-i "pgr!? g'grig.. &z&simixi MM u ..' r: t n THE OMAHA BEE THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1874. fFFICUL PIPE OF THE CUT. THE OMAHA DAILT BEE Ja warred to iubscnbere by Jto'i to "T ttrtrf th.eity,Tery eTenlng. (Sundjiy; - Mad.) si Uteen cents per week, or IX..5 lor avxBOBths, sad 17.00 per annum, when paid iimrT1'"" bont Irregularities, addressed this otbtx will wceiTe prompt attention. Tax Oblsjls. Dah.t Bex will be mailed to lubacribersattbeioUowingraU, ayaMelnTa- sablj 1b adTanoe : $7.06 per an -lum. $.75 M ..ontha. ..,.... Xkx Ouii Dxllt Bu baa by lar the LAMEST etenlaUon In tb etty. and Is, jMraian, Ik baat ad cheapest advertising i nr ADTxxnscre. Local notlcea. 35 rata par Una: local adTertlaements, 20 (eata per line; byth month, 10 cents. No lliaiHw merit inserted for leaa than 60 centa. t pedal aoticea, 10 centa per Una; tingle Inser tion, at H" than 25 centa. Tn -" abrertlaameaU moat lnTarlxbly be aaldJsr in adnata. ataa far ahmrltng adrerUaetaenta by apedal tilXU Legal Notices, Btatementa, Tabular 'Work, etc., requiring careful rerialon by copy, or proof to be f craiahed, must be handed in before ten o'clock a. x. to insure Insertion the same day. Special and Local adrertiaemeuta before two o'clock F. at. Advertisements before one o'clock P. at. All advertisements for the Weekly Bex must be handed In before Monday noon, lor the same week's Issue. UtKlVAl, iillJ DEi'AKlUKE OF TRAINS. Tlaaa Card of the Barllaataai Boat LEAVE OMAHA. ABJCVI AT OMAHA. Express. 230 P. X. I fcxpress fc55 A. X. jUll 5.00 A. X. I Mail 10:45 r. U. Sundays excepted. 'Mondays excepted. This is the only line running Pullman Hotel. iMninzcsrs. U. w. Ui-rcHCofi:, Haxet P. Deokl, Oeu'L Was. Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent. Chicago, 111. Omaha, Neb. Cation Pacific. leatx. n.n Ktmmi 1130 A. M. 3.00 P.M. niilllTid 4:P.M. 10D0P. Dally Freight 5:00 A. M. Daily Freight , fctt A- M. ;CaJemt Hock lalaaul C:t5P.M. 3:30 A. li lt PacHc. 10:40 P. M. Kali 530 A.M. tl0:U)A.M. jiiaaT excepted. tMondaya excepted. CtUeac Nartlsweatere. 5:A.X. 2 JO P.M. 10:40 P.M. tlttlA.M JCxpreM tfnr--- CKy, UJ. CemmeU Blast XornlBsKxpreet... 630A.M. 10:00A.M. aur.a. ..-.. i ax Nartfcweatern tad Mloax City x raeiHe. ..8:15A.M. 2J5P.M. Daily except Sundays. Omaibuea and Baggage Wagons leare the Ace, corner Farnham and Ninth streets, flf eca amlnutea In adraaee of tho abore Wsllmad peala aai ClesiBg f Omaha. Malls Ih BOOTX DUX. A.X. P.X. A.X. T. V.P.B.R. 2:20 liaw EAST. M N.W. K.B... . ate do.... JLLtF. K.K.. do do K.aM.R.BJi do do. .. BOCTH. B.8UJo do do... O.Jk8.W. R ii:or 4jo U i.30 11:00 4.30 7.0C 4.S0 30 100 STOBTX. O.AH. W.K.B-. 230 7:45 Chicago and all Eastern cities, Nebraska City, Piattamouth, Council Blufts and Burling toa,dueatlu:3ua.in.,cluseaat439a. m. and 1:45 p. m. Bt Laula and St. Joseph, due at 10:00 a. m. BSd 7 p. m.; closes at 1:15 p. m. and 4.30 a. m. Ossce open Sundays froui 12 to I p. m. C. E. YOST. Postmaster. TAADTBKTiaicBS -rae Cincc E.TIO r thoDAlLT BBtC la more tavad elaaMe tamt or any;olber dally amaierimblUBed isi Nebraska. Peycko'a Restaurant and Oyster rooms. Tno leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth andThirteenth. feb24tf OMAHABREVITIES. The annual meeting of the Philharmonic society took place this evening at Meyer's Music Hall. Tts-r-The sale of seats for the Hooley Comedy Company, will begin to .ISftorrow morning at the Variety lazar. i Thomas Swift has a swift steer frrhich he brags on and is willing to bet on. Ho will wager $50 that he icanrun 300 yards and beat any ahorse in town. Bully for the steer ! Yesterday's Police Court busi ness: John H. Stevens, drunk, $1.00 and costs ; Johann Hotz, drunk, dls . charged ; John Bunker, drunk, dis charged. Bev. J. F. Jordan will lectured at the Court House last evening at 8 o'clock, on "The emancipation of the colored people of The British West India Islands." -i-Tho Odd Fellows had a gay time at Belle vue yesterday. The fcpic-nic excursion train left for that place about half-past eight o'clock. Tho Union Pacific band accom panied the excursionists. Allen's beautiful drug store has been further ornamented by the ad dition of an elegant perfumery case, and a mirror writing desk, both cor . responding in splendor with the rest of the fixtures. The Union Pacific Band play ed excellently on their way to tho depot yesterday, to take the Odd Fellows' excursion train forBelle vue. "The members of Uii3 baud seem to have greatly improved in their playiug. Capt Donald McKay, Dr. W. C McKay and their Warm Spring Indians left for Pittsburg and Wash-" iagton yesterday. Their entertain "inents "here were not a financial meows, as Indians are not a novelty jn Omaha. i 7tThose two horny-listed sons of . Jott, Judge Dudley and St. A. D. .Bilcombe, were observed to enter the theater together last evening, . arm in arm. A news boy remarked that "Major Balcomlie wanted to find out what kind of soup the Warm Spring Indians j referred." Yesterday' Bef, In. the-relation of an assault and b tttery item, stated that the ccmpla nant, W. B. Heed, was a boy. Last evening Seed called at the Bee office, and it .was,, evident that he was a full grown man. Mr. Reed was red-hot at being called a boy. He did not want the people about the city, who owed him, to think him a small jbey. - It appears fiat he made the complaint in behalf of the youth 'who was assaulted, and hence the Mistake. Two of the finest pairs of elk horns ever seen in this country are attracting considerable attention at Julius Meyer's Indian Wigwam. One of them is quite a natural cu riosity on account of an extra antler. An ex-County Treasurer went out to Florence Lake yesterday to take a canoe ride. Just as he was about to start out, his companion tipped him over into the lake. Notwithstanding the water was cool, he felt mighty hot at that fellow. Faraoaal. Judge Borer and family, of Bur lington, are at the Grand Central. Lieut. Greeley, inspector of the signal service, is in the city. Ex-Govemor Paddock, of Be atrice, was in the city yesterday He left for Kearne Junction to attend to some business in connection with the Beatrice Cement and Pipe Company. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming: N J Miller, Des Moines; W B iuemln, St Paul; G P Farnsworth, do; Wm Plank, St Joe; S G Brock, Macon, Mo; E L Jones, Iowa; J F Corwin, Ft Dodge; G W Holmes, Boone, Iowa; Frank Pierce, Boston; F C Gentsch, Ogden; D S Warren, Crete Hon A S Paddock, Beatrice; Mrs James Ferry, Elkhorn; E Tillistor, Blair, E Matthews, Chica go- The Fourth of July. As yet there have been no ar rangements made to celebrate the Fourth of July, in this city, and the probability is that our national birthday, will be more like a Sunday than anything else, and as the Fourth comes on Saturday, this will give us two Sundays in a week, which are more than we can stand. In the name of the patriotic, freedom lov ing people of Omaha, we rise and indignantly ask, why is this thusly ? Is the spirit of 177G dying out, or is it lying quiescent in order to gain strength for the general looming up of the centennial in 1876? Are we too poor to hire a brass band, and buy some cheap fireworks? Are we not going to give our gas bags at least those who have not been engaged by the grangers a chance to relieve themselves of their spread-eagle stereotypo oratorical efforts? Are we to have no balloon ascen sion? Are we not going to give Pierce an opportunity to break his neck for $37J by a tight-rope per formance? Is this, our glorious national holi day, only to be observed by Young America, who will Invest his last cent in firecrackers, torpedoes, lem onade and ice-cream? These are the questions that have been prompted by the general leth argy of our citizens on this matter and tho only conclusion now is, that Omaha will be as dull as a Sun day on the Fourth. The Granger pic-nic, will attract the majority of the political wire-pullers to sylvan retreats during the day, while the Emmett Monument Association picnic at Bellevuc will draw the Irish citizens to that suburb. This will leave the city in the hands of the Americans and Ger mans, who will spend the day in drinking the health of the Goddess of Liberty, with their national bev erages whisky and bcjr. What will the American Eagle, with one wing bathed in the At lantic, the other touching the' Pa cific, with his tail dipped in the Gulf of Mexico, and his bill in the north ern lakes, and one eye squiuting on Omaha, think of tnis indifference to the nation's natal day? Vobla ia Sioux City. Special to the Bee. Sioux City, June 17. Mr. John Noble arrived here Monday evening, all safe and sound, with the exception of a slight attack of home sickness. Tonrnxxient Xott. Eight coops of pigeons left Chi cago yesterday by express, to be used in the tournament to-morrow. Captain Bogardus, the cham pion shot of America, arrived here 3'esterday, to take part in the tournament. Mr. George Hoagland, one of Omaha's best shots, yesterday killed 42 pigeons out of 50, double rise. Wo understand that Capt Bogardus offers to waer $30 that he can kill 38 birds out of 50, double rise, and that no other man can do it Shooting begins promptly at 1 o'clock p. si. to-day. Entrie for to-morrow close at 8 o'clock to-night, at the office of W. H. S. Hughes, Secretary of the Sportsmen's Club. The Siwrtsmen's Club have made arrangements with G. W. Homan, Jr., to have as many bus ses as necessary leave the Graud' Central Hotel for the Driving Park at 12 o'clock M. aud 3 p. it. each day of the tournament John J. Kleinman, Price, Wil cox, and other noted shots from Chicago, arrived here last night LARGE STOCK Of Linen Suits, also single coats, pants and vests, sold very low, at M. Hkj.t.max A Co. JuulOeodtoJulyl. JUST RECEIVED. A most superb line of White Mar salles, and Duck, at J. H. Stein. June 15 in, w, f 100 boxes oranges and lemons just received and for sale at Eastern prices, wholesale only. JelG-it Clark, Pabsons & Co. FOR RENT. Parties desiring to rent a stand for refreshment purposes, on the grounds hired by the Grangers for their celebration, can do so by pay Jng$20to S. J. Cutlsb, Treasurer of Council. Omaha, Neb. June 16-2t I The J Mlharmonic Society. BY OUB MUSICAL CRITIC. The annual meeting of this soci ety takes place this evening, at Meyer's Hall, at half-past seven, at which time the election of officers to serve the ensuing year will also be held. We trust that on this oc casion a full attendance of both the active and subscribing members of the society may be depended upon, for whilst we have been compelled on several occasions, in the dis charge of our duty as a public journ- alist to animadvert upon the per formances given by this body, we utterly disclaim, in the performance of that ungrateful task, any person al or unfriendly feelings toward it On the contrary, we shall, in the future, as we think we have endeav ed to do In the past, contribute our share toward the support and maintainance, upon a proper basis, of any musical enterprise in our midst The fact is patent to all, that notwithstanding a liberal sub scription and enthusiastic support on the part of the public, the first season of the Philharmonic closed ingloriously, and with the expres sion of a feeling that the Society had not done so well as it might have done, had wiser and more practical counsels prevailed; in fact that there was some radical defect in the management as to the selec tion of pieces to be presented to the public, which called for a change, in many respects, to enable our "Phil harmonic" to rank favorably with similar organizations in neighbor ing States. Prominent, amongst other objections, is the one, that a preponderance of instrumental music has been produced at each concert given in the first series. To many professionals and others who have the means and time to cultivate and improve their taste for that branch of art, this argument would seem almost frivolous, whilst to the mass of patrons of the Philharmonic So ciety of Omaha, whose musical ex perience Is not so extended and whose taste requires moulding and direction, the obstacle is insupera ble. A compromise in this respect may be easily effected without trenching upon the rights of either class of the lovers of music, and probably no more fitting time to In augurate a new reign of harmony than at the meeting this evening. We have always had the habit of calling things by their proper name. If a picture is unqualifiedly bad, we call it a daub, and not the finished production of a master; if a con certed piece of music, deserving of a better fate, is rendered In a care less, slovenly manner, we say so, in plain words, and cannot, with any conscience, dignify it even with lip applause ! The two columns of juvenile twaddle which appeared in the Jie puUican a few days ago as a criti cism of the last concert of the Phil harmonic Society, in our opinion was as insulting to the ladies and gentlemen who participated in it as it was to the good sense of the large audience who listened and ap plauded. We cannot subscribe, herefore, to that obliquity of both sight and hearing, which claims for a deplorable fiasco, the verdict of a brilliant success. There is unquestionably in this city abundant material for the suc cessful operation of a good musical society, and we can see no sound reason why the interests of such an organization, conducted on con servative principles, should either languish or be allowed to expire within the limit of one short year. We behave that the meeting this evening Meyer's Hall will show by its action, that our Philharmonic Society is not composed of that ma terial which requires any given quantity of stick candy to sooth its lacerated feelings; but will go to work in good earnest aud by its proficiency as a musical society places itself at the head of that "band of brothers whose humaniz ing influence is felt and acknowl edged throughout the civilized world. Xn. Jarley'i Wax-Works. The distinguished Mrs. Jarley proposes to display her world-renowned collection of wax-figures "as large as life and twice as natu ral," at the Academy of Music, on Friday evening next The collec tion comprises life-like pictures of all the distinguished men and women of ancient and modern time, ail wearing their best clothes, aud with their most amiable or villain ous expressions, according to their historical characters. All lovers of Dickens will be pleased to see the old lady whom he has made famous tho wonderful figures and Little Nell and her grandfather. Scats can be reserved atC. F. Catlin's, on and after Thursday morning with out extra charge. June 17 2t Call at W. M. Francis' law of fice, in Creighton Block, if you wish to procure Pensions, Bounties, Patents, or Lands from the U. S. Government. W. M. Fkancis makes a specialty of attending to Land, Tax, ami Corporation cases. Fees contin gent on success. jel7t2 Dyeing, cleaning and repairing done inrthe neatestnnanner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St,bet Farnham and Douglas. aprSStf Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street, corner 11th street, may7-tf. SNOW FLAKE FLOUR, none MffoodjlYELLS&NiEXAX; every grocer In the cily -will keep it junelSml JUST RECEIVED, A most superb line of White Mar swilles and Duck, at JeI5-eod3t J. H. Stein. COUNTY COURT. DISTRICT Hon- Q. 1- lake, Jmdgt. Omaha, June 16. In the case against Cronln, the jury, after being confined to their room during the night were brought into court, aud being unable to agree, were discharged, and the case continued till the next term. Cronin gave bail In the sum of $1 ,000 for his appearance. State vs Edward Davis and Ed ward Dawsher, for cutting trees off the land or ii. W. Bmiin. itum. and defendant acquittea. Tried, Oiaie vs AUUiuava aicxaiucj . and defendant convicted or peut larceny. State vs Owen D. Prentice, for stealing a coat. Defendant, when the case was called for trial, with drew his former plea of guilty of petit larceny. Nebraska City National Bank vs Wesley Connor. Judgment for $5,000.33. In the matter of delinquent taxes, the prosecution was dismissed as to the delinquent city taxes on the property of Wm. Gaslin, Jr. Adjourned till nine o'clock in the morning. Boas of Toil Judge Dudley and Gen. Strick land, noble representatives of the Sons of Toil, and grand bouncers of the order of "The Co-operative Un ion of tho Industrial Classes," left yesterday for Bellevue to bam boozle eighty-four Bellevuites by forming a Union. A Bee reporter had a short interview with the silver-voiced Silas before he left, as follows : Heporler How much do you tax the co-operatives for initiation ? Sfrc Three dollars per head. .Reporter Well, that's pretty good $252 for a day's work. What do you do with the money? iSfric We jacket it; that is, uv coorse, to pay the running expenses of the machine. Why it's good thing for Omaha ; it's like a lottery, as it brings money here. The General; gave the reporter to understand that he was "grand lec turer" for theState at $10.00 a day when he works. If this be true, we think that this furnishes an ex planation why the silver-toned Silas can afford to spend so much time with the co-operative scheme. The fair and festival for the Ger man Catholic school has been post poned until further notice. J162t CHOICE BUTTER, 20 cents per pound; FRESH EGGS, 15 cents per dozen. S17-2t A. H. Gladstone & Co. PhilhamoBio. The annual meeting of the Phil harmonic Society will take place at Meyer's Hall this evening, at 8 o'clock. All active and subscribing members are requested to attend. The Board of Directors will meet at 7:30 o'clock. A. T. McMillan, Junel3Q , Secretary. Saloon for sale or rent, cheap. Inquire at the Bee office. June lG-Ct Geo. H. Peterson, tho pioneer cigar manufacturer, keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars, and; also Lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers, and "Durham" Smoking 211 Douglas streat ' mayCcodly Tobacco. OUR STOCK in Straw Hats and Summer Caps we will close out at astonishing low prices. M. Hellxan & Co. June 10 cod July 1 Generalities arc good to advertise, but no one gives you prices that are below those of JOHNSON fc Co. Nobody's wholesale prices at retail; or wholesale per cents off, are any lower on first-class goods, than can be found at 260 Dodge street, Doolittle's old stand; now JJSO. S. JOHNSON & Co. PLEASE CALL AND EXAM INE. iune!2-eod-3t IMPORTANT. We are selling off our extensive Btock of clothing and furnishing good-, at lower prices than ever. M; Hellman 6c Co., Cor. Farnham and 13th St junelO-eod-to-julyl Type For Sale! A Font of Bourgeois Type. of which this ia a sample, weighing 600 lbs. This type has been in use on the I) lily Bee less than one year, and ia nearly as good as new. For terms Ac, address E. Rosewateb, m f. Publisher of the Bee. 1?or Sale Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street Enquire of V. Burkley. apr 11,-tf SNOW FLAKE FLOUR, The Premium Flour of Nebraska. Little & Wixjjams, jel51ra t Douglas St CISTERN BUILDING and WELL DIGGING. Also cleaning ahd repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no charge. - R. C. Pbyor, Diamond Saloon, Harney, between 13th and 14th streets. Sel5-lw ' All good housekeepers should use 8NOW FLAKE, all who use it pronounce it the best June 15 lm FIRE WORKS and fine BUNT ING FLAGS, 10x15 feet, selling at very lot figures at L. V. Morse's, juncl5-4t 272 Dodge St LIGHT CASSIMERE SUITS Made up in the LATEST 8TYL13 At Greatly Reduced Fiqcbes ! Sold at junelO-eodtt M. Hellman & Co. No liquors, but lemonade,, seltzer and soda water, cider and splendid ice cream, etc., to be had at the French Coffee House, 485 12th street Separate room for ladies. msySOtewtf DOUGLAS IMMENSE BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES! AT WEBBER & BEHM?S, CORNER DOUGLAS AND THIRTEENTH STREETS. I 0, 0 0 0 FAIS8I To bs Sold at Prices that Have Sever Been Equalled In Omaha- You Can Buy Then Cheaper Than Ever Before. Men's Boots from - $2 Men's Congress, - - 1 Men's Shoes, calf bals, 1 Ladles' leather boots, 1 Ladies' cloth bals, - 1 Slippers, very nice, - 1 Misses' cloth boots, - 1 Misses' leather boots 1 00 to $5 00 90 to 2 50 25 to 3 00 25 to 2 50 00 to 2 15 50 fo 2 00 00 to 1 75 25 to 2 00 Also, ajull line of. children' a shoes at prices that are bound to sell them. t This is not slop work, but our reg ular stock, manufactured for our custom trade, and every pair war ranted. Call soon and secure bargains. jel7tl SPECIAL .NOTICES. NOT1CK. AdTerusnnents of To Let, For Sale, Loet, Wants. Found, Boarding, c.,iil be luserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line: each subsequent insertion, FIVECEF1S per line, llie first insertion nerer less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS WANTED A good german girl to go Int. the country. Apply at S3) Farnham St. jelTdit' LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN On Sunday ereulng, June 11th , a Urge Brown Horse, with white lace aud thr e white feet ; had a leather halter on. The fin Jer will please return him to Brewer and VeuiU' Brewery, on Cthst., awl t rewarded. - jelStf. Heat and Pastry Cook situation VluihlialiaUly, jelfcl2t ants a City or Country. Address D. W isee umce. STOBAGE AND COMMISSION HOUSE! Liberal advances made on consignments, and aU rlian of goods a tor d at the lowest rates. jdfr)6t B. BEUBINS.2S1 Douglas St. I WILL SELL SECOND-HAND Carriages, and one Hearse. cheaD for cash or trade, as need the room for new ones. Je'Wtr. Q. W. HOMAN. jOK BALE A biulness house and W of a I1 lot, at the O. A N. W. Depot, at a bargain; or Twill rent to a good business man. JelStf C. P. BOCKBUD. IJtOU KENT Furnished or unlurnlshed, the C residence of Mr. II. E. Brown, corner ot Farnham and 18th. streets. The house has nine rooms, cellar and cistern, and well ; and there is a fine stable on the premises. Tie lot is fall size and well shaded. Must be rented by the first of next month. Inquire at the houv. MBS. H. E. BROWN. jrlltt WANTED Furnished room, with board, by a young man. Address jelltf J., Bee Office.. GtlBL WANTED-To do general house-work r in a small family. Apply at COZZEN'S HOUSE, 9th street., jelOU T?OB SALE Two good breaking teams. In A. qu JelOiI quire at IC9 15th and Doaglas streets. JAMES BONNER. TaOBSALEATABAKQAIN-Oneof Gale's C Celebrated Pea-nut Roasters ; also one Lung Tester. Inquire at MEBBITTS Restaurant. JtMlm. rnO BENT A furnished room ; withorwlth X out board ; room suitable for gentleman and wife, or two single genUcniea. Inquire at 161 Jackson street. jeStf F)B SALE-160 acres of Und. being the NE lioluxlS, in township 13,Nof R 4 E. in the SE part of Buttler county, 30 miles North west of Lincoln. A well Improved farm adjoins it on the west, and country all aiound it is thickly aetUed: Will sell for (500, one half down, balance in one year, or S3 00 per acre in cash, or wiU trade for city property. Apply to my21U ANDREW -W UUSKWA'lfctt. DEblBABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, and several vacant lots, and farm Unds fur sale ; also houses and offices to rent cheap, to good tenants. Apply to Joh E. Kmxby, Attorney at Law, at French A McKoon's oOce, RoomNo. 3, Creighton block. mvlSif riEOST PARLOR FOR RENT Apply 277 a. iravenponsi uei xain ana lain sis, inylGtf r THE PUBLIC The "undersigned has purctased and put upon the streets as public conveyances, some of the finest carriages etermanufactured in this country. They wuTbe run to andlroin the depots, hotels and private residences. All orda a left at the Metropolitan Hotel, or at the stable,' near a e cor of Eleventh at and Capital Avenue, will be prompUy at tended to. A share of the public patronage ia respectfully solicited. JOHN ETbULU uiylSU WANTED Servant girls, carpenters, farm hands, laborers, etc., immediately, at the employment utflco.room 9Visscher'shIock. niySlf ANTED A cneap larui in ezenange for merchandise. Addresa, Farmer, Bax office. p?Jt TOR SALE OB RENT No. 35 Chicago at U Apply to RABBIS, TAFT A WOODMAN, a Oil Mill. COKTKACT8! BUBOES! The subscrilier la prepared to do all kinds of Bridging, (lUilway or Highway). Pile Driv ing and Heavy Framing of any description, (Span bridges a specialty), will furnish material and complete the aame on the shortest possible notice. Plsns and specifications lurnished. Ord.rs solicited. County Clerks and others will confer a favor by sending notice of lettings to WILLIAM BOYD, jel7w6m 371 Paul Street, Omaha. THE COMING STRUGGLE. The voters of our nation. As ne'er waa known before. Are ris'ng from Pacific's strand To Atlsqtlc'a rocgy shore. Why Is th s mighty chaqgeT What cn the meaning be 7 The rising of the nwes From northern lake to southern sea. The spirit of old seventy-six From out our heroes' graea Forbids a nation drenched in patriots' blood, bbouldiink to that of slaves; -The motto which our coins once bore, .Though obsolete long since. Remain aa ever true : net one cent for tribute, But millions for defense. Fat ty ties and party Uws Are bat as ropes of sanJ. v The right' of mm to b a man Should govern Freedom's land. Then shall our Flag more proudly float O'er land aa well as sex, And nations yet unborn shall gladly greet The emblem of tie free. In trade we'll try to Aral, As man should deal with man. And wh'Ie we seek to live oarse'ves, We'll sell as cheap as anybody can, And if a hat you need. Or Men I you chance tn meet, Remember Bu nee, the Hatter, On Upper Douglas Street. iel6tf 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FINEST Elkhorn Valley Lands ! FOR SALE BT ITeb THESE LANDS ARE CONVENIENT TO the market and the FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2,50 to $5.00 PER ACRE I Fer Cask er ra lest; Tlaae. JSTLAND EXPLORING 1 ICK ETS or sale at O. 4 N. W, De. pot, bearing coupons which; will be taken at fall cost in payment tor land. JOB Printing The Bee Job Printing House EXECUTES AIL EI5DS OF BOOK AXD JOB PRINTING IX TOE VERY BEST STYLE, AND AT TUK Lowest Cash Prices. Competent workmen are impetont workmen are in charge of the ral departments, and FIRST-CLASS work sevei will be turned out in either English, German, Bohemian, or Danish Languages. T Orders may be left at the BEE Count Ing R om Or forwarded by mall and will receive prompt attention. MOTTS LIVER PILLS! N OLD PHYSICIAN ONCE SAID THAT nearly all diseases originated from a dis- eased condition of the liver, and this statement iatnip. although at first a mar seeui like an ex eggcratlon. When the liver is out of ordar the whole system aud eery organ and function Buffer more or less In consequence. In the in cipient stages of the dUease a man Does not know what ails him, He is moody, restless and despondent ; and that it the time to take a simple remedy that will restore him to health In a Single Day, and prevent a whole train of diseases that may follow. MOTTS LIVER PILLS cure torpidity of the Liver. MOTTS LIVER PILLS give tone to the stom ach. MOOTS LTVER PILLS cleanse the system of bile. MOTTS LIVER PILLS drive out febrile afiec- tions. MOTTS LIVER PILLS strengthen the whole system. MOTT'S LIVER PILLS regulate' the liver, and are morereliableasa liver medicine than any of the mineral preparations that do more harm than good. aWFor sale by all Druggists. Price 25c p?r box. JOHN F. HENRY? CURBAN. A CO., Propr'etors. 8 and 9 College Place, New York. my23w4w GKEO. W. ELKINS, Commission Merchant, 1916 & 1918 Mai ket St, PHILADKLPHIA. G-rain, Flour, Seeds. Enscialttea t Bwlav, Malt Heps. marTwCin pNERGEaC AND RELIABLE CANVASS 11 ers wanted in every County in the State GOOD MONEY IN IT. Addritw JAMrS SMITH, fare of Bke office. HALL STEAM ENGINE CO! (Successors to Hall Bros.) MANUPACTUIlEJsW OF STEAM ENGINES Mining eft Mill BUILDING, CASTING, And all kinds of TROUT WORK, Corner 2?icholas & Wh Streets, OMAHA, NEB. LEGAL NOTICE. To all Whom It May Concern . rrUKB NOTICE That on the 2d day of July X. 1374, at 2 o'clock, p.m., I will soil at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the residence of Michael Sautter, one fourth of a mile southwest of John Green's stone quarry, the following described property, to wit: One roan cow, one red steer, with white spot in the lace. The aame having lieen taken up as es trars by aaid Michael hautt r. ENOCH HENNY, Justice of the Peace. Omaha, Neb., June 1, 1871. . jeldlt w St. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the terms and conditions of a certain Chattel Mortgage, executed unto by Thomas Salter; and wherein I ani, upon the non-fulnllni-ut of the conditions and covenants therein set forth, empowered to make peremptory sale of those certain goods and chattels therein mentioned or enumerated, I wiU on Wednesday, July the Jst, at 10 o'clock, a. m . at the auction rooms of Orav A Alton nn a. m , at the auction rooms of Ui Douglas street, In the c'ty of public auction, to the highest t lowing described i ersonal prope: umaua, sen at bidder, the foi- roDertr. viz; One counter, one ice box. two side-board. one stove, two table, and all the saloon fix tures, glassware, and stock contained in tht certain saloon, formerly owned by Thomas Salter, and situated in the west room of the old I'ouglas House, on Uaincy street, ia the city of Omaha, Dated this 3d day of June, 1874. e9Jltw2t M. J. McKEIXIGON. LEGAL NOTICE". William Sexauer, vs- Chas. Beulberg, Deft. Before Enoch Ueuney, Justice of the Peace, Douglas County, Nebraska, io sun ve.anant : Take notice that on the 12th day- of -Mar, 18T4. aafcl Justice Issued an nnlpr of .it.i meat in the abore action, for th sum nf i.n ui en- You are required to apptcr and answer on the aut oay oi june, inn. WiL SEXAUER, ruintic Jc8 w2t PROBATE XOTICK. In the matter of the estate of Patrick ConnelJ. deceased! Notice Is hereby giren, lhat the creditors. of said deceased, will meet th Adrninis'ratrix of said ,eUte, before me, Probate Judge of DougUs County, Uebraska, at the Courtfiouse In said County, on the 18th day of July.' 1S74. on the 19th day of September, 1871, and on the llth day of Norember, 1374, at 10 o'clock,', x. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment asd allow ance. 8Ix months are allowed for creditors to ?r?,?t, L e1. ot oue year lor the Dated Hay lth, A. D., 1 S74. ' WM. L. PEABODY. J17t Probate Judge. UMUI. NOTICE. Edward Rosewater, Plaintiff; m. J. a Company. Defendants. Before Euocl N Rose A ner. Justice of the Pes. nDi rr,. Pjia.)i lr... Nebraska; " ' To Said Defendant: ; mAKE NOTICE that on the 17th day of if a T 1 1874. said Justice Issued MoritlJt attachment ia the abore action. lor the suaVol .JZ.UV1 ,u ,'inlrad to answer on tbv 10th day of July, 1874, at dock. a. m. EDWARD ROSEWATER. Omaha, Neb , Jnne Sth 1874. -. PUInUt iunetdltwSt ; "" EtTRAT NOTICE TakupwaylarajaaUjforthwest of Omaha, and oat-half aaile west of the Barracks, on red and whit heater, .bout two .year. oldT 5 iSw.B'r "WHS" uka " I reclaim Kid heifer or it win be sold accordina to law. riwaw d. p. BEDXOND. CABFENTEB ADD BULLTSB, 336 FARNHAM STREET. aprll-lr WTO" IsITaBIJBH.I't TAILOB, 13th St, ket. Farabaa aad Harney. All kinds of TAILORING, CLEANING and REPAIRING done at reasonable rataa apraetf Ml ranaka St . Mtli IMh BISBBBBBBBBBBBB1 I' JSBsl UNDERTAKER EDWARD KTJEHL, MACISTKR OF fUE BEPAHTKD. He. 498 10ta EL, between Faralam & Harney. Will by the aid of guardian spirits, obtain or any one view ol the past, present and fu ture. No fees charged in cases of sickness, ap13if L. WOODWOBTfl, 238 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. ' WAGON Wood Stock, WAGON HABDWARE, Fataat Wheals, Fisuhed Geirinj, 4c Axles, Spriagp and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages, Hacks aa Buggies. Statdebaeker Wagaa Depot. mch6U FOUNBHASTGK'H NOTlClf. All persons owning stock. Including cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, Ac, also dogs, will please take notice that on and after Mooday the 15th day of June, 1S74, I shall b obliged In conformity to the city ordinances to tike up all such 3 ock and dogs tunning at large be tween the Missouri river and 21th strtet, and between Pacific and Grace streets, and pnt them in the Pound at the Estabrook Stable, on Capitol Avenue, between 9th and 10th stre-U ; said Stable having been by me designated as the City Pound for the city of Omaha. JACOB KINO, Jell 5t Poundmaster. ILLHSTOIS HOUSE. (root Between 9th and 10th. CH ABUES FODEBMAN, Prop. mchlltf VAN BORN'S MACIUNE AU kinds of light and heavy MACHINERY MADE k REPAIRED. WSAU Work Guaranteed.- 266 HABHET STREET, OMAHA, aeirau U. GBKBC C. J. KAEBACU. (JREItE k KARBACII, ISth st. Letwecn Farnham and arncy sts. OilAHA, - - NEB. liAXUracruttKB or Spring and Farm Wagons, BUGGIES AKB CAUIU t,GK8. Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! PABTICUHB ATTENTION PAID TO HORSK HHOCISO. TJrBepa'ring of wagons and blacksmithing prompllr done at reasonable prices mydJkw6m F. A. PETERS. JSaddleajid, Harness Maker, Anil UAKKl.lUtt 'IKIJ1MKK, 9. STL Parakaiu .,. istts fc ICtb. ALL orders and repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guarranued-3-Cash paid for hides. sC9vl C. r. KAMA1T1T, TAIIiOIl. 171 Cor. Virnham aud Klevtulli SU. AU kinds of TAILOltfNU, (leaning and re p Urine done at reasonable rates. A fine lot of r'UBNISHING OuDS loustanlly on hand and sold cheap. -tec2Gtf STODpABD . lUJULtfUT, Market Gardners ! ALL KINDS OF VEGETABLES AND plants, lor sale. Orders addressed to us at oar garden Cor. 21st ud Paul Streets, will receive prompt attention. apl5d3m OMAB STOVE k. CITY STORE. E. F. COOK. 537 14th 8t, bstwMs Dcnglu ani Dodga Manufacturer of Tin, Copper andSheet Iron W.re, and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Japannod and French Ware on hand. Tin Koollu, flutters and gpoullngand JooWork done and warranted. tehil IB 3 3STT. JO. 4TO 3ST3QO -UXf S-1CTUHW OF AXD DfcULXK IX- Lsuubroqulns r.nd TYimliw Skades, CIIR0M0K, EXUKAYIXUS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 170 Farnham atrert. corner Fifteenth Wood! WoodlWood! Immense Reduction! AT S. T. VUICdS' YAI'.D. CORNER OF 14th aiil Uilrao Streets. V,(A Hani Wood7 00;.Sot J UI. S ore Woo-I 10 sell any number o store Tery clu ap. :U S5 to $20 ing people1 oi either PKB DAY. Agents want ed. All cIospcs of work ing people1 oi either scar, young or old, make more raouey at won for us in thrir spire mo menta or 11 th" tlmr, than a: anything else. Address STINSOX A Co.. I'orUauil. Mains' 0ot5t1 Anything I.. W. JONES 1 -BEJtLERIN HOST EVERYTHING 631 amd 833 IStk street. Opposite the Post Office. IN Children's Carriages, . Bird Cages. Croquet yet?, y Stationery, OR ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL 50TBS DERS0LD! i Imparl td asMl BwtBCsUe Cigars sp33m2co4 BVlBBKlKSBlBBnBBlBs)BBBBrTjKSlBw ssssssssKssssmTsIssBBiW! JOHN RATH 13 AGENT FOE OCEAN STEAMERS. MR. J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. OHVC A3LA., !$-&&., myS-ly & Wholesale Grocers, SIMPSON'S BLOCK 538 and 540 Pourteeatli Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - nichl32y ' MORGAN fc GALLAGER. -SUCCESSORS TO CBEIGHTON AND MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnham Street OMAHA, ftprSdlr WHITNEY, B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street, meh27yl AGENTS FOR Kurtz IfloHR (Jo JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GL0YES anOOTIOKS. 231 Farnham Street, OllLAECA.. - - - ISTIEB. . J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GObife. Notions, and mjS-lr JOHN T. JOBBEIt OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, f THBEXIIItnc lliuvvoririiii nn.. &iiivtttt&XESirSZ& ". S4A-nm,d1.. ffi"?S -LV. ffttr w.w.s, wk., wotuM, cneDrajUKe. GEO. A. HOAGLAND. Wholesale Lumber OFFICE COR. OF DOUGLAS AND 6THSTS., U. P. R. R. TRACK. oi:aje3:a. anllu ESTABLISHED PUNDT, METER fc RAAPKE, Wimr.FilALE FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Spices, Tobaoco and Cigars. 212 Farnham Street, lilctuTcoJTl HENRY HORNBEROER. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars, ftJc-cfeo. FLueOIJKL'itluckjJWhLskle-iaail Imported liood a Specially. .239 DOUGLAS BrP, (Caldwell lilwck,) hi9rl .A.. E. SIMPSO 2sT. SIANUFACrUUER AND WHOLESALE ' DEALER IN CIGAKS. 532 :fi:ft:ee2tt:ec st., cxi.asxeMavoxa' biiook. 2Q1CE& and TAB3LB Z2T ITZBHASZiL TheBurlinttonanl Mission RiYerRillr.jil C..oS-r bst tan'sst low prie on 10 years croditat6percent-lnrest, ami wi habnu preulunof 20 percent, on the amount of tba) purchase, If iulf th Unl is eulllrited, within twu years from Jale of purchase. LARGE DEDTJCI0X3 FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, :Loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys " TheB,M.B.-R.(.wU!MarwlT.00O0OOwP'1IM la - aell watered country, at Irani Jlft to J7 W par -" long credit. South of he Pfatte aMtr moujrVpubUesaiVly. Fardrcjlirs an 1 fall inforsutioa apply to C. K. SCilALLER, Agent B. & M. Land Office, Cor ef Math aaa Fu-aaaa SU., , Or iitmtrA Laa4 Deairlauati UinIi, N EATB eft BaAJftTSXtf. WHOLESALE DEAIXBS IN AIL aUNDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF O I Or -A. &j S! AND DEALERS IN Pipes, Tobaccos. Zto. Tb atten loa of dealers It called to the fact that We are prepared to HBEL oar goods wl a their NAM as manuf.ctuerd expmaly for them. May rf-d lm. JOHNSON. - - 23 EB - - IsTEIB. 5 THE DUP05T POWDER CO. Boots and Shoes. AND- ....... ' ,mmm AND VAHD :n EIB, ISM DEALERS IN Omaha, Neb" oim: a :ela., isteb- j r ap23uS ,l i , . -l n, i.-av,:a: -J-r- ,v y . r