THE D OMAHA SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 27, 1874. NO. 8. OMAHA VOL. IV. tv ' .. l t f- ' vr I W t -- THE DAILY BEE. EDWAUD HOSEWATER, Editor end Prop'r OflIc Xo.138 I"rnl" street, betw. Ninth mud Tenth. TEEM3 OF SUKSCEIPTIOX One copy, " yr. n ""- n .00 oncjtMt " ..... 4.00 MX monins iu three mrntb m mtwcb -. ec-lf not pail In wlrance, $8 per annum .00 will rrni't"t FREDERICK, LEADING HATTER! Best Goods, IOWESTPE1CES Farnham St- aasgtf&w. OMAHA. Grand OIAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CB10KER MANUFAOi'OEY. McChireAEniitb. 1S3 Uruer treeL t. lttUandlitn. Jlitx GL1B8 AND PICTURE Fi'MLS. T Relnhart. ISC Itou.ln ,'rt'..,3?,,!,,," J. window glas and picture Iraia. ng done to order. "" BOOTS A1H) SHOES. Pb!? wtf ! 155 F"obaul "' Uitwfcu,r1th " "oONFECTIOSEEY. HL Later, corner lith snd Djuglas streets, m nufcturer and wliulrtale d'er in candVsand cunte tionery. Country tr-le . llceted. ,J'1U COA'. D5ALEr8 FUnd A EM .t.coal, Hiup, cement iialr, etc.. 131 Farnliaui st. JcMsiuS DSDB0IST3. J A. Eatder, druggist, corner 12 b and lUr . neysu PAWS BEOKEP. M. Elgutter, No. 'JOJ Fjrnuatn it. itlTlI LAHHDEY. A hp laundry opened at 511 Uth st., t A Farnbau aud Douglas. The asMng and Coning wUl be done to order, first cass work PAIHTEBS. Lehman & Bard. boue and sign paint". IOUi at. Ix-t. FVrnham aud Harney. a2itt 80AP FACTORY. Omnium P Yor'V, Fa?'V .? fw r mannacture their I'letniuiu Soap. ie first premiums aaarded by the t-uugla county nd State lairs, and I'otUwattamie county. la. Orders aoltaiedfroni the trade. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 20G Farnham street. Fine linen and chevolt shirts ot our own make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jiailroad HtJ:cl3 bought and sold by P. Gottheinier. Broker, at 200 Farnham street. Unredeemed Tlcdyet for Sale. may ly2C Hamlet Omni, th street between Jones and Lcarenworth its , OjJTA, i NEBRASKA. 'tteefsthe most complete assort K met ol Ladle' and Genu" straw liats, t rim nTed and rarasols. Jaucs;.51" sriUea.Kalnsook and all kinds of l;ry Goods SdS' and Heuta' Bo IN etc My " "fir Goods U Complete Selling only lor CAS". I ImjaMeto UNDrliSCLL any other Dealarip beardotbeiore. Mjl4-am-l Atr wa COi 1,K11 wr- Agent want $5 tO $'2U ed. All clasps Of rork lnr people ol either sex, young or old, jafce mora money at wora lor us in their spare mo ments or all tn time, than a! anything else. Address ST1NSON A CO.. Portland. Malne bvtStI . ENOCH HENNEY, Justice of the Peace OSaeoTer tho State Bank, corner, ci Farn ham and 13th streets. id J. M00BEHEAD, die&ttgi-q-ist AND PHA.BMACIST, FWi Blocs-, Bet California & Welsttr Ets. OMAHA, XEB. rhytlcians rrccriptions carefully eSG3m compounded. DENTISTRY. DENTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. ' - rrsTtits. Bet. I3t!i 4 14th Sts., OMAHA. "OWct iiracUpliif iv.niisis la tlieclty DR. A. S. BILLINGS, DENTIST, S84 XAxrxxla.Jt.xxi. t Bet. and 11th, up stairs. It.. Teeth extracted without pain, by useo! Ni trous Oxide 'Jas. aVsTOfice oles atail hou tM urclcal xosasxxaw. I. VAN CAMP M.D. Dispenses his own medelnes, and besldca Itwnlar practice, makes specialities ot Derangt maBts and IHaeases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Diseases o! the Rectum. Office: Cjrner Farnham and 14th streets, nratdoor to the rtghU up tl". Isidenc-, 210 Douglas street, bctcon 12 and 13th, next to Lutheran Chuicli, Omaha, Neb. Address IxiekHosS jaaMdawif MK8.J.K.VASDKItCOOK Eclsotio Physician. Saldei:ce and offlre 2M Dudgc st bet 14th nd 15tb sts. Special attention xl& toTobstetrics and dis ttes peculiar to women and children. 19U. ch.arles Fopper, WHOISALE BUTCHER M CATTLE BROKEH, ALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH want EDWABD KHEHI, MACISTKR Or -THE BKPAHTED. Ho- 468 lOti EL, bttween Faialaa & Harasy. Will by the aid of guardian spirits, obtain or any one a Tiew of tue past, present and fu ture No fee charged in taa of sickness, spl3if STOVE StORl. E. F. COOK. 537 14ta 8L, UtwMa DomLn ui Dim Manufacturer of Tin, Copper andSbeetDB, and dealer In ' Coolcing and Heating fibres Stamped, Japanned and Frem cbAare gJWUngi hand. Tin uoonng, uutiers ana JeoWaik done ana warranted. Si nd tra 11 WASHINGTON. Congressional Short Comings. The Eailroad Land Tax Bill Butchered. Incidental Hnmori of the Na tional Capital. Special Correspondence of the Bxx.1 Washixgtok, June 2C. The days of the Forty-third Con gress are" numbered. Tomorrow aftornoon will witness the deser tion of the "Wind Cave," as the ''Frog Bank" will dissipate into thin air. Kepresentatives and Sen ators will hie themselves to- their homes, aud put on the panoply of war for the coming fall elections. The Congressmen are now studying up the points upon which to make capital in the coming campaign, and few there are, but aspire to come back again. The civil rights bill has been una ble to keep above water, aud lias met an ignominious death. The civil service bug bear ha3 met a similar fate. A currency bill has finally passed both houses, as recommended by the conference committee. "While it does not meet fully the necessi ties of the west, it afTordu a partial relief to the stringent state of the money market oi the "West and South. The volume of greenback currency is fixed at $382,000,000, and the reserves are released for circulation. Lastly, provides for the redistribution of the currency, and for free banking. This willgive to the "West additional banking pri vileges to the extent of some $50, 000,000. The land tax bill, which promised such good results to the depleted ex chequer of the State, in compelling the payment of delinquent taxes from the railroads, and which pas sed the House by the personal and untiring effort of Judge Crounse, has virtually been defeated ic the Sen ate. A Senate bill has been reported by the committee in place of the House bill which absolves the U. 1. ana Central Pacific, and their branches, from, and obligations al ready incurred; requires the govern ment to pay the cost of surveys,and simply rcqujrps the roads to pay their taxes in the future. The tenor of the Senaie bill bears Ujxm the face of it, legislation in the interest of the railroads, instead of the inter est of the government, and the treasury of the State of Nebraska. Its passage is quite questionable in either House. The great event of the season in the House was the speech of flon JJutler upon the San born contracts ami the Custom House frauds. The announcement that "old Ben" was to "let loose the dogs of war" filled the galleries to suffocation. Everj member of the House was in his seat, and -when the champion of invective broke loose, the entire House was all at tention. No such scathing deunci atjou, nor such tearless onslaught agalnbtau pjiemy has been made upon the floor of thp Houp in many a day. He denounced in open terms the perjury and ehornicus frauds upon the revenue committed by the firm of Phelps, Dodge & Co., the senjor meiuber of which was President of the Young Ipn's Christian Association of New York On nf Uiftlr frauds was lone prac ticed under a Jaw whiph TVfls passed several j-ears ago, and wulpli was intended to encourage a taste for art In our country. For this purpose, statuary and works of art were marie "duty free," and immediately ls?rs. 'Phcli, Dodge & Co. began to import 'GoJr desses of Liberty," The Father of his Country, and other illustrious heroes done up in lead; and imme diately upon their arrival went into thp melting pot, and were quickly transfbrme4 jnto pig lead. What an inglorious (dtp fur thp (Ifoddessof Liberty and hpr associates. Qi Benjamin frequently referred to himself a ''old cock-eye," and challenged his enemies to enter the arena with hipi. Sanborn fs pvi dently a fripnd of Benjamin, and he considers that the&ljiboru invesr tigation was a stab at bin, Butjer, by his enemies. Foster, who has lieen his oppo nent, was completely demoralfzedi and Butler had read the letter which Foster had written concern inir htm. and which Butler had ob tained possession of in some unac countable manner. The galleries, cheerpd and applauded Butler, and the speaker threatened to clear them if any further demonstrations wgjre made. Butler has the reputation of standing by his friends, though the heavens fall, and singo handed, he floored all opposition u this matter. That little sprite and congression al rrnvntinn. I'l'limC licam, llOS again got on a rampaai ld be sieged Congress to Jet her bust sonic tody to the tune of several thou sand dollars. This time it is likely to be Admiral farragut. It would be a national blesxlng, lliul a saving to the treasury, If some one would bust her off the stage of action. Nebraska is well represented a the National Capito' at present. Among the new arrivals, safe and well, are Messrs, J. Millard, W. A. Brown and J. U. Newman. The latter gentleman from Nebraska City. A little incident occurred at the National Hotel, a few days since, which Is worthy of note hero. We had just stepped jnto the barber shop and inquired of the proprietor if he thought we had hirsuite enough to entte us to a ten cent shave, when we wpre attracted by several pretty loud expressions, to the opposite ste of thp room. Here we found oiir friend f afi, gesticula ting wildly, and anathaniatizing somebody in language not found In the commandments; in his haqd was an old sijk hat, whjch had seep better days; hP held t up to. ur gaze ; we ventured to enquire what's up Judge, what's the matter, what's, who, -what's up, whats the matter? "Why some lunk head has carried of my bran npw silk hat, and left this dilapidated concern. "Why the confounded idiot; why jiist ook here." And the hat went down over his eyebrows, on down past his nose and rested upon his shoulders. We could see nothing of that pellu cid countenance, hut when the nhapeau, was rajsed again, we saw a race boiling with indignation, f'Why- Styngan, the man that owned that hat is a blockhead.," how it s possblp for such a head as that to tmrr my hat I don't see I should tltfnk any man could, tell his own hat. Well, Judge, I must con fess that is unfortunate, but I don't see anv way out of the difficulty but to put 'that hat away, save it, it will keep, the progress of human events makes great changes in the existence of men, and the time may come when your cranium will fill the circumference of that hat; in fact, if I judge correctly, it is not far distant either. I understand you are a candidate for the next Con gress, and if this be so, before the next election you will have as welled head that will make the circumfer ence of that hat without doubt." The Judge vanished. We took a little halm of gilead on our chin. In come a dignified gei'tleman that might have been a Congressman; possibly he had raised potatoes and practiced law in the vicinity of Fort Calhoun; but then I won't swear to it. At any rate he had a little mat ter or importance to attend to at that moment, he wanted to know "what little puppet had changed hats with him, "Why the man that couldn't wear a bigger hat than that hadn't got a thimble full of brains." I wouldn't give a pen-wiper for a thousand such ; what the d 1 am I to do. Why the confounded thing won't cover my bump of esteem, and I am afraid to let the sun strike on my bump of veneration, for then I would not appreciate the kindness of my friends when they send me back to Congress again." Well, I suppose I shall have to try me another, I will send this out to "Striek," I guess it will just about fit him." Your correspondent walk ed away, meditating upon the old adage that "great minds sometimes differ." Styxgax. Ppesidext Graxt lias changed his mind about celebrating the Fourth at St. Louis, aud that will slightly disturb the programme in the great bridge celebration. CABLEGRAMS. Paris, June 20, The French Assembly to-day con firmed the American postal conven tion. Londox, June 20. The bill for the regulation of the public press, has pased the House of Lords. It is now a statute. The meeting of the Brussels Con? gress, it is expected, will soon take place, although Great Britain has apparently moved its objections. The action of France m the matter is still unknown. Pakis, June 20. M. Magne, minister of finance, disapproves of the budget commit tee's plan for balancing the budget by reducing the amount which- is usually refunded to the Bank of France. He declares that he vill make the subject a question before the Assembly, and he calls on the popimittee to make up the de fect by the posjtjoij of other taxes. If the committee refuse to adopt the plan he has projmsed, the Leibertes saj-s that after tlie budget lias been voted upon that President McMahon willrecconimend that the Assem bly confer on him the power of final lydissolving it. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. Nkw Yoiik, June 20. Money Easy at 2J(.' per cent. Gojd Dull and lower; opened t llijjnow 1'1H1 11J: Exchange Sales not important. Governments Dull; no impor tant stiles, lQ40s regular 114; cou pons 114; currency Cs 114. Stocks Finn, prices at H higher; L S and W U are the chief features. New York Produce Market. Nkw YoltK, June 20. Breadstuff's Dull. Flour Quiet. Wheat Steady ; No. 1 spring, 1 4C1 4SJ; No2 Chicago 1 401 41; No 2 MilwauKeo spring, 1 431 44. ' Corii Heavy; Vfstoni mixed afloat S0182. Oats Quiet; Western mixed at 021 Bye 1 101 12. Provisions Quiet audunchauged. Com Dull aftd'nojninal. Leather ti 'fair deniaud. ami steady, Wool Unchanged Chicago Pruuuce Market. Chicago, June 20. Flour Dull and nominal. Wheat Weak, quiet, lower; No. 1, sold at 1 22 1 23; No 2 at 1 IS llo; closed 1 10 : tor cash utl 18 1"19 seller 'June1; at 1'1S1 1SJ seller for July; closed at 1 1SV for August. Itejected at 1 111 11J. Com Doppneil IhTn; 1)"t closed weak and lower; No. 2 C01005; closed at G0A; rejected 57. Oats Active and easy, No, ol?; rejected held at 42J. 45J Jtyo bi. Barley Firm at 1 10. PorkSteady and firm, and lo 20c higher at tho opening; sales at 17 50 1" Co. Lard Quiet and firm, Bulk Meats Sieauy; shoulders htld at 0lB't. Butter Dull: sales at 1520. Eggs Dull. Held at llm. Whisky Steady at 94$. Qn open Board wheat closed thjs afternoon at 1 161 19 seler July; at 1 1 J hid for seller August.. Corn sold at G0iGijj' seller July and August. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, June 2G. Flour Dull and weak. Whpat Dull apd unphanged. No 2, Chicago, 1 Oulul 10. Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed 59 aGO cash; "CO Jujy; GO August. Oats--Opened higher, closed dull, No 2, 49a51 in elevator. Rye QuJet at SQ. Whisky Steady, 90. Pork Firmer 18al81. Buj Meats-Fjrm. Lard. lQJalQJ.. Bacon 5aoJ. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, June 2G. Cattle Bepeipts, 3,300. Market less active and at unchanged prices, and closed qujet ; fair to choice sold at 4 375 90 ; extra steers sold at 8 2584-5; Texans, 4 5S5 30. Hogs Receipts, 11,000. Market active, firm am! a shade higher; common to extra assorted 5 30G 05; hulk of saes at H G05 95, for good to choice smooth lots. Sheep Receipts, 500. Market steady and unchanged. VERY LATEST. MIDNIGHT. Bpedallj Beporud for the Oaaia Daily Bee, br the Atlantic Pacific Tele rslh U. Wasiiixgtox, June 26. Gen. McCook has received his commission and taken the oath as Governor of Colorado. He will reach Denver on the 4th of July to enter upon his duties. Sax Fkax Cisco, June 26. Mining quotations are as follows: Raymond Ely, 20! Belcher, 803; Hale Norcross, 50; Ophir, 16J; Con solidated Virginia, 83; Chollar 53 J; Gold Currj-, 23! Crown Point, 82; Yellow Jacket, 91; Exchequer, 43,; Memphis, June 26. A shooting affray between Burke, editor of the World, ami Costar, editor of the Independent, at Helena, Arkansas, occurred this morning. Six shots were ex changed, without damage. The affray resulted from libelous news paper articles. New Yoiik, June 26. A report is current at police headquarters to-day, that Police Commissioner Oliver Charlick, who along with Commissioner Gardiner, was yesterday convicted of misde meanor, is dying, he having been seized with hemorrhage of the lungs in court yesterday. PiTTSBUKGH, June 26. A serious accident occurred at Baden, Beaver county, near this city, at a barn raising. About twenty men were working on the scaffold, whe n the timber support ing it gave way, precipitating them all to the ground, a distance of about thirty feet. One man named Silas McPherson was killed, and seven others seriously injured. Spiuxofield, 111., June 26. The Independent Congressional Convention met here to-daj'. Del egations were present lroni Sanga mon, Menard and Scott counties, and a partial delegation from Mor gan, but none from Christian and Cass counties. After some consul tation and the appointment of a Central Committee, it was decided not to make any nominations and the convention adjourned. Wasiiixgtox, June 2G. The charge for letters from France to the United States will now be ten cents for a third of an ounee, and from the United to France nine cents for each half ounce; unpaid letters to pay the above rates with live cents additional postage; on books, newspapers, samples, etc., is to be hereafter separately arranged by each country. Wasiiixgtox-, June 26. Tlie postoffice department this morning was officially informed by the French minister of the ratifica tion of the postal convention be? tween France and the United States by the French assembly. Tlie min ister expressed to the postmaster general his desire that the conven tion go into operation on the 1st of July, but this can not be done, as the 1st of August is the date fixed, and the ratifications ha e yet to be exchanged. BfiSTOX, Junp 2G. At noon to-day Nathan B. Thay er, it deputy eollcctor'at the custom house, stepped in tlie store of Jonps & Farley, 183 State street, and after seating himself immediately ex pired from heart disease. lip was 55, years old and has been connected with tho custopi house since 1850, and for the past two yeais acted as statistical collector. He belonged to Groton, and was a brother-in-law of Senator Boutwell. He leave a wife and child. Nkw York, June 26. Edward SmitJ) & Co.'s varnish works at' Hunter's Point, " were burned this afternoon. Loss, $40, 000. Slightly insured. A colored girl named Sarah Jane Reeves, ten years old, em ployed in the family of Mr. Miller, of Crawford, N. Y., attempted to poison t Jie farajly by putting $ laige amount of creosote In the coffee. She was arrested, and lodged In the Elizabeth jail. She expressed no contrition for the deed, which she sj.vs was prompted by hard treat ment by he.r employer, SJew Yohk, Junp 6. The pase'of the porivicted police commissioners, Chnrliok and Gar. diner, came up to-day In the Oyer and Terminer court, for passing of sentence. Charlick was absent on account of illness. Judge Brady sentenced both of the coramisslp,Uc ers to a fine of g2j0. paph. Gartiin erts eounspl handed In a check for the amount, and Charllck's couusel paid his client's fine in greenbapks. Their counsel claim that tlie sen teucp will not disqualify thena from continuing p ofllpp. New York, Junp 26, Some time ago Jerome R. Bhig? ham filet! a Ml in equjty, n thp United States Circuit Court, pray ing to have Charles H. Ludington, Henry H. Bartling, and Abnerck Davis, restrained from interfering with him in the exercise of his legal rights, as receiver of thp Milwaukee and Lakp Supprjor railroad. De fendants put in an objection, that tlie bill was defective in not making the railroad company parties as de fendants also. Judge Woodruff, to day filed his decision, sustaining the defendant's objection, and dis missing the bill. pAYTQX, Juno 20. .. Tho international convention of the Y. M. C. A. met this morning. Mr. McButr gave n history of the first convention In 1854, held at Buf falo. In the afternoon session a dis cussion was hpic upon destitute young men. Addresses were made by Rev. John Dooley and others. A number ot churches seijt in re; quests that the convention ra.eer with them. Richmond, &.t was fixed upon as the next pjace of meeting. The evening session was devoted to the temperance question. A number of crusaders spoke. A resolution was adopted endorsing the women's movement, and pledge ing hearty support. New York Live Stock. 3fEv York, June 20. Cattle Receipts, 4,500. Demand urgent. The market is aotive and firm, with full prices. Sales at 11 13 for native steersj at 9H for common to good Texans, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000. The ma-ket s firm. Sales of fair to good sheep t 4j6. Hogs Receipts, 13,000. Alive; no market.. Sales of dressed at 77j. - TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Banquet tendered to P. T.Bar num at Bridgeport, Conn. The Secretary of the Treawry has Indicated that a Most Rigid Examination will be Made in Regard to the Safe Burglary. Troons Ordered on the Line of the Union Pacific Railroft'd A in the Sioux Country. Wasiiixgtox, June 2G. Joseph L. Wilder, ex-commissioner of the general laud office, recent ly died aged G8 years. Sprixgfield, June 26. The Springfield Union publishes a letter from Hon. Henry Dawes, in which he declines a renomination to Congress. Sixg Sixg, June 26. Wm. Scharff, of Pittsburgh, has issued a challenge to row James Teneycke a three mile race for five hundred dollars, aud allows Ten eycke, if he accepts, one hundred and fifty dollars for expenses, to row either here or at Springfield, Mass., two days after his ace with George Brown, which eventuates at Springfield, on July 8. New York, June 26. At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Erie railroad, the treasurer reported that the floating debt was $2,431,971, showing a de crease of $197,900 during the past month. Auditors reported that they have bepri examining accounts as they were when Deinan resigned, and hoped to report in a few days. Also said his report of the floating debt was incorrect to tho extent of $3,000,000. Ottawa, Ills., June 27. A man named Nick McCormick was committed to jail at this place in default of $2,000 bail, on the charge ot committing rape on a girl ten years old. The sixteenth anniversary of the Northwestern University at Evans ton occurrpd. " ypsterdy 'morning, At the conclusion of the liter ary exerciser, which were un usually interesting, a large number of degrees, both regular and hon orary, were conferred. Bridgeport, Conn., June 26. A banquet tendered to P. T. Bar num by his friends and neighbors of Bridgeport was given last evening at the Atlantic Hotel. "The dining hall was beautifully 'decorated, and a large portrajt of Mr. 'Barn um was hung at one end of the room. About 200 gpntleraeri sat down to a very fine dinner. Mayor Clarkp presid ed. Aftpr oasts' wprp "given and speeches wcrp made by fcjenpral Wm. H. Noble, Mr. IJarnum,Mayor Clarke "anl qtjiprs, tlje entertain ment broke uo at a late hour. ' Washington, June 26. The war department has ordered the 23d infantry and the 5th caval ry, now stationed in Arizona, to the line of the Union Pfiplfip jn Sioux countryi and thp fith' jnumtry and 6th cavulry now In Sioux country have- already started for Arizona, the Infantry going by San Francis co and Colorado river and the caval ry to match overland by New Mexi co during the summer, Thjs will male an :pntjre change' jn the mili tajy in Arizona, except Gen, Cook and staff, Williamsport, Pa., June 26. At the third day's session of the National Lumbermpn's. ponvpnton, 0. qonsUtutloh aril by-laws were iujoptpd.! past Saginaw. Michigan, was chosen as tho nlnco for tho next meeting to be held, on the third Tuesday of September, 1874. Acom mlttee,embracingone member from each State, represented in tho con vention, was appointed to nominate tha officers of the association. L. D. Wetmore of Warren, Pa., was elec ted President; J. G. Throop of Eau Claire, Wis., Vice President; Colon el F. J3. 'Emhleck of Williamsport, Treasurer; B. Otto of Williams Co., Secretary and J. H. Simonds of Bos ton, Corresponding Secretary. The convention adjourned to 1 o'clock. yTICA, Juno 20. There was a largo attendance yes terday the races. The first race was for the ladies' stakes, two year olds, purse $300 gold ; distance one mile, with three to start, whjph was won hy Hjtphcopk's John time l:4SV. '41'fthe second race, for the UUca Cluh purse of $400, one and a half miles, all ages, four horses stnrted, Katie Peasp won. Quits second, Pa rjo Mutual third, Dublin fourth; time 2:43. In the third race, for hotel purse, S500, mile heats, all agps, th.prewertf four enri69i The first heat wats won by Springbok, Artist second, Lutitia third, Tabltha fourth ; time 1 :45. The second heat was also won by Springbok, Artist second, Lutit(n and Tabitha djsta.u.ppd, j tjme 1:42 J, whiph i3 'r16 feamo time made by Ara'rpi at Saratoga in 1873, and. Is the fastest on record; Washington, June 26. The Secretary of thp Trpasury has indicated that ps soon as the evidence in regard to the safe burg lary is received, the most rigid in vestigation will be instituted in di rections which members of the com mitte will indicate. The testimony has not yet been received by either the Attorney General or Secretary of the Treasury, Mr, Hale, who was tendered the Postmaster Generalship, arrived here yesterday morning and atonco called on the President, but be had left for White Sulphur Springs. Mr. Hale then called upon Postmaster General Cresswell. The latter thinks that Mr. Hale will accept the appointment. Rumur has It that Postmaster General Cresswell will be appointed Minister to Austria, but enquiry at proper sources fails to confirm the rumor, New York, June 26. One hundred and forty dogs were asphyxiated yesterday at the public pound under an improved method of applying carbonic acid. Louisville, June 26. Col. James R. Dawson has retired from the editorial management of the Daily Ledger. This step will be regretted by the editorial frater nity at large, and especially by the people of this state, whose respect and admiration he has earned by his fairness, his talents, and his de votion to the interests of Kentucky. Brooklyx, June 26. Officers of Plymouth Church, in formed Theodore Tilton recently, that it instead of making insinua tions and inferences, he would bring direct charges against Beech er, they would be received and in vestigated. They regard Tilton's letter just published as simply a rep etition of those insinuations, with out embracing any direct tangible charge against their pastor, in whom they express entire confidence. New York, June 26. A Syracuse special to the Herald. :-eives an additional list of 24 iwrsons Unjured, but not seriously, by the recent cnurcli disaster there. This makes the total number injured, 133; killed, 16. All the injured are recovering. One feature of interest on Wall street yesterday, was the ratification of the consolidation compact, be tween the A. & G. W., and Erie. It effect will soon be felt in the mar ket. New York, June 26. Wm. McCormick, butcher, 309 East Fifty-first street, was slightly bitten on the hand by a small dog about a month ago. On Monday last he began to experience pains in the neck and shoulders, but be lieved it was rheumatism. He con tinued to grow worse and ou Wed nesday the usual symptoms of hy drophobia set in, the convulsions continuing he had to be put in a straight jacket. About eight physicians, in all, at tended the case, all agreeing it was one of hydrophobia. After intense a ony McCormick died at 5 o'clock, p. in. yesterday. The verdict of guilty rendered in the case of policemen Conners, Car lick and Fardiner took thee.ty ol iticiaus, generally, by surprise. The penalty is a small fine or imprison ment in the penitentiary for one year, or both. If sentenpe is sus pended or a stay of proceeding granted, however, they will retain their office. Washington, June 26. The Treasury Department is ma king extensive preparations to re trieve all mutilated currency, and replace it with fresh, new approved. Section 3, of new law sums of$l,00Q or any sum. thereof of miscellaneous notes, Issupd of one or numerous banks, may bo sent to Treasurer Spinner and new greenbacks ol tained in exchange. The old notes are destroyed, and reissues of the same distributed among the banks that originally issued them. In this way the currency of the coun try, both national bank nuts greebacks will be v.uickly renewed, and kppt in good condition. The section providing for this long needed work is regarded as one of the best in the new currency biJl. Information is eagerly squght for by Congressmen and other parties pf tho comptroller of currency respect ing the allotment of circulation fur the terrjtorips and western, and southern statps. Thprp js every in djcatjqn that capital jn these sec tions is ready to bu Invested in na tional banks as fast as circulation con be granted. The comptroller states that with in thirty days he will be iuforpied as to what (em,au.l!s fqr npw hanks exactly wjll be. under the ppw our rencylaw. Thecoifiptroller of cur rency Is about to make another call on national banks for reports, so that he can see what is their condition. Under the new currency law the banks will be able to makp a much better shavjng than heretofore, as tinker tlip'npw law they are not re quired to keep near so largo a re sorvo on hand. The directors of the mint state that the lieavy shipment of gold abroad has ceased, soniowhat? Ff tpen injilia.1) dollars jn gold hasgono out of tlie country for this purpose recpqtly, New York, June 20. Work on the new cable of the Direct United States Cable Company will soon bo completed and the line opened for business. The shore line of the cable has been laid from river head, to Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia, about spventy miles from Halifax, and the steamer Faraday is now paying out the deep-sea cable to wards Rye Beach, New Hampshire, where she has arrived. It was ex pected that tho shore end for Rye Beach landing would be laid to-day. When this Is completed the Fara day will leave for England to ship the main cable and she will then proceed to lay it frojn the west coast of Ireland to Nova Scot JR, It s ex pected tjiat tie entiro task will be llnisbpd and (lip line opened for bus iness by August 20th. The cable ued is heavier and stronger than the emllnary deopsea cable, and Is three thousand and sixty miles long. Besides having a cable direct to the United States the Cable Compnny will control two wirtis from Rye Beapli to Tuw York, where Its American office will be situated. Theso lines will be built immediate ly by the Atlantic & Pacific, ami Franklin Telegraph Companies, un der the sudprlntriiidpncy of Mr. E. D, L;. Sweet, for the especial pur pose of establishing transfer connec tion between the cable and tho lines at New York, Cleveland, June 2C. There was no regular programme observed during yesterday for the entertainment of tho Saengerfest guosts, but each society managed to find some means of amu:?ement. Bides about the city, a boat race on ono of the Michigan Central steam ers, excursionists to points of local interest and general enjoyment being the order of the day. The city was as full of people as on the previous days; quite a num. her put In appearance on the special evening train, several of which run for the closing concert at which Madame Lucca was to appear. Gov. Allen still remains in tho city and seems to enjoy the musical feast with more enjorment than would be expected by a man of his age. Madame Lucca did not leave tho city last evening as vpa expected. She sails from f ew York on Satur day, Jbr Europe, M. BELLMAN & CO., CLO THIERS a-EITTS, IFUIEriSKIILNrQ- GOODS, 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST' OUR STOCK FOR THE SiTPIRIILNra- -AISTD STJnLDEEK SEASON Is Complete now; Oar Assortment in Clothing a Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises th.e Latest XTovelttas. . THE LATEST STALES ZXT SATS AMU CAPS. We Dave also a Full Line in BOY'S 4 MOTIFS Clothing WE WILL SELL OTJRGOODS LOWER THAN EVER. M. H-ELIJMW 6c CO. FAT.T,, STOCK:, 1873. R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, &3XD OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh. New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELVET & BEAVER CLOAKLtfGS. A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, ZiAISIES' A.M'Z) OSCXXjXR:E3XV3 MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINEN IX GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OIL GLQT23, MATTING RUGS. AND MATS, q:h::e.ajf:k,:R rriEA.!r the cheapest CHARLES SHIYERICK Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertainins: to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock, and now has a complete assortment ot FINE, MEDIUM and LOW Pglggg goods, which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone desirine anything in this line, to examine his stock before -purchasing. PARL9R:SETS, LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTEREDJAND COVERED TO ORDER. chas. smvERxcns. G. STRIFFLER, -PEA LEU K CROCE HIES, Frovirous, Trull. Muts, Confectionery, Tob cc, Scgars, &c, &c, &c. S. K.(OIt.of KIT sndFARKIUH. a llllf Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers ot TIN, COPPER ASD SHEET IK0K WARE. DEALEES IN Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Hoofing, Spouting ami (I uttering don short notice and 1 itie best manner, iltetn trcct septM Ul City Meat Market. bhbeiit: Krvp conitar.tif on.hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF B xi,:e: z P o zi. z MUTTON, 1'UUL.TKi, GAME "V E Car 13 rC. Spring and Summer Styles. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF BBBBBBSV SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK tsBBBBBBH bbbbbbbbbIibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH Fine and Medium CHEAPER AXD DEALERS IX- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SOa ParnliAixi Btreot. Omnlia FRANK DRAPER & TAILOR ANL. DEALER IK GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. k'ull Assorlmenlof Imported Woolens. All Work Warranted. 232 FarnbaxaSt., . . Omalia, 2Teb OU 5eotllr vTTTIsnS 18th, 1874! FllOM THIS DATE WE WILL SELL MILLINERY! At Greatly Seduced Prices ! MRS. JelS lui AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Haraoy Streets, OCA-KCAu. - - - nSHEIIB. A. POLACK, CLO THIER, 233 Farnnam St Hoar 14th. Bfti BBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBslKl tfJBBBBBW1BBBl Clothing, and Furnishing Goods. THAN THE CHEAPEST. J.RAMGE C. F. HICKMAN. adutfia -w bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb jbbW. ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbbbbbbS SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf sfJBsW KJsW sbbbbbbbm bbbbbW ' fw sbV sbbbbbbbb! IbbbbbbbI sw mfm asBBsm ibbbbbW f 'sV KH BBBBBsH SBBBBBBBM.