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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1874)
M i ! fe 1 i I 1 V IB w- THE OMAHA. BEE TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1S7-L OFFICIAL PAPER OF' THE CITY. THE OMAHA DAILT BEE It tarred to tubaenberi by carrier, to ui want ttadty.erery eTening, (Sundays ex Spud.) at fttweo eenuperweek,orJ3.75Ior 4x siiontha, aad S7.G0 per uuuo, wbeu paid AI1 eSSalnto about lrregnUrltlei, addressed ' tkk office will receire prompt attention. Tmk Oauxa. Datlt Sex will be mailed to aabaeribenatthefollowiiicraiea, .yableInTa Ttasly In adTance : (7.00 per an torn. S.1f " .ontha. , Omaha DAU.T Brr has by far the LARGEST circulation in the city, and is, bLr3or, the taat and cheapen advertising - - . ansmnsrse. local noures, za mU oar line: local adTertlsementa, 20 MUBerllBe: by the month, 10 cent. o Sw&tsent inserted (or leu than 50 cents. SMetal notice", 10 cents per Une; alngie lnser-SonTBOtle-than 25 cent. Ifnasaest abTertiaomenu moat InranaUy be d far In advance. jaVrf lor itw1!'! advertisements by apecial "lll IT3 Noticea, Statements, Tabular Work. &, inquiring carelul revision by copy, mttwltobe famished, muit be handed in hafora tea o'clock x. at. to insure Insertion the "fpeiiJana Local advertisements before two o'clock r. at. . , . Advertlaeaacnta before one o'clock P. it. ah advertisements for the Wjckklt Bex Must be banded in before Monday noon, for the use week'i Issue. 1RBIY1L AND DEPARTURE OF TfiADiS. Time Card of tbe Burlington Route gJOO F. K. J ETPrcnj 9-5 A. V. Mail -5:00 A. M. Mail 10:15 T. V. jundays excepted, ifondaya excepted. Thla U the only line running Pullman Hotel. nw. Hitchcock. HmrP.Dran, Gen'L Wea. Pais. Agt. Ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb. uucago, iu. CJalon Pacific IXlTZ. Dally Ixpreea Dally Mixed :"?-- nSljIMctt "us ually Frtighl 6:15 A. M. CBtcce Kock IaUail " 'Sft - 3:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 6:1 P.M. 2:30 A.M. & Paeflc. 10:13 P. M. tl0:00A.M. Bandar excepted. tJtondaya excepted. Chlcaco 4c Northwestern. Mall SxBreca. ....530 A. 1L lOitfP.H. 2:50 P. H. tlfcU0A.ll City. StJo. St Council Bluffa VorBlag Bxprcaa....60 A. X. iimiw Kxnreas....2:3 P. M. 10:00 A. M. 0:10 P. M. Baaa jc Norttswcatern and Sioux City Pacific MaUXxpreM 8:t5A.M. 2:15 r.M. Dally except Sunday. Oialtnift and Baggage Wagons leaTe the Ace. corner Farnham and Ninth Btreetc, fil- 7m yiinnf in adTance of the above Railroad see Opeaimf aad Closing of Osaka. Malls Id Boim ooez. A.K. r. x. a.m. r. x r. x. a. x. 220 11:) ll:0f 1:30 110 ISO 110 130 7:0C 4.30 3.-00 10:00 J. p. JC xC. .... XAST. A K. W. K.R... do do.... K.LP. K.K.. do do... B.-R.R-B do do.... WITH. B.6t.Jo...... do do.... . tfl. JE o. wf K XOKTK. O.AH. W.B.B-. 2:50 7.15 Chicago and all Eastern cities, Nebraska Cltr, Plattamouth, Council BlufUand Burling ton, dueat 1030a. m.,closei at t30 a. m. and 1:45 p. D. 8t- LouU and SL Joseph, duo at 10O0 a. m. and 7 p. m.; closes at 1:15 p. tn. and 1:33 a. m. Ofice open Sundays from 12 to 1 p. in. C.E YOST. Postmaster. T0A.DTKKTISKBS Tne CIUCC- Ll-rlO f the DAILY BEK f more tka doable tbat or anjolhcr daily paper pmbllahtd la Kebraaltn. Peycke's Restaurant and Oyster rooms. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. X very liberal collection was t&kenup at theVan Cott tent Sunday evening. It amounted to between $200 and $300. A woman named Mrs. Triner- up, living on the bottoms near the distillery, fell into a cellar j-esterday morning and was quite badly hurt. About sixty couples came up from Plattsmouth Sunday by special train, to attend the Van Cott meetings. They returned home at 9 o'clock in the evening. A stranger named Jas. Black stock, while sitting in front of the City Hotel last evening, had a severe epileptic fit, lasting fully twenty minutes. A case of wife-beating occurred last evening on Tenth btreet, in a house not far from Thiele's garden. The wife was driven out into the street by her brutal husband, and her screams attracted the attention of quite a number of persons. Tho City Council will sit as a board of equalization on Tuesdaj-, Wednesday and Thursday of this -reek. All persons having any complaint to make should do it while the council sits as such board, and not heareafter bother them -with innumerable and lengthy petitions' Mrs. Van Cott'fl meetings wero Yery largely attended Sunday, especially in the evening. She ap pears to be greatly worn out by her constant efforts against sin, and her voice seems to be rapidly failing her. The best thing that can be KUggested to her, is to take a rest. Herjast meeting takes place this eventec Some sneak thief during Satur- day'nlght lasjdlqibed up in thenew building, adjoining the new Green Tree House, entered a boarder's room in the latter building, stole his clothes, and taking them in the for mer structure, went through them, 'ecarlng $9.00 in money. Ho left the clothes there, where they were found the next morning. ..Tbe excursion train over the sTaV-route from St Paul to St. Louis, via Sioux City and Omaha, will arrive nere trout ou xuis .fcAi,t! o'clock last evening. The excursion party composed mostly of members of the press along the JlneP-was received at the depot by the Merchants' Club committee, " composed of Messrs. Redick, Mc Cormick, Balcombc, Thrall, Man derson, Bennett, and Yost After drive about the city, they were received at the Merchants' Club .room where an elegnnt supper was eeipat and speeches made. The excSioistsleft for St. Paul at a late hour id the night, and were joined here byrepresentativea of the Omaha press and a few ether invited guests. They will return in three or four days. Fresh strawberries at Allen's. -juneS-lt FereoaaL- Charley Byrne came up from Plattsmouth. Saturday, to attend di vine services in Omaha. W.Irving, of Plattsmouth, gen eral freight agent of the B. & M., in Nebraska, spent Sunday in Omaha. Mr. Guild, representing a New York tea house, is at the Metropoli tan. Joseph Eaton, Superintendent of the Council Bluffs Gas Works, was in town this morning. Hugh White, a Salt Lake banker and a prominent citizen of Utah, is at the Grand Central. President Dillon and party will arrive in Omaha this afternoon. Mr. J. A. Evans, formerly a civil engineer on the Union Pacific, but now chief engineer of the west end of the Texa3 Pacific, arrived in town yesterday from San Diego, California. Captain Spoor, accompanied by Mrs. Spoor, and daughters, Mrs. H. L. Latey. and Miss Ella Spoor, left yesterday for Boston, where Mrs. Latey will enter upon the mu feical cultivation of her voice. The best wishes of her many friends will go with her, and it is hoped that her expectations may be fully realized. Mr. S. A. Gardner, representing an extensive match house of Detroit, returned to Omaha on Saturday, from a trip to the far West, whither be went in company with George Newman, representing a Detroit cigtr house. Newman returned East by way of the Kansas Pacific. Both of these gentlenjen are well known in Omaha, where they have hosts of friends. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel : Miss M R Sage, Monmouth, HI ; N J Miller, Des Mones ; J C Nolan, J M Casey, Los Angeles, Cal ; J M Murphy, New York; JnoEWilkins, L R Ely, John M McCabe, Kansas City; G St Dudley and wife, Tesas; B Ii McLaue, Chaunte, Kan; J Werthimer, St Joe; P Hanaphy, Lincoln ; L Moler and wife, Day ton, Ohio; MrsN O Rogers, W J White, Tjos Angeles; J H Greswold, Meridan, Conn ; Thos Asprout, San Francisco; Ben F Gardner, Lincoln; A J Hammond, E L Milleny, Fre mont; C W Black, W J Harding Plattsmouth; C L Burke, North Platte; A Harris, John H Rae, New York ; John Lesley, G A Har rison, A D Despain, Thos Boiden, Sam M Moxham, O Frost and wife, Plattsmouth; By W Reed, G Bill iard, Joel Champion, John H Rowtj, Grass Valley. WALL PAPER, 10c a roll up. CROQUET (for 4 players) $2.50 $2 to 58 SAVED on every BABY Buggy bought of Eberhart. 8-lt Bus Ball Hotel. The Stars and Milos went for each other Saturday evening as fol lows: Stars 22, Milos 10. The Stars practice every eve ning at 6 o'clock on Jefferson Square, except on Saturdays. The Bostons beat the Chicagos, at Chicago, on Saturday, by 9 to 2. The Milos will probably play the Columbus club, on July 4th. The match game on Saturday, between the Council Bluffs Quick steps and the Omaha Resolutes, re sulted in favor of the Quicksteps, by a score of 20 to 17. The Pacific Bail way Where is that inm of $1850 gone tot The question of the terminus of the Union Pacific road was virtually settled to-day for this session. In the Senate Committee, it was post poned. In the House, an attempt was made to suspend the rules and pass the bill making Council Bluffs the terminus, but it received only 27 aflirmatlve votes. Inter Ocean. Now the poor people of this city who are burdened with taxes, wish to know where their Sl,850 is. Had McDill, Chapman, Lawrence and all of Iowa's congressmen and sen ators only influence enough to get 27 votes out of 250? And when Mr. Houghton moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill declaring the bridge to be a part of the con tinuous line of the Union Pacific railway, Chapman, McDill and our $1,850 did not have influence enough to get a second. The facts are, that because a few aristocrats nnd "gentlemen" of the rich men's-dub expressed a will to have some uf their members go to Washington, our Aldermen have imposed an.unlawful and oppresive tax on the poor people of this city, to accommodate these "gentlemen" and Chapman. Council Bluffs Ke- puoucan. California Oranges at Allen's. juneS-lt I tMutnumcatal.l He Doisn't "Want the Daaei to Buffer for " Swedish Shu. Editor Bee:' In your issue of June Cth, 1874, you got in your locals that a Danish complete newspaper outfit is for sale at Wilson's auction store, which is a falsehood, as the outfit Is not Danish. The outfit for sale must be SwedUh, if any, as it is a fact that such a newspaper kicked the bucket a few days ago. Please state" in your next issue your mistake and don't let the poor Danos suffer for Swedish sins. Yours, H. Hald. Omaha, June C, '74. Gladstone fc Co. have just re ppivwl rmd onened 100 elecmnt ladies' suits, to which thr attention of the ladies is respectfully called, as they must be sol a once and cheap. jun8-2t Elegant Grenadines, in plain black and satin stripes, at greatly reduce prices, at 'Houston &. Garrison's. juneS-2t For the choicest, cieapetl line o groceries in the city, call on Jno. S. Johnson & Co., 260 Dodge street, (old stand of Boollttle fc McPher son). JuneS eod 5t The Latest Goods to be had is at J. H. Stein's. may20-eod-tf. Now Is the accepted time to buy goods at rates to suit the times, for casjiat J.H. Steix. . THE CALIFORNIA AQUARIUM CAR. . Eastern Fish for the Waters of the Golden .State. Receiving a dispatch this morning from Livingstone Stone, United States Fish Commissioner, that "the California Aquarium car would reach here yesterday, on its way to California, a Bek reporter proceeded to the depot and awaited, its arrival. It came over with the transfer train, was immediately switched off, and taken to the shops by an engine for repairs, and to have a new set of wheels put under it at once, a3 it had a hot box. While this work was being done the Bee reporter had an excellent opportuni ty of learning many interesting faces. The car itself is an express car, fitted up especially for this purpose. The car is supplied with numerous tanks of water, in which are over thirry-six thousand fish of all sizes. Fresh air is constantly being pumped into these tanks by two pumps which are worked by a belt attached to the axle of the car. The water is purified by this means. Mr. Livingstone travels with the car, and has five employes, Mr. Myron Groen being in charge. These gentlenien allfcleep in the car, comfortable bunks being provided for that purpose. Among the fish contained in the tank were 200 large sized black bass, and glass-eyed pike, from Lake Champlain; 30,000 small shad from the Hudson river; 1500 fresh and saltwater eels: 500 tautogs, a salt water fish. There is also a large number of trout, which belong to Mr. Stone himself. The car started from Charleston, N. H., last Thursday, and thus far the trip has been very successful, but a few fish having died. It cost about $4,000 to make the collection, and the transportation will cost about $5,000 more. A fresh invoice of ice was taken on at this point, and at Etkhorn and Laramie fresh water wM be procured for the over land tourists. About a year ago, it will be re membered, a similar car, but hav ing on board a much more expen sive cargo, was wrecked in the acci dent at Elkhorn bridge, and the fish all escaped into the river. Some of the present attendants were on board at that time, and have a vivid recollection of that event. The car went west on the 11:30 Union Pacific train. California is making a big cflort to stock her lakes and rivers, and other waters, with fish of every variety, and in Mr. Stone, the right man for the enterprise, has been found. rourth of July, 1874. Spring Grove Farm, 1 June Cth, 1S74. J Editor Bee: The celebration by the Grangers is a guaranteed success. Hon. Geo. W. Crawford, and Major J. W. Davis, will be orators of the day. Every lady is going to attend. Half fare will be charged on rail roads. Final arrangements are to be made at Millard, Saturday, June 13th, at 2 p. m. All Grangers are invited to be present. Each and every industrial organization are cordially invited to co-operate, and make the affair a success. And last but not least, every lady is invited to come and trip the light fantas tic, to the magnificent music of the Barrack's band. S. J. C. Fresh strawberries picked to-day, at (It) Allen's. Hone Manufactures. A day or two since we called on Mr. F. D. Cooper, the old reliable agricultural dealer of this city, and were astonished at the large num ber of reapers that he is sending out every day, and we were pleased to learn the reapers were made in our own city. We have reference to the "Omaha New Manny Com bined Reaper and Mower." He has testimonials from all parts of the country recommending this machine very highly, and as a proof of the merits of this machine, he has calls for them from Kansas and out in the mountain regions and throughout Colorado, where no is shipping them to every little while. Now farmers at home look to your interests, and if you want a Reaper that will make money for you, get a "New Manny" before they are all gone. From the nmnerous testimonial?, we learn that the chief attractions of this machine are, its thorough workmanship, simplicity, lightness of draft, and Its good work in the field. It is light, perfectly put to gether, simple, raises and lowers easily, and runs easy, being lighter draft than any other combined ma chine worked beside it in trials or In the field. In reaper trials it has worked in extreme of long, short, thin, thick, standing and lodged grain, with out any change or adjustment of the rake, showing that little skill is required toget good results. Now, in conclusion, we will ad vise every farmer to give his order for this machine that is made at home. Forty-one machines were ordered from different localities last week. The Manny stands ready to-day to compete against any ma chine in the market, and will prove to you just what is claimed for it, and will go out any day and work against any machine made. Jun8w&dlt Carpets cheap. English Tapes try Brussels, $1 25. All others in proportion, at J8-2t Houston & Garrison's. The best and coolest glass of scda water, from the new and magnifi cent Arctic apparatus, at Ish's Farnha:n street drug store. mayl6-eod-lm Vegetable Market at Brun jiEa'a. June2-10t BEATING A BURGLAR. A Thief is Clubbed Down a Lad der, and He Eeturns the Compliment by a Re volver Shot. Yesterday morning about 3 o'clock Prof. S. D.'Beals, residing on Daven port street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second, was awakened from his slumbers, by a noise sound ing like somebody pounding against the side of the house. Jumping out of bed, and going to the open win dow, he saw a man climbing up a a ladder, which he had placed asrainst the wall. The Professor had no loaded weapons conveniently at hand, and the only thing he could think of was an old, stout and heavy hickory cane, standing in a corner of the room. This cane had been obtained by the Professor, nianj years ago, in the old capitol building, in which he was employed at one time. Having become well accustomed to the use of a cane during his days of teaching the young ideas how to shoot, he grabbed up that cane with the same eager familiarity with which an old soldier picks up a musket to display his agility and skill in the manual of arms to the astonishment and admiration of a crowd of by-standers, and station ing himself at the window, he had not long to wait for the bold, aspir ing, intruding, plundering burglar. As soon as his head came in sight, Professor Beals raised the cane, took aim, and let fly, but instead of splitting open the fellow's head, he hit the window sill, breaking off a piece of wood, and tearing off the cateli. The stick happened to be too long, and thus the burglar es caped a merited caning. Not liking the unwelcome and unexpected reception given him, r he immediately began retreating. Professor Beals struck two other blows at him, the last one hitting him on the shoulder, and knocking him off the ladder. Just at this moment, Mrs. Beals, who had come to the window and looked out, drew her head in as she saw the flash of a revolver, the loud report instantly following. After firing probably only to frighten Professor Beals the burglar disap peared. The entering of houses through open windows during the present summer, seems to be a favorite pas time with the burglar fraternity, and people therefore cannot be too careful about securing their valu ables in some safe place. Molasses, the genuine article, at Allen's. JUST RECEIVED. A car-load of Flour, Snow Flake, and Wellsville Mills, manufactured in Schuyler; also Graham Flour and Bran, of the Snow Flake Brand, which we will guarantee as equal to any flour sold in this market. Greatly reduced rates. un3-3t Little & Williams. FOR SALE! A Jackson's Burlington pound scale, at a bargain. 8,000 U"iox Coal & Mixixa Co. juneCt3 Ol-r SNOW FLAKE FLOUR will beat St Louis or California in qual ity, and in price being $1.50 per sack less. Little & Williams. June 5 t3 BRAX at Little & Williams', 2G1 Douglas street, and 540 14th street, June 5-3t Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street, corner 11th street, may 7-tf. Great reduction in dress goods, shawls, domestics, etc., at J8-2t Houston' & Garrison's. Tjie finest broadcloth, all colors anil shades, to be found at unStf J. H. Stein's. Geo. H. Peterson, the pioneer cigar manufacturer, keeps con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars, and also Lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers, and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco, 211 Douglas streat. 4 niayCeodlv New drinks on draught. Peru vian Beer and Ginger Ale at Isii's. A variety of 25 different drinks of soda and mineral waters on draught at all times. maylCeodlm Special efforts made by John & Johiwon & Co, to supply tabjc butter that shall be above complaint. june3codot For an excellent glass of soda, goj to Ish's Farnham street store. may 15-eod-lm. Ybnn for sal? ciieap ac 23G Cap tol Avenue. jcS svj Dyeing, cleaning and repairing dono in the peatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St,bet. Farnham and Douglas, apr26t f. Parasols and Fans. Awful Cheap, at Houston fe Garrison'. juneSt2 "Gilt Edge" the Valley.'' Flour made. and "Cream or Best brands of mav23-lm. lou Sale Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street. Enquire of V. Burkley. apr 11-tf Type For Sale! A Font of Bourgeois Type, of which this is a sample, weighing 600 lbs. This type has been in use on the Daily Bee less than one year, and is nearly as good as new. For terms &c, address E. ROSKWATEB, u f. Publisher of the Bet. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT. DISTRICT Hon. G. B. Lake, Judge. Omaha, June 8. Georsre C. Graves, Esq., was ad mitted to practice in this court Central National Bank vs J H Lacey, et al. iieave ior aeienuancs to take depositions in term. Kinsley vs Kelly. Motion to dismiss appeal overruled. Clapp et al vs Court. Plaintiff or-Hpt-pd to attach codv of account to netltion. Nowacek vs Nowacek. Cause to be shown by to-morrow morning why sale should not be confirmed. Omaha a. &n. co., vs. aoooii et al. Jury returned a verdict of $2j792.18 for plaintiff. Rassmussen vs. Bondson. Judg ment for $33.25. Willots et al vs. Griffin. Judg ment for $1,083.26. Johnson vs Willman. Leave to amend answer in ten days. Loveland vs Forbes. Replevin. Jury trial. Verdict to be sealed and returned in the morning. Adjourned till 9 in the morning. JUST RECEIVED. J. H. Stein has just received the finest lot or Marsailles Vesting ever brought to this city. je3 tf Fruit Market, at Brunner's. June 2 lOt The GREATEST VARIETY OF CHOICE TEAS in the city at JNO. S. JOHNSON & CO., 200 Dodge street. ALL VARIETIES of THOSE CELEBRATED, PERFECTLY UNCOLORED TEAS ! ! ! june3-5t IMMENSE STOCK THOUSAND PAIRS OF AND BOOTS SHOES! To be Sold at Prices thaCHare Never Been Equalled in Omaha. This Stock Must be Closed by July 1st, at Cost or no Cost. Ont Look at- these Prices Men's calf boob, our own make, $4 50 Former price, 7 50 Men'n calf congress, 3 75 Men's calf congress, best eastern make, 1 90 Men's kip shoes, 1 25 Ladies' cloth boots, Feary's make, best in this country from 1 05 to 2 25 Best Philadelphia made ladies boot from 2 10 to 3 00 Splendid misses' cloth boots, 1 00 .ilfeo, a full line of children's shoes al prices that are bound to sell them. Tliis is not slop work, but our reg ular slock, manufactured for our custom trade, and every pair war ranted. Call soon and secure bargains at Weber & Behm's, Corner Douglas and Thirteenth. je3 5C No liquors, but lemonade, seltzer and soda water, cider and splendid ice cream, etc.. to be had at the French Coffee House, 485 12th street. Separate room for ladies. may30tewtf For soda and mineral water, Pe ruvian beer and ginger ale,patronize the "Statue," the costliest and most magnificent soda apparatus ever constructed and now running in full blast at Isii's Farnham street drug store dispensing the most delicious and cooling drinks in the city. May 15, eod 2m. EBERHART thk J5LINGtdiule baby buggies! Is SOLE AGENT in Nebraska for 4 of the Best Makers. My prices are airav below! these small dealers, have 300 in stock, and WILL NOT be undersold!. Make no mistake I sec the j'BAZAR" before buying, or write for prices. You save dollars by so doing. See the new Rf,STflN HAN0PY TflP!" I , . .- . wiiicii maues o siyies oi a ouggy. Large or small orders tilled at FAC TORY PRICES ! for cash. I make a " specialty " of filling retail orders for a single buggy. B I JRj ID S Imported (all kinds) wholesale and retail. ' apl3eod2m G-EO. W. ELKINS, CSXT-SRAZi Commission Merchant, 1916 & 1918 Mai ket St, PHILADELPHIA. Grain, Flour, Seeds. SimUIUm t BmUt, HH Hof.' mar7w6a SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. AdTertiaeinenta of To Let, For Sale, Loct, Wants, Found, Boarding, Ac, trill be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line; each subsequent insertion, FIVE CEF1S per line. The first Insertion neTer leas Una TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, 7MRSALEATABAhGAIN One of Gale's 4 JU veleorateii Fea-nutKt asters ; aisooce l-ung Tester. Inquire at MEERITT'S ErsUurant. jtedlm. WANTED A girl to do general house wcr, in a small family. Inquire at 1U HALL FOUNDRY. "POR RENT A large store house; conveoi r yntlj- located. Uquire at fish store, 251 Douglas street, of B. BE1IRENS. set mo RENT "I -wo cottages, -with well and sott ges, wi T. II. water. App: ply hstr LATLV, cor. of K3t EOR REST A house with five rooms and basement, well, cUtern and stable; aSso, a furnished room. Inquire at 2S3 Howard, l-e- tween 15th and 16th streets. e3tf CTTANTED A good girl. Apply at O. II. VY BALLOU'a, South Avenue, near the Hospital. jc63t WANTED A competent girl, to do general house-wcrk ; none others need apply. Call at J. GLSU'S, Farnham street. jeG -U rpO BENT A furnished room ; wlthorwith I out board; room suitab'e fcr gentleman and wtie, or two single genuenieJ. inquire at 164 Jackson street. . Je6tf WANTED Girl to do general house-work. Inquire 555 Douglas street. Ctf WANTED Employment by a young man of good education, solier and industrious habits. Good references furnished. Address A. II. G., this office. je5 6t. FOR SALE A light three spring express wagon; nearly ne. je5 6t SIMrSO.VS CARRIAGE FACTORY. TAY"B0ARDERS can be accommodated at U MRS. DELAWARE'S, S. W. corner 11th and Harney streets. je36t HOUE W NTED To rent, not abore SiJ per month; reasonable distauce from Farnham street. Lock box 532, City. j2 6t WANTED Two good farm hands want a situation upon afarm uojt o far from Omaha. Apply immediately al tbe Bkk f fice, may 21) F)RSALE-160acrcsof land, being the NE 2otsecl8, in township 13, N of U 4 E. in the SK part ot Ruttler county, SO miles North, westof Lincoln. A well improved farm adjoins it on the west, and country all aiound it is thickly settled; Will sell for 5500, one half down, balance in one year, or SJ 00 per acre in cash, or will trade for city property. Apply to uiy21tf AN DICE W RObEWAIER. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, and several vacant lots, and farm lauds lor sale ; iLso Louses nd offices to rent cheap, to good tenants. Apply to John E. Kkllky, Attorney at Lair, at French 4 McKoon's ofllce, RooniNo. 3, Creightou block. niTlSif FROST PARLOR FOR REST Apply 277 Davenport at bet 15tb and lGtu sts. mylCtf TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned has purchased and put upon the streets as public conveyances, someol the finest carriages eermanufactured in this country. They will be run toandirorn the depots, hotels and private residences. All orde a lelt at the Metropolitan Hotel, or at the stable, near s e cor or Eleventh nt and Capital Avenue, Till be promptly at tended to. A share cl the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JOHN E. BULL. niyl3U FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY Oue section choice land, on the big bend of the Republican River. Nuclols County. Inquire of A. MINSKI. Bjyl-J-ml" Cor Harney and 15th ts. w ANTED Servant girls, carpenters, farm hands, laborers, etc.. immediately, at tbe employment 9 Visschcr'sblock. mjStf l?OR SALE I will sell cood second hand l" can lazes and bucii carriages and buggies low for cish or trade, as I wish to replace them with new ones. may6tf G. W.UOMAX. F OR SALE A Singer s'winz machine. new. Inquire of ili-x Meyer & Bro. ap27tf FOR SALE One set parlor furniture ; also a piano. Inquire of Max Meyer A Bro. ap27tf T ANTED A encap larm in ezenange for TT mcrcnanuiie. AQuress, farmer, ukk office ap21t FOR SALE OR RENT o. 354 Chicago st Apply to HARRIS, TAFT A WOODMAN, ap2I Oil Mill. FOR SALE OR REST A farm of 12J acres with house and barn, sltuatelone half mile west of the Barracks: iuquire of mchlCtt D. P. REDMOND. XATIOXAL FIRE INSURANCE ,C0M'Y OF HARTFORD, CONN. Statement December 31st, 1873. CASH CAPITAL, - $500,000 00 TOTAL ASSETS, - $831, S50 28 SCHEDULE OF ASSETS. Cash in Hartford National Hank,... 5 33 039 31 Cash in Charter Oak Natioual Bank. 3'J,C10 G Cash In Company's office . 737 78 Cash in hands of Agents and in course of transmiss'.on 33,000 00 Bonds and Mortgaged . liS,129 00 30J shares New Yurk, New llaten and Hartford R. R, Co 3G,G00 00 103 shares Pittsburg, Fort Wayne A Chicago RR Co ... 9,000 00 10J shares New York Central tnd Hudson River R R Co .... 9,800 00 10) shares Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RRCo...... .:. 7,G0O 00 1833 shares National Bank Stock.. 227,265 00 Bills Receivable secured by Mortga ges and Trust Deeds ..... 200,000 CO Bills Receivable secured by Stocks and Bonds... . 23,323 00 Interest accrued on Lills receivable... 7,3C 50 Interest and Dividends onBonds and stocks not included above in Mar ket Value . . 5,792 50 Total f Assets, 5331,800 23 LIABILITIES. Fire losses Outstanding... $,io 49 STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) Auditor's Depaetm't. It is Insurance complied with the insurance law of 1 ana is autnorized to trapsact the business of Fire Insurance in this State for the current year. rr c, Witness my hand and seal of office L.S. at Lincoln, Neb., this 31st day of Janury, 1871. ' J. B. WESTON, C.n.WILLARD.DeputydUOr0lS,a,e ie!6t FRENCH A McKOON, Ajents. INCORPORATED M'RCH27,1820 Fire Association! OF PHILADELPHIA. Th!soldand rel able insurance company con, tlnues to insure against loss by fire. BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ANJJ MER CIIANDIZE QENERALL Y. All lose; s sustained by the association since its organization hive been promptly paid, and amount to $971,466.20. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1871. Bonds and Mortgages $1,531 273 id Ground Rents.. Real Estate, Office, No. 34 North Fifth Street, United States Registered Bon ." Loan of the City of Philadelphia. Warrants of the City of Loan of the State of Pennsylvania Loan of the City of Pittsburg, 7 l l,M7 49 55,320 70 287,500 CO 2J3,500 00 41,897 27 4J.472 00 23,000 00 48,000 00 2,350 OJ 10.400 00 10,000 00 55.245 00 3,128 20 1000 shares of Stock of Pennsylra n2a Railroid Coinpany.. Pennsylvania 1ilruad Scrip . Lehigh Valley Railroud Bond, 7 per cent ... ....... . ,, ,, Loan of MasonicTempIe, 7130 ... 3S1 rbares of Stock of Fire Association-.. . -... Interest Accrued and Unpaid. Nett Premiums pqe by Agents in per ceo i iransaifsion.. 81,633 17 11C.745 74 Cash in Bank, January 1, 1871 Market Value -tt,601JM3 STATE OF NEBRASKA. I Avviivwf Vzr r. I It is hereby certified tbat the Fire Associa tion of PhilatfcUbU, has complied with the InsurjDce law of this State, and is authorized to transact the businss of.Fire Insurance In this State for the current year. Witness my hand and seal of office L.S.1 at Lincoln, Nebraska, thlslOth day of March, 1574. ' ' J. B. tVESTON. A MmvAnla Tlaan . .- - Auditor ot btale. m. IT. TVILLARD, Deputy. e:-Ct iU2iUU A McKOON, Agont. Ml FanUisvsa au, Bt. 141b ft 1st I UNDERTAKER Anything ! L. W. JOXTXS dkalEKIN HOST EVERYTHING S3i:ad S3S 13tla trrf , Opposite the Post 0ffic9. is Children's Carriages, Bird (Jages, Creqnet Sete, Stationery, OR ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! Choice Imported aad Boaaeatle Clears ap23ni2eod STATEMENT OF THE German American Insur.Co. OF THE ClTx OF XO'S'TCr TORK. JANUARY 1st, 1874. Capital. $1,000,000.00. ASSETS. United States IBonds, (market value) S831.800 00 Loans secured by United Stales and New York State Bonds New York City 7 per cent Bonds Cash in hands 01 Agents, and in course of transmission .- Premiums due on Policies, New (11,000 00 40,000 00 73.30C 23 17,150 73 1GC416 VJ York othee.. Cash in Bank.. Cash In o(Hce. 9,12 1 50 $l,650,S01i7 LI 1BILITIE3. Loscs unadjusted, but not due.. and adjusted 47,573 09 S1,G03,22 33 FRENCH A McKOON, Agents. e 1 Ct. THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE rS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERYBODY TO I be the BFST PAPEB Published in Nebraska, It Contains More Reading Matter and Less Advertisements than any Newspaper Published in the West. Embracing a choice selection o news and miscellaneous matter with live Editorials on all important top ics ; complete and reliable telegraph ic and local market reports to the day of issue,"and a variety of State,East ern and Western correspondence that together make up a newspaper sel dom equalled and never surpassed. Every article tjoing into the col umns of tbe BEE is carefully scru tinized, and everything that can of fend the most scrupulous, rejected. ReublicansPolitics But Independent in principle the policy of the BEE is, and always has been, to expose and denounce abus es and corruption in the body poli tic without fear or favor. Subscription Price: $150 Per Annum, IN ADVANCE. E. ROSEWATER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, 138 Farnham Street, - Omaha, XTeb. iny22tf Lr?al Xoilcr. TO MARY E. REACH. NON-RESIDENT, -defendant: Yuu will tule Dot Ice tint li corse E. the S ate of Nrhr9ka,dld on the7iii iUy of May, A. I. 1474, u.ohls pe tition in tbe JU rict Court for Douglas county. Sell a-k,gali.t you, the ohject and prayer of which utu procure a decree if d:rorce. Ycu are therefore nquirci to appearand an weraaid petition on or Wore the 'OA dnjr of Jane, A. I). 1874. GEORGE E. BEC1I. Ry F. A . Ukale a J. . Shropmiibe, Dated May 9tb, A. D. 1374. may 9, w-st-.t. HU Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICfc. ToAlrinM Sloth-ahead and CarlotU Mother head, non-rtiidentu, dekndauU ; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Life Association of America, d-'dnn th 9th day of May, A D 1371, &U in the District Court ofltoURln County. NtJraska, their petition against you, the c ty of Omaha, and oughu County, Nfhraska, the oblcct and prayer of which it to obtain an accounting uf the money due from you to the said Life Association cf America, upon a certain note and mortgage fcr $2,000 00 Iat d December 24th, lb6D. and re corded Dedeiucex 27th, 18C9, in Rouk 9" of Mortgages, at paps 4CG, ot said Douglas County records, and for an order or decree to ell the mortgaged prcwiv to wit : All that portion of lot 4 in blotk 12, in the Cty tf Omaha, ?t. m said ioi 4, being a atrip of ground 27$fett front ana running is sotiieei, tngetner wstn all tbe buildings thereon, and for general relief. You are required to answer said petition on or be fore July Cth, 1874. T. W.T RICHARDS my21.ll AU-yfePlatntlff. JOH3T IIAU9IEB, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Fanuam , 8. S.0w. 11th St. OMAHA NEB Q.K it OOA PEK DAY. Agents want 2)D lO QAAJ ed. All daises of, work ing people) oi either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us In their spare mo ment or all the time, than at anything else. Address ST1N60N A CO.. Portland, Maine uot.StI T-AJTIiOK,, 13th St., bet. Farakam imd xTaraej. All kinds of TAILORING, CLEANING sad ' RtTPATRTNQ done al reaaonahla ma ini-Xtf JAS. M. MCVTLTIE, WHOLESALE DEALE1CW Clarified Cider. 133 14 is Faraain Stmt. IfnriiP MR. JOHN RATH IS AG EST FOB OCEAN STEAMERS. J. J. BROWInT & BRO.? WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for tlie Oriental Powder Co. mj3.,r OJSLJLJESl, 2ST1BB., STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Grocers, SIMPSON'S BLOCK 538 and 540 Fourteenth. Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE mehl32y MORGAN & GALLAGER. -SUCCESSORS TO CREIGIITON AND MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnham Street, OIIVLAIELA., - - -KrRTR ptsny -Jf Pi ri WHITNEY, BAUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Wo. 247 Douglas Street, OIMIA.H:, - - 3STEB mch27yl AOKYTS FOR THE UUPONT POWDER CO. JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOYES and NOTIONS. 231 Farnham Street, q:mia.:e5:jl, - - - ietieiib. j. j. browist & bro., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE km FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, and nijS-lT JOHN T. EDGAR, JOBBER OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, AGRXCTJX1TTJS..AJE. TMPT.T?.', TIIRKSIIKR-S, 246 Douglas St., . IIARVKSTKIIH. UK.Ml'Iftt Hnwn . " "" & 'SfjSJR GEO. A, HOAGLAND, Wholesale Lumber OFFICE COR. OF DOUGLAS AND 6THST&, U. J. B. S. 7B1CK. - anlltl ESTAB1 ISIlfcu PUNDT, MEYER & RAAPKE, i lVIinr.ESALE FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars. '" :iiara Mi-eei, hlcm'eodTl HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN WINES, IiIQUORS, efcecfeo. Im Old Kentucky Whiskies and'oodj a Specljllj. 239 DOUGLAS 3TB., iCaldwtll Rlock.) f hi9rl -A- E. S I im: h? S O IsT, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER m CIGARS. S32 TFTttEnsrrris: st., OHEIG SOMES and FARMS Z2T HIBRASKA The Hurlinton and Slissiurl River Railroad Co., oSbrs bwt Ian 's at tow prioe oc 10 year' cred't at 6 per cent. Interest, anj wi h alumn premium of 20 percent, on tha amountof thaj purchase, U ball the land is cuitirated, within two years from date of purchase. LARGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, :Loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys TLeB.A Jf.R. R. Co. willse'labont W).O00 tcrei of s-)Vnlllt"!lnanJjricnItaral3aud fa a'wfll watered rountry,',atlroni 21 n to S7.0O per acre on longeredlt. South of he Platte The Comi any owns a large b-l r o' the fcut Ian 1 in Nebraska, latorsee-l by nameroos rlrers and a-ljaceui to Its rallroa 1 and in the largest "'Ihet t derelop-rl pm of tbe State, as; also la tk amouj fepubllcun. Valley. FordrcuUrs an J lull Information apply to C. B. SCHALLEK, Agent B. & M. land Office, Cor of Matb and Farnbam Sts.. Omaha. Or Law! Pepirtueiit, LIacola,5ck. RATS & HATTSE1T. WHOLESALE DEALES3 IN AIL KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF o X a- A. K, S! AND DEALERS IX Pip3, Tobaccos, Etc. The atien ion of dealers is called to the fact are prepared to LABEL our goods wl:h their as manufactuetd expreuly for thru. May 27-d lm. EB Boots and Shoes. AND- NEEDEItH, Omana. ITebraska VAat:s. mehl3jr AND YARD 3STEB, 1K8 DEALERS IN - - Omaha. Neh Cigars, o:m:.aih:a., zlstieib. WON BIiOOK. arMmS t 11 v J V A ?-. 'sA,, ft- i.--