Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1874, Image 3
SS u 1.1 !' ? y.;',';.-"i.sC,.t).vy.f - .- "' sT"-" ' " ? '-" v' -J .SkfcaaaesM! want. & 'X h' I ) V t . " .. w ... . - SSBSBaaSa'SSaBl .-BasB ' ' - mmmmmimmmmammmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmtammmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm APPLETON'S American CYCLOPAEDIA Hew Beviied Edition. Entirely ..srrftten bytneawest. writers on every subject. J T f n A IwrtM SHAW niUMM UWltf " true. "'JTir-l -h S..r.l Thon ' andiuusi - - ",- 7 Engravings and Maps. u X Tun work originally published under the title f -riiE New ajiericaji Ctclopaedia was Completed in 1S53, since which tl mr the wide cdUtion wbichlt has attained in all parts of the Cnlied Siates,-and the signal developments which haTe taken place in eTery branch of eclence, literature, and art, hare Induced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revfalo::, and to issue a new dition entitled, The Americas Ctclofak- rjlA. - - .. Within the last ten years the progress or dls coTery in every department oJ knowledge has made a new work of reference an ImperailTe WTbe movenwnt of political 1 affairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their Fretful application to the Industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of "j.rrJr. ?. .. .nd conseanent revolu- SUCUtlllC v.c - -t-,- .-, ,I.-I -nshaveoccureJ.mvoiTiuB ...- " n iar moment. The civil war of onr own Li.k. ..otltxheUht when the last The I"' Yoiu"meyof the old work appeared ha, .happily been ended, ana a new w indlndostrU acUvity has been commenced. uie accessions to our geographical know edgisTe been made by the indefatigable ex- SJto revolatlon. of the la "L.1,1, .v,o ntiinl result of the lapse ef UmeThave brought into public Tiew. a mulUtude U new men, who names are "in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought aad Important sieges malnulned, of which The details are as yet preserved only In the newspspes or In the trsmlenr publlca :r.. i i.. .1. v. t.u which ouzht now to Uke their place In permanent and authentic history. uT preparing the present edition lor the press, t nurdfnglr been the aim ol the editors to briS down the information t. the latestj pos- ibledatesTanl to furnish an accurate account of the s-- recent discoveries in science of eierr fresh pruducUn In Uteratore, and of ?hnt invention in the practical arts, as weU to give ""ccinct and origina record' of toprogr5s of political and hlstorlal event Thework has been begun after long and care fatlSrellmlnary labor, and with the most ample SJso'urces for carrying it on to a successful UKoneoftnhe original stereotype plates have been used, but every page has bren printed pn ntw type lorming in 7sct a new Cyclopxdla, with the wme plan and compass as iU predeces sor, but with a far greater pecunUry expendi ture, and with such improvements fa its com position as have been suggested by loager ex- thl first time i" the Prent edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to Klve Plater lucidity and force to the explana tinn.lnthetext. Tney embrace all branches of iclenw d nVui tutory. and depict the mos? Emous 1 remarkable ty architecture, and art, as weU as the Tarioua pro cesses of mtianicsandiiianulacres. Al though intended lar iniiruciiou nuu. emtollUhment, no pains bare been spared to inir their arUstlc excellence: the cost of thSrxecutien I. enormous and It is believed JheV w5r finda welcome reception as an ad rnWe feature of the Cydopdla, and worthy wrkldtoSubscrlbersonlyyable on delivery of each volume. It w U be com-Sl-uJ in aixteen large octavo volumes, each Confag.b?800.nUr lliu.tra.ei with several ihousand Wool Engravings, and with cumeroa ,orea LlthogP5110 MPS- PBICE AND STYIE OF BINDING. In extra Cloth, per -vol ...-mi "'H?2i Jn Library Leather, per vol u . 6"" In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol i OU In HaU Knssia, extra gilt, per v..I 800 In full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, .per InfullxussU.per Tol luw m,s. .Mums now ready. Succeeding vo- lums,unUl completion, wU be issued once in tW.t"spedmen pages ol the A-ericax Cvclo .xiDiahowIugtype. Illustrations, etc.. wlU be sent ratb, on appUcsUon. - FIB3T CUSS CASVAS5ING AGEK13 Address the Publishers, D. Appleton & Co., 549 & 551 Broadway, flew York. Ja27tf KEARNEY'S FLTJID-EJCTBACT BUCHU The only known remeJjIfor rt- BRt&HT'S -DISEASE, And ajpoaltlve cura for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia Neri voua Debility, Dropsy, BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERMA TORRIKEA, LoucocrhoeorlWMtes. Diseases ol the ProstraU Gland. SSone In the Bladder. Colcul us. GRAVEL OR BRICK POSIT, DUST DB. And Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S Extract Buchti ! Permanently Cures all; Diseases ol the gladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings, Existing In Men, Women and Children, ifo Matter What the Age! Prof. 8teIe save "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Bucbu l worth more than all other Buchus couibiond." Price one dollar per bottle; or, six bottles lor fife dollars. Depot 104 Duane St, N. Y. A physician In attendance to answer corres pondence and glveadvlcegratls. BU juiiil stamp for pamphlets, Iree..caf Crane A Brljham Wholesale Agents, Ean Francisco, CaL apfflwt TO THE NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. 30 0HASQE POS ADVIOE AHD COS BTJLTATIObT. T)R J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all dls. eases of the Sexual and Urinary or gans, (which he has made an es pecial study,) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en fcClosiBg stamp to prepay postage. IfiSend for the Guide to Health. Price 10c JB. DY011I, M.D. Physicion and Surgeon, 104 Duane street, N. Y. OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE. HAPPY BELEIF FOR YOUNG MEXJirom tig eSects of Errors and Abuses in early Hie. Manhood Bestored. Impediments to Marriage BacaoTed. Xew mett-od of treatment. New aad remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars EntrreeTln sealed envelopes. Address, HOW aIwOCTATION. NoTi South Klnth St. pSidSpala, Pa ,-n Institution having a high rsnuuoafor honoraUe eon4Brt and . profw iflBsi.Mii, JfMejwJaj. YORK COUNTY. York, Neb., June 6, 1S74. Editor Bee : I send you a few notes concerning the growth and prospects of ARBORVIXLE. This town is situated In the north west corner of York county, in the charming valley of the North Blue. It is designed to be the center of horticultural interests; each street is to hare a different kind of tree, and is to bear the name of the tree planted on it. Strips eight feet wide are already broken around the blocks, preparatory to planting next spring. Two good buildings are already erected, and lumber is on the ground for others. The leading horticulturists of the west have warmly endorsed the en terprise. The Bryant's, of Prince ton, Illinois, havealreadypurchased a block, and ethers express their de sire to do so. A. Pond, Esq., one of the leading sawyers' of Saratoga, New York, has purchased one fourth of the town, and also forty acres adjoining, which is being"bro ken up for planting trees. E. H. Pond, a banker from Tipton, Iowa, ha purchased forty acres near town which is already broken up. He has alo purchased a section of land near here, all of -which is being bro ken. Fifteen teams are now at work on it. Mr. Pond never does anything by halves. Arborville is fourteen miles from Lone Tree, and twenty miles from any other town, in the center of one of the finest farming districts in the State. Trade must be good at" this point, and our pressing need is a good store uch as the wants of a farming community demand. Some one from our over-crowded towns would do well here far better than in the severe competitions of a larger place. N A cheese factory is projected'with a reasonable prospect of success. The sight is chosen, and it is hoped that we will be ready for work in the spring. The great want of Hamilton and York counties is a bridge at Xone Tree. If feome of the directors of the U. P. It. R. could come brer to this side of the Platte, and see how- this territory is being drained by other roads, they would not delay long in this enterprise. The area of wheat put in this year is enormous, and as the Platte is now and must be impassible, the freights must go by way of the B. and M. P. R. R. An immense amount of produce which belongs to the U. P. and should And market through Omaha, goes to Seward. The U. P., also, are much re tarded in the sale of their lands for lack of a bridge at the above point. Land buyers coming in over the B. & M. naturally look at the lands of that company lirst. Often driving over the grounds and seeing the present and prospective necessities, I am convinced that in two years at least a bridge would so nearly pay for itself that the railroad company would be well satisfied with the in vestment. Tb,o effect on Lone Tree would be very marked." The new town of Arborville, and all the rich adjacent oountrj' which is now being turned over by hundreds of breaking teams would pour their wealth Into this place and give it an impetus, such as it has not yet felt. More Anon. Yours for Progress. C. S. Harrison-. L0CAT1NG THE JUNCTION. The Prophet Beaten in a Land Speculation, There has been some little clash ing in Ogdcn between the Prophet and the railroad magnates over the location of the junction of the Cen tral Pacific and Union Pacific roads. A number of the principal officials of both these roads arrived in Salt Lake on Thursday, with a view of conferring with Brigham Young on the proposed location. On Saturday they proceed to Ogden to look over the ground and hold a conference. But when they met for busi ness, the Prophet was not present. This they construed as an Intentional slight, and the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 'was somewhat roughly criticised. But the parties came together subse quently, and the question was put soundly to Brigham what induces ment he oould offer for the junotion to be located in Ogden. They de manded a liberal gift of land, as they proposed to put up a fine depot building, and erect machine shops, repair shops, and no end of other works. Five miles west, one or both of the companies owned a fine body of land, three thousand acres In extent, and this the principal negotiators thought would be a line place for the junction; they could take all the land they wanted for their own uses, and sell the-rest for town lots. Mr. Dillon, President of the U. P. road, Chief Engi neer Sickles and GovernorStanford, President of the C, P. Road, talked plainly to the old man; they told him they wanted a good extent of land, and they did not propose to pay one dollar for it either. Brig ham wriggled at. this. He had played sharp on "the brethren to get their land, thinking to make a big thing of it, and now he was called upon to give the largest por tion of it away. To carry the junction away from Ogden would, also be to ruin ihat city, and this sacrifice the Prophet could nol listen to. So after considerable debate, and a resort to his shrewdest diplomacy. Brother Brigham con sented to give orer 318 acres of land, to secure the junction at Ogden, and have the railroad buildings put up at that place. Thus Brigham has been badly euchred in his big land speculation, but his faithful follow ers will have to make up the loss to him. Mr. Sickles, we understand, will survey and lay out the ground in a couple of weeks, in order to commence building. TheOgdenites have a bright future in store for them. Salt Lake Tribune June Ath. The Helena (Montana) Indepen dent of May 10 has the annexed : The meek'reyed heathen, even if he does not know the name of all the different articles in a first-class dry goods store, has a way of making himself understood to the Intelligent "Mellican" man. Yesterday a Chinaman entered one of our dry roods stores, walked up to the J counter, doposited a grasshopper thereon, saying, as he gazed upon the clerk with a confiding look : "He too muoh hoppee; all hoppee stop him. You sabbee?" And as the obliging clerk commenced measuring off musqulto-bar, the delighted heathen began hum ming a song of the Flow ery Iand, happy in the thought of how he was going to fool the grashoppers. They had been de stroying his garden, and wanting to purchase some musqulto-bar, but not knowing the name of the arti cle, he brought the destroyer with him and the clerk understood in a mdtoent the article needed. Beatrice Ceaait Msvmmfac- tory. On Saturday last we accepted an invitation from Mr. Ford Roper, one of the Beatrice Cement Company, to visit their manufactory two miles down the river. We had been there while the kilnwas being built, but not'since. Oar readers will remem beVthat the actual manufacture and shipment of -cement have been going on for three or four weeks now, and hence-a few particulars regarding the extent of the mill, and the process of manufacturing will not prove uninteresting, proba bIJ' ,. r Arriving at the mill, we found Governor Paddock-hard at'work in the dense dust of the place, looking as if he had been dropped in a vat of cement, and had just come out." Under Jiis and Mr. Roper's guidance -we went in rough the mill. The quarry irom which the cement rock is taken has been described be fore, and we will simply say that there is an undetermined amount of it enough to run a mill about two hundred years, we should say. It is blasted, broken up into portable chunks, and hauled to the foot of an inclined, stage whence it is taken with wheelbarrows to the mouth of the kiln and dumped in. The kiln is very substantially built, and may be said to be two stories high.' The upper story hold the unburnt rock, and the lower story receives, the barnt cement as it drops dbwn'below the tire. Fire is kept under the rock night and day. The burnt material is drawn from the lower receptacle every four hours, the amount drawn out each time being sufficient to make IS barrels of cement Thus the capacity of the kiln Is 108 barrels of manufactured cement a day (24 hours), although it is estimated by Mr. Campbell, (the practical manufacturer of the Company), that 123 barrels can be made in this time. After burning, the rockis wheeled into the factory, where it is first fed into ahuge coffee mill, which breaks it Into pebble stones. It is elevated by the same means that flour or wheat is elevated in a grist mill, and run iuto the stones for grinding. The stones are the same in construc tion as grist-mill burrs, with the ex ception that they stand in a perpen dicular, instead of a horizontal posi tion. They are run with great velocity by steam power. The cement comes from the grinding finely pulverized, and is then ele vatetTagaiifand run into the pack ing hopper, whence it drops into barrels. - The barrels stand on a movable platform, whioh, by an in genious arrangement, is raised and dropped regularly, thus packing the cement more effectually than by means of the ordinary packing ma chine. This Is the whole process of cement manufacture. The barreht are made on the premises," the staves, heads and hoops being brought from Burlington, Iowa, in knock-down shape. They are dou ble stave barrels, of Willard's pat ent, and are very strongly hooped. The company is preparing to build a cooper shop at the mill 20x40 feet ,in ize, which will afford thorn in creased facilities for puUIug up the barrels. " Tliepower for running themachm ery of the mill is furnished by a fine 15-horse power engine, which is run by John H. Past There are at present in and about the institution 15 men and 3 teams, by whose labor about 80 barrels of cement per day are now being turned out. The minimum weight of each barrel is 264 pounds, but some contain as high as 290 pounds. The cement made by the Beatrice Cement Company, is retailed at $3 a barrel, which is $2 per barrel lower than it could be bought here a year ago. Shipments are being made to A. y. Marshal, at Xincoln, and to the Company's pipe works at Omaha, where it is used in the manufacture of the various articles sold by them there. Before long de livery will commence on the Gov ernment contract for the Lincoln court house. The quality of the cement has not yet been questioned, but, on the contrary, it has successfully with stood the severest tests. Its manu facture is in the hands of practical and competent men, and, nq unfor seen event preventing, the business i bound to grow to large propor tions, and become a source of profit to those who hare originated it, be sides one of great benefit to this place and section of the State. Beatrice Express. 4.LL AU.OUT THE WATER WOUKS The central city of the West Quite proud of late has grown, . And feels it can no longer wait A goo 1 sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world Who wish to'cut a swell, At once erect a reservoir Upon their highest hiU. We read In the days of Noah That waterworks were tried; The trouble was tl ey bad cost wen, And so the people died. Let us then remember If water works we try. To put In severs good and strong, And make our streets quite dry And when the thing is done We'll celebrate at once, Then everybody In the town Will buy their hats of Bunce. For all new styles that row are ont, Some fifty kinds or more. You'll find them cheap at Dunce's' Famous New York store. Th Chsmp'on Hitter of the West, ia Doug asStreeet. mchSCU H. SRXBE. C J. KAKBACU. GREBE ft KARBACIf, 15th st. between Farnham and arney sts. OMAHA, - - NEB. MANUFACTURER OF Spring and Farm Wagons, BUGGIKS AHB CARRIAGES. Dealers in and manufacturers ot AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! PARTICULAR ATTENTION TAID TO HOR8K HUOeiBO. sa-Rrpairlng tf wagons and blacksmlthlng prompUv done at reasonable prices nijdawCm Southern JEfotel. Fronting oa 4th, 6tk tad Valuta, St. Louis, - Mo. T-aveille, Warner & Co., Protoriotor The Southern Hotel Is first-class In all Its apjolntments. Its table are at all times sup plied In the greatest abundance, with ail the delicacies the markets afford, Its clerks and employes are all polite and attaaUve to the wants of the guests of the hotel. There la an Improved eleva'or leading from Use first floor to the upper one, Railroad and steamboat icket offices, news stand, and western Union telegraph offl e in the Hotnnda of hotel, 255 Harney street, between 14th and 15th. 3pH jrnria is3j aM CJ Carriage -b4 - Wag- rMftklac In all it "Branches, In the latest "and moat approved pattern. i HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMTTHINU and repairing done on short notice. ! C CABFEHTEP AND BDiLDEB, The SS6 FARNHATSTREET. s t . 1- I .. MoMYant. Cenmerce. Daily Review. Office Omaha Dailt Bf.e, ) June 8, 1874. J There is no change in the money market. A cneenul feeling pre vails in financial circles as stated in our previous reports. The banks have done a better business on the whole during the past week than in any previous week of the season. Currency continues plenty and dis count rates easy on good paper. Gold and governments are re ported steady in the east, with very little fluctuation in miscellaneous securities. Speculation in. gold and securities, as a business, has proved so unprofitable or late tnat even Wall street is settling down to the basis of legitmate changes in value?. Business in commercial lines con tinue brisk, and with the exception of sugars, which have advanced one-half a cent, prices remain nomi nally at quotations. Produce continues to come in lib-o.-aly, though much of it is in a bad condition. Shippers should remember that really prime lots of perishable goods if insecurely packed, reach the mar ket in a damaged and comparatively unsaleable condition, while inferior articles, if securely and neatly put up, find ready sale. Another thing to be taken into consideration is the reputation of the shipper, and if his goods are always well packed and reliable, they can be sold on dull days or a glutted market at fair figures, while the shipments of un known parties must stand orer and be closely scrutinized or sold at a loss. OXf AHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Datlr DRY GOODS. J. J. BROWN bro., Cor. 14th Douglas Streets. PRINTS. Aliens..- ..... and American...... Amoskeag ... Bristol "srnera..... .... Hamilton Merrimack 1 Richmond..........-..... Sim psonsmH..ww...HM. ........ BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Bright 4-1 Boot O... .......... ..... . Cabot 4-1 .. . . ..... Lonsdale... ....... N. Y. Mills Peterboro. .-. -.................. 9 9 12J5 It is4 8 8s Suffolk L BLEACHEC SHEETINGS, Peppertll S-4 . ,... do 9-4 ........ .... do 104 ....... ........ COTTONAD.S. Farmers and Mechanics........... Great Western ..... .... BROWN SHEETINGS. Albion, A. ... .... Bedford, R Qrantville, E E Germania, B B.... ... .......... Langley ....... .... . 31 '3SK 3S2 25K 26 io; H GINGHAMS. American... Amoskeag Bates Lancaster. 11 12 12 12 TICKINGS, Amoskesg, a c a,.. 23 12 15)2 Bid e, ord..,.,r DENIMS. Amoskeag .. Beaver Creek, B I!.. Haymakers....... Otis, B B Otis, C C .. JEANS. Biddeford... ,......... HoasiertlvM..M ............ ....... TASEEE NOTIONS- 16M 40 ktjrtz mohr & CO., 231 Farnham Street. SPOOL COTTON. Clark's O. N Coat's ..... Merrick's.... '0 70 42JS W2 00 HOSIERY. Domestic... .. S British-. PAPER COLLARS. Dickens' best...... King William Domestic............ SOCyGOO S 90 1 35 1 SO 250 M.inley SHAWLS. Ottoman strips......... SHIRTS. White common. . " medium... ' cu'toin made..... Percale.... .... . . 82 256 53 $10 50 15 00 30 00 J1200a24C0 .. 4 75a7 50 .. f 6 50a7 25 7 75a9 00 .... 7 00u7 50 . 8 00a9 50 -8 00a9 50 Calico. OVEBALLS. Brown drill ' dnck ...... Blue drill . White ZZH CORSETS. French whalebone.. Our own ......... Coniet... .... . S5 25a3 00 15 00 2250 fPRING SKIRTS. Linen printed . . J 9 00 ruffled 12 00 " fluted 15 00 GENERAIi COMMISSION. J. C. Rosenfeld gives us tne following quotations this day : Butter, dull, 1212in tubs; Eggs in demand at lie per doz.; Live Chickens at 3 00 per doz.; Strawber ries in demand at 30c per box ; Gooseberries, 3 00 per bu.; Cherries, 30c per box; Oranges, 9 00, and Lemons, 14 00 per box. HARDWAKE. JOnX T. EDGAR. IRON. Common bar- Horse shoe bar. $ Norway nail rod-. -... STEEL. Cast plow 12 Germon- .- 11 American casn, ociagon and square 18(3 22 Jess p's English do do .- 25 40 Burden's horse shoes, per keg 7 25 do mule do do 8 25 Northwestern horse nails 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 per cent. Stor half patent axles, discount 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd to C01 per keg 4 40 8d Nlo 4 65 Cd do 4 90 4d do 5 15 3d do , ,. . 5 90 3d fine do .. - 7 40 lOdfinls'nguo ... o 8d do do . .- 5 40 Gd do do . 5 G5 lOd casing do . . 5 15 8d do do 5 40 6d do do 5 G5 Wrought, all sizes 6 15 BOLTS. Carriage and tire....- discount 70 pr c BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart Jointdlscount 20 pr c Cast, loose pin reversible do 35 do MISCELLANEOUS. IIay and manure fork. discount 30 pre Hoes and garden rakes do 25 do HINGES. Strap and T discount 25 pre WRENCHES. Tail's black discount (5 pr c Coe's imniitatlon do 45 do Coe's genuine do 20 do SCREWS. American-Iron .-. 45 pr c do brass 40 pr c AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. aCTTBE'. H Holt's Ha.est Klng.per doz, net-. 14 25 Uuaplen 12 00 HeakPa Eureka 10 00 do red 9 00 aPADES aso snov.u. Rowland's No 2 black shovels, D H 12 00 do do polished do do 13 00 do do black spades do 12 00 Moor do polished. do do 13 00 . do's "spring point" L H shovels 13 50 AXES. UppencoU's Western Crown 13 00 do do do txvefed 13 50 COFFEE MILLS. Parke's Ko 3, Iron box: net 5 25 o so do 5 75 do do2STJnloalrah. 11 00 W teas do BriUnl- - is 00 h . . - - ' -FLLES. Hargrare, Smith & Co jdbroantf 30 pre SO do American lie Co do HAMMERS. Maydole's, A E No 1, 1$, 2. xiammonu s Atao: do do do 4 S3 CO 10 50 10 00 13 E0 11 00 $7 00 8 00 9 CO 7 50 a Ra do Eniinierfs No X. do do do 2 .. do do - do 3-.. HATCIIETS. Morris' shicgling, No 1 - do r do do 2 - do do do ..., do ci-w do 1. 'do o do 2., ,V LEATHER. Buffalo S. sole $. & Hemlock SL sole No 1 do do .No t do ,do dam do spin sole good ".... do lo dam do harness........... .... do bridle........-..-. do calf..... ... . do upKr'y f I-..... . Oak sole ft It....... .... do calf .. do kip . .. do harness.... , , , ., . F'chcalf Jodots prd... Other brands different wt, pr lb. French kip pr lb ,,, ,, .... ,, Bark lining. , , . s.-a , 3i . 30 . S . a 33 . 1 25 "5 . 25 . 43 . 1 50 . 1 00 45 !3 31 3J 33 29 40 4t 41 1 50 125 30 43 1 CO 1 30 44 90(10 235 1 G4 4 00 IS 16 1 9 . 73 00 . l -5 . 144 . 6 50 17 15 6 8 . 1 25 SKINS. Drv flint pr tt Dry salted ureen Green salted,..., Jan. and Feb, pelts Shearllce.... ., Lainq skin- CEMENT. Rosendale Water lime.. 300 8SS SOAPS Powell Co., Soap monufacturera. Sapo Publico, 6 1-2G 34; Savon Republic, do., Chemical OliTe, -6 to 6 1-2; Palm, G51rl; German Mot led, 6 l-4aC 12. ART GOODS AN UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in tine art goods, 270 Farnham Street, furnishes .the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c: 3 inch 21c. Berlin eilt, 1 inch 615c; 2 inch l"230c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 1530c Window sha'deS. w w -Plain bands, 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. . REPPS. Union ind all wool terry, per yard 1 503 M); Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 508 00. J DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 003 00. MATTRASSES. Husk, 4-4x6-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior, 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. RETAIL LIST. Subiect to change of market wltbonttotice. Wil. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R. track bet. Farnham and Doug las. GEO A. HOAGLAND. Jois's, studding and sills, 20 It, and un der I !Z . . $22 00 Over 20ft, each additional ft add'l 50 Fencing No 1 t 23 00 do No 2 - l W 1st coinmnu boards-.... ..4..-.. 25 00 2nd do do 22 00 "A" stock lioards, 10 and 12 inch 5u 00 "B" do do do do 25 00 C" do do do do .. JO 00 1st clear, 1, 1, aad 2 inih 65 00 2d do do do do 55 00 3d do do do do 45 00 Flooring, clear. 50 00 do 1st comniou- ...... 40 00 do 2d do 35 M) do 3d do 27 50 do nzrrow, clear-.................. 45 00 lstciear celling Jj Inch S3 00 2d do do Y. Inch 32 50 1st do do Inch . 30 00 2d do do yt inch . 27 50 1st clear siding 27 00 2d do do ...-V5 00 1st common siding...... 2d do do ., "A" shiniles- XI so 20 00 ... 4 25 "." 3 U0 2 00 3 5o 3 5o Extra No 1 shingles.. Common No 1 ah nglea.. Lath per 1000.. D A H pickets etr 100- Square do do do O G Batten per lineal f '... Rough do do do . Liberal discount on carload lots. WINDOWS. IGlaxed.) 35 per cent off CLlcsgo list. DOORS, (Wedged) 25 per cent off CI teago list. BUNDS. 30percentorriist. White lime per bbl SI 752 00 Lonlsvllle cement per bbl 3 00&3 2o mrls nor hlil 3 503 75 Plastering hair per bushel. - . -- - - . 4U 4 4K rarrcu leit Plastering board., OILS. PAINTS, GLASS, &c. N.I. D.SOLOMON. ROBERT C. STEELL. BRADY & McAUSLAND. Coal Oil 19 Linseed OU, raw. 105 " " bl'd 1 10 Turpentine... 65 Headlight OU 28 lrd OH, No. 1..-.S " " " 2. " winter1) ' straln'd J Lubricating I W. Va. 1 33 PAINTS, AC White Lead. St. Louis. SrtlcUy Pure . "i " Fanev Brandt. Putty in Bladders.- . . " Bulk , Ensmeld Glass, colors, 9 sq.ft . l "0 Flat Glas, 50 c discount TIN, SHEET-IRON. WIRE, C JIILTON ROGERS, COR. 14th & FARNHAM. TIN 'PLATE. CHARCOAL. 10x14 IC falr'qnality- -.113 00 10x14 -Ic, best quality. 13 50 16 50 14 00 17 00 15 50 17 50 20 50 23 50 23 50 14 00 17 00 111X14 i.v uo 12x12 IC do 12x12 IX do 11x20 IC do do do do do -.. do ..- do 14x201 X do 14x20 IXX do 14x20 IXXX iro plate DC 100 Plate DX. do (best quality) no UJ . do do . 100 plate DXX 100 plate DXXX Roofing IC charcoal Roofing IX do do do do do do do do do 10x14 IC coke 20x23 IC charcoal roofing. 20x28 IC charcoal roofing ., e4xl4 IX charcoal 10x20 coke (for gutters), BLOCKTIN. Large pies. 35 36 33 Small pigs- liar tin. ZINC. Sheet Un 25 to 36 in. r- do do do lc half casks. do do do ln250B casks Sheet 24 to 35 inches per sheet Tinners solder (extra refined- - do do No. 1-. ... do do roofing bid metal SHEET IRON. "II 12K 25 23 21 0a2 First quality, Numbers 16 to 24 do do no z? do do do 26 da do do 47 Charcoal, both sides sniotbe do No 24.- - do do 76, do do 27 Juniata, No. 24 do do 26 do do 27- Russia perfect 7 to XL Jkr. Va 1 ataln1 uu i i, .......' ,,- , Less than full bundles, aoo " xr,v A"AmerIcsn ImmlUfn Russia, all Noa. Less than f uU bundles, add one tent. 18 GALVANIZED. .list -do .do .do .do No. 14 to 20. do 21 to 24. do 23 to2S. 15 16 17 IS 20 do 27. do 28 Full bundles discount ISpercent COPPER. Braziers 6 to 9 do 10 to 12 St. 45 42 38 45 43 CO 38 do 12Xto 100 m. Sheathlnc, 14 and 16 ox rrr' . is 16 00 12 50 27 Tt lI- .32 50 zs uo 2100 w TM 4M ''""" 7T.'....m 92 9g4 .... ...1 1 4Q .w .-.. Si Planished, 14 and 16 ox NosT 7, 8 and 9, Planished- .Bolt copper Copper bottoms, BRIGHT WIRE. 10 11 UK .203. 0 to 6 14 S.S.9 13 10,11 IS 19 Nos. 15.16 17 IS 19 Per bundle 15" per cent dlscoun GROCERIES. STEELE fc JOHSSOS 538-540 14TH ST. CLARE A FRENCH COR. FARXHAM AND i lllH ST. PITNDT, MEYER A RAAPKE, 212 FARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS-MOROAN- &. GALLAGHER, 205 Fam- ham St. WHITNEY, BAUSERMAX & Co., 247 Douglas St, J. J. browx 4 bro., Cor. 14th aiid Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr ts.. rowdrrtu uo Crushed do Rat cut loaf do . Standard A do Circle A do ExtiaC do Yellow C do . N O choice do . SlKallii ..llfalls ..12al2iS 11 io?5 . lOaloy . 10 . 26a27 . 2a4 . 25i25 . 31a3o COFFEES. Rio choice pr lb do prime do do good 'do ... O G Java-.-.... SVRUPS. Common pr gallon Good do Choice do do N O molasses- 3a45 60a 65 70USO 80 RICE. Rangoon choite... ........... . Carollus. ..... .. ...... CANDLES. M Wesk A Co 8a9 9s5s 16i,'al7 16al7 CJiaGH 44; 45 45a50 52a57 57s65 50355 75a95 Scbofers-..-. .. .... SOAP. MisourI Vrlley. ... Kirk's Savon -... . M. Wesk A Co Schofer's German...... . Kirk's standard do sterling PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods, Western do do Virginia ..... do ' do Lorrrla rd's - Bright do do do . do do Virginia Natvral oaf DDIED FRUITS Calilornla pencues per Dound . do appbs do ....... S.ate do do . New currants....... do prunes.... . do German cherries.. do blackberries do rasoberries... ......... . do raslns pr box . .. do seedless rasles per oiHid-. SALT. New in bane's . . do dairy ... ..... .......... 16Xal7 112K iuuy, 8 9 14al4K 17 21 33al0 .'.40 12JS S2 80a3 00 - 4 50a5 75 eANNED (iOODS. 2 pound canMyer'soystersperrose, 1 do do do do do 2 do do Wlllim's do do v do do peaches do do H 25a4 50 . 2 50u2 75 - 4 00a! 25 4 75a5 09 6 75a7 50 3 50a3 75 500 5 50 . 5 75a 00 6 00 . 4 75a5 50 G 01 5 50 3 do do do do do Tomatoes, 2 pound cans, per rase do 3 do do do Corn, Trophy, per case.... do Winslow do do Yarmouth do Strawberries, per case . -.-Raspberries, do do . ,- . Pineapples, do do .............. TEAS. Oolongs per pound 25a75 40al 00 60al 25 Young Hyr on, per yourd- Gnnpowaer( do do FLOUR. Go'd Dust- XXXX Iowa City .... 3 10 3 (0 4 75a 00 13(319 17(cjlS 119 13 30i31 . 31V35 1 85al 41 CO 13a 0 85j4G Calilornla...-. BAGS. Gunnies, heavy weight-, do ugni uo .. Burlaps," four bushel-. Dundee gunnies Grain bags, Amoskeg A do do Ludlow a a.... SPICED Nutmegs, Fenang best.per pound Clovei do do - Alspice dJ do Ciuamcn bark do d.) .. CIGARS. a. e. Simpson, aianufacturer, 532 15th Street. H. Upman -V M, S .'5 00 35 O) 35 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 CO 75 CO G5 00 50 00 CO 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 75 tO Ueconstructlon Grand Central.. Universal...... X ST t.t " La Boquct Pure... ParUgas . Yours Truly... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do uold euai .. La Kspanola.... Triple Crown. Henry Clay- De Viller.. Y Viller. 1876 CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wholesale depot 548 14th Street. Half barrel sacfcs. . 2 SO 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FINEST Elkliorn Valley Lands ! FOR SALK . nvr. QTiARg, Wisner, - Heb. THESE LANDS ARE CONVENIENT TO the market and the FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2.50 to $5.00 PER ACRE! For Cash or on long Time. a-LAND EXPLORING 1 ICK ETS for sale at O. & N. W. De pot, bearing coupons which will le taken at full cost in payment for laud. J. SCHOONIVAKER & SON PROPRIETORS OP THE PITTSBURG-. WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS PITTSBURG, PA. 3atA.i3ii-i-o-t iaas. Manufacturers oCStrictly(Pure White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge Putty, Colors Drj and in'Oil. PURE V-RMTER GREEN, The strongest and brightest green manufacturered. GUARANTEE. W ruarantae our brand of Strictly Pure White Lead to be free from Impurities, .and will pay $50 in gold for every ounce 01 adul uauon ic r.Hin fnnnd In this mckare. urr73 . - .i.nfin.Mr . ifPIl . er J. SI.UU03dld&l.l. BJ-. LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have been awarded for Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD PENCILS: Gold Xcdal of Progress, YieHHa, 1873. first Preatam Claala Haiti ladHS- trial Fair, 1873. First Premlora Broekljiv Indus trial Exposition, 1873. For Samples or Information address the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, Pres't t72m JERSEY CITY, N J. CHICAGO & NORTHWES'N i-i'i7'.-r. tf The Popular Route from o dm: jl. : j- TO Cliicago and the East! AND THE xJ.y Xixrot Houto Tr'W.terloo.Fort Dodxr.Irubnrtuc.l 1'ralrle Uu Illicit. Wluons. SO 20 St. Pxul.Dulath, Jannvlllr, Kno h, Crttn ii, Ksiclne. Meven's I'olmt. Wntrriotvii, Ushsr-sh, I'oa Da Lac, MnUIou iuU Milwaukee?. It Being the Sbortetand FUst Comnleted Line between OM A HA and CHICAGO, Constant nts lia ve taken place in the way of reducing Uiad, and placing Iron with Steel Iiis, ad.Uug to its rolling stock new and Elegant DAY and SbhEPlNO CARS EquippeJ with the"Wes!iu2hou.eAir Braie" and "Miller Platform," estahilshlng comforta ble and commodious Eating Houses, offering all the comforts of traveling the age can produce. From 'A to 10 Fast Express Trains run each way daily over the various lines of this load, thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure sod certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux C ty, Yankton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moines. Ottawa and Keokuk-. AT MAKSUALLfor St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RaPIDS for Waterloo. Cedar Falls, Charles City, Burlington and St. Louis. ATLXIMU.N lorouuuqnc, DUD'eiiu, rrai riedu Chlen, La Crosse, and all points on the Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads, ique ana iinnesota rauroaos. AT FULTON for Freeport. K kee and all points in Wisconsin., AT FU1.TON for Freeport, Iticlne MUwau- AT CUICAUO with all railway lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can be procured, and any information ob tained, concerning Route, Pates, etc., at the Company's office. 213 Farnhani street, Omaha, and also at the pi Incipal TicketOlnces alcng the line of theU. P.R.R. CsTBaggage checked through toaU principal Eastern points, W.H.STENNETT, MARVIN HUGHITT. Gen'l Passng'r Ag't. Gen. Sup't. J. II. LACEY, C. G. EDDY, Ticket Ag't, Omaha. Gen'l Ag't Omaha. mchlStl Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 1874 The Kansas" City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire ; line to st. Louia AND THE EAST, FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CIlA:nE iura between Omaha and St. Louis uuu b it ore between OMAHA anu AiiW YORK. This the Only -.toe running a PUI.I.Tf 4.N Sl.EEPIN'a CAR EAST KKOJI OMAHA, OM AKR1VAL OV THE UXIOX PACIFIC EXPKGSs TRAIN. raP.ivienRers taking olhet routes navo a disagreeable transfer at the River Station. 8 PASSKXUKU TKAITVS DAILT! REACHING ALL EASTERN AND WESTERN CITIES With I.css Changes and In advance of other lines. This Eutire Line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cais, Palace DayCoacheaand Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westingliouse Air Brake. TSee that your tickets read via KauflaxClty, S Josrph & Conuell Uluflb Its 1 rod. Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JOS.TEHON, Pass. Agt. GEO. L. BRADBURY, Gen'l Agent. . F. BARNARD, Gen'l Supt. St. Juseph. ia3tf A. C. DAWE3, Gen'l Pass. Agt., St, Joseph. VandaliA houte e jl s a?. O TEAMS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. LOUIS AVTTII Pullman Palace Cars THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE TO Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cliicago. Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, AND NEW YORK Arrival of Trains from tis West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston TICKETS &STr& S. E. comer Voartb st Chentnnt .sts 1 , SI.Loals, and mi the PrinclpaJ Hall way OAleea in the West. CHAS. BABCOCK, C. E. RUSSELrs S'thcrn Pass. Ak'1, Wesfn Pass. Ag't. DiLUJ. Texas. Kaxsas tt, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT, Gen'l Supt., Gen'l Pass. Ag't. aZ)U ISDlaJtJlPOIJi ST. Louis. EstabliKned in 1851. UltOQ iTTei Confectioners' Tool Works, T2ios. Mills eft Bro., Manufacturers of Confectioiiers'Tools Machines, Moulds. Ice Ciea Freezers. &c., Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Proprietors : TumfiiMruj. 1 EsTXBUsni EsTABUSITK) 186L' Geo. M. Mills, f CATALOGUES SENT ATLnP.PARM8.J J upon application. max7dw2ia Chicago, Roctfllsland andPacificirt.R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA. TO CHICAGO AXD THE EAST, Via Drt Moines, Davenport and Rock IsIanJ. AH Passenger Trains are equipped with the wkstiouocsk Patent Aik Brvkes and Miller's Patent iafety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains LeaTe Pallr, cncectlng as follows: AT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley ISailroad, lor Oakuloosa, Ottumwa, Keokuk and St. Lonit AT UKINNKLL riththe Central Railroad of Iowa, for all points north to St. Paul. AT WESr UBEKTY with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids. Dubuque A Su rauL At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western, rranch, for Muxxtine. Washirgton ami all points south. AT DAVK.NPORr with the Davenport A SU Paul Railroad for points north. AT fcOCK lsL-VND with the Western Union Railroad for Frcepoit, Beloit, Kacin. Mil waukee and all points in northern I.llnols and Wisconsin. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocklord, Rck Is!andsndSt. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with the FeorlaARock Island Railroad for Peoria anJ points rut. AT BUREAU JUNC.. with branch, for Hen rjr. Irre, Chillleotho and Peorii. AT LA S-VLLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points not t hand south. AT CHICAGO with3U lines Eat, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eistera cities, via this line, can bo procured, and anv infor mation obtained, concerning point, at the ticket oface of thecompinv, lis Farnham St., Omaha, and also at the principal tickttoiSces J along the line of the U. P. R. li. BSSSe C'heckr.1 Thronj;Ii in Principal Kaatrna I'ulutM. nit A.M. SMITH, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't, Chicago. J. H. LACEY, Ticket Agent, a23tf Omaha H. RIDDLE, Gen'l Sup't ChUiuo. S.S STEVENS, Geu'l Western Ag't Omaha. M. Keller, Proprietor of the RISING SUN a::o LOS ANGELES " YINEYRDSr Depot for the sale of his NATIVE WINES AND B-A-ISTIDIES M. & Co., Corner of Batlery and Washington Sts. 3AN KKAXC1SCO, maiTtt CAL. ALRX. J. LEOd T. XATll'L C. HUDiOX. WM. It. HUDSOIf JAS. U. BLTLKR ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Leggatj Hudson & Co., Manufarturers of crery arau f Fin Cut Ciio'wlng AXD SJIOKIXQ TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FINE: CUTSt snoivixasi INQLESICE. BULLION. MONTANA. BEA UTY. GILT EDGE, AUOarToliaccos Strictly Waranlctl. OFFiCR AND S.YLKSItOOJX Cor. Second & "Vine Streets, St. Ziouii mai7Imo 3VTo. PASSENGKERS Going East orSouth from Omaha And Points on U., should take th "LINCOLN EOUTE" T.IK ATCHISON k NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure, for themselves the choice of Six Popular Routes from Atclilsoa to Chicago and St. Louis, All making Reliable Connections and being Equipped with Falaca Day aad SIsopbg Can. All delay and Inconvenience arrlrin? from Ferries acd transfers can bo avoided Went ot Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets via ATCIIISOS aad the ATCH1SUX 4c NEBKASKA RAILROAD. Direct and Bellable Connections are also made with the A. T. A S. F. K. It. for the Great Arkansas Vallej & Colorado, And with all lines running South to points In Southern Ksnsai and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets via LINCOL & ATCHISON CHAS. &SMITH, Gen'l Supt. (aZHf W. F. WHITE Gen'l Pass. Ag't. Arfe'on. Kansas ADVERTISE IS THE 1 JDJLXXTST SEE DON'T BUY! CNT1I. YOU HAVE CAREFULLYIEXAMINED OTTRTOXW riiADI $Mfc JWA3S. AND RESERVOIR LOW M&& , S WE ILVVE TWELVE tJOOD REASONS V. wny tuev wtu uo vourworS. Quick and Easvj, Chea and Clean. They arc cre pest to buy, They are besi to use. Thcr bate ev.nly and quickly, Their o;eratlon is perfect. They have alwavs a good draft, Tlieyaremadeorthcbcstuiaterlal They roat prrfectlr. They require but Utile fuel, Tbey are very low priced, They aracasilr managed. They are suited to all localities. QB Every stove guaranteed to giresatufacttoa. SOLD BY Excelsior Mau'fg Co., ST. LOUIS, M0., ASDBT M. ROG-ER!S, Oxualxn, TAJ'olox', SIZE CB FELLHS: o o ooo Or Sugar-Coated, Concentrate!, Root and Herbal Juice, Antl Bilious Grannies. THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATIX1KTIC or MttltBaCk In Parvo Physic. Tho novelty of modern Mcdtcfti. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science No uso of any longer Ultin,; tha lare, repulsive and natweous pills, coaiposcd of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, vrheu wocsn by a careful application or chemical science, extract all tno cathartic and other medf. ciml properties from the most valuabia root and herbs, ana concentrate them into a mlnuta Gran ule. Hcarcelr larger than a mustard Need, that cart be readily swallowed by those ol tho dot t sensitive rtomachs I and fastidious tastes. l-ichlitiljl'ureativo lcl let represent. in LioJtconccntrate.1 form, as much cathartic power as is embodied in any of tho lan;o pills found for r ale in tho drc shop. From, their wonderful ca thirtlc power, in proportion to their size, people n-hj havo not tried tnera aro apt to inppce ttaj they are barm or drvtlc in effect, but such 1 not at all tho case, he different actlvo medicinal prin. ciplesof which they aro composed belns ao har. laoniiea end mod!2ed. one by tho others, as to produce a mot ncnrelilnsx and tbor ons;b,yct Bcutlyauditludlyoperatlus; eatnartl. h ?50O IIOTVarl U hereby ofTerod hy tho pro prietor of .hco Pellet., to any chemist who. upon analysis. 111 And in them any Calomel or other form of mercury ot any other mineral poison. " BeliicciitlrclTrcjretable.nopirtrcnUr caro is .-equlred whilo using them. They cpe ratu without dlstnrbanco to tho constitution, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation. ImpuroHlood, Pain lit tno Shoulders, TlRBTttiessi of tho Chest, OlzzlucsH, Sour Eructations ot tho Stomach, Bad taste In. mouth, Ulllous attacks. Pain In rcclon ol ICldiicys, Intornal Fever Itloatcd feeling about Stomach, Itu-li ot Rlood to Head, Hlca Col ored Crine, Cusoclalllir . .... i.'iti.ihnilnva. taka Br. Plerco' Pleaiant PurajatlwoPelleta. In explanation of tho rernedialpow er of my Pnr- fitlvo Felleta over fo prcat a variety or disease wl-htopaylliat their action upon tho cuinial economy Is universal, not at eland or tluuo escaping their 'sana tive Impress. A?o docs not Impair then; -their eaar coatlnsnnd being enclosed In glut T7it! t" puis found in tne crag stores, put. up in cheap wood or pjtc-bcanl boxes. Recollect tnar. rirc'i c!i.-acs where a Laxative, Altera tive or Purcatlvo I Indicated, theso llttlo IViIits will chelheiuost perfect aatUfactioa to all who nfo them. They aro sold by nil. enterprislBs; DrufrglhfiStaa contrt a bottle. ; Do not allow any tlrncjist to indnce yon lo" take anything cl that bo may ay is Jose, as cood 3 my l'ctlcto bccano he mates a laruct profit on that whi-h ho recommends. If your dni""i't cannot supply them, encloso S3 cents andrccshe them ny return nmil from - XUr.l'lJiOX:,2T.J., Proper,. K BUFFALO, X. li ASK FOll PYLE'S OK SALERATDS! -AKD B AKINa SODA ! 33 33 0 1? IN TTSI3a Sold by Tundt. Mt yer A Eaapke and Whitney, Bauserman A Co CASTLE BROS. IMPORTERS OF TEAS AND East India Goods, 213 aud 213 FROST STREET San Franci - California. mchSTm. PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. -Smith, local Agent fortbe TJ. P. R. R. LANDS, Columbus, - lTtb, Government Lands Located! TJ. P. Lands Sold! Improved Farms and Town Lots fer OR ON LONG- TIME!! i-All omniiinicatiousJClieer fully Answered apMtf M0SUJIEKT3, TOMB3XOHE3, Era, EXQ W&32& sasK m'mWKH .PkAaK. "a uv.. dm .-c "ttflaavT:, CA t . . : V 'w- f -