; -" v f- i-v" "f V?5b aMkMaaMaiaBiaMaHaMglaBaaBaMMagBatMHiaBaaBBaajggaBaaB2aMa M l" f b n THE OMAHA BEE THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1874. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. THE OMAHA. DAILI BEE U acred to subscribers by carrier, to any parted the city, erery eTening, tSundayi ex cepted,) t ftlteen oenU per week, or 3.75Ior Smiths, snd $7.00 perannum, when paid "aII complaints about Irregularities, addre-ed ibis office will reeeire prompt attention. . S?imtiki.IAil.T 3u wfil be mailed to robscribers at the following rata, riably in ad ranee: (7.00 per an num. -K -nntht- Thx Omaha Daiit Eb has by far .yablelnTa- i arJFT circulation in the city, and is, TZf iha tvat and cheapest ad' medium. the Textiaing JUTM or ADVKnsJ!e.-Local notices, 25 SupeMIne: T the month, 10 cents. No SSaanent'lnierted lor lea. than 60 centa. cuacUi notices, 10 cents per line; single Inser iy" not leaf than 25 centa. TrsasJent abTertisements must inrsriably be Btea tor standing adTertiaemenU by pedal ""InUegal Notices, Statements, Tabular Werequiring careful reT.Ul0?-bJ;f?I, arvnet to be famished, mut be hasried in beiWten o'clock A. x. to Insure inaertlon the "gpeciaTand Local adrertiseineuta belore two o'clock i. at. . , . AdTertiaeaienU before one o'clock r. K. 1 adrerthemenu for the Wkwclt Bh murt be handed in belore Monday noon, lor the same week's issue. KK1VAL ASM DEPABlUliE OF 1KAINS. Time Card .f uiTSirlhwUm Kout AKRIVK AT OMAHA. tXAVOHAUA. jjjb A. . ndTyTexcepOd. -ilond-p excepted. This is the only line running WltaW Hotel. DV-;-iuvL Act Ticket Agent. Union Pacific XXATX. Dally Bxpreaa "m" Daily Mixed J-JSaii" Daily Freight. ? iJf- rwilV Freight M5 A. M. JKOCJC ! 10:i0 P. M. tJO.-OOA.M. ARK1TX. 3.-03P.J1. joawP.M. e:P.M. 3:30 A. M. A. PirHf. ... b- KAJE UHU .- UIK1 ..- 'SaSi-S: ..TTiriHl . " ' ' . ' j Sundin excepted. tMonoayi except. Chleaco Ac Northweatern. -ii SO0 A. M. 10:401. M. js;::..::." R 10:u0 M Cum. r St. Jo. & !4uicU Bluff Morning Expree....S) A. M. "-M-JfSdng Kxpreea. . .20 P. M. 6:4U P. M. la A Nortliweler n o. City c raciuc. 2:15 P.M. I Krareai ...S:15 A.M Aauy excv ouur. OmnlbMea and Baggage Wagons leave tie oacc, corner Faraham and lnth etrt, nr 2enBilnute In advance of the above lUilroad g pemUaf ud Closing of Jftolla lu Omaha. puz. A.M. C.P.K.K.. A N. W. K. K... do do.... R.L4P. K.K.. do do..... p.AM. R. B.K r do do.... OCTB. fHLJo io do.... 0.. W.lt.... VOBTK. O. A N. W. It. K Chicago and all Eastern cities, ebraka CltT.PUttJimouth, Council Bluffaand Burling in.dueatlu30a:m.,clUSesatt3Ja. in. and "SliuU and 8L Joseph, due at 10.-00 a. m. Mid 7 p. W.; closes at 1:45 p. m. and 4.33 a. m. OOce OM0 Sundays trom 12 to 1 p. m. C. E. YOST. Postmaster. r.x. 220 li:or 110 11S0 7.0C S.-00 2:50 A.M. llnw 4:30 4.M 4;30 40 100 7:45 TJAOreKfUUBi Mt CIKCD- CXIOV of the DAILY BKB im more taa doable taat or aay;otbcr dally ffer BBblUbed la Nebraaka. Percke'a Restaurant and Oyster rooms. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. Fireworks for the Fourth of July, are beginning to arrive. Jacob E. Schuler, con vie! in this city, in 1S72, of mail robbery, has been pardoned by the President The criminal docket will be taken p In the District Court, on Monday morning nest. A Methodist camp meeting will be held at the Tan Cott tent during next week, beginning on" Monday evening. Ed. Rector (colored) received a 52.00 corrector at the Police Court yesterday for using abusive and threatening language towards a Mrs. Duval. The early bird catches the worm. Judge Peabody married a couple yeserday morning before breakfast, as they wauted to go ofT ou the early train. A dispatch received here, yester day morning, states that snow was falling at Lookout and Percy, a little over 600 miles west of Omaha. The thermometer stood there yesterda at 35 above. The money for the street car extension has been paid to the trus tee, J. J. Brown, and Capt. Marsh will leave for the east this afternoon to purchase iron for the road, upon which work will be begun about July 1st. Robert Treat, notwithstanding the wet weather of yesterday, was so dry (hat he treated hims-elf so often, as to become intoxicated. He was arrested, and taken to the police court, he was discharg ed, on his promising to retreat to Nebraska City, from whence he came. One Thomas Parker was ar rested yestrday morning at three o'clock in the vicinity of Caldwell & Hamilton's bank for being a suspi cious person,unable to give any good account of himself. At the Police morning. Court this morning he was di. charged and given just four hours to leave the city. It is strange that the proprietors of the Herald should have sent to Chicago for iron columns for the front of their new building, when it is a notorious fact that they have on hand a superabundance of brass, from which columus, more orna mental and certainly more in ac cordance with the-cliamcter of the paper, could have been made. Another minstrel troupe will soon visit Omaha, and it is hoped that our local variety-hall warblers will "lbt up" on the habit they have fallen into, of asking the traveling burnt-corklats to mention their names in some manner during the progress of the performance. "Diamond" started It, and since his departure, he is being imitated in ibis respect by all the played-out Cg and dance men in the city. Billy Tidwards,- of the Union, is on his feet again, and was hoofing U through the mud yesterday interro gating everybody with the usual reportorial conundrum. A reception and ball will be given at the Grand Central Hotel, on St. John's Day, June 24th, in honor of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska, by Capitol, Co vert, and St. John's lodges of this city. It will be a brilliant affair. The invitations have already been issued. The Executive Board of the Republican State Central Commit tee met at the room of C. L. Bristol, Esq., at 4 o'clock p. m., Tuesday. All the members of the Committee were present The meeting was devoted mainly to unfinished busi ness, and an interchange of views touching upon the coming State Con vention. The Board adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. Tn the races at Grand Rapids, Mich., beginningyesterday and con tinuing four days, "Randall," the Omaha favorite, is entered for sev eral livoly contests. In the 3-min- ute race, which was trotted yester day, there were ten entries. The result is anxiously looked for here by the admirers of Randall. In the 2:50 race for to-day, there were twelve entries beside himself. f'Bonnie Doon," another Omaha horse, is booked for a 2:35 race. Personal. Major D. H. "Wheeler, of Platts mouth, is at the Grand Central. Albert Able, of the firm of Max Meyer & Co., left for the South yes day on business. General Granville M. Podge, the artful dodger of the Texas Pacific railway, was in town yesterday President Dillon, of the Union Pacjfic, wjll go East this after noon. R. Hatch, a prominent Chicago lumber man, is stopping at the Grand Centra). Mr. J. H. Lacey, accompanied by his sistor-in-law, Mrs. Miser, left for a visit to tho East Tuesday, A. L. Maxwell, traveling agent of the Kansas City, St Joe and Council Bluffs railway, was in town yesterday morhing. GideonH. Baxter, traveling agent for the Missouri Pacific, was in the city yesterday. Montgomery Queen, proprietor of Queen's circus, and his agont, Geo. Branson, are stopping at tho Wyom ing, xuey are nere to arrange rates for their circus on its trip across the continent. Tho following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel : R R McMillan, Quincy; J H Weaver and wife, Burlington; C Winter and wife, Zanesville, Ohio ; N L Thatcher, Neb; Wm Weudish, Cincinnati; Harry JJarret, Des Moines; Mrs 8 31 Sturges, Robert W Logan and wife, Cantfino ; Chas Hustor, J C Martin, Portland, Me ; Henry Beaur, Chicago; WDawling, North Bond ; R S Harris, Atlantic, Iowa; J H Brooks, Cboyunne; Mrs E Eltor, Syracuse; James Syivcr, Philadelphia; Jas T Archarabean, Frankfort; MB Moody, JR Wal ter, San Francisco; Henry Albert and wife, Stockton ; D C Stanford, San Fruuclsco; R B Alexander, Geneva, 111 ; J5 G Furber ". Cal; A J Bradford, OrCu: Je well, Fremont; W H Jay, to... Lake; Prof Marshall and family, Ijos Angeles ; Milton May, R J Mc intosh, Fremont, and J Goodwin, Missouri. BOLD ROBBERY. - A Faro Boom Entered The "Ti ger" is Badly Demoralized. Orphanage. The Sisters of Mercy beg to call the attention of their many friends, and of the citizens in general to the fact that in order to promote the greater comfort of the orphans it is absolutely necessary that an addi tion to the Convent should be erec ted as the Sisters have only room for a few more and they have been painfully obliged to refuse all appli cations made for boys who need as much material care as girls do when deprived of the blessings of the paternal lionie and will have to refuse them until the proposed ad dition is completed. For the pur pose of raisii.g funds for this object, the Sisters intend to have a fair in the hall, and they rely with confi dence on the kind co-operation of the citizens who have always evinced a desire to help the Sisters in tneir charitable undertakings. The Sisters have devoted all the time they possibly could during the past winter to the making of arti cles both useful and ornamental, and some friends have already do nated several things for the fair. Dan Allen, the keeper of a Farn ham street faro room, had a "slick" game played on him Tuesday night bysome fellows whowere not exactly on the square. They played a scheme peculiar to themselves, and won, but not without taking very bold chances. Dan. closed up his place about one o'clock, and went home to roost. It was while Dan. and his "tiger" were at rest, that some burglars broke into the gambling room by means of an ax and a knife, and captured the check-rack, with all the red, white and blue ivory checks, two silver dealing-boxes, three overcoats and a pair of panta loons, the total value of the plun der amounting to about SI 50. The burglars safely got away with it all. Mr. Allen, upon entering the "jungle" this morning, thought that the "tiger" was the sickest-looking animal he ever saw. The police were informed of the burglary, but as yet they have ob tained no clue to the thieves. Po liceman Byrne and Powers noticed two men standing near the entrance during the night, but supposing them to be members of the sporting fraternity, who lounge about in that vicinity, they paid no attention to them. Tive Dollars "Owet." On Sunday evening a liberal col lection was taken up at the Van Cott tent. Several persons, who happened to be caught without any money, put tickets having written on them the amount of their contribu tions, into tho hat Now it occurred to a practical joker that it would be a good thing to drop in some forged tickets. So he wrote one for a certain hotel clerk to the amount of $2.00, and one for a. Farnham street cigar man for $5.00, and deposited them in the hat They were turned over to Mrs. Van Cott, with the cash con tents of the hat A certain gentle man oashed the $5.Q0 order, think ing it genuine, and yesterday morn ing he sent his boy arouud to tho Farnham street cigar man, who knew nothihg about it So the gen tleman found himself $5.00 "owet." The hotel clerk was also called upon by a cojjector for the $2.00, but he Wouldn't pay it, as that was the first that he knew of any such order, and he certainly had not authorized any one to contribute any thing for him. We suppose that the above two gentlemen are not the only two victims. Sj.m Kelley and the Saake. Monday morning Froij. Hirst's pet a six-foot bull snake cseapccj, in some mysterious manner from his cage, in the rear of the upper Farnham Atlantic & Pacific tele graph oflifiG, In less than fifteen minutes after the escape had been discovered there were about twenty: five men looking for that snake. They turned over all the old boxes, sticks, and rubbish, but the snake did'nt turn up. Among the num ber M'ho wore anxious to re-capture the serpent, was Sam Kelloy, the local passenger agent of the Chica go fc Rock Island railway. Sam at last thought he had found the snake, or rather that the snake had found him, for jqst as San), was . -r u box anil looking be Ieaningo.. . , , hind it, some practical ;flrfel,,('lift pin into him and gave a hiss. Sam Kelley uttered an unearthly yell,aud turned white as a sheet. "I'm bit ten," said he, "as sure as h 1." His color soon changed red as a beet for the convulsive laughter of the by-standing snake-hunters was an evidence that he had been made the victim of a sell. DOUGLAS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. Hon- 0. B. Lake, Judge. Omaha, June 10. Fisher vs. Jones et al. Demurrer to petition sustained, with leave to amend petition within ten days. Hook vs Senzie. Judgment for '$30. First National Bank vs Johnson et al. Judgment for $669. The trial of that replevin suit of Newton vs Loveland, after occupy ing most of the time for the last two days, was finally submitted to the jury late in the afternoon, with iu tructions to return a sealed verdict in the morning. Adjourned until 9 o'clock in the morning. Card of Thanks. The Orphans unite with the Sis ters of Mercy, in returning their most grateful thanks to all who have so generously patronized the late festival held for their benefit. Special thanks are due to the kind ladies who were indefatigable in their operations for its success. Mt. St. Maky's, June S. FRESH ARRIVAL OF Teas, Sugars AND A Fail Line of GROCERIES, FOR SALE TO ALL FOR CASH. Look at the following Price List on TEAS. Cut this out for refer ence. QPTea, $1.50, former price, $1.75 GPTea, 1.25, ' 1.50 GPTea, 1.00, " " 1.25 BIk. Tea, 1.10, " " 1-40 Blk. Tea, 75c, " "- LOO Blk. Tea, C0c., " " 85c- YHTea, 1.10, " " 1-40 YHTea, 1.00, J " 1-25 YHTea, OQc, ' 1-00 Imp. Tea; 1.00, " 1-50 EBTea, 1.25, " 1-50 These prices aro for the best teas ever offered in this market for the same money, and are from 25 to 40 cents per lb less than they can be purchased for. I am selling my goods for CASH so I can afford and do SELL GRO CERIES cheaper than any other house in the city. Call and inspect goods and price's before guying else where. ' P. H. AUit 530, 15th street second door from Postoilice. It IMMENSE STOCK OF TEN THOUSAND PAIRS BOOTS AND SHOES! To be Sold at Prices thatlHave Never Been Equalled in Omaha- This Stock Hast be Closed by July 1st, at Cost or no Cost- Out Look at these Prices $4 50 7 50 3 75 1 90 1 25 Men's calf boots, our own make, Former price, Men'n calf congress, Men's calf congress, best eastern make, Men's kip shoes, Ladies' cloth boots, Feary's make, best ill this country from 1 05 to 2 25 Best Philadelphia made ladies boot from 2 10 to 3 00 Splendid misses' cloth boots, 1 00 Also, a full line of children1 s shoes at prices that are bound to sell them. Tliis is not slop work, but our reg ular stock, manufactured for our custom trade, and every pair war ranted. Call soon and secure bargains at Weiieu & Beiiji's, Corner Douglas and Thirteenth. je 10 12 13 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements ot To Let, For Sale, Loct, Wants, Found, Hoarding, Ac, will be inserted, in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line; each subsequent insertion, FIVECEFI3 per line. The first insertion nerer less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, G IEL WANTED To do general house-work J in a smaU famiiv. .Vpidv at COZZENS I10CSK, 9th street. jelOtt EOIt SALE Two good breaking teams. In quire at 1C3 15.h and IkiugLu stretts. leIOlf JAMES BONNER. w A?iTiCIi-A. B'r1, at -K Howard, near 11th street. jifi EOKoALL A horse wagon and harness; suluble fur retail business ; will be sold cheap. Inquire at the stable of GEO W HOM.AN, cur. of llaruey and liih sts. je9d3t Oil SALE AT A HAt CAIN One of bale's Celebrated I'ea-nutll alerj; alo one Lung Inter. Inquire al MtUltlTT'slUstaurint. jiSJlm. Vy ANTED A girl to do general house--) t , nvik,m u aiuuii juuuiY. inquire at Jeatf tIALL rOCNDUY. "CiOII 1IENT A large store houe: conreni- JC jntljr located. Itquire at tish store. 23t Douglas street, of jesbl D. BLIIUENS. TO BENT Two cottages, witli well and solt water. Apply to T. II. LATEY, cor. of ebster and Ibth street. jcS 3t IOB KENT A house with five rooms and basement, well, cistern and stable : also. a lurnished room. Inquire at 239 Howard, be tween 15th and ICth strten. jeSlf 7C CTT ANTED A good girl. Apply ct O. H. VV BALLOU'S, South Aenue, near the Convent. je9 2t WANTED A coniicteut girl, to do general house-work; none others n,.ed applj. Call at J. O bill's, ramliam street. cC -U THO BENT A furnished room ; withorwith J out board; room suitab'e lor gentleman aiid wife, or two single gentlemen. Inquire at 1H Jacfcson street. jititf For the choicest, cheapest line o groceries in the city, call on Jno. S. Johnson & Co., 260 Dodge street, (ojd sfand of Doolittle & McPher son). Jue s. eo't 'lf- The Latest Goods to bo had is at J. H. Stein's. may26-eod-tf. IMPORTANT. We are selling off our extensive stock of clothing and furnishing goods, at lower prices than ever. M. HELL3IAN & Co., Cor. Farnham and 13th St. junolO-eod-to-julyl Now is the accepted time to buy goods at rates to suit the times, for cash at J. H. Stein. may26eodtf Geo. H. Peterson, the pioneer cigar manufacturer, keeps con stantly ou hand the very best brands of cigars, and also Lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers, and "Durham'' Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas streot. mayCeodly LARGE STOCK Of Linen Suits, also single coats, pants and vests, sold very low, at M Hellman ct Co. JunlOeodtoJulyl. WANTED Girl to do general Louse-wort. Inquire S.k Douglas struet. jigtf WANTED Emn'oyuieiit by a young man of good education, sober and industrious habits. Uood references furnished. .Address A. II (L, this oHlce. jej Ct. EOR SALE A Ihjht three spring express wagon; nearly ne. jeJCt anil'SO.'S CABKIA(iE FACTORY. WANTED Two gixnl farm hand want a situation iikii alarm no) t o far from Omaha. Apply immediately at the Bek f fice, may 13 FOItSALE-lGO acres of land, beiug tho NH JJofseclS, in township 13, N of R 4 E. in t tie Si; part ol Buttlcr county, SO miles North west of Lincoln. A well improved farm adjoins it on the west, and country all a.ound it is tliicLly settled Will sell for S500, one half down, Iialauce in one jear. or $J 00 per acre ia cash, or v, ill trade for city protierty. A pply lo LICIk. my-'ltf ANDREW i'OsEWAl XJ and several vacant lots, and Urni laud lor sale ; ilso nouses nd oiuces io rent cheap, to good tenants. Apply to John E. Kelley, Attorney at Law, at French A McKoon' oUlce, RoomNo. 3, Creightou block. mvlSif Anything X.. W. JONES DEALER IN HOST EVERYTHING r.3i;and 033 15tb rttrecS Opposite th.3 Post Office. IN Children's Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet yet?, Stationery, OR ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL XOTBE UNDERSOLD! Choice Imported and Domestic Clgara ap23m2eod JACOB GISH, 281 Faraham Nt.. Bet. ltk 13U UNDERTAKER JOHN UAtllCR, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Farsnasi , 8. E.Cor. 11th St. OMAHA ... NEB m W HATS dk YAJS BOKO'S MACHINE All kinds or light and heavy MACHINERY MADE & REPAIRED. t&'All Work GuaranlctdrG 266 EASHEY 8TBEET, - OMAHA. ep'SU FROST I'ARLOK FOR REST-Apply 277 Djenportst bet 15th and ICth sts. uiyJCtf TO THE PUBLIC Tho undersigned ha purcLased and put upon.fhe streets a$ imbue conveyances, souioof the (jnesf carriages ermauufaclurod in this country. They will be run toandirom tbedeots, hotels and private residences. All orde left at the MetrojolitdU Hotel, or at the stable, near s e cor of Eleventh st and Capital Avenue, will lie promptly at tended to. A share of the public patronage is resixMfulIy solicited. JOHN E. HULL, mylSU EOR SALE J? No liquors, but lemonade, seltzer and boda water, cider and splendid ice cream, etc., to be had al the French Coffee House, 4S3 12th street. Separate room for ladies. maj-3Qtevtf LIGHT CASSIMERE -SUITS Made up in the LATEST STYLE At Greatly Reduced Figures! . Sojdfjt jujiplQ-eodtt M. Hellman & Co. TyrE For Sa.eI A Font of Bourgeois Typo, of which this is a sample, weighing COO lbs. This type has been in use on the Daily Bee less than one year, and is nearly as good as new. For terms &c, address E. RoSEMTATER, in f, fubjisher of the Bee. Fruit Market, at Brunner's. June 2 lOt or exchange for cm' rUOPfcKTY One section choice land, on the big bend of the Republican River. Nuckols County Inquire of A. JIINsKI. uiyH-nip Corllatneyand 15th ts. WANTED Servant girls, carpenters, farm band, laborers, etc., imuitdiately, at the employment otilce,room 'J Yisscher'sbloclc. mystf mayCtf G. H'.Homan. 0R SALE A Singer s wing ap27tf Tl J new. Inquire of iiax Jlejer A Rro, niEchire, EOR SALE One set rarlor furniture ; also a piano. Inquire of Max Meyer & Bio. ap27tf The Illicit broadcloth, all colors and shades, to be fo'JUU ai uuStf j. h. sros'3. Vecsetaulh Market AT Bbun ner's. june2-10t Bremond and Norton's Minstrels. This is a new troupe, composed of excellent talent. Their programme ia made up of iiew'songs, dances, burlesques, and specialties. There is nothing old or worn out in their per mances. "Wash Norton, one of the proprietors, is a whole show himself. This troupe will play hereon Friday and Saturday evenings, and Satur day afternoon, at the Academy of Music. Compare SXOW FLAKE with the Hour you have been using and none but Wells & Nieman's will do hereatter. Little & Williams, Blue Front Store, Douglas street. juncDtf Appropriately Named. Anton Lagger is the name of the proprietor of a Sioux City lager beer garden. A 3jad Squaw Found. A deaJ squaw was found lying a short distance north of the U. P. cific bhops, yesterday morning, by a man on his way to his work. Coroner Gish was notified of the fact by him, and he. conveyed her remains to his establishment, enclosed them in a coflin and buried them at the Poor Farm, as he did not think an inquest necessary. She was seen Tuesday evening In company with two Ind'aus who deserted herufter she Jay down to die. She had a stone for a pillow, the wet ground for a bed, and a small piece of matting and the cloudy skies for covering. She probably died from consump tion and her death was hastened by exposure. Saeak TfcieriBff. On Mnndav nicht some sneak j thief entered the room of John YounglovCjSuperintendentorCiarK's livery stable, who sleeps up stairs, and stole his pantaloons. Taking them ouUide, he went tlirough them, securing $0.00 in money and a valuable seal rinp. He also played the same trick on another employe who sleeps in the office, but did not find anything valuable. The clothes were found lying in the street in the mbruinjf. A Piece of Good News. A Clironiclc reporter waited yes terday on Mr. Stanford, President of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, in his ofiice in this city the ex-Governor having arrived on the previous night from Ogden, where there was held a few days ago a conference of officers of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific companies, on the subject of fares and freights between the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards. The reporter learned tint the conference lasted three days. The Central Pa cific was represented by ex-Gov ernor Standford, General Superin tendent A. IN. Towneand Chief En gineer Samuel S. Montague; the Union Pacific by President Dillon and General Freight Agent Vini ng, who also spoke for the companies operating be tween 'Omaha and the At lantic. The reporter was informed that although no new schedule of fares and freights had been made up the companies not having yet agreed uon the proper proportion to bo charged by each yet It had been decided to reduce the rates of both fares and freights on all the road at an early day soon as the equities nan be adjusted. Fur thermore, that this reduction will be considerable a consummation that will bo hailed joyfully by the people, business men especially. He was further Informed that the Cen tral Pacific and Union Pacific Com panies bad agreed to issue another class of passage tickets for the ac commodation of the middle classes, to be known as second- class fares. These tickets will be is sued when tho new order ot things contemplated by the recent con ference is established, which will, it is expected, be soon. JVo further Information was given, but the re porter was assurred that the public might look for reduced rates at an early day. San Francisco Chronicle. Dyeing, cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St.,bet. Farnham and Douglas. aprJSt f. JUST RECEIVED. J. II. Stein has just received the finest lot or Marsallles Vesting ever brought to this city. je3 tf OUR STOCK in Straw Hats and Summer Caps we will close out at astonishing low price. M. Hellman & Co. June 10 eod July 1 DAVE TTE TWO BRAINS ? DR. C. E. BROWN-SEQUARD. IS ALCOHOL A POISON 1 DR. WM. A. HAMMOND. TUE POET LONGFELLOW. JAMES T. FIELDS. U. S. SURVEY OP THE WEST. (With Map.) UNDER LIEUT. G. 31. WHEELER, THE HORSE IN AMERICA. (Illustrated.) Discoveries by PROF. O. C. MARSH. SAFETY AT SEA. (iLLCSTItATtD.) IRON STEAMEBS THAT WILL NOT SINK. These interesting Lectures and Letters, with a careful report of the important Pjpersread at the April meeting oi the National Academy of Scleneea at Washington, and at the May meeting of the American Oriental Society at Boston, are published in full in TUE TRI BUNE EXTRA, No. 19. Price, in sheet form, 10 cents; in tamphlet, 20 cents, or seven for SI. Circulars giving full details of thj contents of a!! TaE TRIBUTE EXTRAS, free by mail. The "Weekly Tribune, THE FARMERS FAVOWTJJ Tlff, UntilJanuary 1, 1375, for SI. Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York. Je9d2t DENTISTRY". (sa DENTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. VT STAIRS, BeL 13th L Hth Sts., O MAHA. e3OIdest liracticin? lvntNts lu tliecily Vy ANTED A cncaji larm in exenange for ? T mercuauuue. Auuress, tarmer, liiE Qffltt-. apSlt The best and coolest glass of soda water, from tho now and magnifi cent Arctic apparatus, at Ish's Farnl a n street drug store. maylO-eod-lni DR. A. S. BILLINGS, , DENTIST, 234 Parnliaiu. J3t. and Hth, up stairs. Special, efforts made by John S. Johnson fr Co. to supply table butter that shall be above complaint. junc3eod5t Bet. Teeth extracted trous Oxide lias. Tffice open stall hour ithout pain, by use of HI- e5U EOR SALE OR RENT ivo.ajl Chicago St Apply to HARRIS, TAFT A WOODMAN, ap21 Oil Mill. FOR SALE OR REST A farm of V20 acres with house and barn, situated one half mile west of thclUrracls; inquire of inchlCU D. P. REDMOND. Academy of 2usio. bbemondTnortofs Minstrels I TWO NItilllS ONLY ! Friday and May, Jane 12 aud 13. FAMILY MATINEE, Snturtlnj- Afternoon. THE BEST and MOST VERSATILE SHOW NOW TRAVELING. Admission-, 50 Cents. Reskrved Scats, - 7i " BSTFot particular?, iee Hall Programme. jelOSt Sioux City & Pacific R. R. TJie Shortest and only Direct Route fioui COUNCIL BLUEES TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, And ail Points in SOUTHERN IOWA & MINNESOTA. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS On all night trains via this route. TAILOB, 13th St., bet. Farnham and Harney. All kinds of TAILORLYQ, CLEANING and REPAHUKQ dine at reaaonable raUa iprmi JAS. M. MITTIE, WHOLESALE DEALERN Clarified Cild.er. IJsj a nd ISO Farabm Street. California House. FEITZ HATNEE, Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street, corner 11th, Omaha, Nebraska, lioard by the dajr or celc. June 1, yl ILLINOIS HOUSE. ZVumlaAxaa. Sroot Between 9th and 10th. CUARLES FELDERMA5, Prop. mchlltf MR. JOHT RATH 13 AGEXT FOR OCEAN STEAMERS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AIL KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF i CIO-ARS! AND DEALERS IN Pipo3, Tobaccos, Etc. The atten Ion of dealers is called to the fact that we are prepared to LABEL oar goods wl h their NAMES as manuLctueid ezpreaaly for thm. May ST- d lm. J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ageats for the Oriental Powder Co. omaha, :et"e:b., steele & johnson, Wholesale Grocers, --S1MPSO.VS BLOCK 538 and 540 Fourteenths Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE mclility MORGAN & GALLAGER. -SUCCI1530ia TO CREIGHTON AND MORGAN- WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnham Street OMHA, - apiSJlj nSHEIB. Jta.-. A-LGrA3, CAKRUGE, BUGGT aud WAGON K, .MANUFACTURER. E. CORNER of 14tU and HARNEY STS, WHITNEY, B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street, AGENTS FOR THE DUPOXT POWDER CO. mch27yl OULI respectfully announce to the pub- lie that he is now ready to fill all con tracts in tho above lines with neatness and dipatch. Co"Eirirc5s wagons constantly on hand and or sale. JOHN II. GREEN, STATE MILLS DEALER IN GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT L, WOODWORTK, 238 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. Wood Stock, WAGON HARDWARE, Patent Wheels, PinisheJ Gening, &C. Axles, Springs aud Thimble Skeins, HARDWOOD LUMBER, Carriages, Hacks ad Buggies. Slatlebacker 'Wagon Depot. mchctt Kurtz IfloHR& (Jo JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOYES and NOTIONS. 231 Farnham Street, J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS aouuas, ami lsuois nnu aiiocs. mj8-lr JOHN T. EB&4R, JOBBEK OF Shelf! Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, AND- xaoaTT. COn.V-FLAJVTEK.S PLOWS, CDITIVATOKS, UXZ " 246 Douglas St., Omaha, raehlJr tfebrajdea.. CON5ECTIOXS. 1. SNOW FLAKE FLOUR, AWARDED PREMIUM AT STATE FAIR 1872 and 1873. Wells ct Nicman Schuyler, Neb., Little & Williams, Omaha, juae 9-tf. Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street, corner 11th street, may 7-tf. "Gilt Edge" the Valley.'' Flour made. and "Cream of Best brands of may23-lm. h or Sale Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street Enquire of V. Bcrkxey. aprll-tf New drin Ks on draught. Peru vian Beer and Ginger Ale at Ish's. A variety of 25 different drinks of soda aud mineral waters on draught at all times. maj'lOeodlm MILS. It. II. PaLMLK, FashionableDress'and Cloak Maker, Rooms, 2G2 DouglisSt. near .15:b, (Up Stairs. I cat from actual measurement nof from patterns anj will gu.riQ We satisfaction In all uses, Cutllnsr anil Fitting a Snecialtr. Surdoal floozaa L VAN CAMP M. DJ DUpenaca hli own tneJdnes, and beside ovular practice, mates ipecialltlea of Derange ments and Disease l'ecnliar to Women, Flata- u, t-iica ana outer uueases oi me aeemm. OrPICX and Rmldencp. Corner Farnham and Uth Street, first door to the right, up stairs Omaha. Keti. Addreaa Lock Box 'M. TSIrUwtf U. P. R.R. MEAT MARKET, 16th street bet California and Webster. WE KEEP OX HAND THE BFST supply of FRESH AND SALTED MEATS. Also a large stock of Fine Sugar Cured Hams and Hreatfast Bacon, at the low si rates. WM. AUST A KNUTII, wy:4-ly FroprietOFS. At U. P. Transfer with Union radfic railroad for Omaha 2. At touncil ItlufT. with Kanas City, St. Joe and Councl hlull'i Itailroad for St. Louis aud all noints south 3. At Mistourl Valley with Hit Chicago and Northwestern railway for Chicago and all points eas. 4. At Sioux City with Sioux City and St. Paul, Illinois Central and Da oti southern railroads. Steamers for L"picr Missouri ItiTer. Turing navigat'un, and with stages for all points lu the Northwest. 5. At HUir icith Omaha and Northwestern railroad for Umahi and .Southern Nebraska. 6. At Fremont, Nebraska, with the Union Pacific railroad for all taints west and the Pacific coast. 7. At WIsno- with st-gea for Norfolk and all points in Northern elrmfca. MTIckets for hale in CtVcsgo ar d North western Railway offices. S"I!e sure your tickets read via S.C.4P. Railway. L. BURNETT, Sup't. F. a HILLS. Gen. Ticket Ag't. lc-J;7in iTOUIJARI) &. IllltLiiUT, Market Gardners ! ALL KIND3 OF plants, for sa'e. at our garden Cor. 21st and Taul Streets, Will reeeire rrompt attention. ap!5J3m DIBS. J. K. VAX DERCOOK Eclectic Physician Residence and office 2.10 Dodgo st bet 11th and 15.b its. Special attoatiun pild to'obstetrlcs and dis eases peculiar to wonit n and children. f'Jtf. Southern otel. Fronting en 4th, 5th and Walnntita,, St. Louis, - Mo. Laveillo, "Warner & Co., Fronriotorn. The Southern Hotel ts first-clsss in all its am ointments. I s tatilemre at ail times sup plied in the gTratc-t abundance, with all the delicacies the markets afford, Its clerks and employes are all polite and attentire to the wants oi the pu sts of the hotel, 1 here is an improred elera oritadius from the fint Door to the nrper one, ILiilroad and steamboat ickctofli.ts, news st nd. ud western Anion telegraph offl p In the l otunda of hotel. GEO. A. HOAGLAND, Wholesale Lumber OFFICE AND YARD COB. OF DOUGLAS AND 6THST&, U.eF. B. B. TB1CL USTIEZB, anlltf ESTABLISHED ISM PUNDT, MEYER & RAAPKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Spices, Tobacco and Cigar. Omaha, Neb 212 Fariiliam Street hlcraTeodvl 253 Harney street, between 14th and 15th. mi t-4 V -"5C7 .VtaaW HENRY HOBNBEBGER. DEALER IN- W i Liquors, Cigars, ttfe-dbo. fl Old Kenlmkj. Whiskies and Imported i'ood Spcclallj. UsTESjB. 239 DOUGLAS STP., I iCaldwrll Block,) I hi9rl VFOETArtLES AXD Orders addresttd to us For an excellent glass of soda, go to-Ish's Farnham street store, may 15-eod-lm. s. roRrjrisriraziif, MAXDFACTURFR OF o i a- .a. :r, s. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TOBACCO, Pipes and Smokers Articles. 15 DOUG LAS. ST., OMAHA, NEB , Opposite Metro jollUn Hotel. Consumers anl Dealers will had It to their advantage to examine my stock hefosa pnrehaalng elsewhere. mrlS-lr Jacob Jtcmnitzcr, "WOOD, HORN andHVORY TURNER. DODGES!-, betn 13th d Hth. Alt kinds of jarning executed promptly and atrtBoaible prices. mchlOoS Wood! Wood! Wood! Immense Reduction! AT S- P. BKIGGS' YARD, CORNER OF 14th and Chicago Streets. Good Hard WoodST 00 ; Sott $ OX Store Wood to sell any number of itove very cheap. tp'.Sll Carriacf? eutl Wagcjn AfaLJugr In all it Branches. In the latest and moat approved pattern. HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHING and repairing done on short notice. sfpgp It JL. Hew 2eat Market SPAULDI G ii JOVRD.1V. 14 tli St. Bet. Farnham and Ilarncr, mcbl5-2m Oppo ite the Grand Central I F. A. PETEUS. Saddle and Harness Maker. A5I CAUKIAGE TRIXXER, Ko. 374 Farnbamn'.be(,15tti&.IGtb. A LL orders aqd repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guaxrantecd. aMTCash paid for hides. P39T1 . F C EEE CAEPENTIP AND BUILDER, r 23C FARNHAM STREET. WILLIA SEXAUER. 2231'iiiiaaiStr!t. - - Oaaia, Heb THIOLKSiLE ItID KKTAJt DCM.W FDBNITUBE. BEDDING ETC. IE. SIHPS02ST, -JfANUFACIUBER AND, WHOLf34f-E- 3E jSL tx r - T O X s -1U1 FACICBI Or XD PKlilM IX- Lftabrcquius and "WIhJoit ShaiTeg, CnROMOS, EXGRATEfRS A5D Xpjctube frames.- ! . j .A - Clllutilk ,FftrSIllUviCurus DEALER IN CIGAKS. 5f32 FIFTEBIiTT'B: SO?., OMES and r AHMS Z2T .WXBRJtvSKA PchaUThaU the flSdlu'ealUT.IeJ. within two year, front data of parens. IuVRGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, :Loup I-ork and tmnorn vaueyg r. R. R-Oi. willse'la' ercJi-ountry,;atlrom South of he Pl3tte . . . -,,-. t. ami aarlfvlttirsin.nil fa TZ& watered .ountry.-.at from 31 ft to 57.00 pr acr.on loagerriit. K..ttnllnNebraaka,!ntereetiby nnmejoua rlTfrs O. u.w.vv ..w. ..mm u.., mm m mjw ... Tho Comt any ownsa laTteho-lr o' the b-jt lanl .rxA . n-itn tyi Its rail roil an1 in tntareii . .f-0linn .m. . ImoujVfpabUcan.VaUey. ForcircuUraaa-" r n SCirALLlK srent B. k M. Ijind Office, - ' Or (.'eaeral LmmA rfartait. Llacsla,5e HSTEB 1 Vil VI Vvl A -. T' B5535sw f'niia Um T-tTTg J-""8" 'f 1