx UAOA4.C, oicio ictigoiv iuurtja.bea nis stock and now has a complete assc.tment ot FINE, MEIilWqmi inw PglCED goods, which he is offering at suchREDTJCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everv one desiring anything in this -line, to examine his stock befo?e pifrchas? PARI,OR:S!,TSf LOUNGES fco.; UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHAS. SHT7ERIC22, 208PamIintii Street. Oxunlia. G. STRIFFLER, DEALEB N CHOICE S. I Z S, Proils'ons, frails, Nnls, Confectioner J, Tub?cc3, Segars, 4c, &e. &e. FRANK J. RAMGE DRAPER & TAILOR ANL DEALET. IN K.'OR.or a 114tf KA T sndFARXUAfl. Schneider & Burmcster Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WABE. DEALERS IN Cooking aatl lip&ting Stores. Tin Boo6ng, Spouting anJGutter'igdtm jliort Lotlce ani lc ihe beat majner. iitetn trcet septZ4 ill GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ''GOODS. r'u!l ssor(raen1of Imported TToolens. All Wort Warranted, - - Oznalia, XTsb 2b2 Farnh&mSt, oi'5eoJlT City Meat Marker. Ktvp constar.ll on'hind A LARGE SUPPLY OF St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, July Pork Quiet, unchanged. Cattle Steady, unchanged. Hog3 Steady, unchanged. 14. Chicago Live Stock Market. CnioAoo, July 14. Cattle Receipts, 36,000. Market steady and fairly active; natives, 2 502 55 ; common to extra, S 00 6 00. Hogs Receipts. 10,000 ; Market active for best ; others dull. Sheep Receipts, 500. Market ac tive and in good demand. New York Produce Market. .New York, July 14. Breadstuff Steady. Flour Firmer; Super State and Western, 5 00(5 50; extra, 5 9S 6 25. Wheat Steady ; No. 1 spring, extra, 1 42 ; No. 2 Chicago, 1 31 1 32, No. 2 Milwaukee spring, 1 41 bid. Corn Firm ; "western mixed afloat 79. Oats Steady at 02c. Rye Nominal atl 101 12. Provisions Quiet but nominally unchanged. Pork Now mess. 1 90195. Beef Extra new; 4 50. Bacon Short ribs, 910c; long clear, 10j10Jc. Cut Meats Pickled hams, 14 14Jc; shoulders, 7Jc; smoked hams, 1510c; smoked shoulders. 81c bid; bellies, 99Jc. DreJSvd-Bcgs 518Jc. Lard Kettle rendered, ll12e. Tallow 78Jc Bxz MUTTON, 33 JE POULTRY, GAME CTUlSFEl 18th, 1374! FKOSl THIS DATE WE WILL SELL MILLINERY At Greatly Reduced Prices! MRS. C. F. HICKMAN. !' elSlin XT33C3-3CIXa33Xa3asVI AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and ZXarasy Streets, o:m:.a.:e3:.a.- - - - 2steb. Spring and Summer Styles. A. POLACK, CLOTHIER, 238 Farnham St. Hoar 14th. aBlllllllllir kllllL. O'jBBBbS'sJ C (Bh skJMQiib s&Bijw bbbbbbbbTbBI flBrftJBBPiv SBBBBr Vo. BHBBBcvl Ibbbbb19Jbb1 aH bbbVBBb M K MB Abf bbbbbbp sBBBf En-vbT bbbbbI bbbbbbT IW fa H m Bf L BBV BBBBBE BBBBBB JPf .flW BBfl Bkv Bsj'BEs' BBusBMT Fine and Medium Clothing, &nd Furnishing Goods. OHEAPEB THAN THE CHEAPEST; aiza )i r 3- i ? Li a. l m . t. P h 1 -' -i - - t, ,-! .r -r 3CS