"." s- iv. . . ,. ' " -"'-"-. gtrer-; .... , a rt---;. . -r - J2 J. DAILY BEE. U, OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING-. JUNE 22, 1874. NO. 3. VOL. IV. THE UMAriA t rv . ft' fr f J .K F. m.i r.'a' ! THE DAILY BEE. a " EDWABD EOSEWATEB, Editor sad Prop'i 0U--Xa.vl38 tmrnhmm iinAHtw. fctBtltJ4TUL. TEEJtS Or 80BSCRIPT10K: Oc copr. oy. adTanre- 47.00 '.i,.,Ml. In Jrmnce 4.00 " three mratlu in adTanee TfiD M3Tl ot paid In adrance, t per annum will l nUMti LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods, Farnham St SKStf&ui. OMAHA. Qiaad OMAHA BUSINESS DIKECTORT. CBAOKEE MAHDFAOrOEY. McUureA Smith. 185 Harney street, het. 11th and 12th. declSU QLAB3 ASJ) PICTURE F2XES. JBelnhsrt. 1S6 IVulu street, dealer Id .window glass andplcturolraui:.. UUzlng done to order. 2li BOOTS AED SHOES. Philip king, 153 Farnham at. between 10th audmh. fchWrl COHPECTIOHEBT. HL Latey, corner 12th and D nglas atreeta, minubcturer and wbulesale dealer in rmli and conlettlonery. Counuy trad, ao llccted. Pl OOAT. DB1LEK8. Fland A Elliot, coil, lime, cetnen thalr .etc, 134 Farnhain it. lebUniS DRUGGIST?. J A. IfceJer, drugglat, corner 12th and Har , neyaU PAWS BKOKEK. Jk r Elgutter, Ho. 200 Farnham at. 117tl nrwlanndry opnedat 511 11th sUbct -r I ..! TW.....U 1'Iia w.Hlnr .nd Eon inlng will be done to order, firal c.ass work PAIBTEK3. Lehman A Board, hou-e and sign painters. 10th at. bet. F.rnham and Harney. a28tl 80AP FACTORY. Premium Soap Worka, Powel A C at 111 inaau actare their P.emlum Soap. Fire first premiums awarded by the Pou'a county and Stste lairs, and Pottawattamie county, la. Uruera solicited Irom the trade. AllOBKEia. E. ESTABIUMK. u. M. KKANCI3 Frederick; ESTABR00K& FRAN CIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE CrcSgbton Block, Omaha, Neb. mcb21tl DEXTER L THOMAS, Attorney ami iCoiiasclor at Law. a 0FPICE Boos So YlaacWs Block, OMAHA NEB. JOHN W. LYTLE, AtterBeTaT-LaiT h(T Solicitor la Equity. OFnOb-OrsT Pint SaUoaal But, mal-U PAltKE GODWIN, Attorney at Law. (Campbell's BUck.) 8091-3 THIBTEESTS STREET. OMAHA a2Glin jUBaWWIX SSO. X. O'BBIEX. BJILBW1S O'BKIElf, ATTORNEYS LAW OSee-Caldwell Block, Douglas Street, OMAIE1,. - KKBBASKA. JaKI JOHN C. CO WIN, Attorney, aJoXAoi-tox- AND COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CBEtlirrOS'S BLOCK, OXAHA, KKBBA8KA. curMf T. W. T. Kichards, Attorney at Law, Oflee 510 ISth St., beL Fankaa ami DoHgUs, Osuiha, 5eb. r.o. B 80 "" C"H. BALLO ED. B.;GLASGOW . Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. Office n Crelfihton'a new block, aoatheast cor room, floor. OMAHA, KE8. SAVAGE & MANDERS0N, Attorneys at Law, M2 FABNHAM 8TBEAT. jiiBW.tt'MX. I Omaha, Nebraska. N. J. BURNHAM. ATTOISEI AND COUSSELLOK AT LAW, Ko.240 Farnham Street OMAHA - - NEB. mrbSOU J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney-at-:Law Boom 9, Vlsschcr's Block, OMAHA, - - NEBR. J. 8. BT-AUh. 0. B-rBrTCHaTT SPAUN & ITCHEH, Aliwracjs ud OMftselsr at Law. 'Offirs. 60S Tvallth Street. AMr. XMtk Bot 4M. Omaha. Nab. G. W. AMBROSE, i,ttomeT t -: ROICK8 OPEKA HOUSE OMAHA KKB. rttl JOH5 K. KKLLKT, Attorney a Counselor at Law OLLECnOS3 SOUaTED AKD PE9MTT ly attended to. No eharg aaleaa csHse ii are made. JfousMtolet aa iwta col eul. Real aetata boaghtaw aaM. aa!7U Wf J COlfNEIX. 0attaiior i XaC? Mriet Atttney fr iMtai Jai If 111! MP Maaawal JaMla 1 la all ti Bjaaihai la taw maam aa mam ISVMulWresur!: wOTi ' '-?5 ' w-KJtft. m Utk SSESV Jamammagaam. SaHw'X.- Asv we shall all have glory! Twexty-foub hoursmoreof Con gressional misery, and the country -will be safe. GovEBXOB Pattee gets oft with five dollars and costs, which was just what Judge Kelly used to in flict upon the disturbers of his peace. There is now no doubt that Con gress will adjourn Monday. All the appropriation bills have been disposed of. and the principal meas ures before that body have either been passed or shelved. Inasmuch as Saint Patrick O' Bannon O'Hawes has abandoned his intention to return to Omaha during the coming week, wo shall have to postpone the celebration of the glorious Fourth until Pat shall find it convenient to come. The private secretary of th would-not-be Dictator. of America has received a letter which closes with the following paragraph: "The Omaha papers may as well stop their sneers and fall in; they cannot checkmate fate ; I will put them all right as to their city. "Q.F.T." Amoxo the invitations extended to Mayor Chase to orate on the Fourth of July, comes one from Grand Island, from the Grangers, Castles, &c., of the center of Ne braska. They propose to have the largest gathering in the State. We understand, however, that our Mayor intends to spend the Fourth "at homo" this year, for a variety. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Famham street Fine linen and chevoit shirts of our own make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Jiailroad Tickets bought and sold by P. Gotthelmer, Broker, at 290 Farnham street. Unredeemed Fledges for Sale. may ly26 Hamlet Oram, 9lh street between Jones and LeaTenworth sts., OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Keeps the most complete assout met ol Ladies' and Gents' straw hats, trim uid snd untriiunied, Parasols. Piques, Mar seilles. Naluaoois and all kinds of l'ry Hoods, Ladies' and Gents' BoU,eto. My HiisofDry Goods Is Complete. Selling only lor CAS1I, 1 am able to UNDKBSE1X any other Dealer in the City Our PEiCESare LOWEU than ever htwrd .-I ln-ture. myl-3ni-Il ENOCH HENNEYJ Justice of the Peace Office over tho Stafe Bank, corner of Farn-haraandiathttroEt- 1 DEHTISTB-Sr. ($y JM t. DENTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. Vr 8TA1R8, BeL 13th L 14th Sts OMAHA. 9-OUleet practicing TWntbtt8 iu the city DR. A. S, BILLINGS. DBITTIST, 094 Tarnliam flit. R. and J4Mi, up itaira. Tacth extracted without gain, by MP pf Ul troua Olid Oaa. Ifcto cn atallhou 6U rnxxr-MsXaml f.o L VAN CAMP M. D. DtsBeusa hla own meddnaa, and bosldea raular praetl, makes spadalitfaa of Dtnsfe aiaoUandlHaaaaas PeaaliartoWamen, FlaUi la, Ptlaa and other Diaaaawi of Ite Bactom. Orncm : Ciraar Farnham sad Hih strwta, rat door to Om right, up atalr. Besldenc-, 210 Dougli. stmt, beta een 12 and IStb, next to Lutheran Cburch, Ommaa, X.b. Aadrcaa Lor a Has 8 -I. JanHdaw f KM. J. V.VABOKRCK Eoleotio Physician Residence and ofico 2S0 Dodge at bet 14th and IStb sts. Special attention pa!4 tojotatetrics and dia- pecuuar w woueo iju cuimf uh- 'h rrODWAKB L BL'MLalUT, Market Gardaer ! ALL KHfPS OF VfiaFTAflfES, AWP planu. for sale. Oiders sidraiaod tons at our garden Cer. Slat aid Pas) Streets, Will recalTf prompt atteq lion. aplSdSm F. A. FM'EUS. Saddle and Harness Maker, AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER, So. 97 FarMraBti,tra4,ntkl.tk. ALL orders and repairing prompUy attended to ud satistacUnn guarraaUed a-Cssh ruid tor hides. ap39rl SDWAIO XTOBL, MAGIfTKR OP TH: BaSPAKTBD. le. 496 10th Et, bitwew FaraktH 4 Kanty. Will by tha aid of guardian spirits, obtain or any one a view of tiejiasl, present and fu ture. No fees charged ia cases of aickneaa, aplatf WILLIAM SEXAUER. SaS FaraVim Street, tk WHOJ.ISALX AWD KKTaTI. Pf Jf FDIMITDMa BBDBIIf 6. ETC. 100,000 ? KICK FAaMU-3 LiJT If VBaU8XAB 500 Hanscopi Place Lots! HOUSES AND LOTS la the city of Omaha, foraalecheaDaadon rood terms. pofs mix. Bead estate broka,ome orer Mackey's store, od Dodge at. opposite aewpaatoKcr apSraS Haraty atrae, t Canteje aW WfM VERT LATEST. MIDNIGHT. gMdaUyBwaartol br faa Om&U BfHylat, brtaaAtlaatle Facilo TalafraH Ca. WASHisaTON, June 21. The river and harbor, and sundry civil appropriation bills, will be ready for the House to-morrow at the opening hour. The latter bill has been very much loaded down with amendments, and amend ments have also been made to the river and harbor bill, which will certainly be struck out. Both bills will go to the committee of confer ence, and there is so mucn in mem that will be the subject of contro versy, that it to acarcely probable that they can -be Anally acted on he fore late on Monday sight or Tues day morning. t The Senate then took up the bill in relation to the circuit courts in the'State of Alabama, and after a lengthy discussion it was passed. The Senate then, at 3:30 a. m. Sunday, having been in continuous session sixteen hours and a half, ad journed until 11 a. m. to-day. About 2 o'clock this afternoon a dozen or more persons congregated on E street near the Western Union Telegraph office to witness a duel between George H. Butler, late Consul to Egypt, and Gen. Green. A TMiTille ihnnmchfare would aDDear to be a strange place to fight a duel, but both partita seemed to be in earnest. Pistols were loaded and were about to be handed to the prin cipals by their seconds, when Green declined to proceed further with the proceedings, alleging that it was too dark for him to shoot It is ru mored that the duel will yet event uate. Strong doubts are expressed to nightby those in position, to know as to the probability of the Presi dent signing the currency bill. The friends of the bill in both Houses, however are sanguine in iheir be lief that the President will sign the The President called at Senator Jones' residence this afternoon and the two were closeted for over two hours in private consultation. The knowledge of this fact has given rise to a rumor that the Presi dent is acting on the advice of Mr. Jones, and will not sign the bill. It is said that Judge Holt, Judge Advocate General, to whom tho President referred the findings in tho Howard Court of Inquiry for review, has returned the same fairly riddled' and destroyed by legal criti cisms and comments. It is stated on good authority late to-night, that the President will sign the currency bill. He does net ponsider that It is a measure for the expansion of currency, And although he objects to that part which dis turbes the reserves he does not think ho would be justified under the circumstances in withholding his signature. The general appropriation bill was finally passed last night, appropriat ing $500,000 for the subsistence of the Apaches in Arizona and New Mexico a sum which is one-third too small for ftpll" SPFVicp: Pjfe partmentwill t)e sqnjewhat embarr rassed by this action. Ill tle House Saturday evening, Mr. Dawes, ehajrwRn qf tje ways and means committee, presented the new currency bill as agreed on by the conference committee, and proceeded to explain it He re gretted that tfep rpnort did not con tain a provision, as did the first conference report, for specie resump tion, or for the retirement under any circumstances of any portion of the governmnet issue. He regret the government issue. He regret ted exceedingly that it had been impossible fa b,rn tfte Houses to gether on any suofi agreement The committee, bowover, felt that iu fixing the maximum Issue of greenbacks, something was gained rViniiari turn nnmmittM8 and two houses had tjeen unaWfJ to regulate the matter, wtilph the publio faith seemed to demand, and which seemed easy. It therefwe fixed the maximum at $382,pOQ,flOO, and re quired it to fee fcept n proultion instead of having part of it a reserve in the treasury, or drawn In as If on some tramway. The second feature a ,Vi hill that there should be no further Increase of national bank currency, rendered It possible to know the whole amount of such cur rency Issued. Hebern a member 0f tip committee, and representing a section of tho OQuqtry which had more than Its share of bank note circulation, it would not lie unbe coming In Wm to propose redis tribution, He, thefUlJW, fcvored the report which proposed tbe re distribution of $55,OQO,O0Q of ;the $80,000,000 now reainpd bygone BeatlQO of the country more tMn H was entiled fo.by thPfatto of wealth, and population. He explained -that what would he the effect of the bill, recommended the report to the con sideration of the HQuap, aMpiitJe ularly to that section Aftb,e eqtratry which steadily refused to Increase the circulation. I' A very warm an somewhajt per sonal tjehate followed between vari ous membeas. Pbe final -vote resul ted In the passage of thfe hill 221 to 40. ' " The following members voted In the negfttlvp ; Messrs, Ansfcer, fiar- 11U11, -Mono, -MfHlHUClBi uunigiuu, Cor, Crooks, Holmes, Gidtagt, Hamilton, Hawlpy (Conn.) Headee, Herdom, Hoar, G. V, Hooper, Kel logg, Kendall, Lawsoo Luttrell, Mogee, McLean, M. fL. Smith, O'Brien, Page, Platte, N, H Pendle ton, Phelps, Pierce, Potter, Schu maker, Schofield, 8eudderN. YA, Kmart Rtnrm. Su-iinn. Tnwuvun. White, Wood, WillanJ tjodeed- goes to the'Jfciasiiicnt for signature.' Albany. Jrae 21. The RjwsBaplar 'A4totft: road depot at Albany cemetery, was broken open earjy this moralpg aad robbed of a fpw dollars and then set on fire. The builqiqg was totally destroyed, ' " ' The nape of one of the menlriS edAhteiorBngby the railroadjap eiJent t St Johnsette has heesiaa eertained. to be Peter McGrtpr, MLUJimUXJlUI. EwYoaUC.Jamf a?. Tho HeraW bMay states ilaat 1, U, VnetH, the note4 oilwML whose axtewve fwp)tie in WAS street, four years afro, created eofe sMerabie exotfemetii w mm ckdes. asd who was seateni March 1871 by Recorder Hack i U1M Vaaun IBtpnBOtiHIcslV urn issuing) aicteBts, has been pardoned by sine vears lmorlsonnent oa two yiwwra. 'Tlieilurart Albany, June 21. An accident occurred on the New York Central Railroad, near St. Johnsville, about 3 o'clock this morning, caused by the collision of two freight trains. Two men were killed outright and several others injured. The names of the killed and injured have not yet been learned. New Orleans, June 21. The type and material of the New Orleans Bulletin were sold by the Sheriff yesterday, to satisfy a judg ment of the Court The publisher of the Bulletin, who has been acting as keeper of the property, by courte sy of the Sheriff, refused to surren der the type after the sale to Mr. Houlaban, the purchaser. Mr. Houlahan called upon the public authorities to put him in possession of his property, and at a late hour last night this was done. It is a significant fact, as it shows the real sentiments of the business com munity, that the Bulletin is the fourth Jew Orleans new paper, adopting a tone of reckless and vio lent misrepresentation and hostility towards the existing State govern ment that has been sold out by the SherhTfor debt, or died for want of adequate advertising, during tho past two years. An attempt to organize all of the independent clubs of the city for the fall campaign, on a basis of opposi tion to tho Republican party, has failed, each club having its own can didate for local offices, and the meet ing broke up in a row. Peekskill, June 19. The single skull race between Tenyck and ScarlT, to be decided next Wednesday, is attracting con siderable attention. Scliarffhas ais rived, and went into training over the course to-day. He is stopping at the St Cloud Hotel. Both men are in good condition. Heavybetting to-day on Scaaff, who is the favorite, at onethousand to eight hundred. Washington, June 20. Dispatches dated May 23d, have been received from Rear Admiral Strong, commanding the naval force on the south Atlantic station. The health of the squadron continued good. The Monongahala recently returned from a visit to Cape Ferie harbor, where the crew was exerci sed in the various drills required by the regulations. AH iron clads at Key West, ex cept the Dictator, are to be sent to the navy yard at Pensacola, where they will be moored with a sulll cieent force to take care of and pre serve them, and are to be kept in readiness for receiving a full com plement of officers and men, should occasion require. The President as approved of the following acts : An act making an appropriation for the legislative, executive, and judioial expenspsof the government, fur the year ending, June 30th, 1875, and for other purposes. An act granting a Medal to John Home, Jr., for his heroic exploits in rescuing men, women, and child ren, from drowning In Detroit river- An act to authorize the issue of duplicate agricultural scrips when the original has bocn lost. The Senate to-day passed a large number of relief bills, to remove po litical disabilities, etc. In the House, Mr. Dawes, frorf the conference committee on th'e disagreeing pf vote.s"6n "the cur rency bill, submitted a report from the commjtttee, ' which was read ; he expjajnefl thp prqvisjpns of tho report? ftflf! t&id H was tha best that could be agreed upon: regretted was nothing In the bill looking to an early resumption of specie pavment CKW York, Ju.no 19. To-day John Morrlsoy ofibred to wager with McUrutu, the well known turf-man, $5,000 $750 that McGrath's Tom Bowling cannot beat Lexington's four mile time, 7:19J. McGrath will accept Saturday's Markets MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. V Nw Yerk Money Market ) New "York, June 20. MonpyYery rW at m ppr cent Forefgn Exchange Dull at 488 for sixty days, and 491 for sjght QoJ Du agd reflected quietness onotfcer fflarfcetsj opened at 1J With subsequent sales at 11H. Governments-Dul ancfr firm, feltopkjs-Very quiet oecauso brok ers have gone to the Jerome Park races. Speculation was downward after a rfse of tq 4 at iljp" openjng. Vwy little lntrpst js attached to any department to-d.ay. Chrcipo Pruuuoe Market. Chicaoo, June 20. Flour in better demand and firmer: eood to choice extras, n 90 -535: low to medium, QQftl2 f "TSSHHr tw Wt WneatStea(y ; pajsh, 1 21 ; July 1 201; August 1 13. ! Corn Steady ; cash J0JQ0 ; Julyi59i; August 593, QateHtefl(!y j oasb, 46; July, 41 f; August, 83 J. Rye 84 bid. Highwlnes 94. Pork Steady ; July. 17 25 : Auc. ustlTJQ, I firm July, n. Hew York Produce Market. New York, June 20. Breadstuffs Quiet Flour Firmer, and a shade bet ter tor snipping Dranus. Jsies f!oTi Firm Western rnivtwl afloat8081. Bjre-4Nominal. Provisions Ouiet but trenemllu firmer. irt stew mess, IT 25(3X0 50. tl lllli. Lther HtoBflf Jrim. More activq. Ttqot fjrmert 0Wcf Uvt Steck Market. Chicago, June 20, Cattle Reoelpts 800; market quiet with prjoes steady; sales of choice steers were made at 5 85; Texans Ad native calves 3 25500; extra SMOoth steers 6 15. BasswRaoeinta S.000? mnrtet on. re ad higher; good to choice 5 75 w. Receipts 600; market dull wneat strong, ano; higher No"2' tJWcago, 1 43(Sil 44: No 2 wracui jnu. s Hiiriuir- 4hrTi ii Milwaukee snrinc. 1 473V1 "4R TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. LoinsaLLE, June. 19. Mrs. Audubon, widow of thecele brated naturalist, John J. Audubon, died in Kelleyville on Thursday, aged 88 years. Washington, June 20. The President has approved an act to authorize the secretary of war to ascertain the amount of expense incurred by the States of Oregon and California in the suppression of Indian hostilities in the years 1872 and 1873. Syracuse, N. Y., May 19. The following petition from the Anti-Secret Society Convention, was to-day forwarded to President Grant, at Washington : lb His Excellency, U. S. Grant, President of the United States : The undersigned citizens of the United States, learning through public announcements that it is pro posed to lay the corner stone of the new government building, at Chicago, with Masonic cere monies, on the 24th day of June next. St John's daj-, so called, respectfully represent that under our consutuuon(and laws no society, sect or order is entitled to office, resentment or precedence over any other order or society, and they, therefore, do earnestly protest that the order to which it is thus proposed to delegate work of nation al interest should not be allowed such recognition, either through its festivals or its rites and ceremonies, which are oil'ensive to a great body of American people. The petition is signed by 20,000 persons from 16 States. Aew iORK,June20. MicLael McCarthy, living on West Twentieth street, while crazy from drink, brutally beat and kicked his wife and daughter last niuut, and then attempted to stab his wife with a penknife. A terrible strug gle then ensued, and the wife final ly attempted to escape by means of the window when McCarthy seized her and threw her out She fell twenty-five feel to the yard beneath, striking hor head on a piece of scant ling and rendering her unconcious. At the hospital it was said that she could not live. A special despatch to the Times from Chester, Pa., says the board of trustees of the Pennsylvania Milita ry Academy yesterday conferred the degree of civil engineer upon the members of the graduating classes, and the degree of doctor of phsical arts on Captain H. h. Boole, formerly of New York, but now In charge of John Roach A Co.'s exten sive shipbuilding worfcs op the Delaware, Thp gracjuatesdellverpd orations before a brilliant audience in the drill hail of the academy. The Pennsylvania Military Acade my Is the only school of its kind In the State and has a high reputation for its scientino and military in structions.. Its examinations are very rigid, and it speaks well for the earnestness both of the academy stalTfand of the cadets that very many of the students have success fully passed the examination for ad: mission Into the graduating class of next yejjr. Mullen still keep3 up his walk at Washington mjing academy, but his 'attorn, nt"to walk five hundred miles In six days v(lU be a failure, as, owing to the m'lsmeasurcment of the track f which Mullen claims to have been ignorant he will harp one hundred and five extra rounds topprforni, Washington, June 20. In the Senate Mr. Anthony, from the committee on printing, reported a resolution to print six thousand extra copies of tqe sttlept committee on transportation J pa!- Also a resolution to print five thousand copies of the report of the commis sioners of education: p4ssevl. Mr. itaPltlton, (Maryland) from the ooramlttee on patents, reported adversely on the memorial from Al len B. Wilson for an pxtension of a sewing macnine patent anu uie committee' were discharged. MrV'Hamiin, (MftjJlP) faffl the commltoqpost qfflces, reported that no further legislation Is neces sary to secure additional mall ser vice between San 'Francisco, ajid China andjqpan, In thp Ifousp a resolution to fill the vacancy in the board of mana gers of the asylum for disabled vol unteers, by appointing JameJ Neg ley In the place of Jay Cook, If the latter resigns, was adepted. A bill to pay the Kentucky Me-. chaniPft! and. Agricultural Associa tion twentyrnvc thousand, dollars for damages to their property by U. S. troops, was passed., A resolution authorizing a select committee to investigate Arkansas affairs, and to examine witnesses during recess, was adopted. In the Senate ft resolution to print fl.OOQ extra copies of thp report of the committee op transportation was passed; also a resolution to print 5,000 copies of the report of the com missioners of education, ToRONTOjimt, June 19. At the semi-annual meeting, of the royal grand encampment of tho Knights of Malta, held atBowman vlljo j-estenlay, sovoral applications for warrants from the United Sfc:?s, were received and considered. New York, June 20. The bank statement for the past week shows a gain of $181,4000 in reserve and excess over legal re quirements. It is now $18,204,850, Loans decreased $2,175,3.00,, specie decreasa !,88(j,Bu0O, legal tenders increased 887,C00,deposits decreased 5,102,900, circulation Increased 19,-. 500. St. Louie Preduce Market. St, Louis, Juno 20, Flour Quiet and weak. Wheat Sjrlng firmer; No 2 Chicago, 1 09; winter lower; choice red 1 35, Corn Inactive and easier ; No 2 mixed, W6". in elevator closing at Inside priee. Oats Dull at 45 In elevator. Bye Wanted at 75. Whisky Steady at 90. Pork Quiet at 18 0018 25. Bulk Meats Nominal. Lard Quiet : summer, 10 J. Baoon roJ; heavy, 535. SL Lwilt Live Stack. St. Louis, June 20. MogftBeipts 710; market un fhanged. Vifttue ewipia wjiiia JfcPfWl -'-- .un CABLEGRAMS. London, June 20. Mr. Bellow, the reader and elo cutionist, died last night after a long and painful illness. The Daily News reports Lieut Garidbaldi so ill that he cannot move and is incapable of writing or feeding himself. London, June 20. The communist refugees in this city propose to entertain Rochefort at a grand dinuer on Monday. Paris, June 20. Jules Gabriel Janin. the eminent French critic and author, is dead. Havana, June 20. Eleven officers of the Spanish navy have been rewarded by the Government, for their services in defending the city of Mougeanella, against the insurgents, with nmmn- tion in the ranks, the crosses of various orders, and the thanks of the nation. Madrid, Jne 20. Gen. Concha is continually re ceiving reinforcements. Gen. lal acios, with 4en thousand men is marching against Contavieja, the Carlist headquarters in Avragon. Rome, June 20. The text of the address of the Pope to the Cardinals, on Tuesday last is published . The Pope ren ews his protests against the usurpation of the Papal States; abolition of religions coqxirations, and other acts of the Italian Government, so the enemies of the church may not be able to plead justitieation of un disputed custom. He is also moved to allude to those subjects again because he recently received overtures of recon cilliation, and had in his possession respectful letters that, as viceroy of God and peace, ho should pardon his enemies and withdraw the ex communlcations pronounced against them, but declares he cannot make peace with the enemies of tho Church. In conclusion he exhorts the Car dinals to imitate the conduct of "for eign bishops, especially thoso of Germany and Brazil. Tho American pilgrims who went to Venice have loft that city for Ba varia. London, June 19. This was the last daj' of theAs cott races. The following wore tho chief events: Ascott plate worth 300 sovereigns was added to the sweepstakes of fifteen sovereigns. Each mile and a quarter was won by Loander. Ten horses ran. Alex andria plate-of one thousand sov ereigns added to sweepstakes of twenty-five sovereigns, each second horse to receive two hundred sov ereigns out of the stakes, third horse to save stakes, was won by King Lud. Five horses ran. Last betting was two to one against King Lud, five to four against Boyard and four to one against Flagolet The attendance at the meetings have been large throughout and includ ed several members of thp voval family. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Burke, under secretary for the foreign department, In reply to a request for information, statpil that her Majesties government was hot unwilling to mediate between Bra zil anil the Argentine Confederation, but that it had not as yet been liu vited to use its friemy pffices in that direction. Rochpfort "will probably address a large publio meeting In this city at an early day. A Times Parig special says the debate on the government power to nominate mayors will tako place to-morrow. As thp legitim ists have promised to support the government, tho latter may have a small majority when tho measure comes to be voted on. M. Luporn Burun was informed ypstenlay by a committee of thirty that the legitim ists intended to again Introduce in the Assembly a motion in favor of tho restoration of the monarchy. The ship engaged in laying the section of the Brazilian cable, from St Vipcent, Cape de Verdes, to the coast of Brazil, was at noon yester day in latitude twenty degress south; longitude, twentytvo east U. P. R.R, MEAT MARKET, 15th street hit California and Webster. WE KEEP ON HAND THE BEST supply ol FRESH AND SALTED MEATS. Also a large stock of Fine Sugar Cured Hams and Hreaklast Bacon, at the low. st rates. WJI. AUST A USU.TH, myl-lT Proprietors. Jj. WOODWOETH, 339 Bouglas St., Omaha, Neb. WACOH Wood Stock, AXO WAGON HABDWARE, Patent Wheels, Finished Gearing, ic Axles, SpriBgs aad Thimble Skeins. HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages, Hacks Buggies Stailebaeker Wagoa Depot. rqchgU BTBOX SEED. LEWIS S. REED BYRON REED & CO. - The Oldest Established .Real Estate Agency IM NEBRASKA Keep a rouplcte Abstract ot Title to airjReal Estite la Oia -ha and Douglas countr. JOB Printing The Bee Job Printing House EXECUTES AIX KIXDS OF BOOK ASD JOB PRINTING nr rax VERY BEST STYIiE- ASD AT THE ' Lowest Cash Prices. Ladies' Ready-Made Suits AT CRUICKSHANK'S To make more room for our stock of specialties, viz EMBROIDERIES AND BLACK ALPACAS. We have concluded to close out our READY-MADE SUITS at the following reduced prices: Ibrnier Prices. 15 Ladiest Suits witht Skirt and Polonaise, $ 4,00 $ 5,50 iu 9 fc 5 2 2 10 r O it a i a - u u u White it it ti Percale Wrappers, at rhe Goods are all new, and bought from the manufacturer for Cash. iEiiiT.isrTS. :R:e:m::n hstts. Wo have also arranged on our center counters a lot of remnants, and goods slightly soiled, to be sold at ex tiemely low prices. A. CRUICKSHANK, tuar5 R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be '" sold lower thanany other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also YELYET & BEAVER CL0AJONGS, A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINEN IX GREAT TARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OH CLOTHS, MATTING RUGS, AND HATS, dsii, apeb ix,eca3st' thhiie cheapest CHARLES SHIYERICK, Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertainins: to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock, and now has a complete assortment ot FINE, MEDIUM -and LOW PRICED gppds, which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evervonedesirine anything in this line, to examine his stock before purchase in. PARLOR:SETS, LOUNGES kc, UPHOLSTERED AND G. STRIFIXER, DEAI.EU N CEOCEHIE S, Provis'ons, Frui Ik, Nats. Confectionery, Tobcc!, Segartf, ate, Ac, &c S. K.ort.or KIT and FARNHAM. a lHlf Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers ol m, COPPER AND SHEET IROB WARE. DEALEBS IK Cookiaff aad Heatiag SteTe. Tin BooGng, Spouting and Guttering don short notice and U t(te beat manner, iltttn trcet aepU4 dl City Meat Market. Kwp contar-tl oa.hand A I.ARQE SUPPLY OF MUTTON, POULTRY, GAVE VSO-BT. Spring and Summer Styles. aKkaf n-i Sedim OHlELtVPJESKi CLOSI2STO- OTJT OF ; fcfc at Cor. 14tli and Tarnnam Sts.. Omaha. 2Tab. FAT.T, STOOK, 1873. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GHAS. Q03 FRANK J.RAMGE . DRAPER & TAILOR ANl, DEAUEBIK GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS.. r'Hll Assortacnlor Imported Wooleas. All Werk Warranted. 232 rarnhnmSt. - . Omaha, ITab oil Seodlr iJTTIS'IE 18th, 1874! FROM THIS DATE WE WILL SELL MILLINERY! At Greatly Reduced Prices ! MRS. elS lin AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and Harnay Straata, OIMIAIHIA- - - - 35TBB. A. PCKLACH, CLOTHIER, 238 Farnham St ZTaar 14th. 1-aW A Clothing, and Fornianimg G(oods THAN THE CAPESt S-AJLE 5,00 6.00 6.50 7.50 9,00 12 50 16,50 600 7,50 5,00 750 10,00 1400 4,50 6.00 3,00 S2XV2SRXCK, Itroot. 4k.3i.as: C. F. HICKMAN. m - flalaVP Hi w : f &32L8Z. 'Vi?- "M- f '3WrC3BU1 - i