, -4G tZt THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 3, 1874. NO. 294. vol. in. rM.--" -" -- -l ' . - -"'V"" - . - '" v -. .k -r- " fj&- '.- 'J?V; " y 'i t I f. j?- .i' I - M t ". mm i THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD KOSEWATEK, Editor ana rrcp Office Xo. 13S lrlin reet.lcUr. Klntli nd Ten Ui. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One ropy, one year. In advance . sir months in advance mm mm ..l.a ... .flvanpf? WIf not paid In advance, 53 per annum will roll-!-!. .17.03 4.00 2.00 FREDERICK, J9pB LEADING HATTER I Best Goods, , LOWESTPRXCES Farnham St- 7X:c.l OMAHA. The most cheering sign of tne times is that indefatigable organ grinder on our street corners. The reception of the noble chari ty dispenses by his former adjutant was more CHiLD-like than bland. George "Washington Seccx dus in the revival tent, reminds us involuntarily of a whale resting on an oyster bed. Grand Ontywite 1 Untr Now that the rural Nebraska Doctors are in the metropolis the country precincts are enjoying a healthy upell. When tne cat is away the mice are at play. Nothing has been heard of that $1,500, but there is some talk of changing the text baoks back again on the fely without creating too much disturbance. VERY LATEST. TELEBRAPHIG. MIDNIGHT. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. BpocUllT Beported for the Omaha Daily Bee, by thi Atlantic Pcic Teleeraph Co. Congressional. SENATE. Sax Fkaxcisco, June 2. Victoria Wbodhull lectured here to a very large audience last night. She was his.-tnl several times. OMAHA BUSINESS BIKECTORY. rai.nirF.fc HASUFACrOET. MeflureA Smith. 1S3 llrocy aticcL lt. Ilth afd 12th. l13tl GLASS AS1) PICTTJKS PRIMES. T Iteinhart. 13: Iou4l rtrwi "";. n. J. window glass and picture Irani s. " done to order. BOOTS AST) SH0E3. Wit:1Xil'TU'Mm st' utT COUFrCTIONFRT. HL Ijtev. corner lith ml D uglw '"U. m.nutiturer and wl...lale .erto and'.iaud con e tfouery. Country trade so . licetcd- v C0y. DEM.EF6. Poland A Kill .t.coaI, lime, cement ',rtc., 131 Faro'uaui st. feUsuiS DRUGGIST3. T A. JUrder.diussM, corner 12 h and liar- 1 nrv.la PAWH BE0KEB. - 1- Elgutter, No. 203 Faraham at. ielTtf LATODBY. Anew laundry op-ned at 5U lUh V.. Ut fVnbaiu and 'nou;ia. The wasMns and lron'ne will be done to order, nrst class rfc PAIDTEES. Lehman A Hard, l.oa-e and tlfin l5"'"' f li"a bet! Flrnham and Harney. a2tf SOAP rAOTOEY. , Premium Soap "VVorVa. Powel A Or, s III mTuTaetuxc thKr l-.eu.lum Soap. Ilje MMiw awarded by ibe IHMK'a county .ndt.te lairs, and Pottawattamie county, la. Orders 'solicited Irom the trade In order to preent "grave" er rors, we may as well state that Dr. Johnson is not a meinljer of the State Medical Society. His diplo ma was issued at the Elysian Col lege, and he is thereby authorized to pracJce among political patients only. An indiscriminate t-raugMcr in clothing and gents' furnishing goods regardless of prices at 206 Farnham street. Fine linen and chevoit shirts of our own make at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Railroad Tickets bought and sold by P. Ootthcimer, Broker, at 290 Farnham street. Unredeemed Hedges for Sale. maj-26 ly AlTOEKEia. Hamlet Oram, 9lb street lietween Jones and Ltsnenworth sts , OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. KEErSTHE MOST COMPLETE ASSOllT met of Iulie.' and Gents' draw hat, triui-mi-1 and tiiitrlmiiiol, I'araiols. l:que, Mar sillw Nainsoots and all kinds of l'ry l,o.Td, Lad:eVandint' 15o f.etc. My lliieofl)ry (loodt is Coniplcto Srllillionly lor CASH, I am able tj USIlrK.SI.l.L any other lHalerin the City Our IMUCESare lAtWEIl than over heard illielore. uiyHm-pl ,, M. FKASCIS KJ.V ABOUT THE WAT EC WOHKS Tlie rrntral city of the Wett Qulie tiroudtif late liastrorn, A- d feels It can no lonr wait E. ESTAURtUK. ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATT0HXEYS AT .LAW. OFFICE Crcl?Uton Wock, Omaha. Neb. DEXTER L THOMAS, Attorney an' ;Cuasclor at Law. rOPPICE Eooat ? OMAHA - Visseher's Block, . - NEB. oOHX W. LYTLE, ltlorncvat-Law and Equity. Solicitor in OFFIOb tnal-a -Orer First fiatioaal Eink, A cool sized pondtooc. nip ercatrst cities of the woi Whu wish to cut a swell, the world At oi.ee erect a cserv lr Uion their hignest hill. We read in tha dys of Xoali That water wo is were trii-d; Tlie trouble wa t ey had noaeceri, An 1 so the peoi 1- died. Let us then reiutml-er If water works we try. To put in seweiSKCod and slrorg, And make our street, quite dry And when the thing is dons We'll celebrate at once, Then every body In thetuwn Vijl bi:y their hats of Bunce. For all bow strlfs that sow are out, Some fllty kinds or n ore, Yiu'il find them cheap at lluucvi Famous New York store. Th Chtmu'on Utter of ths West, JSa Dou;- aiStreeet. mcL-JClf PAEICE GODWIN, Attorney at Lawt (CamplieU'a Bkck,) Ts-rr:r htrest. oma.ua 5D91-2 iiilttliia sis lm OtO. U. O'lIlEX. . X. BiLDWlX. miHWIX & O'UKIEX. ATTORNEYS 5 LAW OSce-CaldwsJl JJlock, Douglas Street, OMAUA. - - - - NEBRASKA. f el-. .Jtf JAS. m. arviTTiE, WHOLES VI.E nCALEllN Clarified CVdeSr. and IBS Farnhain Street. 135 VAN BOKN'S MACIUNE SBOF. All kinds of light and heary MACHINERY X.1DE& REPAIR LD. S&All Wort GuaranleeJ.-Wl J01IN C. CO WIN, Attorney. Solicitor ASD COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CEEIGITTON'S BLOCK, mtrftlf OMAHA, SEltBASUA. 253 5AENET STEEET, eiUU OMAHA. .jsxnr,: -o io" 23 e T. W. T. llichurds, Attorney at Law, Office 310 13th St., cL rarnham and Douglas, Omulia, Xcb. P' 0. Box 8D V?ul1 O: U. BALLOU. ED. II. GLAiOOWr'. Ballou & Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Office n Crclghton's new bl.wk, southeast cor room, floor. OMAHA. EB. bAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, 242 FAKNHAJI BTREAT. i im K3 w. V. fxa E, I Omaha, Ncbraika. CllaRJE F SPKaS',X. ' -Ma' racruRs or asd dkauc ia lmfcrrqHlHS ad Wlmdow Stales, (HttOSOS, ESGttATISHS AS!) PICTURE fAXES. 170 Farnhmn atrrct. corner FlftMnlfc L. WOODWORTfl, 233 Donglu Street, Omaha," Ujtrasi DtiLSK IS Carriages, Hacks, Baz, Patient Wheel. Road wigons, Trot ting Sulkies, hke'etons Ltudebaker's, Celebrated Wa o s, James It. bill's CeUb-ated Con cord Harness and Whlps.j HORSE CLOTHING. ItM.es. rt'.ankets.Wagon Material of all Pecrip lious, SpVe, llubt, Felloes, and all kindsof IJAUDYTOOD LUHBEB 'JhimbleSkuns, Axlts andSpnuc;. mcbCtt N. J. BURNHAM. ATTOIIXEI AND C0USSELL0R AT LAW, No. 2JJ Farnham Street OMAHA - - NEB. irrlCOti JIUS. K. II. PALMElt, Fashionable-Dressand Cloak Maker, Booms, 2C2 Douglas St. near ,15.h, (Up Stairs. I cut from actual measurement not from pitterns and willgu rautee satisfaction In all asvs, Cutlln? anl Filliop a Specialty. J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney- at-Xaw room 9, Visscher's Koci, OMAHA, - XEBR. j. . spacn. nAO. - ra-ircHSTt SPAUN & PRITCHEH, Atlomcj-8 tud Couoselors at Law. Office, 5C TweUtb btrcet. a.t.i... I,nrk Kn 4.. Omaha. Keb. G. W. AMBH0SK, 4,-ftoxrxa.o-v X, av 1CEUICS 0PEBA HOUSE F. COURT, Leading Bootmaker iS3 Farnham stret-t- of Ladies' Goods dive him -rWASiinhand a full line M which he Is closing out at cost. a call and cet good bargains. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Z-He has on hand an cacellcn itocfc of gents' wear, bes" In the city, of Eao. wacu- i ure or Dome maue. a2Jtml , 3c.A.opa, arStf OMAHA 1TEB. JUUX K. KBLLKt , Attorney 1 CounseloratLaw OSsa-KooaJ, Creignton Kock, I . OMAHA. Oor. 15th aal foajlas Ets. J COLLECTIONS SOLICITED ASDPBOJtTT ly attends t to. So charge unless callec. ttoas are made. lUuses toltt and rent col ectel. Ileal esUte boughi and sold. aplTU We J. CONNKLL, Oounllor mrt ASD jjtrfct Attoraej for Sjscea Jsi--idal District. ' OFHCS-SoothWe oltFaraham, etwetn lbth r,1 16ia Hi., oppoalte Conn Boom. CARRIAGE, 11UGGY and WAGON MANUFACTURER. N. E. COIiSEE of 14th and HAKKKi STS, WOULD respectfully announce to the pub lic that he Is now ready to fill all con tracts in the above lines with neatusas and 0Ezpress wagons constantly on hand and or axle. Victor Restaurant. 10 FARNHAX STREET, Sot. lOtb. And. IXtlx. VICTOR DUCROSS, Prop. WITH EVEEY- "WASinxaTOX, June 2. Mr. "Wright gave notice that lie would to-morrow call up the hill re ported hy him from the Judiciary Committee, declaiing the true in tent and meaning of the Un'on Pa cific railroad acts. Mr. Morrill (of Maine), from the Committee on appropriations, re ported the pension appropriation bill with amendment. Placed on the calendar. The amendment fisca the pen sion agents' fees at 25 cents instead of 20, as provided by the House. Mr. Logan, from the Military Committee, leporied unfavorably n:i sevcal minor uin, anti me um mittee was discharged from further consideration of them. Mr. Sherman from the Comnii. tee on Finance, reported back the bill to amend the customs, revenue laws and repeal the moities, with a number of additional amendments, one of which proposes an appropria tion of S100,000to enable the Secre tary of the Treasury to make com pensation for informers during the next fiscal year. The billwasplaccd on the calendar. The moiiiing hour expired rnd the Senate resumed the co.isidera- ti n of the Indian appropriation bill. A number of unimportant amend ments submitted by the committee were agreed to. Mr. Cunningham submitted an amendment increasing the appro priation for contingent travelingex perces etc, of superintendents and agents from $200,000 to $400,000; agreed to. Also an amendment ap propriating the necessary sum from the funds of the "Winnebago In dians in "Wisconsin to purchase from the Omaha Indians in Xeb-as-ka, such a quantity of land not ex ceeding twenty sections, as mr.y be required for the use of the "Winne bagos; agreed to. Also an amend ment striking out the provision that all examinations of vouches and accountants shal hereafter be made in Washington. The request of the Uoue for a conference commit.ee on di-ag cc ing vote? on the banking bill, was grantcl. The Indian appropriation bill was then reported to the Senate, read the third time antf passeu. Mr. "Windom moved to take up the reolulion reported by him in io- gard to cheap transportation, which was agreed to. Mr. Sherman Niid the resolution would ho uufhihhed to-morrow, and move 1 an executlvo fees.-iou. Mr. "Windom, from the commit tee on transportation, leporied a fcubatilute for the bill to regu'ate inter-state railway commeice;placcd on the calendar. Tlio Sena.tc went into executive session and soou after adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Poland of the judiciary com mittee, called up the bill reported by him s-ome lime ago in relation to com t3 and judicial ollicers in Utah. Mr. Cosna moved a Mihsiitut" for the section in relation to summons ing grand and pelit Jurors icqiicst intr the lists to be made upon male citizens regardless of politics, leli gon: or social positions. Tlie'speaker informed the House that two bills from tho jutliehuy committee passed last night had ra3sed ovco befo-e this session. They continued theconsideiationof tlini.il!. M-. Poland brleily explained tjio provisions. Mr. Crounse opposed tho bill as establishing a dange'-ous p.ecetlent, and saii hp resetted to notice the sentiment on" the huujeot ia thp House. He' hail heard members siillng near him say in eloquent and foicible language, that they ditl not care what in bei' it contained, they were joing fcr it. Mr. tfotUjr onposed the bill. Mr. Cannon, delegaro'f.wn Utah, cpoke at length In opposition i3 th? bill, declaring it unjust to the s? -tory, inasmuch as it was special in its nrovisions. Ir thet; was any reason for If, that, rasqa applied to all other territories. He' changed that the United States Marshal and District Attorney for Utah, had been lobbying for the MH, and that it would make tho Marshal's office worth $50,000, as it swept away 24 shcriiTx, and substituted the Marshal and his assistants. He claimed that thp affairs of the territories had been most economically mannged, and that the bill was in the interest of robbers who waited to get con tracts of the territory for purposes of plunder. Mr. "Ward advocated the bill, de claring It was more-iiueraiiq terri tory of Utah than the law wai to other territories. He would put a stop to polygamy, not in the name of religion but in the name of justlee and law, Mr. Poland closed the debate and declared as an, undeniable fact that the manners were hostile to the government as any portion of the people of the south had been in the darkest hours of tlifl rebellion. He said the law nasscd by an act of Congress twelve years ago against polygamy had leen openly and un blushingly disobeyed, and he de clared that Congress should cither repeal that law or take means, sucn as this bill afforded, to have in en forced. The House ' then proceeded to vote on the bill and the amend ment was rejected. Mr. Barber offered an amend ment providing that the salary of tho District Attorney shall not ex- ceetl'3,500 am any excess in fees to be rejxirted to the Treasurer, agreed to. The hill passed 150 to 55. The remainder of the session was given to the committee on public buildings and grounds. Several bills were disposed of. The House took a recess. Montreal, June 2. Schooner C. B. Benson, Toledo, passed down yesterday bound for Cork, Ireland, with a cargo of com. This is a commencement of direct trading between the west and Europe via the St Lawrence. ItoWDoiN, Me., June 2. The rebellious students have ac cepted the terms proposed by the faculty, and agree to return to their duties and studies as formerly. It is expected that the military drill will soon be abolished. Niagara Falls, June 2. A man named McCullough, while panning the second Sisters Island bridge, yesterday, fell into the rapids and was being hurried to the dread ful falls, when, he caught on a rock, and hung until Thomas Conway, at the peril of his life, tied a rope to his body, and made his way to the rock and rescued McCullough. The rock was but one hundred feet from the falls. .Brooklyn, June 2. Michael Devine, a cooper, resides at 35 North Eighth street with his wife and three children, while read ing a paper this morning his wife came up behind him and struck him a blow on the head with a coopers' hammer, fracturing his skull, but did not deprive him of his senses. Before she could re peat the blow he got out of the house and hastened to a police station, where he related the circunistances, sayg that he thought his wife had gone mad. His wounds were dressed and two officers were sent to the house. "When they reached the house the found that she had become mad and had murdered her three children after her husband had left the house. It appears that see took a heavy Hat iron and dashed their brains out. She was arrested. The husbands injuiies are fatal. Boston, June 2. At a meeting of the Corn Ex change this forenoon a resolution was unanimously adopted which approves of reciprocity with Cana da under proper limitation. Judire "Lowell, of the United States Court, has delivered his opinion in the case of Golding against the Union Pacific Railroad, and has refused to issue an order to the company directing them to show cause why a decree of bankruptcy should not issue. MARKETS bY TELEGRAPH. CABLEGRAMS. Madrid, June 1. The National forces have entered Chelua, dispersing a body of four thousand Uarlists. OLosiisra- ottt s-a.Xj:e OF Madrid, June 2. A Spanish frigate has arrived at Oran, Algiers, to take on board and bring to this country the convicts who escaped from Cartegena at the time of the Intransigents' insurrection. Bayonne, June 2. The town of Hernani is hard pressed by Carlists, and the Repub lican commander requires reinforce ments. Gen. Lonia, with the first corps of the army of the north, has joined Gen. Concha's command at Mirinda. "Washington, June 2. Commissioner Drummond for mally gave up his office yesterday to his successor, Mr. Burdett. Du ring this ceremony all the chiefs of the various bureaus in the general land office, together with their sub ordinates, filed into the ollice of the commissioner and presented Mr. D. with a memorial, expressive of their high regard, signed by ITS persons in the department, and hadsomcly framed. and days, Ottawa, Ont., June 2. Mr. Dorion, Minister of Justice, is appointed Chief Justice, and Mr. Goof Irion enters the cabinet as Ministor of Internal Revenue, It is reported that Joseph Hiekson, Secretary Treasurer of the Grand Trunk Railroad, has been appointed General Manager of the road, vice C. J. Brydges, resigned. The Times, Government organ, editori ally says that from "Washington news received thus farthat reciproc ity may be looked forward to with some degree of certainty. Small pox l- raging in Hull. New York Money Market. New York, June 2. Money Eay at 23 per cent. Foreign Exchange Dull steady at 4874SS for sixty and 901(Si4Jl lor sight. Gold Very quiet and devoid of any interesting feature; shipments Europe to-day about half a million coin ; opened at 12J; declined to 12; now 12J. Governments Steady ; transac tions small. Stocks More active but lower this morning, with a decline rang ing from i to 3 lcr cent.; market now better, but prices will go still lower before any positive upward turn is assured. Erie' 32 J; Pacific Mail 421; U P 2GJ; W U V2. This afternoon a meeting of the members of the Stock Exchange will be held to appoiut a committee to visit "Washington and protest against the new tax resolutions now under consideration in Congress, which includes tax on sales of Gold and Government Stocks. New York, June 2. Heiui Roehefort, communist, re mained at the Giand Central Hotel to-day and received but few visitors. Oliver Paine, one of hiscoifipanions states that Roehefort is preparing lectures to be delivered here at an early date, for the benefit of political pri-onprs n Now Caledonia. He remains here eight or ten days tjiei sails for England. Roehefort lectures Thursday in the Academy of Music, on French politics. Washington, June 2. A call has been issued for the as: fcemblihgnexl week of the Nation al Republican Committee to take into consideration tho present con dition of tho political situation, and for consultation generally about the good of the party. The Pacific R. R. committee to day hearu argument y ex-benafor Thayer against tho bill to remove the terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad from Omaha to Council IlluHs. Judge Oilell represented the Iowa side of the question. The committee will rekiHioconsjdQrntion of this subject next Monday. It is not expected that Congress will t take any definite action on the bill this session. St. Louis, June 2. A special from Little Rock to the Democrat says: Sheriff Vaughn, county trpnsnrpr Ivjnyon. supervi sor Murphy and several other lead ing republicans of Jefferson county, were arrested a week ago for trea son and thrown into jail. Only two of these gentlemen were in Brooks' service or had anything to do with tho late troublos, John A. Wil liams, attorney for these parties, was also arrested and confined in jail. A trial was remanded on Saturday, but both trial and bonds were refu sed, and all the parties are still in prison. The nlleged cause of the ur resta is to break up ibe "republican party in that county. "v- The Little Rock Gazette says: Governor Baxter wHl.not approve of the amnesty act. Arms are be ing sent daily to counties in the State where Republicans have the majority, (o arm the militia with a design to intimidate and overthrow the colored votes, and to prevent tho election of Republicans to the Constitutional Convention. E. "W. Thompson, Baxter's chief of staff, on Saturday, officially announced and ijotified Judge "Warwick of the chancery court, mid Thomas C. Peack, Justice of the Peace, that martial law still existed, and that they must govern themselves accordingly. New York Produce Market. New York, June 2. Breadstuffs Opened'active."" llour State and "Western, 5 15 5 75 ; extra, 6 000 50. "Wheat Easier ; No 1 spring, 1 51 1 52 ; No 2 Chicago, 1 451 47 ; No,2 Milwaukee spring 1 41 Corn Easier; 80 Oats Quiet ; white, G203. Rye 1 101 12. Barley Nominal. Provisions Dull & unchanged. Leather, iron and wool Un changed.. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, June 2. Flour Dull and unchanged; good and choice extras 5 255 50; low and medium, 5 25a5 50; supers, ?50 a4 74. Vluat Steady, Cash 1 lCJa 1 17f. K0 i, r 22, No 2 1 ICal 1C, June and July closed 1 lCUtl 1GJ; No 3, 1 14 rejected. Corn Quiet, cash 50Ja5Gh .Tuly 5SI; high mixed 5GJ. ' ' Oats In demand, higher; No. 2, 2 442 45 ; closed at 2 45. Rye Quiet and steady ; No 2, 90 91. Rarioy Quiet and unchanged; 1 401 85. Pork Steady and a shade better; 17 2517 30 ; closed June at 17 20 17 22J. Lard Steady aw higher, 1 5. Bull; Meats Steady and un changed. Eirjis Easier at 12. Butter "Weak at 15 20. Whiskv Firm and higher at 94 95, St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, June 2. Flour Quiet, weak, unsettled. Wheat Dull, drooping; No, 2 Chicago, 10310Q. Corn Active; higher, No. 2 54 -56; on track, 565GJ ; June57i 59v OalMDull and lower, at 43. Rye Dull;' loweVX - Barley Dull. - Whisky Quiet at 95. Pork Dull; 18 00 delivered. Bulk ifeata Nominal. Lard Quiet; "good at 11. Bacon 5 005 40. Paris, June 2. A dispatch from Morocco says 12,000 inhabitants of the city of Fez have risen in consequence of the re-imposition of tl e gate tax. All business was stopped, but at last accounts there had been no fighting. It was hoped that the Sultan would yield to the decree of the people and remove the objectionable tax. Meluournk, June 2. The ship British Admiral from Liverpool for this port went ashore on King's Island in Bass Stait, and became a total wreck. She had on board forty-four passengers and a crew of thirty-eight persons, all of whom were lost except four passen gers and five seamen. King's Is land is uninhabited and very dan gerous to shipping. Several vessels have gone ashore there and became entirely lost. Paris, June 1. The Left Centre at their meeting yesterday took action toward an alliance with tho Right Centre. X motion was drawn up in favor of establishing a Republican Govern ment, which all members of the Left will sign in the event that the Right Centre will support it when submitted to the Assembly. M. Gambetta has gone to Auxerre, where he is to deliver an important speech on the iralitical situation in the Assembly this evening. The municipal and electoral antl organization bills have passed their first reading. The Catholic Club gave a ban quet to" American pilgrims to-day. Compte DeSuer occupied the chair and propo-ed toasts to the Pope and American bishops, which were received with great enthusiasm. Judge Thread, of New Orleans, gave a sentiment in honor of Catholic France, and in an eloquent speech revived memories of Chambeau and. Lafl'ayette. Messrs. 'Forbes, Scwangcr and others made appro priate remarks, Ladies' Ready-Made Suits AT CRUICKSHANK'S To make more room for our stock of specialties, viz EMBROIDERIES AND BLACK ALPACAS. We have concluded to close out our READY-MADE SUITS at the following reduced prices: former JTices. $ 4,00 $ 5,50 a 15 Ladies Suits with Skirt and Polonaise, 9 5 2 2 10 ik u a a, t; - o n White it a a 5 Percale "Wrappers, at 5,00 fc),UU 7,50 10,00 14100 4,50 6.00 3,00 6,50 7.50 9,00 1250 16,50 600 7,50 5,00 iuar5 The Goods are all new, and bought from the manufacturer for Cash. ttttlsE23'JLl!TrI?&. IRZEIMIIN -A.HSTTS. lightly soiled, to be sold at ex- A. CRUICKSHANK, Oor.ltb. and Farnham Sta., Omaha, XTob, We have also arranged on our center counters a lot of remnants, and goods tremeiy low prices. FjSlX.Ij STOCK, 1873 ! R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL London, June 1. As the Prince of Saxe warmer was leaving his residence this afternoon to attend the levee, he was fired at by an unknown asns'r vho vs- lie had previously received threat ening letters, as had alo the Duke of Cambridge and Mr. D'Israeli. In the Jlouscof Commons yester day ovening Sir II. Wolff moved that the salary of the British Min ister at Washington bo reduced to $o,000. The vote was rejected by a vote of 89 to 2. Tho dekito in tho ITqiisc of Com mons, last evening, on the salary of tne minister at aslimgton wiis un usually interesting. It a.rose from the fact that the approval of the IJousp was requ.red for an increaso of tho salary proposed by the gov ernment. Sir II. Wolff moved that the amount the government recom mends be reduced llvq thousand dollars. :He said ho' opposed the increase because Sir Edward Thorn ton's residence at Washington has been signalized by a series of diplomatic disasters and because Americans would rpgard such in crease as a 'mark of approbation, which tlio lato government lavished upon negotiations of the Washing ton treaty. Mr. iioanie, unuer sec retary of foreign department, stated that no blame could attach to bir Edward, Th.oniton for his conduct of tho result of negotiating with the United States, and he stated that the reason for adding'to Ills salary was simply because expenses, living in Washington, had increased. Af ter defoat of Sir II. Wolff's motion ip further objection was made. The Viceroy of India telegraphs that rain has been general north of the Ganges, jmd portions of the country slope and river has been visited with rain. Mr. Wilkie Collins makes anoth er appealfor assistance for irr, Dal louT&S elooutjonlst, whose illness contlnuesBd whose destitute con dition is attributed to the fact that the proceeds of hi'sS'gidings have been larcelv devoted" tocT&ri table objects. DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELVET & BEAVER CL0AKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SfcLAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LADIES' -a.3xr:i3 ojacxxixsmjxtf'fli MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LIKEN IX GREAT TARIETY. A FULL LIXU QF ENGLISH AND AMER1GAM CARPETS, OIL CLQTBS. MATTING RUGS AND MATS CHEAPER; TS:A1T THE CHEAPEST eHARXjES SHIYERICK. Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock, and now has a complete assortment oi FINE, MEDIUM -and LOW E?Si g0?ds' hQk ke js offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everv one desiring anything hi this line, to examine his stock before purchas ing. PAKLOR SETS, LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTERED AND JUVJKJb.U 1U UlCDliK. SHIVEMCK. gQ3 Fnrnhtm Btroot. Oxxx.5bm. vi The Herald this mornhif'.jiub- SUPPLIED thing la the market. mABLES J thing Ii pes from 7 u m. to l'J p. ra f-All Meals Served to Order. 0TSTEM SEBVED Df EVEBT BTTLE. ,aAJviEIr-Prte,to,uu New York, June 2. Tho trial of police commissioners CharljcK and Gardner, and election inspector Buck, indicted for election frauds, has been set down for thp 15th inst. The bail of the defend ants is fixed at 51,000 each. Gard ner furnished the neeestary security-The work of procuring a jury in the case of A. It. Roberts, the bond forger, still continues. In Oyer and Terminer court, John Given, murderer of police officer Gibney, was this morning senten ced to 2 years imprisonment Halifax, N. S., June 2. The steamship Faraday, with the new opposition cable on" board, has arrival ntt f IIP VIOSr. VH -wvm.v New Yomc, June 2. Hbhes an interesting letter lronvLt. Hayncs, of the Royal Navy, to Dr. IIyc.s, Ihc well-known Arctic ex plorer,' glvng an account of a por tion of the cruh-e of the British ship Challenger, which sailed from Eng land two years ago on a voyage of discovery" rounif the world. The letter is dated at Melbourne, March 18, 1874, The chief importance at tached lo tho letter Is that it shows the Challenger to have done away with ho continent in tho Antartic ocean, previously supposed to exist there, which was discovered by "Wilkes and assigned by him to the termination of land- The Challen ger erujscd about the place as indi cated on maps, hut discovered noth ing except icebergs. The Challen ger expects to reach Hong Kong by November. It has been decided that Roche- fort will deliver a lecture at the Academy of Music on Friday eve ning. Subject Events In France since the fall of the empire. The proceeds to be sent to Rochefort's former companions m Is ew Caledo nia, who are stqrving and in the direst, misery. Roehefort leaves for Yonkers to-day and re mains at relletier's country resi dence until Friday, where he will prepare his lectureand obtain neces sary quiet-- Jit's possible he mayjde livpr a lectureat Boston, and if time permits, another at Philadelphia. For some cause he will nrobably leave America Saturday week. Fainc and Benedict, his compan ions, also leave Pascal Grousset, another communist) who escaped with Roehefort, is expected to-day from San Francisco. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, June 2. Cattle 4,000; dull, eay, buyers waiting for lower prices ; light steers 5 40 ; choice steers 5 SOao 8G; extra steers GJ ; Texans, 3Ja5. Hog receipts, 13,000 ; quipt, easier; closed, dull, but not quotably lower; poor to common 4 65a4 C5J; medium to fair 5 40; extra 5 OOaO 15. Sheep receipts 230; common to choice Sherne 4 50a4 53; poor to ex tra choice wooled 4 50a4 o". G. STRIFfLEB, DEALEK N CROCEP.IE S, Provls'ons, Fruit , Xuti. t'onfrclloucry, Tuli.cc Segnr, S. K.OR.or t!T bjuIFAKXIIAM. a llt'.f ThB xi MUTTtfr Sclmcider & Burmoster Manufacturers of TIX, COPPEK AND SHEET IU05 WAP.E. DEALEPJS IS Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering don FRANK J. RAMGS DRAPER & TAILOR AN1 DEALER IK GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. FiiH Assorlmcnlor Imported Woolens. All Work Wanted. a?gjr1!BllaaaBt - - OSiafca, Wo. abort notice and ittccn trcet 1e ine best manner. etui a; City Meat Market. Krp oomtantlj- on hand A LARGE SUPrZY OF LADIES' SUITS! Just Received ! SUITS ! SUITS ! Just Received ! JOHN H. GKEEN, STATE MILLS DEALEU IH GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, COMMISSION MERCHANT e Pons jfVUlUI) TO BE SOLD AT LOWEST IFIRIQJES ! AND ItEFITTED WITHOUT EXTKA CHARGE ! ! C. F. HICKMAIT, 256 Douglas. mylS-lm -"K7-:sc5-33r.A.: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th. and Sarnoy Streets, i.5b0w.A.:E3:-A.. - usteib. NAME St. Louis Live Stock Market. St, Louis, June 2. Cattle Receipts, 700. Market quiet; Texans, 5 005 50 ; medium to fair hutchew, 4 004 75; prime to choice steers 5 00a5 25J. Hogs Receipt, 4,000. Market steady; light to heavy, 4 40 5 00. H. WILLIIELM. J TATLOB. TTILLHEUt : TAYLOR, PORK PACKERS, 17th and Ctiaso streets, OMAHA, - - - NEB, AEE now prepared to deliver in large or nnall quantities, their mild aupr cured OKESuai" brand ofTiams and breakfast locoD.pat upexprrs-ly for family- ue. On hand pure kettle-rendered leaf lard, hj- the barrel or in cans of 10, 15,23 or Jfts. carOrdeia promptly filIed.TTa JlAKUrACTORFU OF O I O- -A- IR, s, WHOLESALE AXI UETATIi. TOBACCO, l'iiM and ."n.okcr.' Articles. 1M DOUG LAS .ST.. OMAHA, NEK., Opposite Metro politan llotei. Consumers and Dealers will Und it to thoir advantage to examine my stock before purchasins elsewhere. mvl5-Jr ILLINOIS HOUSE. Fnx-xiJbLAXkx Sroot Between 9th and 10th. CnARbES FELBEIUIASf, Prop. mchlltf J-E-A-KT IjIEWEIIT TAILOB, 13th St., fcet. Farnham and Harnej. All kinds of TAILOEINd, CLEANING and BEPAUUNQ done at reasonable ratca pryrtl Surelool Aooms LYAXSTCAMPM.D. Dispenses his own nxeddnea, and beside regular practice, makes specialities of Derange ment and Disgases Peculiar to Women, FUtc la, Piles and ow Diseases of the Eectam. Office and Bealdencc, Corner Farnham and lith Streets, first door to the ngbt, up stairs Omaha, Neb. Address Lock Box. "(H. vSldAwtf WILLIAM SEXAUER. 225 Faraloa Stmt, - - Oaaia, Keh WHOLESALE A5D E5TAIL BKALKS IX Spring and Summer Styles. A. POLACK, CLOTHIER, 238 Farnliam St. XToar 14th. JACOB GISS, 261 Karuham St.. Be. Istb -t 1SU iAiA laamr T T JXL- w A UNDERTAKER FURNITURE. BEDDING, ETC, iiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV iiiiiiiiiii. BJB pisiaK9f V aslliBiaaak HHjH IBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr WbEI illlllllllIB VC-iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV sibibibibibibibibibibV iiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV mPm BlsV K IslslslslslsV Fine and Medium Clothing:," and Furnishing Goods. oia:E-A,gpEie; thaitisthe cheapest. ajtaesa fH t&il. - l:o orta