Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1874, Image 1
u ,"" T'..t .' " .i.wsvjauT -s . "if .w f-- ft.t CSgBWHiSaHPBBBBfaafry-- '' ifcNiti I, --airii mil t"- - - rvfjfiri'T VTimwniiiMifiirirrTifljinir-1 ;in ', fcif--"-TP AC :'vr THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. - ,. .4t V 5M- OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING-. JUNE 8, 1874. vol. m. NCV298. j' .-i'. -. .-., - ., .. . TT ., - " . j) wi"n ' JrMmiaflRl-32'Ta5iag! t -v J t 1 THE DAILY BEE. EDWARD K05EWATER, Editor and Prop'r Oac-9fo. 138 runkui street, toetw. Ninth ad Teath. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, one year. In dtjnee- W.00 " six monthi. In adTance 4 " three menths in adTance -. auj teril not p2d In adranee, $8 per annum will .'colleted. FREDERICK, LEADING HATTER! Best Goods, Farx-hamSt 0a2g$ti&J OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CRACKER MAHUFACrOBY. -UrcOureA Smith. 185 Haruey street. bet. 1J 11th and 12th. declstf QLA83 AST) PICTURE FaMTS. T Reiuhart, ISC DouUs street, dealer In J .window glaas and picture frames, tHazing done to order. " B00T3 A17D SHOES. Philip Lang, 153 Farnham st. Utween 10th and 115b. lebl9yl COHFECTIUHEJIY. HL Latey, corner 12th and Douglas streets, m nufeturer and wholesale dealer in cand'ea and confectionery. Country trade so lieeted. PW COAL DEALBB8. Fland A Elliot, coal, litoe, cement hair, etc., 131 Farnham St. feblSm 3 DRUGGIST?. J A. Itoder, druggist, corner 12th and Har . neysu FAWH BROKER. - j" Elgutter, No. 200 Farnham it. 117tf LAUNDRY. 1 new laundry opened at 511 Hth st., t- A. Farnham and Douglas. 'I he washing and Ironing will be done to order, first class wurk PATHTEES. Lehman A Beard, houe and sign painters, i 10th st. bit. Fsrnhani and Ilaruey. a2Stf 80AP FA0T0BT. Premium Soap Work;, rowel' A Co, sjill manufacture their Pieuituro Soap, hire first premiums awarded by the Ppugla county and State lairs, and Pottawattamie couuty, la. Orders solicitid from the trade. AllOBHEl'3. E. ESTABRODK. w. M. FRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Creishton Block, Omaha, Neb. mchjltl DEXTER L. THOMAS, Atloraej anil Counselor at Law. 0FFI0E Boom Bo Ylxaer'i Block, OMAHA - - NEB. JOHN W. LYTLE, MtorHeyftt-Law and Solicitor Ih Eqnitj. 0FFI0b-0Tr First Iitioul Basic, mal-tf PARKE GODWIN, Attorney at Law. (Campbell's Bkek,) 6091-2 THIBTEES'TH 8TBBET. OMAHA 126 lm . . A. BALDWIN. GEO. . O'BKICX. B ALB WIS O'BRIESr. ATTOKNEYS LAW Office Caldwell Block, Douglas Street, OUAHA, - - - - JJEBBASKA. ta-.ta JOHN C. CO WIN, .-ttox-n.o:?', Bolloitor AND COUNSELOR. OFFICE CREIQirrON'8 BLOCK, OMAHA, KEBBASKA. marfttf T. W. T. Kicliards, Attorney at Law, OMce 510 13th St, bet. Farakam aid Doaglas, 0rh&, Neb. F 0. Box 80 ugim O. H. BALLO ED. B.;G LASGO W. Ballou& Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Office n Creightou's new block, southeast cor room, floor. OMAHA KEB. SAVAGE 6l MANDERSOh, Attorneys at Law, 22 FABNHAM STBEAT. Jans w. sx'aok, r yrnDtii"! Omaha, Nebraska. N.J.BURNHAM. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 200 Farm ham Street Q1IA.HA. ; -"" NEB. J, S, SHROPSHIRE, Attorney- at JXaw Room 9, Visscher'a Block, QMAHA, - - KERB. J. a. sracn. au, m. rarrcHirr SPAUN & PRITCHETT, Attonera iad Ceuaseters at Law. Oflce, 506 Twelfth Street. . LneV Hot 4fta. Oioaha. Neh. G. W. AMBROSE, Attprnoy - m.X - Xj. (pc REIUCK'S OPERA HOUSE ox A HA tf KB. rU JOBS K. KkXLKT, Attorney 1 Counselor at Law COLLECTIONS SOLICITED AND PBOMPT Ij attended to. No charge unless collec tions are made. House to let and rents col ected. Beal estate bought and told. apl'tf W- J. CONNII&L, Oounaellor tt AND ftrkt Attener for Seetai Jai- IclAl DUtrlct. OFICE-Soath aide ol Farnhaai, betvaen IMk Mi 1 ISUt $Un OtBA OMM. fVxB As now JetT. Davis is coming home to die. He started" from Liv erpool by Friday's steamer. Positively the last night at the revival tent. Come on, ye wicked sinners and bring all your loose change, if you want salvation. As soon as Mrs. Van Cott gets to Sacramento Tennie C. Claflin will start for Omaha. The California stock speculation did not pan. The noblest charity Mr. J. M. Pattee could bestow on Omaha would be to either tear down or re constnlct that dilapidated old Opera Houe. Jin. Bangs, Superintendent of the Postal Railway Service, is bang ing away at the railroads that carry the mails, but the Bee imagines that his guns are loaded Mith blank cartridges. TnE Herald expresses its fears that Doctor Johnson, National Pres ident of the Protectors of Tndustry, is wandering after strange gods. The Bee inclines to the opinion that his wanderings are directed over the macijamized road toward the coming capital of Nebraska. Ax Omaha reporter has inter viewed a hunter who has killed 310 Indians. The hunter was sick one month last year or he would have killed all the others. Detroit Free Press. The Bee would suggest that this brave sportsman be promoted to a position on the Governor's Mili tary Staff. An indiscriminate slaughter in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street Fine linen and chevoit shirts of our own make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tickets bought and sold by P. Gotthchner. Broker, at 290 Farnham street. Unredeemed Hedges for Sate. maj'20 ly Hamlet Orum, 9th street between Jones and Ieaven worth sts , OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. K1 EErSTHE MOST COMPLETE ASSORT met of Ladies and Cents' straw hats, trim med anil untriuimeil. Parasols. I'luut-s, Mar seilles. Nainsook and ail kinds of liry Uoods, Ladies' and Gent Bo.-K etc. My line tif Dry Uoods is Complete Selling only tor CASH, I am able to UNDfc'KSELL any other I'ealerin the City Our I'EICES are LO WEUtlian ever heard ot beiure. rayl4-3m-jl CAHRIAOK, BUGOY add WAG03 .MAXUFACTDKEU. N. E. CORNER of 14th and HAUSE1 STS, WOULD respectfully annoncc? to the pul lic that he is now ready to fill all con tracts in the aborc lines with iesttuess and dispatch. SExpres3 wagons constantly on hand and or axle. XTew Meat Marlret. Sl'ACLDI G & JOORDAJI. 14th St. BeU Farnham fid Harney, mebl5-2ui Oppo ite the Grand Central MB8. J. K.VASDKUCOIIK Eclectic Physician Residence and office 250 Dolge st bet 14th and 15th its. Special attention paid to gtatetrici and dis eases peculiar to women and chiidreu. f9tf. juus isAumen, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Paranam , OlIAHA r ,8.UOor.llthSt. NEB C. 7. 2A2A&XTXT, TAIIiOn, 171 Cor. Karuhau and eleventh Sta. All kinds of TAILORING, deanlnc and re pairing done at reasonable rates. A fine lot of FUUNbniNQ GOODS constanUy on band and sold cheap. -teeanf STODUARD Ss. HUMLslVT, Market Gardners I ALL KIND3 OF plants, for sa!e. VEGETABLES AND Orders addressed to us at our garden Cor. 2 1st aud Pa pi Streets WUI receitre prompt attention. apl5di)m t.a.i:l.o:r,, JSlh St., bet Farnham and Harney. AU kinds of TAILORING, CLEANING and BEPA1KINU doue at reasonable rates aprtKU JAS. H, MTITTIF, "-vVHoleSaLS J)2.ALEk;iN Clarified O'der. . 135 and ISO Faraaam Street. VAN pORfl'S MACHINE AU kipds of light and hearj MACHINERY MADE & REPAIRED. V&AU Work Guaranteed.- 28 HAMTET 8TREET, - OMAHA. aeitl JACOB GXS2, Ml Faraknai 8U Bet. MUi t istlt UNDERTAKER "WILLIAM SEXATJER. 223 Faraliam Street, PMia,F.b WHOLniiE AJCD KETAtl. DEAtXBTX FCWI1TURB, BEDDING. ETC. F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, 1KB CARRIAGE TRIMMER, H . 27 Fatnkmm . feet. lStli 4k 16tk. a IX orders an 1 repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction ruarrac: P LIB iNUU iUi MIMW. wrt VERY LATEST. Sunday Night's Dispatches. Bpiclallj- Baportsd for til Omaha Daily Baa, br ths Atantlc Faciflo TleTtph Oo. New York, June". A special dispatch to the World says the interference of the Presi dent in the pending financial legis lation is known in support of the reciprocity treaty, and his opposi tion to the civil rights bill is con firmed, as the former is by his letter to Senator Jones. It has caused a demoralizing feeling among Repub licans, and nothing else is talked of. The President has been accused of intending to break up the Republi can party for the purpose of forming a new one on the currency ques tion, and with divers other political movements, in order to see where the party is going to stand in its re lation to him. It has been decided to call a caucus of all the Republi can Senators and members in the Hall of the House on Monday or Tuesday next to discuss the situa tion. In the conference committee yesterday (Saturday) it was decided to go as far as possible to accommo date the President's views, and pre pare a bill that will probably pass both Houses. The President will then be placed in the opposition to give his position an official shape or another veto. Some of the Re publicans are in favor of making the issue with him on this question as prompt and decisive as possible. Another special from Washing ton says : The President's financial memorandum has produced more excitement and comment than any act of bis administration, for many months. The western inflationists are greatly exasperated, and con demn the President in unmeasured terms. They say they will never agree to any such stringent proposi tions, and they say the country may as well recognize this first as last. Some of the anti-inflationists re gard promulgation of paper at this juncture as an act whloh will only tend to create discord in the ranks of the party, and prevent any finan cial measure from becoming a law. This session's talk among Republi can congressmen Is that, in a party sense, the President has made a mistake, although the majority sub scribe to the discipline and senti ments enunciated in the memoran dum. The feeling is almost univer sal that the conference committee on the finance bill will not be able to come to any understanding, or agree on any bill which will ap proach the President's petition. An Evening Post special from Washington saj's : It is understood that there is to be a thorough over hauling of all papers In the Treas ury Department relating to the Syndicate business with the view of ascertaining into the truth of some serious charges which have been made. It is also understood that suit has been begun by silent partners of Henry Clews & Co. Jn tbe syndicate of foreign fiscal agency business, to compel them to account for profits of same, and persons who claim to be familiar with the history of the matter, say that there will be dis closures of the most startling char acter as to the means employed .to effect the bankruptcy of the Baring Bros, and appointment of Jay Cooke &. Co. and Henry Clews & Co. as TJ. S. fiscal agents abroad. Some very high officials are Ktjd to be implica ted, ana it an exposure is maue, it will be another national scandal which may eadto congressional in vestigation, Washington, June 7. lhe Board of Indian Commissi sjoners, comprising Nathan Bishop, Wm. K. IJodge, John y. FarwelJ, Geo. H. Stewart", Felix It." Brunat and Robert Campbell, have ad dressed a letter to the President re signing their otflpe. They take oo caslon to warmly commend the Indian policy pursued by the" gov ernment, although some reforms are yet needed. They regret the Secre tary of the Jnterlor does not favor the legislation making' the Inaian Bureau independent of the Interior Department. They consider this change necessary to perfect and per petuate the present Indian policy. They cannot continue jn office be cause under exjstjng laws thp over ruling of decisions of' the board by the Interior Department would ren der their work useless and second because none of them can remove to Washington" to perform thoduty. Experience has shown "that the board can hardly maintain a har monious relation with the Interior Pepartpjent, but wlien under its control sueh a board Is useless. Tkoy, N. Y., 7. About 4:30 thus morning a wind and rajn stonn struck tfte npw bridge across the Hudsbi and blew down flie "eastern" span; n Its de scent it struck 'four boats lying under It in the rver, and sink them alj. Three of tl!ft fgrg loaded Fi iron trei mofoui-r.- -tho V --n was one of win Transportation Com pany's boats, the B. Pomeroy, on board of which was one man, a woman and three children; they all escaped. AiONDon, June 7. The Pope's mandate, convoking a General Synod of Bishops at Dub lin, to consider the condition of Catholics u England, is causing great excitement in ecclesastlcal cir cles. Act Yohk, June C. Jas. D. Pattee, an ex-colonel who has been committed without ball under indictment for a diamond robberj', makes the tenth prisoner confined in the Tombs to answer for the great forgeries of the New York Central and Buffalo & Erie Railroad bonds, by which Wall street was swindled out of $1,000, 000, last summer. In the. trot at Prospect Park yes terday, during thp fog, Central Boy" oanie In coljslon with a horse ant was severely out. The collision threw the driver of "Walters" from his seat. The horse ran away and, rushing against the fence, was im paled on one of the pickets, dying soon afterward. Central Boy is be ieved to be fatally injured. .New xobk, JunoG, A rumor prevails that-Jay Gould has made an offer for the Erie rail road. Rumor says he Is supposed to have made a. bid for proxies ,to con thp election of directors, f J. C. LEE, C1BPENTEP AND N:LDBf 96 FABNHAM StXEEf; TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. It is Rumored that Gould Has Made an Offer for the Erie Railroad. The Explosion of a Boiler at Syracuse kills Two Men. It is-Intimated the President is Anxious for Measure a Looking to the Re sumption of Specie Payment. Syracuse, N. Y., June G. The explosion of a boiler this mornin, iff the Ashton salt mills at Geddes, killed two men, and wouu ded two others. New York, June 6. The announcement is made this morning that Rochefort wiU deliver no more lectures on this side of the Atlantic, although arrangements had been made for him to appearin Boston and Philadelphia. Many reasons are assigned for this sudden change of programme, but the gen eral accepted one is that failing to excite popular interest thus far there is no further need for further experi ment. The audience at the lecture last night was decidrxlly small and exceedingly appreciate. asiiingtox, June G. A number of private bills were conbiderrd yesterday in the commit tee of the whole, and were taken up and passed. The House also, on motion of Mr. Wells, passed the removing the political disabilities of Geo. S. Shyrock of St. Louis, and proceeded to the consideration of the Senate amendments to the deficien cy bill. The House by a vote of 140 yeas to SO nays passed the bill for build ing the St. Pliillits canal around the mouth of the Mississippi river. The finance connimitooe have de cided not to make any report be fore Monday. The members of the committee stato that the wish to first learn the views of the public press on the President's memoran dum. The House passed fifteen bills in five minutes this morning. All the bills reported in the committee of the whole last night were passed. The Senate amendments to the de ficiency bill were then considered. Washington, June G. It Is intimated by certain officials wlio have the ear of the President on the financial question, that he was so anxious for some measure looking to the resumption of specie wth'ln his 'term of office, and so disgusted with the obstacles thrown In the way of Inflationists", that he was seriously considering the pro priety of sondjng a message to Con. gress and making aii earnest appeal for the passage of a hard money bill. To such members of Congress as have conversed with him within the "past few days on 'the question of compromising the financial difficul ty existing In Congress by some concession to inflationists. He has been yery bitter in bis comments, and declared he co'uld not approve of any bill that did not look at least to a legal tender redemption equal to fifty per cent, of the "notes Issued under a free bank: Ing bUl. and fix the date of redemp tion within the term of his present administration. These emphatic views of the President, which he embodied In a letter to Senator Jones, Instead of a message to Con gress, are "very distasteful to west ern representative inflationists, who do not hesitate to reply in terms equally emphatic and nore un pqniplmcitqry. They even go so far as to declare that the President Is going over to the opposition party as a third term candidate to sustain. They alo declare tit fjjeant jsdesirpiis of an opportunity to veto the civil rights bill. One' of the colored southern members "sgv he is assured of thatgQrrgsjjnil.nS-- im Passed Lof'm"-"" " - hf - ...ten Senator Jones . Nevada, and the President, in which the latter takes high resump tion ground and confirms these rumors and Is calculated to widen the breach. Washington, June 6. The Choctaw claim of nearly three millions, which has been re ported upon favorably by the house committee on Indian affairs, and indorsed by the house appropriation committee, has been pressed for many years. The clai m is based on the assumed liability of the govern ment to pay for land in the State of Mississippi, exceeding 10,000,000 acres In extent, which we ceded to it by a treaty with the Choctow na tion, dated September 27, 1830. The claim is alleged to havo matured, uuu ujuuve ucen acKnowieaged by the Senate In 1859, that body hav ing been constituted an arbitrator. The claim rested from 1861 until J873, when It was taken up and re ported upon favorably by the Indian committee of Congress. It is claimed that the government is bound to pay over to the Choctaw nation all that it has received from the sale of the land in question, over and above the expenses In curredthe amount being fixed at $2,731.30. The claim Is vehemently urged by members from Iowa and Missouri, but Is opposed by all the eastern members of the appropria tion committee. It wUl certainly be truck out by the house. All but One Of the dlirinf InrocH. gating committee agreed to a report recommending the aboUtion of the district government, and finding the board of public works guilty of extravagance, recklessness, and even general corruption In the man agement of the Improvements here. The committee has decided, ltisbe ueved, to recommend temporary government tUl the next season ol A strong Influence is at V"U((C90 work to prevent any report which will prohibit any of the members of the present local government from being eligible to the new one. such a censure as that would re flect directly on the President. The omnibus or miscellaneous bill was completed in committee yester day. The military deficiency and civil service salary bills are in com mittees of conference with every prospect of agreement. There is every reason to believe that a tariff bill, and possibly the steamboat bill will pass: and that the Geneva award bill will end as it did last year by referring it to the next session of Congress; that some kind of a bankrupt bUl wiU be wrought; that the Mormon bill which passed the House will be greatly modified in the Senate; that a change will be made in the form of government of the District of Columbia; that the moiety system will be abolished, and that all grants, subsidies, etc., wUl be voted down. The omnibus "bill aggre gates thirty millions, two less than last year. It is more than probable that the Chactaw award, over two millions, will be stricken out, and that the reduction will, in all, be near five millions. Saturday's ivtarkets MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. New York, June G Money Easy at 23 per cent, Willi tree onenngs. Uold 1 10J. Government Bonds Active, but lower. State Bonds Quiet. Stocks Active but irregular. The weekly bank statement is as follows: Loans decrease $631,800; Specie decrease $1,135,300; Legal Tenders increase $434,100; Deposits decrease $491,000; Circulation in crease $36,500; Reserve decrease 567,575. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, June 6. Flour Dull, nominal and un changed. Wheat Active and strong, and a shade higher, at inside prices, ow ing to unfavorable New York ad vices. No 1 was held at 121 J 122: No 2 was held at 1 20 1 21J, and closed nominally at 1 19, cash sel ler June; seUer June closed at 1 17J 1 IS; seller August at 1 121 121; No 3 Mas held at 1 15; rejected at 105. Corn Opened firm, active and higher, and cloced a httle off of the best prices. High mixed was held at 57J, and closed at 58; No 2 was held at 57J5S, and closed at 57; cash at 57, seller June closed at 57 J bid; rejected, seller July, at 53. Oats Easier and a shade lower. No 2 was held at 4546 ; closed at 45, Bj-e Dull and lower. No 2 held at 8689. Barley Dull and nominal. No 2 held at 1 350140. Pork Steady for cash and lower for options. Held at 17 60 cash, and 17 5517 00 seller June; 17 G0al7 05 seller July. Lard Firm and steady at 11 00 asked, and 10 00 bid. Bulk greats Steady and un changedv Butter More active and un changed. Eggs-Steady. Whisky Steady at 95. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, Junp G- Flour pull. Wheat Firmer; No 2 Chicago 1 10, but held higher; No. 2 red winter 1 36 hjd,, Corn Dnli and drooping; No. 2 mixed o858 on track 59J July. Oats iirm";45. Barley Bull, Pork Firmer; 18 25 Bulk Meats Nominal. Lard Quiet; good at 11. Bacon 5 005 40. Rye Lower. Whisky Steady at 96. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, June G. Cattle Receipts, 700 ;" market active "and firm. Hogs Receipts 4,000; prices firm and fairly active: inferior to choice $4 705 T6. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, June G. Hogs Receipts 1,900; market lower; light 4 50a4 85 ; bacon 5 00a 5 25; heavy 5 305 50. Cattle Receipts 900; all but best grades low and weak; prime to choice native steers 5 OOaG, 25,. Anything ' X,. W. JOXTXS dealEU IN HOST EVERYTHING r,3Id 83S 15tf direct, Opposite the Post Office. IN Children's Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Sets, Stationery, . OR ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL XOT BE UNDERSOLD ! Choice Imported aad Domestic Cigar ap29m2eod MRS. K. ll.PiLMEK, Fashionabl&Dressand Cloak Maker, Booms, 2G2 Douglas St. near 15th, (Up Stairs. I cut from actual measurement not from pattern and will guarantee satisfaction in all aaes, Catling and Fitting a SpechUtj. MAS UFACTUIiFJJ OF O I a- A B s, TI7H0I.ESALE ASD RETAIL TOBACCO, W Pipes and Smokers' Articles. MS DOUG LAS SSTOMAIIA. SEB., Opposite Metre politan Hotel. Consumers and Dealers wiU nod it to their adrantage to examine my stock befose purchasing elsewhere. mris-ly 6K A OOAPEBDAy- Agentawant $5 W SU ed. AU of work, log people ol either sex, yoong or old, mako more money at work for ua In their spare mo menta or all the time, than at anrthlnff elsa. l AddSk??S80J' " Pwt,",, CABLEGRAMS. Arrival in Paris of the Ameri can Pilgrims. Jeff Davis on His America. Way to The Pope's Health is Better. Rome, June G. The Pope was able to celebrate mass yesterday, and subsequently walked to his library. He is very feeble, but the fever has left him. Madrid, June G. Three hundred convicts who were engaged in the Iutransigente rebel lion at Carthagenia have been em barked on the Spanish steamer Oron, to be taken back to Spain. Over $200,000 worth of money and other plunder was found in their posessiou. London, June 5. The House of Commons, by a vote of 161 against 120, adopted the proposition of the government that public houses in this city shall be kept open week days from 7 o'clock in the morniug until 12:30 at night; and by a vote of 382 against 42 ap proved the government's proposal that such houses be open same days in towns having over 2,500 popula tion from 7 in the morning to 11 in the evening, and in towns with less population from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mr. Disraeli announced, in order to correct the misapprehension that this Avould lie a short session, that seven bills ot extraordinary impor tance were to be presented to par liament, and would be Introduced at an early day ; that if the mem bers fritted away time, the session instead of being short would be un usually long. The annual race for the Oaks Stake was run on theEnsom Downs to-day, and was won by Mr. Loud ne's Apology, Mr. Lefar's MissTato being second, and Mr. East's Lady Patrocia third. Jefferson Davis sailed on yester day for the United States in the steamship Adriatic The weather throughout England is very fair, but unfavorable to crops. The rate of discount in the open market for three months bills is 2 per cent, whicli is J below the bank rate. Paris, June 6. The American pilgrims yesterday went in procession to the Grotto of our Lady of Lou riles. They carried an American flag. Large crowds witnessed the proce.viion, and salu ted the pilgrims with loud cheers, as they passed tho sacred banner which the pilgrims brought from America, anil which was presented at the shrine. At the close of the ceremonies, the pilgrims proceeded to Marsailles. They go from theneo to Civitia Vecchia, by stearn All are In good hoaltli. In the Assembly to-daj-, M. Bal bie, reporter of the committee of thirty, submitted a proposal, reduc ing the number or deputies from Algeria to three. M. Cheveau, a Bonarparl'st, has been nominated fr the Assembly from Lyons. The Left have organized a pamph let campaign against Bouapa.rtists. Documents warning people against the designs of opposing the sophi tries and recounting the fatal histo ry of the Imperialist party be thor oughly circulated in Paris and the provinces. Duke DeCascs to-day had a con ference with the committee of the Assembly on a postal convention with the United States. He says the arrangement under considera tion was only to serve as a transi tion to a more liberal system, which he embraced in an additional con vention, to ho hereafter submitted. AUi AIIOUTTIIKWATKR WOUKS The central city cf U,e West Quite proud oi late has grown, Aod feels it can no longer wait A goo I sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world Who wish to cut a swell, At once erect a reserT)r Upon their highest hill. We read in the days of Noali Thit waterworks were tried; The trouble was tt ey had no sewers, And so the peoi'lo died. Let ua then remember If water worWjwe try. To put in sewers good and strong. And make our street j quite dry And when the thing is dot. t We'll celebrate at once, Then everybody In the town Will bay their hats of llunce. For all new styles that row are out, Some fifty kinds or icprp, You'll fipd thctu cheap at Sunce's' Famous New York store. Th,f3himp!qlIat.ei"oniiiti asStreeet. - ..est.ADoug- . '- l' mchSCtf rjanro'. j-oitiis MAS.FACIORKB OF ASD DKaLlCE IX- Lambrcfnz'us and Window Shades, CHR0M0S, EXGRATINHS AXD PICTURE FRAMES. S70 Farnham street, corner Fifteenth DENTISTKr. tttHBLES & OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. UPSTATES, BeLUth&tMthSts., OMAHA, tta-Ohlest iiracticln? IVntLslJ lu the city ii. oar be. C J. KAEEACU. GRERE & KARBACH, lSlh st. Lctwcen Farnham and. srney sis. (MIAHA, - - NEB. JiaXUFACTCEER OF Spring and Farm Wagons, BUGGIES ASD CAIUlltGKS. Dealers in and manufacturers ol AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO HOKSKHHOKMG. sVCrpalring cl wagons and blacksmltbtag promptly done at reasonable prices ej rdlwCm Wood! Wood! Wood! Immense Reduction! AT S. P. BP.IGGS' YARD, CORNER OF 14th and Chicago Streets. Good Hard Wood $7 00; Soft $5 00. Store Wood to sett any number ol store Terr cheap. apIStl Surslol L VAN CAMP M.D. Dispenses his own meddnes. and beaidet regular practise, make speelaUti of Derange accta and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, PUee and other Disease o! the Rectum. Ofstck and Residence, Corner Farnham aad ltth Streets, first door to the richt, op stairs OMta,Kb, AddreH Leek Box 04. "F Ivzr .A U. sssa DENTISTS, Ladies' Ready-Made Suits AT CRUICKSHANK'S To make more room for our stock of specialties, viz EMBROIDERIES AND BLACK ALPACAS. We have concluded to close out our READY-MADE SUITS at the following reduced prices: IK T nAi Ct,-4- :j.r. co- j. - - , . . Fvnncr Pricc.1. j.o Ajauicaouitb wiui III 9 u u 44 (4 (4 u 44 (4 44 44 White 44 5 2 2 10 o 5 Percale Wrappers, at J . f"6 Good'i,are ieeiijiltts. :r,:e:m::n a tttv?. tremelyaiow1)ricesra"Setl U niar5 R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLAOTS. ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also TELTET & BEATEK CL0AKIXGS A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS LADIES' 3NT:d 0II,im.BKr,a ' MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED QOODS TABLE 1IXEX IX CUE.VT TAMEiy. A FULL Ui 0P ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OIL CWJ, MTTINe RD6S( m CHEAPER LAJST THE OIKEA :FTi!f5T Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, ttot otSSF nertainins: to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock and rin PBTr?ir?iomple aPen! o FINE, MEDIUM fnT LOW pt?t$It S?ds' wliiciL lie is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evenr one desMm anything in this line, to examine his stock before pichSs? P AHLOH ETS, LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTERED AUB -vr 6. STRIFFLER, DEALEU N CROCERIE S, Fnn Is:on, Fruit. Xut.o, t'onrpcllonory, Tubaco, Sejjars, K. oii.or a llllf K. T sndFARXHAM. Schneider & Eurmester Manufacturers of riX, COPPER AND SHEET IR0X WAP.E. DEALEB3 IN Cooking? and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Clattering dori abort notice and 1c lite beat manlier, ilteen treet upvti d City Meat Market. Kpep cout tantly on uand A LARGE SUPPLY OF Bxss MUTTON, 3El: POULTRY, GAME 7-:eo3e:t.a.33X3E2 Spring and Summer Styles. JtSsf aflBBBBBBBBBM sbbbbbbbbbbbbW SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBna BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV' IsBBBBBM 238 Fine and Medium CJH.:S-AJJHJK. CXiOSIHSTO- OTJT -OF oiiiri ana polonaise, 4 44 44 a11 new and bought from the manufacturer for Cash "" l0t f rcn,nant' ad Goods slightly soiled, to be sold at A. CRUICKSHANK Cor. 14th. and rarnfcam Sta., Omaha. Nmh. FAXiTj STOCK:, 1873 ! w jumxxaxm i.U UXLUrdtC. CSAS, SSZT7STTrYP 203 E".rxxlu. FRANK J.RAMGE DRAPER & TAILOR -HV DEALER IJT GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. l-uil Assorlmcntof Imported Wooleas. 232 FarnhamSt, on SeoUlr LADIES' SUTS! A,0Civcu . oust deceived! 1:0 BE SOLD AT LOWEST PBICES ! REFITTED WMHOUT EXTKA CHARGE ! ! .1 iiwi i-r anQiTTAri C. F. HZCZMA2T, 256 Douglas. mytHra AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th. and Harney Street, A. JPOIjACK, CLOTHIER, Farnham St. Hoax Clothing, 'iBBBBBI VKbbbbEbbbbbbbbbbbb1 19 a. andZFurnisliing Goods TiEilsr THE SALE xvrmcr xrxces. $ 4,00 $ 5,50 5,00 6,50 t),UU 750 10,00 14,00 4,50 6,00 7.50 9,00 12 50 16,50 600 7,50 5,00 3,00 '- cx- - xx s AU Work Warranted. OmaJaat, 2Tb. SUITS I SUITS ! t j . - 14th. tjox. oxxxjqafc. 1L r WL 19 SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK BBBBBBBraBBSpBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBBLSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF I 1W1I Lv.BBBBBBBKBBBBW flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM VjD jKr (IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm iSBBvWsBBBT SSBBBBBBW SBBBBBBBB sVBBBBBBBBViBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW,'rf : r HI i I; f J i r- I r IT' ,51- fv i .-: 5- .