T OMAHA DAILY 81 i I ' 'i ' OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 20, 1874. INTO. 2. VOL. IV. TT'ThT'Tv nr K v I I LU LI. (tf I V f .. i -. u IVS Ik .'4 Vf 4 i : 4 I S ' . 1 L4- THE DAILY BE! EDWAKD kOSEWATEB, Editor ad PTop'r. 0m-Xs. 138 rmmUmm Slntb ad Testis.. TERMS OF SUKSCBIPTIOS: One ropr. one J. !, 2gZrlj It Tnnntha. in ad ranee.. 440 J.00 three mentlis W adranea- BST If not paid in adTance, H pax mm FKillXinlvJai y- LEADIN6 HATTER ! Best Goods, Farnham St- GrandoSrtrtl Hotel. OjVlAiiA. OMAHA BUSINESS DKECTOBtT CEA3KEB MASDFAOrORT. McUureA SinltU. 183 Usrney stieet. tat. lltU and Ulh. " GLAS3 AKD PICTUEB FittMEB JBelnhart, ISO !u lu street, daUer In .window glass udpiauIruji, (Hazing done to order. B-2U BOOTS AED SHOES. Philip Lang, 155 Farnhain St. bttweeo 10th till5U. IsbUfl C0HFECTI0SEBT. HL. Lstey. comer 12th and Douglas slrots, ni nufcturer and wholesale deitar U rand'rs and con eaioner j . Country trada ae llcetaL PlU COAT. DE1LEF8 Fland A FJlUt. coal, linn, ceaaen flair - 1J1 FarnUam it. leblsnil DRUMIBT.'. J A. R-eder, druggist, corner l2tu ad llar . neysu PAW1T B10IEB. -M r Elgutter, No. 200 Farnham it. el7ll LAUTOBY. Ajfw laundry opened at 511 11th Jt tt Farnham and Douglas. The washing and ironing will be done to order, first class work FATHTER8. Lehman A Bard, tone and sign .jialntrrs, 10th at. bet. F.rnhamnnd Harm-?., jOta SOAP VkQtOVT. Premium Soap Work;. uvel A Co, atlU masu arture their P.emium Kp. Fle nrt premiums awarded by the Dougla county and fatale lairs, and Pottawattamie county, U. Orders solicited from the trade. fcl ' AlTOKHEia. ' e. ESTABUOJK. n. M. FKASClT I a ESTABR00K& FRANCIS I ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rr OFFICE Creutbton Block, Omaha, Neb. B tuchZlU B DEXTER L. THOMAS, AUornej" awl 'JCmmsAor at Law. -fcOFFIOE-Booai S? Mxachsr's Block. B OMAHA - - NEB. l' JOHN JV. LYTLE, I SL-- lttoniert-Law tad Solicitor la ' Eqaitr. 0FFI0L -Ots Pint Hatlomal Bank, j? mal-tf ,' PAKKE GODWIN, Attorney at law. , I' (Campbell's BKek.) : 5031-2 THIBTEESTH STREET. OMAHA f 26 lm , r A. BliDWIS 0'IM. BALBWIS O'KBIESr. rV ATTOENSYSLAW 03ce Caldwell Block, Douglas Street, OMAHA. - - - - NEBKAWA. sVa JOHN C. CO.VIN, eVttomoy. olioitor AXD COUNSELOK. prrjCE-CttEIOKTON'S BLOCK, 0KAIIA, SIBBASKA. tcarfitf T. W. T. Bichards, Attorney at Law, Office 510 13th St., bet. Faraha. and DoHglas, Osaaa. Nek. P 0. Box 80 KHU O. II. HALLO ED. B. GLASGOW. Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. Office n Crsigt.ioo's new block, southeast eor i, floor. OMAHA. frgB SAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, 22 FAENHAM BTBJtAT. JAMES W. StAOK, Omaha, Nebraska. N. J. BURNHAM. ATTORXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, - No. 200 Farnham Btreet OMAHA - NEB. mthSOIt J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney- at-:Law Eoom 9, Viischer'a Block, OMAHA, NEBB. j. a. srao. o. a. raUTtainis SPAUN & PRITCHEH, Atteraejs vi Couaselen at Law. Offlre. 506 Twelfth Street. aJM. Ixwi Bat ana. Omaha, Nab. G. W. AMBROSE, A.ttoT3DeT " " m X r BEDICK'S OFEKA. MUSE OMAHA 1TEB. arStf JOHS K. KKLI.KT. Attorney - Counselor at Law OSee-Koota 2, Creljhton Block, I . OKAIA. COLIXCTIOSS SOUCITED AND FBOITPT ly atteoded to. No charge unlaaa ooliafr lloasarewadc Homes to let nd rente coj. Kted. Real estate boa get and sold. pl7U W. J. GONNELL. Oouxiti0llort,kiwr AND iiftrict Attonef far Seeaai Ja4 kUI Dittrlet. Ot-Hcs-Smth alia of Farnnaat, ena uh aoi uih fU., opwlto Cwat Inn. &W Mb. MakgES Swdesham, has MWlMreSXbe ezunpl tampR Morton, in pronouncing -Miff (folrVSJEnBenwnTmlhlloflftl' his name in connection 'with the United States Senatonhi) rabbit Now thatHajor Balcombe has be come a ra ember of Doctor John son' bodyguard, me !"'" arnihirirJtld to Its share .Qf prist- J3SBi: The Herald remonstrates with the Champion Sportsman now in our midst, against the slaughter or innocent birdd, but the author of these humane sentiments will not object to eating a few of the slaught ered innocents at the Sportsmen's Club supper. "j ' Dealers in fresh roasted peanuts will regret to learn that the Treasu ry Department decides that peanuts not being exempt from duty under- the provision in the act of June 6, 1872, for "fruits" are held to be du tiable at the rate of one cent per pound under the special provision thereof contained in the 11th sec tion of the act of SOth, 18G4. Accordino to the Washington Chronicle Colonel Mosby has com menced his campasgn in Virginia for Congress, A few dayssince him self and one of his opponents had a very animated discussion at Salem, Fauquier county. It was rather in teresting one party used a carriage whip and the other a cane. Old Virjrinia blood, was aroused. The "discussion was interfered' with by friends. 'If the campahjn continues in this Old Virginia style, it prom ises to be interesting. - - - - An indUcrtminate daughter In clothing- and gents furnishing goods "Yegardleas of prices'at 206, Farnham street Fine linen arid chevolt shirts of our own make at $2.00 and $2.50 ach. Jiaiiroad Jtekela, bQugbt and sold by P.Sottheimer. Broker, at29G Famfcam street. Unredeemed Ftedgea for Sale. may ly2G Hamlet Orum, 9th street between Jones and Learenworth ata ,' OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. T-F,rSTHE MOST COMPLETE ASSjOKT , IV ujet of Ladles' and G;nU" straw hats, trim. Bied and untriinraed. ParssoU: I"iqaes, Msr sellies. Nainsooks and ill kinds of l'ry Goods, Ladies' and GanU' Boots, etc My line of Dry Goods is Complete. Selling ouljr for" CASH, 1 am able to UNDERSELL any other Dealer in the City. Our PKICESare LOWElt than erer heard of liriore. myl4-3in-pl ENOCH HENNEY, Justice of the Peace Office oyer tho mate Bafak', corner f Farn hsm and Ulli streeU. je 1 BENTISTBr. 2 vBBB OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. CF STAIRS, Bat 13th &UthSts, OHAHA, Vw-Oliltwt j.ractlclnif T)nllKts lu Ibecity DR. A. S. BILLINGS! DENTIST, B84 JPafcXTaTi mm m Beu and 14th, op Italrs. raath aatracted without paio, by use of Ni trous Ozida Gas. Mljac onra ataU hoa afitf uraioal H.01 I. VAN CAM13 M. D. Plain ii his own aeddnea, and besides reruUr practice, snakes spedalttlos of Deran aunts and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Flatu U, Piles and other piseaaea of the Bectum. Orncs : Cjrner Farnham and 14th stresU, rat door to the rkrht. up stair. Bcjidenc, 210 Douglss street, between 1 and Wb, qext to Lutheran Church, Omaha, 'Neb. Addraa Lock Bos 3 . jsntldawf UU8$ . K- VA OKHCO0K Eoleotio Physician- Baaldenea and oSce K0 Dodge st bet 14th and ISth U. Special attention paid to obsUtrles and din. peculiar to women ana enimren. rn. California House. FilTZ HAFSKR, Prop'r. No. 170 DouglssBlreet, corner 11th, Omaha, Nebraska. Board by the day pr week. June 1, yl F, A. FJSTEKS. Saddle and Harneis Maker, AN l GAKKUGE TRIMMER, He. 974 Farailiaama .M4.15tklUa. A LI. orders and repairing promptly attended rt. to and satisfaction ruarranieea rCash ruid for hides. ap39rl EDWAKD KUEHL, XAGISTKR OF THE aMCPAHTBD. I. 48 lOji Et, letwtaa raraiasi k larasy. WilHy tlja aid of fuardfaa iplriU, obtain r any one a iew of Ae past, fr&jnj aBd fu tuie. No fees charged in cases of sickness. apWtl wiWsIAX SEXAUEB. 239 Fanltaa Itwet, OaaUi Vaa HJMIlTnRBjraDIN 100,000 ACXUCSI XI0E PABMIHQ LAVS IV VEBEASXA8 500 HABSConiPlaceLote! HOUSES ANDLOTS In the dty of Omaha, ioraalecheaaandon cood terms. OOSS M1XI. . Real estate hroker,ofice oxer Jtackey's store, on Pnlfl- st. opposite new poatogcw srJOsss SSS Harney atreet, betwaaa lUh and 15th. Ctartaff Wage Maklac i.iu " la the latest and pawaaauwBaaawaaaw2a . ui appgvsJ pattern. H0B8E SHOEING AND BLACCSHITH1NU yrttaairlCMrja-Uap. fM4ATM VmGrBTT' Washington, June 19. Several Senators to-dayendeav- have the bills on the dar rallied un for nassatre. but Mr. Edmonds objected and the morn ing hour business proceeded. Mr. Anthony from the commit tee on printing called on the Rouse resolution to print 2,500 copies of Professors Haj-den's report on cre taceous flored of the west; passed. Mr. Boreman moved to reconsid er the vote by which a bill tc pro vide government for the District of Columbia, was passed. He ex plained that according to his under standing the bill did not exempt church property from the three per cent tax levied by the bill, which lie argued should be done. Mr. Allison said the committee intended tax to be levied on church property the same as any other and defended the provision. Mr. Boreman's motion .was on motion of iir, Thurman tabled without discussion. Mr. "Wright of the judiciary com mittee reported without amend ment, the House bill to abolish the western district of Arkansa; placed on the calendar. .Mr. Patterson of tho committee on.Territories reported favorably the bill to organize a territary Aklaha ma, and or better protection from Indian tribes therein; placed on the calendar. Mr. Kelly from the committee on mllitarv affairs reported favorably the bill for the restoration of public Innrla in the Sedirewick reservation, a f Vilorada and Nebraska .to settle- jnentjad entry; placedfn Jki cay Ainlar. - J - JkLawWrJghUjaJled.mi?o report of the conference committee on me finance bill made yesterday, aud asked iio be disposed of, he hoped immediately- N Jar.) Flanaguu port. Mr. Edmunds favored the redis tribution clause, but objected to and argued against that abolishing the reserves the banks are now obliged to keep. , , Mr. WrigW-SaU this clause had beeriawTrued upon by both Houses bf Congress, In cap of a panic the reserves ot the banks amounted to nothing, an- t was unanimous thought best to leave them out, Mr. Sherman hoped the report would be adopted. The questions of paper money .and return, to secie payment, have been postponed. Mr. Stevenson thought all could stand on the report. Mr. Thurman thought tho report was the best obtainable this session. Mr. Morton' said the abolition of reseryes'wouJd sgt free over$30,000, 000, whloh at certain seasons to move crops, would be of great re lief. In unfinished business, the river and harbor appropriation bill was taken up. A number of amend ments were reported by the commit tee, butwero rejected. A number were' concurred in; among the lat ter, one providing that SI 5,000 of the $200,000 appropriated for im provements in tho .Mississippi river between the Ohio and Illinois riv ers, Hhfdl be expended between the inouths'qfthe Jfjggri pud Illinois rivers. Fending the discussion, the Sen ate went into executive session, and took a recess until 7:30 p. ra. HOUSK After the transaction of a large amount of routine business, Poland withdrew his yesterday's proposi tion j.q jfp tq the Speaker's table and dispose of business thereon. Mr. Whlteiy moved to suspend the rules 'and pass the bill fixing the limit of expenditure for the public building at Atlanta at $250,000. Mr. Garfield moved an adjourn, ment, saying that ho considered it his duty to prevent further appro priation for public buildings; but subsequently withdrew his motion, when the bill passed. Mr. Hooper moved to suspend the rules and pass the joint resolution impropriating three hundred dollars for the purchase and restoration to te family of Lafayette the watch presented tp $8t oilier by George Washington. In the course of der bate it was mentioned that the watch was now In possession of a Texan gentleman, who obtained it at A pawnshop in .Louisville, it hav ing been ost in Nashville by Gen. Lafayette,' Tp.ejojnt resolution was passed. Mr. Starkweather moved to pro ceed to buslnoss on the speaker's table and dispose thereof under two thirds rule. Mr. "Wilson, of Iowa, moved an amendment by suspending rules and proceeding to business on the speaker's table and dispose of it un der ordinary niajoiity rule; reject ed, yeas, 138; naysj'ln. Mr, Starkweather's 'motion was then adopted without division. After disposing of various execu tive communications on the speak er's table the business was Interrup ted by Mr. Tyne8 from the appro-, priation committee, who reported an amendment to tho postofllce Ap propriation bill. The amendment restricting the letter carriers to cities of 30,000 in stead of 20,000 inhabitants, was car ried, as also the amendment prohi biting atjyprtjsements in "Washing ton hoyspaptjis for. fcost rflufes, ex cept those in Virginia a'ntl Mary; lMDh Also the amendment prohl biUngftp publication pf revised sta tistics of the United S.tato Innewsr papers at the Government's ex; pouso, The amendment to strike out the Sroviso for the free transmission of ae agricultural report was nqt con curred In, The amendment fixing the rates of newspaper postage at four cents a pound and at single paper at one cent each and requiring prepay, ment was discussed at length. Mr. E. H. Roberts moved an amendment by making the postage c"U daily and weekly papers at one cent per pound, on magazines two eants pr pound, and argued in favor of the amendment. He sajd news papers asked no sympathy'but jus. tice. He was confident the House would not legislate against news. papers out of spite, and as great as, some public men might be, and as longasnflgbttcthejrpubliclife.their career was short as compared wftb, the life of great newspapers. There was none so great as he could aflbrd tosneeratit. If the House chose to leftsUte from spite, newspapers W C I m I 11 Winiitail tfrm 4liam rVmatVai YullwHa VNJ aTiSlte-iaJ.JVygTapli X 5 uould be carried in outside mail?. J-rlHlally Mr. Robert's amendment was rejected and the benate amend mentmodified so as to fix postage "on periodicals and papers published weekly or more frequently at one and a half cents per pound ; on those published more frequently three cents per pound : and single peri odicals not exceeding two ounces in vj weignr VyEe-cei sStVi nciguv, iui iciiu va- w -,7j e-cent each ; periodicals weigning two ounces, two cents eacn, rates to be prepaid. The amendment allowing newspapers LjoE0 lififito subscribers within the CUmil.7VWI4FI? IJUU113UCU, naa wu- tho amendment al lowing four pound packages to go in mails; also the amendment making the change in newspaper postage to commence the 1st of January next. The amendment requiring the oath of publishers concurred in with some amendments. The amendment relating to sal aries and classifying postmasters, created a long discussion and was finally non-concurred in. All the Senate amendments non concurred in, except the last, which exempts the public documents from pre-payment, and limits the rate of postage to 25 cents. Mr. Burchard moved to strike out the portion relieving public docu ments from prepayment on the part limiting the 25 cents postage to doc uments already printed. Mr. Mills moved an amendment by reducing the limit of postage on public documents to ten cents each; agreed, 124 to lir. Mr. Burchard's amendment was then divided and the part exempt ing the public documents from pre payment was rejected; other strik ing out the limit of cheap postage to documents already printed or ordered; was agreed to, Mr. Burchard then moved to strike out the provision allowing congressional records on any part thereof go free through the mails; agreed to, 100 to 63. The Senate amendment as above modified was then non-conjeured in, ayes 113 je bill now goes to' a conference naysii9. , committee. PsEKSicn.1-, June 19. Tho single skull race between Tenyck andcarlT, to be decided AV4 WfuinAcixr Su f root In f- rnn- opposed tho "reTgiderabie attention. ScharlThas ar rived, and went into traluiug over the course to-day. He is stopping at the STw Cluiid HotokX Both men are in'gbod condition. Heavy DettinS to-day on ScaalT, who is the favorite, at onothousand to eight hundred. CABLEGRAMS. Paris, June 19. The Paris police seized only tho New York Heralds of May thirty first, which were for sale at the Herald ofiiee in the Rue de Ki osques. The French journals are threatened with prosecution for the reproduction of Rochefort's mani festo. Rome, June 19." The American Pilgrims have scattered frofn. Rojne for the East for recreation. Some of 'them have .gone to Venice, and others to the mountains in Italy. At the recep tion by the Pope on Tuesday His Holiness mentioned that proposals had been received praliifttiFlgf. frora exalted political personages looking to a reconciliation between Papacy and the Italian Government. He declared, however, that he would yield to nothing ; that any conces sion on his part would be injurious to the Church and to society. Cardinal AntoneJU is suffering from a'se'vere attack of gqufy and is very weak. Xondon, June 19. The steamship Atricto, which sailed from London February tenth for Now Zealand, and when near the Cape of Good Hope started back on account of Injuries sustained, and which started again from Plymouth, April eighteenth, has arrived in Alozo. A. large portion of her pas sengers we're down with thp mea slos, (hiring tne protraoted voyoge, and thirty-two deaths occurred. M. Roohefbrt reached this city last evening. His arrival at the Eastern station was unattended by any demonstration. In the Ascott races yesterday the St. James' stakes of five hundred sovereigns was won by Sir R. Bulk ley's c. h. c. Loninus; the eleventh row, Bennett-stake, of fifteen sover eigns, by Mr. J. Johnson's b. c. Tipster, and the gold cup, valued at five hundred sovereigns, by Mr. H. Beltmar's b. p. Drujd, beat jng Dons ter and FJagoJet, "Betting before the race was nine to four against Boyard, eight to one against Dons, ter and four to cue against Flago let. Paris, June 19. Jn tljp Assembly on Thursday, the olaflse in the municipal organi zation bill, giving to the largest tax payers the right of membership, was rejected. Yeas, 325; nays, 378. The Left, the Bonapartists, and a portion of the Right center, voted with the majority. They regarded the clause as an attempt to restrict unanimous suffrage. This rejection will probably prove fatal to the bill. The anuounpc.raent of thp vote crea ted considerable sensation.' M. Fourton, Minister of the Interior, has signified bis willingness to ae oept a compromise, by giving the Government the right to appoint tho mayors of cities for terms not exceeding three years. The postal committee have approved the report In favor of the American postal convention, and tho Assem bly will probably ratify the report shortly without further discussion. The Right Centre is negotiating with the Right and with a portion of the'lLoft Centre in thp jopp of forming a new majority upon a programme based on a bill submit ted by M. Lambert de pt. Croix qp thp lth. fnst., providing for the consummation 'of Prpsjfjpnt Mac? Mahon's power or the admission of the second chamber, and conferring the right upon President Mac Mahon to dissolve both branches, and tho appointment of his succes sor by a joint convention of the two chambers, .Negotiations, will proba bly prove abortive The Lelf Centre adhering to the E revisions of M. Caslmer Perier's ill, M. Dufauer Intends when the bill of M Perier comes up for debate, to distinctly own tho right that 335 deputies are prepared to demand a (jlasojutjon f the Assembly, if the organization pfa RnubUp 3 pre; vented, M. Goulard is "very slert. M. Paul De Caasagnad Is cited to appear before the Court on Monday .next, to answer to the charge of ln- ClWig citizens to tne Hatred or eacn Other, The . American naval squadron, at Mediteranian, is expected to be long shortly to the Revecutal, V TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Ottawa, Oxt., June 19. The times to day-has the follow ing : An advertisement will be at onee issued by the public works department, inviting tenders for the construction of a telegraphic line across the continent. This an nouncement is welcomed with en thusiasm both by Canada and .British Columbia. New Haven, Conn., June 19. Judge James F. Babcock, was stricken with paralysis, at 10:30 a. m. yesterday, and died att3:10p. m. He was unconscious from noon. He was appointed Judge of the police court in 1SG1. He was also collector of the port at one, time, which position he held for eight years. He took an active part in tho Andrew Jackson movement. Cincinnati, June 19. There is intense excitement at Ijawrenceburg over the murder of the Bradley family. Circumstantial evidence against -Vm. McDowel, now in custody, has increased, and a mob threatens to lynchhim. In in his mother's house in Elizabeth town there wero found bloody clothes and wet shoes. His reply on being questioned was, "I did not do it." The trial will be continued to-day. New York, June 19. Tho Herald this morning says that Mullen's walking feat is a faaud ; that the track on which he walked was cut out one sixth of a mile shorter than it was given out to be ; and that Mullen did not walk within twenty-three miles of the hundred and fifteen purported to have been walked by him on Mon day last. The Herald claims that "Weston is still champion of Ameri ca"; the Graphic, however, awards that honor to James Gordon Ben nett. Providence, June 19. The will of John Carter Brown gives the Brown University S50.000 for the erection of a fire-proof libra ry building, for which purpose he had previously given a fund, now amounting to $200,000, and a lot of land worth $3,500. Mr. Brown also bequeathed $25,000 to the Rhode Island Hospital, $5,000 to Butler Hospital, for insane $5,000, and to the Redwood Library at Newport $20,000. The bulk of his estate goes to his children. Mrs. Brown, Robt H. Hayes, Thos. R. J. Goddard and George" W. It. Mattcson, arp 'named as trustees in liis wjll. .N ew i ork, J une 19. The fifth day's races at Jerome Park was poorly attended. The first race was for a purse ot $500, mile and a half heats, which resul ted in a walk.a-way for Sandford's Kadi. The second race;xfor a purse of $700, one and three-quarter miles, and Mas won by Reynold's "Whis per. The third racp, for a purse of $000, for three year old fillies, mile and three-quarter dash, brought out only two fillies, Vanderbilt and Chris tine; Vanderbilt won; time, 2:17. The fourth race, handicap, steeple chase, for a purse of $600, two miles and a half; Bullet won, Tammany second, Blind Tom third best; time, 4:281. WA8mflTv. jMe19. " The Senate amendment p the postpffipe appropriation "111 fixing the rate bf postage at four cents per pound on newspapers and periodi cals of all sorts, meets with great opposition in the House and it is criticised with a grpat deal of free dom.'antl seveniP members of tho House crltlclyo tlio situation as a mixture of Ignorance and malice. The committee on postofilces In the House had a meeting this morning at 10 o'clock to consider the subject. They arg unanimously oppose to tip yenatp amendment concerning rates of postage. An at tempt will be made to fix tho rate of postage of printed matter atone and a half or two cents for dally and weekly newspapers and three cents on periodicals published less fre quently than once a week. At the utmost the rates that will be estab lished will not be over an average of ten and one-half cents per pound. San Francisco, June 18. The Lord of Isles has arrived from. China and. Japan. The Pacific 'Jockey Club have de cided to give a purse otWtwenty five thousand dollars, in a running race of four miles aud repeat, and open to the world. Tho first horse to recelvo thirteen thousand, the se cond five thousand, the third four thousand, and the fourth three thousand. Allowance to be made for horses from the cost and Europe. Race to bo run In San Francisco Novembor eleventh. The steamer Vancouver arrived at seven o'clock direct from Yoko hama and Hong Kong. On the ninth and tenth of May Canton and "Whampoa were visited by a severe thunder storm. Six lives were lost by lightning. ' 'A' proclamation has been issued con demning the Chinese riot on tho Fronohmon In Shanghai, alo or dering the arrest and punishment of the participants, and threatening summary punishment for all future similar occurrences. Four steamers with two thousand Japanese on board arrived at Amoy and com menced to throw up earthworks. The Lord of Isles brought one thousand Chinamen. New York, June 19. About ton o'clock this morning a row occurred in a drinkinc saoon on the corner of Murray and Vfash lngtoh streets, pver a game of dice, between Henry Gill and Mortimer Sullivan, when Gill drew a revolver and shot Sullivan jn the head, the boli taking etteet over.the left eye ; thp murderer was captured after a sharp chase. At the police station hegave bis name as George Rob bins, but bis right name is belevcd to be Gill, A special report to the Dally Graphic from Staten Island says says that about twelve o'clock yes terday a fire broke out In the build ing occupied by the "Washoe Tool Company, at Elm Park lauding, and the building and contents were burned. The building belonged to Courtland, Parker &. Tate, and was. valued at two tyuidrejjT and fifty thousand dollars; the Tool Co. lose everything. The Company's office, on the other side of the road, caught flro and burned to the ground. Houses a quarter of a mile away paugnt fire from sparks, tat they. Were' all put out before any damaga was done. Loss very great; cause unknown. Philadelphia, June 19. "Weston walked his fifty miles yesterday in nine hours, fifty-six minutes and fifty seconds, being three minutes and ten seconds leas than the limited time. The num ber of spectators was much larger than on the previous day. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Honey Market. New York, June 19. Money Freely ofl'ered at 23 percent. Foreign Exchange Dull at nom inal rates of 4SSV for sixty davs, 491 for sight. " Gold Steady, opening sales at 111 to 111 now at 111. Governments Dull and firm, currency sixes. 114j; 10-40s regular and coupon 114. Stocks "Weak and feverish. Lake Shore, "Western Union, Union Pa cific, North Westeen, Rock Island being the principal features. Erie, 27; W U 09j; Union Pacific 34; P M 40. ' New York Produce Market. New York, June 19. BreadstufTs Better. Flour Firmer, and a shade bet ter for shipping brands. "Wheat Strong, and higher prices asked ; No. 1 spring, 1 4S1 50 ; No 2 Chicago, 1 431 44 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring, 1 45 1 47. Corn Firm ; Western mixed afloat 60i81. Oats Dull and nominal; "Western mixed G1C2. Rye Nominal. Provisions Quiet, but generally firmer. Pork New mes, 17 2570 50. Lard 110115. Leather Steady. Iron More active. "Wool Firmer. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, June 19. Flour Dull, steady and unchang ed. "Wheat Active, unsettled; open ed firm, at lc higher, closed easier at nearly Inside prices ; weak feel ing; No 1, 1 20; No 2, 1 20il .'5; closed 1 21 J: cash 1 2H1 221; June closed 1 201 21J; July cloed 1 1 1; August No 3, 1 1GJ; rejected 1 05; No 2, new, 1 25. Corn Opened at an advance es tablished before the regular session, which was entirely lost; closed easy but weak; high, mixed, C01G0J; N.o. 2, CQJOGOj; cash, 59J50J; July pjosed, 69J; August, 59J. Oats Quiet, weak, and easier; Nq,2, 40; rejected, nominal. Rye Better demand; 84JS5. Barley Dull and nominal; 1 10 l17forfairNo2. Pork Steady, firmer, 1720cash, 17j17J June or July; 17 35 10 August. Lard Quiet and lower, 10 00 10 85. Bulk Meats Ea-er; shoulders Gjj G ; short rib, 7 ja8: short clear. ijuner oieauy aim raiuer easier, sales at lGa20. Eggs 13. "Vyiiisk Steady 91. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, June 19. . Flour Quiet and weak. "Wheat Dull and unchangedNn Chicago, 1 05I 08J. Cqrn "pasler : So 2 mixed, CO in east elevator ; 58 for regular. Oats Dull and drooping ; No 2, 45 In elevator. Rye No sales. "Whisky Steady at 90, Pork Dull at 18 00. Bulk Meats Nominal. Lrd Quiet; summer, 10j. Bacon 5 5 J; heavy, 55:. Chicago Liva Stock Market, Chicago, June 19, Cattle Receipts 300,000; market fairly active throughout; prices firm and steady, especlalli' for better grades; ohoice steers Bold at 5 90 6 20; extra to extra prime G 10 6 50; Texans 2 90. Hogs Receipts 110,000; fairly ac tive, firmer steady, unchanged in price; demand chiefly for choice; common sold 55 15; fair to good 5 205 50; choice extra 5 C05 90, Sheep Receipts l,37Qj dull and weak 4 154 -3 lower sales 4 40 St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, June 19. Hogs Receipts 1G00; firmer,light 4 755 00. Cattle Receipts 14S0; steady; butchers 3 504 00. JOHN H. GREEN, STATE MILLS DEALER IN GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, ABD COMMISSION MERCHANT L. W00DW0RTH, 238 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. WAGOXT Wood Stock, WAGON HJLRDWARE, PaUnt mees, Knifed Gearing, &c Axles, Springs and Thimble Skeins. HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages, Hacks Buggies Statlebneker "Vkoc Depot. POPS DM ASTER'S SOT1CE. All persons owning stock, Ineludin? cattle, horses, sbcep, goats, swine, Ac., also does, will please take Hotlce that on and after ilondar the 13th day of Jnne, 1871, 1 shall b obliged In conformity to the elty ordinances to tike up aUsuca s ock and dogs mnnins at large be tween the Missouri rlrer and Iltn street, and between Pacific and Grace streets, and put them In tho Pound at the Estabrook Stable, on Capitol Axenue, between 9th and 10th streets ; saW Stable hating been by me designated m the Cl.y Pound lor the J" ejl jt Poundmaster. BYRON REED & GO. Tba Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IH NEBRASKA- Kaep a complete Abstract ot Title to li;Beal fatal la Oauka a&l Douglas coun J, M. HELLMAN & CO., CLO THIERS a-zEiETTS' Fuiisrissiznsra- goods, 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST- OUR STOCK FOR THE siFiRiiLsra- -Aisno sTJDrncEiv!, s:ejlSo:n" Is Complete now; Our Assortment in. Clothing i Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises ih.e Latest ITovolti. THE LATEST ST'SXES ZXT SATS UTD CAPS. We Have also a Full Line in BOY'S u liUJTIFS Clothing WE WILL SELL OTJRGOODS LOWERTICANEYER. M. HLUfcN & CO. R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS; AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELYET& BEAVER CL0ABLNGS, A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS TABLE LINEN IN GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, HATTING RUGS, AND HATS, CHEAPER rrSLA-JST THE CHEAPEST CHARLES SHIYEBIOK. Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, niirl QTTQM?'riiYir norTQirn'rifr n na Ul I 1 U?"rVTTl'ri 1T7 j i-ri- HOLSTER Y trade; has largely increased his stock andno has a complete assortment oi FINE, MEDIUM -and 'hOW' PRICED goods, which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to thQ interest of evervonedesirim? anything in this line, to examine his stock before rmxehas- PABI0R3EmtJl5Sf!& AND G. STRIFFLER, DEALt.Il N CHOCS RIBS, Prot U'ons, Fruii, Nuls. ConfocMouery, Tob.'CC, &c, &c, &c. S. K. I lllt.ot K. T andFARNOAH. a lltlf Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating StOTPS. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering don short notice and In (ha best manner, iltecn trit sept2 dj City Meat Market. buesxjy: Keep conttantly'on.hand A LARGE SUPPLY OF Be.e IT, 10 MUTTON, POULTRY, GAME vboeta: Spring and Summer Styles slaaaaassssssssssssssl Xaaa LOTfl sssssssflH KaBLLKsNBLi Fine and Medium CHEAPEil AND DEALERS IK- FALL STOCK, 1873. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UUVlUtLU 1U isBVFVnBhKaaV tVraa raVarfc aaaVaaA - UJMEM VsmA9i OAlVJii 203 EVix-axlaavna. FRANK J.KAMGE DRAPER & TAILOR ANL- DEALEEIN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. ir'nll Assortmentof Imported Wooleas. All Work Warranted." 232 FarnhnmSt, - - Omaha, XTeb oil Seodtr J"TJ2sTE 18th, 1874! FROU T1IIS DATE WE WILL SELL MILLINERY! At Greatly Sedweed Prices MRS. JelS lm AGRICULTURAL Cor. 13th. and A. POLACK, CLO THIER, 233 Farnham St Hear 14th. Clothing, and Furnishing Goods. TEZA.IX THE CHiEAPBST. w-. Stroot. Onxali C. F. HICKMAN. IMPLEMENTS Streets, IsTEB. ilrj; Hxcns. VffTPBl (IsaaaaaB aMJsaW bFbW lallL aiiV i 1 n If h I .aaSal .' - ,..