'."" ?c ?Zk Aj3t-IS S?---2 &K -Jri.-nf' ! r .wv?! -,u. LT -t r; y 'J KSS APPLETON'S American C YC1. OPADIA Kew Eevised Edition. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on- erery subject. Printed Irom new type, - sndlllusirated with Sereral Thousand Engravings and Maps. u AinnldtAfl circulation wuicii it ins attained In all parts of the Untied Slates, and the signal developments which have taken place In every branch of ecience, literature, and art. have Induced the editors and publistien. to submit it to an exact and thorough revUioo, and to Isstte a new dition entitled, The Axericax Cyclopas- V Within the last ten years th. Fgrc f covery in every departinent-of-knowledge has Sad"a new work of reference an imperaiive Tbk movement of political affairs has kept rwirthfdiscoveri'esof science, and their IruitJ appUcation to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of iSallifo. Great wars and consequent revolu Tlaveoccurei, Involving national changes nf ueoiliar moment. The civil war 01 ourown coJuwhichwasat Its height when the lost volumlof the old work sppeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has been commenced. edgtThave been made by the Indefatigable ex .tnMfii alf Africa. aoiou."-. "-; -.!- C Afrtf iuuiaav' ""T -.,, ,-,ltn nf th lut decade, with the natural result of the Japseof time, have brought into public view a multitude uf new men, whose names are.ia every onei mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Gret battle have beeu fought aad important slejes maintained, of which the details are as yet -preserved only ?n the newspa, ortatho trute pubHca tionsot the day. bu which ought now ui take their nlac inperraaoent and authentic lilttory 1 I waringlhe -..resent edition for the pre. t naiSordinglv Lien the aim of the editors to bringdown the information to the ktest pos ible dates, and to furnish an accurate, account of the mis recent discoveries In science, of every fresh prIettou in literature, and of the newest invcntien in the practioa arts, as weUaj to give a succinct and original record of the progress of pjli.lcal and hisiorial event. The work has been begun alter long and care-,."-.., ...i., uir ml with themost amiile SsTfar'cSJiii It on to a auccesul tenoithe original stereotype plates have been usod, but every page has n Pntod on new type lorming in tact a new Cyclopaedia, with the same plan anl compass as Its predecw- ur Imt with a lar zresier kmuuv i ture. and with such improvement . - ,Uinn as have bn .asserted by longer ex- - -. - i. Ha Mima . .l- k. l. ....jntltlt in Derience anl enlarged know loJge. P Thelilustratioas which are ntroduced for the first Uine In tha present edition have been added not for the site of pictorial effect, but to rive greater luclditv aad force to the expl,na flonS inthe text. Tucy embrace all branches of science and na ural history, and depict the rfoi? famous and remar table features of scenery architecture, and art, as well as the varloui pro SeTol mechanics and manufacture. Al though intended for in-.truction rather Uian eXiiishnient, no pains hive been spared to insure their artistic excellence: l"1 ' their execution Is enormous, and it is believed they wSl finds welcome reception as an ad mirabTe feature of the Cyclop-dia, and worthy "'T'hewrkUdloSubrlbersonly.wable on delivery of each volume. It will be eom r.leted In sixteen large octavo .volumes, each conSningaboutgOOpageS.fully itf with several .hSuond Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Map. FEICE AND STYLE OF BINDING. t..m rTnli nr vol -.. 53 t In Library Leather, per toL . 60U ... ,r-lf .. .f.... XTat-iwm. tW TOl....... w j .... , In Half Kussia, extra gilt, pervol . In full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per i" " ""w ".",..' .." t u m uci "m w. 10 09 10.00 vol ....... In f ull Bussia, per vol.--- Three volums now realv Succeeding ; vo lqms. until completion, wl.l be Issued once in 'Sperfnlen pages of the Aica C clo-rai-Dis, showing type, illustratiom. etc.. will be sent ratis, on application. FIB3T CLASS CANVASSING AGENT -J tV ANTED Address the Publishers, D. Appleton & Co., 519 & 551 Broadway, New York. J27U KEAKNEY'S FL0ID-EXTKACT BUCHU The only known remeJjIfor MIGHT'S DISEASE, And a jwsltlTO cure for Gout, Gravel, Strictures," Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Ner-. vou3 Debility, Dropsy, BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERMA TQRRH(EA Loncoerhoe orWhltcs, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland. S.one la the Bladder. Colcul us. GRAVEL OR 1JRICK DOST. DE And Mncua or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S Extract B u c li ti ! FermanenUy Cures all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings, Existing In Men, Women and Children, Xo Matter Wiat the Age! Frof. Steele saTK "Onebottle'of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu Is worth juore thin all other Buchus combined." Price one dollar per bottle; or, six bottles for fire dollars. Depot 104 DuaneSt.,N.Y. A physician In attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. afcsT-oend sump for pamphlets, free.. Crane A Bri;ham, Waolesale Agents, Saa Francisco. Cal. ap23wtf TO THE NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. S0 0HAHQE F0S ADVIOE AND C0BT SULTATlbk yR J. li. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all dis eases of the Sexual and Urinary or gans, (which he has made an es pecial study,) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters, describing symptoms.and en: closing stamp to prepay postage. fjeS-Send for the Guide to Health. Prioe 10c- J. B. DYQ111, M, D, Physicion and Surgeon, 104 Duane btreet, 2v. Y. OB TJ.CLES TOXIKBIAGE, HAfTY RELIEF F.OR YOUNG MEN from the eSects of errors and abuses In early life Manhood restored. ImdeJements torn irrla-e reniove-I New method of treat ment. Boksandcirculars tent free in sealed enie'.o'-es. Address, Howard Association, No 5, South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa-, Ettitutl-m having a hgh repusltlon for honor eondu-tanJprjIailjaulakUl. uj2-i DOUGLAS COUNTY. Tne Town of Waterloo. Manufacturing Facilities. Social and Personal. Correspondtnce of the Bee. Sakatoga, June 1. Editor. Omaha Bee: Hiding in the commodious cars the U. P. a few daj'8 ago, while just entering the bridge spanning the Elkhorn river, a centleman the seat before me turned and asked: "Sir, will you be kind enough to tell me the name of this town which we are just entering?" "Waterloo," was the reply. 'Oh, indeed ! When I went through here three years ago I remarked to my wife, who was with me, that some - J . tjiere wouj,lbe a tOWll here, as I I consideretl it the best town site to be found on the road; now I see my words are verified." Further chat was iotponed on account of my being obliged to leave the train at tliis paint.. although we fully diucided with the gentleman; and now we will give your readers a brief description of the town which our traveling friend was pleased to speak of so highly. "Waterloo is the largest, and commercially the most important of the three towns situ ate in the western pait of county. It occupies a beautiful site on the west bank of the Elkhorn, whose waters Iiound it also on the north. Though but two years old its growth has been steady, and probably the present season will show a larger prorata of improvements than the past. First, as to its water power, its the boast of the town, the county, and the State, and on very few streams in the west can its equal be found. It Is at present only used for the purpose of supplying the tho necessary power to one flouring and saw mill, but movements are on foot to utilize it to more advan tage, and beforo many seasons we hope to see woolen, flax, paper and other mills doing their duty and depending upon it for power. It will not fall them. The flouring mill already located here has been in successful operation for nearly two j'ears, and the "Wa (orloo" brand, has already achieved for itself a reputation second to none in the State. The firm litis been changed materially by the addition of Messrs. Williams and Purchase, both formerly ot Omaha, who bring to the enterprise abundant capital, and the necessary brains and west ern pluck. TJie Arm, consisting of these" geitlcihicn, ind thp former proprietor, Mr. Elias Kelsey, are doing business under the name of the "Waterloo Milling Co." The mill, building and macnincry, is worth fifty thousand dollars. It is supposed to have the best outfit of machinery of any mill in the State. Mr. Chas. lioltrusli, the gentlemanly qnd obliging miller one who has been at the, lAisjness for twPvp years, and thoroughly understands every branch showed us something new, but of great efficiency in the manufacture of flrst-class flour, to wit: a steamer, a machine which thorough! steams the wheat before it reaohes Uie stones. Thjs process renders tho bran larger, arid pre cludes all danger of any futuro sweating, as it is termed. Mr. B. stated that he considered this steam ing one of the essential requisites to the manufacture of a iirst-clas ar ticle. The mill is capable of shipping a car load of flour and feed daily. Just back of the mill stands what is termed the hogpalace one of the completest arrangements for the housing of hogs, wp eycr sy, Spv: eral hundred of these animals are raised by the'proprietors of the mill. Walking into tho saw mill, we there noticed everything complete and unique. A large circular five-and-a-half foot saw, is kept continually busy, besides a small one for lighter work. Batting as been going on all spring. They qan'and have"bee.n sawing, we understand, about 3,000 feet daily, and it is estimated that there are at least 200,000 more wajtjng in (ho pond. leaving tho mill, aha walking toward thomain part of the town, we pass a very handsome residence, belonging to Mr. Elias Kelsey, situated, about 200 yads from the mill, and just at the commencement of thi tovn sjte proper. Tpius the' has "beeu resurr veyetl, the streets have liecn wid ened, aiul other innroveuieiitsuimle where praoticalile. l,u ' ....jiarKSwere una out some time ago, and but lately, Mr. Silvas, the U. P. Photo grapher, whom we spoke of in our last letter, having purchased some fifty acres of fine land adjoining the town, has also laid out a new park. These will make tho town in a few years, a splendid place for comfort and ease, as the river affords the best of fishing, and the prairies and woods afford excellent hunting. "By the way we would mention tho great number of pleasure seek ers whom we find going to Water loo to spend a day or two, and some a week, in fishing. Ample accom modations can be afforded them at the hotel, the Waterloo House, and they will be hospitably received and generous entertained by tho oblig ing host, Mr. Logan, to whom we .are under many obligations for in formation relative to the town and its prospects Or if they are of tho sort who love solitude, they can do as manj' others are doing, pitch their tent beneath the broad spreading and shade yielding Cot tonwood and maple which line the banks of this beautiful stream for miles. We find the streets lined on either side with thrifty young maples which in a few years will add immensely to the looks of the town. HVe had the pleasure while in town of meeting with Mat Han son, one 01 tne oest DiacKsmiuis in the "West He makes a special ty of doing that most difficult of all smith work, sharpening mill points. Picks are shipped to him per express from all parts of the State, and from Iowa. Wo find the general merchandise trade well represented here by the "Waterloo Milling Com pany, who have a very large stock on hand, while next door to them are still located tho old reliable the Donahoo Bros. Across the track we stepped into the store of L. Iu Stephens & Co., this firm are doing a heavy business. Their warehouse is stored full of grain, and the cat tle which they handle show evi dence of thrift and energy. Dr. McLaughlin, formerly of Iowa, is about opening a drug store, and will also practice medicine. Mr. Straight, a carpenter and build er of Omaha, is about locating, and js at present busy on the house which Mr. Purchase is erecting. A large lumber yard is located here and doing a fine business. Many houses will be erected during the summer. Mr. Trimble, formerly of the furniture house of Omaha, has located here and builds immediate ly. Much of the land adjacent to "Vaterloo is being eagerly bought up. Mr. Shinn, our venerable townsman for instance, has bought ftn entire section within two miles gftown, Sweet Bro's. we busily! engaged laying out the yardjfor the manufacturing of brick, and as they seem to be men who go ahead with the business, and do not ston to talk much alxtut it, we predict for them uuuuuam success, me came rais ing interests are well represented. Messrs. Gardner, Stephens, and Williams, owning and feeding near town several thousand head. Some of the finest pasture that can be found in the State is here. of In conclusion, we would say that we consider Waterloo to be one of the finest points on the road, and know of no better investment than jutting money in it; to-day it is the attraction of all of our live business men in Omaha, and many areinter esting themselves in it. All it lacks to make It immediately the equal of in Fremont is tfie want of bridge com I munication with Saunders and But ler counties, across the Platte. the people of Douglas County Let this fall make this a point; it will be one of the grandest things for Omaha that ever was done. Thousands and hundreds of thousands will flow in yearly to its coflere which now en rich Fremont, Ashland, Lincoln aud Chicago. Put in your stock yards, put up your packing houses, bridge the Elkhorn aud the Platte, and Omaha leaps in a month from al most abject poverty to wealth. Try it! It wont cost her fifty thousand dollars if you can't get a State bridge, put In a toll bridge; any thing for a bridge. The result will be the entire trade of Saunders,But Ier and adjoining counties will come to us, and many times repay the trouble we may undergo to get it. W. W. THE LATEST FASHIONS. Paris, May IS. ICwrrespondrnce of The Bee.) FASHIONS. The variety of new tissues to be met with in the shops is astonish ing; they have the nierit of being handsome and cheap. There are materials in wool, silk and wool, and cotton and wool. The latter looks very fresh and pretty, makes up well for country dresses, and can be simple or elegant, according to the trimming. All these tissues are generally in light shades; and whether the material be precale, linen, batiste, mohair or sultanc, it is ornamented with English em broidery, Russian guipure or cheny. Stripes, to ovory one'ssurprise,have become.fashlonable again; some toil ettes in white and marom faille, or white and black, looked charming at the late races. Long polonaises are to be met with, ornamented in front with bows of ribbon matching the stripe, upon fulard jupons, or stugs of the same shaije; or, simple tunics knotted as a scarf behind. With these tunics, tho faille cuirasse must be of the same color as tho jupon. Mohair is not only in vogue for travelling dresses, but makes a demi-toilette of much tasteof colors, the different shades of ecru, gray in all tints, olive green, and reseda are the mode Ecru not beinga shade well defined harmqnizes with the mot diverse coors; thp same remark perhaps applies to the grass, but the latter have most distinction when light, upon a darker color. "Delf blue" has just now a great success for simple costumes, being neither too light nor too dark, unil not the least of t advantages, it suits street dresses admirably. Manv costumes aro-to be met in blaek faille, ornamented with Jet, com pleted by a pelerin loaded with fringe and jet lace. Steel-blue pro duces an excellent effect upon pale blue faille or marine blue. For full dress, pearls and embroidery are still essential; a 'new silk gauze, something resembling the fror-froi', strong and in all- the prevailing shades, is much patronized for rich tojlef tcis. The cuirasse will be worn as far Into the summer as the heat will permit; it displays the graceful ness of the figure too well to be quickly set aside. Ladles not tall and slender, should avoid the cuirasse; with the lat.ter and, a Chi na qrape scarf carelessly tied before or behind, 'one' " can do without a confection. A graceful and economical toilette can be made of Valencia a cheap material in silk and wool by "trim ming it' wiih'a small fiounop of light colored taffeta; a colored flounce ground a polonaise, the sleeves, and the pockets, or arouin the tunic, imparts eleganoa to tl)e most modest tissue in tho world. Outside of dia dems, no tvq ljats assemble each other; those jn straw aro trimmed With IOUlflrHa -- , t.uuteu gauze, and China crape, and bouquets of flow ers. The Leopold-Robert form, ap pears to reign in great favor. Col lars in the finest linen or battite, are worn with street costumes; they.are woni witli street costumes; tnej are worn high behind, sometimes plaited, very open before, and fold ing down. Colored collars are suit able for travelling, morning wear and pic-nies. Young ladles even copy the chlldreu's sailor collar. Monaco. 41 AUUUTT1IK1VATKB WOKES The central city of the West Quite proud of late lias grown, Ai d feels it can no longer wait A goo 1 sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world Who wish to cut a swell, At once erect a rtservi ir Upon their hignest hill. We read in the days of Noah That water wo ks were tried; The trouble was ttey badnosewen, And so the people died. I et us then remember If water works we try. To put In sewcisgood and strong. And make our streets quite dry And when the thing Is dons' We'll celebrate at once. Then everybody In the town- Will bay their hats of Bunce. For all new styles that row are out, Some fifty kinds or more. You'll find them cheap at Ranee's Famous New York store. Th Chitnp'.oa Hitter of thj West. 23a Doug asStreeet. mch26U II. 6REBK. c. J. KAEBACir. GREUE & KaBBACII, 15lh st. Let ween Farcham and arney sts. OMAHA, - - XEB. MANCFACTCREROF I Spring and Farm Wagons, BIGGIES AXO (MIlRllGES. Dealers In and manufacturers or AGRICULTURAL ntl'LZ-FXTS ! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO IIORSK bHOfclXG. aKBTtrpairingrf wagons and blacktmitblng promptly doneat reasonable prices mydawCm diaries Popper, WHOLESALE BUTCHER AND CATTLE .BROKER, SALT LAKE C1TV, feh27lt UTAH. DR. A. S. BILLINGS, BBITTIST, 234 j.xa.Atx St., BeL 13th and 14th, np stairs. Teeth extracted without pain, by usoof Itl trous OilJe Gas. "Office open stall hour e5tf J. C9 CABF-NTEB AND BOLDER. 236 FARNHAM STREET Monev and Commerce. Daily Beview. Office Omaha Daily Brx, 1 June 1, 1874. J Last week's business, on the whole, was very satisfactory. Though there was some complaint of dull ness among retailers, the wholesale trade was very heavy, amounting to more than double what it was for the corresponding week of 1S73. Money was easier than during the closing week of any month of 1S74, and a better feeling prevails toward borrowers at the banks than we have noticed since the opening of the year. There is a good business doing in - spring produce and, all that comes is taken at liberal prices. The- only exception to the general rule is in! butter, which has come forward in very large quantities, and the price is correspondingly low. OMAHA MA.BKETS. Carefully; Corrected tDaily DRY GOODS. J. J. browx bro., Cor. 14th Douglas Streets. and PRINTS. American... . Albion Aliens ....., onnestoga Dnnellsn. . Truman's....... Garner A Co... Haruilton..... Merrimack D .. 9K 10 10 Vi 9 10 9K 10 10 95 ,2 13V 13JI 30 W4 Oriental ... Pacific Mills Spragues, . . . BROWK DRILLS. Amoskeag ,, Augusta .................. . E-rerett G (J Great Fa'ls ..... HLEACHECSHEETINGS. Peppenell 8-1 .. do "-J . do 10-4 do 11-1 Waltham S-4 do 9-J 4U 45 27K 32 '4 37i "11 11 10 9 do 10-4 BROWX SHEETINGS. Indian Heads.... . Pepperell E tine............ do It fine .... do O fine.. ......... , do N Una ... .. do sheeting S-4 ........: do do 9-4 ... .-. Puttman A A...... . . Stark A COItSET JEANS. Amoskeag ....... Kcarjargo satin..... ...... . Lrcouia satiu ...... . Naumkeag satin............... Peppenell satin.... ......... DEXIMS. Amoske sjr - . "0 12 13ii 14 24 19 19 13) 19 25 19 17 16 IS 16J Arkwright, blue.... ... B arer Creek A A.......... Han Mater, blue...... ....... India. B B blue and brown ......... New York, B tis, & It Otis, C C Oakland . Warren BB do A BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Andrccogglng 4-2 a a .... . do do L . . Boot, 8 . 17 15 "8 IS IS 12 mi 16 IS uo a 4-4. Fruit of the Loom, do do do 100.. Gold MeJal Hope Lew York Mills Wamasatta , LonMlale. ..... ........ OINailAMS. Middlesex G ienarms.......... TICKINGS. Amoskeag, i c n... ..... do A. do U ,,... Conestnga, A Pro . ..... .., do 11 do God Medal 12 28 23 iO 26 27 10 TAKSEE XOTIONS KURTZ Moiin & CO., 231 Farnham St. SroOL COTTON. Clark's O. N. T, Coat's ............. 7o 70 42 5.r2 00 Merrick's HO-IERY. Domestic- $ British.. : PAPER Dickens' best . King William Domestic-........ 3 or (36 60 COULARS. S 90 1 33 1 SO 250 Santley . . SHAWLS. s5Trt&"" Ottoman strips. . S2 25gG 50 S10 50 15 0.) 30 CO -S12 00324 fO 4 75a7 50 White common. medium....... custom made... Percale- Calico OVEKALLS. Brown drill 6 50a7 23 dock 7 759 00 Blue drill 7 00a7 50 ( duck . 8 00a9 50 White....'. 8 00a9 50 CORSETS. French whalebone .". ...... $5 23a8 00 Our own IS 00 Comet.. 22 50 saoo 12 CO JiOJ iipRjNp 'VkIhtSV Linen printed -'T-ll'fflttil fluted. ,. GENERAL C0JIMIS3I0S, j. c. Rosenfeld gives us tlie following quotations this day : Butter, active, choice roU 1 5 18; Eggs, brisk, 11 ; Apples, 8 008 50 per barrel; Live Chickens in de mand from 3 002 25 per dozen; Turkeys, 6 00 ; Oranges and Lemons are advancing, Oranges 8 5Q per box, Lenioiis 9 OOper box, HARDWARE. JOHN T. EDOAR. IRON. Common bar... ..-... 4 Horse thoe bar . , , . 6 Norway nail rod-...-.. ....-.- yt STEEL. Cast p'nw .,, ., 12 Germon . , ., , ll American casn.oclagon and square- 18(3 22 Jess p's English do do 250 40 Burden's horse shoes, per keg 7 25 do mule do do . . 8 25 Northwest horse nails-- . 22a 23 Dundee thimble skeins, discount 45 per tent. Stor ha'f patent axles, discount 10 per cent. NAILS. lOd io C0J per kez 4 40 465 4 90 5 15 5 90 740 5 15 540 5 C5 5 15 S 40 5 C3 5 15 8d do . ... d do 4d do . 3d do ... 3d fine do lOd finis'ng do . M do do Cd do do 10d casing do ... 8d do do ... Cd do do Wrought, all sizes.. BOLTS. Carriage and tire- discount BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart jointdiscount Cast, loose pin reversible. do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure fork.discount Hoes and garden rakes- do HINGES. Strap and T discount WRENCHES. Tail's black discount Coe's immitation .-. "do Coe's genuine . do SCREWS. American Iron 70 pre 20 pre 35 do 30 pre 25 do 25 pre J5prc 45 do 20 do 45 pre do brass . 40 pre AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, serin ks. H Holt's Ha vest Kmg,per dor, net Champion ... HealdVs Eureka ."ZZ."- do red Z , .. SPADES AJSD SHOV'LS. Rowlsnd'sNo2 black shovels, D If-. do do polished do do do do black spades do -. Moore do polished do do do'a "spring paint" L H shovels AXES. Llppencott's Western Crown do do do bivefea COFFEE MILLS. Parke's No 3, Iron box net do dolOS do . do do23 Union lmh...I eo do 35 do Britanla FILES. nargraTe.SmitliA Co.,discount American File Co , d 14 25 12 00 10 00 900 12 00 13 00 12 00 13 00 13 50 13 00 13 50 525 5 75 11 00 13 00 SO pre 50 do HAMMERS. Jtaydole's, A E No 1, 1C. 2 Hammond's A E No a... ." do do do 4 do En winter's No 1 ,.,, do do do 2 ..,, do do do a HATCHETS. Morris snlngUng.No 1 do do do 2 - 19 00 10 50 10 00 13 50 14 00 $7 00 a oo 900 750 SB do do (to do di do o3 do l. do2.M LEATHER. BafNIo S. sole tl Hemlock SL sole No 1 do do .No 2 do do ..daia. do spairsole good.. do do dam. do harnesj..... , do line ... -. 353 3i S) S at 43 3i Si 29 40 4'i 41 1 50 1 25 30 4S 1 CO 1 30 44 90 00 235 1 M 00 IS Ifi do bridle.. do alf..........-. . . do kip .. ............., do upper V ft Oak sole t3 ....... . do ca!f.............. do kip ... ....... .... do harness............!....-. Fchcalf Jodots prdz..... Other brands di-erent wt, pr lb. French kip pr lb ...... Bark linings ... SKINS. Dry flint pr tt ,.... Dry salted ... . . Grwn Green sailed...,...... Jan. and Feb, ielts . .. 25 . . 1 50 . 1 00 . , 73 00 . 1 75 . 1 44 . 6 50 17 15 6 s . 1 2.. entering.. Lanin, skin Rosendale. Water lime.. CEMENT. 3 00 S SOAPS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 l-26 3-4; Savon Republic, do., Chemical Olire, 6 to 6 1-2; Palm, 55 1-4 ; German Mot led, 6 l-4aC 1-2. ART GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods, 270 Farnham" Street, furniahes the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 615c; 2-inch 1230c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gut, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 1530c. Window shades. Plain bands, 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. REPPS. Union ind all wool terry, per yard 1 503 j0; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50a8 00. DAMASKS. Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTRASSES. HusV, 4-4xG-2, 4 00a5 00; straw,. 3 00a4 00; Excelsior. 3 50a4 50. ' J LUMBER. Sublect to change of market without rotic-e. f W.M. M. FOSTElC? On U. P. R. R. track let.'Farnham and Doug las. GEO A. HOAGLAXD. Jois's, studding and sills, 20 It, and un der ; 21 00 uver -jut 1. eacn additional ft ald'I "0 Fencing No 1 . 23 00 ao no 2 .....J. .. . 21 wo 2 i boards.... .4... 1st common . 22 CO 20 00 45 00 .... 35 00 .... JO 00 65 00 ... 55 00 45 00 50 00 .. 40 00 .. 32 50 25 00 .. 43 00 2nd do do "A" stock lKiards, 10 and 12 mch "B" do do do do "C" do do A3 do 1st clear, I, li. IK aad 2 inch 2d do do do do 3d do do do do ...... Flooring, clear.'.. ... .., do 1st common..... do 2d do .......-... do 3d do . .. ., do nsrrow, clrar .... lt clear ceilinc V, inch... . 35 00 ... 35 CO ... 30 00 .. 27 50 2C00 .. 24 00 20 00 ... 18 00 ... 4 50 3 51 2d do do iiiuh 1st do do S7 2d do do 1st clear sidinx $1 inch... 2d do do . ... 1st common siding..... 21 do do "A" shinies Extra No 1 shingles. Common No 1 sh nglcs. 200 3 5o Lath per lu"JO.. D A. H pickets etr 100 3 Co Square do do do . . . . O G Batten per lineal f . - 1 Rough do do do . WINDOWS. (Glazed.l li per ccntoiJCbicago list. DOORS, (Wedgwl) 25 pei cent oS CI irago list. BLINDS. 30 per cent off list. White lime per bbl. . , Louisville cement per bbl . Plaster paris er bid ..... .. Plastering hair per bushel Tarred felt I'laatering board .... . $1 5(52 00 3 V03 5 3 50(3 75 40 4 41 OILS. PAINT'S, GLASS, ice. X.t, p. SOLOMON ROBERT C. STEELL. BRADY & Mx-AUSLAND. Coal Oil $ 1S Linseed Oil, riw. 1 ft, " " bl'd... 1 10 Turpentine........ B3 Headlight Oil 18 Lara oil, No. 1.... it ii 2 . ' " wlntsrV " "strain'dj Lubricating) W. Va. .S fo - 70 - SO 33 PAINTS, AC White 1 Lead, St. Louis, Sit!."; pure - S 11 Taney Brai.d , S", ?-tty in Bladders -. ' " " Bui1"... ' Enaraeld fiiass. colon, so., ft I Flat Glas, 50 "3 c discount TIN, SHEET-IttO.W WIRE, &C. MLLTOX ROGERS, COR. 14th it FARNHAM. TIN PLATE. CHARCOAL. IOxH IC, fair qualltf 10x14 Ic, best quality .S13 00 13 CO IS 50 .. 14 00 . 17 00 .. 15 50 . 17 50 -20 50 .23 SO .23 50 It 00 17 00 .20 00 . 15 00 . 16 00 . 12 50 ,. 27 50 32 5.J I 23 00 . 21 00 35 . 35 33 10x14 IX do do 12x12 IC 12x12 IX 11x20 IC do do do do do do do 14x-.0IX do 14x20 IXX do do . 14x20 IXXX li 0 plate DC 100 Plate DX. do 0it quality) do di 100 plate DXX 100 plate DXXX Roofing IO charcoal Roofing IX do do do do do do da do dj do 10x14 IC coke do 20x23 IC charcoal roofing... 20xiS IC charcoal roofing .. e 1x14 IX charcoal 10x20 cuke (for gutters) BLOCK TIN. Large pigs. .... Small pig ,, ,,,, Bar tin . . ZINC. Sheet tin 5 to 35 in.. ao uo do do do do k half casks.... In 250 th caks ahect 24 to 35 inches per uee t..- . Tinners soldei (extra reCccl-...-- do do No. 1 do do roofing .... hid metal ..... SHEET IRON. First quality, Numbers 16 to 21 .. do do do : 5 ......... - do do do 16.... do do do ST-. -- Charcoal, both sides smothe do No 21 . do do 6.. .--do do 27 .. Jnnista.No. 21 do do 26 ..-" loir I. I 25 2S 21 0a2 6 & i PA 9K " 2 23 13 do do 27.. Russia r-erfe t 7 to 12 do No. 1, stained . ... . Less than full bundles, dd one cent. "A"American imtnitat'n Kussia, all Nos. Less than full tundles, add ono tent. GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 20 . lls do 2" to 24 do do 25 to 25 -lo do 27 ', do do 23 ....... . eo Full bundles discount 15 per cent. 15 16 17 13 0 COPPER. Braziers C to 9 . 45 42 23 45 43 50 33 do 10 to 12 ft do 12lto loom. Shet'hlnit, 14 and 16 oz Planished, It and 16 oz Nos. 7, 8 and 9, Pjanished- Bolt copper ... Copper bottoms ,,, BRIGHT WIRE. io ii UK Nos. 15,16 17 IS 9 10 11 UK "K Nos. 0 to 6 8,3.9 10,11 12 14,14 14 15 IS 13 20 19 20 Per bundle L per cent discoun GROCERIES. STEELE t"JOHN60N 538-540 14TH ST. CLARK A- FRENCH COR. FARNHAM AND llTH ST. rrNDT, MEYER & EAAPKE, 212 FARN I1VM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS- MoitGAX fc a.VLLAGHER, 205 Farn- ham St. W-IXTTXEY, BAUSERM AX & Co., 247 Douglas St. J. j. brown bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr . ..... Powdered do . . Crushed do .. ... Rat cut loaf do . Standard A do Circle A do ... .. Extia C uo . 11? -llkallll 12X12JJ -. '.ml 227 2SioU :5.-.3i 313$ i ellow C do ...... N O choice da . COFtEES. Rio choice pr lb . , do prime do . do good 'do ................... O G Jata sVKUlV. Common pr gallon... Gold do ...... . Choice do ......... .... do N O molasses RICE. Rangoon choice... . Carolini .. . . - 9 3a4.- 60a S3 70-iSO 60 SKa9 9.'- CANDLES. M Wesk A Co.. chofers . . 16,,'17 1617 4a4r, 45 45a50 5ii57 67aG3 MU53 75a93 SOAP. Jfis-ouriVrlloy... Kirk's Savon ..... ... M. Wesk A Co schofer's German ....... Kirk's standird ...... .. do sterling .... PLUG TOBACCO. Black goeds, Wrstern ...... do do Virginia . .. o do Lorirlard's I!rkht do do do do Uo Virginia ........ Natural eaT DDIEI) FRUITS California peiches per nouml do applos iU ..... S.ate do do ..... New currants ... . . do prunes.. ....................... ........ do German cherries.......... do blackberries- .... do rasiiberries...:........... do ravins pr box . do seedless rasies lr pound- . SALT. New in bareN ... do dairy . lWal7 12aiJK 14aI4K S 9 17 21 33a4) S.5 40 12 S2 S0a3 00 4 30a5 73 CANNED GOODS. 2 pound can Mycr's oysters pertosc S4 2oal 50 1 do do do do do ... 2 50a2 75 2 do do Wili tin's do do 4 0Ua4 25 2 do do peaches do do ... 4 75a5 09 3 do do d i do do 6 75a7 10 Tomatoes, 2 pound can, jer caso 3 50a3 75 do . 3 do do do 5 00 Corn, Trophy, pr case.... . 5 50 do Wlu-Iow do ... 5 75aff 00 do Yarmouth do .... .. 6 00 Strawberries, er cae .i.. 4 75a5 50 Ra'poerric, do do .. 601 Pineapp'es, do d ......... 5 50 TEAS. Oo'ongs per pound., . . " 25a75 Young llyrou. per jouid...... 4Cal 00 GuupowJer, do do ..- 60al 25 i FLOUR. Go'd Dust ... ,.... .-. 3 10 XXXX Iowa City 3 1 0 .California .... ... 4 7jaS 00 RAGS. Gunnies, heavy weight ..... 1S!19 do light do 17$18 Burlaps, four bushel . .. liU19 Dundee gunnies . ... .. IB Grain bags, Amoskeg A.. .... COaSl do do Lud'ow a a. 34tVi5 SriCEi Nutmegs, renangbcst.per pound-. 1 35al 4 Clorei do do . CO Alspico do do -.. 15a 0 Cin anion bark do dj .-.. 35a UJ BAKING POWDER. iranufactured by the Imperial Bak- PowderCo., Omaha, Xeb. 1 Ifc boxes .. ii lb boxes-. i lb boxes . 5 lt boxes. In bulk. per lb, in : . ... -.peraz . do .. .. do fo 13,60 and 10J !t lots 4 25 2 49 1 30 18 SI 30 CIGARS. Simpson, Manufacturer, 532 loth Street. H. Upnian. . llccoustriiclii.ii. Grand tcntrjl . Universal Yara ..... .- La Boquet. Mm.in I'ure ... Tartigai . Yours Truly.... Gold Medal ' M, srsoo 35 00 35 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 CO 75 CO C5 00 50 (10 60 00 75 &) ioo oo 100 00 10)00 75 10 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I Ii l.anob triple Crown Henry Clay.. De Villtr Y Vilier 1S7C CALHOUN MILLS FLOUR. Wlioltealo depot o4S 14th Strcot. Half barrel sicks .....- . 2 SO 400,000 ACRES! OF THE FINEST, Elkhorn Talley Lands ! FOR i-ALK 23. JA0C. OXjV.3flX, "Wisner, - - ITeb. THEfrE LANDS AIJE the market and the CONVENIENT TO FINEST In the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2.50 to $5.00 PER ACRE! For Cash or on Lodst Time. JCSTLAXPEXPI.OKIGIICK- ETS for bixlu at Q."& X, V. J- ' pot, bearing wnpoiw he takva at "M ft,.. I-- - .1 CO-il .. .uch will in payment J. SCHOONIWAKER & SON rcoPEiEToas of tiik PITTSBURG-. LEAD AND COLOR WORKS PITTSBURG, PA. jE3stAcXS32xocl. 1835. Manufacturers of Strictlyirure While Lead, Red Lead, Litharge rnltj. Colors Dry aud InOH. FORE VERDI'TER GREEN, The strongest and brightest green manufacturered. GUARANTEE. XV n ynarjntrd our brand of Strictly Pure White ead to be fre from impurities, and will pay S30 in gold for every ounce of adul ia.ia-.ioQ found in this packaze. uir73ni J. SCIIOONMAKER A SON LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have been awarded lor Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD PENCILS: Gold Jlcdal of Progress, Vienna, 1873. First Premium Ciacln natll Indns trial Fair, 1873. First FrcmTnrn Brookljr. fndns Irial Exposition, 1S73. For ramples or Information address the Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes CI eeve 3 ' s't WHITE CHICAGO & NORTHWES'N I Chica The Popular Route from O J -A. 33: TO Chicago and the East AND THE OxJi-y Direct Houto XrWMcrlno.Fort Pcxlzr, Dubuque. Iji Crosite, Hralrlr Du Chlcit. Wluoiia. St t'-ul.Diilutli, Jaunvlllr, Hmo ri, Grwn ,. Kaclnr, Steven's Point. W-trrtown. O.liW-Hh, 'ou Dn Lar, JiruIUou nut! .Milwaukee. It Btinj tb- Shortest and FhstComoleted Line between OMAHA and CHIC AGO, wJi ,u,ulirorni nis uarj laKen plae m the ay of re-lucius ttraj. and placing Iron wijh Steel lUlls, adding to Its ruliins stock new and htegam DAY mill SkhEll.U CARS Equipped with the"WiiushoueAir Brake" and ".lillcr Plsform." establistiini; comforta ble and commodious Ejting I louses, ofliring all the comforts of traveling treagecan produce. from to iui-jji uprcss Trains run each way dally over the Tarlous lines of this load, thus securing to the Irareler selecting this route sure aud certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. l'rlnclpal Connection. AT MISSOURI VALLEV JUNCTION, for Sioux C ty, Yankton and points reached ria Sioux Citr and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Des Moines. Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHALLfrSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and northwestern points. AT IED.IR RAPID for Wateiloo, Cedar FalN, ( hsrles Citr, Rurlington and St- Louis. ATCLINION forDubunne. Dun'eith. Prai- riedu Cblen, La Crosse, and all points on the Cbicrgo, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. ATFUi.TONforFreeport. Racine Milwau- kee and all points in Wisconsin AT CHICAGO with all railway lines leading ooi 01 imcaco. Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can oe procured, and any informat on ob tained, concerning Route, Rates, etc., at the Company's office. 2)8 Farnham street, Omaha, and also at the pi incipal TicketOQ ces altnz the line of the U. P.R.R. TBoggage checked through to all principal Eastern points, W.H.faTENNETT, MARVIN HUOHITT. Gen'l PawDg'r Ag't. Gen. Sup't. J. II. LACEY. C. G. EDDY, Ticket Ag't, Omaha. Gen'l Ag't Omaha. mehlSrl Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 18 74 The Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire line to T IiOUXS AND THE EAST, FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CITANGE ii fietween Omana and St. I.ouis analj to'ebetweep OMAUA anu AiiW YORK. This the Only Jne running a PULI.TIAS SLCKFIXQ CAR ESX FROM OMAHA, OX ARRIVAL OP TJIE VSIOX PACIFIC KXPUK.SS TRA IN. ae-Passengers taking othoi routes nave a disagreeable transfer at tne Kivet Sution. 8 PASSEXCER TRAINS DAILY I IIEACIIINO ALL EASTEES AND WE3TEB5 CITIES Willi Less Changes and In advance of other lints. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Talace Sleeping Cai3, Palace D.iy Coached and Chair Cars, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghoii3e Air Brake. S3"See that your tickets rtad via UncHtiH City , S-. JosepU &, Council Bluff Ralrod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale t cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. JO3.TE1I0N, Pass. Agt. GEO. L. BRADEUHV. Qen'l Agent. . F, BAYARD, Gen'l Sdpl. at.-1- Uri li Kfph. A. CD " " -.. ES, a 1 i'US. Agt., St. Joseph. VandaliA B.OTJTE O TEAINS DAILY ! LEAVE ST. I.OOIS 1VITII Pullman Palace Cars THBOUGH WITHOUT CHAUGE Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cliicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, AXD . NEW Y ORK Arrinl of Trainj fnm tie West ONLY ONE CHANGE TO ' Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston i i TIOKEf S Are tor Pale at the Company' Offlcc, X. E. corurr Foartb & Cheatnat s, St. Loals, and at the Principal fUIl ,wy Offices in tbo West. CHAS.- BABCOCK, C. E. RUSSELL S'thern Pass. Ag't, West'n Pass. Ag't. Dallas. Tkxaj. Kassas Chir. JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT, Gen'l Supt., Oen'I Pass. Ag't. affltf Isdiaxapous. St. Locij. EstabliRned in 1851. TJxx.it oca. itatoa Confectioners' Tool Works, Th.os. Mills : Bro., Manufacturers of Confectioners'Tools Machines, Moalds, Ice Crest Freczsxa. &c.t Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth fc't. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Proprietors: Thomas Milu, Geo. M. Mitts. ESTABLUnED IS6I.T I UTALOGUE3 SENT J J upon application. ATI.KKP.PASXZS. Rocfc Island ' v, and Pacific E. I?. THE GRAND CENTRAL R.OUTB fEOJI OILULL TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, ! Via Des Mo es, Davenport and. Reck Island. 0 All Passenger Trains are equipped with the Wejtinouocsk Patent Air llsiaK and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Express Trains Leave Daily, Connecting as follows: 1 IAT DES MOINES with the Des Moines Valley Railroad, tor Osksloosa, Ottumwa, Keokuk I aud St. LonU. AT tihtlNNLLL with the Central Railroad of towa. for all points north to Si. Paul. I AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, Cedar itapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Pubuone A St Ilsiil, At WILION JUNCTION with the Suth-AVestern 1 ranch, for Musiatiur, Washlrcton and all points ?outh. AT DAVEMVRT wlih the faienport A St. fa 1 Railroad for po-nts north. AT I OCK 13L.1ND with the Western Union lU'lroad for Freep rt, Beloit. i:acin. Mil waukee and all points In northern I iinols and ViC"nsin. AT IUM.K ISLAND with the Rocktord. Rtck IsTand and at. Louis Railroad for M. Louii and points outh. AT RUCK I3L.VND with the TeoriaARock Inland Railroad for 1'e.irix n,l i..lnln,t AT BUREAU JUNC. with branch, for Hen ry. Larrre, Chilllcothe and Peoria. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points noi t hand south. AT CHICAGO with aJI lines East, North aed South. THROUGH TICKETS to all Eastern citic, via this line, can be procured, and any Infor mation obtained, concerning points, at the tlclet office of thecompanr, 12s Farnham St., Onialia. and also at tho principal ticket otSces along the line of the U. P. R. B ""aTKoce CbeckctI TIirnnIi to Principal Kaitrrn Pomtn. alt A. M. SMITH, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't. ChUago. J. H. LACEY, Ticket Agent, a23tf Omaha H. RIDDLE, Gen'l bup't Chtrsso. S.S STEVENS, Gen'l Western Ag't Omaha. M. Keller, Proprietor of the RISING SUN a::o LOS AXGELES TINEYBDSr Depot for the sale of bis NATIVE WINES AND BBAlTDJSs 3. SELLER A Co., Corner;ofBut'.ery and lashington Sts. SAX FIlAXCISrO, mai'tt VAL,. ALEX. J. LFI.Q T. NATU'L C. IIUDJOM. in. JSi. it. iiunsox 11. EL'TLKC ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Lcggat, Hudson & Co., Mamf-ifturcrs of every araud o Fia Cut CJiewis AND SMOICIXCJ TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FIXE CVTSi SMOKIXGS: IXGLESICE. BULLION. MONTANA. BE A UTY. GILT EDGE, All Our Tobaccos Strictly IVaranled. OFFICE AXD SALK3K0O31 Cor. Second & Vine Streets, St. mai7Iroo Xiouis IVEo, PASSENGERS Going East orSouth from Omaha And Points 00 U. P.R.R., should take the "LINCOLN EOUTE" VIA HIS ATCHISON k NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure for thrmselres the choice of Six Popular Boutesfrom Atchlso-J to Chicago and St. Louis, All making Beliable Connections and being Equipped with Palace Dij and Sleepiaj Cars. All delay and InconTenicnce arririn:; frov Ferries ar.d transfers can be aToIded tVrst of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tickets Tla ATCIIISO.f and tho ATCniSU.t A XEBRAMKA BAIaUCOAD. Direct and Cellable Connections are also made with the A. T. A S. V. B, B. lor the Great Arkansas Yallej & Colorado, And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets Tla LI1STCOL & ATCHISON CU.VS. aSMITII, Gtn'l Sapt. ia20U 17. F. WniTE Gen'l Pass. Ag't. AitSon. Knnuta ADVERTISE IS THE X) AIL1T SEE or f BUT. IIWTjLYOTJ iiavk CAREFULLY EXAMINED CCS. T3-W AND LOW BESERVOIR 1 1 r ''tit. 1 s'n-AiV ,. ,'.,"v 4 S WS HAVE TVKL E t.OOD RE-VSOVS "V. why thcr will do vour work. Quick and Easv, Chean and Clean. They are ce -pest to buy, They are U-. tau-e. Qfo Thcr bate cv. nly and quickly, 1 hey have always a good draft. 1 hey are maile or ihc bet material They rast x-rf.t!r. They ivquirc but Utile fuel, Tl ey aro very low priced, They ars easily managed. They ar suited to all localities. Every stoveguaranteedto glvesatUfactlon -iOIl) BY Excelsior Man'fg Co ST. LOUIS 310., . AXBBY M. ROGERS, ? er m..n-MaHTAlil3 rEiLETs. ,,K,," OOOIt-vllftTS ooo p l1' w Or Sugar-Coaicd, Concentrated, noos and Herbal Julco, Antl BlIIouo Granules. THE eitTI: clixt" CAXILVUTIC, or Jlultam In Parvo ruysic. Th3 novelty cf not'ern 3fedicfli. Chcalcal and I-aatmaccatical Scicnco No usa of any Iccget UL::n,' thi larsc repuNiva and nauseous pills, caaiposed of cheap, c mlo. and bulky iu'redienta, whcaMecanbynca-eful appiiraiion or chemical Klecice. exfarr all tho cathartic and other rcttil. t-ial propsriiis f. m the raoec valuable roots a herb i, aad concen'rata them into a tuinnto Grin. cie. scarcely lamer tliau n luttRtaril ecI , Hut -an be readily fi allowed by those ui the raojtMiisi'.iv) ttoniacht and fatidious tastes. RichlU:lePurratIvo i'ollct represents. In a J'tconccntntwl form. n much cathartic power ns Is embolic t in any of tho larjo pills found fo: rale la the itrrj shops From their vrondeilhl ca funic power in proportion to their lze. peorle wha bavo iu' tried ttiem aro apt to f appose that thy a-e har'.i tirdntic in cflcct. Imt t neh Is not at all thd ca-v. .ho diuercnt activo acdiclnal prl. cip.'enor vhah thev oro composed bcinj o har. njntzea cad mod-led. ona by tho o'crs." as to rroJaco a mo-t BoarchlSs; aud thor "iish.Ki Kontljrcl;u,,iy operating i-atbartl;. r S300 povraril Is iicrchy offered oytho pro-P-'-.or of iheo relict, to any chemist who, upon nnalysui, -iU find tu them an Calomel or ether fenuj cf mercury ot any other mineral poison. Cclnsr cut Ircl j-vccotaMc.no partfeoiar caro la .x-nalred wuilo usm? them. incy epe- nta Trithout Uistnrhjnco to tho constitution, d icr. oroccupttlon. For Juuiutlcc, Headaclie. Coiifitip.itioii. Itupuro Itlood, Pa In ill iuu nuuuiucr!) aikuiiics ui uio Client, ElzzlncsH, Sour Krnctatloii of ttio Stomacli, Uad (auto lit utotttli, HIIloxiH nttacltx, Pain la ri-slou or fCIdnoj-h, Internal Fotct, IIloatcl feeling about stoiujcli, Itusli of Itlood. If) Head. IliKll Col ored triio, I tixoclalllity nil CJIoomy t'orcbodIiiK taba Dr. I'lorcc'KfloaHant Snrsat I vo Pellet!. lacxplana-i aof tho remcdtil power of my Tur- fitlo lLI-'ocrFa tr-vataa.icty of diseases, wNh to tay tint tiielr action tipou tho snlal ccononi) in uiilvcrtml, nota; iBHtrc". Ao does not Impair then; Lhcir t air cia..nif o d bclnj; cnchfecd In cl' b-'ttlci ji-ecrvo tar!.- irtac-i unimpaired for any leih cf tiUiC. ia any ciiiuile.so that they are al irav i.- -Ji aad rouble, ulilch 1 not tho cao tit'lilbipilis found in the ilrn stores, pat np la rteap wood cr patc-boaal box's. Recollect that f.ra'i Cm- i'a ulicrc a Laxative, Altera tlve or Parsatlvo i- indicated, them llttlo lMkn will plethoraO!t perfect eatisfacUoa to all vhocsolhcm. TIicj- nrc pnld lij- nil cnterprlslnr Drugirlhts at z 3 ccntx a. bottle. Do E"t s'lo-y any d-nnlst to IndcCQ roi to. taUe anjthiz els thatl.o may mr la lust aa us i 03 fpo-1 cs my Pclleio In-rauo ho maked a larjet V-i. An . .. k.. i.a .aa. .J. wr draey it cannot irnpply them, enclosa 2? (.enjj end tccehf tlwai y retnri mill froi" k. r. mutes:, 21. ., JrVov,. BCTFAIjO. n. t& A?K FOR PYLE'S SALEEATUS! -AS B AKING- SODA ! BEST X3NT T7SI3 Soil bj- Tundt. Meyer A Raapkoand WhUney, Bauscnnan A Co CASTLE BROS., I.AIPORTEIW OF TEAS AXD East Zzxdia. Goods, 213 anil 215 FRONT STREET San Franci California. mcbCTm PLATTE TALLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, Local A;ent forthe U. P. R. H. LANDS, Columbus, . ITob. Government Lands Located ! . P. Lands Sold! Improved Farms and Torni Eots for C-A.S HI! -"OR- OISTLOxNTG- TIME!! SyAH Commuafcations fully Answered Clieer- ap33ti 3W ietG? i.ii.i. tmzy K i ! feaBf? ii6!Mf?wlrl3-00 -e' iivia - hia,3. y fyCjSBKaV CO .u,' It A n I- it 14.1 lit f-a i nax7dav3at " MCSCHSKT3, XOiiaSTOSES, ETaJ" ETC t jT m m72m JERSEY CITY, N J.