1 ."S- r J --. S ;, iT ri"" iBT-rfvn ijy- I is THE UMAHA BEE OFFICIAL PATER OF THE CITY. THE 0XA1I1 DAILI BEE U .erred to .utomber, bw carrier to .any g2v 51 Snnu?etor I i months, and J7.OTperanniii3, " Vn SapUinti aboct Irregularities, addrwaed ; thWJcTwUl receive prompt "tent"-. CoxiBiHiUT Bki will be niailed to Kbcrttriatthefollowingratoi, .yableinTa riably In advance : 17.00 per an-ium. S Sf&r BB ha. by Ur LARGEST drculaUon in the dty, and Is, ISdorei the be Bid cheapest advertising "iSwOF ADVHtrisiito.-Local notices, 25 rnts per line: load advertisements, 20 JStJilrllne- bTthe month, 10 cents. o .dverthent'inKrted for less than 50 cents. eurnuces.l0cenuperline; aSactelue. for standi advertisement, by .pedal contract. h,.,,. All LKI1 i" """; Tabular wlrk etc., requiring careful revision by copy, IrprSoi tobTfurnlshed, ?" ? torft Je&re ten o'clock A. x. to insure lnertion the friaTand Local advertlseineuU before two Aertlse'menU before one o'clock P. . tu advertisements for the Wsixlt Bee murt be banded in before Monday noon, lor the aime week's issue. IBB1VAL AX1 DIPAlllUttE OF TRAIN'S. Time Card of the BBillnKtoi Bowie iMTKOlliUi. AKRtVTt AT OMAHA. gS5E!s0 P- M. Express- A. . Jniie 5:00 A. K. Mail 10:- P- HSTexceptcd. Mondays excepted. This U the only line running Pullman Hotel. oen i. ."?"'.. n,n.h N-b. Chicago, 111. , CbIob Pacific. IXAVX. ...1130 A.M. C: A. M. AKBIVZ. 3.00 I. M. 10:00 P. M. CUSP.M. 8:30 A- M. Daily Express.., Daily Mixed Daily Frciebt... Daily Freight CltlrvKO, Hock Ulnd Mall 5S0 A. M. .. 2:50 P.M. 10:40 P. M. tl0:WA.S1. Sundays excepted. tMondaye excepted, Chicago 6c NortUweatcrn. Kail 5:30A;M.- 'J01- Express 2:50 P.M. tl0:00A.M Kuui Cltr SUJo. & Council Blafla Morning Express... .530 A. M. 10:C0 A. M. Kvenins Express. . .2:50 P.M. C:W P.M. emalia 6c North trea tern and Sioux Clly 6c Pacific. Mail Express 8:15 A.M. 2:15 P.M. Daily except Sundays. Omnlbtucs and Baggage Wagons leave the oSce, corner Farnham and Ninth streets, flf- een minutes in advance of the above Railroad ri' XOADVEKTISKRS xae CIRC D IVl'IO or IheD.V'LY BEE la more lhD doable that .of any 'other dally paper published .In Nebraska. Percke's Restaurant and Oyster rooms. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. Those little bills are being pre sented. It's the first of the month. An express team ran away on Douglas street, yesterday, smash ing up the wagon pretty badly. One drunken soldier, who was fined, was the only case before the Police Court yesterday morning The attention of the Street Commissioner is called to a danger ous hole in the sewer, near the "Wyoming Hotel. The first open air concert of the season by the military band was given on Capitol Hill Saturday evening. The music was excellent, and was enjoyed by quite a large assemblage. The Pullman palace car, Monte Christo, passed through the city Sunday from San Francisco for New York, over the Chicago and North western .ailway, being filled with through passengers from California. Mr. A. J. Hanscom, who has recently returned from the east, says iL'at Omaha is the liveliest place of its L7-e in the United States, and that our citizen should con gratulate themselves upon tL'ia fact. The Stale Medical Society will meet this afternoon at four o'clock at the Grand Central Hotel, and continue its session till "Wednes day evening. There will be a large attendanco of medical men from all parts of the State. The District Court of Douglas County, Judge Lake presiding, be gan its June term j'esterday morn ing. HisHonor instructed the Grand Jury verbally upon their various duties, and the petit jury was em panelled. Some other business, not of general interest, was transacted. A big Newfoundland deg, who lias been in the habit of jumping over Into the Omaha House yard to pay social visits to another canine, rnetwith almost a fatal accident yesterday morning. He jumped a little too far, and landed at the bot tom of the well. He was hauled out nearly dead by means of ropes. The lunch-fiends were made happy yesterday. John Daemon this morning opened to the public his large and elegant new beer .hall, 17C Farnham street, with a grand free concert, and a luxurious free lunch. The "b'hoys" were all there, and filled their breadbaskets chuck fuli. Daemon has a good location, good beer, and being a good fellow on general principles, he will "make a stake" sure. For the last few days a drunken mau has been wandering around town With a tame pet squirrel in his pocket Yesterday the squirrel deserted him, And ran into a wood pile in the rear- of the Star House, on Harney street. Shortly after wards a woman came out to get an armful tf-wooi, and the little fellow skipped up her sleeve, and nearly frightened her ont ofher'wits; A man avIio came to her assistance, got the squirrel out, and hit it upon the head. It will never run up an other woman's sleeve, as it closed its mortal career. an hour afterwards from the effectsof the blow. The Jjest and coolest glass of .soda water, from the new and magnifi cent .Arctic apparatus, at Ish's Farnham streerdrug store. . inayl6-eod-lni First arrival "of California fruits at Tizzard's. " junel-tf Pacific House. Tenth and Daven port street; re-opened to-day, and refurnished throughout- A desirable place for boaders, by the day or -week. Prices to suit the times. Also the south part of the house to rent. uay25-tf PerionaU Col. Noteware, State Superinten dent of Immigration, Las returned from the "West General Superintendent Clark, of the Union Pacific, left Ogden Sun- day for Omaha President Dillon and party will leave Salt Lake on to-day for Omaha. Edward Ivinson, a Laramie banker, and wife, are registered at the Grand Central. Mr. Pritchett has gone to Leav enworth, to be absent a few days on business. S. T. Shanklin, superintendent of the Laramie division or the Union Pacific, will arrive here to-day, accompanied by his wife. He has just recovered from a long and se vere attack of rheumatism, and will remain here some time to recuper ate his health. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel: A J Whitmore, wife and child, Chicago; Peter Swan, N Y; G H Bogue, Cheyenne. E M Hubbard, Nebraska City: G Maxwell, Fre mont; J Gist, Omaha; B H Milton, St Louis; A T Stewart, do; John R Burgess, Davenport; C C Pratt, Bur lington; J M "Wolfe, City; M N Stucman, Florence; G M Kennedy, Burlington; F Cronen, Des Moines; J A Pryon, Chicago ; A J Miller, Lcs Mojnes; H J Steele, Chicago; J Dugind, Papillion, Nebraska; L II Ely, Kansas City; E "W Hubbard, Nebraska City; Miss Snyder, do; F CI -v. Kansas Oityj H P McLain, n'Z wn- WNFonton, Detroit, ir:,.:' w tt -oka, North H Platte. ONLY $2.50 for CROQUET set at Eberhart's, new style for four players. BABY BUGGIES $2 to S8 below others. Extremely low prices for "WALL PAPER. June 1 It. A Very Queer Proceeding. One night last week, between twelve and one o'clock, three po licemen appeared at the door of the room of two frail females, Emma Doyle and Jesse Allen, over a Farn ham street establishment, and ob taining admittance, informed them that they would be obliged to pay a fine. The next night, at about the same hour, two of the same three policemen knocked at the door. The girls wanted to know who was there. "Officers," was the reply, and they added with an oath, it is said, that they would break in the door if they were not admitted. They were let in, and they informed the girls that they would have to pay a fine or go to jail. The females finally induced their gentlemen visitors to put up the money for them. One was taxed $7.85 as an inmate, and the other $9.00 and some cents, as being the mistress. The officers then left Next morning Marshal Snowden re turned some of the money, about $2.00 overcharges, and in answer to questions by the girls, stated that the proceeding was somewhat ir regular; that it would not occur again, and that they ought to have been given a chance, as they had just come to town. The proceedings on the part of the officers, no matter how good their intentions may have been, were unquestionably without any authority. "Whoever heard of any body being fined, without being ar rested and taken before a. court of justice? The amounts levied upon tijem were large enough to cover the costs, if any had been made, but none were made, as no papers had been served or any expense in curred. The system of collecting fines from the tlemi mondc seems to be considerably mixed and decided ly irregular, as well as the whole mode of conducting the police busi ness. It seems strange that the Mar shal should allow a constable to col lect fines, when he has a sufficient police force about him, and who are paid by the city a regular salary to tin tho Pifv's lllsimw Tlin f.w.f !a j . ,.,j that if a policeman served the papers or did the business, as he ought to d , there would not be those little extra fees, which the constable pwkets. The ordinances provide that the Marshal shall make complaint against all pros titutes on the 1st of every month, and cauc thir arrest, and if we are not mistaken, the charter expressly states that for this duty no extra fees shall le charged by the Marshal. The police system is to-day made the subject of an editorial in the Bee, in which many facts arc set forth that will interest the readers of this paper. Tse FooL In a few days the Iowa roadn, composing the "pool," will resume the freight business on the old basis, and what little through freight that has hitherto gone round by way of Kearney, will hereafter be shipped b1 way of Omaha. The Kearney route, hawever, will be left open, and the Union Pacific will there fore assume a neutral position be tween it and the pool. The Kear ney outlet has not effected Omaha in the least, as only three men were required to do the Kearney bus iness, about which so much was said. This change back to the old basis, does not affect the "pool" in their relation to Omaha, whom they can treat as they always have done if they feel so inclined, but the prob ability is that hereafter they will deal with this city more honorably, and not discriminate against it. They have been taught a lesson, and they will profit by It. TAPIOCA, LEN'S. FARINA, AT AL-juneltl Auction of Furniture Adjourned sale on the corner of Tenth and Harney, takes place at 2 p. m. Don't fail to attend. James F. 3Iobtox & Co., junel-2t Brokers. THE MAN WITH THE MASK. Two Daring Attempts at Burg lary. An Exchange of Shots Between Augustas Xountze's Gardner and the Midnieht Prowler. On last Friday night a (huing attempt at burglary was made at the residence of Herman Kountze, the banker, living on eighth street. Some time after midnight, Mrs. Kountze, her husband being absent, was awakened, and was horrified to see a man, closely masked, stand ing in her bed chamber, and mak ing explorations for valuables by the aid of a dim light. She uttered a cry for help, and the man said "hush," but upon her continuing to scream, he fled out of the window through which he he had entered. That there was considerable excite ment in that household during the remainder of the night, after all the inmates had learned what had hap pened, was but a natural result. Another attempt at burglary, evi dently by the same man, was made Sunday night between 12 and 1 o'clock, at the stable on the prem ises of Mr. Augustus Kountze, in South Omaha, Mr. Augustus Kountze and family have been liv ing in New York for nearly two years and a half, and during that time the palatial residence and beautiful grounds have been in the charge of Mr. Fisher, the gardner, wl)o js a faithful and efficient guar dian, as was proved Jast night. Ho moIcs a room on the south side of the house, in s com" manding a view of the si-JLf " was awakened by hearing some hammering in the stable, and know ing that there were no horses there in, he thought it very strange. Jumping from his bed, hastily throwing on his clothes, and arming himself with a revolver, he at once quicklj' proceeded to the stable. Arriving within about two rods of it, he perceived, although the night was rather dark, that the large double door was open about eigh teen inches, and that a man was standing in the aperture. Mr. Fisher raised his revolver, and fired. The compliment was promptly returned by the burglar, who then gave a whistle, as if for a signal to some of his "pals," and then took to his heeLs southward through tho timber, in which he disappeared. Asheran, Mr. Fisher tried to take him on the wing, but the revolver failed to go off. Mr. Fisher on examination found that the door had been pried open, and that a sleeping room In the stable had been entered, a ward robe and trunk broken open, and the contents selected and piled up ready for carrying off. The burglar left behind a file, as the only clue." Mr. Fisher could not distinguish his features, but was under the im pression that the man's face was disguised by a heavy white flowing false beard or a mask. Ho seemed to think that he lilt the burglar, as no mark of the ball could anywhere be found in the vicinity where it ought to have lodged, if it had missed him. The daring villain must have been aware of the absence of Mr. Kountze, pnd probably Intended also to go through the house in hoies of making a good haul. Festival. The festival at Shoafs Hall evening, for the benefit of the Sisters of Mercy, promises to be a very pleasant affair. Among the many attractions will be dancing. The committee of arrangements is as follows: M. Donovan, John O'Keefe, E C McShane, John Mur phy, John G Lee, J F McCartney, and Thos Kennedy. Floor mana gers: W P Edwards, J Roid, Adolph Meyer, P O Malley, and T J Casey. There will be a large atten dance, as the Sisters of Mercy are deserving of a liberal benefit. LOST. On Monday, Juno 1st, between 11th and Chicago, and 10th and Mason streets, a small basket con taining children's clothing, pillow slips, etc., the finder will please leave it at the Bee office and be re warded, juneltl Calves Foot (Wine) Jelly at Allen's. Juue 1 '. t Jewelry, Watches and Clocks a large assortment now. invite attention, corner Douglas and loth streets. Bctterfied & Whipple. may 4. eodtf. First fruits of the season at Tiz zard's, 204 Farnham. First arrival of cherries now on hand. m30tf MILWAUKEE BEER AT JNO. WIRTH'S GRAND CENTRAL BEER HALL. maySOtl The Green Tree House is iiow open for the accommodation of the public. may30t0 SPICED SALMON'just received at Allen's. June 1 2t AUCTION SALE TO-MORROW Morning at 10 o'clock, of the build iug known as the Grand Central Theatre; also the furniture, bar room fixtures, mirrors, and all fur niture contained in the building. Gray & Allen, junel It Auctioneers. A few day boarders wanted at 505 12th street 29-0t Mrs. Jexxy Weathers. Dyetxq, cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner, at the STEAM DYE WORKS, 10th St.,bet Farnham and Douglas. apr2St f. Bay cigars at SundbUd's, 484 13thstreet, lt Farobam an Harney I maySSIif TRINITY SUNDAY. The Annual Floral Festival Trinity Sunday School. of Trinity church Sunday evening was the scene of one of those annual festivals so dear to the Sunday School, and so pleasant to the older members of the church. Yesterday being Trinity Sunday, the regular annual Floral festival of the Sun day School was held in the main auditorium of the church. The smiling, happy faces of the many little folks the white dresses of the j-oung people contrasting with the sombre shades of the older portion of the congregation the hand some floral decorations of the church thelteautiful silken banners, with appropriate mottoes of the different classes thereon were the elements of a delightful picture, that gave to the (ibervera scene long to be re membered with pleasure. Promptly at 7i o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Garrett, announced the opening hymn, which was sung with much energy and power, by the entire as sembly. Following this came the report of the treasurer, showing the school clear of debt, with an unex pended balanccin the treasury. After the report followed the most pleasant and entertaining exercise of the evening; two scholars from each class, one with the class banner, the other with the floral tribute, procee ceeded to the chancel rail where they were received by the Dean, in a neat and appropriate speech, to each of the fourteen classes. It is seldom if ever that we have heard in suc cession, fourteen speeches, all en tertaining and Instructive, and yet all different, and to suit differ ent subjects, from one per sod as we did from Dr.'Garret last evening. The flow ers as received, in bouquets, bas kers, and crosses, were placed upon a lame cross, trimmed with ever greens, and presented a truly beau-J tiful sight. The odors frojn these flowers fell in grateful fragrance upon the audience. After singing another hymn, Dr. McNamara, President of Nebraska College, was introduced, and dejjw ered a sound r radical address, evi dently intended for the adults pres ent upon moral culture, as ponnec ted with Sabbatb schoojs. The adr dress, though brief, was profound and scholarlj', and was evidently the result of much thought and study. "Wc regret that we have not the space to epitonize it. Following tho collection came Bishop Clarkson, who demonstrated his ability to talk to children. Few persons fully realize the difficulty or responsibility in addressing young people. Bishop Clarkson does, as was evidenced n tlie interest mani fested by the children in his address. Thatgrand old congregational hymn one of the finest in the galaxy of sacred songs "Bethany", wassung, and with the Bishop's benediction, Trinity festival was at an end. REMOVAL NOTICE. Henry Loughlin, pawnbroker, has rnved his place of business to 151 Farnham street, one WCSt of the old stand, between 10th and 11th streets, south side, second door from corner of Tenth street. junel-Ct JUST RECEIVED Oxc Hooshead "WEST INDIA MOLASSES, just the thing for UiXGEit Bread, at Allen's. junelt2 Information Wanted. Information wanted of Miss Martha Huston, by her brother Dan. Address Wyoming Hotel, Omaha, Neb. may30 2t "Gilt Edge" the Valley." Flour made. and "Cream ok Best brands of may23-lm. For an excellent glass of soda, go to Ish's Farnham street store, may 15-eod-lm. Pl.VON FOR SALE Capitol avenue. cheap, at23G ma20 lw Lost A canary bird from 10S Howard street, yesterday. A liberal reward will be given for its return. may29!2 II. D. Siiull. 10,000 Stcecl Brunncr. Tolato Tlunts at may 21 lOt. Indian Curiosities at No. 170 Farnham street, corner 11th strc:t. may 7-tf. Geo. II. Peterson, the pioneer cigar manufacturer, keeis con stantly on hand the very best brands of cigars, and also Lone Jack, Fruits and Flowers, and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas streat. may6eodly New drinks on draught. Peru vian Beer and Ginger Ale at Ish's. A variety of 25 different-drinks of soda and mineral waters on draught at all times, mayl6eodlni ton Sale Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street. Enquire of V. Burkley. aprll-tf I am still manufacturing candies. Call around dealers, before laying in your Fourth of July stock. may27 tf H. L. Latey, Corner 12th and Douglas, A now and elegantly appointed Ice Cream Jirlort has been opened on Farnham street, by Mrs. M. Giesler, in connection with her confectionery. All who delight in Indulging in Ices are requested to call. m27 6t Omaha, May 25, 1874. Fob Sale Cheap. a No. 1 Top Buggy. I also want to buy a large, young horse, for family carriage. maj-2Ctf G. W. Homax, Jr. For JZent. Cottage house at 492 Tenth street, seven rooms in good repair. Jas. F. Mobtox fc Co., J jul3t Brokew, COUNTY COURT. DISTRICT Eon. F. B. Lake, Judge. Omaha, June 1, 1874. The June term of the District Court for this county, opened yes terday morning, Hon. G. B. Lake presiding. Frank P. Hanlon, David E. Bur ley and Paul Stein were appointed bailiff's. The Grand Jurors were called, and several of those summoned having been on their application excused from serving, others were selected. The names of the panel sworn in are as follows: "Win A Gwyer, foreman; Charles Powell, Moses Ballou, Chas Brandes, E G Dudley, D S Parmelee, Peter Larson, C U Sperry, Eugene Oneil, E L Emery, John Campbell, Luther Poland, J D Thomas, L R "Wright, J G Carpenter and Win Ferguson. Petit Jury The twenty-four petit jurors summoned were called, a number was excused, and others se lected to take theirplace. The jurors for the term now are: E A Kelsey, J T Griffin, Fred Herzke, A H Baker," Edward Kel lcy, J H Braekin, O B Selden, G T Mills, W J Hahn, John Thomas, E V Smith, Isaac Clegg, W B Dixon, Henri Corri, Thomas Carr, Charles Heath, W J Logan, Gabriel Patter son, Samuel Hawver, Jas Douley, W S Barrett, J S Tucker, E G Smith and Wm Crowley. Bertschyvs McNamara. Cause ordered to be shown by lo-morrow morning why sale should not be confirmed. Bemis vs Kean et al. Same order. Shinn vs Rath ct al. Same or der. Cleburn vs lvean et al. Same or der. Miner vs Crofutt. Leave to an swer instaiuer. Dawson vs Hax et al. Same or der. .T- Bonner vs Kennedy et al. Same order. Farmers' Friend Manufacturing Company, vs Edgar. Same order. Jackel vs Forbes. Same order. Weavy vs Forbes. Same order. Mcrchand vs Denton, etal. Same order. Williams vs Denton. Same or der. McKclligon vs Maxwell. Dis missed. Creighton vs Forbes, et al. Leave to reply. "Kennedy vsBurley. Same order. Zook et al.vs Forbes. Dismissed. JJeniis vs Chaplin et al. Sale and appraWmontset aside. Greason vs Duituy, ot a). Service by publication ordered. In the application of Francis Ha vier Fodleljecher for a change of name, a decree was made chang ing the last name to Beecher. B J3 IJ Kennedy, Esq., announced the dea'tlTof Judge Robert Town send, and presented the resolutions heretofore adopted at a meeting of the bar; which were ordered spread upon the journal. Tbp court adjourned till 9 o'clock this morning. For soda and mineral water, Pe ruvian beer and ginger ale,patronize the "statue," the costliest and most magnificent soda apparatus ever constructed and now running in full blast at Isii's Faruhatn street drug store dispensing the most delicious and cooling drinks in the city. May 15, cod 2m. Now is the accepted time to buy goods at rates to suit the times, for cash at J, H. Steix. mav20eodtf No liquors, but lemonade, sen.... and soda water, cider and splendid ice cream, etc., to be had at the Frexcii Coffee House, 4S5 12th street. Separate room for ladies. may30tewtf The Latest Goods to be had is at J. H. Stein's. may2C-eod-tf. . Grand Opening. John Damon will open his new Volk's (People's) Hall at 17G Farnham street, on Monday, June 1st. The Yolk's (People's) Hall recommends itself, on account of the convenient location, and the most fastidious arrangement of the place. On the opening day, the proprietor will set an excellent lunch, and intends always to keep the finest liquors and cifrars. also every brand of beer, brewed in this city, and imported beer from Mil waukee, will be kept on draught, and the brewer, whose beer the pub lic pronounces to be the best, will receive a premium of $10. We anticipate that J. Damon will soon be doing a lively business, as he has in fitting up the Volk's Hall spared no expense in making it both pleasant and attractive, and we would say to the public, that if they desire to enjoy themselves, they should attend the opening next Monday. Good music will be in attendance. Copirs of city charter for the Bi-'e office sale at tf EBERHART THE KINGr"LEK ra BABY BUGGIES! Is SOLE AGENT in Nebraska for 4 of tho Rest Maters. My prices are awa-i below ! these small dealers, have 300 In stook, and WILL NOT be undersold! Make no mistake. feee the "BAZAR" before buying, or write for price3. You nave dollars by so doing. See the new 1 BOSTON CANOPY TOP!" Which makes 5 styles of a buggy. Large or small orders filled at FAC TORY PRICES ! for cash. I make a " specialty " of filling retail orders for a single buggy. BIRDS Imported fall kinds' wholesale and retail. apl3eod2m J DOUGLAS ffTSjBfcut flii MERRICK COUNTY. A Decline in Bourbon. Business and Politics. ISpecial Correspondence ol the Bzr.J Lone Tree, Nebraska, ) May 30th, 1S74. Editor Bee: It rained all night here, and such an one. A regular soaker, and it has done all sorts of good. Small grain can be counted on as made, and all crops look splendid. Every acre is planted that could be, and the prospect is certainly cheering. Our town is improving slowly; busi ness is not so dull as it was. Immi gration is pourmg in rapidly, and the outlook for Western Nebraska is certainly flattering. Our business men are taking steps to form a com pany to bridge the Platte. A bridge is much needed, and will double the business of our town. It will be a toll bridge, and a good investment for any one to take stock in, as you will readily see by the map, that a large portion of Hamilton,. Polk and York counties, will center here for trade. Our temperance organization is working well; most of the old soak ers have joined and the saloon trade weakens fast; one already played out and the other on the road, with no noise about it hut quiet, earnest work. Politics quiet ; our papers are throwing out feelers, and candidates are plenty, and all sure to win. No names, however, are prominent, except at Granu Island and North Platte. It is sup posed that Mr. Mobley, of the Inde pendent, will be the Grange candi date for Hon. Guy C. Barton's seat in the State Senate, while it is hinted that Guy won't give it up. The Courier has a candidate but don't want to trot him out. Your correspondent is of the opin ion that there will be a candidate for every government section in the district for all the ollices. Nox. A Contradiction. Kearney, Nebraska, 1 May 30, 1874. Editor Bee. Your correspondent, I Borum, in his communication on Kearney, published in your issue of the 28th inst., makes a serious mistake in the closing paragraph where he describes an evening sermon preached by "Rev. Mr. C." The fact is, "Rev. Mr.C. was not in town at that time; and tho service described by your correspondent, though held in the M. E. Church, was a Presbyterian service, and conducted by Re James A. Griflcs, of the Presbyte rjan Church of this place. Yours respectfully, D. A. C. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let, For Sale, Loct, Wonts, Found, Boarding, Ac, will be inserted in these columns once lor TEN CENTS Pfr line; each subsequent insertion, FIVECEFIS per line. Tle first insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, AUCTION Sal-E OF LOTS In HeUoa's Addition to Omahr, on ThnrsJay, June 4, at o'clock p. m. About 30 splendid residence lots, In the pleisantest location in the city.near the street railway, and surrounded by first class residences. Will be s ild to the best bid ders at our sale rooms, 2.S1 Douglass street jel3t GKAYUALLE. Auctioneers. VHTAnTED A nurse Girl Apply at 233 VV Howard Street, between 14tl :h ami 15th streets. jellt WANTED. A girl to do housework;. Ap ply at SOS Capitol Avenue. je 1 It 710n RENT. KurnUUed or unfurnished . """ oartie uteJ J-'"?."" ?""."" . liS& Xon lint paa! rpii.. Also a good Piano tor rent cheap. -.,. . FOK RENT. A desirable room suitable for one or two gentlemen. Northwest corner ol lith and Harney. my303t 1BONT ROOM ! teenth street. TO LET at No. 553 Thlr m!9 3t. WANTED. By a thoroughly competent Book-keeper, just arrived from the Eat, a situation. First cla?s references. Address K. O. P. Office of Omaha Bee. m 29 3t "ITT ANTED Two good farm hands want a YT situation upon a farm no) t o far from Omaha. Apply immediately at the Bee -f- fice, niay 29 WANTED A servant girl. Enquire o 1G. W. Ambro;e, corner of 20th and Farn ham streets. m29 3t. mo LET.- From June 1st a small house one Dm the i'osUOffiee. Amilv at the L block from the PosUOflice. Cozzcns House, 9th siren!. m2d it "T10R SALE-100 acres of land, being the XE JC JiofseclS, in township 13, J of R -1 E. in the SE part of Buttler county, 30 miles North west of Lincoln. A well improved farm adjoins it on the west, and country all aiound it is thickly settled: Will sell for 5500, one half down, balance in one year, or $J 00 per acre in cash, or will trade for city property. Apnlv to my21tf ANDREW ROsEWATER. A15-stamo quartz mill, house, shop, and mine in the silver mines of Jie shop, baru evutln ior saie cneap. cue Box 171, MarjsviUe, Cheap for cash. Address PO ,.uo. c3ds-4t WANTED A girl to do general houscworc, , .Venuan Preferred. Apply n w cor Burt and 23d street. Also a nurse girl wanted tuy20tf DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, and several 'vacant lots, and farm lands tor sale ; also houses nd offices to rent cheap, to good tenants. Apply to Joust E. Kellkt, Attorney at Law, at French A McKoon's ofiice, RoomNo. 3, Creighton bfock. mvl8tf FBONT PARLOK FOR RENT-Apply 277 Davenport st bet lith and ICth sts. mylCtf T THE PUBLIC The im,lmll ,,. Purchased and nut nrmn ttiA iinut. public conveyance s. home of tho iinMinrri,.u eermanufacturcd in thin country. Thev will be run to andtrom the depots, hotels and" private residences. All orde left at the Metropolitan Hotel, or at the stable, ticar e cor of Eleventh stand Capitil Avenue, will be promptly at tended to. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. JOHN E. BULL. myl3tt . "?ptRT1 -One section choice land, on the big bend of the ircpublican River. Nuckols '! inquired A. .MIXSKI. myH-ml CorlLvneyand 15th ts. WANTED-Servant girls, carpenters, farm hands, laborers, etc., immediately, at the employment offlce.room 9 Visscher'sblock. myStf FOR SALE. I will sell good second hand carriages and buggies low for cash or trade, as I wish to replace them with new ones. "j6tf G. W.Homas. TEALesta'efor sale in Anns' ronz A Nel- Jl son's additions. Address, S. J. C, Bee office- my5tl FOB SALE A Singer swing machine, new. Inquire of Mai Meyer A Bro. ap27tf F)R SALE One set parlor fnrn'ture ; also a piano. Inquire of JI-ix Hey er A Bro. ap27tf ' WANTED A cneap iami in exenange for merchandise. Addratt, Farmer, Bib ofice. ap21t F)R SALE OB RENT o.3Jl Chicago st Apply to , HARRIS, TAFT A. WOODMAN, P21 Oil MBL FOR SALE OR RENT A farm of 121 acres with house and barn, sltcatedone hall mile west of the Barracks; Inquire of mchl6U D. P. REDMOND. DENTlSTBx". ;twRLKc nrTTilU 0FFWE, No. 232 FARNHAM. ST. tf ST4I83, Bet 13 th &. 14th Sts., OMAHA. aOMest ffmcticlag Dentm, la tU9 dt Aj z) . ENOCHiHENNEY, Justice of the Peace Office over tho State Bank, corner cf Farn ham and 13th streets, jel California House. FEITZ HAFHEE, Frop'r. No. 170 Douglas Street, corner 11th, Om ha, Nebraska. Board by the day or week. June 1, yl LEGAL NOT1CK. To all Whom it ifay Concern. TAKk NOTICE That on the 2d day of July lb71,at 2 o'clock, p.m., I will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the residence of Michael Sautter, one fourth of a mile southwest of John Green's stone quarry, the following described property, to wit: One roa cow, one red steer, with white spot in the face. The same having been taken up as es trays by said Michael sautt r. ENOCH HENNY, , Justice of the Pea-e. Omaha, Ntb., June 1, 1371. ;jeldltwft. STATEMENT OF THE German American Insur.Co. OF THE CITY JANUARY 1st, 1874. . Capital, $1,000,000.00. ASSETS. United States .Bonds, (market val ue). ...... ... . . Loans tecurcd by United States and New York Slate Bonds New York City 7 per cent Bonds... Cash in bands ot Agents, and in course of transmission- Premiums due on Polities, New York otGce....... ...... Cash in Bank ;. Cash in nlHf S331.SC0 CO 511,000 00 JU.OOO ft) 7J.39J 23 17,156 73 1GS.4-6 W 9,121 50 !1,G30,SU1 17 LI TBILITIE3. Lases unadjusted, and adjusted but notlue ... .. 17,373 09 $1,603,223 33 FRENCH 4 McKOOX, Agents. je 1 Ct, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE .COIVI'Y OF HAIiTFORD, CONX. Statement December 31s, 1S73. CASH CAPITAL, - $500,000 00 TOTAL ASSETS, - $S31,SG0 2S SCHEDULE OF ASSETS. Cash in Hartford Xational Bank, J 33 039 54 Cash in Chirter Oak National Bank. 39,010 16 Cash in Company's office.. . 787 7s Cash in hands of Agents and in course of transmiss'on 33,000 00 B)nds and Mortgages . m, 12u 00 300 shares New York, Xew Haven and Hartford R. R. Co . 36,000 00 100 shares Pittsburg, Fort WavneA Chicago RR Co .'... 9 00) qq 100 shares Nw York Central tud Hudson River R R Co .. 9 s 00 100 suares iiKt-auure auu aiicmgau cuuiueiu lb ifc i.u 7.C0OO0 227,205 Q0 13S5 shares National Bank Stock .,. Bills Receivable secured bv Mortea gesand Ttisl Deeds : . 2C0.500 CO Bills Receivable oecured by" Stocks " and Bonds T 23,323 00 Interest accrued on bills receivuble... 7,3fi 50 Interest an 1 Div.deuds onBonds and stocks not Included above in Mar ket Valna 5,79-1 50 Total Assets, ... $831,350 33 LIABILITIES. Fire losses Outstandlng!.... $22,120 -49 STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) Auditor's DEPaitTii'T. It is hereby certified that the Xational Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, (onu., las counjlied wjth ijie Insurance" law bf this State, and is authorized to transact the business of Fire Insurance in this Slate for the current year. Witness my hand and seal of office L. S.J at Lincoln, Neb., this 31st day of Janury, 1871. "' J. B. WE3TOX, . Auditor of State. C.H. WILLARD, Deputy. , je 1 6t FRENCH Jt McKOOX.Wcnts. INCORPORATED MRCH27,1S20 Fire Association! QF PHILADELPHIA. This old and reliable Insurance company con, tinues to insure against loss by lire. BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND MER CUANDI'AE GENERALL Y. All losefs sustained by the association since Its organization h-ve b, sen promptly paid, and Amount to $971,466.20. STATEMENT OF ASSET3, JAN. 1, 187L Bonds and Mortgages, Ground Bents ......... $1,591 273 86 21,617 19 Real Estate, Office, No. ( 31 North f tun siiwi, .............. .. . United States P,es;strid Kon'is,,,.,, Loan of tbeCityf Phlladilpnf, Warrants of tht) City ot " " Loan of the Mate of Pennsylvania Loan of the City of Pittsburg, 7 per cent................... 1000 shares of Stock of Pennsylva- n2a Railroad t'ompariv....... Pennsylvania Ila!l;wl Sitlp. Lehigh Volley Railroad Bondf, 7 percent - ... Loan ot Ma.oiiicTeuiple, 7.20 331 shares OS Stock cf 1'iro A; toe!- Interest Accrued and Unpaid....... Nttt Premiums Due by .ge.utt- In Transmission ........ ... Cash in Bank, January 1, 1S71... 53,920 TO 237.500 00 iXi,iA CO -41.M7 27 42,472 CO 23,000 00 43.CO0 00 2,350 0j 10.100 00 10,000 W) 53.2J5 00 2.J23 20 81,563 IT 116,713 74 Market Value . $' C01.65J 13 STATE ... . c..- 1 1 Auditor's Depabtm't. I or 1. r. It U hereby certified that the Fire Associa tion of Philadelphia, has cotrplicd with the Insurance law cf this State, and is authorized to transact the businss ofJFire Insurance in this Stato for the current year. , , Witness my hand and seal of office L. S. at Lincoln, Nebraska, thisIOth dav ol March, 1874. J. B. WESTON. Auditor ot State. uu. rvttAltu, Deputy. je I-Ct rueful atcKOON, Agent. A cademy of Music! TUESDAY JTJJ5TE Cal. Wagner's Minstrels! AND BItASS BAND. 22 Performers 22 Everything new and .-parklirg; new acts., new sours and jokes. Reserved c.ts at Wy man A Ebcrhttrt's Var t Store. ,,. ,. E. ROSEN11AUM, Press Agent. W.H.STBICKl.JND Gen'l Asent. 23 It. Anything Xi. vr. joneis I dcilER IN- MOST EVERYTHING .-.31 aud 533 131k Ktreet, Opposite tha Post Office. Children's Carriages, Bird Cages, Croquet Set?, Stationery, OR ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL K0TB2 UNDERSOLD! Choice Imported and Domestic Clgara ap29m2eod SHERIFF'S SALE. w Oimt VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTION i-.r, r,f th District Uourt lor Cimlna County Nbraska, and to me directed, t i,i - .,.. a - J. T.1.1A A'Tk IRTi 'at 10 o'clock a m ol slid day, attb- store room ol ! Al UvrtTnrkcrVnlil Donelas street, in the Citr of Omaha, and County al Douglas, in said State, sell at auction the following aescrioea pr erlr. levied nnon to satlsf r a judzemnt of sal up- f aid I Court, recovered by II L Henry, azalnst Albert Tucker, to wit Eighty-five canes of men's and boys' boots. 23 cases of shnes : also all the retail Stock of boots and shoes containe I in said store; also small una tl nau ami caps ; also ins fol lowing described store and office furniture: Two lounges, I desk. 1 stove and pipe, 2 chairs, 1 show eases and 1 letter press, or so roach of the said goods as are nsceasary to satisfy said judgment and costs, aud accruing costs inereon. ALFRED BUBLEY. tayZUoJoS Sheriff A&Mf vfe&? Ejy ot ft jkK KtfrH saafcgjfejs- MR. JOHN RATH IS AGKXT FOE OCEAN STEAMERS. J. J. BROWN & BRO.? WHOLESALE GROCERS, Agents for the Oriental Powder Co. OHrHLA, 2STE3B., niyS-ly STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Grocers, SIJIPSOS'S BLOCK 533 and 540 Fourteenth Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE rocbl3.jr MORGAN & GALLAGER. -SUCCESSORS TO CREIGHTON AND MORGAN- WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnham Street OILVLA lECA., aprSdly 7 WHITNEY, B AUSERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street, O-MTA-HIA., mch27yi AttK.NTS FOR THE Kurtz foHR& (Jo JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS. 231 Farnham Street, q:mla.:e3:a, - - jsj-eb. j. j. brown & bro., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, and mjS-lY JOHNT. EDGAR, JOBBER OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, AND- AGHICTTIiTTTR All X2FXiEMEXTTS. TIIKEMIWIS. IIAHVKSTKItN,UKAPKRS.MOWKIIS. DRILLS, NEEDEItK, COUX-PLA-VrtUN lLOVf CUtTIVATQIW, HAY. "" KAKES aSid WAYjiWs. ' f ' mchlSy 246 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebraska. GEO. A. HOAGLAND, Wholesale Lumber OFFICE COR. OF DOUGLAS AND 6THST3., U.iP. B. R. TB1CR. anlltf ESTABLISHED PUWBT, MEYER &. RAAPKE, -WHOLESALE FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars. 212 Farnham Street, - - Omaha, tfeh hlcui7eodvl HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IX- Wines, Liquors, Cigars, rl'cdio. IriOnlKcnlucky Whiskies and Imported Uoodi a Specially. 23D DOUGLAS STB,,-! iCaldwUl Block.) ( hiSvl JL. IE. S I M P S O IT, MANUFACTURER AND WH0LE3ALE- DEALER IN CIGARS. 532 IFXIFTEIEJSrTia: ST CREIGHTON BIiOOE. HOMES and T A.K1CS I2T NXSHASZA The Burlinrton and Missouri River Railroad Co., oJ.-rs best Ian 'sat low prlcei oc 10 years' credit ate percent, interest, and wl habraus premium of 20 par cent, on the amount ol tha purchase, 11 half the laaJ Is cultivated, within two yeirs from date of purchase. LARGE DEDUCION3 FOR CASH PAYMENTS. Norlh of Platte, Loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys Th P. A M. R. R. Co. will T1 abvit -.00.1 OM urrw of 'en ' ntt ; an 1 ajrieultural land la aweU watered country ,t from Jl-'i uj7.00porajonU.njcrBilIU South of he Platte TliComisnyownjalargebolrofthbtIaalInNebrasU,Interetlby numerous rivers, and aljacem to Its railroad a.i 1 In tb Iar,-est an 1 hjit develop 1 pirt of the State, al also In the amojiPfpabUean.Valley. Fordrc-iUrs sal full Infor-natlon apply to C. B. SCIULLER Asent B. & M. land Office, Cor of Math art Fai-abaa St.. Omaha, Or Ueuer.il Laid Peaarlmeat, Llacwla,!feh, RATS & HATTSZar, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF Leaf Tobaccos MANUFACTURERS OF OIG-ABS! AXD DEALERS IN gs Pipes, Tobaccos, Eto. The attention of dealers Is called to the fact that w. a'e prepared to LIBEL our goods wl U their NAMES as manuLctueid eaprsly for them. May 27 d lm. EB ustieib. ustieb DUPOXT TOiTDER CO. Boots and Shoes. ,oV-if cut-rivA" xxn waYjojJs. Omaha, AND YARD IN SB, 1S53 DEALERS IN OHVLAHA., IsTEIB. p23mS VJ 4 r . x