APPLETON'S . American CYCLOPAEDIA -few.Itfeviied Iditira. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writer on eTery tubject. Printed trom new type, nd lllusi rated villi SeTeral Thousand EngraTlngs and Map. o- Tuc work originally published under the title of 11IK 2JEW AMEIUOAS CTCLOFAEDL- Was completed in 1863, ainca which time the wide circulation which it hat attained In all parta ol the Uni'ed Slates, and the signal daTclopmeata which haTe taken place In erery branch ol ecience, literature, and art. hare induced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, and to issue a new ditlon entitled, Th A-.-iriw Cxcora Wllhin the last ten years the progress of dls cOTery In erery department ol knowledge has mrt a new work ol reference an imperative The movement of political attain has kept pace with the discoTenes of science, and their fruitful application to the Industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. Great wars and consequent rerolu tions have occureJ, Involving; national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of ouron country, which was atita height when the last volume ef the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new conrse of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our geographical know edge have been male by the indefatigable ex plorers of Africa. ...... Ihe great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought Into public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one'a mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought aad important aleges mainlined, of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspaper or in the tnundent publica tions of the day. bu which ought now to take their place in permanent and authentic history. In prepari the present edition for the press, t has acwrJingiv been the aim of the editors to brins down the information to the latest pos ible dates, and to f urnlsh an accurate account of the uios recent discoveries In science, of every fresh production in literature, and of the newest Inrentlou In the practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress of pill.lca and hlstorial event. The work has been begun after long and care ful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources for carrying It on to a auccessful termination. , . . None of the orlgUal stereotype pistes have been used, bat every page has n printed on new tvpe, loruimg in fact a new CyclopadU, with the ume plan an 1 compass as its prwleccs aor, but with a far greater pecuniary expendi ture, and with such Improvements In Its com position as have been suggested by longer ex perieuse and enlarged kuowledgo. , . . . The Illustrations which are introduced for .i.. .. i.n.n ihonment edition have been added nof for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity i lions In the text, Tu ' ana lorce to tue uiumiw rey embrace ail orancnes oi ev embrace all brancni . ... -. science and na ural history, ana depict tne fi: -. r.. ..n.! rmirkibla features of scenery architecture, and art, as well as the various pro cesses of mechanics and manufactures. Al though inteudad for Instruction rather than embellishment, no pains hve been spared to Insure their artistic excellence: the cost of their execution Is enormous, and It Is believed they will find a welcome receptlou as an ad mirable feature of thaCyclopiBdla,and worthy of JU high character . . ,. J.H6 worx IS sum vu o-u-i..- -...., , r-j ---- oad'llveryof each volume. It will 1 com pleted in sixteen UrjaoOaTo Tulumes. f containing about 800 jap& fully lllutra ed with several mousina " .!-"i"-. -- - numerous colored Lithographic -Up. PRICE ASD STTLE OF BISD1SG. In extra Cloth, per vol ...-. 55.00 In Library Leather, per vol . 6J In llaU Turkey Morocco, per vol 7 00 In Half Russia, extra gilt, per Til 8.00 In full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol i -- 10 00 In f uU -ussla, per vol....- 10-00 Three volums now Succeeding vo- lunis. until completion, vil be issued once In tvo months n Specimen pages of the AiiKWcas Ctclo- ra-Dta, showing type, lllustratloai. etc wUl be sent rath", on application. FIE3T CLASS CASVASSIXU AUfc WANTED " Address the Publishers, D. Appleton & Co., 549 & 551 Broadway, siew xor. 1a27tf KEARNEY'S FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHU own reeseJy tor ; BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And ajosiUve cure for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia Ner vous Debility, Dropsy, Kon-retention or Incoxtlnence of Urine, Irrl Ution. InSamstion or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPEBMA T0RRHCEA, Loucoerhoe orWhltcs, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. one In tho Bladder, Colcul us. GRAVEL OK BRICK. - IPOS1T, :dvbt Ds- And Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S Extract Buoha ! Permanently CurctallJ Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings.- Existing in Men, Women and Children, No Matter What the Age! Prof. Stetle savr "One bottle of Keirney's Fluid Extract Buchu Is worth more than all other Buchus combined." Price one dollar per bottle; or, six bottUs for Ave dollars. Depot 104 Duane St., N. Y. A physician in attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. arend stamp for pamphlets, freeze Crane A Brlgham Wholeule Ag-nta, San Francisco. CaL aSSwi TO THE NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 30CHAKQB FOR AS7I0S AJTD 00V EU1TATI05. J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefler feffereon Jfedical College, Fhiladel- phla, author of sevpral -valuable works, can be consulted on all dis eases of the Sexual and Jrinary or- gans. (which he has made an es pecial study.) either in male or fe- . male, no maltsr from what cause Originating" r bow locg atQndJng. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with succesa. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. 10Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10c J. B.D YOlll, 21. D. FhyMeion and Surgeon, 104 Duane street, N. Y. OBSTACLES to MRRIGE. JIAPPT BXLBTF FOB TOUNG KEN from LSee&MtBftr tmrtud A feBfiM In aiavlv- 1I ttastwo.1 Restored. imsediaenU to Marxist Baaaoved. v. mt' od of treatment. New Ad remtrkabl emedte Books a4 areolars at free, in nul envelopes. Address. HOW ARD 'SSOds.noX.No. 2fiouU NlnthSt,, PhUadlpkU,PaaIatlWUBhsvlagahlt4 rsjwtatioa for koaorahl easjduct sd rgfcf te&alkja. JaMftarlt. iMMttfiKi Uen, Spinner 'a Vacttion. (From the Louisville Courier-Journal.) If there is a thing which at first I thought I would be glad of it and am now dreadful sorry for, it Is be cause school is out for keeps till the next term. It is most unusually the way that when school don't keep there is plenty of work studied up for me to have to do. That's the way it fits me every time. It's my kind of bad luck to be raised to have industrious ways. My father is everlastingly telling me that idle ness is the parents of vice, or some of that sort of disagreeable English language that I don't want to hear; and that I must keep busy at work at something, and not gad about with other indolent boys, and race the streets from morning till night perpetual. .Last va cation they put me into the garden, where, they said, I could, obtain some habits which would do me some good when I became grown up into a useful citizen. Well, to have to be a useful citizen is all very fine silk, but, if I could only have my own way only just once, I would rather be a peanuts on the railroad. But they have got me in the same hardships which I was into last bummer, only 'it is rougher because there is more of it. If they think it's proper for me to have to bug the potatoes, and weed the on ions, and thin out the roobarb, and raise up a lot of garden trash for to go to seed and waste, why, then, I suppose it's all right if I could only see it; but when a boy has studied diligent all winter, I don't think it's exactly the fair thing to keep him too tenacious at work in vacation. Anyhow, that's my opiuijn, which I throw in. There aint a very great deal of real pleasure in bug ging potatoes where the bugs is about a barrel full to the acre, and when a boy has to bend his back down to try to pull up weeds which grow clean through and clinch on the other side, it's a kind of a mis erable occupation which I would like to get half a good chance for to slip out of. To have to wade into the garden early in the morning when the dew is on in your bare feet, and get smart weed up your troufeer"s leg, is a worse thing than the Erie Sipilis or tho fever and ague ; but when you have to do it, there is no use for to try to shirk out. I went back on the job onee, but I never went back on it twice, because once was enough. I was roped in and coaxed by some boys to go off on the commons to play ball for a whole day. Late In the evening, when I eame in Home the back way, and desperate hungry, the governor gave me an abundance of stars and stripes, which I have got them yet, and could show 'em if I was only in a swimming. I found out that it Js a bad hab)t for a hoy to get into, to shake his work without permission, and its the best way always to obey orders if it almost breaks your back. But I have got awful sick of the va cation business, and, if 1 can find a school next year which will keep in the year round, it's the oe. that l want to gq tq. That's what of a'h'airpln I am. ' kind A Heat Bovenge. Burleigh, the New York corres pondent of the Boston Journal, writes as follows ; An amusing in-: cideqt occurred th.e other day on ope of tte trains frorn Boston to this city. The cars were very crowded. An elegantly dressed woman occupied an entire seat Her bundles, bandbox, and bag were piled artistically.. She was oblivious to the fact that passengers (-were, msning oacic ana forth to obtajn sjttjng. More than one gentleman drew himself up In front of the irapenons dame, and Bilently plead for the vacant spot. She fanned herself leisurely, lolled in the scat, and evidently thought that things were very comfortable as they were, "Is that seat occu pied, madam?" said a well-dressed gentleman, very politely. "Yes, it Is," was the snapping reply. The man walked on. In half an hour the door opened, and in walked a tall, rough fellow, coarse as a polar bear. His huge beard was un combed and stained with tobacco juice. His clothes were illy put on, and smelt of the sable. He was ungloved, and brawny, and weighed full 200. He ran his eye along the car, and caught the seat on wbifh our lady was sitting. He made for It With great delibera tion he seized bundle, band-box and bag, put them plump into the lap of the lady, and down in the vacant spot like one who intended to stay. f looks oould have annihilated a man there would have been a corpse in that car about that time. The man seemed very much at home. He whistled, spit stroked his beard; be threw around his huge arms, and chuckled Inwardly at the evident rage of the woman. She left the cars at New Haven, and had hardly gone before the gentleman who was refused the seat reappeared. To some gentlemen who seemed to take great iqterest in the proceedings, he said : "Did you spp hov that wo man treated me?" Yes." "Did you see how she was came up with?" "Yes." "Well, that man is a horse doctor that sat down beside her. He. belongs to Bull's Head. I gave him a dollar to rjdo wth that woman as far as she went" The car roared. Touag Blood. (Knoxville Chronicle.) The hard work in the various pro. fesslons Is done by young men. The rule is not universal, hut most great men did their hardest and best work in their younger days. It is, therefore, of little use In these days to object to young men taking the lead in the great educational work of the age. It is not difficult to show that youth is not objectionable for vigorous and "efficient work in our colleges, in the ministry, In the editorial sanctum, and in the great profession of the law. From a recent pamphlet treating of this subject, we note the following among the more striking examples of the truth of whatwehave said: "Thom as Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Jn.4enen4ence when he was 87 years old. Alexander Hamilton made one of the greatest lega) ar guments of hU life at ?3. Lord Ba con, at 36, published twelve of his best essavs. Dickens wrote 'Pichn. wick' at 25, and 'Oliver Twist' b? fore 27. Thackeray wrote Vanity FahJ at .23, and 'Esmond' at 41. Emerson wrote his Vest at J8. Colt was but 21 when he iriven&d'his Improved fire-arm, and Fulton was but 23 when ne invented steam." Goethe, wljo was an ardent friend of young men, because his powers were most vigorous in his youth, said i '"Yes, yes, my good friend, we must be young to do great wings. Ana in another place, speaking of government, he said, with emphasis : lf i were a Pre mier I would never place in the highest offices people who have risen gradually by mere birth and seniority, and who, In their old age, iroy on leisurely in their accus tomed tracks; for Jn this way but little talent is brought to light. I would havejroung men." Oliver Wendell Holmes, In a re -cent address at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, said : ".New ideas build their nests m.yonng brains; rfrojutions are not made by men in spectacles, as I have heard it re marked; and the whisperings of new truths are not caught by those L who begin to feel the need of an ear-trumpet." These are but a few of the in numerable list cited in the work re ferred to. But the instances are enough to prove the truth of what -X-.. r-.:.ii -Mrti. we sisneu uui wuu Buying, viiiu a man of experience; of age, and sound Judgment at th$ head of our educational institutions, their work ing forces are most efficient and successful when the teaching is done by young men of enthusiasm, en ergy, and ambition enough to keep them close to their books, fully familiar with advances constantly being made in the sciences and the method of teaching them. A True Prophet. (Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise.) . Not long ago n fellow, apparently In a great state of excitement, rush ed into a saloon in this city, and throwing his hat on the bar, he cried to the barkeeper: "Give me a drink Dan, quick! There'll be the J" iggest row you ever saw in about two min uses!" Dan set out the whisky bot tle, and, while the stranger nir vously, filled his glass to the brim and drank it off at a swallow, tight ened his belt and looked at the chambers of his revolver. Leaving his hat where it was thrown, the excited stranger hurriedly ran to the door, looked out a moment; and then rushed back to the bar and ex claimed; "Yes, in less than half minute, there'll be an awful time here! Give me another drink, quick!" The bottle was again passed out, another glass was drain ed, and the stranger had picked up bis hat, and was leisurely walking away, when the bar-keeper called after him : " Say, look here ! What is all this about a row ? You jest come back here and pay for those drinks or I'll let daylight through your hide ! " At this the stranger turned about, his excitement en tirely gone, and coolly said : "There) vougoj Didn't I say there would be a fearful row here in a minute? I knew it There you go, just as I expected." By this time Dan saw the point and quietly tumbled. FrinC't Hellie on the Briny Mrs. Sartoris never left her state room but once on the passage. She came on deck for a few minutes one morning in a blue wrapper and white shawl, but before it was well known she was out she had disap peared again. Mr. Sartoris did not share this seclusion, but was around most all the timet He said his wife was "not sea slok, but home sick." Poor Nellie! We could all of as understand that she might be, for of all the dull youths who part their hair in the middle (and it's your dull youth who always does that), Mr. Algorz. non Frederick and the rest of it Sar toris Is the dullest While wo waited our turn ftt tho dock In Liverpool, lie, witH some others, went ashore and bought mutton pies, so that the first really good view of Nellie Grant we had after she came aboard, was standing resting on ho? bus-, band's fat arm, her eyes full of trusting aflTepliqn, her heart full of confiding love, and her mouth full of Liverpool mutton pie. Extract of Letter from Eqlttc JXuaenger. TI1K COMING STRUGGLE. The voters of our nation. As ne'. r wa known before, Are rising from lSolfic'a strand To Atlantic' rocay shore. Why Is th s mighty change ? hat cn the meaning be ? The rising of the niasu From northern lake to southern sea. The splilt of old scventy-slx From out our beroc' cTa'ea Forbids a nil Sun drenched in patriots' blood, Should sink to. that of slaves ; The motto which our coins once bore, Though obsolete long since, Bemaln as ever true: not one cent for tribute, But millions for defense. Faity ties and party laws Are but as ropes of sand. The right of in in to tw a nia n Should govern Freedom's land. Then shill our FUg more proudly float O'er land & well as sea, And nations yet unborn shall gladly greot The emblem of tLe free. In trade we'll try to dal, Aa inaa should deal with man. And wh le we seek t live ourselves, We'll sell as cheap as anybody can, Ard if a hat you need, Or fries! you chftnoe to meet, . -, Remember Bunte. the flatter, On Upper Douglas Street. '- ' - clCtf 100,000 ACHES I BICH-PABMIHG LAxTD IN NEBRASKA!! 500 Hanscom Place Lots! HOUSES AND LOTS in the city of Omaha, for sale cheap and on eoodterm. BOOOS &. I1I1.1. Real estate brokers,ofSce over Mickey's store, on Dodge U opposite new postoCre' ap30a2 QAtX OIT' E. F. COOK. 537 14th Bt, betweea Donglu aad Doajr Manufacturer of Tin Copter andSheet Iron Wre, and dealer In Cooking and Heating ejjes Stamped, Japanned and Fren ipdJRini e on hand. Tin RooOni , uutteraana : warranted. Ingand ebStf JobWork done an THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERYBODY TO Lc the BFST PAPER Published in Nebraska, It Contains More Reading Matter and Lets Advertisements than any Newspaper Published in the West. Embracing a choice selection of news and miscellaneous matter with live Editorials on all important top ics; complete and reliable telegraph-, ic and local market reports to the day of issue, and a variety of State,East ern and Western corrpspondenpethat together makeup a newspaper sel dom equalled and never surpassed. Every article going into the col umns of the BEE is carefully scru tlnlzed, and everything that can of fend tup mqst scrupulous, rejected. RepublicansPbiitics gut Independent in principle the polioy of the BEE is, and always has been, to expose and denounce abus es and oorruption in the body poll tic without fear or favor. " Subscription Price: $150 Per Aimwn IN ADVANCE. E. TIOSEWATER, EprjORANp BSqEBXETOg, 138 IbtrnMam Street, c Omabft, XTb. Mvaw i i0f rTi-Tig MoMVtiri Ctmntrct. Daily Itriev. Office Omaha Daily Bkk,1 June 27, 1874. J Business at the banks was only moderate to-day, though there was a noticable enquiry for future ac commodations. " THE FIBST XATIOXAL BANK quotes : Land Grants (selling) $810.00 Land Warrant., (160 acrea buying) - 176.00 Land Warrants (160 acrea selling) - 180.00 Agricultural College Scrip, (1C0 acres buying).- 176.00 Do. Selling. 180.00 Exchange on New York 02 The wholesale trade of the city was fair, so far as staple goods were concrned, but" the produce market was comparatively quiet, very little coming in. Prices are unchanged. UalAHA KABXSTB. Carefully Corrsctad Dally DRY GOODS. J. J. brown & bro., Cor. 14th- and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens ...... American...... Am05keag Bristol earners.. 1 Hamilton . Merrimack D .......... Feabody Richmond... Simpson's BLEACHED SHXSTINQS. Bright 4-1 BOOl U... 9 Cabot 4-1 . Lonsdale.. N. Y. Mills... Peterboro Suffolk L BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Pepperi.ll 8-4 81 S3 uo 3-1 , do 10 COTTONADIS. Farmers and Mechanics... Great Western ... . BROWN SHEETINQ8. Albion. A- 8K 10K 11 X n 12 12 12 l?a rn to Urantviile, "eT7. uermania, a c.... angey... UIKOHAHS. American... Amoskeag . Bates. Lancaster..... TICKINGS. Amoskeag, a c i Biddeford...... 25 IT DENTMS. Amoskesg ........ Beaver Creek, B B. Hay mat era......... Ofs, B B.. Otis, C C 2K '"il 38 JEANS. BIddeford Uoasler..- 40 YAKKXK KOnONS- kurtz moiir a co., 2S1 Famham Street. SPOOL COT1UA. Clark's O. Cot . Merrick's.. Domestic 70 TO 4X .$ WQI00 8S6 0 $ 90 135 HOcIERT. British... PAPER COLLARS. Pickens' best King William ... uoniesuc... Stanley 1 80 250 SHAWLS. 8UlSts! Ottoman strips. $2 2506 50 110 50 White common, medium. 15 0J 30 0 cutom made. Perud-.. .112 0034 to . 4 787 SO Calico. OVERALLS. Brown drill ' dnck. Blue drill ' duck... 50a7 2S . 7 75a 00 . 7O0a7SO 8 00a50 White ,800a 90 CORSETS. French whalebone. Our on .... . .S5 2SU0O JS 00 22 50 900 12 09 15 00 Comet... fcPiUNG SKIRTS. Linen printed.....;... ' ruffled " fluted. GENERAL COMMISSION. J. C Kosenfeld gives us tne following quotations this day: Butter, dull, 13 in tuba; Eggs in demand at 12yC per dor.; Live Chickens at 3 00 per doz.; Strawber ries in demand at 30c per box; Gooseberries, 3 00 per bu.; Cherries, 30c per box; Oranges, 9 00, and Lemns, 14 00 per box. HABDWAKE. JOnS T, XBQAS. "" IRON, - Common bar.. Horse thoe ba. Norway nail rod, STEEL. Cast plow.. uermon- American casn. octagon aad square 1M 22 Jess pi English do io 2Ja 40 Burdea's horse shoes, per keg 79s do mule do do 35 Northwestern horse , , 22a SB Dundee thimhlc skeins, discount 45 ptr cent, Stor half patent axles, discount 10 per oaat. N4JLS. 10dto60dperke. 440 4 66 490 J IS to 7 40 5 IS IS 6 IS . S5 S15 78 pre 10 pre 33 4o 90 pre as do K pre rspre 45 do aid. 84 uo td do id do Sd do 3d fine do 101 finis'ng do Sd do do 6d do do lOd easing do 8d do 6d do do do Wrought, all slses.. BOLTS. BUTTS, Carriage and tire Narrow wrought, fast joint dlscouBt Cast, loose pin rsTersiJe do MISCELLANarOUf, Ha- and manure forks .discount Hoes and gaiden rakes. do HINGES. Strap and t , ,, dltrtcnt WRENCHES. Taft's black diseount Coe'a lmniltaUon.. do Coe'a genulne. do SCREWS. American Iron .. do brass. - ! pre AGRICULTURAL JMPLEMKNTS. HHolt's Ha.vestcperdo.-, net Champion dldva Eureka do red ,,?..,,. -. 14 36 12 0 19 W 99 13 99 1S09 u 1SW UN s 76 11 99 J3 99 Stare Td srapxa..AHQ asoyt-s. Rowland's No 2 td&ck sVv4s,D S do . JI" . " 2" do Moore do's do black spade do do polished do do spring point" L H a-Ti. Lippepcqtt'a Western Crow do do do av-fS- COFFEE MTLL9, Parke's No 3, Iron hot. ... . do -do 103 do do do 33 Union Ir o doSS do Brit FILHB. Harrrave. Emlth A Co. American Kile Co , d HAMMERS. Heydole's. A E No 1 ljj, 1 Ma-amoad's A ENo - do do do a - 1 da i.nilnter'a No 1 do do do 3 " do do doS - 9 99 M99 19 99 19 99 'M99 ?s HATCHETS. Morris! shlBgUng,fo I do do do 3 1 ,.,... do do do I dc cltsr 4 1. do 4T X, ... !! LEITHEB. Buflalo S. sole V lb- He lock 61. sole No 1 do do &o 2 do do 'I do span sole good SSO -J 32 ZS S3 43 39 125 75 25 43 38 34 Si 35 29 40 i 41 ISO 125 SO 4 1 60 130 44 90 00 235 1 64 4 00 ao ao . do hxmcsv. do uot do kip do upper $ f t usx sole n. ao cau. do kip- 1 50 100 45 do harness... Fchcalf Jodotspr di.. Other brands dlOerent wt, pr B. French kip pr tt -.. 73 00 1 75 144 ura uninxs. 8 50 SKINS. Dry flint prS 17 IS 8 8 125 ury aaiieu Green Grean salted,.- Jan. and Feb, pelts ht-rm.g Lamqi skln- CEMENT. Roaendals 300 8 25 WaUr lim SOAPS Powell St Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 l-26 34; Savon Bepublic, do., Chemical Olire, 6 to 6 1-2 ; Palm, 55 14 ; German -lotted. 6 l-4a6 1-2. AST "GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S ' BTOCK. T Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods, 270 Far-ham Street, fumiahe?. the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 Inch J 5c; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 6015c; 2inchl230c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 inch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 15030c Window shades. Plain bands. 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 000 4 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. REPPS. Union ind all wool terry, per yard 1 5003 A; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 003 00. MATTRABSE-. Husk, 4-4x6-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00-4 00; Excelsior, 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAT-. LIST. Cubiect to change of market without Wil. M. FOSTER, On U. P. B. R. tracX hot. Farnham at GEO A. HOAGLAN1. Jolsa, studding and sills, 20 ft, and Over 20f t, each JTuonai'f't'sdd'l"." Fencing No 1........., do No 2- . . . .... 1st common boarda..., .. 2nd do da .., "A" stock boards, 10 and 12 wch "B" do do do do "C" do do do do .. an- S 00 60 40 21 00 25 00 22 00 50 00 35 00 JO 00 1st dear, 1, 1 1 aad 2 Inch 3d do do do do 3d do do do do Flooring, clear.. ....... do 1st common . do 2d do .............. do 3d do ........... do osrrow, clrar. 1st clear celling hi inch, 2d do do 4 Inch ...-. 1st do do Ji lnc. 3d do do Ji inch-..... 1st clear siding...... ..... 65 00 55 00 45 00 50 00 40 00 S5 00 27 50 ..45 00 .... 35 00 ,S2 50 -.30 00 . 37R0 27 00 26 0) 21 00 20 00 425 3 IO i ao ao 1st common siding. 2d do do .. "A" shingles Extra No 1 shingles Common No 1 shingles Lath per 1000.............. D A II pickeU eer 100 square do do do O G Batten per Uneal f '.. Rough do do do 3 00 S5o 3 So -- Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS. (Glased.) 35 per cent off Chicago list. DOORS, (Wedged.) 95 per cent off O. logo l'st. BUNDS. 30 per cent off list. White lime per bbl Lonisvllle eeaaent per bhl... Plaster paris per bbl .. Plastering hair per bushel Tarrtd feTt.... Flattering board... St 752 00 . . 3 003 25 . 3 503 75 40 4 y. OILS. PAlJiTS. GLASS. Ac. N.I.D. SOLOMON. ROBERT C. STEELL. Coal on 1 1 Unseed OU, raw. 105 " M'd 1 10 Turpentine-... 65 Headlight OU 28 -ard Ull, No IS 05s 1 SO 2 ' " winter 1 " "straln'df Lubricating I 33 W.Vm. PAINTS, AC White Lead, St. Louis, Srtlctly Pure -.Sill " " Fancy Brands 9 Putty ia Bladders- 5 " " Bulk 4! EnameU Qhas. colors, V aq. ft. 1 1 flat GUt. 60 e discount TIN, SHEET'ISON. WIRE, JfeC. MILTON ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM. T.-N PLATE. 10-14 IC. lair aualitT, 10x11 lc, bast quality. I -14 IX do 12x12 IC 12-12 IX ls3 IC 14--sIX do do do do lla-OIXXdo 14x20 JXXX 1 Opiate HC 100-Uta DX. do 109 plate DXX lOSpUUDXSX RooSag IC charcoal do do do do onv ao 10x14 TO coke do 20x33 IC charcoal roofloa. 3St IC charcoal roo-ng. t-iau-e-areoei 10x30 ccka (for cutttrsV BLOCKTIN. Large pigs. Small pus Bar tin 35 35 3 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to IS In.. do do do lx half casks . do do do in 260 lb casks " aneet 24 to 35 Inches per sbeet.. iiaiwnnwn exira nuni. W BO X0 . do do roo-ng.. 23 21 0a2 w- aatai SHEET IRON. First quality, Numbers 18 to 24 o ao ao .3 do do do 26 A jln jl 7 Charcoel, both sides smothe ao Mo 24 do do it do do 27 Juniata, No. 24 do Io 26 do do 27 perlert; lie. I.i 7 1 at 4 T-W. fallt4. al nnt A-A-erlca. lasaaiurn Russia, all Nob. thaa lull buadlef add one tent. ' GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 39. o 21 to 94. do 3i to 36 do97 .list 15 IS 17 18 30 .do .do .do do 39. .do FuU bundles discount II par cent. 45 43 38 45 48 SO 38 -A K-'ti. 10a Sk Smeathlng, and tg 0r Flsnlahed, 14 and 16 Noa. 7, 8 aad 9, ..washed . B-IteotnT Cevper bottoms BRIGHT WIRE. 49 11 UK x Vee. 9 to M M.U-, W u 14J.4 30 19 SteavtsV-f rt 1$ 19 38 ftr saae-sVtlwKT liat JsIMM wis no 13 SO ao 1 10 00 do 14 00 do 17 00 do 15 SO do 17 SO do 20 50 do 23 SO fbest quality) 23 SO da It 00 do ... 17 00 do 20 00 do 15 00 do 16 00 do 12 SO 27 60 32 50 28 00 - 2100 9 -" s GROCERIES. STEELE t JOHNSON 538-540 14TH ST. CLARK A FRENCH COR. FARNHAM AND llTH ST. PTTNDT, METER & RAAPKE, 212 FARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MORGAN Jc oallagheb, 205 Farn ham St WHTTNEY, BAUSER-CAN . CO., 247 Douglas SL J. j. brown &. bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr - 1VA rowderul ao Crushed do . . y HHilk lJial2k ll 10H lOj, lOalOJi 10H Rat cut loaf do Standard do . do . Circle A ExtiaC Yellow C N O choice ao . do . do . COFFEES. Rio choice pr B.. do prime do do good .do O Or Java 26Ua27 26a-6t I4.24 Slail SYUUP-. Common pr gsllon. .... Good do ....... Choice do ... do N O mossea 3."a45 60a65 70-S0 bO Rangoon choice. Carolina..... 8)4a9 s 16s)7 lChal7 7a7 4a4jiJ CANDLES. M Weak A Co.. hchofex ...... SOAP. MuourlVrlley.. Kirk's Savon. M. Wek A Co. cchofer German.. Kirk's stsnilard do sterling 'LUG TOBACCO. Black goods, Western do do Virginia... do do Lorriiard's.. Bright do do do .... dj do Virginia Natural leal..... DRIED FRUITS. California peach s per pound do apples do . .'tale do do ..... New currants.... do prunes. ... do German cherries..... do bl ckberriea ......... . do raspberries.. -. .... do raislus, per box.... do seedless raisins, per pound.... SALT. New in barrels... ...... 45 45aSO S57 57s65 50-55 75a93 .. 16Kal7 12al2ji Halt), 8a 14all 17 21 3ga40 HO 12s .Si 80-3 Crt .. 4 50-1 75 do dairy., CANNED GOODS. 2 pound can Myer's oys'ers, per case. 1 do do do do do 2 do do William's do do 2 do do peaches per case...... 3 do do do do -.. 2 do do tomatoes do ...., 3 do do do do ....... Corn, Trophy per case ... do Wlnslow do ... do Yarmouth do ... Strawberries, do ....... Raspberries, do ..... Pineapples, do ) TEAS. Oolon s, per pound........ Young Hyson, per pound . Gunpowder, do do .... FLOUR. Snow Flake, (Wells A Nieman) Gold Dust .S4 25a4e0 .. 2 50a2 75 4 0oa4 25 . 4 75sS 00 . 6 76a7 50 . 3 SOaS 75 500 560 5 75a6 00 600 .4 75-5 50 600 5 50 2575 40al 00 COal 25 450 8 10 300 75a5CO XXXX Iowa City California ... BAGS. t Goi'iiee, heavy weight .. 19019 17019 18-19 18 SOaSl .0 ugni ao lips, four bushel, idee sunnles n bsas, Amoskeg A . .0 do Lud:owaa... 84105 SPICEi tmegs, Penangbest,per pound 1 35al 41 Cljvei do do 60 Alsplce do do 13a 0 Cinamon bark do do .. 35al6 CIGARS. E. SIMPSON, Manufacturer, 532 Street. 15th H. Upman Reconstruction... Grand 1 entral. Unlversa.. M. SfSOO 35 00 35 00 40 00 43 00 SO 00 GO CO 75 CO C5 00 SO 00 60 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 75 U0 ao do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Yara. La Roquet . .. blmon Pure...... Pari igas ...... . Yours Truly.. Gold Medal La Fpanola., Triple Crown HeDrr Clay. ue viiier. Y VUIer.. 1876 CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14'Ji Street. Halt barrel sacks ... . 2 SC J. SCH00NMAKER & SON rsoPBi-TOs or tux PITTSBURG. WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS PITTSBURG, PA. B-stAilisaiLoca 183B. Manufacturers of 8titctly Pure While Lead, Bed Litharge Futtj. Colors Drj andtaOH. PURE VERDITER GREEN, The strongest and brightest green manufacture red. GUARANTEE. IVe guarantee our brand of Strictly Pure White 1 ead to be free from Impurities, and will pay S50 In gold for every ounce of adul laiaUon found In this package. tuxr73m J. bCUOONMAKER A SON LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have been awarded for Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD PENCILS : Gold Medal of Progress, Yiea, 1873. First Pres-liUss Claslaaatti Iadas trial Fair, 1878. First Premium Brooklyn lsdas trial Exposition, 1873. For Famples or informaUon address the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, Pres't m72m JEESEY CITY. N J, Sioux City & Pacific R. R. Tbe Shorteat and Aaly Direct Rasite fiaaa COUNCIL BLUFES TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, And all Fomta In NORTHERN IOWA A JUNNESOTA. PULLSCAlf PALACE SLEKPING CAK3 Ob all niaht traim 7la this route. CiniKCTle)irs. 1. At V. F. Traaafer with Union Pacific Ballroadfor Qmah 2. At lounell Bluff, with Kansas City. St. Joe and Council Wa-sBallroad for St. Uiuis and an points south 3. At llk-oarl Valley with the Chicago and .Northwestern railway for Chicago and all points east. t At Siour aty with Sioax City and St, Paul, Illinois Central and Daot ctoutbern railroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri Hirer, daring savant on, and -with stages for all polnuin the Northwest. S. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern railroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. C. At Fremont, Nebraska, with the Union Paafic railroad for all points west aad the Pacific coast. 7. At Wlsne- with st-ges for Norfolk and all poinisiB ponaera "etsrasu. Iiekeu tor sale ia Chicago aid North western EUliway osseea. sTBe aare your UcfceU read Tla 8. p. P. . ' -, L. BUKNBTT, Sap'U F. C HOLS, Gen. Ticket Ag-tl . QBO, W. GBATTAN, Y 7. AfWt, oWk. CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N .xxaxr.-sr. The Popular Route from o im: jl a: jl TO- Chicago and the East ! ASD THE TT Slreot LOUtO TrlVatcrlott.Fort Dodt-r,Dubnqe,IJi Crosse, Hrmlrie Da Iblesu Wluoua, St. l-ul, Dalath, Jaac.-rille, Kno sa, tirecBi s-, Kaclne, teveIl' Point, W tert own, OshkTesh, ton Du-st, nsttllsoa Mad aHlTraulseo. It Being the Shortest and FUst Comoleted Line between OMAHAand CHICAGO, Constant improvin nts have taken place In the way of reducing Grade, and placing Jron with Steel lulls, adding to its rolling stock new and Elegant DAI' and 8L.KKPXNG CARS Equipped with the"WestIughoujeAir Brake" and "MUIer PUt'orm." establishing comforta ble and comnWIous Eating Houses, offering sll the comforts ot traTeUng Ue age can produce. Fror- to 10 Fut Express Trains run each way dally over the various lines of this load, thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux Cty, Yankton and poiuts reached via Sioux City and Pacific xallroad. AT ORAD JUNCTION for Fort Podge, Des Moines. Ottawa and Keokuk. ATMARSIIA-LfcrSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT IEDAR RAPID- for Waterloo. Cedar Falls, I harles Citv, Burlington and St Louis. ATCLIKION forDubuqne, Dunieith, Prai rie du Chien, La Crosse, and aU points on the Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque aad Minnesota railroads. AT FUi.TON torFreeport, Racine Milwau kee and all palate in Wisconsin. AT C-UCAOU whs til railway Hem les-U-c out ol CUeasja. Tmrossj- Ihsun to all istire essJee vie th II es-T-e eneeJwl, aad any la-arms- en eo l lnl inn il" atatasv see- a! the Osssua-'a eaUa. ZlS s-sis-aaatafcaailsitltsd asevgaiM Masiai jssl W. r. aV.ay . W.&etts-ellCrr, aUUIVn Marsr-U-T, eafl renasTTzArt. f-ea. fesapt. J. JL LACST. & . K-HT, Tla-etast.UaWs-, ai,l.Art Oasafea. Omaha d. St. Louis Short Line 18 7 4! The Kansas City, St. Joe and1 Council Bluffs R. R, "' lathe only dire - line to as-. IiOtjxs AND THE EAST. FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST KO CHANGE -ic between Omaha and St. Louis ana b itot c between Oil AHA anu AW YORA. This th Only Xne running a PdhinAS 8LEEFIXO CAR KAST FKOH 03A11A, ON ARRIVAL OV TUB TJM1UX PACIFIC KXPflF-SS TIIAI-. avPassengers taking othei routes use a disagreeable transfer at the Hirer Station. 8 PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY! REACHING ALL EASTEBX AND WE3TEEH CITIES With Less Changes and in advance of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Day Coached and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghouse Air Brake. 19Sue that your tickets read via KanasutClty, S .Joseph fc C'onucll Blufl. Italrod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JOS.TEHON, Fass.Agt. GEO. I- 2RADBURY. Gen Agent. , F. BARNARD, A. a DAWES, Gen'l Supt. Uen'l iaia. Agt., M. Joseoh. St. Josrnb. VandaliA E.OT7TE BAST. 3 TEAINS DAILY'! LEAVE ST. I.OUIS WITH Pullman Palace Gal's THB0TJQH WITHOUT CHAH0B Indianapolis, CinoinnatiL, Louisville, Cliicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelpnia, Baltimore, "Washington, NEW T ORE Arrir-l of Trains from the West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston TICKETS M. K. eorarr srassi Are for Sale at tba Compsav's Ofl, earurr Waartss k Ciiratnat sta . 8t.Lona, and at the Prlmclpal Jtall way Oflcea las tle"Weat. CHAS. BABCOCK, CL E. RUSSELf-, S'lhern Pass. Ag't, West'n Pass. Ag't. Dallas. Tzxas. Kajbas cttt. JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT, Oen'l Supt., Gtn'I Pass. Ag't. a 2-tf lHPiAPOua. St. Locu. TTX-lTeCl. MTssTOal Confectioners' Tool Works, Tlioo. liXills & Bro -lanutaeturen o Confectioners'Tools Z i Xialdii lea C.e Free-era. V., Noa. 1301 & 1303 North. Eigbtli St. ?ajuar-riA,?A. Proprietors: "1 Etabihd U6U' Tsosus, 1 O-O. L ainxa, f CATALOGUES SENT AtxP.Pam.J j npocapplkaUon. Bssv7d4w3 Chicago, Sock Island and Pacific E. R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FSO-t OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, DaTenport and Bock Island, o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the Westisquous- Patent Air Bras and -llller'a Patent gaiety Platform and Coupler. S Fast Express Train- Leare Sail enncctins as follows: AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad, tor Oakalooaa, Qtliunwa, Keokuk and St. Lonig. AT trtINLL with the Central Railroad of f owa, for all points north tu U Paul. AT WEST LlbEKTV with the Burlington, Cedar Uaplds A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque A St. Paul, At WILTON JUCflON with tho fcouth-Weitern irauch, for Muscatine. Washington and all points south. AT DAVEM01tr with the l;aTeuport A SU r"aul Railroad for po.nts north. AT KOCK. lsLANU with the IVestcrn Union lUilroad lor Frceport, Belolt, hacin"-. MII wauke and ail points In northern I llnols and Wlcnin. AT ROCK. ISLAND with the Rocktord, Rock Is.'andandsu Louis lUllro-d for St. Louis and points uth. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria A Hock Ii-uiii Kail toad for Peoria and points east. AT BUItEAU JUNa, with branch, for lien, ry, Larere, Chlllicothe and PeorLt. AT LA SALLE with, tbe Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south. AT CHICAGO with il lines East, North acd South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities, la this line, can be procured, and any Infor mation obtained, concerning points, at tbe ticket office of thecompanr, lis Karnham St., Omaha, and also at the principal ticket offices along the liueof the U. P. R. B. Baffg-e riiecked Tlirongh to all Principal Kaatern Poiuta. A.M.SMITIT, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't, Chic-go. J. U.LACEV, Ticket Agent, a8tf Ouuha 11. RIDDLE, Gea'l bup't ChUago. as STEVE.NS, Gea'l Waatern Ag't Osaaha. M. Keller, Prof rictor of Um RISING SUN Aro LOS ANGELES TINEYBDS. Depot for the sale of hb NATIVE WINES AND BK;A.IsriDIES M. :2EX.X-3B. cSt Co., Corner of Ballcry and Washington Sts. SAS FKAXCI5CO, rai7tl CAL. AT.EJC. J. -KOUAT. NATU'L C. HUDSON. 1VM. II. IICDSOX JA3. O. UCTL-B t $' ilMHMt- ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Leggut, Hudson & Co., Manufarturers of every arauj Fino Cut C-aowi-ag ASD SMOKING TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FINE CUTat BEAUTY. OILT EDGE, SMOKIXCSSt JNGLESICE. BULLION. MONTANA. All Our Tobaccos Strictly lYaranted. OFF1CB ASU S.VLKSROOn Cor. Second & Vine Streets, St. Ziouis Mo, mar7Imo PASSENGERS Going East or South from Omaha And Po'.nts on U. P.R.R., should take the "LINCOLN KOTJTE" ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure lor tbemselres tbe cholre ot Six Popular Routes from Itch-sou to Chicago and Si. Louis, All making Reliable Connections and being Equipped with Palace Vtj and Bleopbg Csn. All drlay and IneonTenience arririn; from Ferries atd trausfers can be arolded West of Chicago and St. Louia by securing Ticktli Tla ATCIIISOX aad tbe ATCH1SO.V t 5E-RAMKA K1IUIOAD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with tbe A. T. A S. K. R. R. for the Great Arkaassa. Taller & Colorado, And with ail lines running South to points In bouthern Kansas and (be Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets tU LINCOL & ATCHISON CHAS. aSMITH, W. F. WniTE Uen'l Supt. Uen'l Pass. Ag't. taZKI ArslSoa, Kaaaasi ADVERTISE IS THE BDEES DON'T BUY! U.tllLlUl' UaVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED Tnjmmmk iAax AND LOW RESERVOIR AS WE HAVE TWELVE OOOD REASONS why thev will do your work. Quick and Easv, Chea) and Clean, Theyarechepesttobuy, They are best to u'e. The bate er.uly and quickly, Their o cration is perfect, Ibey hare always a good draft, liter areuiadeof Uiebestuiaterlal They roast prifectlr, They require but lit lefuet, Ti er are Tery low priced. CO M Tbey ara easily tuauaged. They are suited to all localities. QB ETtry store guaranteed to glTesatbf-ctton bOLD BY Esgsior Mun'f? Co., ST. LOUS M0., AND BY I.ROaER'S. esees e OF VLT PELLEB.1 OOO1 OOO Or 8sar-oa:cI, Concentrate-!, Beet and Ilcrbal Jalcc, Antl Billons Granules. Tirn"LsTTXJB GIANT CAT ILtBTXC. or Hultua ia Parro Physic. Tho noTelty of modem jredicai. Chemical asd Pharmaccuucal Science Ko use of any looser taking tho lr;e, repulsive and naneeous pHli, eo-iposed of cbcap, crude, and bul-y n2redlent3, when we can by a careful application of chemical edence. extract all tba cathartic and other rnedf. Cinal propcuiea from tbe most valuable root and herbs, aaronrontraio ihcra into a minute Gran nie, scant ly larger than rt maatard aael that cai be readily Bwalloivcd by thoee ol tba mosteensUire stomachs end fastidious tastes EichliUlePurcativo I'cliet represesta,laa mo'tconccntratctl form, ai mjch cathartic power na U embodied in any of tbe largo pills found fes rale in tbe drrs Bhops. Front- their wonderful ca. tlurtic power, in proportloii .to their flic, people who havo not trlol them ore apt to r oppose that they are bana ordraotict- effect, hat such la not at all tho cae. the different actHo mrdicisal prln. ciples of which tbey aro composed beln so bar. nonizca and modilcd. ono by thi others, aa to produco a nit ncarchlns and lhor oujrh,TCl geutlwandKludlyoperatl-tsr ratharti 2. 8500 IXcward U hcrchy offered Try the pra, prictor of (he?a I'ellets, to auy chemist who, upon analysis. 111 Cnd In them env Calomel or other forma of oicrcury ot any other mineral poison. Being entirely vcBOtable.nopartfcttlar caro is .-equired whilo usin? them. Ibey ope rate without dlsmrbanco to tho contitntlon. diet. :r Chest, OIzzIuc.h. Saur UrBctadeit OI (no Mornicu, uaa sate s kflonth. Ullioua attack. Pair. tk, rcslou of K.idncjK, internal rover, nioatcd fcellUR about StoBHich Hush of Blood to Head. High Col ored Urine, (.neociatillltjr ii Gloomy foreboding" tako Br. Vlcrce'tPleaHaus Pit runtlvo Pellets In explanation of the remedial power of my fai. fitlvo 1'cUcts over ro prtat a va. hty of Clsear es, wlshtoraytuat their action upon (hs animal economy Is universal, HOtst Klaud or tissue ccplits thelraana. tlvo laircs. Ajo docs not Impair theos their ensar.cctins" bciny encloeed In glass) bottles prefer o tbelrTirtnes unimpaired for aar lsch of time, hi any climate, to that they arav af ivavs fresh and rcloiblc. vrhlch Is not tho case tnth the pilis found in tho 6ru etorcs, put op ia cheap wood or paste-tcard box. Recollect that f jra'.i where a Laxative, Altcrflt tiro or t'arcatlvo is Indicated, thej Uttl9 Puihts wilt clc tho most perfect tathficUoa tq allitcouBClhsm. They aro foM by all cntrrprUtaj; Drugglstrf at 25 coutx a bottle. Do not allow any rira;r?ist to Induce yon lo take anything els i that to may ear la just aa pood as my l'tllclo becaco ho makes a lret proflt on that whish ho recommends. Jf your drqsrlet cannot rnppiy them, cncloto 41 cema andtccehe them ny rctnm mail from n, y. nxu:cx:, zr. i , Projr,. " BCF?ALO, K. t. V-flsiVJ -ss-B-L 1 a s-i CI2Cllss-r . ASK EOE PYLE'S o SALERATUS! -AND BAKINa SODA! BST X-ST XTfll-i Sold by -Yq-U. Meyer A Raankeand Whllaey, Bauserman A Co. CASTLE BROS.. IMPORTERS OF TEAS AND . East India Goods, 213 and SIS FttOXT STREET San Franci mchGTin - California. PLATTE TALLEY REAL T Samuel C. Smith, LocaTAgeut'for'the TJ. P. R. U. LANDS, Columbus, - XTeb. Government Lands Located I U. P. Lunds Sold! Improved Farms aad Tottu EolsjUsr C -A. S E3: H ON LONG-TIME!! till .Commuaicationa Cheer fully Answered K aasswB3r-f 9-ssC 1 -fs-s-s-s-s-HVSsssss-Mw" tasaMl WM laaa-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-l-s-s-s-BsS-, k - aaO a tH (i-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aM-w--?4S. k ? a 4aaaai VtfBsMVBftaw 1 1 fL ksBMaf T JsjLa-l CHL I-M-rL-L i" 5 -- 9 VBssssasBBs w PjBsB,iK Cy -t- - Jm t r v-? -- - ' - -- -,