J . - ...W. -JSS. -- -at& iA-g fff -e: - iv1 ;AiWi: -' - -l- -w- --" JStt -0. 4 rn H't u f ,-v- F. tv IV . X 1 $ i BJ- APPLE-TON'S American C YCL OP AJEDIA - j tiss- la j i KewBeviaed Edition. Entirely rewritten- trr 'taVaMtat writer on "every subject. Printed bom nesr -type, aodmustrated with Several Thousand Engravings and aiaps. o The srork originally published under the title of Ins. tw AHEUCl CTCtpPAXOlA u completed in 1863, sinea which time the wide circulation which it baaattalnediu all-parts of tha Uai ed Slates, and the signal developments which hare taken place in wry branch of ecience, literature, and art bare Induced the editors and publishers taaabmltlt to an exact Si thorough jBrialoSUo Issue a new tttion entitled, Tw Xp Crcioraa- D Within thaWt ten yam the Fr covery In wJsrf k7j?jftj mulir saw work el wlereaa a, toaamlva "rfce jaoTftinsnt of political aln has kept pace with the discoveries of deni " CuIUbI application to the iaduatrial and useful irts and the convenience and refinement oi social life. Great wan. and consequent revela tions have occurel, involving national change, of Deculiar moment. The eliil war of ourown couVSy. which was at iu height when the hut Tolumeof the old work ppeared, has happily been ended, and a .new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. largo accessions to our geographical know edge have been made by the indefatigable ex- 'llie great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, hare brought into public Tlew a multitude of new men, whose names axe in eTery one a mouth, and of whose Uvea every one U curious know the particulars. Great battle, hare beeu fought and Important sieges uralnulucd, oTwh"hluedeUiUiiyet Preserved in the newspaper, or in the transient publica tion" of the day. bu which ought now to take their place in permanent and authenUc history In preparlngThe present edition for the : press, thasaSordluglT been the aim of the editors to bringdown th? Information to the latest pos- ibie dates, and to furnish an accurate account of the mot. recent discoveries In science, of every freh production in literature, and of the newest invention In the practical arts, as well a. to cive a succinct and original jecora oi the progress of political and hUtortol event. JThe work baa been begun after long and care ful preliminary labor, and with the meat ample resources for carrying It on to a successful WNoneolthe original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has bn printed on neV typ?, I..rm.ng InJact a new Jydopjedia, with tbYsarue plan and compass a lu -sor. but with a tar greater peeunUrr "P""" lure, and with such Improvements In position as have been suggested by longer ex perience auleulargedkooalodge. The illustrations which are Introduced for the first Ume In the present edition have been idJed not for the sate of Pictorial efTectbut U elvecreater lucidity and force to the explana SomSStatwST tuejr embrace l science and na nral history, and depict tha most famous and remarkable features ofscenery rreoItecTure. nd art, a. well a. the various pro wkssscI mechanic and manntacUrea. Al though Intindad for Instruction Tatherthan emtaillshment, no palu. fentft 2 Insure their artistic excellence: $ their execution is enormous, and It Is believed hey will find a welcome reception as an ad roirable feature of the CyclopaxUa, and worthy of Its high character , , , The work is .old to Subscribers only, payable Mnnscoloiei MihographlclUps. PRICE AND STyE UF JISOISQ. 10 extr Cloth, per tol .... r J Jn Ubrarr Leather, per vol.--. 6 uO iS Half T,rCe Jiorocca. per vol .00 tu Half Russia, extra gilt, per v l-- iU fuUMorucco, anU9ue. gU, Vi0 M In f oil susila, per vol r lv-w Three volums no7 readr. Succeeding to-taiomoStto-.wllU U n( '"""spU'ilnen psges of the AHKnicaK OroW; Pa2Dta!holng type. Illustration, etc. will beunt ratU,onappllcaUon. - FI1UT CLAMASVAISO AQENW Address the Publishers, P. Appleton & Co., 549 & 5 W 'Bt3ft4wa.fi. New York. t27tf KEARNEY'S FLtTID-EITiiACr BUCHU The only known.remedylfor BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And tjpotltlve cur3 for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia Ner. Toua Debility, Dropsy, Non-retcntlon or Incoitlnence of Urine, Irri Utton. Inflaination or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERM A TORRIICEA, loucoeThoe or". Whites. Diseases of the Prostrate dland. 3-one in the Bladder. Colcul us. GRAVEL OB BRICK '.DUST D IPOS1T, ' And Mucus or Milky Dischargee. KEARNEY'S Extract Bach a! Pennaneutly Cures all, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings, Existing in Men, Women and Children, No Mailer What the Age! Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kesrney's Fluid Extract Uucbu U vorlh mora tlun all other Buchus combined." Price ne dollar per bottle; or, six bottles for fiv dollars. Depot 104 Duane St, N. Y. A nhysidsn iu attendance to answer corres pondence and give ad vies gratis. aMTSend sump for pampbl.U, Iroe.a Crane A Brlgham AVholesale Agcnta, Eaa Francbco. Cal. aplwt TU THE NERVQUS& DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. so oiaias .FOB AD7I0E aid ooi. SUITATJOV. TR J. B. DYOTT, graduate of JelTerson redical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable works, cau be consulted on all dis. eases of the Sexual and Urinary or gans, (which he has made an es pecial study,) either in -male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how long standing. A practice of 30 yars enables him to treat diseases with success, Curps guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. .WSend for the Guide to Health. Price 10c j7. B. DYOlll, M. D. Phy3lcloa aqil Surgeon, 104 Duane street, 2f . Y. OBSTACLES to.NlARIJIAGE, HAPPY BELEIF TOR- ifOBNO MEX frost the effects of hrrer snd Abuse, in early life. Manhood -Restored. Impediments to Marriage fcttaoved. Sew meO-aa. of treatment. Kew and remarkable remedies. 9ooks and Circulars ent free, la seals I envelopes. Address. HOW ADASsoCIATIOy;iJo.S Booth WiBtifit PailadelpbU, Pa., a Institution having a bjgfa SEfL1!? k' "waasabj conduct and prof- "What will the Grangers Dol" Seth P. Mobley, who is blaster of Central Star Grange !Nb. 518, and member of the Nebraska State Grange, expresses his views touch ing the influence of-the Grange, in "the Grand Is!aid Independent of June 20th: - There seems to "be a wonderful anxiety in some quarters to know' what action the Order of the Patrons, of Husbandry will take in the ap proaching campaign?. We do not pretend to be very well posted as to the intentions of that ortle'r in par ticular, or other orders iu general, bubwe do know that as an order it vwillaot and ctinn6t take 'any po UticaTactloB, bur the constitution of the order does 'not contemplate de priving the members of their rights as citizens, and whena Grange has been closed and is no longer at work under the charter of the National Grange, the members are "at perfect " liberty to take any action they choose as citizens, whether it be to Indulge In a dance or hold a regular political discussion, make stump speeches, give a theatrical performance or form themselves into a camp meeU Ing. Belonging to theorder does not deprive any one of his peroga tives as an American citizen, as some seem to suppose, and if the industrial elements decide, for mu tual benefit, to unite In forming a political organization, outside of, and independent of the Grange, they have a perfect right to take such action as they see proper. When the gavel has been brought down," the master declares the Grango "closed," the members are no longer working under tlio con stitution rules or regulations of 8tate or National Granges, but are at once at liberty to hold a woman's rights convention if they choose. If by joining the Order of Patrons, one bartered away his civil rights as a oltizen, its membership would bo limited Indeed, but such is not the case, and Patrons have exactly the same liberties that are possessed by other people. That there is a prevailing senti ment among the industrial classes In favor of righting some of the flag rant existing wrongs in political af fairs, can no longer be questioned. But the modus operandi by which tijia a to be brought about remains fur the fnturp tq tell. Thft tliero is need for anew or independent party, we do not believe. It seems to us that it would bo quite as easy a task" to correct wrongs in tho ex iting party asto form a new party, void of wrong, and wo take it, the bent -means of purifying party and preventing corruption is for the peo ple everv where tq qttgnd the prjrna rips with as much, If not;in6re"egerT new tfeim they would the polls, and Ao see to t "thupnphut capable ana honest men are n nominated,. -Select aaen whom you arp ponvincei wlUorkToTthe-intcrestof thein dustriaLand producing Glasses; so lect them from' the industrlalclasses, and then attend to it that no fraud or chicanery, on the part of jtoliti cal tricksters anil wire-pullers shall be allowed to triumph over the voice of the people. political bummers are ever ready to in'ake all inainjorqf promises, but when tney have worked tberabelvps, Jntq poHjtjoqs" these professional of: flce-seekcrs are too often found ig; ijoring " the powers that made them, anil lending tljpjr ajd to oppressive monopolies becausp tliero is monoy in it. That great wrong exists, whieh the people have power to correct, none can deny. That the mostof these wrongs have grown from the neglect of the wronged people, is equally apparent. Too little atten tion has been paid to principles qf party by the common masses, and too little importance has been given lq primarcq which are in re- alfty 'of Jtar? "BWrtJrMl-g HRt general elections. Men have, sought office too much, ' and ofll qr3 have sought men too' sel dom. It isattljo nr'mar'ea, and not at tho elections whoro slates are made out, and political bummers and wire pullers put In their work; nominating men who never could have been placed hi nomination had there been a general turn out by the people, and thus in many in stances placing in the field, tickets, from all parties, that are the very quintossenoe of trjpkcry: cqrruptiou and meanness, and on ejection dty the people are called upon to "choose between two evils.'' That there should be a reform in this respect is certain, and If the people do not strive to redress exist ing wrongs by taking steps to secure the reform, then there will be littlo pity for them while monopolies con tinue to grind them down. The watch words should be, "honosty," "competency,'' and farmers, labor ers and all others should freely dis cuss the men and measures requisite to work a reform, and give all "equal rights under tl'P iftW," Tue farmers: yea, the common farmers, sUqui) look into political affairs, and soo whether or not legislation is impar tial and undiscrlmiiiating. Even they, should have a voice about se lecting men wl9 would, be most lia ble to represeut the interests of JnT dustry rather than capital. We believe that the people are beginning to be convinced of the fact that by lm'ited effort, and proper attention to nominating pqnven tions, the' can securo the nomina tion of good, capable men, who are not professional office seekers. When such a result has been achieved, political montebanks will have to lake a tjqck scat, and the interests of the people wil bp liefer guarded. Trait Garden. Watch newly planted fruit trees. If they have but a few weak leaves only, it shows tho roots liave been injured ; then prune them severely, which will rnafce them grow freely. It should be a main object tq majce all transplanted trees not merely have leaves, but have new shoots at the earliest posslblo moment. If thpy are growing, very well, they may bo allowed to perfect a few fruits. Overbearing p?) a newly planted tree Is, however, one of tho best ways of making it stunted for years. The evil effects of severe summer pruning on fruit trees are also now clearly recognized. All pruning, wlutor and Bummer, is an injury to vitality. Frequently the injury is so slight that the tree soqn recovers, and some other advantage beintf granted, pruning on the whole may be a benefit It is well, however, to always keep in view the principle that pruning always weakens, in order to do as littlo as possible, con sistently with what wo wish, to ap oompllsh. At this season we may1 do some good in saving the neoes .sity for winter pruning, by pinching out shoots we may not want, while they are in a young and Immature state. Grapes first coming into bearing should not be permitted to perfect large crops of fruit while young. It is excusable to fruit a bunch or so on a young vine, "just to test the kind," but no more should be per mitted till the vine has age and irgngth. Vigorous growth and great produfltiveness are the anti podes of the vegetable rqrhj. En courage as much foliage as possible on the vines,, and aim to have' as strong shoots at the base as at the top of tbe canej this can be done by pinching out the points of the strong shoots after they have mado a growth! of fiye orBix leaves. This will make the -weak ones grow stronger. Young vines grow much faster over a twiggy branch, stuck in for support, than over,ftstraight stick as a trellis, and generally do better every way. Where extra fine bunches of grapes are desired, pinch back the shoot bearing them to "about fcor or- Ave-leaves above the bunch. This should not be' -done indiscriminately with all the bunch es. Too much pinching and stop ping injures the production of good wood for next season. These hint are for amateurs, who have .a few vines or trellises; for large vineyard culture, though the name principles hold good a far as they go, they will vary In their application. Strawberries, when, grown iu hills, the most laborious but most productive method of crowing them should, have runners cut off as they grow, and the surface soil kept loose by shallow hoeings occa sionally. Short litter, half rotton as a mulch, is also beneficial. Lawn mowings' are ' often applied, but with little benefit. " Where they are grown in beds, they should not be too thick, as they starve one anoth er, and the crop next year will be poor. Those who want to make new plantations from those on their own grounds, will find it best to layer runners into pots sunk in the earth, near the roots for the purpose. They thus get very strong plants, which transplant in September, and make beds which "will bear abundantly the next season. Blackberries are not always ripe when they are black. Leave them on till they part readily from their stalks. Currants are so easily grown as to require few hiuts for their manage ment. If they throw up many suckers, take out a portion now, in stead of waiting till winter to cut them away. The currant borer is a great pest, eaiina; act the pith of the young shoot8,aini causing them to grow poorly, and bear but small fiuit next year. Gummy "fly paper" Js, we think, the best thing to catch them. - - Gooseberries should have the soil, and even the plants, if it were prac ticable, shaded a little Dry a.ir about them is cue great cause of mildew.; Gardener1 1 Monthly. THE COMING STBfJGC&E. The voters of onr naUon, as ne'.r was known before, Are rising from Pacific's strand To Atlantic's roccy shore. Why is th s mighty change? What csn ttie meaning lie 7 The rising of the masses From norfherq lake; to southern, soa, The spirit of oli seventr-ilf From out our heroes' graPJ Forljidi a qnltyr. drenched In patriots' blood, 8hoiirsi)k to that of slaves ; The luotto which onr coins once bore, Though obsulete long since, Remain as eyer true: nqt ope cent (or tribute, 'Hut iuilUuns for agents. Pa ty ties and party laws Are but as ros of sand. TberlghU of dud to be a man Should govern Freedom's land. Then shill our Flag more proudly float O'er bind as well as sea, And nstlons yet unborn shall gladly greet The emblem of the free. In trade we'll try to deal. As man should deal with man, And wb'Uj we Swk 1 1 live ourselves, We'Jf&oll a; eluip as anybody can, AndltahatY u'liewr, ' Or frien I you'tbanco to meet. BememberBuuce. the If alter, On Upper Dougln btrect. lolGtf CITY E. F. COOK, 637 14th Bt, between DoigUi aid Dodo Manufacturer of Tin, Cupper andSheet Iron W.re, and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Japanned and French Ware on hi.nl. Tin Booting, Gutters snd Spoutingand JdCB'or'4ope"aiii warranted. felTiff BL Keller, PreprUtor ef tfc RISING SUN 3 r LOS ANGELAS1 YINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of hii NATIVE WINES 1C Tgirr.T.T.S. (ft Co Corner of Battery and Washington Sts. ' -AS FRANCISCO, CAL. mai7U VandaliA EAST 3 TKAINS DAILYH LKIVK T. tODIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars THBOUQB WITHOUT OTaIQB Indianapolis. Cinoiniiatt Lonisrille, Chicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Washington, sjr- NEW IOBX " - ArriTiVTriMtattWktt - ONLY ONE, CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston TTPTnTTKl Alwfcrtalsattas J-JVjlVEil'o CfT OssVcc, H. K. eorsuTrwsmes efc CferMamt eta.. i.LlVaael-lth PrUaclssal BtmU- wajr Ossseea fas tat Wot CBAS. BABCOCX. C E. RUSSELL, S-thern Pass. Ajet. WeeVn Pass. AgH. DaiLaa. Texas. KaataaUTT, JOHN E. SIMPSOX. CHAS. E. FOU.ETT. Oeansopc, (l;Faas.At'. 3M1 IVKaxaroia. ex. Locn. MtMvand Cnwrc. Daily Irrii w. Omci Omaha Daily Bee, There to no change in the situa tion of the local money market beyond a alight increase in the de mand for loans. -THE.FIB3T NATIONAL BANK quotes: Land Grants... .". .$800.00 LandTVarrants, (160 acres)... 185.00 Agricultural College Scrip, (160 acres) 185.00 State, County and City War rants .95 Gold buying, 110; selling, Hlg The day has been very warm and but little air wai stirring to relleYe the intensity of the sun's heat A fair business was realised by both wholesale and retail houses. The market however presents its usual monotonous condition, no changes have occurred in prices, and' nothing, but the regular sat isfactory rate of trade occurred Dealings in live stock and grain at this season of the year are ao light owing to the lack of supply, la the new country around the City, that they have no material -significance. Bread-Stuffs are reported abort In European markets and a -consequent appreciation in value is takeh Ing place in our country. v OMAHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. J. J. brown a- bro.. Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens ....... American Asooskeag . Bristol.. Garners.......... Hamilton.. Merrimack C Feabody Richmond" Simpson's..... ...................-. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-4 .. .. BootO- Cabot 4-4 . Lonsdale- N. V. Mills- Peterboro.- SuhulkJ BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Pepperi cU 8-4. 11 9-4- do 10-4 , if imss tetoewej, CaTTONADlS. Farmers nd Sf&chanlci-....... s ureal western BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion. A Bedford. R Urantville, E E. 10W 9i1 U 12 12 12 uermanu, a American...--Amoakeag . ., tt, ? UINGHAM3. nates-. Lancasiar- TICKINGS. Amoskesg, a e a Biddeford.. - .. DENIMS. Amoskesg ..... ... Beaver Creek, BB- Haymakeni-.L"I Otis,B B...-.. otis, c c r: JEAN3, Biddeford.-.....,,,, ,,-.-., UoasUr.-..... ....-..-. ..... Kurtz mour co., 231 Faruham Street. SPOOL COTIwn. Clark's O. N. T 70 7o rosl's . Merrick's.- 42, -f fi5J 00 -SOOgtCOO HOSIERY. Domestic. BrltUb-.- PAPER COU.ABM. nickens best.... King Wllluun.- 1 DomcsUc Stanley. SHAWLS. Ottoman strips ...'.. ..V..... shirt While coromou . " PlrMUlll ..ii ..i '' cuttom rasdo..... ? so 110 50 IS 00 sooo -112 001400 4 7UTB0 , U 50a7 2S 7 7Sa9 00 7 007 50 SOOatSO ..-00a50 Pereale- Calicos- OVERALLS. Brown drlU . dnek ......... Blur drill .- . ' duck ... -.-. White ... CORSETS. French whalebone ... Our owfl ,1, .........-.. $5 25a8 00 IS 00 VAIfflCk.- 22 0 CPBINO EXISTS. Linen printed.-.-.... - - $ 9 00 " nifHed . ...... ..... . 12 00 fluted : woo aBXERAL COMMISSION. J. C KOSENFELD gives US tH6 following quotations this day : Butter, dull, 13 in tubs; Eggs in demand at 12jc per doz.; Live Chickens at 3 00 per doz.; Strawber ries" In demand"at 80c per box ; Gooseberries, 300 per bu.; Cherries, 30c per box; Oranges, 9 00, and HARDWAKE. J0H3 T. XBOAB. IRON. Common bar- Horse shoe bar Norway nail rod-.. STEEL. Cast plow.. 12 11 I 22 I 40 7 25 8 25 uermon- American sn, octagon and sataie. 1SS Jess p's English do do -. 23(" Burden's horse shoes, per keg . . do mule do- do Mll , Korlhveetem horse nails ' 2a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 par cent. S tor hall patent axles, discount 10 per cast. ' , , . NAILS.' 10dto60Jprkeg- 440 465 4U 590 740 5 15 5 40 - 5C5 S15 5 40 f C5 6 IS 70 pre 20 pre 35 do SO pre 25 do 25 pre If pre 43 Yo 2de 45 pre u ao rd do 4d do 3d do 3d fine do lOdnnU'ngdo Sd do do Cd do do led casing do 8d do do Cd do do -.. Wrought, all sixes- BOLTS. Carriage and tire-. discount BUTOg. Narrow wrought, mat jolntLdlscount Cast, loose pin reversible do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure (or ks.- discount Hoes and gaiden rakes 4 mNQES. Stnpand f discount WBRXPH5B, TIt,abUfkr,I-,-,n,n.r,4U)cqHnt Coe's Immltatloa-.. ., do' Coe's fequlne.. do " SCREWS. asafrlmti Tro , . ., ,, ,L do brass... . v 40 pre AGRICULTURAL- IMPLEMENTS. H Bolt's He. vest Xlng.per doc, Bwt Uuimplon awADK a0 skovsU. ,Bowland'sNo2 black shovels, D U do do polished do do do do black spades, do Moor do polished do do - J'"FWP0rSl',I'Hioveh. f AXES, Llppraeott's Western Crew -do do do Urslad COFFER MILLS. Parke's No S. iron box wt do dolttfl do -.... do do 25 Union lr-fc- do 95 do Britanla FILBS. Harrrave.Sssltli Co., discount mrir FUOe ' do HAMMERS. HaydoW's, AE No 1. Ift, 2 Xammond's A EKo do do do 4 - do wJ-rfater No 1 do - da , do 2 do do. . HATCHETS. 14 25 12 00 10 00 tw 12 00 1100 12 00 ITS, 15 00 11 M 6 75 11 00 IS 00 SO pre CO do foe 10 60 10 00 160 14 00 I7-0S ass ce 760 1 Mevris'sklaglsn.Kol. do do vdot. do do ao S- V d1 LEATHER. Bu UoS. sole IB lb Hemlock SI. sole No 1 - do do -.No 2 do do i li-i do span sole good . 33 31 34 3 28 33 43 39 25 75 25 43 50 00 45 35 34 31 35 29 40 4S 41 1 60 125 30 4 1 GO ISO 44 90 00 235 1 64 0 00 IS IS 7 9 ao ao asm.. do harness-.'-. do line- do bridle... do -call- do kip. do ucoer uacaoM do" call do kip 1 . 1 73 . 1 - 1 . C do harness. F'ch call Jodots pr da- - Other brands diSerent wt, pr S. French kip pr t -.--,. ., , 00 10 44 SO ttars unuaga. SKINS. Dry flint pr H.. 17 15 6 8 1 25 Dry salUd- ureen.. Ureen salted, Jan. and Feb, pelta. V) Bntaruiig. Lama, 1 skln- CEMEMT. Baeeadale- Water 11m- 80 APS Powell & Co., Soap B-onufiacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 12G S4; Savon Republic, do., Chemical Olive, 6 to 6 1-2; Paha, 605 14 ; German Mot led. 6 1-46 1-2. AST GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamia B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer aad dealer in fine art goods, 270 Farnhas Street, furnishes the following quotations: FRAME MOULD-NOB. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7q 2 inch 15q 3 inch 21c Berlin gilt, 1 iaea 615c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch la? 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch510c; 2 inch 1020c; SiBth 15 30c Window shades. Plain bands, 6 feet, all colon, t pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, t 4$ 4 00; each f dditional foot, 79 pW pair. REPPS, Union ind all wool terry, per jMi 1 503 jO; Imperial, plain and sBTsV ped, 2 50s8 00. DAMABKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 003 00. MATTBA83ES. HusTr, 4-4x6-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior, 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST. Fublect to change oi market without 1 "WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R. track bet Farnham au as. GEO A. HOAGLANL. Joists, studding and sills, 20 It, and OCT. ..S22 00 - .80 -2100 .. 25 00 -22 00 -SOOO ..15 00 ..30 00 Over Mt t. each additional ft add'l.... Fencing No l....--. ...., do No 2 . - 1st common bosrds-,.- . . .... .... 2nd do do .. - -.... "A" stock boards, 10 and 12 inch "B" do do do do .. "C" do du da do 1st dear, 1, 1. 1W aad 2 inch 2d do do do do ..... 65 00 55 00 45 00 -60 00 .40 00 35 00 27 50 .... 45 00 35 00 33 SO 30 00 27 50 nts . S " &. uu 20 00 4 25 3 00 2 00 3 5n 3 Co dQ do do ...... g, clwr........ . . iu common-....-. 2d do 3d do narrow, clear..-... 1st clear celling 2d do do , Inch.-... Inch.. 1st do do Z Inch.. 2d do do inch.. ... 1st clear siding... ..... 2d do do .............. 1st common siding.....-...- , 2d do do .... "A" shingles Extra No 1 shingles . Common No 1 shingles ....-. tain per tuuu.... ....... D A II pickets ecr 100 Sauare do do do O Q Batten per lineal ft- 1 Rough do do do ............. liberal discount on carload lots. rNDqWS,(qUred.) S per cerjtotT Chicago list. 'DOORS, (Wedged) 2itcfitogaiea!9llsr. BUNDS. SO per oeat off list. WhIUllsae perbbl. 1 752 00 . 3 00(3 25 -. 3 5093 75 40 4 Lon-rvllLi cement per bbl-. Plaster pari per hbl... Plastering hair per bushel- isrrea ieii- Pkutering board... OILS. FAINTS. GLASS, &c. N.I. D. SOLOMON. ROBERT C.STEEI.L. Coal Oil-. $ in Linseed Oil, raw. 1 03 " " bl'd 1 10 Turpentine 65 Headlight Oil 28 lard OH, No IS 93?1 0 " " 2 70 " " wlnterl M " "straln'dj w Lubrlcatlug) .4 W.Va. ; M PAINTS, AC White Lead, Bt. Louis, Srtlctlr Pure . f lll " " " " Fancy Brand M Putty in Bladders 5(4 " " Bulk 4Q Enameld Glass, colors, V sq. ft.-.. 1 00 Flat Glass, 90 V c discount Tllf. SHEET-IttON. WIRE, 4C. MILTON ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM. TIN PLATE. CIIABCOAL. 10x14 IC, lair quality 10x14 Ic, best quality.. -113 00 -13 50 .. 1G50 -14 00 iixi4 us. ao ao 12x12 IC do do isHstS is 14x20 IX do 14x20 IXX do 14x20 IZXX lMtntaDC 17 00 . 15 50 do do do 17 50 ,20 50 ,23 50 ,23 50 ,14 00 17 00 20 00 15 00 .16 00 do (best quality) HO plate DX,. do 100 alata DXX do ao do do do do dq 100 plate DXXX do Booing IC charcoal do Booing IX do do 10xl4ICeoka do 12 50 27 50 20a. IC charcoal roofing, 20x21 10 charcoal rooang. 32 50 04x14 IX charcoal .-. 10x20 coke (for gutters)- , 23 00 21 00 BLOCKTTN. large pigs.. Small pigs Bar tin - 35 SG 38 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 35 in do do do lc half casks, do do do infSO lb casks Sheet 24 to 15 Inches per sheet. Tlaaertaoldei (extra rennea.. ao ao o. 1 do ' do roofing UdsnaUl 23 21 . 0a2 SHEET IRON. First quality, Numbers 16 to 24. ao dq ao za . do da f 28-., do do "o T Charcoal, both sides smoth o ao za,. do do li do do 27., Juniata, No. 24 da do 21 . do do 27- Bussis perfect 7 to 12. da Mv l, siauas. Leas thaa f uU bundles, add one cent. A'-Aaericsn launiut'n Basaia, all Not. iThsh ron -onajcf f soa one teat. galvanizbd! No. 14 to 20 do 31 to 34 doitteSS-.. -lilt A .ao .da OO S7 00 21 .do do Fall bandies discount tsjar cent. COPPER. Brsxhri U do 10 to 12 Bv do 12U to 1001) Sheathing, 14 and 16 oi 45 42 38 45 48 60 38 nanlsbed, 14 ana IB oz- Nos. 7, S and , Planished. Bolt copper Copper botto-is , BRIGHT WIRE. 10 11 "X X No. 0 to 1 M 14 15 10,11 16 12 14,14 M 19 VOS.1MC 17 IS 19 fBadteparowtaJscoiin GROCERIES. STEELE & JOHN.ON 53S-540 14TH ST. CLABK A FRENCH CJR. FARNHAM AND llTH bT. PUNDT, MEYER t RAAPKE, 212 FARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MORGAN' A Gallagher, 205 Farn ham St WHITNEY, BAUSERMAN A Co., 247 Douglas St. J. J. brown 4 bro., Cor. 14th" and Douglas Streets. bUGARS. Granulated pr S 11"". rowaereo, do Crushed do Rat cut loaf do Standard A do Circle A do Extra C Yellow C do do . 10 lOaioVI 10J4 N O choice do . COFFEES. Bio choice pr . do prime do . do good do . O G Java 23 a30 27J.29 15.54 31a& SYRUPS. Common pr gallon.. Good do Choice do do N O molasses. 3a43 60s65 70.S0 to RICE. Rangoon choice... Carolina 8$ CANDLES. M Weak A Co.. Schofers- 16'sl7 1617 SOAP. Missouri Vrlley- Klrk's Savon M. WeskACo-. b $ 7a7. Hchofer's German..., Jk.lrs.-s standard do sterling- Huu aOBACCU. Black goods, Western.-, do do Virgin -- do f da UcTtlaTAa... isngaa aa do A aaisjii Js4jsta -awisslawawe as." . fcwSC tc TT I . .... ,; . . St I.v.. rJ. ..! i-v ' : r v:ajswsi - cf rr" ? iw . a- 4' ' I U a a it.. a M. it ni 4. .4 i as-- a. .v -TssaMkl x aw . 6 J ' w UM. y&Jf IU a TaMssswa . tZHH" fltisTawmas 1 aT saw. Cm. t Its SsWU sat .rr Pinaapptea, da 4a UfaJL Ooloasa war YouagUyrwa.par yaaadU uuapawasje, aa as) -, VaVUDaV aw gaowFlaka.(Wa-aail uoa XIZX Iawadtw tjaiu-rs-a BAOB. Goanles, heavy weight. 1S19 17M1I Italy 18 30a31 B4tU5 lips, four bushel ml a iriinnt . tin bags, Atuoskeg A . o ao -.uuiow a a SPICES, tmegs, Penang best,ier pound Clave 1 do do . Alsplce do do -Unamon bark do do CIGARS. 1 S5al 41 60 ISaO 35a 16 A. E. SIMPSON, 15th H. Upman . Reconstruction.. Grand ( entral... . Universal.-. Yara ......... la Boquet ..... Simon Pure Parligas ...... . . Yours Truly... - Gold Medal La Espanola... .... Triple Crown. Henry Clay ..-.. De Vlller-.. , Y Vlller. , 1876 Manufacturer, 532 Street. M. J ?5 00 do 35 00 35 00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 00 75 CO 65 00 50 UO CO 00 75 UO 10OO0 100 00 10) 00 75 W) CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale deiwt 548 14h Street. Half barrel sicks , , 2 U0 J.SCH00NMAKER&S0N rfiOP-lETOR- or TUB PITTSBURG-. WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS PITTSBURG, PA, 3DsslAl3llaa'IXOCl 183Q. Manufacturers of Strictly Pure W-tite Lead, Bed Litharge Futty. Colors Dry and la Oil. PURE VERDITER GREEN, The strongest and brightest green manufacturered. GUARANTEE. We guarantee our brand of Strictly Pure White Lead to bo free from impurities, and will pay $50 In gold for every ouqco of adul jiia'Jon foqad in this package. mr78m J. bCIIOONMAKER A SON LEAD PENCIL S The following Premiums have been awarded for Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD PENCILS: Gold Medal of .Progress, Vienna, 1873. First Preatara Cln.Innattl Indus trial Fair, 1873. First Frcmlara Brooklja iadas trial Exposition, 1873. For Samples or Information address the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, Pres't m72m JERSEY CITY. N J Sioux City & Pacific R, R. The Shorieat snd only Direct nesjte from COUNCIL BLUFFS " a 1- ..---, S It -.. I faaS M St. Paul, Minneapolis, And all Points In NORTHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINQ CARS On si; night trail via this route. ceKBKcnesri. 1. At TJ. P. Transfer with Union Pacific Railroad for Omaha. .. At Council Bluff, with Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Blaffj Railroad for St. Louis and all points south 8. At ilUsourl Valley with the Chicago nd Northwestern railway for Chicago and all poiaU east. C At Slonr City with Slouz City and St. Paul, Illinois Central and Dakota houtbern railroads. Steamers for Upper Missouri River, during navigation, and with stages for all points In the Northwest. 3. At Blair with Omaha and Northwestern railroad for Omaha and Southern Nebraska. 6. At Fremont, Nebraska, with the Union Pacific railroad for all points west and "the Pacific coast. 7. At Wliner with stsges for Norfolk and all points in Northern S ebraska. aWTTicketa for sale In Chicago and North western Railway offices. "Be sure your tickets read via S. C A P. Railway. L BURNETT, Sqp'$. F. a HILLS, Gen. Ticket Ag't. .1 - GEO. W.'GB-WTAN, jeJ. r - Aeat, Omaha. PswawaswawT' swawawawawawawawawaswPV" BBwawaaswawawawasrWwwawawIV V S9 - MR. JOHN RATH IS AGENT FOB OCEAN STEAMERS. J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. OMAHA, Isr"BB., ya-ly STEFXE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Grocers, SIMPSON'S 538 and 540 aTourteontla Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE 'MA:Ea"-A-' " - - WEB BLROGAN & GALLAGER. SUCCESSORS TO CREIGHTON AND MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnliaiii Street; anr8dly WHITNEY, BAUSERMAN &, CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS 2To. 247 Douglas Street, O-lVLA-IKLA., - - ZSTIEIB mch27yl AOKNTS FOR THE CLARK & FRENCH, WHOLESALE GROCERS ! AXD DEALERS IN Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits in Season. jel ORDERS SOLICITED JL. IE. S I j HP S O HST, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGARS. 532 FIFTEENTH ST., CnUICS-TON BZjOCK. ai2amC Omaha tt. St. Louis Short Line '1874! The Kansas' City, St. Jooland Council Bluffs R". R Is the only dire line to T. ItOTJis AND TIIE EAST. FROM OMAHA AND THE "WEST NO CHANGE i atr& between Omaha and St. Louis aoabitoie between OMAHA anu StcYf YORhU This th Only Jbo ruDnlcg a PULLWAS SLEEPING OAIl KAST FROM OMAHA, ON AHKIVAL. UP THE UNION PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN, VPassenKers taking othei routes have a disagreeable transfer at the River Station. 8 PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY t REACHING ALL EASIER ASD WE3TEBH CITIES With Less Changes snd in advance oi other lints. This Entire Line Is equipped with Pullman'g Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Day Coached and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Weslinghouse Air Brake. VSee that your tickets read via KaaaaaClty, H . Joseph . C'oaacll UlufC Rmlrud, Via Omaha and St. louit. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. I. Dupot, Ouiiha. J03.TEHON, Fass. Agt. OFO. L. BRADBURY, Geu'l Agent. , F. BARNARD, Gen'l Supt. ht. Joseph. A. a DAWES, Uen'l I-as. Agt., St. Joseph. TTxLltcx ITCaTOSB Confectioners' Tool Works, Thos. IVTjng dt Bro., Manufacturers o Confectioriers'Tools M Mould, lee Crem Freeaera. ate., Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PmnrfdAr. "I ESTABUSHX ESTABUSHXO 13L V Tuomss Mnu. UK. M. MILLS, I ilATALOGUES SENT ATXxsP.PABaajt. J j upoc applIcaUon. mar7dAw2m uiiarles Popper, WHOlEIAiE BUTCHIR B CATTLE BR1(ER, iALT LAKE CTTY, - yffl HATS & SAIT5ZIT, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Pipes, Tobaccos, Etc. Th attention of dealers b callol to the fact that we are prepared to LIBEL our goods with their NAM as manufactured expn-saly for tbem. May 27-d lni. BLOCK DUPONT POWDER CO. AND PROM1TI.Y KILLED. Cliicago, Eock Island andPiiciilc K. K. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE R0M OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND TB1E EAST, Via Des Moines, Davenport and Rock Island. u . AH Passenger Trains aro equipped with the WESTIkOlIOUSK 1'ATE.tT AlB ItRlKES and Miller's Patent Safety l'latfurm and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Traias Leave Dally, cnnectlng as follows: AT DES MOINES with tho De- " ,. v.iu Railroad, lor Oikahv .. -'nes alley and St. Lo..- - ""'"w. Keokuk A.T uulNMKLL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for all point north tu hit. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Rurlington, Cedar Uapiils, Duliuoue A St. Paul. At WILTON JUNCHON with the South-Western trancb, for Muscatine, Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A SL Paul Railroad for points north. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad lor Freeport, Rcloit, Racine, Mil waukee and all points in northern I.linols and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocktord, Rock Island and St. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Peoria A Rock Island Railroad for Peoria and points caiL. AT BUREAU JUNC., with breach, for lien ry, Locere, Chllllcothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort h and south. AT CHICAGO with "11 lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities, via this line, can bo procured, and any Infor mation obtained, concerning points, at the ticket office of the company, 128 Farnham St., Omaha, and also at the principal ticket offices along the Hue of the U. P. R. It. Oasraraee Checked Throngb In all Principal Kaatern Pointa. A.M. SMITH, H. RIDDLE, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't. Oea'l Sup't Chicago. Chicago. J. H. LACEY, 8. 8 STEVENS, Ticket Acent, Gaa'l Waslarn At aBu usamaa ui PASSENGERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.R.R., should take tb "LINCOLN ROUTE" ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure Tor themselves the choice oi Six Popular Routes from Itealsoa to Chicago aad St. LouN, AU making Reliable Connections and being Bqalppsd with Palace Day and Sleeping Oars. All delay and Inconvenience arriving from Ferries acd transfers can he avoided West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets via ATCIIMOX aai the ATCni.tUX fc HEBRANKA BAILROAB. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. A 8. F. R. R. lor the Great Arkansas Taller k Colorado, And with all lines running South to points In Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask lor Tickets via LINCOL & ATCHISON CHAS. csmith, w. f. white Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. A gt. Ia23tl AflilSon, Kaasaa ADVERTISE IN THE DON'T BUU UNTIL 1TOU IIAVB CAREFULLY EXAMINED T5AS2ijlA2Jl AND LOW RESERVOIR l!isk & AS WE HAVE TWELVE GOOD REASONS why thev will do Jour work. Qiiick and Easv, Gheon and Clean. J Theyarecheipest to buy, They are best to ue, Cf They bake evenly and quickly, Thoir or ration u perfect, JJ They have alwavs a mwd draft, assa They arc made orthe bcstiaatcrial assi Tliey roast ierectlr. s They roiuire but little fuel, 'asssw They are very low prlcej, 11 They ars easily uanasiO. ? Taey are suited to all localltl.M, QB ET stoveguaranu-edto give satWactloa SOLD BV Ixtalsior an'f Co., st.:louis?,mo., ' asd ax , M. ROGERS,!. arsea?ttxv ivobrat eces wfeaitwe OOO ooe Or SararCoalod, Concentrated, Root and Herbal Jalce, AntU milona Granules. TIIEKLITTLC CLINT" CATILVKTIC, or Multan In Parro Phyalc. Tho novelty of modern McdlMi, Chemical ana Pharmaceutical Science. No uo of any longer taUnt; tho lars npuUivc and nioous pilli, composed of cheap, cruili, and bulky snredunt-?, nhcu wocau by a cari-rul application of chemical science. cxtnu all tho cathartic and other nx-iiN rinsl proiwrthM from tho not aIuabio root anlf, licrbJ, anaconcoulratj them Into a mlnuto Gran ule, ucarcoly larger than a luuatnril aoeJ, that can lx? readily ewallowrd by thwool thamootsenot'ire -toiiiacui aucj fastidious ta-tes. EachlitiIelurantivo a'cllet represent. In a on concentrated form, at much" cathartic powct aa Is embodied In any of the liri;o pilU found for sale in the !ni siiop. Vmi) their tvonderfu( c,. thartlc power, in proportion to their Ue,peopi; who have n.it tried them are apt tn euppots ttat thoy aro bana orilrs-Ucm effect, tmteuchlsnot At all tho ca-v. .lie different actito medicinal prin ciple of which they aru composed being so bar. cunlzca and modlacd. one by tho others, as to pnxluco a moat McrtrrhliiK aud tlior atixh,yct KouUrttudlxludly operating; cathartic , jOO Retvartl N hereby offered by tha pro. prictor of .hco lVlkK. to any chcmlt ho, upon analp-h. rill find In them an Calomel or other forms of incrmry ot any other mWra!. poison. j nelticoiitlrolyvcsotablc.nojsrtrcnlar caro is .-equirrd whilu ueini; them. They ope rate without distnrliance to tho conatUutlou, diet, or occupation. For Juuiidlcojllcutlachr, Conatlpatlon, Impiiro Blood, Palis lu tho Mliouldorw, Tlstlniica of tho Chest, Dizzlticait. Sour Cractattotia of tho Storuacfi, Had. taato lu uioiilh, Bllloua nttnckx, Palu lis region ot Kidney, Internal Fewer Illoutol fccllup; about Mtomacli Hush or Hlood to Head, IIlRb. Col. ored Urine, UiiNocIalllty and Gloomy Forchodlnsjia, taWo Dr Plerco'x PleaMaiit PurKntlwo PeJletav In explanation of tho remedlalpowcr ff nfy Tur fitlo lVlletaotcrvo treat avu-'Icty of dlsevelfc wish tonay that their action upon the. animal ccotimnr iHtinlvoraal, nota Rland nrtlnauu OMcapitig tliclrannn tlvo lmircfi. Ao tloea not Impair them; their f usr coatlniJ"ard bcln encloectl in ghti bottle prLorolCclrlrtucn unimpaired foran lenlh of time, in any climate, no thai they aro af. nrayt fnsh and rclublo. which U not (no cao with tho pilM found lit theitru stares, put on trt cheap woxl or jn'te-bcard bise. Recollect that foraH !ia.i;cs ulierc A Inxntlve, Altera tiro or Pureativo ii Imlicntvd, thceo littlo lViIeU will chothuluoet lictfcct DatlsfactlCA to all uhousutbum. They nre sold by all citterprlalair Druggiata afJZ ceuta a bottle. Do hot allow any tinislst to lndneo yon la take anythln ' el.o that ho may tar la Just as Rood as my Pcllclo lK"cauo ho rr.jkea a target S roflton that whi'h ho recrmimrnds. f your ni!lt cannot supply Idem, rnclofo SS ccuu and tccclvi them y return mill from , B. r.rij;ci:,jr.ii..irop'r,. "" BUFFALO, N. ASK FOR PYLES o SALERATUS! AND BAKING SODA! Z3BT XZO TJSB Sold by Pundt, Meyer A Raapkeand Whitney, Bauscrman A Co, CASTLE BROS., IMPORTERS OF TEAS AND Zast India Goods, 213 and 315 FttOST STREET San Franci - California. mchCTm PLATTE VALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, focal Ageat;for;the IT. P. R. R. LA3STDS, Coluaab-as, - Hob. Government Lands Located i U. P. Lands Sold! Iraprorcd Farms aad To rra Z ols.Tor 0-A.SHI!! OR ON LONG- TIME!! Js-AH CoramunicationiiClieer fully Answered "-"1 ,. vi rs v4vaiBa v sssspi , mr-. . oovavai armai-- jso-. fcpjSaTrs av.iMi.'r p Waf-llV"g1 .BSSSSSSSSBStw t SSSSSSSSSV ssssssst I a H OK C Fninlm SBK 1 K yasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBssfP " BJB AssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVm m. "3 W .rm. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrssGkQrV sB lj3 VrfjBsssssslsssstss. m ?" "aaj jfc mqIL g & WssssssssssssPrsssssssh. U asssssssssssssissssssssssV " " aaav aBBsssssssssTlrssssssssa.k CasssssssssssBBBVaWll O fcssjsj 7 VassssssssaailssssssssssrRsK,'assssssssVKZs SD sVwVTVsssssssssssssssssssssl'asBssssssssssssss'ssssfta rf i K 3D.AIX.Tr BSE