XPPLETON'S - merican CL.OPAJ3MA 2-T Jew B,evied Edition. rewritten oy the ablest -writers on n a8-. ,J3?jzzirr- iflrueaTiujixin- -- EngraTlngs nd Mips- I I Tkorfriu-iUv published underthe UUe J- AJEEICiX CTCLOPAEDIA was j .K , Jv kTT which time the wide M&U Uastainedln aU parta.ol re taken p -.-.-v JuuheMtosuhniititto an exact -ih MTtio2. and to issue a new ".,1 -r.. J Tlli AKEIUCAJi CtfCLOPAK- ISUWi - ihe last ten years tn progress of dis rv derartment ot knowledge has J iar wort of reference an luiperaure rement ot political affairs has kep'. ototlon to the Industrial and useful une conrenienca and refineniint of --. ..,- n,l rauseauent rcrolu- ,ooeal.lnoUI natUna, change. moment, loeuiu - - - roouiruk. hin the last 1 .'.and i new conrseor commercial f I ial sctlrity h been com meced. J Ulon, U, our fieograph cal know. i been toaae uj " o ? f SoUtical reroluUon. of the last ', htbe natural reviU of the Upseot ' f roazht Into pubUewIew a multitude ,, whose names are tn eTery ones fcof whose Htos every one is curious fie particulars. Great batUes hare Maud important sieges nuiumn, -e details are as yet pre-erred only . -. ii tri.iiut. tiublica- (lruay.bu which ought now w Ule ILn permanent ana auuirauc uiwj i JIngiT bi-en the aim of the editors to the inloruiaiion io me jiv ! vnd to furnish an accurate aouui f recent diseoeries in wienee, or fl productUn in literature, and ol Mnention in the practical un. ,Te a succinct and original rtord of ts of p tliiicak and hUtorial eveiiU t His ieen ucguu anc w..6 Cirr lalr. and with the most ample lir carrying it on u a auccesaful Vie original stereotype rlates ha7e vRuteTerypa.se has Un printed on i jormmg in tjcl a new Cyclopjedit, ne plan and compass as lu prcdeces- Va far greater pecuuUrv expeudl- hsucli improvements In Its com- uiarebeen suggested by loBger cx- 'JeaUrge-lkiiowle-Ue. !. wiiiti &n introduced lor ll telnthepreent edition have been ' , f,T the saw of plctorUl enect, out to J . lucidity and force to the cxplana- UexU Ttiey embrace all branches of I A na-ural history, and depict the t Cs and remarkable features of scenery l. --.!.-. .. il u the various vro- -Vuechanics and manufacture. Al- - I Ffendadfor Instruction ramer iiuo ' Wnt. no nalns nave oecnir I'r artistic excellence: lUeo't o, hon la enormous, and It is believed, r.; rdt welcome reception as an a-i-I. Stare ot the Cyclocadia, and ;wortnys if l Character. ' 1. - P1..tdainlv TiaYftltli f IS S3ia M) OUiWCiiuci. w ; , i-rf i tot each volume. It will be coin Jxteen large octavo Tolumes. each foout 800 pa3 fully lllustraied with j-.n,i UW Eneravinga, and ith f.lnrl Lithographic Maps. AlK AKD STYLE OF BINDING. IfVolh.perTol...-- -$5 0 6.00 ' lliucr. per '" jrkey Morocoa, Ir 7.00 v '?. '""' . 1.' '....r vol 8.00 I'.tf l H' .niif.r. nit edies. per jxuv. ,--. ---" lt 10 M . tTi CnMO<llff VfV. urns now resuy- duiy"(, - .,i.i,. (.ii issued outa In Eltwiugtypa.iHn'tratioM. etc. will ?i, ou aiipiicauuu. 'JLASS CASV.VSSISG AGEK1S j Publl W'ANTtD Publishers, Appleton&Co., rksi Rrniilw.av- - Kcw York.' lEAENEY'S FLUID-EKTBACT UCHU Hk fS The only known remedylftr k't . rlWsTmjC! TaTdiCT? T. II. JL O iXOaJrt.us Ind a jositlve care for ivcl, Strictures, etes, Dyspepsia Ner voua Debility, Dropsy, .ilnn or Tnnnfflinpnce of Urine. IitI- . i Inflauistion or Ulceration of the UflER AND KIDNEYS, L- ZPEBMATORRIKEA, Vl F iie orTniitcs, Dbeascs of the Prostrate " . 8.oae in the Bladdir. Uolcul us. UL OSBIUCK .DUST DK . POMT, od Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S . .ract Buoliti ! Ijtaentiy Cares all Diseases of the A-r, Kidneys, and Dropsical iR Swelling, . J ns'i . . I, ,'" Men, Women and Children, Y..xSo& Mailer IVhat the Agtl l , i,Tele atrr "Onaboma ol Kearneys I xtnet Buchc U u-jrlii uoi than all ! V uckui combined." c rt I'JnuUlNr nortwi'tln' or. six bottles for .,- ... - , , Ian. 'M 104 Duane St., N. Y. ftldan in attendance to answer corres- yftnl give alvice gratis. jid stamp for pamphlets, free.m J A nrlzhim WholesalaAeents. San co. CJ. 3wt 1U TUE f'0US& DEBILITATED f OF BOTH SEXES. :b rox apvioe 8ULTATI0,- A5D dor- - - J. B. DYOTT, graduate of -tt Medical Colloffe, Philadel author of several val liable ,'. onrt 1 rnnmilfl n nil ills. - .n, 'lie Sexual and Urinary or- (wbich be has made an es- ! ltud'i) either in male or fe- no matter from what cause 'fiting, or how long standing. ctieeof30 years enables him Utdiseasea'w'Jth success. Gure3 Ateed. Charge3 jqsonable. -s at a distance can forward let? eseriblqg symptoms and en- jg stamp to prepay postage. tnd for the Guide to health. 5. B. DY01JI, M. D. cion and Surgeoa, lfl Duane JTACLES to MARRIAGE. W PTLEIP FOR VOUKQ MEX from Ctsof Errors' and Abuse In early life. k4 Eestored. Impediments to Msniizs - ryew mettoa of treitment New I- . xTl 'emedlea. Books and Circulars -lnveloMi. Allium. HOW- K'sSOCIATluV kU 4'Sntk!Vfnthat-..4 r.vt- it- -"-- -r- - . :.. i p rwijT-w insUtnUon bavingacign 4f u conduct ana proies- jttitwzm. 1 -- - ' - - -- I SUMNER. Tke Sale of the Late Furniture. Senator's .Washington Dispatch to the Boston Globe, June 3. The sale ot wnat remained of the late Senator Sumner, whieh took place at the late residence of the Senator to-day was largely attended by persons from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, as well as citizens of. "Washington. A very large pro portion of those present were wom en who are in the habit of attending auction sales. The interest in the sale began when the auctioneer pro ceeded to dispose of the things in the "dining-room. It was noticed that James "Wbrmly, the well known colored caterer and proprie tor af Wormley's Hotel, started all bills for dining-room furniture. During Mr. Sumner's life, Mr. Wormly was his intimate friend. He looked after the Senator's house hold affairs generally, and, when Mr. Sumner furnished his house, Mr. "Wormly was the agent who purchased a large number of articles for him. He appeared determined to become the posse-jr of nearly all the dining room furniture, and invariably star ted the bidding. The first article wild was a splendid sideboard,which was much prized by the Senator, and which originally cost nearly $400. Mr. Wormley bid SI 00 on it at once, and it was knocked down to him at $200. He subse quently purchased the dining-table at which so many famous men have sat, -.chairs, and everything else in the room of any account. For the chairs, one of which Mr. Sumner usually occupied at the head of the tablt,Mr. Wormley paid $00. There being sharp comj)etition for it, if necessary he would have bid $100, for he wants to place the entire set of furniture in one room in his hotel, which lie will call the Sumner's dining room. Everything in the dining room brought twice its value, except the sideboard. In this room a dilapidated fly-brush "went for $4 50 ; a walnut picture nick fo'r $20; two walnut easels at $11 and $7 50, respectively. A small fecrap-bakct was sold to Georgo T. Dowlng for $4. In the library a walnut ollieo desk went to A. M. Ilowe, of Boston, for $179; walnut book shelves to Fred. Douglass at $7 each; a walnut book-case, with glitss doors, to C C. Beaman, of New York, formerly private secre tary to the senator, for $154; anoth er walnut book-cae to Miss Bout well, a daughter of Senator Bout well, for $61; a Turkish lounge for $35; M-alnut arm chair, upholstered in green damask, to Fred. Douglass for $2(5; a Turkish rug, to a Boston lady, at $27; a Mt of trays to C. C. "Beaman for $21. and six small wal nut baskets at $4 each. A lot of sideboard ornaments, such a book-rack, rural picture frames, brackets, oall-belU, etc., sold at high prices. One olmir in the library, formerly occupied by Samuel Randall, of Pennsylvania, tu.atue House ot Kepresentatives, run up to $300, and was purchased by a Boston man underthe supposition-that it had been the chair used by Mr. Sumner hi the Senate. This was the best price obtained for any piece of furniture in the house. Tvvo easy chairs, muoh used by the Senator during life, and which al ways occupied conspiouous places in the library, were missing, hav ing been sold privately. Had they been exposed to public salo, they would have brought large sums, as quite a number of friends of the Senator went to the sale for the spe cial puriosc of buying them. The parlor reception chair, beautifully upholstered, was bought by a lady from Boston for $37. A walnut card table commanded as high a price as $G0. In this connection it may be stated that a Boston lady who made a number of purpjiaes, gave no other name in buying except "Bos ton." Many persons came expect ing to. buy ordinary fashionable household furniture at a moderate price. On ob-erving tlio figures at which everything went, they left in despair. A great majority of the bidders seemed to be either friends or admirers of the late Senator, who desired some memento, no matter at what price. The bidding was spirited at all time, but there was no complaint of unfairness in dis posing of the goods The wines and liquors of the Senator will not be sold until to-morrow morning, at 11 o'clock, 'it being impossible to reach them to-day. The sale to-daj-was unusually slow, from the fact that scarcely anything was sold in a lumPi it being desirable for the ac commodation of Mr. Sumner's "friends to sell artiolos separately, in,order that everj-body might securea souvenir. Among those who were present at the sale were Sena tor Boutwell and Representative Pierce, ot Massachusetts, and Mr. Harris, of Mississippi, besides a number of Senators and Representa tives from other States, The tall musical clock In the hall was not offered for stile, itlicingsold at private sale for the extraordinary sum of $3,000. The sum of $1,000 was first offered, several days ago, but, shico that. Jt s understood that two other parties put in bids, onp for. $2,000, and the other for $3,000. It,is related of this musical clock that just prior to Mr. Sumner's death it executed a dirge. It al ways plays a short air a few minutes before striking, and although not especially remarkable in appear ance, Its mechanism is very com plicated. "With the paintings, en gravings, statuary, and other arti cles of virtu, whird formed the charm of Sumner's home, removed, the house presented a rather deserted appearance, but people seemed de termine to obtain some memento jof the great Senator, and many of ;them paid high prices for insignifi cant articles, it is expected that at the sale of wines and liquors to morrow tlj'gre will be some sharp competition. From (he Washington Star. The auctioneers in charge of the sale of Senator Sumner's effects havo received savoraj orders, accom panied by sums of money, vary ng in amount, from persons at a dis tance, asking the firm to purchase for 'them something belonging to the great? Senator as a keepsake. One old lady in Boston incloses $2, and requests them to purchase some trifle for her, however slight. She adds in her letter "that she js quite poor, and that her health was" too feeble to allow her to go out on Dec oration Day, but that she gladly took of her scanty means to buy a bunch of flowers to ho laid on the grave of the dead statesman on that occasion. We need hardly add that fjer commission will be faithfully attended to. The Internecine Indian War in Xontanc. From the Helena Herald of May 23ih From Deputy United States Mar shal Dusold, Dr. A. E. Ingersoll, and other gentlemen who arrived In Helena from the north on Satur day evening, we gather some items of nowsfrom the Indian country not before published. Taking advantage' of the absence of their chiefe who had repaired to Fort Benton for. the purpose of har monizing existing difficulties .be tween the several tribes occupying the reservation set apart for their use, a mbied band of Assinaboins and Gros Ventres, joined by a barfd of River Crows, concluded to go on the war path and compare their valor with that of the Piegans, a portion of the Blackfoot Agency In dians. Acting upon this "happy thought," the warriors of the tribe named, decked off in war paint and "armed as the law directs," weLt out to hunt the fight they so yearn ed for. At Ritinger's Fort, a de serted trading post on the Marias river, about forty miles from the Blackfoot Agency, the trouble sought was found. A Piegan encampment was discovered at that place, and the confederated Indians proceeded in their savage way to "clean them out" This was on "Wednesday night, the 20th inst The Piegans were not taken unawares, and pre pared to repel the assault The bat tle was but a brief time in opening, and the rifle and tomahawk were soon dealing the work of death. For a time there were varying ad vantages to either side. Finally a charge from the besieged dislodged and put to flight the attacking forces. The casualities, as reported to us, count up three Piegans killed, and a half a dozen more wounded, severally fatally. Of the other In dians four were killed and left on the ground, the wounded being car ried off the field. Cut-Hand, head chief of the Piegans, had a brother and brother-in-law killed, and his wife severely wounded by a shot through the side of her head, in this fight. The old ehief is in sore distress, and, while crying for ven- geance, promises to remain peaceful unless his wife should die from the wound inflicted by the foe. At the time of the fight Cut-Hand and a party of thirty-six of his tribe had just returned to the Marias en campment from the Benton peace conference. He reported the attack and its results to Agent May and awaited an answer as to what, un der the circumstances, he was ex pected to do. It is hard for him not to seek revenge, and it is likely we shall hear of more trouble coming of this family quarrel. A free fight Is reported in the Piegan camp, near tho Blackfoot agency, growing out of the Illicit traffic of whisky to the Indians. It occurred on the same night as the fight above reported, May 20th. A drunken Indian named Heavy Run ner a notorious desperado of the tribe was shot and killed by two of his associates in carousal. Two oth ers of the band, savagely besotted with "fire water," were also shot and seriously, if not fatally woun ded, and three more escaped with only slight flesh wounds. This was only a gallon of whisky affair, and lasted only as long as the effects of the liquor held out The parties who traded the miserable stuff to the Indians, were two Red river half breeds Mollitaire and Layette by name, who were both discovered and arrested on the reservation, and brought by detective Dusold to Helena, and deposited in the Uni ted States prison. Tho night previous (the 19th) a drunken Indian shot and killed his squaw in his lodgo a mile and a half from the BlacHfoot Agency. ColonpJ May, wo understand, in view of these multiplying troubles, has ordered from the reservation all persons not having his permit to remain, and the Indian detectives are industriously at work huuting out the bad men who are the cause of the recurring disturbances in the localities infested by them. It is sincerely to bo hoped that good rid dance will soon be made of the last one of them. UL aDOUT THE WATER 1VOBKS The central rity of tho West Quite proud of late has grown, Ai d feels it ran no longer wait A goo I sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world Who wish to cut a swell, At once erect a rvservi ir Upon tt)?lr hlgoest hill. Wc read In the days ot Nosh Thst water woks were tried; The trouble was t ey had no si wen. Anil so the people died. Lt us then remember If water works we try. To put In sear era good and strong, And make our stritU quite dry And when the thing is dona We'll celebrate at once, Then everybody In the town Will bay their hats of Bunce. For all new styles that row are out, Some fifty kinds or more. You'll find them cheap at Bunce'? Famous New York store. Th Chimplon Hitter of tho West, 25a Doug asStreeet. tnph2Qtf THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE rS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERYBODY TO L botha- 11, . - - , BFST PAPER Published in Nebraska, It Contains More Heading Matter and Less Advertisements than any Newspaper Published in the West. Embracing a choice selection q news and miscellaneous matter with live Editorials on all important top ics ; complete and reliable telegraph icand local market reports to the day of issue,Jand a varietj of State,East ern and Western correspondence that together make up a ngwspaper sel dom equalled and never surpassed. Every article going into the col umns of the BEE is carefully sera tinized, nnd everything that can of fend tha most scrupulous, rejected. Republicans-Politics But Independent in principle the policy of the BEE is, and always has been, to expose and denounce abus es and corruption in the body poli: tic without fear or favor. Subscription Price? $150 Pep Atiimiw IX ADVANCE. E. EOSEWATER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, 138 Farnham Street, "Ometfia, 2T"b. sr?u NoiMvand Commerce. Daily Beview. Office Omaha Daily Bee, ) June 10. 1874. J Money continues easy with a li beral supply of currency in the banks in fact there has been no time in the history of Omaha when money was so plenty as it has been this spring, or really since the panic last fall. Government and railroad securities are so little dealt in here as to be hardly worth quoting. Land grant bonds and agricultu ral scrip, are about the only things on which we can get actual market prices. THE FrRST NATIONAL DANK quotes : Land Grants.. ,..$SO0.00 Land Warrant-, (1G0 acres)... 183.C0 Agricultural College Scrip, (160 acres) 18G.00 State, County and City War- Gold buying, 109J; selling, 110 The commercial situation is un changed. Trade has improved to day with the better weather, but there is no noticeable change in prices. The produce market is firm, with a fair supply of spring vegeta bles. Strawberries have been sent forward in unusual quantities this week, and the price has fallen to $2.00 to $3.00 per dozen boxes. OMAHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Dally DRY GOODS. j. J. brown & bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. trints. Aliens ... American.. Amoskeag ...... Bristol (Earners .... Hamilton Merrimack D Peabody .. Richmond.. ... a 9 Simpson's- BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-1 Boot G-... Cabot 4-1 Lonsdale-...... ....... ......... N. Y. Mills Suffolk L.... ...r ..... BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. 9 12a U y. 8 ay repperdl 8-1 .. do 9-1. 31 2G do 10-4 . COTTONADIS. Farmers and fcchanic3.......... Great Western ................ BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion, A .... Bedford, R-... ..... ........ Grantville, E E Gennania, B !!.... ..... ........... T.'i 10 if '.I 11 12 12 12 L. 1's GINGHAMS. American.... Amoskeag Bates Lancaster...- TICKINGS. Amoskesg, a c : Blddefcrd - 25 DENIMS. Amoskeag ....... Beaver Crvek, B B llaymat) rs... ....... tttis, B B . O.ts, C C 23'4 1! 12 17K K?2 JEANS. Biddeford Iloasicr..... ...... 4U YAXKIK NOTIOXS- KURTZ MOHR dr CO., Street. SFOOL COrivn. Clark's O. N. T Coat's ........... ............, Merrick's........ .. ......... HOSIERY. Domestic......... ................. British.... .... ......... PAPER COLLARS. Dickens' be-t........ .. . King William . Domestic.... .... ... .... .. .0 7a ny. ,S KRI 00 , 3 00iiG 00 S 90 1 35 1 SO 2 50 Stanley SHAWLS. '"stjinTs." Ottoman strips. S2 2jQG 50 510 50 15 00 30 CO ...S1200a24t0 4 75.li CO .. SG 50a7 25 7 75a9 00 7 00a7 50 8 COaD 50 S 009 50 White common.. .... .. " medium ..- " cuFtoin made..,... Calico ...... ... .... OVEltALLS. Brown drill ...... -' unct ....... . ... Blue drill ' duck . White coahirrs. French whalebone . Our own. ..- ....... Comet............ ........ r-PUING SKIRTS. Linen printed .................. " ruffled... " fluted . 55 25aS 00 15 00 2250 .- 9 00 12 00 15-00 GENERAL COM3IIS3ION. J. C. Rosenfeld gives US tlie following quotations this day : Butter, dull, 1212l in tubs; Eggs in demand, at Jlp per doz.j Live Chickens at 8 00 per doz.; Strawber ries in demand at 30c per box ; Gooseberries, 3 00 per bu.; Cherries, 30c per box ; Oranges, 9 00, and Lemons, 14 00 per box. HARDWARE. JOHN T, EDOAE. TPOJT. Common Inr...........;...- 4 Horse fcUoo bar...,7 ''.. . G Norway nail rod-... ...... 11 STEEL. Cast p!ow.... ... 12 Germon...-......... ........ II American rasa, octagon and square 1S? 22 Jess p's English do do 25( 40 Burden's horse shoes, per keg........ 7 25 do mule do do ........ 8 2 Northwestern horse nails.. 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 ptr tent. Stor half patent axles, discount 10 jer cent. NAILS. 10d to GOJ per ke2.... Sd do .. id do . 4d do 3d dp. ....... 3d fine do ........... lOd Cnls'ng do ....... 8J do do ..... .. 4 40 465 4 9U 5 15 5 99 7 40 5 15 5 ) 5G5 5 15 5 40 5 G5 3 15 70 pre 20 pre 35 do 30 pre 25 do Wprc f5prc 45 do 20 do Gd do do lOd casine do tf ff 8d do do ....... 6d do do ..... Wrought) ail sires.. BOLTS. Carriage and tire.. discount BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart Jointdiscount Cast, loose pin roTerslblo.. do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure forkj.....diseount Hoes and garden rakes-... do HINGES. Strap and T.l..cliscQunt WRENCHES. Taft'a black discount Coe'a Immitation.. do Coe'a genuine.... do SCREWS. American Iron.-. do brans-.. - 45 pre 40 pre AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BCTTUKS. nHo!t'aH.TstKJng.perdof, net Chamnin 4-;4-;-..,. , ,.:., HealdSi EttrkjM.L,' , do red,,,, ....?. SPADES AND SltOVI Rowltnd'iNo2 black shovels, D 1I. do do polished do do . do do black spadrs do Moore do polished do do do's "spring point" L U shoTels AXES. Lippencott's Western Crown, , do do do b.Tefed COFFEE MILLS. Parke's No S, iron box.net do do 103 do j.. do do 25 Un Ion In. n.. eo do 35 do Britanla FILES. nargrare, Smith A Co., discount Amerlpari File Co do HAMUXHS, Haydole's, A E No 1, 1, j,., Mammond's A E No 14 25 13 00 10 00 9 00 12 00 13 00 12 00 13 00 13 50 13 00 13 50 525 5 75 11 00 13 00 30 pre SO do 19 00 10 50 10 00 13 50 1100 17 00 00 SCO 750 do do do 3 do do 4 Lniinter's No 1 do do 2 do do 3-. HATCnETS. Morris' shlngUag, Ko 1 , ,. do do do 2 . ,,,, do do do 3 do cUw do 1.. do o" do i. LEAiHEK. BuBalo S. sole ft Hemlock SL sole .No 1 35(3 Si 3) 32 23 33 43 33 1S5 75 25 S3 31 3! 35 29 40 4G 41 160 125 30 no ao f Ko ao not do rpanaale ao ao do harnssi do Sne do bridle.. docUJ do kin do upper 43 48 do calf.. ...... rto kip 150 1 CO 1 00 1 38 45 41 do harness.. FViitauf Jodols pr dz 73 00 90 00 Other brands different wt, pr Si French kip pr B - Bark linings I 70 144 650 235 1 tX 900 SKINS. Dryflict prD Oak eole V &. 17 IS 15 l C 1 S 9 1 25 rfl ury saJtea . Green . . Green salted Jan. and Feb, elts Stu-lrlif-g uui( siin. Rosfndale CEMENT. 3 03 Water lime- .. ... a la EOArS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 l-26 3-4 ; Savon Eepublic, do., Chemical OliTe, C to 6 1-2; Palm, 55 1-4 ; German Mot led, 6 l-4a6 1-2. ABT GOODS AND UrHOLSTERUR'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jone?, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods, 270 Fainham Street, furnishes the following quotations FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 615c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch IS 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 1530c. Window shades. Plain bands, G feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each yddilional foot, 75n per pair. REPPS. Union ind all wool terry, eryaril 1 503 jO; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 COaS 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTRASSE3. Husk, 4-4x0-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00.i4 00; Excelsior. 3 50a4 GO. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST. Eubiect to chango of market without notice. W31. M. FOSTER, On U. 1. B. R. track bet. FarnSam and Dou as. GEO A. HOxVGLAND. Joists, studding and sills, 20 ft, and un Over So'flLeac'b. additional ft ald'I . Fencing No 1. -... ......... do Ko 2 1st common boards....... ..... 2nd do do . . "A" stock boards, 10 and 12 inch... "B" do do do do "f An itn iln du S22 00 CO 21 00 21 00 z; 00 22 (X) ..... 50 00 . 35 00 0 00 C5 00 53 00 45 00 , 50 00 40 00 33 00 2" 50 ... 4j00 33 () 32 50 . 30 00 27 50 . 27 00 . .. 75 00 21 50 20 00 4 2.) 3 10 . J 00 3.-0 .. 3 5y 1st clear, 1, 1. V& na - inch 2d do do do do 3d do do do do Flooring, clear....... - do 1st common...... do 2d do ........... do Sd do .. ..... do narrow, clear. l"t clear celling JS Inch .......... 2d do do lnch . lit do do , Inch . !d do do inch..... 1st clear aiJiuir 2d do do -- 1st common siding 2d do do ...... "A" sbinjles Extra No 1 shingles..... Common No 1 sh.nglcx lumper 1UUU DA II pickets etr 100 Square do do do OG Bitten jht linear f'. ..... Itouli do do do ............ Lilieral dl-coiint on cailold lots. WINDOWS, (Glazed.) 33 ier ccntoll'CliicJgo list. DOOUS, (Wedged) 5 pet cent oQ CI icago list. BLINDS. x 30 per cent off !it. White lime per bid .. Louisville cement ic-rbLl . Piaster paris per lbl Plastering hair per bushel...... Si 7.'.2 oo . 3 03 23 3 50(ijJ 73 40 4 4)i AHrrtu icti Plastering lnjard.. OILS. PAINTS, .L,S, &e. N. I. D.KOLOMm. ROBEUT O. STEEKL. BRADY & McAUSLAND. Coil Oil $ 19 Linseed Oil, riw. 1 a " " bl'd... 1 10 Turpentine Co Headlight Oil 23 ru t)il,No. 1..S ' ' " 2. " " winter 1 "straln'df Lubricating) W. Va. ( PAINTS, AC White Lead, St. Louis, SrtlctlyPuro S " " " " Taney llrai.di Pty In Itladders " " Bulk EnamrM Glass, colors, fl sq.ft. ...... Flat Glass 50 t) c discount 1114 1 GO TIX, SHEET,I110X. WIRE, &C. iLTLTON ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM, TIN PLATE. CHARCOAL. lOiltIC, fair qualitf... 10x14 Ic, lest quality fl3 00 13 50 .. IC 51 .. 11 ft) 17 00 .. V, W . 17 M .. 20 50 .. 23 no .. Zi 50 It 00 . 17 00 -.20 00 .. 13 00 IC 0J .. 12 50 -27 50 32 M 2S 00 .. 21 00 Mill IX do do do 12x12 IC do 12x12 IX do lix2Q IC do 14r2QIX do 11x20 IXX do 14x20 IXXX 110 plate DC dp do do (best quality) 100 plate DX, do di 100 plate DXX do do 100 plate DXXX do do Rooting IC charcoal do do Hoofing IX do do do 10x11 IC coke do do 20x2i IC charcoal roofing...... 20xV8 IC charcoal rooting ... ctxll IX charcoal ...... 10x20 cake (for sutteri)........ 11LOCKTIN. Large pigs Small pigs............ Bar tin ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 3C in............ do do do in half casks ... do do do in 30 lt casks- Sheet?! to 35 inch-) per sheet..... Tinners solder (extra refine....... do do No. 1........,. .... do do roofing....., lid metal .... .... SHEET IRON. First quality, Numbers 15 to 24 do do do 15 ...... do do do 26 ........ do do do 47... Charcoal, both sides smothe do No 21 ........... do do -IV,,,,, ...,,,,,, do do 27 Juniata, No. 21 . .. do do 2d ..... HJ4 12 12i 25 23 21 0i2 6 7 '4i 2.J 23 IS do do 27 Bussla perfect 7 to 12 UO NO. 1, tJlne.l ,, ,, , , Less than full bundles, add one cent. "A"AmerIcan Immltat'n Kussia, all Nos. Less than full bundles, add one tent. GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 20 do 2t to 21 .. . do 25 to 25,. - .... do 2 do 2 Full bundles discount 15, per cent. COPPER, Broilers 6 to 9 .. .... do 10 to 12 lb . do 12J4tol001t Slicathine, 11 and 16 oz -..... Planished, 11 and 16 oz... Nos. 7, 8 and 9, Pianished.. .list .do .do .do .do 15 IB 17 18 20 45 42 33 45 43 5J 33 utfii ijpifor- Copper bottoms.. BRIG ITT WIRE. 10 lt "4 la Nos. 0 to 6 8,3,9 11 15 10,11 16 12 11,11 20 19 Nos. 15,19 17 13 19 20 Per bundle 15 per cent dlscoun GROCERIES. STEELE & JOHNSON" 53S-540 14TH ST. CLARE Ji ERENCH COB, FARNHAM AND llTH ST. prryr) MEYER & RAAPKE, 212 PARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MORGAN & Gallagher, 205 Farn ham St. WHITNEY, BACSERMAX 4 CO., 247 Douglas St, J. J. brown & bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Crannlatcdpr rh hi:i Jal2-S ii lCaioi 10h COFFEES. Rto choice pr Si.. do prime do do good .do O G Java 2 15..25K 3133 SYRUPY. Common pr gallon Good do Choice do do N O moLsses 33al5 60a 70S0 bO Sia9 16!,'17 16,'ial7 6s6, 7a7j4 4al. 45 4.ji3) 5i57 57aC3 f0a53 75a S5 RICE. Uanjon choice... Carolin.. .... CANDLES. M Wesk A Co.. schofers . fcOAP. M isouri Vrlley..... . Kirk's Savon ..... Jl. Wesk A Co M.hofer's (Jerniau........... Kirk's ttmdsrd do tteiling.. .... .. I'LUG TOBACCO. Black goeds, Western - do do Virginia ... fo do Lorirlard's. lid; lit do do do . do do Virginia ..... Natvrai eaj DDIED FRUITS Calilornla pe'clies per oounJ do an-lJ ,lj " S,ate do do - New currants .--. ISKsI 12al2 Hall 8 do prunes... llal4 17 21 asato S3 10 uy. do German cherries.. do blacklierries do rasuberries. do ra.ins pr box.. ..-.. do stedless rasies per pound. SALT. New in barrels............ -S2 S.1a3 00 .. 4 50a5 73 do dairy . PANNED GOODS. 2 pound can M jet's oysters per i ose. 1 do di do do do . 2 do do Willim's do do . " Go do peaches do do . 3 do do do do do . Tomatoes, 2 pound cans, ier rase . do 3 do do do Corn, Trophy, prr case do Wliilow do . ..... do Yarmouth do ... Strawberries, ier case . IMspKrrles, do do . Piueapp-es, do do . TEAS. Oo'ongs per jiound... -.. Youni Iljfou, per jound Gunpowuer. do do ... . FLOUR. Snow Flake, (Weill A Nicman) Go'd Hut . XXXX Iowa City ... - .51 23a I 50 . 2 5oa2 75 . 1 fKtel 2 . 4 75a5 09 . G 757 50 . 3 6ua3 75 500 550 . 5 73af 00 C 00 . 1 73a5 50 CO) 550 25a75 40al t) COal 25 1 50 3 10 3(0 . 1 7.a 00 1819 17(V$IS ISalD 13 30a31 . 31UJ . 1 33al 11 CO 13a 0 35alC UUiioruia... BAGS. Gunnies, heavy weight do light d Burlaps, four bushel,. ..-.. Dundee gunnies -. . Grain bas, Amosleg A do do Ludlow a a........ SPIC. Nutmegs, Penangbcst.per pound. Clovei J d0 - Alspice d, ; MiiHtiinn liark do do .. CIGARS. A. E. Simpson, Manufacturer, 532 15th Street. II. Upman Reconstruction. Grand Central... Universal.......... Vara .. La lioquet binion Pure.... Rat cut leaf do . Standard A do Circle A do Extra C do Yellow C d . N O choice do . m. s rs oo do &' 00 do 33 00 do 40 00 do 43 00 do 50 00 do 50 CO do 75 (0 do C5 00 do 50 00 do CO 00 do 75 00 do 100 00 do 100 00 do 10J 00 do 75 tO Partiga. Yours Tniiy... Gold Medal I.a Espanola..... Triple Crown Henry Clay..... De Villcr. YVilicr. 1S7C ..W..HHM...H CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. "Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Half barrel sacks..., .,.. .., ....... 2 90 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FIN 1ST Elkliorii Valley Lands ! FOil SALK 3. ovx. cxi.ii:. "Wisnor, - - Te"b, THESE LND3 ARE CONVENIENT TO the market and the FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2.50 to $5.00 PER ACRE! For Cash or on Lous Time. JCSyT,AXD EXI-I.OR1NG 1 1CK ETS for sale at O. & 1 W. De pot, hearing couiioiis which will lie taken at full cost in payment for land. J. SCH00N1VAKER & SON IT.OrRIRTOCS OP TUE PITTSBURG-. LSAD AND COLOR WOEKS PITTSBURG, PA. 3at.toli3lioci 1Q3S. Manufacturers'olJfitrictlPure WfcUc Lead, Ktil Litharge ralli. Co'ors Dry ami inJOil. PURE YERDITER SREEF, The strongest and hrighteat green manufacturered. GUAP.ANTEE, We guarantee our brand of Strictly Pure White 1 ead to be free from impurities, and will pay S50 in gold for eTery ounce of adul )9ia.ion found In this poctaze. star73m J. SCIIOONMAEEn A SON LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have heen awarded lor Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD TENtlLS: Gold Xcdal of I'rogrcss, Vienna, 1873. First Premium Ciaelnnatli Indus- trial Fair, 1873. First Premium HroofclYA indus trial Exposition, 1873.. For Famplcs or information address the Jos. Bixon Crncible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, Pres't m72m JERSEY CITY, N J Tlio Eoatrioo Hydraulic, Cement. AND- WOULD INFOmi THE PUBLIC THAT they arc now ready to furnish HY DRAULIC CEMENT, of the rery bestquality, and in any quantity .either at the factory, which. Is located at BeJtrlce.Ncb., or at tho Pipe porks in Omaha They also are prepared to furnish all kinds ofCfcllENTPIPINGiorSEWERAGE. DRAINAGE, ETC, Also manufacture all styles of CHIMNEY WORK. WE GUARAN TEE OUR CEMENT TO BE EQUAL TO AN Y HYDRAULIC CEMENT MANUFACTURED INTHE UNITED STATES. M-ORDERS FROM DEALERS P.ESPECT FULLY SOLICITED. WHTB BEATRICE HYDRAULIC CFJIEST & PIPE CO. OMAHA - - NEBRASKA. uy2l-3a ' CHICAGO fcNORTHWES'N n.k.nj"ri."sr. The Topular Route from o im: . : . TO- Cliicago and the East! AND THE Only iroct Houto TrAVtrlno,Farl nKli;r,Diibmiite,Ij Cro.ne, Prairie Dn i. hlcn. Wliioat, St. tul, Dulutti, Jnun-slllr, Htno. li, Utrcn i. at. Itaclnr, Mtven'i 1'olut. V-.lrrtuvit, O.liliTsHh, lou DttLif, NadlMIU itnd Milwaukee. It Being the Shortest and Elist Comnleted Line between OMAHA and CHICAGO, Conntant improTrra nts liare taken plae m thews) of rliiriii tira.lv, and placing Iron with Steel ltal.s, addiug to its rullin; stock neir aud Llegaut DAY nml SI.hKHlXfi CAliS Equipped with the "Wesllushou'e Air Prake" aud "Jliller Platfonu." establishing comforta ble and couiruodious Etn Houses, oflerlngall the comforts of traveling tbe age can produce. Eroru a to to Fast Express Trains run each way dailr orer tlie various lines of this load, thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure andrertaiu connections in any di rection he may wish logo. Principal Connection. AT MISsOUUI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux C ty, Yankton and poiuta reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moinc. Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MAUSUALLfurSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT IEDAU ICAl'IDd for Waterloo. Cedar Falls, ( hsrles Cltr, Ilurllngton and M Louis. AT CLINTON for Dubuque, Dunteith, Prai rie du Chlen, La Crosse, and all points on the Chicago, Clinton aud Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FULTON for Freeport, Paclne Milwau kee and all points in Wisconin. AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can be procured, and any luforwat on ob tained, concerning lioute, Uatcs, etc, at the Company's ot&ce. 21S Farnharu street, Omaha, and also at the pi tnciiul TicketOlUces alcng the llneof the U. P. It- R. nS"naggago checked through to all principal Eastern points, W.II.STENNETT, MAUVIN HUGHITT. Gen'l Pasng'r Ag't. Gen. Sup't. J. II. LACEY. a G. EDDY, Ticket Ag't, Omaha?- Gen'l Ag't Omaha. mchlSrl Omaha & St. Louis "Short Line 1874! The Kansas: City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire line to ST. IiOUXS AND THE EAST, FROM OMAHA AKD THE "WEST NO CHANGE . ..ait- ltwecn Omaha and St. Louis ana b .to; e K'twei-n OMAHA an.. AiiW YOKk. This the Only lne running a PULI-TIAS SLEKPIXO CAll KAST KltOM U3IAIIA, ON AllKtVAI. OF T1IK UNION PACIFIC KXPKKSS TK.M.V. KaPassnnjer taking othei routes nave a disagiitrable tn. "fer at ttio I'.iver Station. 8 PASSUaiUKIL TltAINS DAILY! KEACHING ALL EASTERN AKD WESTERN CITIES With l-e Changes and in adranco of other lims. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cat?, Talace Day Coaches and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghouse Air Brake. eSTSee that your tickets read via KnuNHsC'lty, S .Joseph & C'onucil ltlulXi lCuIrod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth nnd Farnliam streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JOS.TEHON, Pass.Agt, GEO. L. BRADBURY, Gen'l Agent. . F. BARNARD, A. C. DAWE3, Gen'l Supt. Gen'l I'a.s. Agt., St. Joseph. St. Joseph, ialtf VandaliA E.OTTTE 3 .A. s t: 3 TEAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. LOUIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars THB0UQH WITHOUT CHASQ3 TO Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago. Columbus, Pittsburg, Washington, ASD NEV YORK 'ArrlTal cf Trains frcn tte West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston n,Tr17'i7'PC! AreforSalentthe LlJXlllJ O Company'H Office, M. K. corner Koarth &, Chentnnt t., HI.LonU, and at the Principal Rail way UMres in the IVest. CIIAS. BABCOCK, C. E. P.USSELr S'lhern Pass. Ast't, Wtst'n Is. Ag't. Dallas. Texas. Kansas crrr, JOIIN E. SIJIPSON, CIIAS. E. FOLLETT, Gen'l Supt., Gtn'I Pas Ag't. si9tf IsDiASAroLis. St. Louis. Estatdisned in 1851. SXitCCt TA109 Confectioners' Tool Works, Th.os. Millg & Bro Manufacturers o Confectfbners'Tools Machines, Sfaalda, Ice Cie Freezers. &c., Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pronrietors A ESTAELISIIZDJSCI. Tiigkas Hills, Geo. M. Mills. CATALOQTJE3 SEHT cpon apfUeallan. Atlxz P.Pauixs. Bock Island and Pacific R. E. THE GRAND CENTRAL BOUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, Davenport and Cock Island. o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the u'esti.noiiousK Patlnt Aik Brikes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Daily, cnnectlng as follows: AT DES MOINES wllh the Des Moines Valley Railroad, tor Oskaloosj, Ottumwa, KeokuL and St. LonU. AT liKINNKLL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for all points north to St, Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, (Vdar Rspids A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar lEapids. Dubuque A St. Paul, At WILTON JUNCTION with the iMutr.-Weitern uraorh, for Muscatine, ashingion and all points south. AT DAVKMIIKT with the Latenport A St. Pai 1 ltailnu.1 for points north. AT t('K lsL.Nl with the Western Union ila-lroad for Freeport, Beloit. haiine, itil-wauke- aud a"l ioiut in norther a I lluols and Wioiisn. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Roeklord, RcV ls'and aud at. Ixiuls Railroad for St. Louis and points outh. AT ROCK ISLAND with the TeorUARock Island Railroad for Peoria and points east. AT BUREAU JUNC with bra.ch. tor Hen ry. Larere, Chillicotho and PeorU. AT L.V SALLE with tho flllnois Central Rail road for oints nort hand south. AT CHICAGO with ail lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern cities, via this line, can be procured, and miy infor mation obtained, concerning points, at the t'Ckei ouceoi inecomprny, Us t-arubam U, Omaha, and also at the principal ticket offices along the Hue of the U. P. R. U. Hnpsnse CliecUol Thronsh Io nil Principal Htteiii roiutx. A.M.SMITH, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't, ChKo. J. H. L,CEY, Ticket Agent, 2itf Omaha 11. RIDDLE, Gen'l Sup't Chiiaso. S.S STEVENS, Gen'l Western As'W Omaha. M. Keller, Proprietor of the RISING SUN U'O LOS ANGELES YINETBDS. Depot for tbe sale of ltia NATIVE WINES AND BIRIISriDIIES M. SELLEE dL Co., Corner of Battery and Washington Sts. A.V KltAXCISCO, CAL. niaiTU avtx.j. i.r.ni: it. N-vrn't. c. numoM. wir. ii. itrn'ox j as. O. UL'TLEC ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Lcggat, Hudson & Co., Manufacturers, of CTcry arau Fino Cut Claoring AND K9IOKIXG TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FIXE CLT.tj S.1IOICIXt;S: BEA UTY. GILT EDGE, INGLESICE. BULLION. MONTANA. All Our Tobaccos Strictly "iVaranted. OFFICK AND SAI.K.SR0O3t Cor. Second 6c Tina Streets, St. Ziouis ZMCo. mar'lnio PASSENG-ERS Going Cast orSouth from Omaha AnJ rolnts on U. P.R.B., should taVe th( "LINCOLN KOUTE" THE ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure for themselres the choice of Sir Popular Boutesfrom Atchison to Chicago and St. Lonls, All mitlug Reliable Connections and being Equipped with Palica Daj and Slespbg Can. .All d;Iay and Inconrcnienee arrWIn? I roni Ferries acd transfers can ho aroideil West of Chicago and t. Louis by securing Ticket via ATCIILSO.V and the ATCHiftUX A NEBRASKA. R.IJI.KOAD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also nude with the A. T. & S. F. K. B. lor the Great Arkansas Ya.llej & Colorado, And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets tU LIN COL & ATCHISON CIIAS. OSMITII, W. F. WHITE Uen'l Supt, Uen'l Pass. AgL Is23ti A15on. Knnaaa Cliicago, ADYERTISJ1 4KTITE JDJLXTT BEE DON'T BUY! (UNTIL YOU HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTJB. :1TEW pAas KjLAas. AND LOW RESERVOIR A S WE HAVE TWELVE GOOD REASONS J TV. why t her i ill do vour work. Quick and Easv, Clieai and Clean. J Tlieyareclieiiiesttobuv, Ther are li to ue. GO They lake ev nl r an. I quickly, Thoirot ration Is tierfit. Tliey have alwavs a good draft. They are iii:itleoriIiebc!lmaterIaI Thy roast crfectlr, Tliey rriuirebut Utile fuel, Tbey are very low priced. They are easily managed. They are suilel to all localities. Every Moveguarauteeil to gtvesatiafactton. -tOLD BY Exc:lsior Man'far Co., ST. LOUIS, HO. INDCr M. ROGERIS, Omalva, RXo'bx'AailK.ft etces ieasaw SIZEWI ''"' A.tf .. mx.vw? rELLETS.m. lAV'Si o oo ooo Or Sugar-Coaled, Concentrated, Hoot nnd Herbal Juice, Antl Billous Granules. THE ' UTTUI GIANT" C.VTIL.IUTIC. or Dlultaa. lu Parvo PhyHic. The novelty of modern Modleai. Chrmieal and Pharmaceutical Scienie No ue of any looser taking the brge. npuNlvo and nanxeous plU, coaapo-ed of cheap, crude, nnd bulky ingredient , vflieu w o can by a careful application of chemical f cience. cxtrac all the cathartic and other mttil. cjial properties froai the most xaluabio root? ami herbJ, aaa concentrate tbcra Into a minute Gran nie, scarcely larger than a miihtaril need, that can be readily eu allowed by thoeol the mo-t sensitive rtomachi and fastidious tatc?. Eactitittle I'urgntivo 1'ellet represent?, Ins mn-t conccntratctt form, as much cathartic power as Is embodied in any of the larso pills fonnd foe m!c In the drc tho;n. From their wonderful ca thartic power. In proportion to their lze, people who have not tried tncnx arc apt to s nppowj that they are har-m ordn-tic tn effoct, but ich Is not at all the cae. ihe dlffcront actlvo tardictnal prln c:plcor which ther nru composed bcin eo bar raontzea and modilcd. one by tho others, 83 to produce n moot oenrelilnir aud thor ough, yrt Routlyaiidliludlyojieratliig cattiurtl :. . , 500 IJpvranl Is hereby offered by tho pro. prietor or .heso 1'clIct?, to any chcrrlst who, cpon analyii?. vill Cud In them an) Calomel or other forms of mercury ot any other mineral poison. ' neliie.MitlrelyveKctahle.norartrcnlar care Is .-cqulnd while usin theai. They ope rate without distnrbanco to tho constitution, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation, Imiuro Rlood, I'alu in tho Miouldcr, TlRhtiiexs ot tho ChCHt, SIzzIuoHH, Sour Eructatlouc of tho Stomach, Had taoto In .noitth, unions nttackn, Pain In rcsiou ot Kidneys, Internal Fever, Itluated fecliiijr about .Stomach, Hush of Blood to Head, Illicn Col ored Critic, Ciixoclatillltr int (iloomy Foreboding, take Dr. Plercu'H Pleasant PurKatlvo Pellet's. In explanation of the remedial power of my Tur- fitivo l'cllcts over fo preat a rnclcty or diseases, wi-ih. to f-ay thai their action upon tho animal economy It unlvernal, no to. Claud or tloiuo cHcapltia their ana tlve ImrrcsH. Ao diC3 not Impair thera. their faar-coatln?ciul being enclosed in gfcu with the pilii found in the dm ptorc.putnp la cajan .ool or paste-beard boio. Kecollect that f srt'i (!ioie where a Laxative, Altera tive or Purgative i lnillcatcd. thee littlo IViIcH wih chetheiao.t perfect eaUsfactioa to allubonpethsm. They nro nold by nil cnterprUIng Drugs it at H cents a bottle. Do not allow any dmprist to indeco yon Io lake anything el r tliat l.o may say Is fust as rood as iny l'clleto becau.o ho makes a larjct proflt on that whi'h ho recommends. Jf your dntsrist cannot snpply them, encloso 53 cents and rccsm them ny return mail from u. r. riznici:, zr. n., jvw'r, . JJVFFALO, If. & ASK EOE PYLE'S o K SALERATUS! AND BAKING SODA ! BEST IN" USB Sold by Pundt, Meyer &. PjiipVoand Whitney, Banserman &. Co CASTLE BROS., IMrOUTERS OP TEAS VND Bast India Goods, 213 and 313 FRONT STREET San Franci California. mchCTm PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, , Local Agent fortha TJ. P. R. R LANDS, Columbus, . 2Teba Government Lands Located i U. P. Lands Sold! InijiroTcd Farias and Tomi Eola for CASH;'!! on ONL.ONG- TIME!! 3rAH kComnmaication32Clicer fuliy Anaweretl apCOtl GO sfasaBBBBsaVflBBBav!' tsssasa aaaaHaiaaEftk ik afP J. 'i' aWC aZZLkataa I I - - , t . t if. i . - I Jl X t. cfrljbed do I M0XUMEXT3, -IOMB SIOSBi, Eta :TJ it:-: pi. -Tsasi3K. cmxl -r- " " ft1 mlj. niix7d4w2