i l m izi --MMi-a--lW-aS A letter from Judgo . Wilbur. Police Court, June 2, 1S74 THE OMAHA BEE : 1!, n rmv riTY Editor Omaha Bee : OFFICIAL TATEIt OF THE CITY. I f tcrdayj " 1 card to what you are pleased to in . . . r. A .t .....l.... m re- THE 0XAK1 DHL! BEE i t ,e the .Rotten System" under which prosuiuiiou iaj ..... v the city, contains a few errors, jutiZ unintentional which I lll'UUMVWJ t 1. rredto .utacnberi & rt ot the city, er KS for n hiu . . .-nUrities-iddrCBaea n Utau about irwguuriuu- ; omnhcl correction. The -."..f ill .! nmmni ILU7UUVU 1 XTTTAAi VV .-- . - ffiES33j yS2S number of prostitutes who paid fines EgSSttSSF"" J for last month was forty-nine, in- ftLShi. fr t. I stead of seventy-five, as you esti- Sg?M5 ffSTdg &S mate it You say, "each inmate of ref-Tbeat and cheapest airertUing compelled tO pay Bjedlum. rcl notices. 25 1 . ,,,. li furr" Such Bi "' D. " ""to.cnu, 50 S.W l i" is not the fact. Only seventeen the Constable fee for last Hn- local wienuciucut "S, riTllne- bytbVmonth. 10 cents. No SrtSSSi adrertUemenU by .pedal WULegl Notice. Statement, Tabular W requiring careful region by copy, ,ij to.be furnished, must be handwi In !rff(E u. to insure Insertion the PCJUIC - ' iiaid month, instead of seventy-five, as you indirectly state. "Whether the Marshal should, or should not, employ a deputy, is none of my PfiUhanaonic Society. By our JIusicsl Critic The programme of the third and last concert is before us, and whilst we could have wished to have seen, in accordance with our expressed views upon the occasion of the sec ond concert, more vocalization and less instrumentation; still we are satisfied that the management has done the best possible with its pres ent available material, and are in clined to believe that the third and last concert of the season, which takes place on Thursday evening next, will be the best of the series. It is the province of every honor able, high-toned journal, to give to J its readers a fair review of all enter- ! tainments which appeal to the pub lic for its support and judgment; and we claim in our notices thus far KICKING A HAN WHEN HE IS DOWN. "Can You Wonder at Crime 1" CITY COUNCIL Proceedings at the Eegular Meet ing Last Night- How Union Men Treated an Ex Convict, Who was Trying to Become an Honest and a Better Han. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let, For Sale, Lort, Wants, Found, Boarding, ic, will be inerted in these columns once lor TLN CENTS per line; each subsequent Insertion, FIVE CEF1S ier line. 1 he first insertion nerer less thvt TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, business, and 1 do not r me Philharmonic Concerts, to S, aim x uu iiui .rfnrmpd OUr dutv "without "4W- . ,..n-.tiitor. two I propose to uicuss n. n u- - , in sueh a man. .1"" 1 inr tn mft that he cannot himselt "-" " " .. ., ,. , O'CiOC. r. ft ..rtiipnruia uuuic v.... ?.. V.r.i-.mMita lor the WEEKLY isee AdverUenUbdooneo'dockiJ -lTlEd3tat3.Mo-a.j noon. lor the nae week's issue. ni.r and Closlnz of Xailfl in uraana. ' dce. CU". r. m. - " 220 110 llf -:30 Ha 4.30 110 0 7:0C 4J0 30 10:00 2-JA 7.13 1.CST. TJ. P.B.R- - KiST. N. W. K. It do do.... K.L4P. 15-K-io do..... 4. R.R.R do do.... SOUTH. B.&St.Jo .... do do.... . U. & S. W". K . ItORTII. ,. t r iT It. R SJlZu an 1 St. Joseph, due at log a. m. i -. ,n rlofs at 1:15 p. n. and 4:3J a. in. ffi own Sunday, irom 12 to! v m. Office open auuu & Y0ST. Postmaster. TOADVKKTWKKS rne CIUCC lIOV of IheOVltY BBK I- orc ,l,Bn donbU tht r -ny-.ollier daily VmierpuliIUbedJu XeUraaloi. Peycte'a Restaurant and Oyster room?. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. James IL Boyd has within U.e last ten days, nt fifteen carloads of Lams, bacons, etc., to St. Iouis. The last concert for this season of the Philharmonic Society will take place at Shoafs hall on Thurs day cvcliing, June 4. Tho festival at Sheafs Hall this evening for the benefit of the Sis ters of Mercy should not be for gotten. By attending you will en joy yourself, and at the same time help along n worthy cause. The directors of the Omaha Li brary Association will hold a mcet !,r thlg evening. An effort will be made to extend the time for which books may be renewed. According to the present rules, a book may be taken out for two weeks, and then be renewed for one week. This is time enough certainly for fiction and light reading generally, but not for history and substantial litera ture, In favor of winch an exception should be made and the time of re newal extended. I clear to me that he cannot ' . .i 11.1 : .,.:ul rt liini in thfi UO ail luai is u-ijuiitu " ... ... ordinances. In justice to him it should be stated that he made complaint on the first of the month as required, against all the inmates, who were known as such. In many cases they are brought before the court, and cannot pay their fines, and in the exercise of that clemency which is my prerogative I give them fur ther time. Sometimes it is neces sary to re-arrest them, and that has frequently been donebyaconstaole, and is attended with additional cot. Prostitution is an evil, which, like the sale of intoxicating drinks, can not, in cities, be entirely suppressed. I am not prepared to say but that the system adopted in Omaha is as good as any. It is attended with considerable trouble, especially against the refractory. I hardly think it necessary for me to state that no " rapacious hawks" or "spies" are tolerated right under the nose of the Police Judge, to my knowledge. I have no control of the Marshal or police, and it is not my purpose to vindicate the defense of either, except in so far as a state ment of facts may tend to cxenoratc them from the serious charges you make against their official action. R. H. Wilbur, Police Judge. Personal. Robert Livingstone, of Platts mouth, is registered at the Grand Central. K". C. Treat, general Western agent of the Michigan Central and Great Western railway, is at the Grand Central. Hon. M. II. Sessions, of Lincoln, id at the Metropolitan. He is here on legal business in connection with the Midland Pacific railroad. Fred E. Mason, formerly of Oma ha, "but now of Philadelphia, is at the Grand Central. His many friends in this city are always glad to wel come him on his frequent visits here. Ren. Holiday, the great stage man, arrived in town yesterday from the east over the C. B. & Q-, accompanied by a party of ten. They left for Oregbu on the 11:30 train. Sir William Martin and wife were registered at the Grand Central Monday, enroute to Isew Zealand. Sir William is the Chief Justice of New Zealand, where he has resided for the last eighteen years. He is u celebrated linguist, and has nfade a specialty of the study of the pecu liarities of the languages of all the natve tribes from the Atlantic coast to the Fiji Islands. He lelt Tuesday on the western train. Wo were glad to" meet Mr. James M. Pattee this morning. He has just returned to Omaha from Eu rope greatly improve! in health, and as soou as his children Snlsh their education, which will be with in a few months, he will bring his family to this city. It is his inten tion to fit up the elegant residence, corner Twentjvsecond and Califor nia streets, for their reception and as a permanent home. Mr. Pattee was received quite warmly by his -many, friends, who were glad to see him back in Omaaa, hereafter to be his homel " The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel : E A Tillotson, Riairp W A Mar low, Fremont; X Millet, Columbus; Thomas Welch, do; W Brewer, Lone Tree; Richard Collins Mc pherson, Nebraska; R F Garduer, Lincoln; A B Beach, do; G F Coe, Montreal; Jamds Arnold, Chicago; FA-Kould, Pittsburgh; HTuttle, KausasCity; JnoRRoe, Omaha; 3,1 H Sturman, Florence; C Flack Trov 2 Y; B c Brown, Chicago; -E Mathews, Sioux City; Julia Felig San Francisco; E HBulIard, Chi cago; y JMIUer, Pes Moines. Proposals for the building of a church at Columbus, Neb., will be reSedtill the 5th day of June . tractor to give security. la" - gpecifications can be seen & xSdenee of Bev. F. Bieckman, nortliweat corner of Seventeenth ana Davenport streets,- Omaha, "Nebraska. The right is reserved to " ectanyralJWds. JunS-tt Happy Cai. Warner's Minstrels. This troupe returns to Omaha al most entirely re-organized, hardly any of tho old members now being connected with it. The new organ ization is composed of twenty-two performers, among whom are some of the most talented minstrels in tho country- J. II. Green, the orig tr.nl mnfUliisr bird, now warbles nightly with the Wagner boys, while Ren Brown shakes an arustiu hoof as a jig dancer. The vocal qulntetto js excellent, and is composed of accomplished sing ers. We notice that the programme for last evening's entertainment at the Academy"ofMusic, was a good one, full of a variety of fresh nov elties, therewasnothing old on the whole bill. Happy Cal. Wagner assures us that tUe troupe is the best lie has ever had, and tjiat no one can help being pkaicd with the en tertainment The Brother of Emperor William will not Visit Omaha this Year. Some time ago, "William Alstadt, having seen a report that Prince Frederick Carl, brother of Emperor "William, of Germany, would soon make a tour of the world, by way of California, sent him an Invitation in the name of the Miunnechoi Society, to stop in Omaha and be enter tained bj- them for a day or two. The following answer was j-es-terday morning received: Rerlix, May 13, '74. His Highness Prince Frederick Carl, was very glad to receive your invitation ot tue loin oi prn, to remain with you a day or two in Omaha, and is very thankful to the Society, the Miennerchor. His Highness will not visit the United States this vear. The re ports of the newspapers to this ef fect were erroneous. Count Kkaxitz, Private Secretary to the Prince. The Hystcry Solved The Body of Count Harris Found. Sometime la-t winter, "Count" Harri-,a c. nductoron the Hannibal & St. Joe R. R. and one of tno most !opular and widely-known railroad men in the country, mysteriously disappeared, and it was supposed by his relatives and many friends, that he had, while laboring under an at tack of i-isanity, wandered away, become lost, and peiished. All ef forts to find him proved futile, not withstanding the large reward of $1,000 tint was offered for reliable information of him. From Mr. Treat, the general west ern travi,inj?ngetit of the Michigan Central & Great Western railway, who arri -ed In the city last evening, we learn that the deep mystery which has shrouded his disappear ance h.is at last been penetrated. His bjdy was found by two colored boys on Sunday morning In a rive-, two or three miles from Camden, Missouri, half buried in the tand, with the feet sticking upward. They at once reported the discovery, and when it was found that the body was really that of the missing Count, the fact was at once tele graphed to his relatives. His costly gold watch and chain, $300 in money, and his diamond pin were found undisturbed upon his person. The colored boys will undoubtedly receive the reward between them. The Green Tree House is now open for the accommodation of the public. may30tG For soda and mineral water, Pe ruvian beer and ginger ale,patrouize the "statue," the costliest and most magnificent soda apparatus ever constructed and now running in full blast at Isn's Farnham street drug store dispensing the most delicious and cooling drinks in the city. May 15, eodSni. NOW is the accepted time to buy geod at rates to suit tlw times, for cash at J.H.SIEIK. maySSeodtf ner a? to elicit the unqualified com mendation of a majority of the cul tivated portion of this community. Neither shall we, in the future, be deterred from discharging that pleasant function by the snappish remarks of any obscure, wandering minstrel, whose sole complaint is that his little "tool" cannot be heard in any other manner than through the public prints. All criticism is beneficial only so far as it is just. This rule applies with peculiar force to home talent Criticism with severe strictures upon a body of home singers has gener ally been considered as out of place. Rut because they are " above criti cism" it does not necessarily follow that they are beyond the reach of a kindly hint, prompted by the most unsclfifeh motives. If, therefore, the recommendations of a number of musical people who are good judges of the production of classic music, cannot be tolerated,we shall most as suredly drift into that terrible social bore, a society that is so touchy that it is infallible. The unanimous verdict of many competent judges fixed the fact that the second Philharmonic con cert was, so far as regarded the instrumental nortion. too long: and we are glad to learn that its man agers have wisely accepted that de cision and have curtailed the pro portions of that feature in their next entertainment. With regard to the question of practice amongst its members in their own houses, which we some time since urged, if, as has been suggested, numbeiless and studious rehearsals are detrimental, then all we can say is, that music has certainly become an easier art in the West that it has in the East. The selection ot pieces for the third and last concert has been ac complished with much care and ex cellent judgment, and the result will prove that on no former occa sion has there been so fine a dis play of classical music, vocal and instrumental, as that which will greet the ears of the Philharmonics and their friends at ShoaPs Hall on Thursday evening next. How Mr. Wilson Captured a Couple of Corn Thieves. For Pome time past, the corn crib of Mr. Wilson, a farnjer Jiving about throe and a half miles southwest of the city, has been entered during the night, and corn taken there from by some unknown tiueves. Last Sunday night, at a very late hour, Mr. Wilson was awakened by a noise near his com crib, and, hastily throwing on his clothes, and arming himself with a long club, he ran out to catch the thieves, as they really were. He saw them loading up a wagon with the corn, but they became aware of his exit from the house as soon as he opened the door, and whipping up their herses they started off, through the gate. Re taking a short-cut, Mr. Wilson caught up with the wagon, climbed up the rear end, and raised the club. The brace of thieves thinking it was a mm. tried to protect their heads, aud then tumbled off the wagon nearly frightened to death. Mr. Wilson jumped off also, and caught one of them before he could regain his feet. Meantime the oth er fellow, taking advantage of the situation, overtook the wagon, and drove off in triumph. The captured corn-thief begged most piteously, and said ho came only to help his comrade, who did all the stealing. On his promising never to be caught in a similar scrape, and agreeing to settle up for all tho corn that had been stolen, Mr. Wilson let him go. The names of both of theso sneak thieves are known to Mr. Wilson, who proposes to mako It hot for them if they do not pay for the corn taken. Editor Bee : A great deal has been written in reference to State Prisons and Pro tective Unions, and it is a very difficult matter for one of my edu cation and abilities to dwell upon. My course through life, especially in the last year has been very check ered, but still I strive to hold up my head and to face society. I would like you to place this communica- tiion in your valuable columns, if you thing it proper for the purpose of bringing before the eyes of the public, the mean actions exercised by the Painters' union of Omaha. On the 1st day of May, 1S73, 1 came to the city of Omaha, for the purpose of engaging in the work of painting. As 1 was a workman of nn mean order. I soon found em ployment with the firm of Lehman & Reard. Several weeks afterward I took to drinking, and while intox icated I broke the laws of the State cf Nebraska. I was confined in the county jairfor the period of forty days, and after a severe lecture from the Hon. Judge Lake, was sen tenced to one year at hard labor in the State Prison. I was taken to that institution and served ten months and twenty-seven days, ilir lmlaiieo of the vear I was aiiowea oy iaw ior . guuu conduct and was discharged on last Wednesday morning. I made up my mind to stop drinking and came to this city for the pur pose of trying to be an honest man and good citizen. I called on my old employers, and as -they knew the circumstances of my case they offered me work, which I eagerly accepted. I worked Wednesday and Thursday, and a great many times I was abused by these so called Union men by their mention ing to strangers that I had just come out of the State prison. I bore up under their taunts and tried to do what was right. Rut they still hampered at me un til they saw that it was no use, for I would not notice them. Two young men in the shop took my part and they wore informed by these Union men that if they did not join tho Union they could not work in that shop in the future; or in other wools, they intended to run Messrs. Lehman & Reard's business. These young men did not join the Paint ers' Union, and the Union men sat isfied themselves by forming into a clique for the purpose of throwing me out of employment. In that they succeeded for they had aH nrovinuslv resolved that if I was retained in tho shop they would all quit work. How well they played their little game, for well they knew that their employers was rushed with work, and consequently I was discharged. Iliad the promise of work all summer by the firm, and I might have wade myself a respect able member of society, fqr jt was my Intention to work right along. Is there any wonder at crime, when societies turn against their own comrades, and force them to leave their work, particularly when they have no meais of support? I W0 was willing and strove to ploaso ov eryone, and to do what was right; now I know not what to do. I hope that you will find room for this in your paper, ami by inserting it you oblige, H.vitnv Melville Bennett, Ex-Convict. Council met pursuant to adjourn ment. President Gibson in the the chair. ITesent -iessrs. xuuv, L Brown, H. M. Brown, Campbell, Gibson, Lucas, Marsh, McGarvey, Stephenson, Sutphen and Swobe. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The rules were suspended and the Council proceeded to consider the report of the committee on claims. The resignation of Policeman T.nrson was received and accepted. The following appointments were confirmed : Philip Mehrling, special policeman at Thiele's summer gar den Lars Rasmuson and Richard M. ' Clark (colored) policemnn, Jacob King, pound master for dogs and cattle. A communication from the city attorney was received stating that BAVPral cases were pending an ap peal from appraisers, on the open ing of St. Mary's avenue, and re commending that a committee te appointed to confer with persons on the same to see if a compromise could not be effected. Referred to committee on streets and grades. Trfc following communications and petitions were received and re ferred to the committee on streets and grades, asking for the grading and improvement of 15th street, north to Izard. . From Thomas Swift, offering to deposit clay on the streets and cross ings at seven to ten cents per yard. For the opening of Eighteenth street north through the lands be longing to ths estate of Samuel Ma- han. Asking that the Council make an 'appropriation for putting the bridge Over X1UII" vmuiia "-t-") " ..u.. ders street in a passable condition, and asking permission to lay a plas ter crossing as an experiment. A communication was received from the police judge stating that tlie amount of fines collected du ring the month of May had been $270. Placed on file. A communication was received from Edward Creighton, proposing to rent the north six rooms of Creighton Block to the city from one to three years, at $1,000 per an num, also one from Jonas Gise pro posing to rent Gise's Hall, in Cald well RIock at $30 per month, or to include the room above it at $43 ner month. IReferred to a special committee of six, consisting of one from each ward. A communication f-om the Sec retary of of the Board of Education, gn;ng that the deficiencies of the board for the current year would amount to $45,000. Placed oa file. Protest was presented of pe?ons doing business in the vicinity of Fourteenth and Douglas street5, against permission being given Thomas Martin to move his build ing on the street. Also a protest sjgned by a lqrge numbcr of oltUens against the passage oi an ordinance esiauusillllg uauJv-siiiuus. jjhuc FIR SALE Five hundred dollars will buy acjsh business that Trill net from lite to ten dollars per day the year round. ?ood rea sons for selling Addrcs, "Business" je2tf. Bee Office. ( Good SiKimst essscan got steady wort at IV tue eur.uSa snirt lactory, loa bam Street. je: Farn- t3 ENOCH HENNEY, Justice of the Peace Office over tho State Bonk, corner 'f Farn ham and 13th streets. Je 1 WAN1ED Afirtclass Inrber at tn Og den lloux-. Council B.uiTs, Iowa. Wages S15 to S16 per week: Je2 t3 HOU E W NTED To rent, not above $25 per month; reasonable distance Iroui turnhani street. Lcck boi 532, City. ji 6t FOUND ESTRAY Oa Saturday evening, two bay colt. The owner can find them on the rher bottom, thren mi es north ot Omaha. UVEN MATTICE: je 2 .St AUCTION SlK OK LOTo In .r-el-on's Addition to Omjhr, on Thursday, June!, at 2 o'clock p. ui. About S3 splendid residence lots, in the pleisantest location in the city.near the street railway, and surrounded by firt class residence. Will be s Id to the best bid ders at our sale rooms, 2 3 Douglass street Jel3t UKAYHALLE.n. Auctioneers. TOR Cr RUST. Furnished or unfurnished rrwimanror ni v store, cor. Doucus and 12. None but Rood respectable iarties nesd apply. AL-o a good 1'iauo for rent cheap. my-Wt J7"Oi; RENT. A desirable room suitable lor 'one or two gentlemen. Northwest corner ol'lMh aud Harney. "TSO't California House. TEITZ HAFSEB, Prop'r. j No. 1T0 Douglas Street, corner 11th, Om ha, Nebraska. Boarany uicujj junel, yl STATEMENT OF THE German American Insur.Co. OF THE CITY OE CTJiS W YORK JANUARY 1st, 1S74. Capital, $1,O00,00C00. ASSETS. United tates .Bonds, (market value) . - 5331,800 CO Loans secured by United States and New York state Bonds 11,000 00 New York City 7 per cent Bonds.- -W.W0 OJ ("nli in himl of .Aceuts. and in course of transmission. .... 7J,30G 25 Premiums due on Politics, New York o!hce... 17.13C 73 Cash in Bank 1&5.1 C V) Cashinonlce 9,121 50 V 7jfif ?3B'"!SP5- MR. JOHN RATH IS AQVXTTOR OCEAN STEAMERS. HATS & HA2TSE2T, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF O X Or -A. :R, S! AND DEALERS IN Fipo3, Tobaccos, Etc. The attention of dealers U called to ths fet that we a:e prepared to LIBEL our goods wi.h their NAMES as manuLctuod expressly for thrci. Slay 27- d lm. ERONT ROOM TO L17r at No. 51 Thir teenth street. j23t. WANTED Tiro good farm hands want a situation uioh afarm nojt o far from Omaha. Apply immediately at the Bee if fice, ")y 23 51,C50,8j1 47 LI BILITIi;S Loes unadjusteJ, and adjusted but notdue ... ..- 47,373 QO 51,600,223 3s FRENCH 4 McKOON, Agents. Je 1 Ct. From June lt a small house one Apply at tte Cozzeus Hou-c, 0th street. iu2u tf mo Lin-. I block from the 1'nat.Oaice. Fn IflRSALE-lGOacrcsof land, beins the NE JioffeclS, in town-lnp 13, I u fc. in theSEtiart ot Buttler county, m nines .omii- we-t of Lincoln. A wen improveu larm aujuius it on tho wct, and country all a ound it i thicklv settled' Will sell for 500, one half down,' balance In one year, or S J 00 ir acre in cash, or will trade for city iiroiwrty. Apply to mv21tf ANDREW ROeUW AT ER. NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE iCOM'Y OF IlAnTFOIiD, CONN. Statement December 31s, J. J. BROWN & BRO.? WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for .the Oriental Powder Co. OIsIjH-A., jfcT"EIB., myS-ly 1ST A 15 stamo quartz mill, house, shop, lorn and mine in thesiher mines of Nevada, for sale cheap. Cheap for cash. Address x O Box 171 Marysvllle, Mo. c3ds-4t' WASTED A girl to do general nouscworK, Cerinau preferred. Apply n w cor Burt aud 23d street. ui20tt Alsoa nurse girl wanted DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, aud several vacant lots, and larm lands lor sale ; also houses nd offices to rent cheap, to good tenauts Apply to Jons U. Kkllky, Attorney at Law, at French A MeKoon's office, RoomNo. 3, Creighton bfock. uivljj.f FKOST PARLOR FOR REST Apply 277 Daeniort st bet 15th aud ICth sts. mylCtf TO THE PUBLIC Tho undersigned has purctased aud put upon the streets as public conveyance, some of the finest carriages eiermaniifactured in this country. They will be run toandlrom the depots, hotels and private residences. All ordo left at tho Metropolitan Hotel, or at the stable, near se cor of Eleventh staudCapittl Avenue, will 1 promptly at tended to. a snareot inepiioiie iiairuisr js roiectfully solicited. JOHN E. BULL. myl3tt Monday June 7, 1874. Philharmonic. A general rehearsal of the Phil harmonic Society will take place at Meyer's Hall this- (Wednes day) evening at at 7:30 p. m. The Board of Directors will hold a meeting at 8tS0 o'clock. It A. Tf McMiljlan, Vegetable Market at Brun xeii's. june2-10t ICE CREAM of all flavors; made fresh daily at JOHN WIRTH'S Restaurant, Douglas street. je2 13 Pacific House, Tenth and Daven port street;' re-opened to-day, and refurnished throughout. A desirable place for boaders, by the day or week. Prices, to suit the times. Also the south part of the house to rent. may25-tf When the Union men went to Messrs. Lehman & Beard and told them they would leave if Bennett was allowed to contlnqo at work, Messrs. L. & B., who were con vinced that Bennett was trying to do right, and therefore deserved to be encouraged, told the Union men that they could not leave any too soon to suit them, under the circumstances of the case. They accordingly left. Bennet, who was out working around town when this occurred, upon hearing of their ac tion, immediately went to Messrs. L. & B. and said that he could not possibly work any more for them, as he had already got them into trouble. Nothwithstanding the so licitations of Mesrs. L. & B. to him to remain, and theirassurances that they would stand by him to their own loss, he persisted in his deter mination. After his departure from the shop, the Union men returned and were allowed to go to work, as Messrs. L. & B. hail a great rush on hand. Young Bennett has acted most honorably in this matter, and tle&ervea oiodit for hU manly course. It may be stated that ho lias long since made full reparation to the man whom ho wronged, aud for which oflense he was sent to the penitentiary. After considering the action of these Union men in this particular case, can you wonder at crime? FOR RENT. A large front room suitable for office use, 1G5 Farnham St. j2-3t A few day boarders wanted at 503 12th street. 29-Gt Mrs. Jenny Weathers. until the main question should come un. The bonds of sis policemen were presented, but after an explanation from the Mayor, were withdrawn. Resolutions were adopted instruct ing the committee on public grounds and improvements, to correspond with lr idscape gardners in rela tion to the improvements to be made in'tfariscom ark; also in structing them to erect two swings, and a suitable stand for the accom modation of picnics and excursions; also forbidding persons from dump, ing inanuro betweon tho Govern ment corrall and the Northwestern depot, and making the extension of Nicholas street the dumping ground. The committee on finance re ported favorably on reducing the taxes of Bradshaw, J. l BJchmond and J. "Y. Savage, and against a reduction of H. Kouutzo ; also in In favor of furnishing city offices with Ico. Adopted. A special ordinance was passed appropriating $17,148.27 for the pay ment of cufrent expenses of the city for th5 nvm"18 of January, Feb ruary, March, September and May, 1S74 An ordinance abolishing the office of captain of police and providing for detailing a sergeant qi ponce, was read tho second and third time by title, and passed. Ordidnances wero introduced to amend section 2, chapter 10, of the revised ordinances; and to establish hack stands. Adjourned for two weeks. Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street, corner 11th street, may 7-tf. "Gilt Edge" 'and "Cream of the Valley." Best brands of Flour made. may23-lm. Dyeing, cleaning and repairing done in tlip neatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORK8, 10th St.,bet. Farnham and Douglas. apr2St f. I am still manufacturing candies. Call around dealers, before laying in your Fourth of July stock. tf 11. -Lf. -UATKY, Corner 12th and Douglas. A new and elegantly appointed Ice Cream Jtrlor, has been opened on Farnham street, by Mrs. M. Giesler, in connection with her confectioner'. All who delight in indulging in Ices are requested to T70R SALE OR EXCHANGE FOP. CITY Ij PROPhRTY Onese-tion choice land, on the big bend of the Republican River. Nuctols County, inquire of A. MINSKI, myl4-ml Corllaincyaud 15th ts. WANTED Servant girN, carpenters, farm hands, laborqrs, tc , imuifdiatejy, at the emjitoyiucnt olij:e,room 9 Vicher'sblock. mystf FOR SALE I will sell good second hand canlages and buggies low for cssh or trade, as I wish to replace them with new ones. miyCtf G. W.Homas. REAL csta'e for sale in Armstrong A Nel son's additions. Address, S.J. C, Bee omce. my5tf CASH CAPITAL, - $o00,000 00 TOTAL ASSETS, - $S31,SG0 2S SCHEDULE OF ASSETS. Cash In Hartford National Bant, S 33 039 31 Cash in Chirter Oak National Bank. 3'J,G11) IS Cah in Company s omcc. s ,8 Caih In liands of Agents and in course of transmlss'on... 33,000 00 Bonds acd Mortgages lii,12a 00 300 shares New York, New Haven and Hartford 1L It. Co 3C.C00 00 100 shares Pittsburg, Fort Wayne A Chicago RR Co ... 9,000 00 100 shares Sew York Central ind Hudson River R R Co 9.SD0 00 103 shares Lake Shore and Michigau Southern It R Co 7.6C0 00 1535 hares National Bank Stock 227,205 0J Bills lteceivable secured by Mortga gesand Trust leeds -jai.wju wj Bills Receivable secured by Mocks and Bonds 21,323 00 Interest accrued on bills receiv.ble 7,CC2 50 Interest an I Div dends onlionds and stocks not Included aloe In Mar let Valuo 5,792 60 Total Assets. SS31.3VJ 23 LIABILITIES. Fjre loses Outstanding S22.120 0 STATE Or NEBRASKA, I AVDITOR'S DEPjBTM'T. J It is herehv certified that the ..National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn., lia compiled with itie insurance law of this State, and is authorized to transact the business of Fire Insurance in this Slate for the current year. Witness my hand and seal of office L.S. at Lincoln, Neb., this 3tst day of janury, lai-t. J. B. WESTON, Auditor of fctate. C.H. WILL.VRD, Deputy, je 1 6t FRENCH A McKOQN, AjcnK INCORPORATED M'RCH27,1S20 STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale G&oger SlMl'SCKVS HLOCK 538 and 540 Fourteenth. Strost, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - - - 2S mchl32y E3B F Oil SALE A felnger s win? machiLe, new. Inquire of Max Meyer 4 uro. ap27tf EOR SALE One set parlor furniture ; also a piano. Inquire of Max JJcyer & Bro. ap27lf ' WANTED A encap wrm in exenange for merchandise. Addreis, Farmer, B K oQce. P'-l' F OR SALE OR REN 1 io. 351 Chkaga st Apply to HARRIS, TAFT A WOODM IN, 3p21 Oil Mill. FOB SALE OR REST A farm of 121 acres with house and barn, situated ono half mile west of the Barracks: Inquire of mchlCtf ! P- REDMOND. Calves Foot (Wine) Jelly at Allen's. June 1 2t First fruits of the season at Tiz zard's, 204 Farnham. First arrival of cherries now on hand. ni30tf Auction of Furniture. Adjourned sale on the comer of Tenth and Harney, takes place on Wednesday, June"3d,at2 p. m. Don't fail to attend. James F. Mortox & Co., jmie2-lt Brokers. Buy cigars at Sundblad's, 484 13thstreet, bet Farnham an Harney niay2Slw TAPIOCA, FARES'A, AT AL LEN'S, i Junelt2 No liquors, but lemonade, seltzer and soda water, cider and splendid ice cream, etc, to bo had at the French Coffee House, 4S5 12th street. Separate room for ladies. may30tewtf The Latest Goods to be had is at J. H. Stees's. may26-eod-fx may27 call. ni27 Gt Omaha, May 25, 1874. Fou Sale Chkaj A No. 1 Top Buggy. I also want to buy a large, . young horse, for family carriage. may2Gtf G. W. Homan, Jr. Ib.r Kent. Cottage house at 492 Tenth street, seven roqms in good repair. Jas. F. Morton & Co., Jul 2t SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order of salo i-sued out cf the District Court for Douglas County, Nebras ka, aud to me directed, I will on the 3d day of July, A. D., 1S1, at 10 o'clock. A. M- of said dav, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Omaha, in said County, sell at S'-& tion tlie prupt rty described iq t?l4 order, to wit: Commenting at tho soatheat corner of section twenty-four 124), in township fifteen (15) north, of ranges tfclve (12) east, and running theneo north 160 rods, thence wot 523 feet, tbenc south 1C0 rods, anil thence east 423 feet to tho placo of beginning, containing 31 C9-100 acres, and being the cast part of the south east quarter of sd section 21. Also, commencing at the quarter section corner pti tlie west side of sectiqn nineteen (In), in township fifteen (15) north, of range thirteen (13) cast, and run ning thence south on township line 41 rods to cottonwood tree at edgs of run, thence up said run to whoro quarter section line crossei the same and thence wet S3 rod to pjaca ot liegln nlng, containing S 13-100 acres: in all 34 84-100 acres of land situate in said Dongla County, Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Curt recovered by William L. Bemls against Harriet E. Chaplin, Administratrix of the estate of Edward II. Chaplin, deceased, ct al. ALFRED BURLEY, Sheriff, Master Commissioner. Omaha. June 2d. 1874. dlt. COMMISSIONER'S SALE.. TY VIRTUE Or AN ORDER OF SALE Ij issued out of the District Court, for Doug hs County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 3d day of July, A. D. 1374, at 10 o'clock am of said day, at the south door of the Court Hous-, in the City ol Omaha, in said County, sell at auction the property described in said order, to wit : Prt of lot No (7) seven In block No. one hundred and one (101) In the City of Omaha, in siid County, described as fol lows: 22fect by 132 feet of the North side of said lot 7, and an additional stup of 44 by 32 feet extending southward from the same, and on the south side of said lot 7, and more par ticularly described as ollows: Beginning at the North cast corner of said lot 7; thence West 132 Iet; thence Sou h 05 feet; thence East 32 feet; thence Noith 41 feet; thence East 100 feet, and thence North 2J feet to the place of beginning, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered oy Sila3 Raw on ami Wllliaoi Rawson partners a Uawton A Co.. and Colby Brother A Co., against Robert C. Nixon, et al. ALFRED HURLEY, Junc2, 1874 dlt. Master Commissioner. SHERIFE'S SALE. By virtue of an Order of Sale Issued out of the District Court for Douglas County, Nebras ka, and to me directed. I will on the 3d day of July, A. I)., 1S7I, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, at the south door of the Court House In the City of Omaha, In said Count v, sell at auc tion tho propc:ty described In said order, to wit: The south half of the north half of lot No. five (3) in block one hundred and ninety' Fire Association! OF PHILADELPHIA. Thisoldand rel'able Insurance company con, tlnues to insure against loss by fire. BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FUJINITUIIE, ANJJ MEIi- CHANDIZE QENERALL Y. All losess sustained by the asK-intipp since i's organization hive ftien, jj-qmpily paid, and amount to" $971 466.20. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1S71. Bonds aud Mortgages 51,331 273 SG Ground Kcnts .... Real Estate, Office, No. 34 North Fifth isireet,.... . . . United states Registered Bon 's. ; Loan of the City of Philadjlphia Warrauts of the City of ' Loan of the State of Pennsylvania Loan of the City ol Pittsburg, 7 Icr cent. .................... 1UOJ shares of Stock pf Pennaylva. EiaRailtq-il Company.: Pennsylvania Railroad scrip....... Lehigh alley Railroad Bo'7 percent MORGAN & GALLAGEH. SL'CCES-ORS TO CREIGHTON AND MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, So. 205 Farnham Street, OMiXHA, - ILTIEIB. apr8Jlr ' i - .. -. . WHITNEY, B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Wo, 247 Douglas Street, O-JVL-KCj, - 2T HIS mch27yl AHK.NTS FOR THE DTJPOXT POWDER CO. 2 1,047 43 oVi.KM 70 2S7..VW 00 2J.I,50 00 41,897 27 42,472 00 23,0)0 03 43,0CO 2,350 0a la.jfio no Loan of Masonic Temnle. 7JSO iiliimi uu 331 shares o: fctock of Fire Associ ation. . .. 53,243 00 Interest Accrued and. Unpaid . 2,12i 20 Nett Preiuiunis Dye by Agents in Transmission.....'-.. .......... S1.5&3 17 Cash la Bank, January I, 1S7L. 11G745 74 Market Value. 52,C01,C33 43 STATE OF NEBRASKA, I Auditor's Departm't. It is hereby certified that the Fire Asocia tion of PhlUcJ:!. hia, his cou pKcd with the Imurancolaw l this Stale, and N authorized to transact lit) busiuss ol,K re lusarance inktbis State for the current j car. WltLos luy hand and ;al oroRIce IL, S.1 Et I ir.n In. Nebra;kJ, tbislUthday of March, 1874. J. B. WESTON, Auditor ot Mate. C. II. WILLARD, Deputy, je l-0t FRENCH A McKOON, Agents. A cademy of Music! TUESDAY JU1NTE 2 IUHTZ MOHR & Jo JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GL0YES and 1X0TI0XS. 231 Farnham Street, oiJli3:jl, - - - htje:b. j. j. brown & bro., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ..jft.1T Notions, and Boots and Shoes. JOHN T. ED&A.R, -JOBrER OF Shelf l Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, AND- ACB-ICUXTTTRAI, IMPLEMENTS, TUKESIIKIO. IIAItVKVTKISfIlKAlKIlS,Mf!WKIIg. DHlLLs, NKKUKKS. CORS-PLV3TEHN PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, II 11. MKE"ADU'A(!i.S. mchl.ty 246 Douglas St., Omalia, XTebraslsa. Brokers. First arrival of California fruits at Tizzanl's junclrtf GotoJohu "NVlrth's Restaurant, on Douglas street, for the finest Ice Cream, to be found in the city. June 2 8t LOST. On Honda-, Junq 1st, between 11th and Chicago, and 10th and Mason streets, a small basket con taining children's clothing, pillow slips, and shoes, the finder will please leave it at the Bee office and be rewarded. june2tl ICE CREAM, of all flavors, made fresh every day, at Join? Wirth's Restaurant, Douglas Street june2t3 Fruit Market, at Brunner's, June 2 10t SPICED SALMON just received at Allen's, ' June 1 2t Buildln; and SaviLg Institution against Namy E. McCart. ALFRED T.URLEY, Sherifl. Special Master Commissioner. Omaha, June 2J, 1571. dtt. SHERIFFS SALE. By Tlrtue cf an order cl sale isiucd out of the District Court for Dou.Ja County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on fha 3d day Qt July, A. D., 1S71, at 10 o'clock a. m., of gaid day, at the south door of tne Court House in the city of Omaha, in said county, Hrll at auc tion the property deicribcd in aiJ order, to wit: The cast half of the porth-west quarter of sec tion fire (5) in township fifteen (lJ) north, of range ten (10) east, in Douglas county, Nebras ka, to satisfy a Judjjment o! said Conn recorcr ed by Byron lUd against Charles C HoueI, administrator of the estate of Washington II. Darts, deceased, et. al. ALFRED BURLEY, Sheriff. June 2, 1 S71 Ulf . Master ComniUsioner. BENTISTRj Cal. Wagner's Minstrels! AND BRASS BAND. 22 Performers 22 Everything new au d fparklirg; new acts, new sonr an 1 jole. Resorted so ts at Wy man A Eberhart's VarVt More. E. ROSENBAUM, Press Agent. W. II.ST::IC:IL1ND Gcn'lAcent. 2S4t. EBERH ART tiib ISLI!13,dkD'"LEK " BABY BUGGIES! y lif 'flBsJ' Y' lw 3Lf V I j syJ ri GEO. A. HOAGrlVANS, Wholesale Lumber OFFICE AND YARD COR. OF DOUSL&S AND 6THSTS., U.J R. R, 5 BACK. USB, OTvr-.B:A. anlltf ROBERT C. STEELE, JEALER IN Faints. Oils. Varnishes, BRUSHES, LAMP GOODS ETO. . .. OMAHA, 257 Douglas Street mcMStodlv flUSi v V- W??fTTP Ar y DENTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. cf 8 Ains, Eei.t3th&UthSts., OMAHA. C2-OMet irnctIelnirTVnlKts In the city STODDARD 4fc 111'KI.llCT, Market Gardners ! ALL KIND3 OF VEGETABLES AND plants, forsa-'e. Orders addressed to us at pur garden Cor. 21st and Paal Stmts, jgA Will recelre prompt Mtitm.yt'iPKm Is SOLE AGENT In Xebnwkn for 4 of tho llct Makers. My prices are avca i below! lhec small dealers, have 300 jn stocH, and Y'IRa NOT be undersold ! Make no mistake. sec the "BAZAR" before buying, or write for prjees. You save dollars by so doing. See the new ' BOSTON CANOPY TOP!" Which makes 5 styles of a buggy. Large or small orders filled at FAC TORY TRICES ! for cash. I make a " specialty" of filling retail orders for a single buggy. IBXIRID S Importer (ajl kinds) wholesale and retail. apl3eort2m SHEflIFF'3SAI.E. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECCTJOV isYurf out of the Disrlct Court for Cuming County Nebraska, and to me directed. I wUlcn the 1 of day Jane. A;D 1S.1, at 10 o' lock a m of said day, at th store room o Al bert Tucker No SM Douslas street, in the City r Omaha, and County of Douglas, in raid State, sell at auction the foUow!n; described prtP- A Ml'a lioya' boota. 23 cases of hoe ; also all the retaU stock ot Loots and shoes coi-taine I in said store; also a aaaaU line rfhaU and caps; alwthe fol lowla?' described store and office furniture: Two lounges, J drtk.l store and pipe, 2 chair. 1 show cases and I letter press, or so much of h U iroodsa-'are necewary to satWy said Urfgmemand costa, ,r uinzcu theon. pyjltojm M HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN Wins, Liquors, die liiti Fie 01J Kmituckj WIuViesaud Imported u'oo.l a SrecLtltr. OJsLjkJEZJi., UEB. 233B0TJGLA33rP.,l (CaldwtU RIock,) f ll 9rl a. IE. SIKPSOIT, MASUFACIUBER AND WHOLESALE DEAXiSR IN CIGAIr.S 532 IFIIFTEEIriT'I'IEa: ST., cnEIG-STOPT HIiOCK. P--5 HOMES and FAKM5 ZXT NEBEASKA TheBarlin;tOTanl M:wn-i Rlw Riilroal O.o!ljrs ht laa'sat lo prices on 10 years cred.t at 6r cent. Interest, and wl hatv.ntis prenjiunof 20 percent, on ths amountof tha purchase, if half the fciad U cultlratej, within two yeir from date of purcnase. LARGE DEDUCrONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, Loup Fork and Elkhorn Ja!!eys r ..i it f .!.. .... i -.rnii.ft Iti 1 la Tti.Tt im R-R-Co will sVI a'oat .0" ''" " 1 tM..ii..i South of he Platte So?pUubUcin"alIer. I'-rcircuUrsanHaUlnfortlo'rr rply to C. B. SCHALLEIl, Agent B. & 3T. Land Office, v Cor of Math and Faraham St.. Onalia. Or UeerJ Laad rprlaeHt, Liacln,N'cb. A