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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1874)
li - Z. -r-. v 4 kKi jg&mmi- -nr - i " -meiryrz,r '-5auarr-t' i?rSS3K??? Ty - - - - '"" '- ' " nm-iMii ' - - --!- --r in i m rT i ; r " 1 1 L i 5 - -n-BV-sW .eweHsWr JsWW!rr J. -V . -j--- - J -" -vy - Z .. - " ; -, v' &j' r -, TT: :-.-.; vs. - - f J- R SJnr. JUL I Jl ' " " ' ' '" '- .L-?'. ' ' ' ":.'," "a- -- - APPLETON'S American Hew Revised Edition. FntlrelT rewritten by the ablest writers on tV ,!biect- Printed trom new type, L?wraid with Several Thousand "dUl05!2Ying.andiap. -rt orlrinally 'published under the title of "!-? laS. since which time the wide rtrtfn 'whichStbSattainedln all parts of circnUtiunwtoenu developments thebnnedSUthnai.uoHS branch of adfuoXUTurk-niErcJfscIcLopa1. Within thettenrth. - SadTa'nc. woofrSerce an i-P-lve pace with the ,"" nSuirUl and useful IruiUuI application w the jefinenjgnt of art, and the nenteo ent m. ial life. Great aonai Sons hare ourel,In5u f ourown W rrkhtSheTghrwhen the last country, fhlcn s tppeared, has happily volume of ,th new oonrsof commercial LVh SSSraTow-ed11-1 -TT'oUtical rerolutions of the last of newuie-., -. "r onVblnrioni montn,naoi uo .""",.-, lattl luive io nu- .",---'.,.. be of r .huh .l..lptaiUa-e JL 15P! W , ,,Arl.k.Pni UUU11WI- t .-. njwtmiK1 Or 111 - " ". .., In the newspai ur "". , TT-jrt nw i Uke tions of the day. 'fXenilc history, their olace in permanent and autueu j In preparing the P"5ESr iccdltor. ti t hasaccordinglT lyen the aim tae4l-jl04. bringdown the "'"" Uurato. Account ible dates, anfurmslin of 0f th"hLncUln literature, and of erery fresh Prjau"rn lhe rjracUcal arts, as the newest lTenUo?'n',7f 0irina?reeord of onee orisin.l .t- been used, but every .ageta. " new type, lou '' 's its prrecesi with the name pUn and conipas a i JU S? but with Kr-Mlftk ftsm- "The Ulyrtiatlon ' ,JJlJ"rptof. been 'IJ6, fi,"n0tt for the T5 pfcSw W. b,ut added not for the bb p the'explana- glTe greater 1 uci a,,Xl7 " bnM!e all branched of tions in the teat. T"ey embrace science and na.u")JJkl!u!aturof acenery most famoua and "lw2f J SeTariou. pri hltecture. '"JJnufirtnTei.v ) Al- ihTt o. ihreurisVf AwfcWsw.,! fSTE Mmeroqi colored tlthegraphie cMaps, numerou. u-v,. r -"--- N.n. in extra aoth, ,P"Ji-sr?? e 00 I Ualf uSsJia, extra fiilt, r L--r 8 U full Morocco. anUque, Ut edo,0 M toI r- -v 10.00 InfuUBussia,rer vol t,r..mSpSmen pages of he A""" Pa5ma7S?wl.j,.ype.muitrat.oni. etc. will bent'raoaappicaUon AddrwsthePttHUheri,- i D. Appleton & Co., 519 & 551 Broaiwm Sew York. J2Ttl - KEAJffiTEY'S" FLUID-EXTRACT BUCHU i The'on'y known reraoJyifir " BRIGHT'S DISEASE, Ann altlTe cure lor . "r Gout, Gravel, Strictura Diabetea-'Dylpepaia-Ner-. voua Debility, Dropsy, BLADDEBANDK1DN&YS, SPERUA TORRBCEA, Loneoerhoeor"rhilcs,I)isi!SoItheProlrat (1ia?d7s!one In the Bladder. Colcul u. OB nrtlCK DUST DK- POSIT, 't S. ,. GIIAVEI. And Mucus orMUky Dlsclirset " K-EABNEY'S ' Extract Buohti ! Permanently Cures all. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings, , Existing la Men, Womemtrii Children, No Matter lVhat the Age! Prof. Steele rare "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract lluchu Is worth more.tnaa au other Boehus combined."' s '' .s,M A- i " i Price one dollar per botUe; or, six bottles for fire doilars. Depot 10.4 DuaneSt.,N.Y. A physician In attendance to answer corres pondenceandElToadTicegratls. svsrSend stamp for pamphlets, lree.MI Crane .i-,BrlgaiciAVholosale Agents, Francisco. C&l. a?2Swt San NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OFZofmSEXES. SO 0H1B5E MSADVIOB vASD C0K BULTATIOli. TR J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia, author of sovorql valuable yrorks, can be consulted on all dis -cases of the Saxual and Urinarj' or gans, (which ho has mado an es peoial studj-,) cither in rualo or fe male, no matter from what oanse originating, or how- long standing. A practice of 30 years pnab'les him to treat diseases with-suoccss. Cures tToarantoed: Charges reasonable. Those at a distanoe oan forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. j-3end for the Guide to Health. Price 10c. J. B. DYOlll, M. D. Physlclon and Surgeon, 101 Duane street, N. Y. . OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELKIF FOR VOTJNQ MEX from theefiecta of rj-rwaand-Abuaea-in early life. Maaaood.Bestored. Jfedimnts Marrisge . BemoTed. Kow.m't'-od of traatment; ew aA remarkable .emediea. ItookaandWrealara aent tree, in aealei enrelopea. AMraja. HOW ARD ThSOGIATION.No. 2 Sonth Jjlnth St., Philadelphia, Pa , an InstltuUon baring a high repaUUon lor honorable conduct and prolea aiullUll. JaSOiwJai. . ' J.S fit.' v'.'. PERSECUTED MAN. BY EBEX E. KEXFOUD. Mr. Bumble Timothy Bumble, bachelor from Spadunk sat in his room, the very picture of despair. That morning he had arrived at the mansion of his newly-married brother, on a visit of a week or two. He had felt some presentiment of evil from the time he began to talk of making the visit; somethinghad impressed him with a vague fcense of danger. As he ascended the steps that morning he had not dreamed -what the danger consisted in, nor how very near, it was. Now he knew. "It's a widow!" groaned Mr. Bumble. "A widow !" Evidently Mr. Bumble hadn't any particular love for widows. "Here I am, an innocent, unsus pecting man," went on Mr. Bum ble, dolefully. "John who's put his foot in it by getting married, in- I vjtes medowu to see now mucii like fools he and his wne rau uui, ,wi t isL-n o wl pjime down. I hardly step rav foot inside the door before Jplm tens " Vs -"some one eKe coming his dear Belinda's M-ter, a widow, and Mich a nice woman, and I see through it all in a minute. It's all a plot! They've got me down here for her to marry ! Ye.-, for her to marry." Mr. Bumble shivered at the thought. He was in a cold sweat all over. "And now she's here!" Mr. Bumble shook his fNt at something in the corner an imaginary wid ow, probably; ".she's here, and I'll be persecuted and pestered from morning till night. She knows what John and his wife have got in to their heads, and is willing to help 'em along in their wickedness. Twish," Mr. Bumble waxed warm in his gestures with his earnestness on the subject, "I wish there was a law abolishing widow, I do, T swear I do." "Bravo for you, Tim !" laughed his brother John, sticking his head in at the door. "I'll tell you how you can begin the reform ami abol ih this one. Jut marry her!" and John withdrew, laughing. "Yes, you've made a fool of your self hy getting married, and want other folks to, on the principle that 'misery loves company," declared Mr. Bumble, blowing ins nose ex plosively. "Of course the first thing when I go down they'll in troduce me. Hang it all, I wish I'd stayed at home. It does make me out of patience to see people make such -fools out of themselves." John oame back pretty soon. ,'JAro you ready to go down ?" he asked. "Yd, I s'pose so," answered poor Mr. Bumble, not very graciously. "But I'll tell you what It is, John, I'll not marry her." . . . . ..11 1,-WT Jolin laughed ouirignt. "iou " to thinfc that gettllltf j married man can have hannen to him. I think it about the bet." "Yes, you," exclaimed Mr. Bum ble, explosively. "Of course you'll say bo now; but wait just wait!' very solcivnily and with awful im presslveuesa, "Well, I'll wait," replied John. "Come on, if you're ready." Mr. Bumble groaned and followed his brother down like a lamb led to the sacrifice. He began to tremble before he reached the parlor door. He remembered, afterward, of see ing something in the shape of a woman rise up as they entered, the j-ooin, and of hearing John say, "Mrs. Blake, my brother Timothy." And the shape swooned down upon him like a hawk upon a dove, and for ten minutes thereafter all was a -blank. When ho regained lus scattered senses it always served him in the snmr. tenv to ha introduced to a wc- I man, especially a widow she was talking away at an awmi rate, anu he was sitting before her with his hands folded meekly, in becoming resignation, -rt first ho didn't daro to look at her; but after his first awe began to subside he stole a glance or two at her. The invest!, gation made him tremble. She wasn't one of your cooing, gentle widows, but one of the strong mind ed class. He felt And by-aud-by how, he never knew she began to talk woman's rights. "I do think," declared Mrs. Blake, layjng her hand on Mr. Bumble s knee by the way of em phasis, and causing the poor man to flinch terribly, "I do think that wo poor females have rights which you nmn 9i lmund to resnect. Mrs. "Blake looked straight at Mr. Bum ble as she said this, as if daring him 4r 1nii if "Undoubtedly," rc-ponueu -wr. Bumble, feebly", feeling that some thing was expected of him. "Yes, undoubtedly," rppeatcd Mrs. Blako, "I think "you are'feensi ble in making that admission, Mr. Bumble, and I like you for it." Mr. Bumblo wished he had said that they had more rights now than they knew how to take care of, but he knew that he hadn't moral cour age to say any such thing. The widow kept him there all the after noon. It was a torment to him, but he c-mld'ntget awaj. "Dear !" exclaimed the poor man that night, in the solitude of his chamber, "I'm afraid she'll got me cornered up and marry me." His sleep was haunted with widows. One leaned down from the hca'dbourd to pull his Ijalr, and one shook her fist at him from the foot boardwhile another leaned over me side of the bed, and requested him, in dulcet tones, to kiss her. That woke Mr. Bumble up, and not an other wink of sleep did he get that night. . "Oh, Mr. Bumble!" cried the widow at breakfast, "Belinda says they have the prettiest view from the hill bevond tho meadow, and I "want to see it. Won't you go with me this morning ?" Poor Mr. Bumble consented, be cause he didu't dare tq dootuer' wise. "I'm in for i(," he groaned, as he went up stairs to get his duster. "1 hope she won't propose before we gpt hack, if sho should " Mr.' BumblGwas horrified at the prospect. He never had thought of such a thing before. But tins widow was strougminded and believed in "rights." Might rjot the righ.t to propose be one of them? And if sho should propose he knew ho never should dare to to say no. If ever any one deserved cannon izatiou as a martyr, Mr. Bumble did that day. Every hour was a week, and sho insisted on dragging him about the whole forenoon. At last she was ready to go home, and tho poor bachelor began to revive aa me distance oetween mem and the house grew loss. As they were returning across a pasture a cow which had been feed ing in the further corner saw them and camo running toward them. Mis. Tllnkp wna torrlfl(l nnil flwl in L Mr, Bumble for protection. I xm. , l a. ,, i.l r "OJIO wuu'i nun you," muu ..ur. Bumble, comfortingly, edging away from tho widow, who, he was afraid, contemplated a raid on hlra under the plea of fright. "Shoo, boss! Shoo!" The cow didu't choose to "shoo," tbut came nearer. "Oh !" shrieked Mrs. Blake, fling her arms about the poor man, "save me!" A -" -i L ,.' - - M M " "" - "You old brute!" exclaimed Mr. Bumble, making a terrible effort to free himself from the widow's clutches; let us hope fin the sake of his-galantry, that his exclamation has reference to the cow. "You old brute ! I see if you'll stand there shaking your head at me!" and thereupon he charged at the ani mal so furiously that she made an inglorious retreat. "HowshallT ever repay y"? cried the widow. "I feel that 1 owe you my life, and my hfe-long gratitude is yours!" "Don't," said Mr. Bumble, evi dently greatly touched at her exhi bition of gratefulness. "'Taint worth speaking about." . "I wish you'd let me lean on your arm " said Mrs. Blake faintly ; "I feel so weak. I can hardly walk. I don't know but I shall faint. Oh!" Mr. Bumble was aghast at the prospect of a fainting widow on his hands. He grabbed off his straw hat and began to fan her furiously. Presently she said that she felt bet ter, and took possession of his arm, and they set out for home, which was reached after many halts and much suffering orf-the part of Mr. Bumble. "It's getting desperate," said the. persecuted man to himself as he re viewed the events of the. day and looked the situation boldly in the face. "A widow'll bring things to a crisis in no time. I wish I was going home to-morrow." The next evening there was a party at a neighbor's, and John and Belinda and Mrs. Blake and Mr. Bumble attended. Mr. Bumble supposed, as it was such a short dis tance, that they would all walk home together ; but Belinda got a chance to ride, and consequently Mr. Bumble was left to the painful duty of seeing the widow home. "Such abeautiful night," she de clared, as "clinging closer than a brother," they sallied out. "How forcibly I am reminded of the time when dear Mr. Blake walked home with me from a party before we were married." The widow gave signs of being about to dissolve into tears. Mr. Bumble could stand anything better than tears, and he made a desperate eilbrt to ward oft" the threatened ca lamity. "Have j'ou ever been to Spa dunk?" he asked, grasping at the first idea that came into his head' as drowning men clutch at straws. "I'd like to have you come up," said Mr. Bumble, at a loss to think ofanvthlng else to say, and deter mined that the conversation should not revert to the dear departed Mr. Blake. tiWmilrl vnn. Tinxc. ronllv. Mr. Bumble?" asked the widow, smil ing into his face. "You men are so so fond of testing us poor wo men, you know, that we can hardly ever tell when you are in earnest. But I do believe you're in earnest, this time. I would like to como up and see you, I assure you," "I put my foot in t this time," groaned the baohelor. "She'll pro pose boforo we get home." Then aloud, ho added, "Yes, I'd like t have you and Belinda come up and stay as long as you like." "What if I should like to stay for IIfi'l Innrrlirwl flip widow. "Oh!" i .,.... : i:. ,l,nl suuueniy appealing iu uuuuc nuM she nausaui, "x-m so impulsive, imi. Bumble, that I never stop to think. What can you think of me?" . Mr; Bumble tried to say some thing, but the words stuck in his throat, and produced only an unln telliaible sound. "You wjsh I would ? Was that what you said, Mr. Bumble?" ex claimed tho widow, archly. "Oh, Mr. Bumble ! Did you really mean that?" "I I didn't say it," exclaimed the sutlering man, driven to desper ation. "You you misunderstood me, ma'am," "Oh, 1 did? Exouso me, do," E leaded the widow; how could I ave been so mistaken ?" Mr. Bumble didn't remen-ber the incidents of tho walk very clearly when he reached home. He tried to shake her off at the parlor door, but she wasn't to begotridofln that way. "Come in and-sit down,Mr. Bum ble, do," she urged. And Mr. Bum ble, cursing lim&elf all the while for being su'oh a fool, allowed her to draw him into the parlor, after the fashion of the fly and the spider, and there he sat and suffered for three mortal hours. More than once i. tiirtiirrlil- tho Imimrlnnt moment had come and that she was about to propound the awful question. But something Providence, he called it helped him to avert the awful fate with which must have been his if she had spoken," and. he congratu lated, himself "as he reaohed his chamher'tliat ho was still spared to freedom a little while. He went to bed and dreamed. He thought Mrs. Blake came and informed him that she was going to marry him the next day at precise ly half-past ten. It was terribly real. Ho woke up in a cold and clammy perspiration. Hours passed iwftra Vinslpnrstnd then he dreamed. This time he thought that he ran away to escape his awful doom, and the widow followed him and over took him. "Oh, you naughty man !" she cried, putting her arms around his neck; "you foolish man ! to think you could get way from a, woman so easily, when she'd made tin her mind to marry you." And then she fell to kissing him, and he woke up with a scream and found himself sitting bolt upright in bed, with, a pillow clutched r bs hands as a defense against bis persecutor. He got up and dressed himself. "I'm going to get out of this," he groaned. "I won't stay another day for any monej. It ain't safe." Ten minutes afterward some one knocked at John's chamber doQTt "Who's there?" he demanded. "Mo-TJmoihS-," answered Mr. Bumble'. John got up and camo to the door to find out what the matter was, "I'm golns home," declared r Tiiimhlo. t'Thft train troos in fifteen minutes. I thought Td teljyoul was going, so you wouldn't reel alarmed." "But, Timothy" "Tain't no use," saul Mr- B,um resojutely; "I wouldn't stay for anything. I'm gojng now. Take caro of yourself. Good-by," and Mr. Bumble was off. He half expected to be overtaken hy the widow, and didn't feel safe t jll he had reached home, Did you enjoy yourself ?" asked the old housekeeper, as she got him something to eat, "You look, all worn out," MTlw Rlil Mr. llnmhlo. "T fpll j'ou, Betsey, I'm never going away from home again unless I know it's safe to do so, I've been persecuted; yes, Betsey, persecuted." Mr. Bum ble heaved an awful sigh of "relief. "It any women ever come here that you don't know, just look the door and don't lot 'em in, for goodness' sake. Tell 'em I'm slek or dead; that I've got tho small-pox any thing you please; but don't let 'em In II ' f In s. Afr Tlllmlkla MnlJnll AMnA.. 1.1a dream for several days, and kept a constant; look-out for the widow; but she didn't followhlm. He hW never ventured to visit his brother WUU SlUVfc,"!!!! Alfcl. VI W . ... , k . -SS.-V .- - . - , i ; ; " - 1 Money and Commerce. Daily Review. Office Omaha Daily Bee, 1 June 9, 1874. J There js little doing in a bu-iness way to-day. The morning opened with a brisk shower. But a limited number of mail or ders were received, and on the whole this may be set down as one of the dull days of the season. There i3 nothing to report in the way of fluctuation in prices, and from present indications merchants may look for quiet markets for sev eral days at least We noticed some heavy ship ments of lumber, and the arrival of several carloads of assorted mer chandise. OMAHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Daily DRY GOODS. browx & hho., Cor. 14th Douglas Streets. and J. J. rnixTS. Aliens . .... American...... . A iiios teas ...... Rrlstol............ Darners........ Hamilton Merrimack P.. Peabody ..... Richmond...... 9 9 a 9 9 Simpson's.. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-4 BootG Cabot 4-1 1-onsdale.-...-........... . ..- . X. Y. MiiU IVterboro- - ......... Suffolk L BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Peppcrtll 8-1 do 9-4 - do 10-4 COTTONADtS. Farmers and Mechanics.......... G rcat Western ............- 9 12K It 1SJS 8 sy2 si ss 2G BROWX Albion, A ......... Bedford, R. GrantTlIIe, E E.. Gcrnianla, B ll..... Langley....... L. L s SHEETINGS. lo.y n S'J GINGHAMS. American Amcsleag . 11 12 12 12 Rates .... Ltd caster.. TICKINGS. Amoskejg, a c a BIddelord 1 11 17K 15)1 DENIMS. AmosVepg -... Bearer Creek, B B Hayniatcrs... .. Otn, B II Otis, C C JEANS. Riddeford Hoasier IC'i -io YANKEE X0TI0SS- kurtz moiib & CO., 231 Fariiham Street. spool conuw. Clark's O, "oat's . Merrick's To 70 a oo HOSIERY. Ttomcsilc S British...... .... TAPER COLLARS Dickens' best..... ...-. King William. Domestic......... - 3 0fjC00 S 90 1 R5 1 SO 250 stauley ........ ;- D11A L.S Ottoman strips-. . S2 25G 53 SHIRTS. White common .... ...... mptl ! II nl $10 60 - 15 00 30 CO S 1 2 00.124 CO .. 4 757 50 custom made..... ... Percale- Calico OVEBALL3. Brown drill ......... .... duck... ....... ........... Blue drill... ....- ' duck White CORSETS. French whale'oone .........-.. O-ir own- . . ........ Comet-.... SPRING SKIRTS. Linen printed .. . . " ruffled ....... " fluted . SC 50a7 25 . 7 73a9 00 .. 7 00a7 50 ... 8 00a9 50 S 00a9 50 . S5 23aS 00 15 00 2250 $ 9 00 12 00 1(W GENERAL COMMISSION. J. C. Rosunfeld gives 113 the following quotatipns this day : Butter, dull, 1212i in tubs; Eggs in demand at lie per doz.; Live Chickens at 3 00 per doz.; Strawber ries in demand at 30c per box ; Gooseberries, 3 00 per bu.; Cherries, 30c per box ; Oranges, 9 00, and Lemons, 14 00 per box. HARDWARE. JOHH T, EPCJAU. IRON. Common bar... Horse shoe bar. Norway nail rod. its 12 a STEEL. Cast plow- 11 American casn, octagon and fquare ifC'S - Jess p's Engli'h do do .- 2JG$ 40 Burden's horse shoes, per leg ... 7 25 do niulo do do -. . 8 25 Northwestern horse nails - 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 ptr cent. Stor half patent axles, discount 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd to C0J per keg... . 4 41 4 G5 4 9J 5 15 5 90 7 4.Q 5 15 540 5 Co 5 15 5 40 5 15 gd uo id, do 4d do Sd do 3d fine do lOd finis'ng do 8d do do Cd do do 101 casing do Sd do do Cd do do Wrought, all sizes ........ ... . BOLTS. Carriigo ami tire. discount TQprc BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart i&iutdiscount 20 pr c Cast, Joqse rJn reversible do 33 do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure forks. .discount 30 pr c Hoes and gxiden rates.. do 25 do HINGES. Strap and T discount 25 pre WRENCHES. Tail's black .- discount Mprc Coe's luiuiitation ....... do 45 do Coe's genuine do 20 do ' SCREWS. American Iron.- .. 45 pre do brass.. 40 pre AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ECTTltK . H Holt's Ha. Test Klng,per doz,net 1125 Uhamplen 12 00 if..M Vtimti in nn do red 9 00 ST.4DE3 AND SIIOV LS. Rowland's No 2 black shovels, D li do do polished do do -. do do black spadr s do Moore do polhbod do do do's "spring point" L II shovels AXES. Lippencott's Western Crown do do do IkTefed-. COFFEE MILLS. Parke's No 3, iron box . cet do do 103 do do do 35 Union lr h... . - eo do 35 do Britania . FI.LES. Harerare, Smith A Co., discount American File Co.- do HAMMERS. Haydole's, A E No 1, 1, 2 Maiumond's A E No 2 .. do do do 4 ... do imlmer's No 1- do do do 2 do do do 3- HATCHETS. Morris' shingling, No 1 . do do do 2 - do do do 3... .... do cltw do 1. . ?o o do 3 .- LEATHER. Buffalo S. sole H B S 12 00 l.i 00 12 00 13 00 13 50 13 00 13 50 525 5 75 11 00 13 00 31 pre SO do MOO 10 50 10 00 13 50 1 00 $7 00 800 SCO 7 50 8 50 Hemlock SL tole No 1 do da No 2 do do dam- S53 31 32 28 S3 43 33 ..125 75 25 . 43 . 150 . 1 00 45 33 34 32 35 29 40 46 41 1 50 125 30 43 1 60 1 33 44 do ipan sole good-. do do rii ,,, do harness- do line- do' bridle do calf da VI n do upper ; do rsdf !"? 73 00 90 00 235 1 64 MOO 13 1C fMhM- hrands different wt, pr lb Io 1 44 frreocn tip pr u 65U uarx lining SKINS. Dry flint pr K 17 15 6 8 1 25 Dry sailed.. Green-... Green salted . Jan. and Feb, pelts.. 9 Shearing- Lamq skin Rosrndale Water lime.. "cement. S 03 8:5 SOAPS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 1-2G 3-4; Savon Republic, do., Chemical Olive, 6 to 6 1-2; Palm, 5 5 1-4 ; German, Mot led, 6 l-4a6 12. art goods and upholsterer's STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods, 270 Faiuham Street, furnishes the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one incbr per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch C15c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 1530c. Window shades. Plain bands. 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. RETPS. Union jnd all wool terry, tr yard 1 503 iO; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50a8 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTRASSES. Husk, '4-4x6-2, 4 00?5 CO; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior, 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST. Eubjfct to change of market without tottcc. WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R- track let. Far n ham and Doug las. GEO A. HOAGLAND. Jois's, studding and sills, 0 It, and un- $22 00 50 23 00 21 00 25 00 22 00 50 00 35 00 JO 00 65 00 .,- 65 00 ... 45 00 50 00 40 00 35 00 27 50 .... 00 35 00 32 50 . 30 00 27 50 2 00 ,. . 75 00 21 50 20 00 4 25 . 3 (0 2 00 3 5fl 3 Bo Over 20ft, each additional ft aid'l.. iWUlUUUU A. rtu ... ;nl3. ... .. Fencing inoi.. .In Ko 1st common boards, 2nd do uo "A" stock Iioards, 10 and 12 inch. .. "B" do do lo do ... "C" do do do do ...... lt clear, 1, 1)i, llj and 2 Inch 2d. do do ilo do ..- 3d do do do do . .. Flooring, ilear..... . .... ...... do lstcommou ... ... do 2d do ...... ..... do 3d do .. . d.i narrow, clear .. ... 1st clear celling inch ...... 2d do , do 4lnch.. . ..... 1st do do ?2 Inch 2d do do inch 1st clear eiding-. .... 2d do no 1st common siding 2d do ao . "A" shingles. .. Extra No 1 shingles... Common No 1 sh.ngles Lath per louu. DA U nicketsecr 100.. ..... Square d6 do do .... OO Batten per lineal f' Rough do do do . ..., LiLeral discount on caiload lots WINDOWS. (Glazed.) 35 per cent off Chicago list. DOORS, (Wedged) . 25 pei cent off CI tcago list. ' . EUND3. Ua SO per cent off list. Whlto lime per bbl Lon'svllle cement rerbbl Plaster paris ner.hbl , Plastering hair per buhcl... Tarred felt. --- Plastering board .... $1 7302 00 ..... 3 00(3 '15 3 50fc3 75 4) OILS. PAINTS, GLASS, &c. N. I. D. SOLOMOIN. ROBERT C. STEELL. BRADY & McAUSLAND. Coal Oil $ 19 Linseed Oil, nw. 105 " " bl'd... 1 10 Turpentine GS Headlight Oil 28 uirdoi!, No. 1 i 2 " " wlrterl. " "straln'dj Lubricating 1 W. Va. t 3S TAINTS, AC White Lead. St. Louis, Srtictiy Pure - S U4 a Taney Ilraiids Putty In Bladders ' 9K liUlE 1 oS En.imeld Glass, colors, tl v. ft. Flat Glas., 50 $ c dibcount TIN, SIIEET-IROX. WIRE, C. MILTOX ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM. TIN TLATE. ciiancoAL. 10x11 IC.rair quality.. 10x14 Ie. Ist quality 10x14 IX do do .. 12xl2IG do do .. 12x12 IX do do .. 14x20 1C do do . 14x20 IX do do . 14x20 IXX do do . 113 00 13 50 IC 50 14 00 17 00 15 50 .. 17 50 20 50 23 50 23 50 14 00 17 00 20 00 15 00 ... IC 00 . 12 50 27 50 14x20 1XXX do 110 plate 1C (best quality) di IUU p IU A'.V, 100 plate DVX 100 plate P .XX Roofing IC charcoal Roofing IX do tn.11 II !rl-o do do do do do do do do do do do 20x23 IC charcoal rooGug. '.M 20x?B iu cnarcoai roouug e4xl4 IX charcoal ..... 10x20 ccke (for cudtrs).. -. 28 00 2100 BLOCHTIN. Large pigs. Small pigs . Bar tin SC 33 ZINC. Sheet tin 25 to 30 In : do do do It half casks- do do do In 250 ft casks. Sheet 24 to 35 inches per sbcet.-. TinncrssoMei (extra refined-- 25 23 21 0a2 do do no. ! do do roofing .- Lid metal SHEET IKON. First quality, Numbers IC to 21 ... do do do 5 do do do 26 .. do do do S7 - Charcoal, both sides smotbe C co io -'i. do do :G do do 27. Juniata, No. 21 uo no zo. do do 27. Russia perfect 7 to 12- Less than full bundles, add one cent. II lit i,n..!Mn lm,rtlln l?lltAL3. 3Ul - 0 IS Less than full bundles, add one tenU dALVANlZED. V lllnon list 15 16 17 13 20 do "1 to 24. do 25 to 25 do 27 "1 . do do 23 Full bundles discount 15 per cent. COPPRR. Braziers G to 45 il 38 45 43 50 38 9 . do 10 to 12 ft. An 1"21 ta 100 th Sheaihlne, 11 and 16 oz Planished, 14 and 16 oz . Nos. 7, 8 and 9, Planished- Ttrtl, lvrrwr Copper bottoms.. BRIGHT WIRE. 10 11 " la 14,14 20 Nos. 0 to 6 8,3.9 14 M 10,11 16 12 19 Nos.15.lG " ,13 " 20 Per bundle 15 per cent dlsconn GROCERIES. STEELE & JOHNSON 533-540 14th ST. CLARK A FRENCH COR. FARNHAM AND llTH ST. pnNDT, MEYEB&KAAPKE, 2125"ARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALEBS MOBaAX & GALLAGHER,i20oFarn- hum St. AVHITNEY, BAUSERMAX fc Co., 247 Douglas St. j. j. browx & bbo., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr lb Powdered do . Crossed do . -llUlg ..uHallJ. Fch calf Jodotspr dx -. 7H ... ; ,j ss. j . -- v " - - Rat cut loaf do . Standard A do Circle A do ExtiaC do Yellow C do . N O choice do . -12?4'al2 io5 lCalok COFFEES. Rio choice pr B do prime do do good .do ,.- .OGJaya . 26Vii27 31a35 SYRUPS. Common pr gallon., 60aC5 70-30 SO uoou uo -1 Choice do . do N.O uiolises RICE. Rangoon choice Carolina -.. u SJi9 16'17 10ial7 CaS G 7a7 4a4jJ 45 45j50 5ii57 57JC5 fO55 - TSaM .-. lSXal" .. 12alil llillX . 8 9 14al4V: 17 21 . 3ia40 .-.- M 40 - 12 CANDLES. M West A Co... tcbofers .... SOAP. Missouri Vrlley Kirk'a Saron - ... M. Wesk A Co Scooter's German...- Kirk's stindard ., . do sterling PLUG TOBACCO. Black goels. Western do do Virgl-iia io do Lorirlard's l!ritht do do 'do do do yirgipia- .. NaUral ea! DDIED FRUITS Cahlornla pe-ches ir nound do applJS da S.ato do do New currants ....... do prunes-... do German cherries., do blackberries-... do rasobcrries. .1a Hitfna liT mT ....... do seedless rasles jer pouud SALT. New In barre's..... . .. . do dairy .... .... CAN-NED GOODS. 2 pound can Myer's oysters pert oo. 1 do do do do do . 2 do do Wllhm's do do . 2 do do (icacbes do do . 3 do do d do do . Tomatoes, 2 pound cans, ir fao . do 3 do do do Com, Trophy, pjrease ... do Wlulow do do Yarmouth do - .. Strawberries, per cae Rxspberrlcs,' do do Pineapples, do do .. TEAS. Oo ongs per pound YdJnelly"uirer jourd Gunpowoer, do do . FLOUR. i SOaSOO . 4 50a5 75 .$4 25al50 . 2 50a2 75 . 4 O0a4 25 . 4 75a5 09 - G75a750 . 3 50A3 75 500 550 . 5 73af 00 GOU . 4 75a5 50 GOI 5 50 25a75 40a 1 00 Gtbl 25 Go'd Dust XXXX Iowa City .... 3 10 3 CO , 4 75a5 00 . 1SS19 171S lbaia 13 30.131 . 31tJ , 1 33al 41 M 1W0 35a46 California ... BAGS. Gunnies, heary weight-.. do light do . . Burlaps, four bushcl-. . Dundee gunnies Grain bias, AmosSeg A do do Ludlow a a .... SPICE. Nutmegs, Penang bcsl.per pound... CIotci uu J - Alspice Jo "" - Cinamonbark do Uo ... CIGARS.' E. simpson, Manufacturer, 532 15th Street. tinman V M. S ?5 00 II ifAitrtietionl. do ST. 00 Grand Central Universal..... do do do do do do do do do do tto do do do 35 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 00 73 CO to 00 50 00 CO 00 73 0J 100 00 100 00 100 00 73 CO Yara. Ti Boouet ! Simon Pure.. Partigas., Yours Truly Gold Medal Ii Espanola Triple Crown Henry Clay". De Viller- Y Vlller.... 1876 CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 54S 14th Street. ir.ii u.l cirV - 2 0 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FINEST Elklioni Tallcy Lands ! FOTt SAI.K 3T3. -vr. oij-.-aaE:, Wisner, - - Hob. THESE LANDS ARK CONVENIENT TO the market and the FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2.50 tt$5.00 PER ACRE! For Cash or on long Time. rey-LAXD EXPLORING rl ICK ETS for sale at O. & N. W. De pot, bearing coupons which will be taken at full co,t in payment for land. J. SCHOONIVAKER & SON rKOPCicTOKs or the PITTSBURG-. LEAD AND COLOR WOBKS PITTSBURG, PA. "Eistziblisliod 183B. Manufacturers oC.StrlctlyJPure White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge Frttj. Color? Dry and IrOil. PURE YRDITEil GREEN, The strongest and brightest green manufacturered. GUARANTEE. Wo guarantee our brand of Strictly Pure White I ead to be free from Impuritiei, and will pay 850 in gold for every ounce of adul taxation found In this packaze. r73ui J. SCIIOONMAKER A SON LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have been awarded lor Dixon's American Graphic- OR LEAD PENCILS:. Gold Xcdal of Progress, TIcnna, 1873. ' First Prcmiuin CiaeinnattI Iuaus- trlalFalr, 18 3. First Frenilum Brotklja, fudus trial F.xiiosItion, 1S73. ForFampIesor InformaUon adlress the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, Pres't ml 2m JERSEY CITY, N J X?lxo tofttrioo Hvdraiilic, Cemeiit, AND WOULD INFORM THE rUBLIC THAT thev are now ready to furnish HY DRAULIC CEMENT.of the very best quality, and in any quantitylthcrat the factory, which l7locatedatBitriceeb.,orattbePipe works in Omaha They also are prepared to furnish kl"d.ofCfcMNTPIPLNoWsCTVERAG& IiPATNAGE. ETC, Also manufacture all itvIeV of CirorNEY WORK. WE G U ARAN TEEOUR CEMENT TO BE EQUAL TO AX Y HYDRAULIC CEJIENT 1LVNUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES. KV-ORDERS FROM DEALERS RESTECT- yuiAjx miLA.mj' BEATRICE HTDRAUIIC CEME3TT & PIPE CO. OMAHA - - NEBRASKA. xay21-3a WHITE CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N oti..ixj"7r-.-sr- The Topular Route from o im: j h: .a. TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE Only IDlx-eot noixto' Tr1Vtrrloo,Fnrt no.l8re,riuhnane,l Crotkt, rnlrlnDa 4 liirn. Wluoua, St. fauI.Uululli, JannTille, Ktno hIib, Orrm n. Itaclur, Meveia'a Point. Witrrlovrn, OliV-ah, ton UuI.bc. inadUou null Mllwrnuke. It Being the Shortest and First Comolete3 Line Between OMAHA and CHIC AGO, Constant tmproTm nis hare taken place in the wj of reducing tiiad, and placing Iron with Steel Rails, addiug to its rolling stock new and Elegant DAV uI slifcKPlSfl CARS Equipped with the"Westiughou-eAIr Bra'ie" and "Miller Platform." establishing comforta ble and commodious Eating Houses, offering all the comforts nl r-aT-lin, tbe age can produce. From ' to IO Fast Express Trains run each way dallv orer the various lines of this toad, thus securing, to the traveler selecting this route sure anacertalu connections In any di rection he may wUh to go. Principal Connection. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux C ty, Yankton and poluts reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, DesMolocs. Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHALLforSt. Paul, Mlnneapo is, Dulutb, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo. Cedar Falls, ChaTles Citr, Burlington and St. Louis. ATCLINION for Dubwine, I)unelth, Prai rie du Cblen, La Crosse, ami all points on the Chlctgo, CUnton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FUUON for Fretport. Itacme MRwau kee and all points In Wisconsin. AT CHICAGO with all railway linos leading out of Chicago. . , ... Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can bo procured, and any luformat on ob tained, concerning Route, Rates, etc, at the Company's office. 218 Farnham street, Omaha, and alsoat the pi lneipal TIcketOiHees alcng the lineof theU-P.Ii.R- ,.,,, OB-Raggage checked through to all principal W?U.rSnNETT, MARVIN HUGIIITT, Gen'l Passng'r Ag't. Gen. Sup t. J. II. LACEY. C. G EDD , Ticket Ag't, Omaha. Gen'l. Ag't Omaha. mchlSrl " ''ih Omaha &St. Louis Short Line 1874! The Kansas! City, St. Joe and. Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire line to ST. ZiOTJXS AND THE EAST. FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CHAMIB i .urc between OmihaandSt. Louis anu b stoi e betwevn OMAHA anu iscW YORK. Tliis the Only -Jnc runnlrg a I'UI.I.TIAS SLEEPIXO CAIt EST KIIO.11 OMAHA, ON AUIMVAh OK THE UN1IIX PACIFIC KXPUK.S5S TUA IX. e-Passensers tallng othei routes nave a disagreeable transfer at tho Klver Station. 8 PASSEXUElt TKA1XS DAILY! REACHING ALL EASTERN AND WE3TEEN CITIES WUh liess Changes and in advance of other lines. This Eutire Lino Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Day Coaches and ChairCan, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and tbe Celebrated Westinghouse Air Brake. oa-Seo that your tickets read via KnnsaiCltr, . J.ipU & Coantll UlnfCi Hal rod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. J03.TEII0N, Pass. Agt. GEO. L. BRADBURY, Gen'l Agent. ." F. BARNARD, Gen'l Supt. St. Joseph, ialtf A. C. DAWES. Gen'l Pass. Agt., SU Joseph. VandaliA ROTJTE 3 TEAItfS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. IiOUIS "WITH Pullman Palace Cars THB0UGH WITHOUT OHASQS TO Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelpliia, Baltimore, Washington, aXD NEW YORK Arrival of Traiai from tie Weit. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland. 8uffalo & Boston TICKETS .; Hi Ecorurr Koarth fc Clietnut . t , SI. Lonln, nnil at Che "rlnelpal Kail way OtHcea In the West. CUAS. BABCOCK. C. E. .RUSSELL. S'thern I"ass. A;'t, Wesfn Pass. Ag't. Dallas, tkijis. Kansas Ott, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. OLLETT, Gen'l Supt., Gen'l Pass. Ag't. a)tf Isdiaxapolis. Sr. Louis. Establisned in 1851. nltea maxea Confectioners' Tool Works, Th.os, Mills A Brc, Manufacturers o Confectioners'Tobls Mjchlnrs, Moulds. lee Crea Freexers. tic., Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pronrietors: 1 ESTABLljnK '. fnATALOGU "EsiiBUiaxDjtU. Thomas Mn-ts, - ATALOGUES SENTJ Geo. M. si ills, ATtXBF.PAE3lt.J J upon application. uuj7Jw3m Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific R. K. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, Davenport and Rock Island. AU Passenger Trains are equipped with the WESTiN-onofSK Patkst Aik Krikks and MUIer Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fist E-yress Trains Leare Pally, cnnectlng as follows: AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad, lor O&kaloou, Ottumwa, Keokuk and St. LonU. AT GKlNNtLL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST UBERTY with the Burlington, Cedar Itaplds A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque A M. Paul, At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Wetern nranch, for Musuitiue. Washington and all points south. AT DAVKNPOlir with the Davenport A SL I'a'il lUilrnad for joints north. ATTfOTK. ISLAND withtlie Western Union liailroad lor Frecp-trt, Beloit, Kacine, Mil- vautiw and all points in northern Idlnola and Wiscimslu. AT ROCK ISIVND with the Rocklord, R-ck lsTandandSt. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and poluts outh. AT ROCK ISLAND with the PenrlaARock Island Railroad for Peoria and poiutseast. AT BUREAUJUNC with braich. forUen- ry. Laeere, Chlllicothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south. AT CHICAGO with "11 lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Extern clllcs, via this line; csn be procured, and any Infor mation obtained, concerning points, at the ticket office of thecompanv, 124 Farnham St., Omaha, and also at tho principal ticket offices along the line of the U. P. IU 11. BaCaTase Chcckrtl Throngh to Principal Kaatcra Points. nil A.M.SMITH, Gen'l Pasa'r Ag't. Chicago. J. 11. LACEY, Ticket Agent, a25tl Omaha H. RIDDLE, Gen'l Sup't ChUogo. S.S STEVENS, Gen'l Western Ag't Omaha. M. Keller, i '- Proprietor of the RISING SUN LOS ANGELES VINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of 1m NATIVE WINES AND LI. SBLLEB. & Co., Corner of Battery and Washington Sts. .-AX PItAXCISCO, CAI.. inai7U ALEX. J. ltooat. NATll'L C. 1IDD30M. VJf. It. HCDSOX JA3. U. UUTLEE ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Lcggat, Hudson & Co., Manufacturers e7ery araurf'' FinaCut Cb-OTing AXD SMOKIXO TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FIXE CUTSi BEAUTY. GILT EDGE, SMOKIXCISs JNGLESIGE. BULLION. MONTANA. AllOnr Toliaccos Strlctlj Warantcd. OFFICE AXD H.M.KSR0031 Cor. Second & Tine Streets, St. Ziouis HXo. mar7Imo PASSENG-ERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U. P.B.B., should take thi "LINCOLN EOUTE" TiIE ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure for themselves the choice of Six Popular Routes from Atehlsoa to Chicago and Si, Louis, AU maldaj Reliable Connections and being Equipped wita Plc Day and Sleeping Cars. AH dlay and Inconvenience arriving from Ferries atd transfers can be avoided West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing- Ticket! via ATCIIISOX anrl the ATCH1.W5 NKBBAMKA BAILKOAD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. S. F. R. R. for the Great Arkaisas Valley & Colorado, And with all lines running South to points In Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Ticket! via LINCOIa & ATCHISON CHAS. OSMITn, Gen'l bupL 1a29tf W. F. WHITE Gen'l Pass. Ag't. A-USoa. Kauwi ADVERTISE IX THE X) JLTJLTZ' bee DON'T BUY! lUXTJLTfeC HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED QUE. :1TXW pADS fiSmAnn AND LOW RESERVOIR VS WE HAVE TWELVE GOOD RE.VS0N3 why thev will do your work. Quick and Easv, Cliea-o and Clean. Ill They arechejpest to buy, They are ivsi to ure, f Ther late evenly ami quickly, W Their om ration Is perfect, 3 They have always a Rood draft, Thpyarcinadeorikebestniatorlal V They roast perfectly, ft They require but Utile fuel, triey are very low priced, They ars easily managed. Ther are suited to all localities. flQ Every stove guaranteed to give satisfaction. fcOLD BY Excelsior Man'fa: Co., ST. I0UIS, MO., AXDDT M. ROaERIS, OmaliAt Ja"o"fcrilK., Wees e?t size: UTfeaW5 OK. PEuns. o oo oo o n . Cn..hTn!ltnil. rAnp.nt..t.jl. Uoot and Herbal Jfatce, Antl DIUous Granules. THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATIa-lKTIC or BCIultmBa. In Parvo Physic. Tho novelty of modem Medlcai, Chenlcal tno! Pharmaceutical Science No use of any longer Ukln" the larje, rcpulslvo and nauseous puH, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredient, vtheu we can by a careful application of chemical FCicnce. extract all the cathartic and otfcer mail tlnal properties from the most valuabio roots ana herb, aud coiircntrate them into a mlnuto Gran nic. itearcoly larger than a mnatanl nee J. that can oe readily nwallowed by those ol the most sensitive nomacns and fastidious tastes. Eacttliulo I'uratlvo 1'cllet rcprcenb. In a mo-it concentrated form, as much cathartic power as is embodied in any of tho larco pills found roc fa!e In the drr shops. From their wonderful c. tlurtic power, in proportion to thclf flze, people who have not tried thcra are apt to suppose. thaS they are har-n or drastic In effect, but uch is not at all the case, the dluercnt actlvo medicinal prin ciples or which they aru composed being to har monized and modiicd. one by tho ethers, as ta proJuco n mtrnt ncarclUiiR' and ihorw ou?li,yet BoutlyimdUludlyopcratlua; cutburtl:. H500 Reward Is hereby offered by tho pro prietor or .heso Pellet. o any chemist who, upon analy!.. vlll find In themanj Calomel or other form of mercury ot any other mineral poison. Be In? partrenbr caro is .-equlred hito ujn? them. They ope rate without disturbance to tho conxtltntlon. diet, oroccup-ition. For Jaundice, Headache, Conatipatiou, Impure ttlood, Iu tho Shoulders, TUfWincaa ot tbe Cncsl, Dlzzlnc7 Sour Eructations ot tho stomach. Had taato iu uioutli, Itllloais nttacka, 1?ain Itt rczlou of KIdnoyH, internal rcrer, moated fcellua; about Stomach, ICuNh of Blood to Head. IIlRh. Col ored Urine, tlnNoc!aiiU"r CJ loomy Forcbodl nits, ta to f f. l'lcrce'H Plcataut l'urjratlvo PolletH. In ciulanailou of tho remedial power of my Tnj catlvo Pe!I.-t3 over to preat a variety or diseases. nnlinal economy lunleali nota Slaud or tlHSUO cocapliiff their aaiia tlve imprcwu A50 docs not Impair then; their eu-ir coatlnnmr being enclosed to eu bottles frc-ene tbclrlrtucs unimpaired for anr 1-c-th ortime. in any climate, eo that they are a! wafs fresh and reliable, which U not tho caja with the pih found In the draS etores.pnt op la cheaa'V'l or pate-bcanl boxes. Recollect that firaV'!aM where n Laxative, Altera, tiro or lursiatlvo is Indicated, ttei 1 little, riTlct "will phe themo-t perfect iaUafaeUoa to all wuoUMilhcia. They are noli by all cntcrprUIng Drut;gf(x at 5 coutu a bottle. Do not allow any ilmpsist to lnduco von. So take anythin - el that ho may ay Is Just aa rood as my lVllcto becauno bo makes a target tirollton that whi'h ho recommends. It jour jm lt cannot nupply them, endoso 25 CenU and'recciM' them oy return mail from j BUFFALO. K. Xi ASK FOR PYLE'S OK SALE RAT US! BAKING- SODA! Sold by rundt. Meyer A Raapkeand Whitney, Bauserman A Co CASTLE BROS-, IMPORTERS OF TEAS AXD East India Good, 213 aud 313 FKOXT STREET San Franci - California. mchCTm PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, Local Agentr;the TJ. P. R. R. LANDS, Columbus, - Hob. Government Lands Located ! U. P. Lands Sold! ImproTed Farms aadTowaEots for Oil ON LONG- TIME!! a-AH tCommunicationsjClieer- fully Answered apsoui MOXTJMEST8,TlOas-tOXE3, EI0.B5 .tvic. a frnrZZL- IV " 'fed 'ft 1 1 J7 sHIIIIIIH I t IDQ " fr I a a 19. m. Hi 'i -1 h ) sSag; ' - m. lhSi ""X1 J if2?-j"ls-B'P'W-