-; iifiS L'4JtMw Ji'iwn :." Wt.iaiiiiMf.t.1! .slT-l 1- - '.' Jw ' ii ' 1 WW ii ,i II 1 J H'L Mnnrgi niti 'nyiftinliip,l.i i----yI .J$&l2sr3 X, - . r"- -v -j t I s I" ip In" THE OMAHA BEE KMONDAY, JUNE 8, 1874. OFFICIAL FIFES OF THE COT. TOE OSAMA. DAILT BEE I eerredto anbtcribers by carrier, to any put ot the city, trtrj crening, (Sundays ex--epted,) t tlteen cents perweei, or 3.75 lor six months, and.f7.00 per annum, when paid B advance. All complaint about Irregularities, addressed ' this office will receive prompt attention. Tax Omaha Dsxlt Bkz will be mailed to ribiciiben at the folio wing rata, arable Ura- rlaMy lna-rance: 97.00 per as torn. 8.75 " 6 .onths. The Ok-l Du.t Bex has by tar the laVBGEST drcnlaUon Id the city, and U, berefore, the beat and cheapen advertising Katks of ADTunsoia.-locsj nouree, o cent! per line: local advertisement, 20 cents per line; by the month, 10 cent. No adveriiaement inserted for leaf than 60 cent. Special soticea, 10 cents per line; ilngl Inser tion, not leaa than 25 cent. Transient abTertiaementa most i&TarlaUy be paid for in advanco. Salea for standing adTertiaesie-U by (pedal contract. All lag! Notices, Statements, Tabular Work, etc, requiring careful revision by copy, or proof to be furnished, most be handed in before ten o'clock A. M. to insure insertion the same day. Special and Local adTertisemeiit before two o'clock r. x. Advertisements before one o'clock p. M. All advertisement for the Wckx.y Bkk must be handed in before Monday noon, for the same week's Issue. 1KK1VAL A.ND DEPARTURE OF T&AIKS. Time Card of the aiarllaxton Kemte LEAVE OMAHA. ABsUVZ AT OMAHA. Express 50 r. x. I Erpreas.9-.55 a. k. Mail 5:00 A, at. Mail 10:5 P. M. Sundays excepted. Mondays excepted. This is the only Una running Pullman Hotel Dining cars. p. W. UiTciicocx, Ha-kt P. It;t- Ucn'l. Wea. Pass. Agt. Ticket Agent. Chicago, 111. Omaha, Neb. UnloEt Paclfle. LXATX. AJUOTZ. Dally Expreai 1130A.M. 3.00 P.M. n.n wwio-ht SSJ0A.M. 6:15P.M Daily Freight 6:15 A. M. Csstc-go, Hock Islaml 3:30 A.M. Ic PaesU. JUU 5A.M. 10:UP.jf. mreae z-w r. At. tl0:00 A. V.. KundaTS excepted. tMondays excepted. Cmleac tc Northwestere. Mail 5aOA.M. 10:)P.M. express 2:50 P.M. tlttUOA. K""i Cltft t. Jo. V CohbcU BlBsTa Vominz Express.... E 20 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Tenlng Kxpress.....J0 P. M. 6:40 P. M. Osaaka 4c Nortliweirt an SIobx City -c J?elc. Hail Xxpress 8:15 A.M. J 5 P.M. Daily except Sundays. Omnlbaaea and Baggage Wagons leave the Bee, corner Farnham and Ninth streets, CI- een minutes in advance of the above Kailroaa sne. TOADVBierisi-iiS raa Cllicu LvrlOS or tbe DAII.T BEE la more th-at doable tbat.of aayotber dally passer published la Kebraaka. Peycke's Restaurant and Oyster room-. The leading house of the kind. 307, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. . The stiver on lower Farnham street, running puf the Wyoming Hotel, is being repaired'. Horace Greeley, jr., has taken the advice of his deceased dad, and gone West. He now looms up in front of L. C. Richards' place. Friday evening dress parade at the Barracks was witnessed by the largest crowd of citizens that has yet been attendance this season. The river is still rising, having gone up about seven feet. The bot toms are all covered with water,and the flood is hourly increasing. A man named Ed Redmond, living at the corner of Sixteenth and Izard streets, had a suit of clothes atolen from him last evening. The "Stars" will play a prac tice game in uniform this evening against a picked nine at five o'clock, at the Union grounds at the end of the street car track. The Columbus base ball club wants to play the Milos during the State Fair. By all means let the Milos make it agreeable for them, and beat them by fair play. A man whose name could not be ascertained, living in Pattee's block, is reported to have been robbed of $C0 last night, by some sneak thief, who entered his room. Dr. Ayer mourns the loss of $57, Atolen from his room by a sneak thief. The equine Dr. would like to treat the scoundrel for the epi zootic A lady, while standing on the sidewalk, and listening to Mrs. Van Cott's exhortations, fainted and fell last night She was revived by the assistance of several by-stand-cra. Mr. G. W. Medlock, the pro prietor of the Grand Central Hotel :kuews and cigar stand, was mar ried last Monday evening to Miss Susie Golden, by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, at the Presbyterian par eon age. According to Prof. S. D. Beals, County Superintendent of Schools, the value of school houses in the .county is $327,(523, and of the sites $97,817; the number of male pupils 2,6S2; of female pupils, 2.728; total, 5.410; number of school districts, 40. To-morrow evening will wind up the Van Cott meetings in Oma ha, Let Burners make a note of this, and take advantage of the opportunity of salvation now offered them before it is too late. The camp me.'Uugwill follow in a few days. The first time we ever saw a printing office for sale at an auction store was this morning at Wilson's, where there is a complete Danish newspaper outfit waiting to be Vnnnlrui rlftCTn in lhf hichret hin der." -It has been ordered to be sold on account of the mortgagees. .The celebrated .Yokes family, a burlesique troupe, have been booked for the 27th",' 2Sth, 29th and 30th of Jury- at -the Academy of Music. They" are the sensation of the day, and the public may look, for some ' thing good in the burlesque line. A number of the directors of the Chicago t Rock Island railway, accompanied by their famlles, ar Tired here Saturday evening in a spe cial car over the Chicago & ISorth estern railway, and remain a day orftfo tpiew the sights of Omaha. They l-re t the Grand Central whore Quarters were been secured hv iruun. They will return east via the Chicago Rock Island rowte. f!ONCERT at the TIVOLI lo- night and to-morrow afternoon and Bjght J. H-KBB. poSU Policeman Benedict arrested one John Fox, of Council Bluffe, Saturday morning,forpeddling vegc5 tables -without a license. He was fined $1.00 and costs at the Police Court, and made to take out a li cense. The profits of the vegetable peddler's day's business -were some what diminished in consequence. The bar of Omaha has recently been reinforced by the arrival of CoL George Graves, a German law yer, who has come here from Des Moines with the intention of per manently locating in this city. He hails originally from Memphis, and comes here with a brilliant legal record, being an educated gentle man and a thorougly practical law yer. FeTIOJUU. Mrs. H. L. Latey will leave for Boston this afternoon. William M. Foster, the lumber merchant, arrived from Chicago Saturday morning, and is stopping at the Grand Central Hotel. Prof. A. D. Williams, formerly of the State Normal School at Peru, but now editor of the Lowell Regis ter, called at the Bee office Saturday. Mattie McXamara, of the liquor house of McXamara & Lucas, re turned Friday from the west, having made a successful business trip. Robert Armstrong, the fashion able hatter, has returned from an extensive and successful trip throughout the State. He disposed of a large lot of his most stylish goods. J. J. L. C. Jewett left Saturday to attend to some mining business, by which he hopes to make a ten strike. We know of no man whose efforts we should better like to see crowned with success. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel : H Cooper, Chicago; H L Miller, Burlington; D C Brown, Sioux City; T L Martin, New York; EH Halleck, Jackson, Mich; J F Os good, Chicago; E S Ingalls,Waslasic; G D Grablll, San Francisco, J W Yough, San Francisco; J W Pitch ard, M H Tutman, city; GFIe rau, Portland; Chas D Hoffman, Cincinnati; Geo Luggarder, Walter Young, St Joe, Mo; Mike O'Nell, Denver; Jas Christopher, city; H S Young, Yankton; Herman Rid mauth, Manteno, Rls; J Jocksy, Thos Locksy, Mattoon, Ills; E A Murray, Texas; W P King, Chi cago; H Amson, Lincoln; Jacob Schuster, Joseph Moran, jr, West Uem; J H Gasser, Greate; P T Hughes S-Mand; Mrs A E Cum mings, 'saU Lake; ? C 1olan Toano, Nev; J Silver, Dubuqu-1.' Sandy ii Himself Again. George Melville, alias Sandy, no toriously known in Omaha and the West, has escaped the halter. He was to have been tried In Colorado on the charge of murder, but as no witnesses could be found to be brought against him at the trial, he was accordingly discharged. He was interviewed at Cheyenne the J other da' by Mr. McNamara, who reports him to have been feeling ju bilant over the failure of that pros pective necktie sociable. Sandy is ambitious and wants to rise in life, but he don't wan't to do It In that way. An 3g-Bt Pst. Fred Hirst, manager of the up per Farnham street Atlantic & Pacific telegraph office, received by express a day or two ago, from some unknown purson, a box, containing &u elegant pet, namely, a bull snake, six feet and two inches long. One side of the box is glass so that the reptile can be easily seen. When the reptile Is stirred up, it makes a noise like a buzz saw, and cracks Its head on the glass. It Is an elephant on Hirst's hands, and he Is Milling to present it to any body who will take it away. If he wants to get up a circus, it Is suggested to him that he turn it loose on the sidewalk. First X. E. Siu-day Scnool. The teachers of the First M. E. Sunday School Friday evening elect ed the following officers for the ensu ing year : Superintendent, Samuel Burns; Assistant Superintendents, T. B. Lemon and C. L. Garrison ; Secre tary! L W Arnold ; Treasurer, C. L. Garrison. This Sunday School has just closed a very pleasant and prosper ous year the eighteenth year of Its organization. It has 32 efficient of ficers and teachers, and 319 scholars, and has no Indebtedness, with a balance of S20C in the treasury. State Sunday School Convention. This week, the 9th, 10th and 11th insts., the Annual State Sun day Schol Convention will be held at Nebraska City. A large number of delegates will go from Omaha. The railroad fare has been reduced to the usual standard one fare and a fifth for the round trip. It Is an ticipated that the coming conven tion TT 'U be superior to any previous-' ly held in the 3tafe. Han Off the Track. Saturday morning about half-past 8 o'clock, the dummy train, while at Spoon Iake, ran off the track ow ing to the switch not having been set correctly. The engine and one car were ditched, causing a delay of nearly two hours to the transfer train from the east. There was no damage done. FOR SALE! A Jackson's Burlington 8,000 pound scale, at a bargain. Union Coal &. Mining Co. june6t3 Wanted. A good servant girl to go to Ogalalla station, on the U. P. Road ; wages $6 to $8. Apply to Whitney, Bauserman k Co., 247 Douglas street. juneGtl Ouk SNOW FLAKE FLOUR will beat St Louis or California in qual ity, ana in pbice oeing $l.K) per sack leas. Litzxe & Wh-Uahs. Jiine5f3 MONTE ON THE RAIL The Gambler. Operating on the Chicago and Sock Island Railway. Since the three-card monte men have been driven out of town, they have sought other fields where they can commit their depredations on the pocket-books of the unwary and unsophisticated traveler. A portion of the Omaha gang seems to have captured, as it were, the Chicago and Rock Island railway, and are now bolcly operating on both ends of the line, without any interference on the part of the rail road officials or employes, who must be aware of this deplorable state of affairs. If they are not, they ought to be, if they are not deaf and blind. Hardly a day passes but what one or more travelers land in Omaha dead-broke, having been robbed out of their money by these birds of prey on this railroad. Friday there arrived he:e three men who had been taken In and done for. One man, who was en route to California, had to sell his through ticket to the Uniqn Pacific general ticket agent, Mr. Kimball, and return home, almost heart-broken over the affair. Another man, who was on his way to Denver, was obliged to do the the same thine and abandon his trio to the west; while the third victim of yesterday's monte trans actions, found himself entirely strapped. He was coming to this State to invest his few hundreds In land, upon which to settle, but now he will have to give up all hopes for some time to come of acquiring a home in Nebraska. The question is, how long will this business be allowed to continue on the Chicago fc Rock Island rail road? Are its passengers not enti-' tied to a reasonable protection from these sharpers? If the officers of the company wish to guard the interests of their road, and to keep it in favor with the traveling public, they must immediately drive these mon te cappers and throwers oft" their line. CouimunicateJ.J Mr. Wright Writes to Make Himself Bight. SAnATOOA, June 0. Editor Omaha Bke: In your Issue of the 5th there ap pears an article with this caption : "The Worst Government," wherein Mr. Bechtel, the author, makes me use the following language while speaking at Waterloo last Saturday evening: "The American Govern ment la ue wor8t government the sun of heaven fv shone upon." The gentleman mlsconsJ'110" en" tirely the spirit of my remark, which was to this effect : "That the American Government as conduct ed to-day exhibits the worst picture of self-srovernment that the sun of Heaven ever shone upon ; that we are ruled not by laws of the people's making, but by those dictated to us us by purse-proud cromorants who, having made themselves rich at the expense of the public are not satisfied, but now are crying, "Give slaves, Give!" Far be it from me to even by a thought attempt to tarnish in the slightest way, the glorious escutcheon of our system of Republican Government. No, I am too thoroughly an American, but it is time for all true men, and especially young men of our coun try, to prepare themselves for the mighty struggle that is coming. Let them be up and working rather than be lulled asleep by the delusive tale preached to them by antiquated theorists, that better times are com ing. The gentleman gives me some good advice, for which I thank him ; I always listen to advice. Again, he seemed to wish for the opportunity of a discussion. He is on the right track; he has I know, Ihe sound doctrine in his heart, else he wouli never have been awakened by any remark I might have made. Now instead of discussion, which is impossible, as there are not two sides to the ques tion, let me here tender to him the use of my school-room, for any eve ning during the next four weeks, he may designate to speak upon the subject, and I will insure him a good house, and plenty of co-operation. Hoping that he will accept the invitation, and satisfy a desire, which, as a teacher, an American, and brother co-operative, he must feel to be his duty in the premises, and that we may hear from him again, not through the press, but from the rostrum, his proper sphere. I remain with respect, his obedient servant, W, Wright. Deserters Arrested. Constable Simpson and Police man Thorn Saturday morning ar "rested a couple of deserters, and tak ing them to the Barracks they receiv ed the customary reward of $30 a piece for them. This would be a prc--QtaUe business if deserters were plenty. BRAN at Little & Wixliams', 261 Douglas street, and 54G 14th street. june 5-3t Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street, corner 11th street, may 7-tf. BARGAINS in all grades of BRUSSELS CARPETS, , THREE PLY CARPETS, TWO PLY CARPETS, HEMP CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, WALLPAPER. I am prepared to show a good stock of the above goods, in new and choice patterns, and NEW PRICES. Don't tall to examine my stock and prices before making your pur chases. 14th st, bet. Farnham & Douglas. junee-it The Union Hen and the Honey See VTBRXEX FOR THE TJKJS BY JOHX O. SAIE. A Union lien the story goes Loquacious, pert and self -conceited, Espied a Bee upon a rose, And thus the busy insect greeted : ' Say, wLat's the nse of such ts you, (Excuse the freedom of a neighbor !) Who gad about, and neTer do A single act of useful labor T " I've marked you well for many a day, In garden blooms and meadow-cloter ; Now here, now there, in wantop play ; From morn to night an idle rorer. WLIIe I toil and scratch at Bedfield's, My faithful nurse the best of mothers ; You Idly buzz about the fields, Without the least regard for others. " While I lay eggs or hatch them out, You seek the flowers most sweet and fragrant, AnJ, sipping honey, stroll about, i t best a gil-for-no:hin ragrant ! " " Kay," said the Bee, " you do me wrong ; I'm uef ul too ; perhaps you doubt it, BtcaiiMJ-though toiling ail day long I scom to mate a fuss about it ! " While you, with every egg that cheers Your daily task, must stop and hammer The news in other people's ears, 'Till. they are deafened with the clamor ! " Come now with me, and see my hire, And note how folks may work in quiet ; To useful arts much mere alive Than yu with all your cackling riot !" MORAL. The Port, one may plainly see Who reads this fable at his leisure, la represented by the Bee, Who joins utility to pleasure ; W bile in this self-conoeited Hen We note the Poet's silly neighbor. Who thinks the n Isy " working-men " Art doing all the useful labor ! Eeal Estate Sales for the Week Ending Jnne 5, 1874. Redick & Brigg3 to W N McCan dlish, 8 J acres In n w s w s w, 22 15 13 $5,000. Wm T Munger to James W Van Anda, e hf n e 18, 16, 1151,600. J H Nelson to Francis I Thomas, lots59 and 62 in Nelson's addition 400. J O Wilcox to Matilda Albert, lot 11, block 24, Wilcox's second Addi tion $50. F X Dellone to Charles and Mary Eliott, 48x235 feet lot 15, O'Brien's Addition $250. Eugene O'Neill to Jul ius Sch wane berg, west third lot 7, block 168, Omaha $1,200. John Magulre to J. B. Silvls ; 10 acres in nw se 10, 15 10 $150. Henry E. Jackson to J. B. Sllvis; nw sw, 10, 15 10 $500. Boggs & HLU to S. H. Wltte; 1 3, bl2, Shinn'sAdd. $500. A B and T J Holtzman to C J Chambers, house, &c, on w h lot 3, block 103 $1,200. Johnson Craig to William Ma honey, s e 6, 14, 12 $1,600. County Treasurer to T L Philo, lot 2, block 74 $6S.8. MT Shinn to J C Eldridge, lot 3, block F, Shinn's 2d addition $250. Edmund Lane to Malcolm Mc intosh, undivided hf of tract in -27, 15, 13541,80 George Jacob to O & S W R R Co; right of way through lib 245 $150. Wm Grady to Miehael Conaly 1 107, Nelson's Add $500. JB Cryer to A S Paddock; s half 24 16, 0, 3.20 A $3800. Programme of the Grand Tour nament by the Sports men's Clubr A grand shooting tournament under the auspices of tho Omaha Sportsmen's Club, will be held at the Driving Park, on Thursday and Friday, June 18th aud 19th. Capt. A. H. Bogardus, champion shot of America, and Mr. John H. Klein man, of Chicago, one of the most noted sports of the west, and other prominent sportsmen from abroad, will be present and shoot each day during the tournament. MATCHES. Thursday, June 18. Handicap match, 10 single rises, entrance $5 First prize, 60 per cent of purse ; second prize, 30 per cent.; third prize 10 per cent. Sweepstakes match Ten single and five double rises, entrance $10 open to all. First prize, 60 per cent, of purse; second, 30 per cent; third, 10 per cent Friday, June 19th, Sweepstakes match Ten double rises, entrance $10 ; open to all. First prize, 60 per cent of purse ; second, 30 per cent; third, 10 per cent Sweepstakes match Twenty-five double rises, entrance $15 ; open to all, the club to add $75. First prize, 60 jer cent, of purse ; second, 30 per ueiu.; tuiru iv per cent. In all the above matches the en trance fees will constitute the purse. Thirty per cent will be deducted from all prizes won, to paj' the act ual cost of birds. All matches to be fchot with common sporting guns, not to exceed in size of bore Ao. 10 gauge. All matches to be shot ac cording to the rules of the New York State Sportsmen's Association, ex cepting the charge of shot which will be limited to 1J ounces. Shooting will commence promptly at 1 p. m. each day. Entries in the above matches will be made at the office ofW. H. S. Hughes, Secre tary of the Omaha Sportsmen's Club, and In all cases must be ac conjpanjed by the entrance fee. Entries for each day will close at 8 p. m., tho day previous. Admis sion 50 cents. Vehicles admitted free. Committee of arrangements : G. A. Hoaoulnd, B. E. B. Kennedy, W. H. S. Hcqhes. ! 11 COUNTY COMMISSIdric.. Saturday, Juno 6. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment Present Cgmmlssioner Mc Ardle and Redfiehl. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Dr. McClelland, county physician, reported 20 paupers remaining in thepoorhou.se. The following accounts were al lowed: Wm. McClelland, salary as phvsi dan, $40.00 Pundt, Meyer & Raapke, goods for the poor house $48.24. James Bonner, beef for the poor uuuse io.uy. Anna Severeln, work at house, $12. poor J.J. Brown & Bro., goods for poor $16.55. Andrew Murphy, bkcksmithlng, $3.25. P. N. Deerson, building bridges, W. J. Young & Co., lumber, $32.86. . ' John T. Edgar, spikes, $6.00. Jdjourned to June 13th, 1874. Lewis S. Reed, County Clerk, DOUGLAS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. Eon. Q. B. Lake, Judge. Omaha, June 5. The trial of the case of Kimball vs City of Omaha, was resumed, and after occupying most of the day, at the conclusion of the testimony on the part of the plaintiff, a non suit was granted and the jury dis charged. Padan et al vs Edgar. Leave to amend petition within ten days. U P R R Co vs Kane. Leave to answer in ten days. In the matter of the estate of Enos Williams. Stricken from the docket Garde vs O & N W R R Co. Dis missed. Abney vs Manning et al. Dis missed. Spaun vs Kennedy et al. Leave to answer in ten days. McCormick vs Wood ; jury trial. Verdict in favor of plaintiff for $1,326.32. Adjourned until 9 o'clock in the morning. The Grand Jury came .in this morning and reported a number of Indictments, which cannot yet be made public, as they have not been arrested. They also reported that they had visited the jail and found it cleanly and well kept, so far as came under their observation; the discipline ap peared to be good. "Your jurors, however, feel it incumbent on them to say, that the prison accommoda tions are not sufficiently entensive to meet the requirements of this county, and further that a basement prison, even under fav orable circumstances, is not a proper and suitable place of de tention for persons charged with crime, and certainly not for such as are detained as witnesses. The basement under the court house is old, decayed, badly venti lated, and in the opinion of the grand jury, unfit and unsafe for the confinement of criminals. If it is within our province to do so, we respectfully recommend to the County Commissioners the early construction of a county prison, ad equate to the necessities of Douglas County, and on a plan in accord ance with the times, as to ventila latlon, sanitary regulations, and the physical necessities of its inmates. Respectfully submitted, War. A. Gwyer, Foreman. The jury was then discharged. The finest broadcloth, all colors and shades, to be fouud at un3tf J. H. Stein's. FOR SALE. At a bargain, one of Gale's cele brated Peanut roasters. Also one Lung Tester. Enquire at Merrltt's Restaurant j43t 0 -w. No liquors, but lemonade, seltzer and soda water, elder and splendid ice cream, etc., to be had at the Fbencii Coffee House, 485 12th street Separate room for ladies. msy30tewtf The Latest Goods to be had is at . J. H. Stein's. may26-eod-tf. For soda and mineral water, Pe ruvian beer and ginger ale,patronize the "Statue," the costliest and most magnificent soda apparatus ever constructed anflnow running in full blast at Isii's Farnhani street drug store dispensing tfyemost delicious and cooljng drinks in the city. May 15, eod 2m, Now is the accepted time to buy goods at rates to suit the times, for cash at J, H. Stein. maySGeodtf NOTICE TO MILLERS. Two millers just arrived from the East want situations either in mer chant or custom flouring mills. Are No. 1 workmen, Address imme diately, Miller, j5 It Southern Hotel, Omaha. JUST RECEIVED. A carload of Flour, Snow Flake, and Wellsville Mills, manufactured in Schuyler; also Graham Flour and Bran, of the Snow Flake Brand, which we Mill guarantee as equal to any flour sold In this market. Greatly reduced rates. un3-3t Little & Williams. Piano for sale cueap at 236 Cap tol Avenue. je3 wl Vegetable Market at Brun ner's. june2-10t Dyeing, cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St.,bet Farnham and Douglas. apr28t f. "Gilt Edge" the Valley.'' Flour made. and "Cream of Best brands of may23-lin. REMOVAL NOTICE. Henry Loughlin, pawnbroker, has removed his place of business to 151 Farnham street, one block west of the old stand, between 10th and 11th streetSj south side, second door from corner of Tepth street junel-6t Ior Sale Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street Enquire of V. BERKLEY. apr 11-tf Fjbutt Market at Brunner's. June 2 lOt JUST RECEIVED. J. H. Stein has just received the finest lot or Marsallles Vesting ever brought to this city. je3 tf The GREATEST VARIETY. OF CHOICE TEAS in the city at JNO. S. JOHNSON & CO., 260 Dodge street. AliLVAlUETIESof THOSE CELEBRATED, PERFECTLY TJNCOLORED TEAS!!! june3-5t First arrival at Tizzard's. of California fruits junel-tf Type Fox Sale! A Font of Bourgeois Type, of which this is a sample, weighing 600 lbs. This type tuu been in use oa the Daily Bee leaa than one year, and is nearly as good as new. For term. c., addreM E. EoHEWATEB, , iuy22t Publisher of the Bee. IHMESfSE STOCK THOUSAND PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES! To be Sold at Prices thatlHave Hever Been Equalled in Omaha. Stock Must be Closed by July 1st, at Cost or no Cost. Out Look at these Prices Men's calf boots, our own make,. $4 50 Former price, 7 50 Men'n calf congress, 3 75 Men's calf congress, best eastern make, 1 90 Men's kip shoes, 1 25 Ladles' cloth boots, Fcary's make, best In this country from 1 65 to 2 25 Best Philadelphia made ladles boot from 2 10 to 3 00 Splendid .misses' cloth boots, 1 00 Also, a full line of children1 s shoes at prices thai are bound to sell them. This is not slop work, but our reg ular slock, manufactured for our custom trade, and every pair war ranted. Call soon and secure bargains at Weuku & Behm's, Corner Douglas and Thirteenth. je3 56 SPECIAL, NOTICES. NOTICE. AdTertUementa of To lit, For Sale, tort, Wants, Found, Boarding, Ac, will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line; each subsequent insertion, FIVE CEFiS per line. The fiist Insertion neTer less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS," iT ANTEDA good girl. VY BALLOU'S, South . . Apply at O. II. Aveuue, near the jcS3t Hospital. WANTED A competent girl, to do general house-work; none others nted apply. Call at J. GISU'S, Farnham street. Ie6 4t THO RENT A furnished room ; withorwith JL out board ; room suitable for gentleman aod wife, or two single gemleiuc-. Inquire at 161 Jackson street. jefitf WANTED Girl to do general house-work. Inquire 335 Douglas street. j Clf WANTED Employment by a young man of good education, sober and Industrious habits. Uood references furnished. Address A. II. P., this office. Je5 6t. FOIl SALE A light three spring express wagon; nearly new. JeSCt SIMPSON'S CAKIUAGE FACTORY. GREAT BARGAINS-10,000 acres unim proved land in Donglas.Sarpy, Saunders and Cuinming Counties, Nebraska; also, improved farms, aud business property, residence lots and houses and lots all over the city. Apply to JOHN M. CLARKE, Real Estate Agent. OlHce: South side Farnham, bet. 11th A 12th. je5 2t FOR SALE A hrst-class milch cow. Apply to REV. JAMES PATTERSON, jc43t Brownell Hall. TO RENT Furnished room ; with board. 231 Capital Avenue, ccrner 16th street. je4 3t D AY?BOARDERS can lie accommodated at SUSS. DELA WARE'S. S. W. corner 11th and Harney streets. je lit" FOR RENT A small house of three rooms, with kitchen, closets, cellar, well, and cistern ; situated on Cass, lietween 13th and 14th streets. Inquire at 153 Davenport, be tween 10th and 11th sttccts. je3 3t HOU.-E WANTED To rent, not above SJ5 per month; reasonable distance from Lock bor 531, City. j-Ct WANTED Two good farm hands want a situation upon a farm no) t o far from Omaha Apply immediately at the Bee f- nee, luay 29 FOR SALE 160 acres of land, being the NE JiotseclS.in township 13, N of It 4 K. in the SE part of Buttler county, 30 miles North west of Lincoln. A well improved farm adjoins Hon the west, and country all mound ii is thickly settled.- Will sell for $500, one half down, balance in one year, or S3 CO per acre in cash, or will trade for city property. Apply to my21tl ANDREW HOafclVAlKR. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, and several vacant lots, and farm lands lor salo aUo houses and offices to rent cheap, to good tenants. 'Apply toJQi E. Kkixey, Attorney al Law, at French A. McKoon's office, RoomNo. 3, Creightoh block. mrlStf EBOST PARLOR FOR REST-Apply 277 Davenport t bet 15th and ICth sts. myl6U TP, THE PUBLIC The undersized has Purchased and nut nnnn th iti-nat. .. public conveyances, some of the finest earriire eiermanufact-red in this country. They will be run toandlrom the depots, hotels and private residences. All orde a leftat the Metropolitan Hotel, or at tho stable, near s e cor of Eleventh st and Capital Avenue, will be promptly at tended to. A share cf the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JOHN E. BULL. niyl3tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB CITY PROPERTY One section choice land, on the big bend of the Republican River. Nuckols County. Inquire of A. MINSKI. myl4-ml Cornarneyand 15th ts. WAN TED Servant girls, carpenters, farm hands, laborers, etc., irainrdiately, at the employment offlce.room 9 Vlsscher'sblock. FOR SALE. I will sell good second hand caniages and buggies low for cash or trado, as I wish to replaco them with new ones. "j6tf G. W.Hojca-V. FOR SALE A Singer sowing machine, new. Inquire of Max Meyer A Bro. ap27tf FIR SALE One set rrlor furniture ; also a piano. Inquire of Max Meyer A Bro. ap27tf WANTED A cneap iariu in ezenange for merchandise. Address, Farmer. B.x office. apilt FOR SALE OR KENT Ao. 354 Chicago st Apply to HARRIS, TAFT A WOODMAN, ap21 - Oil Mill. FOR SALE OR REST A farm of 123 acres with house and barn, situated one half mile west of the Barracks; inquire of mchlCU D. V. REDMOND. L. W00DW0RTH, 238 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. WACOIT Wood Stock, oLiiya.3-:i3 WAGON HAKPWAKE, Patent VThnb, Finistei Guiing-, &c Axles, Sprigs and Thimble Skeins, HARDWOOD LUMBER, i TCiiorotieg Carriages, Hacks -- 4iw Sttxilebaeker AVagoa Depot, mchGU KOTICKTO TAX-PAYERS. The CUT Council will be in union T,.J of Equaliiation at the Council Chamber In the City of Omaha, on Tuesday, WeJnesday and Thursday, the 9th, 10th and 11th days of June Inst., from the hours of 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 1p.m. to 4 p.m. of each day, for the purpose of equaliilni the City Assessment a"nd correcUcg any and aU errors comp'alned ol In the City Assessment; and all persons Interested are hereby noUfied to app ar then and there with their complaints. If any, In writing, as this la the last opportunity provided by Cltr Charter for snch corrections. ' By Order of the City Council: n r. T TTTT rnr Jei5U v. ,uAirf , City Clerk. 9 Legal Xoilce. i mo MARY E. BEACH, NOX-BE3TDEST. I defendant: You will tik notl ... George E. Beach, of the State of Nebraska. did ' on the 7lta day of May, A. V. 187J, flUhlTpe-l -.-- ... .-- , i.vuui.iu fuuguu county, B.eb?i, Stitut Tn. the object and prayer Of which la la orator - a m r.1 A l-n- ' You are therefore require-! to appear and as f rweraaid petition on or before the M dayol .juae.a. jlmu4. UEOBQE--BEC-L y . a. be-uc j. a. SH-orawc, Sated May 8th. a. D. 1874. ENOCH HENNEY, Justice of the Peace . Office OTer tho State Bank, corner cf Farn him and 13th streets. je 1 California House. FEITZ HAFHEB, Prop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street, corner 11th, Onuha, Nebraska. Board bjr the daj- or week. June 1, yl STATEMENT OF THE German American Insur.Co. OF THE CITY ox ajaraEitKr "srcE.:. JANUARY 1st, 1S74. Capital, $1,000,000.00. ASSETS. United States iBonds, (market value).......... . Loans secured by United States and New York State Bonds - MJ New York City 7 per cent Bonds Cash in bands of Agents, and in course of transmission Premiums due on Policies, New York office....... .. Cash itf Bank 5S31.S00 00 511,000 00 40,000 CM 73,305 25 17.16C 73 1CU:6 W 9,121 50 $i,650,aon7 Cash in omoe................ LIABILITIES. Losses unadjusted, but not due...... and adjusted 47,573 09 Sl,G03,2-3 33 FRENCH A McKOON, Agents. el Ct. NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE iCOM'Y OF BARTFORD, CONN. Statement December 31s, 1873. CASH CAPITAL, - $500,000 00 TOTAL ASSETS, - $831,850 2S SCHEDULE OF ASSETS. Cash in Hartford National Bank, 5 S3 039 34 Cash In Charter Oak National Bank. 39,610 16 Cash In Company's office..... 787 73 Cash in hands of Agents and in courts of transmission.... 33,000 00 Bonds and Mortgages 1-3,120 00 300 shares New York, New Haven and Hartford R. K. Co 36,600 X 100 shares Pittsburg, Fort Wayne Chicago R R. Co 9,000 00 100 shares New York Central end Hudson River It R Co 9,800 00 100 shares Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R K Co 7,600 00 1833 shares National Bank Stock 227,265 00 Bills Receivable secured by Mortga Res and Trust Deeds ......... 200,500 00 Bills Receivable secured by Stocks and Bonds . 23,323 00 Interest accrued on bills receivable 7,362 50 Interest an I Dividends onltonds and stocks not included above in Mar ket Value . 5,792 50 Total lAssets, . S831.S30 23 LIABILITIES. Fire losses Outstanding 522,-M 9 STATE OF NEBRASKA, I Auditor's Dei-aeth't. j It is hereby certified that the National Fire Insurance Company ot Hartford, Conn., has complied with the Insurance law of this State, and is authorized to transact the business oi Fire Insurance in this State fur the enrrent year. Witness my liand and seal of office L. S. at Lincoln, Neb., this 31st day of Janury, 1374. J. B. WESTON, Auditor of State. C.H. WILLARD, Deputy. Je 1 6t FRrlN CH A McKOON, Agents. INCORPORATED M'RCH27, 1820 Fire Association! OF PHILADELPHIA. Th'soldand rel'aMo Insurance company con, tinues to insure against loss by fire. fiUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ANlt MER CHANDIZE GENERALL Y. AH losess sustained by the association since its organization h-T becjj promptly paid, and a)nnt to $971,466.20. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1374. Bonds and Mortgages J1.591 273 86 Ground Rents.. 24.C47 49 Real Estate, Office, No. 34 North Fifth Street .. United States llegutered Bonis....; Loan of the City of Philadalphla. Warrants of the City of Loan of the State of Pennsylvania Loan of the City ol Pittsburg, 7 tier cent .. 1000 shares of Stock of Peansylvc- n2a Kailro.d Company .., Pennsylvania Railruad Strip... Lehigh Y-"ey I-Hroad Bonds, 7 per cent .'.". .......... Loan of MasonicTeuple, 70.. 331 shares of Stock of Fire As.oci- 53,920 70 237,500 00 203,500 00 44,897 27 42,472 00 25,000 00 43,060 00 2,350 00 10,400 00 10,000 00 5.7,245 00 3,128 20 81,563 17 116,745 74 ation.., Interest Accrued and Unpild Netl Premiums Due by Agei.ts.ia etl Premiums Transmission., x ran3i"sion.......... Cash in Bank, January 1, 1871... Market Value .$2,601,6.73 43 STATE OF NEBRASKA, I Auditor's Depaktm't. Ills hereby eertlfleJ that the Fire Asocia tlon of 1'hlUiel hla, has trn plied with the Insur-nco law f thU Slate, and Is authorized to transact he busings of.F.re Inaurance in this State for the nirrent year. Wltubss ujy hand and seal of office L. S.J at l.tiirrln, NVb:aka, thisioth day 0fJIarch,ls74. J. B. WESTON, , ..... T Auditor ot State. fc. II. WILLARD, Deputy. !el-0t FRENCH & McKOON, Agents. EBERHART ' the RI-STGtdeil" ,x BABY BUGGIES! Is SOLE AGENT in Nebraska for 4 of the Lest Makers. My prices are awa below ! these small dealers, have 300 In stock, and WILL NOT be undersold! Make no mistake'. see the "BAZAR" before buying, or write for prices. You save dollars by so doing. Sec the new 1 BOSTON CANOPY TOP!" Which makes 5 styles of a buggy. Large or small orders filled 'at 'FAC TORY PRICES ! for ea-li. I pake a " specially of filling rebil orders lor a single buggy. IB X .R, 3D.S r ' Imported' (all Unds) wioIesaIe" and retail, a13eod2m nR. A. S. BILLINGS, DENTIST, S84 Farnliaxn St.. v Bet. 12th and 14th, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain, by use of Ul trous Oxide (la -VO&ce open atall hour eU JOHN H. GBEEN, STATE MILLS DEALEB IN 6-UIN, FLOUB ISO FEED, COMMISSION MERCHANT ELLTiNrOIS HOUSE. B"--ratlxa.i. Srcot Between 9th and 10th. CDAatLES FB-OER-CAH, Prop. BchUU HjriHHjKsBiL tS MR. JOHN RATH IS -O.N- OCEAN J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERY Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. om:je3:a., tijb, my8-ly STEELE fc JOHNSON, Wholesale Grocers, SIMPSOHTJ BLOCK 538 and 540 rourtnth. Street. BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE inchl3y MORGAN fc GALLAGER. -SUCCESSORS TO CREIGHTON AND MORGAN- WHOLESALE GROCERS, Xo. 205 Farnliam Street OMAHA, - 1n1S.lt. aprSdly WHITNEY, BAUSERMAN fe CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street, 0-Jvr.A., - - mch27yi AfJKMTS FOB THE DUPOST Kurtz IfloHRcS. (Jo JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTTO-iS. 231 Farnh.am Street. Q-1VCA..EEE-A. - - JSTIEIB. J. J. BROWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS EST STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, and myS-lT JOHN T. EBG4R, JOBBER OF Shelf ? Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, TIIKI-SIIERS. HARVKSTKRN, KKaI'ERb MOWERS DRILlT arrrTi?-. 246 Douglas St., Omaha. Webraeka. GEO. A. HOAGLAND, Wholesale Lumber OFFICE COR. OF D0U6LIS AND 8THST&, UJ R. R. TRACK. om:a.-1:a aolltf ROBERT OEALER IX Faints, Oils, Varnishes, BRUSHES, LAMP GOODS ETC. 257 Douglas Street inch!8IlT HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars, ctcbo. i! Old Kentucky Whiskies aad Jmported.iJoMii Spt full j. A.. E3. S I .MI .P S O N. -JfANUFACTUBEH AND WHQLESlAWr- DEALER IN CIGAKS. 532 .FI-PTEElfTTH: ST., 0-R.-3XCa---C,r--r BZiOO-C. pp4 SOMEB and FUOCS ZZT iraSRASZA The Burllnjton au.l M-nauri P.Wer Railroad Co., oSira best las i at low price on 10 yj credit at 6 per wnt. Interest, an.l wl ha tonus premium of SOpereeaU on the amount ol IM purchase, II half the lani Is eultlrateJ, within two jnxn from date of purchase. LARGE DEDUCIONS FOB CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, :Loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys The B. A M. B. It. Co. will !1 about onfinaotoMvnt ana.wrIeaUural.Tan I In a well watered count ry.'.-t Horn JIN to$7.0Operacreou lon credit. South of , .., une h1 fo' the best land la NebraiA,lntereetlbr numerous rlTeia &-ib-t ?JE ?riHn2l aVl In the largest and best dereloped part of the Stat-, as; ala U th So-spubUcS.vX. ForcIrcuU.nlfuUlforatI.B .pplj to C. B. SCIULLEE, Aeent B. k If i2?ce, v Cor erxiaU sad tarmkam Stfc, tatta. Or UMrAl La4 tefrtt, TlM.l,fee HATH eft -t-CTSlN'. WHOLESALE DEALEBS IN U. KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS! AND DEALERS IN Pipes, Tobaccos, Sto. The atten ion of dealers U railed to the fact that we arepreparedto LABEL our goods wl.fc their NAMES as manuf.ctneI expressly for them. May 27-dim. - -TE3B. tFE3B POWDER CO. Boots and Shoes. AND- e AND YARD- N"EJB, C. STEELE he Platte rlTera A 1j v.; an,wt-.sat. ato-EWer. z- - ,- . ---.-VC" Vv,