"P-T5"'?!"PP iBagassgaasami pr p- i,,.,.. ,.! ,,Jf IUJ II 'if- J Nwa BBBBaaaaam&BBa.mi s; - ,- 5 P V M f ' P. '1 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FINEST Elkhorn Valley Lands ! FOR SALE BT :e. 3VX. CXjZIS, Winner, - - 2Teb THESE LANDS ARE CONVENIENT TO the market and the FINEST in the STATE ! Ad J will be sold at from $2.50 to $5.00 PER ACRE! For Casa or on J.oa&Tiaie. f-LAXD EXPLORING 1 ICK ETS for sale at O. & N. W. De pot, bearing coupons which will Imj taken at full cost in payment for land. f 100,000 ACRES I k EI0H FABMGJG LAHD IE KEBBASKAu 500 HanscomFlaceLots! HOUSES JSl LOTS Id the city of Omaha, lor salecheao and on eood terms. BOUQS 4i HILL Real oitste broEers.ofnce over Macker's atore. on Dodge L opposite i.ew pustoflice- apSOni EDWARD XUEHL, MAOISTKR OF THE DEPAHTED. Ho- 498 10th Et, between Panthaa & Harney. Will by the aid of gusrdUn spirit;, obtain Of any one a new of tue put, p tseut and fu ture. No lees charged in cases of ilckneu. api.ttf liLRMAN' TOaBR.XCK, Fashionable Tailor, Kb. 204 Farnham Street, Between Twelfth and Thhieenta StreeU, OMAHA - NEB. A LL LL OUPERS ATTENDED TO PROMPT- 2l lyand Executed itr the moit Xs-hionable tyle WRepalrlng and cleaning a specialty, nd done in the best manner. inyl-lm T A TLOR-, 1311i St., bet. Farabam aad Haraej. All kinds of TAILOBINO, CLEANING and REPAIRINU.done at reasonable rates ajr2CU U. 6UEB&. C. J. KAKB.-CH. GKEHE & KARBAL'II, 15th st. between Farchaui tnJ arney its. OMAHA, - - NEB. makufactcp.ee of Spring and Farm Wagons, I? RficniRs Attn raimi iohi. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! PARTICUHR ATTENTION PAID TO IIOKSKNtsOKIXU. . t3TRppalring rf wagons and blscksinithlng promptlv done at reasonable prices mvdawg oaxAS STOVE STORE. E. F. COOK. 537 14th BU, between Docglu aad Dodc Manufacturer of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Wre, and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Japanned and French Ware on Land. Tin Roolin;, UulU-rs and Sfioutingand Job Work done "! warranU-d. ebitf C. F. 2SAMA2T2T. 1.1 Cor. KaruUain and ElercnUs St. All kinds of TAILORING, Cleaning and re pairing done at reasonable rates. A fine lot of FUUMsUlNCl HOODS constantly on hand and sold cheap. tec2Gtf U. P. R.R. MEAT MARKET, ICth street bet California and Webster. WE KEEP ON n.VND TnE BEST supply of FRESH AND SALTED MEATS. Alvj a large tork of Fine Sugar Cured Hams and ltrcakfast lUron, at the low st rates. WM. AUST A KNUTU, nirI4-lr Proprietors. APPLETONS American CYGLOPA2EDIA JTewJEeyised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on eTery subject. Printed from new type, andillustrated with SeTcral Thousand Engravings and Slaps. o Tux work originally published under the title OfTBK HKW AMKS1CAX CrCLOPAIDU. was completed in 1SG3, since which time the wide ctreuUttonwhich'it has attained in aU parts of the United States, and the signal developments which hare taken place in eTery branch of eclence. literature, and art. bare induced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new dition endlled, Tub Ajikkicast Crcioras- D VIlhln the last ten years tho progress of dis coTerr In every department of knowledge has made new work of nJarence an imperative WThe movement of political affairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the Industrial and useful its and the convenience and refin.ment of social life. Great wars and consequent revolu tions have occureJ, Involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our o n wintry rhlch was at lu height when the last rolumeof the old wcrtrsppeared, has happily been ended, and a new course or commercial and-lodustrial activity has been commenced. Lure accessions to our gtogrsphlcal know edge have been made by the indefatigable ex- 'S'treat political Terclatloas ot the last deode. with the natural result of the lapse of SmeThav-e brought Into public view a multitude S new men, whose names are In every one's South, and of whess lives every one U curious know the particular. Great battles haTe boeu fought aad Important sig malnulned, of which the details are as yet preserved only in thenffPI-' r the trnknl puUlca tlonsol theMay. but which oght now u take their place in permanent and authentic history. In prepare the prcssqt edition for the press, t haa aeconllnglT lien the aim of the editors to bring down the Information to the Ulast pos Ibledatea, and to furnish an accurate account of the mos: recent discoveries In science, of verr fresh production .In literature, and of the newest InTsatlon In the practical arts, as well as to give a suiclnrt nd original record of the progress of political s4 hiilotlal event. The work has been begun alter long and caro iol preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources lor carrying It on to a successful Sonfofuie ortcUal stereotype plates hare been used, but every par? has been printod on new type, lorming In tact a ts Cydopssdla, Tlth toe same plan and compass as its preoeces aor, but with a far greater pecuniary expendi ture, and with such Improvements In its com position as have been ugg$5ted by longer ex perience and enlarged kuowledgo. ri.. tllnratlnn whirh sm lntrodafied far the first time in the present edition have been added not for tba sake of plctoris1 effect, bat to Jlre greater lucidity and force to the explana i...i.ihatt. TtoeT imhna. s11hrnrhM of V'" aclencs nd na ural history, nd depict the " most fxnjoiMtnd remarkable feaiuresot scenery BTcbiUcture, an art, s weU M the various pro- i cesses of mechanics uA minulactares. Al- J though Intended for InstracUan rjther than mbSlishmc r.t, no pains hare been spared to luare artistic excellence: the cost of ,(rTi-n)r.n is enormous, and It Is believed they will tad a wcome reception as an ad mirable feattre of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of iu high charade. The work is sold to Subscribers 0&I7, payable on delivery of each volume- It will be com ptetad in si (teen Urge octavo roiumes, each containing about S0Q page3 fully Illustrated with aereral thousand Wood Engravings, and with jjinerous colored Lithographic Maps. PBICE AND STYLE OF BINDIMQ. In extra Clath.'per TQJ... 15.09 In Library Leather, pr TQl, . 6.00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per jol 7 qo In Half Russia, extra gilt, per toI , I.Q0 In (nil Morocco, antique, (lit edges, per toI 10.00 Io tollftuttlz, per toI- 10.00 Three Tolums noc rcadr. Succeeding to lums, until compleUca, will be issued once in two months. Swdmen pages of the Axemcav Crcxo FAXDta, showing type. Illustrations, etc., will basest ratls, on application. FIRST CLASS CANVASSINQ AGEN1S WANTED Address the FublUhers, D. Appleton & Co., 549 & 551 Uroadway, Ifew York. sJ7X CITY NEWS. OUR NATIONAL HOLIDAY. Emmett Xonument Association Pic-Vic at Bellevue. In celebrating our Nations Natal day, we should drop all else and, remembering the historic virtues of our nations heroes, foster only that which will keep alive" in our heart of hearts, the spirit of emulation and the glorious memories of the Eepublic. lis annual recurrence should bring nought but joyous recollections from the past; should cause us to lay aside and forget all the personal ambitions, political strifes and non-American distinc tions of the present, and we should all join in its celebra tion with that personal harmony and public unity which will keep the day ever before us as the happiest of the past and the bright est anticipation cf the future. Its proper observance and due celebration relines and elevates the people tLe nation's soul ; renews the patriot's love the nation's life ; and unites in one common band all the transplanted elements that con stitute our nation's strength. In the observance of the Fourth of July, 1874, our Irish-American citizens,. under the auspices of the Emmett Monument Association, can be said to have appreciated and commemorated the day in a spirit and manner more national than much of the native population. TIIEIB, PICNIC at Bellevue was, in everything, American, harmonious and joyous in nothing foreign, political or discordant THE GROUNDS were admirably adapted to the pur pose and exceedingly lovely by na ture, and had been improved with a fine dancing floor, a stand for the musicians and a well of pure water. A fine band discoursed delicious music throngh the shades, and ev erything, save the exceeding heat of the day, was propitious for the largest amount of enjoyment such an occasion could afford. One Em erald Flag, emblematic of the old nationality of tho oelebrators, float ed above the dancing floor, and around it, a sort of protectorate, waved the starry banners of our land, under which many of the brave men there assembled had marched and fought that glorious flag at sight, of which, many other brave men, after facing death in each horrible form, hive shouted themselves hoarse In the lunacy of joy, or, after enduring weary months of living deatli in southern prisons, wept with the abandon of childhood, when its protecting bars came between them and the burning- southern sun that had seemed to search among their vitals to lick up the last drop of blood. The attendance was largo enough for pleasure, and not too large for comfort There was no set pro gramme. No aspiring politician bored weary listeners, with worn out declamations. The simple read ing of tho DECIVRATION OF INDEPENDENCE, over, all were fieo to follow their own inclinations. Dancers kept joyous time to the masic'cadence, till the day grew warm, and then wandering off through the groves, made the echoes ring with merry laughter. Athletes contested in games of agility and strength. Those .who love the horse for his speed, had their sport in several well matched races. Others of more quiet nature formed little circles, in the more shady spots, but many a merry shout denoted that they were not less happy. Children jumped, tumbled, fhout ed or cried at pleasure, and were spanked (if need be) at leisure; young ladies flirted, laughed or pouted; young gentlemen brought them water, loos and beer, or held their fans. The reporter amused himself best by sauntering too and fro, admiring the flno specimens of manly strength and beauty, de scendants of a noble race and their fair companions, of whom there were many whose loveliness and grace would be rare in any clime. No drunkenness, fighting or pro fanity marred the enchantment of the day, and we are certain that all, old or young, who participated in its pleasures came home healthier and better than they went. All earthly joys are fleeting, and the happiest morning often precedes a son-awful evening. "While these festivities were at their highest an event occurred in Omaha, in the sudden death of Bishop O'Gorman, that threw a pU of gloom and sor row over a whole vicarate. Tidings of the sad event reached the grounds near the close of the day, causing an immediate sus pension of mirth, and filling all hearts with sorrow, as the most worthy Bishop was personally known and beloved by ail present afothjqjr; could have been added to the provisions made by the commit tee of arrangements, of whom Col. 3urkwas chairman. Tom Cosey, of the floor committee, made him self conspicuous and useful. Xong Tom Kennedy, genial and happy, seemed to be everywhere. Dennis Cunningham made the races suc cessful in everything. Among the distinguished gentle men present were genera Q'Brien, ex-alderman if cKeligon and Dem ocratic alderman Lucas The latter took a "foot" at kicking the ball, and like many of the "boys'1 got bis fall, Don. A MsMy Grabber. Just as the excursion train was about to start for Elkhorn Saturday morning, some sneak thief snatche five dollar bill from the hand of a J.'Ko-op" and lit out and escaped. The First M. E. Sunday School Fourth, of July Ficnio. Those who sought a quiet, pleas ant time, and went to Glenwood Saturday, had their expectations re alized In this picnic. "Without the loss of time by unnecessary delays at the depot, we moved away from Omaha at 9 o'clock, and in a few minutes" were crossing the bridge. The train moved slowly over this structure, thus giving all the pic- mcKersagood opportunity to view their own beautiful city, and, as we left the bridge and came out' upon the open prairie, looking rack over Omaha, with its beautiful trees in their heavy green foliage, the fine large buildings and residences, with the High School away up on Capi tol Hill, we felt enthusiastic at once over Omaha and her destiny, and here Spoon Lake stopped the train and any reflections on Omaha destiny or anything else. In a few minutes engines changed and all on board, we sped merrily away to Glenwood where we arrived at about 10:30. A short walk brought the party to a delightful grove, upon the western slope of the bluffs. Here baskets were produced, swings put up in a twinkling, and everything nicely arranged for a good time. The srovo being heavy and a light breeze blowing gently over the p-ounds, enhanced our pleasure very much. "We all had a most pleasant time and at 4 o'clock after over five hours of solid picnic en joyment, we took the train home, all happy and contented with the results the day had brought forth. At 0:30 we arrived home, patriotic, dusty and tired. Picnicker. About 2 o'clock yesterday morn ing a fire broke out iu the building at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Jackson streets, occupied by Charles "Whitmore and A.a A. Smith, and owned by Henry Car risan. The alarm brought the fire department promptly to the spot, and the fire was confined to this building alone, which was destroy ed. The loss is covered by an in surance of $500. Most of the house hold goods were saved. THE COMING STRUGGLE, The voters of our nation, As neVr was known betorp. Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's rocxy shore." Why is UVs mighty change? What can the meaning be ? The rising of the masres From northern lake to southern ea. The spirit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' sraes Forbids a nation drenched in patriot' blood, Should sink to that of slaves ; The motto whlrb our coins once bore, Though obsolete long since. Remain as ever trne:.not one cent fortribiitr, But millions for defense. Party ties and party laws Are but as ropes of sand. The rights of mm to hi a man Should govern Freedom's bind. Then shili our Flsg more proudly float O'er land as well as sea, And nations yet unlorn sliall gladly grct The emblem or t.e free. In trade we'll fry to deal, As man should deal with man. And while we seek tj live ourselves, We'll sell as cheap a anybody can, And if aLat yiu need, Or friend you chance to meet," R;member Buuce, the Hatter, On Upper DougKs Street. elCtf Wood! Wood! Wood! Immense Reduction! A T S. P. BRIO 8' YARD. CORNER OF J. 14lh and Chi ago Streets. Hood Hard WoodS7 nO:SottS5 Ot). S'ove Wood to scft any number of stove very cheap. aplStf TREITSCHKE & CO., GROCERS Ah J tieaeial Provision Dealers, B. W. Cor. Jackson and 13th 8U-, K-ep a superior stock of (irocerlrs. Provisions, Wines, Liquors: and Cigars, and sell cheaper than any other bouse lu Omaha. jy3 3m FARMERS HOUSE! fi. "W. Cor. of 14th and Harney SU. JUSTICE K ESS LEU, Proprietor, Omaha, Neb. Jy3 lm California House. FRITZ HAF2JER, Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street, cornr Ilth, Omiha, Nebraska. Board by the day or week. luneLyl ILLINOIS HOUSE. laxu. Sroot Between Olh n.d 10th. CHAKtESFUiDGRXAJf, Prop. me'nlltf Central House To. AM Sixteenth 8trt, Opp. Jefferson Square, OMAHA, NEB. JOSEPH DOYE, Propr. Day and week Board at reasonable rates. First-class bar attached tq the house. . Je27 3m L, W00DW0RTH, 238 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb, CTACQXT Wood Stock, CUZt.Xt.,c.GOEl ASD WAGON HABDWABE, Patsat Wheals, Finished Clearing, Ac Axles, SBrlags aud Thimble Skeias HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages, Hacks i Buggies Staif.etcker .Wagpss Depot. mehEU JOHN H. GREEN. STATE MILLS DEALER pt tiRAIS, FLOCK AKD FEED, AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT. Mrs. D. A. MOFFETT, Fashionable Dressmaking, 564 Fourteenth St., e303m' ' OMAHA, HKB. J. o. Dealer.io Staple and Fancy .., . Groceries. Highest price paid for Country Produce. Brick Store, B- E. Oct. 16th & Chicago Eti, jegstf OMAHA. NEB. WILLIAM LATEY, Cor. 16lh and "Webster Sts., Keeps a complete assortment ot GROCERIES and Kosn, PROVISIONS. ENOCH HENNEY, " Justice of the Peace OUceover too State Rink, comer ef Tarn- bam and 15th streets. iel Money and Conmerct. Daily Review. Office Omaha Daily Bee, ) July 6, 1874. There is no movement in mone tary matters to-day out of the usual routine. The approaching harvest may be looked for to cause an ap preciation iu money values and an improvement iu banking business THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK quotes : Land Greats (selling) $810.00 Land Warrants, (160 acres buying) 176.00 Land Warrants (160 acres selling) 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip, (ICO acres buying).- 176.00 Do. Selling. 185.00 Exchange on New York 2.00 The wholesale houses have re ceived a fair amount of business for the first day after the Fourth. So changes worthy-of mention have occurred, jn the market since last week. OMAHA MARKETS. CareruUy Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. J. J. brown & bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens . 9. t 1 American.. Amoskeaz isrutoi , i ,, -, ,, tiamers .... .... . Hamilton .................. Merrimack D , Peabody mdimr.ml Simpinn'a BLEACHED SH3RTTNG3. 9ii 9 Bright 4-4 Boot G Cabot 4-i Lonsdale..-....... N. Y. Mills Peterboro, - ,, , Suffolk L ....... wstty : O S BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Pepperell 8-1 do 9-4 .. do 10 , COTTONADIS. Farmers and Mechanics . Great Western .. .. SI BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion. A.. n..ifAni t Grantviile.EL. 10 3 8Js 11 12 12 12 Germanla, 1! B..... Langley....--.. . L. L s .-... GINGHAMS.' American... Amoskeag . Bates Lincaster... TICKINGS. Amoskcsg, a c a. Biddeford..... . 2t WJ4" DENIMS. Amoskesg ... Beaver Creek, B B Haymakers ... Otis, B B Otis, C C 23 15)2 m JEANS. Biddetord lioasier..... i6; 40 YANKEE XOTIONS- kuktz Moiru co.t 231 Fanihain Street SPOOL COTlVfl Clark's 70 Coat's .... Merrick's.- -. 7J -$ V2 00 - 3 0006 00 HOSIERY. Domestic- British PAPER COLLARS. Pickens' best. King William Domestic-.. Stanley . 90 1 35 1 80 250 SHAWLS. "JTaiRTd"."" Ottoman strips ,. f 2 2jG 50 White commnn medlum.. $10 60 15 00 cutom made- 30 00 S1200a24lO ...- 4 757 50 Percal- Callco. OVERALLS. Brown drill ' dnck. .. 6 50a7 25 7 75a9 00 7 00a7 50 8 009 50 .8 00a9 50 S5 25a8 00 15 00 22 60 ... $9 00 12 00 15 00 Blue drlU- duck . s White .... .. CORSETS. French whalebone.. Our own. Comet SPRING SKIRTS. Linen printed... ' ruffled . " fluted GENERAL COMMISSION. J. C. Kosenfeld gives us toe following quotations this day : Butter; active, 13 in tubs; Eggs in demand at lie per doz.; Live Chickens at ,2 002 50 per doz.; Strawberries in demand at 30c per box; Gooseberries, 2 50 per bu.; Cher ries, 5 OOper bu ; Oranges, 9 00; Lemans, 14 00 per box, ana Rasp berries, 20o per quart HARDWAKE. JOnS T, XDOAE. JRON, Common bar- Horse shoe ba Norway nail rod. a 8T8EL, Cast plow. 12 11 I 22 I 40 7 25 $25 Germon . American casn, octagon and square. Jess p's English do do a uuraens norse snoes, pertrg do mnle do do . Northwestern horse nails 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 per cent. Stor half patent axles, dlscouut 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd to 601 per keg 8d do Cd do . 4d do 3d do ....... 4 40 4 65 4SU 5 15 6 90 7 40 5 15 5 40 5 65 5 15 S 40 5 65 6 15 3d fine do loa nnls'ng io . 8d do do ..... 6d do do .... lOd casing do ... Sd do do . 6d do do .. Wrought, all sizes... 1 t tt BOLTS. Carriage and tire discount 70 pr c BUTTS, Narrow wrought, fast Joint'-, discount SO pre Cast, loose pin reversible do 25 do MISCELLANEOUg. Hay and manure forks...'. . '.. .d 1 scoiint 30 pr c Hoes and gaiden rakes do 25 do HINGES. Strap and T .discount 25 pre WRENCHES. Tail's black . .X discount IS pr c Coe's iinni!tation do 45 do Cot's genuine'. do 20 do SCREWS. American Iron . i 45 pr c do -brais . -. 40 pre AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, apTTtf.. n Holt's Haoest King,per do.-, pet. Champion HcaloVa Eurekais. do re3 riii . spadks Jtas'dtEvi.'u! Rowland's No 2 black shovels, dTi do do' polished do do . do do black spadts dp , Moore do polished do do , ' do'i "spring point" LH shore! 14 25 12 00 10 00 9 00 12 00 13 09 13 00 MOO 13 58 13 00 13 tO 825 SO pre 50 So VS: Lippencott's Western" Cro'wk do do do brvefed COFFEE KILLS. Parke a No 3. Iron 1 do do 103 do do eo doSS union fph. do S3 do Britanh PILES. Hargrave, Smith Co., discount American File Ca do ' ' ? ' HAMMERS. Hsydole's; A E No 1, l)f, 2. Mainmond's A E No $,r-.. $ 1 11 13 5Q 1M HA.TCHETS, MorU.sMnfimj5,N0I. IT 00 I v wi - na m . ol 50 do do do 3. dc do cl ?- .. .! do Enxlnter't No Iv i do 'Ma' dri 5 do ' doi LEATHER, Buffalo S. sole 9 lb.... Hemlock SL sole No 1 do do . No 2. do do mi ttn ., ,', do span sole good. ..- . do do riam .-.... do harness.. ....- . SO . 32 . 28 33 3.' 33 29 40 4(S 41 1 60 125 SO 4 1 60 1 30 44 90 00 235 1 64 900 do line- 43 39 I 25 75 25 43 150 100 45 do bridle- do calf do kip ... do upper $ ft.. oak sole n. do calf do kip "err do harness.. Feb calf Jodots pr ds.... Other brands dlflerent wt, pr lb French kip pr B ...... Bark lining 73 00 1 75 144 6 50 17 15 6 8 1 25 SKINS. Dry flint prB Dry salted. 18 16 7 9 ureen.. Ureen saltedr. Jan. and Feb, pelts. Shear liuz.. . Lamqskin CEMENT. Rosendale.. 300 8-5 Water lime. SOAPS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapc. PubHot6 l-26 3-4; Savon RepubLc, do., Chemical Olire, 6 to 61-2; Palm, 5 5 14 ; German Mot led, 61-4.6 12. AST GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjarkin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine.art goods, 270 Fainkam Street, furnishes the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. Oilwalnut mouldings, one inch, per foot; 5c; 2 inch lOc; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c; S iach 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 615q 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch 18 45c; iaiitotion rosewood and gilt, 1 inch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 1530c Window shades. Pkiia bands, 6 feet, all colors, per pair;i 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each -dditional foot, 75c per pair. REPPS. Union ind all wool terry, per yard 1 503 jO; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 6Ua8 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTRASSES. Husk, 4-4x6-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior, 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIt. LIST. Enblct to change of market without WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R. track bet. r Jirnham at as. GEO A. HOAGLAN1 . Joists, studding and sills, 20 it, and un der ... . .. uu Over 20 f t, each adJltional ft add'l SO Fencing No 1 . . ..... do No 2 1st common boards... . 2nd do do .... "A" stok loards, 10 and 12 inch "B" do do do H: "C" do do do do 1st clear, 1, VA, 1 aad 2 inch 2d do do do do .... . 3d do do do do ....... Flooring, clear... ......... do 1st common . . .... do 2d do ... . . do 3d do . ...... do nurrow, clrar ...... .. Wldear ceiling V, inch ..... ... 2d do do Vi inch. ........ ....... 1st do do Inch . 2d do do iuch 1st clear siding..... .. . 2d do do ..... .... 1st common aiding... ....-. 2d do lav "A" shlnsJes i ... Extra No 1 shingles ..... .-...... Common No 1 sh ngies ..... Lath per 1000 D A U pickets ecr 100 . 21 00 . 25 00 22 00 . 50 00 .... 5 00 SO 00 55 00 .55 00 45 00 -.50 00 40 00 35 00 . 27 50 .. 45 00 . 35 00 -32 50 . 30 00 ... 27 50 27 00 26 0J 21 03 20 00 4 25 1 3 U) 2 00 35o . 3 5Q iqdare do do do . OG Batten per lineal f'. Rough do do do Vr Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS, (Glared.) 25 per cent off Chicago list. " DOORS, (Wedged.) 25 pet cent oS CI tcago l!st. BLINDS. 30 per cent off list. White lima per bbl Lcnlsvilie cement perbbl... Plaster paris per bbl Plastering hair per bushel.. Tarrtd felt . I'laaterlng board..... .... tl 752 00 . 3 00(93 25 3 50(33 75 40 . 4 y OILS. PA1STS, GLASS, Ac. N.I. D.SOLOMON. ROBERT C. STEELL. Coal Oil 19 Linseed Oil, raw. 105 " " tl'd- 1 lu Turpentine 65 Headlight Oil 18 l-ara uu. No IS S5sl 00 " " " 2 70 " " winterl " "strain'd " Lubricating l fl W. Va. PAINTS, AC White Lead, St. Louis, Srtictly Pure . " " " Fancy Brauds Putty In Bladders " " Bulk....... ...... Enameld Glass colors', V sq'.'ft. .." Flat Glas, 50 V c discount TIN. SHEET.ISON. WIRE, AC MILTON ROGERS. COR. 14th & FARNHAM. T.'N PLATE. 10x14 1C. tair qualitr.. .113 00 . 13 50 .16 50 .14 00 -17 00 .15 50 .17 50 f 10x14 Ic. best quality- 10X14 IX do do do 12x12 IU 12x12 IX 14i20 IC do do do do do do do 14x20 IX do 14x20 IXX do .20 50 14x20 IXXX 110 plate DC 100 plate DX. do 23 50 23 50 . 14 00 17 00 20 00 . 15 00 .16 00 12 50 27 50 32 50 28 00 21 00 (best quality) dj 100 plate DXX 100 plate DXXX Roofing IC charcoal. Roofing IX do do do do do do 10z4 IC coke 20x23 IC charcoal roofing. 20x28 IC charcoal rooting. e4xl4 IX charcoal . 10x30 cuke (for cutters.) BLOCK TIN, Large pigs.. SsaaU pigs.. Bar tin. 35 3S 38 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 36 in do do do ix. half casks. do do -do in 250 IB casks. bneet 24 to S5 Inches per sheet..-. Tinners solder (extra refined do do No. i do do rooCngJ -. . U4 metal I UK 23 21 02 SHEET IRON. First quality, Numbers IC to 24... do do do 15 . do do do 28.. do do 'do 17. Charcoal, both sides smo the ao no Z4. do do 16- do do 27-. Juniata, No. 24 ao no ze do do 27. Kussiar-erfect 7to 2 w 9 j,naineu. Lets than fuU bundles, add one cent. "A"Amerleax. Immltat'n Russia, 11 Not. Leas than Jul! handles add one tent. GALVANIZED, No. 14 to 30 do it to 24 do 25 to SS do7 JUt .do -de do doie. .do Full bandies discount 15. per cent. COPPER. Braziers C to 9 , 10 to 2 ,; do IZJ-tOJODIft. Sheathing'' ag, 141 I and. 16 o Planished. 14 aad IC oe Noa. 7. 8 and 9, Planished Bolt copper. - - Copper bottoms 10 11 HX MX Nos. Otoii 14 8,8.9 15 10,11 IC M H.J4 90 19 Nof.116 17 18 Pr handle 15 per cent disco u,ij 19 29 GROCERIES.. STEELE & JOHNSON 538-540 14TH ST. CLARK A FRENCH COR. FARNHAM AND llTH ST. PUNDT, MEYER & RAAPKE, 212 FAB2T HYM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MORGAN 4 GALLAGHER, 205 FaiH- ham St. WHITNEY, BAUSERMAX & CO., 247 Douglas St, J. J. brown & bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. 33 31 feUGARS. U ranulated pr S ..... HJS -i:jisii'g -.11V11J4 -12?42J - ilk 10 n lOWalOJC io; Powdered do Crushed do Rat cut loaf do Standard A. do Circle A do KxUaC ao Yellow C do N O choice do COFFEES. Rio choice pr 0. do prime do . do good do O li Java 2Ca27 2Sa2t 1425 3U3i SYRUPd. Common pr gallon.. Good do Choice do do N O mohiSses.. 3.1a 45 70aS0 SO Rangoon choke.. Carolina............ 839 9atJS CANDLES. M Weak A Co.. bchofen ....... ltial7 6a6K SOAP. Missouri Vrliey . . . Klrk'a Savon .- M. Wesk A Co Schofer'a German ... Klrk'a standard ...... .. do sterling .. PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods, Western, do do Vlrelnla. 45 45j50 5i57 57a65 50a55 75a9- 16al7 12al2Ji ltal4i bay 14al4f 17 21 3Sa40 93 40 ..$2 70a2 85 .. 4 505 75 do do Lorrllard's .... Bright do do do ........ do do Virginia. Natural leaf ... . DRIED FRUITS. California peach s per pound., do apples do . ... State do do ....... New currants. - do prunes.... .... do German cherries ... . do blickberrles .... do raspberries do raisins, per box.... . do seedless raisins, per pound.. SALT. New In barrels ....... do dairy CANNED GOODS. 2 pound canMyer'soys'ers, per case $4 25a4 60 1 do do do do do 2 50a2 75 2 dc do William's do do 4 0ua4 25 2 do do peaches pci case.... 3 do do do do . 2 do do tomatoes do 3 do do do do , Corn, Trophy per case . do Winslow do .... do Yarmouth do . .... Strawberries, do -..... Raspberries. do .... .- 4 25a4 50 6 50a7 W 3 5uu3 75 5 00 . 5 00 5 73a6 00 . 600 -.4 5035 00 . 600 5 50 Pineapples, do 1 TEAS. Oolon.-s, per pound.. Young 11 ) son, per pound -Gunpowder, do do FLOUR. Snow Flake, (Wells A Nieman). 2oa75 40al 00 Coal 25 450 3 10 300 4 75a5 10 (rOICl UUSl. XXXX Iowa City California BAGS. G on-ilea, heavy weight.. t$19 174J1S lSal9 18 SOaSl 84tii5 -o ligoi uu lips, four buihel - adee gunnies.... dn bags, Amoskeg A . .o ao wiaiow a a. SPIC&J. Nutmegs, Pcnang bst,per pound. Clve do do . Alspice do do . Clnanion bark do dj 3ual 41 60 18a 0 35 j 16 CIGARS. simpson, Manufacturer, 532 15th Street. A. E. H. Upman f) M, $?5 00 35 00 35 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 00 75 CO 65 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 103 00 75 10 Reconstruction Grand Central Universal. Vara . La Boquet. ... Simjn Pure.... Partlgas ..... Yours Truly Gold Medal La Espanola Triple Crown Henry Clay, De Vlller Y Viller. 1876 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. "Wholesale depot 548 J4h Strct. Half barrel sscks....... ,.. 2 9C Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific It. R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, Davenport and Rock Island. All Passenger Trains arc equipped with the Westing uousu Patext Am Bkaku and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains LeaTe Daily, cnnectlng as fol'ows : AT DES MOINES with the Dcs Mulnes Valley Railroad, for Oskaloosa, Ottumwa, Keokuk and St. Lonis. AT GKINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY- with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque A St. Paul, At WILTON JUNCIION with the South-Western imnch, for Muscatine, Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Paul RaUroad for points north. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freeport, Be! jit, Baclne. Mil waukee and all points in northern I.lInoU and Wisconain. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord, Rock Island and St. Louis RaUroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Pecris A Rock Island KaUioad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU J UNO., with branch, for Hen ry, Lacere, Chllllcothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort h and south. AT CHICAGO with U lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities, la this line, can be procured, and any infor mation obtained, txHC-'rning points, at the ticket office of theccmpiny, 12s Farnham St., Omaha, and also at the principal ticket offices along the line ol the U. P. R. B. BagsaKe Checked Throng!) (o tUl Principal Kaatem Points. A. M. 8M1TH, Geu'lPass'rAgH, H. RIDDLE, Gea'l Sup't Chicago. a&8TETEN8, Qst'tWassnit't ago. J. H. LACET, Ticket Agent, IVH ui Sioux City & Pacific R. R. The Shortest and snly Direct Rente front COUNCIL BLUFFS St. Paul, Minneapolis, And all Points in NORTHERX IQTUft MLNNESOIA. PULLMAN ENLACE SLEEPING CARS On all night trains 7ia this route. CSIHlXTlQjrS. 1. At u- p- Transfer with Union Pacific Rallreid for Qmaha. 2. At Council Bluff, with Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroad for St. Louis and ail points south. 3. At ML-sourl Valley with He Chicago" and Northwestern railway fo Chicago and all points east. 4. At Sioux City with Sioux City and St. Paul, Illinois Central and Dakota Southern railroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri Biter, daring navigation, and with stages tor ail points in the Northwest. 5. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern railroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. 6. At Fremont, Nebraska, with the Union Pacific railroad for all points west and the Pacific coast. 7. At WIsner with stages for Norfolk and all points In Northern Nebraska. sswTiekets for sale In Chicago and North western Railway offices. -Ba sure your tickets read via S. C. A P. Railway. L. BURNETT, Sup't, F. a niLLS, Gen. Ticket Ag-t. GEO. W. GRATTAN, 9 m7. Agent, Omaha. Southern -.Hotel. Inrntlax en 4th, 5tk ax! Walattits, St. Louis, - Mo. LayaiUe, Wamr & Co., XaroTarl4tcit The Southern Hotel is ars.t-clsas In alj IU appolntaentx. Its. tables are at all times sap- SJie-4 in the greatest abqadanee, with all the eUcacies the markets afford, Its clerks and employes are all polite- and attentive to the wants of the guests of the hotel. There la an lmproTed elevator Uadias from the first floor to the upper one, Railroad and) steamboat lcketoSces, news stand.' and weir ga tjuspaph oflUofatjiBJiet i- CHICAGO (tNORTHWES'N The Popular Route from OILwdZ-A THJL -TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE Oxxl-v T)JTOOt Louto ToVtrrloo,Fort Dodre.Dnbaqne.lJi Crtwae, 1'ralrle Du Itilrn. Wluona, St. f.uI.DulntU, Jannwllle, Hino. aha, Ureen torn,, Kacine. Sterea'a Point. Wntrrlovro. shhf:sh, s-on DuLse, Uadlaou nud Milwaukee. It Being tLe Shortest and Fust Comoleted Line Betweeu OMAHA and CHICAGO, Constant improvm nts have taken place in the way of reducing tirade, and placing Iruu with Steel Ralls, adding to iu roiling stock new and Elegant DA-' aud 8LKKP1XG CAR' Equipped with the"WesilughoueAir Brake" and "Miller PUtrorm." esublisblng comforta ble and commodious Eating Houses, offering all the comforts ot traveling the sge can produce. From U to 10 Fast Expreu Trains ruu each way daily over the various lines of this load, thus securing to the traveler selecting this rou'e sure and certain connections in any di rection ne may wisn to go. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux C ty, Yankton and poiuts reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moines. Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHAi.LforSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Daluth, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo. Cedar Fulls, Charles City, Burlington and St. Louis. ATCLINlONlorDubuqne, Dun'eith, Prai rie du Cblen, La Crosse, and aU points on the Chicsgo, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque aad Minnesota railroads. AT FUt-TON far Freeport, Racine Milwau kee and all paints In Wisconsin. AT CHICACrO wlta all railway Unas Mediae out ot Caleaaa. iiafFrrr " - -- is uu last eaabo araamrai, aad eay Ufswinac an ah-tlii-aa, aasssarwsa Baste, Bales, etc, at the Ossspssy iea. lFaraassa Mtiwt,Oatshs, sasaisaspiiiiaBai-niaaaisserBainegisM altaaa.PVss.B; Uasall Uiisaat a MABVia MMxnl. ft AiTt. . Sea's. C. . K1WT. J. sLLACXr. aysip. Ott.'l.atrt Omaha. Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 1-874! The Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire line to ST. tiOTJIS AND THE EAST, FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CHANGE care between Omana and St. Louis ana b ito? e between OMAIIA anu aW YORK. This th Only Ine running a 1'ULI.nAS SLEEPIXO OAK KAST FKUM OMAHA, ON ARRIVAL OP THE UNION PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN, tWFassencers taking othei routes nave a disagreeable, trausfer at the Biver Station. 8 I'ASSENUER TRAINS DAILY l BEACHING ALL EASTEBtf AHD WE3TEBS CITIES With Less Changes and iu adrince of other linis. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Day Coaches and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghouae Air Brake. sVSee that your tickets read via Kansas City, H , Joseph & Council Ulufla Kalrod, !a Omaha and St. Lout. Tickets for sale st cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JOS.TFJION, Pius. Agt. GEO. L.3RADBDRY, Gen' Agent. , F. BARNARD, Gen'l Supt. ht. Juseoh. A. a DAWES, Gen'l "n. Agt., SU Joseph. VandaliA B.OTJTE E JL S a?. 3 TE AI1YS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. 1UUIS "WITH Pnllman Palace Cais THBODOa WITHOUT 0HANQE Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, iSD NEW Y ORE ArrlviJ of Traia from the Wart. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston TICKETS S. E. earner Vaasi Are far dale at the Com -a a v 'a Uflfier. 'lartsa Ac. t-b.atnnt . SI. Loala, and at the Principal Rail way OaVos la tae West. CHAS BABCOCK, a E. RUS3ELU S'thern Paas. Aa't, Wesfn Pass. Ag't. Dauju. Texas. Kixui crrr, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT, Gen i Supt., Gen'l Pass. Ag't. a 29U IapiaSAPOus. Sr. Louis. TJxjXTota TCtxOssl Confectioners' Tool Works, Tlios. Mills & Bro, Msnuiacturers o Confeotioners'Tools Ratkloe Moatds, Ice Cicaas Preesers. ., Nos. 1301 & 1803 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Praprletors: 1 Ear iHOUis MRT.X, 6WJ.M.V -r w.sLsrrantBXT easvirusM KEAENEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHU Theonly known remedyfor HEIGHT'S DISEASE, And a .positive core for Gout, Gravel, Strict-urea, Diabetes, Dyspepsia Ner voua Debility, Dropsy, Non-retention or Incoitinence of Urine, Irri uUou, InfiauuUon or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERM A T0BBH(EA, Loucoerhoe or Whites, Diseases of the Prostrate Uland. S.ona iu the Bladder. Colcul us. GRAVEL OR BRICK I POSIT. IDL'ST .DK. And Mucus or MUky Dischargee. KEARNEY'S Extract Buclm ! Permanently Cure all Diseases of j tho Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. Existing In Men, Women and Children, Ko Mailer What the Age! Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchus combined." Price one dollar per bottle; or, six bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 Duane St., N. Y. A physician in attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. ass-Send stamp for pamphlets, free..aai Crane A Brlgham, Wholesale Agents, San Francisco, Cal. a Swi TO TUt NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. sOOHABaS P0S ADVICE AND CSS. SU1TATI0. )R J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted ons all tlisi eases of the Sexual and Orlnary or gans, (which he lias made an es pecial study.) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating-, or how long standing A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases Mitu success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to propay postage jg"Send for tho Guide to Health. Price 10c. J. .DY0121,AI.D. Physicion and Surgeon, 104 kDuano street, X. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELEIF FOR YOUNG MEN from the effects of Frrors and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored, impediments to Marriage Removed. New metrod of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an Institution havingahlgh eputatlon for honorable conduct and profrs rlonsl kills. Jo3diw3m. diaries Popper, WHOLESALE BOTCHER Nl CATTLE BROKER, ALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH feb27It M. Seller, Proprietor of tka RISING SUN a::o LOS ANGELES VINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of his NATIVE WINES AND BKA.IsrDIElS 2. KTr.TiTiTT.a & Co., Corner of Battery and Washington SU. SAW FRANCISCO, mai7U CAL. PASSENGERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.R.B., hould take th "LINCOLN KOUTE" ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD i And secure lor themseiv the choice of Six Popular Ktatesfrom Atculsoa to Chicago aad St. Louis, AU nuking Reliable C Anections and being Zapped vith PaUce Day tad Slaepbs; Cor. All d'lay and Inconvenience arriving from Ferries acd transfers can be avoided West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets via ATCHISOX aad tae ATCHXSUS NEBRASKA BA.IXHOAB. Direct and Reliable Connections are also nude with the A. T. A 8. F. R. R. for the Great Arkansas Tal''- DON'T BNTJI.irOU CAREFULLY EXAiviiiMtu CUTL 1TSW AND low beservoir: AS WE HAVE TWELVE GOOD REASON" whytheTwlUdovourworkV ttiAi:,0N: Quick and Easv. Chean and Clean. lsj They are che ipest to buT.ia J" They are best to use. " Th!f,e 7oTnd quickly, a Their oratIon is perfect. They have always a eooddraft. sft" i?ej are Buule oriHebestmatsrlal Sa They roast perfecUy, ""-"iriU s "a They require but Utile fuel, 1. JJT lre TerT low Prld. IbU They ars easily managed. 3s3S ir Ire nited to all localities IB T ove guaranteed to gtve.tW,cUj- -SOLD BV- Iltelsior Han'fg Co . ST. LOUIS, no., ivnnr M.ROGERS. k. JTobrm1T w Ltce SIZE e afeav: FElLEm 090 eVVet.s 99 9 Or SssCaaMJeate4, Concentrate, R Herbal Jaicc, Antl BllIoTiaCraBUlea. TxIE I.ITXUE CIANT" CATHAHT1C or KHUtBstt la Panro Pliyalc. Tho ncrrelty of modem Mcaicai. Chetnlcal and Phartnaceuucal Science. No use of any looser takimj tha large, repulsive and nawecus pdli. composed or cheap, crude, and bulky angredlents' vt hen we can by a careful application ot chemical science, extract all the cathartic and other mcdS cinal properties from tho most valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them into a minute Gran. me. seartrlr lancer thaa m. isiaetard aeejt that can be readily swallowed by those ot tha most sensitive stomachs atftktastidions tastes. EacallttlePargattvo RaU'eX represent, la a mot concentrated form, as-taue-wvcathartlc power as Is embodied In any of the TJirv pills found for sale In the drcr shops. From'their wonderful ca thartic power, in proTortlouVto their size, people tvho have not tried them are apt to f nppoe that they are harsa or drastic In effect, but snch it not at all thd cast, the different acthe medicinal prln ciples of which they are composed being to bar. cionlzed and modlaed. ono by tho others, as to produce a Bsoat aearcbllisT and tbor. oujrh.Tci geaUyaaa Jtladly opcratlnf in calompl ni- oder forma of mercury ot any other mitral yuisuu, Betas entIrcIrveccta.kle,coMrtrcnIsr care is .-equired vrhilo uing them. They ope rate without disturbance to the confutation, diet, or occupation. ForJanudlce, Ueadacae.' CoBstlpation, Impuro ftiood, Pain la the Naoulder, Xlcsnncsa of the Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Eraetattons of tho Stomach, Bad tasto Its otoath, Blltoaa attacks, Pala la reclon of KIducys,lutornal Fever, Bloated feeling- about stomach, Kita of Blood to Head, IIIra Col ored Urine, Unsociability audi 'Gloomy Forebodings, take Br Pierce's Pleasant Pn rsntlTo Pellets In explanation of tho remedial power of my rur- fitlve Pellets over so prcat a variety of dl'easet,. wUhtoraythattbelr action upon tha animal economy Is universal, not a Klaud or tlssuo cscaalnir their tana. tlwo Impress, Aso docs net Impair them; their ausar-coaUssfand bclnjj enclosed la glass bottle projervo their virtues unlmpalrad for aor lcccth of time. In any climate, so thalthey are al ways fresh and reliable, which U not tho case with the pili found in tho drag stores, rrat np la cheap wood or paste-board boxe. Recollect that for a.'.! disease where a Laxative, Altera tive or PursratiTO is Indicated, these llttlo Pullets wilt cite tho most perfect satisfaction to all who nso them. Thev are sold by all cnterprUln Druggists SLf-5 cents a bottle. Do not allow any druggist to Induce yon lo take anything clri that be may ray Is Jait as pood as my I'ellcto bccauo ho matci a target S root on that which ha recotoaends. If your rasrist cannot snpply them, enclose 83 cents and receive them oy return mall from B. V. PlEJiCJH, ir.li.l'ropfr,.'1 BUFFALO. K. x. ASK FOE PYLE'S o SALERATUS! ; AND BAKINa SODA! MxmT xsr xtaubi Sold by Pnndt, Meyer A Raapkg and Whitney. Bauaerman A Co CASTLE BROS.. IMPORTERS OP TEAS AND Z&st T-nrM Goods, 213 aad 313 FROST STREET Sau Franci - California. mch6Tm PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, LocaAc3tfor3L U. P. R. R LANDS, Columbus, - ITeb. Government Lands Located ! U. P. Lands Sold! IsaproTe4 Fanaa aH4TowRrot9rer 0-A.ss::!! ON LONG-TIME!! layAll iCommurilcationsChecr fully Answered . I5p asBBBSBBBBBBSSSSBw BBSSBBBsV mvBsal a vl K THE OSCSLAaIH3a?4 nuaam If V : 111 'i t B h ,1 r . M--- X4Y t j"1 'i. --S r3 jj . aisgja.'jfe- -- "-- - '-- v-a.