2:5&&r h-vjfxi-.rV ""2Se-tf!Kr - X fc "V i. . A J- APPLETOFS . American C ClOPAiEDIA Hew Eevised Edition. Entirely reirritten by the attest writers on eTy .object. Printed from new type, derated wi SeveralThousaar' Engravings and Maps. o TMBWortoriglnaUr published under the title f1W St AUK A UYC1VOPAJSD wu ?ot$etd in 18C3, since which time the wide SSSwton wch it has attained in all parU of SSunlted States, and the signal developments which hire taken P-- In every branch of nee literature, and art, hare Induced the eaence, uuswuc, rLi, i. . ,n exact !?cHSi5?olr3KrSd to issue a new and thorough T-T-S-U tHA--- CXCLOPA.- DtA. vh .fc. lt ten rears the progress or au- j" -"- - 7- ,.- industrial ana useiui . im- Rreat wars and consequent revoli :es SuwhTchatlu height when the last rXnTof the old work appeared, has happily EenTnded, and a new conrse or commercial IS Industrial activity has been commenced. Larce accessions to our geographical know- edge hare been made hye inoe uge ex- SlaVUUcal revolution, of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of ST hare brought Into public riew a multitude new men, whose names are in erery one's mouth, and of whoe Urea erery one rious r; V,n' hP. narticulars. Great batUes hare becu fought ad imporunt sieges maintained, oT which the detaiU are .is yet preserved only Inthenewspipe'sorin the trap Jent publica tions of thdaV. bu which ought now to take their place inpermanent afd authentic history. In prcparlngthe present edition for the pre-, t hasPaclrdiuglT been the aim of the editors to brinlwnthe Information to the latestj pos tdates, and to furnish an accurate account of the mos'. recent discoveries in science, of .Ter7 fresh pnSacUu In Uterature. and or theTcwSt tnrcntion in the practical arts, as well atbglre a succinct and original record of theprogreU of political and hlstorial event. The work hasten begun after long and care ful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources for carrying It on to a successful IfoneVthe original stereotype plates hare bees used, but erery page has btu prinieu on new type, forming in fact a new Cyclopedia, with the same plan and compass as Its predeces sor, but with a far greater pecuniary "Pe"'" ture, and with such improvements In il s com position as hare been suggested by lomger ex- perlence and enlarged knowledge. The Illustrations which are Introduced for the first time In the prent e. lltlon nav e ocea added not for the sate of piciorlal effect, but to . it. I (..ask 4n ThOi aTnlsTlaa el ve greater lucidity and force to the expUna Sonsinthetext, fuevembra-all branches of hlntorr. and depict the science and na urai iiisiott, . ..-. ,i romirkalilafeatures of scenery ieit architecture, and art, as weU as the various pro cesses of mechanics and manufactures. Al tnough Intended lor instruction rather than, embellishment, no pains hare .been spared to insure their artistic excellence: the cost .of their execution U enormous, and it Is believed thevwlllfinda welcome reception as an ad mirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of Its high cl racte. ., , . . w'n5r. ,ir 1. m.i tn Subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volume. 1U...I.... ---- .nr-ii---. Afc WAM w pleted In sixteen large , "'"'""J T conUlningabout800page3fully illustrated with several 'bousand Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. PHICE AND STTLE OF BINDING. In extra Cloth, p?r vol....-. . j.09 In Library Leather, per yol -. . 6.00 la Half Turkey Morocco, per vol f In Half Bussia, extra gilt, per Tol .w In full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per TOl ...-.. 1 -.' .- In f ull Eussia, per vol Throe Toliims now ready. Succeeding yo- lums, until completion J be Issued once in a, wia two months. r.. im.n mjx nf the AMERICAS CtCXO- faedia, showing type, illustration, etc. will be sent ratis, on application. FIB3T CLASS CANVASSING AGENTS WANTED Address the Publishers, D. Appletonr-c Co., 549 & 551 Broadway, New York. Ja27tf KEARNEY'S FLTJID-EXTBACT BUCHU The only known remeJyfor BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And sjttsltlre cqra lor v Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Ner Tons Debility, Dropsy, Non-retantlon or IncoaUnenee ! Urine, Irri tation, Innamstion or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHEA, . Loucoerhoe orTVTiltes, Diseases ol the Prostrato Gland. Slone in the Bladder. Colcul us. GRAVEL OR BRICK (POSIT, DUST DB- And Mucus or Milky Discharge, KEARNEY'S Extract Bucko. ! Permanently Cures all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings, Existing In Men, Women and Children, No Mailer What the Age! Prof. Sfctle taTE "One botUe of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth .more,tlun all other Buchus combined." Price one dollar per bottle; or, six bottles for five dollars. Depot 104 DuaneSt.,N.Y. A physician in attendance to answer corres pondence and give advicegratis. sursend stamp for pamphlets, free.sj Crane A Brighami Wholesale Agents, Esn Francisco. CaL p28wtf TjUTHE NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. , t 10 OHASQE TOS ADVICE AD BULTATIOV. C05- -TVlt J. B. DYOTT, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadel- T phia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all dis eases of the Sexual and Urinary or gans, (which he has made an es pecial study,) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause originating, or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward let ters describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. jgSend for the Guide to Health. Price 10c J. B. DYOITI, M. D. Physiclon and Surgeon, 104 Duane street, N. Y. OBSTACLES TOMAEKIaGP, HAPPY BELIEF EOR YOUNG MEN from the eflects of errors and abuses in mxf jue. .aiannooti resioreo. amaeaemenu UtminUn removed New method of treat- nenl. Books andcircuiars sent free In scaled envelopes. Address, Howard; Association, No z. South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa.,-n Xdtltutlon having a high nfiisallnn for honor e4dirt and protessioaiU skill. H.S4-7a Written for the Omaha Bk MIL EIYE-lLiY, 1874. SY PARXK CODW13. Early at morn on that terrible day. As the golden beams of the sun came down Soft on the vale In lovely array. Bathing the shrubs In purple and brown, And crimson and blue, and varying hue; rBecalllng to lite each sluggish town That lay half en-nestled the valley side down, fchriek after shriek! From peak to peak. Over the drowsy hamlets new ! Startling the birds With its frenzied words ! And even the owl, From nis languid rest, gave a loud "tu-whoo." What tempest is loose on the earth this morn? Wnat thunder thus rolls beneath a clear sky? What frantic cry, louder than huntsman's horn? What blood-curdling scrrams come floating The peasant starts from his pontrate spad? The shopman steps from the shade of Lis door, The wife hears th3 voice the mother the maid, The chill unalarmed plays on the floor. Over the hills madman sped! Ills steed lice the wind and the waters flew. Ghastly and gray as one from the dead, But his cry was the scream of the wild sea mewl "Look out for tbedam is broken," be cried "look out lor your liresl To the hiU tops run!" His tones rang high 'bore the dam tide, The men stood to lU-tu while down from the side Of the ranging hills mad echo renlied, ' Fly! death is at hand flyTevery cne!" And stealing afar like the wall of a nun, Cadences murmur fly every one! Speechless they stand, appall'd at the sound, ir up the valley around and around, jV mighty torrent leajn over the ground, And timber and turf, To the razing surf. Is twLted and flung by its huge rebound! Bumble! Rumble! Bumble! Karth and air a-grumble, Trees and houses tumble: What monster Uesolator? Boiling and seething, Thund'ring and breathing,! With clash and clang, And batter and bang. Whittle and whirr. And sluh and slur. And an awful stir, The waters came down. Roaring and tuoanin g, Screaming and groauin', Flinging and frcttioc. With flash and flare, Glitter aud glare. Munching and crunching, Mash-ng and crdhlng, All things that are. DiAlisd high in air. Forests disarming! T-rribly fair Horriblr rharmlng, Loadi of drift, debris, and dune, Spork-M aud glistened in thatetenin; moon! Here aid there, Thr ugh the night air. Many a pallid corpse reposed; Hitherand thither, Nomatter whither. Echoed a hundred tongues their woes! What became of the r'der, you say? Ilis horse lay dead at the nearest town, lie mounts another, away, away. Like a meteor's flash, the valley went Cown. Loud is his cry, But the vortex is nigh, Oh God! what a death In the space of a breath! Ills horse Is strong he's a noble steed, liut be falters ere ends his wlldi tamped.". One prolonged scream the rid r sends. Then looks upon the unbridle 1 hell; He watches lis arms as It roeks and n nds He notes each house that Its fury contends! He shakes his he id, For be pictures the dead, And he turns his errs away in drral. Where are the towns? Go look in the vale! Ask of the mounds. Their sorrowful tale! They'll tell of the woe. Atk the b;reft All .that are left What loved ones their hearts bewail. Early at raornontheafter day. As thegoldoa beams of the sun shone down The buds all glittering with lingering sprar. The birds all singing a roundelay ; Houses and factorirs swept away. Leaving the signs of a giant fray Golden hills calmly viewed the scene. And thought no guilt In morals or law Attach'd to them, tor the mad careen Of MU1 river if thty pr Jperly saw. They had one suggestion to make, they said. And this they would make to Williamsburg town; "Inasmuch as Mill river hoy enrrent sea paid, M.H. corpgratiyq should, next 'come down.' ' Communicated. Cedar County. St. Helena, Neb., May 21. Editor Omaha Bee : As business is a little slack to-day I thought I would write a few lines and let you know that things are not all dead in the north western part of this State. Sant Helena, Is ginS ahead very fast; I can stand in ray door and count seven new roofs and several more under way. Our crops of wheat, corn, oats, and gardens look wpilj for we have had plenty of rain go far. We nro going to have a paper printed here; it will open in a few weeks. It s to bo called the Cedar County Advocate, and wo expect it will help our place very much. "We need a good wagon-maker here to do our business; it would, be a good place for quo, O. A. E. STRUCK DUMB. Bemarkable Occurrence at Pleas ant Bidge, Xansai. (Frotu the Leavenworth Times, Jlsy S3.) "We are called upon to chronicle a most remarkable occurrence which took place in Salt Creek Valley, day before yesterday. Mrs. Chapman, wife of Samuel Chapman, of Pleas ant Ridge, wont into the pasture ad joining the Ihousb, for the purpose of catching a horse which she desired to drive to town with. In less than half an hour she was seen making her way back to the house waving her arms above her head, and making all sorts of ludicrous gestures, Her husband, who was standing on the porch, thought it was remarkably strange that his wife, ordinarily so staid aud dignified' should be acting so strangely, but took no further no tice of her, supposing she was making fun of him, But when she finally i cached the house, a very feerlous matter was developed, and all the strange actions fully ex plained. The woman had by some unaccountable means been struck speechless, and has not, up to last accounts, been able to spoak a word or mako known the case of her mis fortune. It is the general opinion that the spell was either brought on l3' a fit, or some terrible fright which the woman received while in the pasture, and the nature of which her friends have as yet been unable to learn. TheBemoval of Army Xeadquar teri to St Louis, "With regard to the removal of the headquarters of the army to St. Louis, Gen. Sherman contends that there are many advantages in the change. The bulk of the army is stationed west of the Mississippi, and in case of Indian or other troubles in that section, army operations could be better di rected from 8L Louis than from "Washington. There is no law tq prevent the change, Section 2, of the act approved March 2, 1867, es tablishing the headquarters of the General of the army at Washing ton, Is repealed by section 15, of the act approved July 15, 1870, leaving the matter entirely discretionary with the General of the armyf sub ject, of course, to the approval of the President. General Sherman will leave for St Louis In October next, and will be accompanied by Colonels Tour tellette, Bacon, Audenried, and Mc Coy, of his staff, with their families. General Sherman has always con sidered St Louis as his home, and has intended to remove his head quarters there as soon as practicable. The President readily assented to the proposed change, 'when. Gjaieral Sherman spoke 'tq iim, on tae subjects- Wuhtngtoh Star. INDIAN AFFAIRS. How the Bed Men are Behaving in Texas Big Tree Again on the Bampage. (Correspondence cf the St. Louis Globe.) Fort Riciiaedsox, (Jacks- ) " bobo), Tex., May 11, 1874. J The inclosed report, obtained through the kindness of Lieut Orle man, speaks for itself. You may deem it of sufficient interest to pub lish. Thousands of your readers have, probably, no idea of what is transpiring on the frontier of Texas, or how uncertain is the life of either the settler or traveler. Of course the soldiers are supposed to be always their own protection : FOBT RlCHABDSOX, TEXAS, 1 May 9, 1874. To the Post Adjutant, Fort Richard son, Texas : Sir: In compliance with the re quest of the commanding officer of of the post, I have the honor to sub mit the following report: I left Ft Sill, I. T., on the 3d inst. en route for this post, via Camp Au gur, to receive a lot of cavalry norses for the Tenth Cavalry. On my ar rival at West Cache creek, I found three hundred (300) warriors en camped on the south bank of the river. I had a talk with their prin cipal chiefs, Big Spotted Horse and Indian iVranK, and was miormeu oy them that their party consisted of one hundred and sixty (160) Paw nees, and one hundred and forty (140) Wichitas. They Avere well armed with improved fire-arms, well mounted, and claimed to beout on a buffalo hunt, with verbal au thority from their agent. They de manded rations and ammnnition They further stated that they would start for Red river next day (the 4th inst). I told them there were no buffalo any where in that part of the country and advised them to return to their reservations, but they remarked they wanted to see the country anyhow. The fact that they had no squaws or children with them, and no pack animals, and that they were far east of the buffalo region, aroused a suspicion in my mind that they were on a raiding expedition into Texas. On my arrival at Camp Augur, on the 5th inst, I acquainted the com manding officer of that camp with the above facts. He informed me that a small party of Indians had fired into his camp on the night previous, killing one cavalry horse on the picket line. That he at once ordered out a detachment in pur suit; that they had chased the In dians out some distance without being able to overtake them, though they succeeded in capturing one pony, several blankets, etc. On my departure from Fort Sill the commanding officer of that post desired me to mako the following report to the commanding officer of this post : 1. That Lone Wolf, a- Kiowa Chief, had left the reservation on or about the 1st inst, with from forty (40) to fifty (50) warriors, to remove the remains and avenge the death of his son, killed last December in a fight with Lieutenant Hudson, 4th Cavalry. 2. That a large party of Coman ches had left their reservation and gone along the eastern border of the staked plains to attack theTonkowa Indians at Fort Griffin, Texas. That they claimed to have takon enough warriors along to fight the troops at Griffin, in case they should interfere with them. They stated that they were going to avenge themselves on the Tonkowas for the death of the Camanches killed in Colonel Buell's fight last winter, in which a small party of Tonkowas took part, I would further stato that the In dians on the Fort Sill reservation camo into that post a few days be fore I left to draw their annuitv goods and rations. There were fully three thousand (8,000) Indians, (Camanches. Klowas and Apaches), and their bona vror at the post dur ing their short stay was very inso lent, and showed a bad disposition. Some of their young men strung their bows and pointed their arrows at the sentinels. All of the warrior wero exellent ly armed, a great many of them with new Henry rifles and carbine, and their stock was in fine condi tion. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, L. H. Qrleman, Lieutenant 10th Cavalry. A soldier of company D, 11th In fantry, belonging to my escort from Fort Sill to Camp Augur, reported to me that in looking through the camps of the Pawnees and Wichit as, on "West Cache creek, oi the evening of the 3d inst, he saw Big Tree, of the Kiowas, sitting by one of their camp fires, Ho assured me he was pertain about his assertion, as he was one of the escort that took Big Tree to the Penitentiary three years age. L. H. Orleman, A.I.L ABOUT TUCWATKS WOUUS The central city of the West quite proud of late has grom, Ai-d feels It can no longer wait A goal sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world Who wish to cut a swell, At once erect a reservoir Upon their highest hill. We read in the days of Noah That water wo. ks were tried; The trouble was tbey had no sewers, And so the. people died. Let us then remember If water works we try, To put in sewers good and strong. And make our streets quite dry And when the thing is done We'll celebrate at once, Then everybody In the town WIU bey their haU of Bunce. For all new styles that row arelout. Some filty kinds or more. You'll find them coeap at Bance's Famous New York store. Th Chimplonllatter oth4.West,bJoug asStreeet. mch26tf oxwx STOVE ST.OI.E. E. F. OOOK, 637 Uth BU kstwssa DaagUi sJ Doo Manufacturer of Tin, Copper smdSbeet Iron Wre, and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Japanned and French Ware on hand. Tin Roounz, Gutters and Spoutingand JoaWork done and warranted. fb2tf 3uar-o- X r-ooxx&ai L VAN CAMP M.D. Dispenses hit own medclnes, and besides regular prctloe, makes specialities of Deranso menta and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Diseases of the Rectum. Orncx and Residence, Corner Farnham and 14th Streets, first door to the rieht. QD stain Omaha. Neb. Address Lock Box 04. Tttdawtf TJltCI. JBBTtVKoaB Confectioners' Tool Works, Th.os. TitT-mm dSc Bro., Manufacturers of Coufectioners'Tools Hachlnes, Moulds, lco Crcat Freezers. ., Noa. 1301 & 1303 Jforth Eight- St. r-TLAPST,?rTTA,PA. Proprietors: Thgmas-Mjixs, Geo. M.Mills. 1 ESTABSB1UJ4SA1 f CATALOGUES SEN! )j npoaaprcalioA. Atlxk P.Pajoiix. ai7dw3 Money and Conmerce. Daily Beview. Office Omaha Daily Bee, 1 May 25, 1874. ) Money continues easy for all bus iness houses of good standing, while outside applications are discrimina ted against very closely. The volume of trade for last week was, on the whole, heavier than on any previous week of the season. Business opens to-day with a brisk demand from the West for goods of all lines, groceries as usual coming in for the heaviest orders. Receipts of produce are light yet and all that comes in finds ready sa!e at quotations. Prices are well maintained and a cheerful feeling prerades the whole sale market, while depressing infl- ences at work upon the retail branches causes some apprehension for the immediate future. OXAHA MARKETS. Carelully Corrected f Dally DRY GOODS. j. j. browx A bro., Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINTS. American.. Albion.... OX 10 9i3 ? 10 10 Aliens fonnestoga.. DannelU... Truman's-... Gamer & Co Haruiltan Merrimack D Oriental ... Pacific Mills. BROWR DRILLS. Amoskeag ..... - 10 9 13Vi 33g SO 37 45 27i 32V, 3-.y2 "11 Augusta ....... Everett G G Great Falls ..... BLEACHEC SHEETINGS. Peppenell 8-l. .. do "- do 10-1 do 11-4 Wall ham S-4 do 104I.13T1 BROWN SHEETINGS- Indian Head5................ Pepperell E Cne................ ao it nne . do O fine... 11 10 9 27V, 32k 12 12 s& 13fl 11 24 19 19 13H 19 25 do N finn . do sheeUng 8-4.. do do 9-4 . Putt man A A., CORSET JEANS. Amoskeag . ............ Kearsarge satln............... Lecooia satin..................... ... Naumkeag satin -..... Peppenell satln............ DENIMS. Amoskeag . ArkwTight, blue...- nearer Creek A A. Hap Maker, blue.... India, B B blue and brown , New York, B............ Otis, B B.......... Olis, C C . Oakland -......... Warren BB , , , , . BUEACHED SHIRTINGS. Androt0;lng 4-2 a a ............ do do L. ...... .......... . Itaot, 8 . . do B 4-4 Fruit of the Loom.. ... 19 17 16 18 165 17 15 do do do 100.... ..... is ioia wcJJ............... ... li' nope .. Hew York Mills.. Wamasatta ... Lonsdale. y is is GINGHAMS. Middlesex . Glenarms... 12 23 23 Z0 26 27 . 20 TICKINGS. Amoskeag, a c a ao A.. do B -.. Conestoga, A Pre , do B . do Gad MedaL YANKEE NOTIOJiS- KURTZ MOHR & CO. St. 231 Farnham SPOOL COTTON. Clark's O. N Coat's .. Merrick's 70 7u iyt ..S P5Q2 00 .- 2 OCfcjG 00 S 90 1 35 2 CO 250 -.82 256 50 S10 50 15 00 30 00 -S12 00a24 CO 4 757 50 IIOalERY. Domestic .. British PAPER COOLARS. Dickens' best... ,. King WiUIam .. Domestic ...... fcauuey SHAWLS. ""TsHIRfS'." Ottoman strips White common ... medium... custom made.. Percale...., , Calicq. OVEUALLS. Brown drlll S6 50a7 25 . 7 75s9 00 7 00a7 50 8 00a9 50 -800a9 50 ' dnck... Blue drill , ' duck White ..... ... CORSETS. French whalebone. Oar own. ?5 23a'i CQ J5 O0 Cornet.. 22 50 5 9 00 12 00 15 OJ SPRING SKIRTS. Linen printed .. " ruffled " fluted GENERAL COMMISSION. J. C. Rosenfelq gives ua the following ruictfAtfous tbts day; Butter, active, choice roll 20 25, comiftMi 1520; Eggs, brisk, 11; Apples, 8 008 50 per barrel-; Live Chickens in demand from 3 00 2 25 per dozon; Turkeys, 6 O0 ; Or anges and Lemons are advancing, Oranges 8 50 per box, Lemons 9 00 per box. HARDWAJ4E. jonx T. ZD Qa. IRON, Common bar. Horse shoe bar Norway nail rod. STIiEL. Cast plow. 12 H im 22 25 40 725 825 uermon American casn. octan ami ..... r. Jess p's English da do " Burden's horse shoes, pertr . ." dn mtilA .1- Northwestern hoi ni. 22a 23 Dundee thimble skein, dbcount 45 per cent Stor half patant !, discount 10 percent. TCATT.S lOd to CW per tea. w ... : a 0o do TIT" 3d do " 3d fine do .. lOdfinls'ngdo 8d do do. . W do da .. lOd casing do . 8d do dr ,,,,, 4 40 4 65 4 9U 5 15 5 90 7 40 6 IS 50 5 65 5 15 5 40 5 G5 5 15 Cd ds do Wrought, all sizes BOLTS. Carriage and tire discount- BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart loin.discount. Cast, loose pin reversible do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay and manure forks discount. Hoes and gal den rakes do HINGES. Strap and T discount WRENCHES. Tail's Mack- discount Coe's imltation do Coe's genuine do. SCREWS. American Iron do brass - 70 pre 20 pre 35 do 50 pre J i flo 25 pre 55 pre 45 do 20 do 45 pre 40 pre AGRICTJLTURAX IMjLEM5:n8. SCTTH 5mpUnHTeStKinK-pei;'1 - HeaUTs EurekaZ"""" do red - Moo'r. dobpoSr; & Z LIppencott'sBrten, Crown 00 do da b.vefedZ , 30FFE iOISS. "rkesSo. Iron bos net 3 ios oZT do o25 Union lnh I eo do 35 do BritanhZll ' . FILES. A?SI? .""rt dljcount ar.rican File Co do HAMMERS 1125 1200 34 t)0 4 as o 33.00 xsa 38 KM 33 50 3SO0 33 50 3 25 75 31 00 23 00 SO pre 50 do Xaydole's, A E Nn 1, i, 2 Hammond's A ENo - S9Q0 10 SO 10 00 13 50 14 00 ao do 4 do do to -wzUawr'a No 1 do do. HATCHETS. Morris' shingling, No I . do do do 2 . do do do 3.. do clanr do 1.. do do do 2.. $7 00 800 3 00 750 8 50 LEATHER. Buflalo S. sole "$ a Hemlock SL sole No l do do .No 2 do do dam do span sole good .. do do dam...HH do harness. .. 35(3 Si :ti 3 3 33 43 3J 1 S5 3$ 34 3 3 29 40 4! 41 1 50 1 25 30 43 1 0 1 30 44 90 00 235 1 04 ) 00 do line- do bridle.. do calf.. do kip ... do upir ti f i. . Oak sole " ... do calf .... do kip do harness...., F'chcalf Jodots prdz 25 . 43 . I 50 . 1 00 3 . 73 00 Other brands different wt, pr 16 French kip pr lb ..... Bark Unisuis 1 75 1 44 G5 SKINS. Dry flint pr D 17 15 6 8 1 25 IS 16 4 9 V) Dry salted G reen . .. Green salted . Jan. and Feb, pelts-S-f-rl!i.g... Laniq skln, Rnsprjdal CEMENT. 3 00 8 25 Water llme SOAPS Powell & Co., Soap monufacturers. Sapo Publico, 6 l-26 34; Savon Republic, do., Chemical Oliye, 6 to C 1-2 ; Palm, 55 14 ; German Mot led, C l-4af 1-2. AET GOODS AND UPHOLSTERER'S STOCK. Benjamin B. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine art goods, 270 Farnham Street, furnishes the following quotations: FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2 inch 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch 15c; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 615c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch 18 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 1530c Window shades. Plain bands. 6 feet, all colors, per pair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 4 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. REPPS. Union md all wool terry, per yard 1 503 j0; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50a8 00. DAMASKS. "Union per yard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTRA8SES. ,. Husk, 4-4x6-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior," 3 50a4 50. LUMBER. feubleet to change of market without notice. WM. M. FOSTER, '. On U. P. R. R. track bet. Farnham and Doug las. GEO. A. HOAGLAXD. Jol'sls, studding and sills, 20 ft, and un- a er ......... ........" Ovt r 20ft, each additional ft add'I.. Fencing No 1 ...a.... do No 2 ..... 1st o ommon boards......... 2nd do do ...... ............ "A" stock boards, 10 and 12 inch "B" do do do do 'C do do do do ltefcar, 1, 1JJ, 1 and 2 Inch... 24 do do do do .... 3J do do do do ........ Flooring, clear. ............... ... do 1st common... . do 2d do ................... do 3d do Ao narrow, clear... 1st clear cetjleg zi ,nch 2d do do :, inch.... ...... 1st do ds Inch............ 2d do do Inch 1st clear tiding 10 23 00 21 00 22 00 20 00 . 45 00 35 00 30 00 65 00 55 00 45 00 50 00 40 00 32 50 25 00 45 00 35 00 . H2 50 1 30 00 27 50 26 00 .. 24 00 20 0(1 18 00 . 4 50 3 50 2 00 3 5o 3 Go TZ "ik za ao ao 1st common shiinc... 2d do da . "A" shingles Extra No 1 shingles Common No 1 shingles.. i taper low.. DA II nickels etr 100 Square do do do .... O G Batten lr lineal f' Bough do do do -- WINDOWS, (Glazed.) 35 per ccntofTCliicsgo list. DOORS, (Wedged) 2i f er cent oQ CI tcago list. BLIND-. 30. per cent off list. White lime per bbl ....- Louisville cement per bid.... Plaster paris per bbl.. - Plastering hair per bushel - Tarred feT'. , SI 732 00 , 3 00(cy1 25 , 3 50t I 75 40 4 4a o-iei -ug uoaru. OILS. PAINTS, GLASa, &c 1ST. I. D. SOLOMON". ROBERT C. STEEL. BRADY & McAUSLAXD. Coal Oil- $ 19 Linseed Oil, rsw. 1 05 " " bl'd 1 10 Turpentine 65 Headlight Oil 28 lard Mil, No. I. S 2. ' winter "strafa'd) LubricaUDgl W. Va. PAINTS, AC White Lead, St. Louis, Srtlctly Pure 5 II. ancy jjranui, Putty In Bladders.... .. " ' Bulk Enameld Glass, colors, sq. ft. .... 1 00 Flat Glasx. 50 ) c discount TIN, SUEEr-IROX. TTIBE, &C. BITLTON ROGERS, COR. Hth & FARNHAM. TIN PLATE. CHARCOAL. 10x11 IC, fair quality 10x14 Ic.beot quality . -S13 00 13 50 1G50 14 00 -17 00 .. 15 50 17 50 ..20 50 23 50 -.23 50 -. 11 00 . 17 00 20 00 15 00 - 1G 00 . 12 50 . 27 50 -32 50 23 00 -21 00 - 35 ioxi4 i:i do df d. 12x12 IC 12x12 IX 14x20 IC do do do do do do do do 14x20 IX do 14x20 IXX do 14x20 IXXX ICO plate DC 100 plate DX. (best quality) do di 100 plate DXX 100 plate DXXX Roofing IC charcoal Roofing IX do 10x14 IC coke do do do do do do do do do do 20x23 IC charcoal Toofing. 20x28 JO charcoal Tooling em IX. charcoal. 10x23 ovks (for gutters).. BLOCKTIN. a! Sn lags-. Bar Un 38 ZINC. Shaet tin 25 to 9fl In T.. do do do it. half casks. do do do Jn250cas xs. stLeet 24 to 35 Inches nr sheet.. Aumerssoiaei (exirx rsausa do do roofing -.. tdd metal - SHEEr IRON. First quality, Numbers 16 to 24 do do do 15 . do do do 26 ... do do do 27. Charcoal, both sides sniothe do No 21. . do do i do do 27. Juniata, No. 24... do do 26 do do ?7 Russia perfect 7 to 12 do No. , stained. Less than full rmndlwi- add one cent. "A"Amerlcan ImmlUfn Russia, all Nos. Less than full bundles, add one cent. GALVANIZED. No. 14 to 20- . . Ust do 21 tffi An do 25 to s .... , ., - d do 27 do do 9 ,, , - do Full bundles d iscoont 15 per cent. - COPPER. Braziers to 9 do 10 to 12 B . do 12Vto 100 45 42 33 37 45 43 50 53 Sheathlnr, 14 and 16 oz. Planished, 14 and 16 oz Nos. 7, 8 and 9, Planished. Bolt rnpp'' T.. Copper bottoms. BRIQHT WIRE. 10 11 11 x Nos. 0 to6 14 M.9 15 10,11 16 13 14,14 0 19 Hos. 15,16 17 19 l SO iti --,, IZ ' oi ""'"'". 23 21 .. 0a2 . 6j2 6j TJi 7H 7J4 92 zzzz &M 2a 23 18 15 10 17 IS 20 G-ROCERIES. STEELE 4 JOHNSON 53S-540 14TH ST. CLARK Jt FRENCH COR. FARNHAM AND llTH ST. PUNDT, MEYER & RAAPKE, 212 FARN HVM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MORGAN GALLAGHER, 205 Fani- hain St. WHITNEY, BATJSERMAN CO., 24 Douglas St. J. J. brown t bro., Cor. 14th and . Douglas Streets. SUGARS. Granulated pr lb.. 11 Powdered do J... Ml11 s-' -?!?!' urusneu ao Rat cut loaf do Standard A do r lot; ... 9JaJa , 4 263a27 2Sa26$ 15j25 31i35 Circle A do ExtiaC Yellow C uo do . N O choice do . COFFEES. xuo cnuicc pr w.. do prime do .......... do good Mo . ... fi n i j w a a........ SYRUPS. Common pr gallon.. Good ' do Choice do do N O molasses- 3'u45 6atxi 70a80 to 8Ja9 9ai 16J,'sl7 1617 64'a0K 7a7' 4a4, 4 453.V) 52a57 D7aC5 50a55 75a93 RICE. Rangoon choice... Carolina....... CANDLES. 31 Wesk A Co. fcchof crs ... SOAP. Missouri Vrlley.... . ., Kirk's Savon 31. Wesk A Co Schofcr's German ... . Kirk's standard ... do sterling PLUG TOBACCO. Black goods, Wrstern do do do do Virginia , Lrtrrr lard's do do . Virginia Bright do do do Natvral taf., DDIED FRUITS California peaches ier nouuJ uo appus no S.ate do do New currants do prunes............. do German cherries..., do blackberries. do rasuberrles lrt rqilrta Til" Iwit do stedlcss rasies per pound SALT, New in barrels...... do dairy .. S2 S0a3 00 4 50a5 75 CANNED GOODS. 2 pound can Mycr's oysters per i oe 1 do do do do do . 2 do do Wilhiu's do do . 2 do do peaches do do . 3 do do do do do . Tomatoes, 2 pound cans, ir caso . do 3 do do do Corn, Trophy, per case do Winslow do ...... do Yarmouth do .... Strawberries, per case .... Raspberries, do do , Pineapples, do do TEAS. Oolongs per pound . Young Ilyrou, per youcd. . Gunpowder, do do ............... FLOUR. Go'd Dust. .- .... i XXXX Iowa City ...-... California .... .... ..... BAGS. Gunnies, heavy weight........, do light do . .... Burlaps, four bushel ...... . Dundee gunnies .. .... Grain bags, Amoskeg A do do Ludlow a a ........ SPICES. Nutmegs, Penang best,ier pound.. Clove do do Alsplce do do Cinamonbark do do ... $4 25a4 50 . 2 50a2 73 . 4 OOal 25 . 4 73o5 09 . 6 75a7 10 . Z 50o3 75 500 550 . 5 75af 00 600 . 4 75a5 50 COO 5 0 5a73 40a 1 00 GOul 23 3 10 3 (0 4 73a5 00 1S19 17S13 ISal'J 13 30j31 . 34t)35 1 35ul 41 69 ISa 0 33a4C BASING POVDER. Manufactured by the Imperial Bak- PowderCo., Omaha, iNeb. 1 R boxes ......... ..... perdz 4 23 V. lb boxes.. do 2 40 V. lb boxes . do 1 30 5 lb boxes. do 13 5J In bulfc.per ft, in 23,50 and 101 lb lots 39 CIO RS. A. E. SI3IPSON, loth II. Upman. . Reconstruction ..... Grand Central........ Universal..... Yara La Roquet. .... Simon Pure ........... Partlgas ........ Yours Truly Gold 3Ietlal La Kspanola... ...... .... Triple Crown Heury Clay De VHI.r Y Viller 1376 Manufacturer, 532 Street. V 31. 8 35 oo do 33 00 do do do do do do do lo do do do do do do 33 00 40 00 43 00 50 00 50 CO 75 CO i; oo 51 oo CO oo 73 0J 100 00 100 00 10)00 75 10 CALHOUN 3IILLS FLOUR. "Wholesale depot 518 14th Street. Half barrel sicks 2 SO J.SCHOONMAKERtiSON PIO?niET01.S or THE PITTSBURG-. . WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS PITTSBURG, PA. t.to-iQlocl icas. Manufacturers of Strlctly'Pure White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge Pultj. Colors Dry aud h.;0il. PORE V-RDITER GREEN, Tho strongest and brightest green manufacturcred. GUARANTEE. We guarantee our brand of Strictly Pure White lead. to be free from Impurities, and will pay J50 in gold for every ounce of adul lSja'Jon found In this packaze. mr73m J. SCHOONMAKER A SON Van da li A lRKaU 12al2 liaS 8 9 114 ".'.7 21 . r.?aio S.J 40 ROUTE S -. S T. O TEAINS DAILY ! LKAVK ST. -OUIS 1VITH Pullman Palace Cars THB0UGH WITHOUT CHAHGE TO Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Columbus, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, NEW YORK ArriTil of Train ban tie "West ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston TlUHlIO Company ' Oftlce, jtTK. eoraer VonrtB Cb estamt sis., 81, Loals, mad at the Prlaclpal ssll wsy O lees ia tae West. CHAS. BABCOCK, C E. UUSSfXL, S'thern Pass. Ag't, West'n Pass. Ag"t. Dallas. Txioj. assasutt, JONE.8IPSON. CHAS. E. FOIXETT, Oen'l Sept., Gen'l Pass. Ag t. s nt (oiasapo s. St. Louis. Establisned in 1851. CHICAGO (tNORTHWES'N The Popular Route from o nvc . : a. TO Chicago and the East! AND THE Only )iropt r-oixto IVWaterloo.Fort Donlre.IrabaqHe,! Crosse, l'rnlrie Du 4'hlcn. Winona, St.Paul.Duliitti, Jaursvlllr, Ktno sha, Urtcn tT. ltuclne, Mtvea's Point. Wntrrtown, OshV-nb, Ion XJuae, auisou sun ,uwrauee. It Being the Shortest and Fiist Comoleted Line ueiween OMAHA and CHICAGO, Constant iruprorm nts have taken place In the way of reduclug Grade, and placing Iron with Steel Rills, adding to 1 rolling stock new and Elegant DAY aud 8LKEPISO CARS Equipped with lhe"WesliughoueeAir Brake" and ".Miller Platform." establishing comforta ble and commodious Kating If ouses, offering all the comforts uf traveling tte age can produce. Krom U to 1U Fast FDress Trains "run each way daily over the various lines of this toad, thus securing to the traveler selecting this route sure and certain connections in any di rection he may wish to go. Principal Connections. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux C ty, Yankton and points reached via Sioux City and Pacific railroad. AT GRAND JUNCTION for Fort Podge, Vet Moines, Ottawa and Keokuk. AT MARSHALLforSt. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, and northwestern points. AT CEDAR RAPIDS for Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Charles City, Burlington and St- Louis. AT CLINTON for Dubuqne, Dun'elth, Prai rie du Chlen, La Crosse, and all points on the Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque, and Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT FUt-TON for Freeport, Racine Milwau kee and all points in Wisconsin. AT CUICAUU with all railway Lines leading out of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities via this line can he procured, and any inforroat on ob tained, concerning Route, Rates, etc., at the Company's office. 213 Farnham street, Omaha, and also at the pi incipal TicketOtflces along the lineof theU.P.R.R. K8Baggage checked through to all principal Eastern points, W.H.STENNETT, MARVIN HUGHITr. Uen'l PassDg'r Ag't. Gen. Sup't. J. II. LACEY, C. G. EDDY, Ticket Ag't, Omaha. Gen'lJAg't Omaha. mchlSvl Omaha & St. Louis Short Line 1874! The Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire -t line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIE EAST, FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CHAIvGE i cars Itween Omaha and St. Louis aim b it ore between OMAU A anu ftaW YORK. This the Only -.loo running a PUL-MAS SLEEPING CAR EAST FltUH OMAHA, ON AltRIYA- Oi? THE U.VION PACIFIC EXPUENS THAIN. iTPavni;ers taking other routes Lave a disagreeable transfer at tne Klver Station. 8 PASSEXUER TKAISS DAI-T I REACHING ALL EA?TEE!i AND WE3TEBH CITIES With Less Cluingcs and in advance of other lines. This Entire Line is equlppad with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Day Coaches and Chair Care, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghouse Air Brake. K 9See that your tickets read via Kansas City," H Joseph fc Council llluf Umlrod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and Farnham streets, and U. P. Depot, Omaha. J03.TEIION, Pass. Agt, GEO. L. BRADBURY, Gen'l Agent. . F. BABNAHD, A. C. DAWES, Gen'l Supt. Uen'l Tass. Agt., St. Joseph. St. Joseph, ia'.tf LEAD PENCILS The following Premiums have been awarded lor Dixon's American Graphic OR LEAD PENCILS: Gold Medal of Progress, Vienna, 1873. First Premium Ciuclnnatll Indus trial Fair, 1S73. First Premium Brookly. indas trlal Exposition, 1873. For Samples or Informatics addressthe Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Orestes Cleeveland, s't ia72m JERSEY CITY, N J. Southern J-Lbtel, Front-; on 44, 5 tad Wain ntit St. Louis, - Mo. "Laveille, "Warner & Co., Prorrlotor. The Sonthern Hotel is Drst-clais tn all Its appointments. Its tables are at all times sup plied In the greatest abundance, with all the delicacies the markets afford, Its clerks and employes are all polite and attentive to the wants of the guests of the hotel. There Is. an improved elevator leading from the first floor to the upper one, Railroad and steamboat ticket offices, news stand, and western Anion Telegraph o:e in the Rotunda of hotel, "WILLIAM SEXAUER. 225 r n Street, - - On 1 a, Heb WOOI aX D CT X DEAL t IX FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. Chicago, Roclc Island ; and Pacific R. Ifc TOE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE r'ROil OMATTA TO CHICAGO1 AND THE EAST, ' Via Des Moines, Davenport and Rock la nd. i All Passenger Trains are e-iuipped with the , ' rrauociK Patent Air Rsik3 and I Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Coupler, j 2 Fast Express Trains leare Paily, Connecting as follows: AT DES -OINES with the Des Moines Yalle Railroad, iorOskaloo , Ottutnwa, Keokul and St. Lonis. AT UKINNELL with the Central Railroad of Iowa, for all points north to St. Paul. AT WEST LIBERTY with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A. Minnesota Railroad, for Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque A St. Paul, At WILTON JUNCTION with the South-Western pranch, for Muscatine, Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Davenport A St. Paul I ilroad for points north. AT KOCK ISLAND with the Western Union Railroad for Freepoit, Beloit, Kaclne, Mll- wauceo and a and Wisconsin all points In northern Llinols n. AT ROCK ISLAND with the Rocktord. Rck Island and St. Louts Railroad for St. Louis and points south. AT ROCK ISLAND with the TeeriaJtRock Island Railroad for Peoria and points east. AT RUREAU JUNC with branch, for Hen ry, Lacere, Chllllcothe and PeorU. AT LA SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort hand south. AT CHICAGO with "II lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS to aU Eastern cities, via this line, can be procured, and auy infor mation obtained, concerning points, at the ticket office of the cotnpinr, IK Farnham St., ' Omaha, and also at the principal ticket OlSces along the lineof the U. P. R. . gense Checked Throngl! to Principal Kantcrit Po.nls. nil I A. 31. SMITH, Gen'l Pass'r Ag't. Chicago. J. II. LACEY, Ticket Agent, a2Stt Omaha 11. RIDDLE, Gen'l Sup't Chicago. S.S STEVENS, Gen'l Western Ag't Omaha. M. Keller, Proprietor of the RISING SUN a::o LOS ANGELES YINEYRDS. Depot for the sale of bis NATIVE WINES AND BIAITDIES M. KELLER & Co., Corner.of Battery andlWashliigtonSts. SAX PUAXCISCO, ma:7 it CAL. ALKX. j. leooat. NATU'L C. HUDlOX. tVI. II. HUDSON JAS. O. OUTLKK ST. LOUIS TOBACCO WORKS. Leggat, Hudson & Co., Stan-ifacturers of every sraurff Fine Cut d-owing AND SMOKING TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FIN CUTS: BEAUTY. QILT EDGE, S3IOICING5: INGLESICE. BULLION. MONTANA. ill Oar Tobaccos Strictly "iVaranted. OFFICE ASD SA-KSnOOjf Cor. Second & Vine Streets, St. Xjouis Mo, mar71mo PASSENaERS Going East or South from Omaha And Points on U.P.U.B., should taie th( "LINCOLN EOUTE" VIA IK ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD ! And secure for themselves the choice of Six Popular liontesfrom Atchison to Chicago and St. Louis, All making Reliable Connections and being Equipped with Palace Say and Sleeping Can. All delay and Inconvenience arriving from Ferries atd transfers can be avoided W est of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Tlcketi via ATCIIISOX and the ATCmSUX NEBRASKA KAI-ROAD. Direct and Bellable Connections are also made with the A. T. A a. i . . K. lor the Great Arkaasas Yallej & Colorado, And with all lines running South to points in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Ask for Tickets via LINCOI, 6c ATCHISON CHA3. OSMITII, Uen'l Supt. faZril W. F. WHITE Gen'l Pass. Ag't. AUSoa, Kansas ADVERTISE IS THE etees uT&atv OB FEILEI5, ""H j. 1 009 -.!-.' nr V I m i euea OO 9 Or SBsraiOoase, CeaewBtr-tW, Hooc aad Ber-ml Jalce, AbU. Hlllons Graiinlca. T TH J TTIK GIANT" CATHARTIC. r Si-lMJ, la Parro Physic. Tho novelty of modem edl cat . Cat leal I Pharc ccutical Science. Na iim of uy Uwm ii. U klnic tho large, repulsive and nauseous pills, com posed of cheap, crude, and balky ingredients! when we can bv a. careful SDnlicalion of f hernial rctcQcc. extract all tae cathartic said other sdf. tlnal properties from e most vata able roots t f , fc:rbj, ana ronrentnto the Into m m In ate Gra n:e. fccarccly larger than a MssUid cca, that rt oo readily avrallowed by those ol tno aostsensltira etor tens and fastidious tastes. i Eachiittlo Purgative Pellet represent, nost concentrated for, as ranch it rtic power as Is c bodicit la any of tho rjo pills ftrand jbc f ale la the drca shops. From their wonderful ca ' thartlc power, la pronortlon to their Ue.ptopif ryareharsa or druttc ta effect, but sncalSBOt ' at l the caK Ae dlrTcrent active edic al pr . cipies or wmca tney am composed belnz so b s n anized and xnodUcd. one by tha others, as ta rroJuce a mot ncarrbliis; said tkeiv ousrh,yct geuUjrsiul liadlyopenMl-sr cathartl ;. , $500 Rcvvarl is hcrchy offered oy th pro. prictor of these Pellet.', to any chemist who, cpoa analysis, rill find la them an Calomel or other fora of mercury 01 any other mscal . lobo , Being entirely vcKCtablo.nopartfc tr cara is .-equlrcd thiIo Usin them. They ope rate without distur inco to the cocrtltntloa. diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Ilesdaclia. Cunntlpatlon, Inipuro ftlood, Pam iu tho Sliouldcri), TlgK'tiiess) of t CUCNt, SIxzlucHv, Sonr Eractatleasi of tho Muniacb, Bad tst laj. totttli, Bilious attacks, Palm region of Kidneys, Internal Fever, Hlontcd tccllnjc about Stomach. t ltUMhuf lllood to Head, Hlg Col ored Urine, Unsoclalllltr n (iloomy l'orcbodln( taka arr I'ierce'.t Pleasant a?ara;atlvo Pellets In cxplanatioa of tho remedial power of my rur- fitlvo Pellets over so prcat a va-iety of dlseaset. wish tosay that their action npon tho nninial economy M universal, not as plaud or tUHUOcsciiplaax their aaaaw tire ir.iprc. Ai? docs not impair th eras their eoxar-co&tln'and being enclosed la glass bottles irecrvo their irtucs unimpaired for tar h hortimc. Inar.ycli atc.sotl itheyare af mvj fresh and rcl blc, which is cot the cas with thj piUs found in tbc drag stores, put np i ca.ap wood or pste-bcard boxes. Recollect thifc f.jrc'i diseases wbero a Laxative, Altera tiro or Pursativo Is Indicated, thesv little Pellets wilt che tho most perfect aatls ciloa to all wno use them. They nro nolj by all CBteryrUI sr Druggists at 5 coutu a bottle. Do not allow any drncslst to Indues too. 19 take lythlu' els) that bo may 11; la Just M cood as my Pcllcto becauso ho afces a U net proat oa that which ho recommends. Jf your drurist cannot sepply them, enclose) K csata and receive them ny retnm mall from u. r. rumcE, r. ., .pvr,. - BUFFALO, K. X- ASK EOK PYLES OK SALERATUS! -AUD BAKING- SODA ! B-BT X S3- XJfll Sold by Pundt. Meyer A Rsapkeand W y, iiiserman A Co DON'T BUY! UNTJL. YOU IIAVK CAREFULLY EXAMINED OTJB. -XT-CW AKD LOW RESERVOIR A..n!, AS WE HAVE TWELVE GOOD KEASONd why thev will do your work. Quick and Easv, Chea and Clean. Ill They arecbejpest to buy, sa I They are lsi to use. JsfJI Ther bake evnly and quickly, Their o;ratlon Is perfect, 23 Tbey have always a good draft, gm They aremaaeoftkebestBUterlal " They roast perfectly, gts s They require but Utile fuel. 1 ney are very low priced, 1 hey are easily managed. Ther are suited to all localities. bbQ Evcf stove guaranteed to glvesati ifacUoa. SOLD BY Excelsior Man'fg Co., ST. LOUIS, MO., AXOBY M. ROGERS, Om alia, 3NTo rsj CASTLE BROS.. IMPORTERS OF TEAS AND East India. Good, 213 ana 215 FdO.YT STKE XT San Franci - California. mcbCi f LATE V-lLLEY REAL ESTATE! Samuel C. Smith, Local Agent for tha TJ. P. R. R LANDS, Columbus, -- 2Tb. Government Lands Located I U. P. Lands Sold! Improved Farms aadToTrmtols He 0---.SE:!! OR- 'ONLOlvraTIME!! j a6?"all Communications Cheor- j fully aVnsweretl , apaeu T?J32 (Mfc.J$Aa2L I I - r J-J-Ss.----l fT hj l-J MOXOIENTS, " 9.. Per bundle 15 per cent discoaa lOMBSKKf-5, ETC., Exg,