OMAHA DAILY BEE &-? i - i?i 'I-T. -e OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 26, 1874. vol. m. NO. 287. THE 'aJft ro- THE DAILY BEE. EDWARD BOSEWATER, Editor and Frop'r OAec-Xo.138 fBitaiiw. KlBtb ad TeaaUs. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One ropy, one year. In ,"nce-- . . w'rii monthi. In adranee, .f7.00 . 4.00 six b-? . --.--- IT" - nn KTir not paid In adranee, 8 per annum will ii thvM mMUl in wiw , .w pCOueiw FREDERICK, LEADING HATTER ! Best Goods;" FamhamSt. OrandtrtlVotel. I Q.M A. II A OMAHA BUSINESS DIEECTOBT." nainrER HASUFAOrOBT. W "cCIureA Smith. 1S5 Harney street, bet. llttl aud lita. ueciou nT.tRa A5D PICTHEE FBaMES. JRelnhart. 1SG DonU atreet, dealer In .window glass aud picture frainas, dazing done to order. a.2U BOOTS AUD SHOES. Philip Lang, 135 Farnhain st, httween 10th and U5h. febWfl C0HFICTI0KEET. HL Latey, comer 12th and Douglas lireeta, m nufacturer and wholesale deiler In caml'es and confectionery. Country taade ao llceted. . Pl COAr. DS4.LEE8. Fland A EWnt.coil, lime, cement hair, etc, 131 Farnham at. feblgmJ DBUGGI8T?. J A. Rceder, druggist, corner 12ih and Hax . neyaU PAWH BROKE. M. Elgutter, Ko. 200 Farnham at. iel7tl rLATJKDBT. Anew laundry opned at 51! 11th at., bet. Farnham and Douglas. The waihing and Ironing will be done to order, first class work PAEfTEBS. Lehman & Beard, houe and sigh painters, luta at. bet. Firnham and Harney. a23U SOAP PA0T0BY. Premium Soap Works. Powell 4 Co, s'lll manu'acture tbelr Premium Soap. Fire first premiums awarded by the Dougla county and State fairs, and Pottawattamie couuty, la. Orders solicited from the trade. A110BNEX3. g. ESTABBOJK. W. M. FRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE Create Block, Omaha, Neb. mch21tl 0EXTER L. THOMAS, Attorney flni" Counselor at Law. MFFIOE-Ew JJo Vlacter'a Block, OMAHA NEB. JOHN W. LYTLE, lUorMT-at-Lavr and Solicitor la Equity. OFFIOL-Oter First National Bask, mal-U PARKE GODWIN, Attorney at Law (Campbell's Wick,) 503 1-S THIRTEESTfl STBEET. 0KAEA a2fi Ita C. A. BiZDWUf. OEO. t O'BKIKX. BALDWItf Ss, O'BRIEBT, ATTOKNEYSLAW Office CaldjreU Block, Douglas Street, OMAHA, - - - - NEBRASKA. Ie-.2tl JOHN C. CO WIN, A.Xtorrxxo-y-' Solloitor AM) COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CBEIGI'TOBT'S BLOCK, OMAJIA, KEHBASliA. narttf . " T. W. T. Richards, Attorney at Law, OBee 510 13th St., bet. FtraljaM and DoBglas, Oataka, Jfefe. V 0. Baz 80 ugHU O. H. BALLOU. ED. B..GLAgGOW. Ballou & Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Office n Creigbton's new block, southeast cor room, Boor. OMAHA. - KEB. SAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, 3tt FARNHAM STREAT. jam w., I omaha, Nebraska. CHABLS A.KDSM" jr. """ " N. J. BURNHAM. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT - LA Yt ? . No. 2W Farnham Street OMAHA - NEBi - mrh30tl l iJ. S. SHROPSHIRE, ;; Attorney-at -Law om 9, YUscher'i Kock, 'f oilAHA, . . XEBR. J. a. sPACh. vao SPAUN it PRITCHEn, Attenej? tai Ceaaselers at Law. Office, 506 Twelfth Street. a.M. Jjar Batr ana. Omaha. Neb. G. W. AMBROSE, .ttornoT " Xa jk c KEDICK'S 0PESA HWJS1 OMAHA - 2TEB. rStf Sf? til QOfi PEB DAY- Afeattwaat D lV OA) ed. All claaiS of work lng people oi either sex, young or old, make more money at work for cs m their spare mo menta oral! the time, than at aaTthlac rite Address STINSON A CO., Portland, ialnr aorjrl Accordiso to Mrs. Van Ck)tt, Omaha is the wickedest town in America, and accordingto G. Wash ington II, the Bee is the wickedest paper in Omaha. The happiest, as well as the most important individual in Omaha just now, is George "Washington secun dus. He has taken a pre-emption on the circus. "Whenever Bismarck gets sick the Pope gets well, and when the Pope is laid up, Bismarck Jbecomes convalescent. It seems to" be the Pope's turn to be sick just now. The Massachusetts Legislature has abolished the State (Constabu lary, and Marshal Snowden has es tablished a Municipal Constabu lary in the Omaha Police Court The Nemaha Granger does not seem to have much faith in the preahf Trunk line agitation. The Granger expresses the opinion that itisonenofthose periodical spasms that usually end in smoke. Tae West Point Republican nmells a nigger in the wood-pile be hind that convention of leading western men. The journal in question puts its views into a nutshell, as follows: "An extra session of the Legisla ture is talked of just after the Oc tober election. Lincoln is always after the extra. A session of the Legislature once in two years is hard on that villace. " Hamlet Oram, 9th street between Jones and Leaxenworth eta., OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. KEEPS THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORT met of Ladies' and Genu' straw hats, trim med and untrimmed. Parasols. Piques, Mar seilles. Nainsooks and all kinds of Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Bo ts, etc. My line of Dry Goods is Complete. Selling only for CASH, I am able to UNDHtSELL any other Dealer in the City Our PRICtS are LOWER than exer heard oi before. myl4-3m-pl JAS. M. MCVITTIE, WHOLE8ALE DEALER IN Clarified Cider. 133 and 188 PsFka ( Street. F. COURT, Leading Bootmaker aS3 Farnham street HAS on hand a full line of Ladies' Goods which he Is closing out at cost. Oire him a call and get good bargains. SElf GOODS ARRIYISG DAILY aorile haa on hand an exwllen stock of Rents' wear, 14 in thecity, of Eastern manu f ure or home niad. a29tml 2- Harney street, between 14th and 15th. Carriage afld Wagoa Making In all it Branches, In approved the lateat pattayn. and moat HOUSE SHOEING AND BLACtfSMITHINU and repairing done on ahort notice. mp26 It Southern Hotel, rroatiag on 4th, 5ti and WahiBtiti St. Louis, - Mo. L.aveille, "Warner & Co., 3Pro-oriotor. The Southern lJ.o;el is SrsUclsu In all ita apiintments. Iia tailss are at all times sup plied In the greatest abundance, irUh all the delicacies the markets afford, Ita cTorta and mployes are all polite and attentive to the wants of tbegutstsof the hotel. There ii an improved elara'or leading from the fint floor to the upper one, Jtallroad and fteamboat ticket office, news atafrd. apd western Anion Telegraph office la the BotDbd l hotel, HK8. J. E.VASDEOCAQK Eeleotio Phy siciant Eesldence and office 230 bo-lge t bet 14th and 15th ata. Special attention paid to'obstetrU and dis eases peculiar to women and children, fsti. "Vf ILLIAM SEAUER. 225 Faraiix Strast, - Offiaia, Neb WHOLESALE XXD RCTAIL pEALEK IX FURNITURE. BECDING, ETC. U. WILLIIKLlf. J. TAYLOB. WILLHELM : TAYLOR, PORK PACKERS, IJth ac4 Chjesgo street!, OMAHA, SPP, ABE now prpared to dellrer in large or small quantities, their mild sugar-cored ONE SUCH" brand of hams and brrakfaat bacon, put up expremsly for family use. On hand pure kettlerendered leaf lard, by the barrel or in cans of 10, 15,25 or 40 lbs. sKsTOrders promptly fiIled.-K Ladies' Fashionable Cloak Dress Maker. Promenade Su'ts, Erening Drerses, Wedding Suits, Morning Wrappers, Coats, Ac, cut to or der In the lateat Parisian styles. Harinc car ried on fashionable cutting and fitting for la dle In all Its branches in the Tarlous capitals and centres of faahion in Europe and America, I tak, pleasure In introducing myself to the ladies of Omal t. Satisfaction guaranteed In very department ut n;y proOeasion. VB.Bttimmtw. prfrl WILT. IStk St, bet. FarmkaM aad Haney. AU finds of TAILOKINO, CLEANINa ul &EPAIBXNQ dona at rtMonahla ratea aprKU U. P. R.R. MEAT MARKET, 16th atreet bet California and Webster. WE KEEP ON HAND THE BEST supply of FEESU AND SALTED MEATS. Also a large stock of Fine Sugar Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon, it the low eat rates. WM. AUST A KNUTU. nyl4-ly troprietors. CU1BU6E, BUGGT aarf WA60S MANUFACTURER. K. E. CORNER of 14th aad HARNEY STS, WOULD respectfully announce to the pub lic that he is now ready to fill all con tracts In the shore lines with nearness and tliytrh. OTExpms wajJM coaiUaUy cb hand gad lot lie. VERY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. BptoUlly Exported for tie Omaia Dally Bee, bT tie Atlantlo ud Pacifio Telegraph Co. Congreseie&aL I SEXATR "Washington May 25. Mr. Scott cajkd up the Senate bill, supplejotftftory to incorporate theTeaserPacific Railroad Company and aid in the construction of the road. He explained that the b.lL was to enable the company, lof exe? cute a mortgage upon a, portion or its completed road. Mr. Edmunds offered an amend ment that nothing in this bill be so constructed as to entitle said corpo ration to any further rights to pub lic lands, except such as it is now entitled to by law; agreed to and the bill then passed. The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of the deOciency ap Dronriation bill. " Mr. Sargent explained the bill and said it appropriated less than four millions, while a similar bill last year appropriated 11,000,000 and one several years ago $20,000, 000. Various amendments proposed by the commmittee were concurred in, including the appropriation for the Apache Indians, $200,000 to, S500, 000, which was theprinciple.item in the amendments. The committee reported an amendment striking out the second section of the bill, making it unlawful for any depart ment of the government to spend in any fiscal year any sum in excess of the appropriations made by Con gress for that fiscal year, or to in volve the government in any con tract for the future payment-of money in excess of such appropria tion, violation of the act to be deemed a misdemeanor to be pun ished as provided for in the 3d sec tion of the act of June, 186. Mr. Stewart introduced a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, that if any State shall fail to maintain a com mon school system for the elemen tary education of all persons be tween five and eighteen years, of age, Congress shall have the power of establishing such system at the cost of the State; referred to the judiciary committee. Mr. Cameron introduced a bill providing for a survey to ascertain if steamboat navigation is practi cable between the Chesapeake bay and lake Ontario ; referred: The bill providing that all ien sioners who lost an arm at or above the elbow, shall be rated in the sec ond class and receive a pension of $24 per month was passed. The conference report on the naval appropriation bill was taken up and agreed to. Mr. Wright gave notice that on Wednesday next during the morn ing hour, he would call up the bill reported from the judiciary commit tee, declaring the true intent and meaning of the Union Pacific rail road aots. Mr. Ingalls' bill, and the whole subject Mas'" referred to the court of claims for adjudication. After the discussion and adoption of an amendment section, the commit tee's recommendation to strike out was agreed to. Pending the discus sion message was received from tbo President, enclosing thp an swers of the heads of departments in regard to the operation of the civil service rules; ordered printed. Also a message transmitting the papers and correspondence in the -Arkan-sascasjb. The resolutions oi the Housp an nouncing the death of Reprpseiitar tive MelHsb, were received. Mr. Conkling made a few brief eulogis tic remarks, and offered a resolution of respect. The Senate adjourned. HOUSE. Under call of states a number of billswere introduced and referred. By Mr. Albright; a jointresolution of the Pennsylvania legislature, re monstrating against the "canceling of fhe contract for the Ohio mail service, By Mr, .Sheldon, to tefuud the cotton tax. ' By Mr. Crossland, to repeal the .gw suspending payments to loyal masters, (or sjaves. Upon amotion of Mr. Htanardthe rules were suspended and the Sen ate bill to faciliate and protect the improvements of the mouth of the Mississippi river was passed. The House th6n refused, yeas 132, nays 151, to take up Mr. Maynard's bill. Mr. Butler moved to suspend the rules and take up the senate supple mentary oivH rights bill and refer to "the Judiciary committee with leave to report at any time, lost; yeas 153 nays 84. Eight republi cans voted with the democrats in the negative. Mr. Freeman" announced the death of his colleague, and offered resolutions for the appointment of a committee of five to superintend the funeral arrangements for 4 o'clock to-morrow; that a committee be ap pointed to attend the remains to Auburn, Jfassaphusetts, and that the House now adjourn. Atter the remarks by Messrs, Kelly, Law rence, Hoar and Cox, the resolutions were adopted and tho House ad journed. New York, May 25. J. S. Homans, editor of the Bank ers' Magazine, died here on Satur day nignt. John Halzoher, during a Sunday broil in Handle's saloon on 115th street, inflicted a mortal wound on Wm. Shaw, who is now dying. Hulzcher escaped. The new Presbyterian'church, on J 25th street, Madison avenue, was edleatej) ygstjrday. It cost $50,000. ' i i - - Cincinnati, May 25. The Strakosch .opera season is vir tually pntjed, The announcement for a new season' published to-day, with Mile. Halbron, prima donna, aseoluto, from Italian Harn and Royal Opera, London, Mile. Dona die, prima doqnaj soprano, Davlel lier, basso, BenfratUJi, tenor, Tagli aptra, baritone. Florin, basso. Ca? ry and Puertelle have been re-engaged. . BUFFALO, May 25. At 6 o'clock this mornjng a fire broke out at the' Vulcan Iron Works on the comer of k Water and Evans streets, a large four-story brick,build ing, and with all its contents 'was destroyed. The loss 18 960,090, but nearly covered by insurance. The fire is still burning, butt'Hnder con trol. A severe rainstorm materially aided the fire department is check- uisr tot rmmw. - TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. New York, May 25. Pfingst Montag, the great German holiday, was appropriately observed by the Germans citizens by festivals at the public halls and various sub urban gardens. Washington, May 25. In the Senate the chair submitted resolutions adopted at a" mass meeting of citizens of St Clair county, Illinois, endorsing the de claration of the industrial Congress of the United States. Referred to committee on edncation and labor. The chair also submitted a com munication for the executive com mittee from citizens of Chicago, in viting Congress to attend the cere mony of laying of the corner stone of the new government building there June 24th. Tabled. Mr. Alcorn presented a memorial from the citizens of Mississippi.ask- ing Congress to take charge of tbe levees on tho Mississippi river. Re ferred. Scott presented a memorial from the Philadelphia Board of Steam Navigation and Commerce, asking the passage of the steamboat bill as it came from the House. Re ferred. Conkling presented a petition of Mrs. Lockwood asking Congress to pass an act declaring no woman who is qualified be debarred from practice in the United States courts on account of sex or color. Referred. Sargent introduced a bill prevent ing "hazing" at naval academies. The following bills were intro duced and referred: A remon strance by the legislature of Penn sylvania protesting against the can cellation of the China mail service, and asking an appropriation there for. A bill amending the act rela tive to the naturalization of aliens. A bill to refund tho cotton tax. A bill reviuing the act of 1864 provi ding for the payment to loyal own ers of negroes that were drafted or mustered into the United States army. New Yohk, May 25. The latest foreign newspapers just arrived, per White Star steamer Oceanic, says the great event in English society last week, was the arrival of the Czar. On landing at Dover, he was received with great military display and pomp. The Ninth and Tenth regulars, Seventh' Fusileers, the Royal Artillery, and Kent militia, were drawn up at the landing point. The royal train ar rived with the Prince of Wales, DuChess of Edinburg, and the com mander of tho military. The Russian Imperial Yacht Dorjova now ap proached and soon came up to the staging. The Emperorstood on the paddle box in the uniform of a Rus sian General, and was loudly cheered before landing. He saw and recog nized his daughter and smilingly kissed his hand to her. The Czar then lauded and an affectionate scene then took place between them. The Grand Duke Alexander was present in the uniform of the Russia navy, as was also the duke of Edinburg! " The entire' party then returned to tho saloon of tbe Derjova, where a number of dis tinguished British officers presented His Mafjesty, as were the members Imperial suite- The English Prin cess, Mayor and corporation of Do ver prsgptfd the Czar with ad dresses of welcome, r4'ho party tliMi returned to the royal train,and everything, Including eighteen or twenty tons of imperial baggage being placed on tho train, they started for Windsor, receiving 2 parting salutp from pastjp guns aniisfrtjflerj', and 'enters front the vast crowds. At e'vpry station crowds gathered Vo.see the visitors. Thejre was a rerjeptjon ftt Windsor of a military character similar to that at Dover, The party tlrove to the Palace, The routg was illumin ated. New York, May 25. The strike of the stage drivers is general here. Only a few stages are seen in the streets, and broadway projenU an unusual appearance in consp'fiueiice, Rochester, May 25. The Turners yesterday elected the following officers for the ensuing 3'ear: Emi Warber, of Milwaukee, President: Sosoph Kaufmihii, of Chicago, Secretary Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 25. Flour Active, spring extras, 5 30 0 o; winter wmte extras G 50(5i 7 50. Wheat More active, closed strong and lower; No. 2, 1 221 1 24; regular, 1 201 20J; closed 1 21 J; spot or May or June sold at 1 211 21 J, closed at 1 21; July, at 1 21 1; No 3, 1 I6J; rejected, 1 07 .10S;Nol, 1 241 25. Corn Active, firm and a shade higher; high mixed sold at 63 J; No -', uiiQjjtj; iresn spot June, 61 uii,cioseaoij; July, ui'i; reject &($tju; jo 's ear corn, 70. Oaby Acfivg and firmer: No. 2 regular at 47; and strictly fresh '48; rejected was sold at 46, Bye-Firm; No. rogulas 931; fresh 9798. Barley Quiet, unchanged; No. 2 1 59(5)1 CO; rejected 1 151 18; No. 3, 1 35. Pork Firm; higher, closed steady 17 '2arSi7 2ii. Provisions Quiet; prices still un-l cnangou. Xard Firm- June, lQfQlQ80; July,i0 87i. ' l ' ' Butter Quiet, common to choice 25fSi30. Timothy 3 00. Seed Steady, 2 55 Clover Seed 5 255 50. Whisky Steady, at 94J. ?Jgs Steady. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, May 25. Flour Quipt and unchanged; su perfine winter at 4 5Qi 7g Wheat Dull; No. 2 Chicago at 1 251 25J; No. 2 Red at 1 50. Corn Dull, lower; No. 2 mixed 60 on track; 7273 June. Oat Dull; No 2 50 east track 53 Barley Quiet, No. 3 spring, 1 25 126. Rye Firm ; 1 00. Provisions Quiet. Seeds Unchanged, Whisky Dull at 96. Pork Quiet, 18 26. Bulk Meats Firmer and more active; shoulders 6; clear ribs at i Bacon Dull; 4 75, Sugar llal2. Coffee Dull. . Lard NomimU at llal2. CABLEGRAMS. Bayonne, May 25. The Carlists are intrenching their force at Estella, , Madrid, May 25. General Concha is concentrating his forces for aa attack on the Car lists in Estella and vicinity. ondon, May 25. The Observer! announces a cele bration of the Queen's birthday, which takes plaee to-day. The title of Duke of Connaught will be con ferred on Prince Arthur. Rome, May 25. The Pope is still ill of fever. The Italian ministry have been defeated in consequence of the rejection of of the unregistered deed bill; the resignation of tbe entire cabinet is expected. - - - - London, May 25. The Queen's' .birth-day -will be celebrated throughout the Kingdom to-day in the nsuaT manner. Ex tensive illuminations in the princi pal cities to-night. Paws, May 24. Prince Hopentake, the new Ger man ambassador to this city, yester day waited upon President McMa hon, and presented his credentials. President McMahon, in receiving the new minister, said he hoped for a long continuance of the friendly relations which now exist between Germany and France. Paris, May 24. Ex-President Thiers to-day re ceived a deputation from -the De partment of the Gironde, and in reply to their address said the mon archy whichthey were seeking to es tablish was impossible. The Con servative Republicans alone could reorganize and pacify France. He hoped that after its recent experi ence the assembly would admit the necessity of making the country the sovereign arbiter as expressed in the sitting. Wnile powerless to at tain any very definite result, it would exceed the bounds of reasour Being unable to forma gov ernment, the majority had lost the means and right to govern. He therefore expected a dissolution, which would rehabilitate the assem bly in the eyes of the nation. The electors would be less wise and modest, the longer the dissolution was delayed. An election to fill the vacant seat in the assembly, took place in the department of Nicore, to-day. The Republican candidate was chosen by a decissive majority. City of Mexico, May IS. 1 via Havana, j Senor Castello, Alcade of Jacobs, in tbe State of Sinai va, has officially reported to the Prefect of his dis trict, that on April 14th he arrested, tried and burned to death, Jose Maria Bonnellia and bis wife Diega, for sorcery; it having been proved that they had bewitched one Syl vester Zacarias. Before the executive citizen Poras, as a test, made Zacarias take three swallows of blessed water, where upon the latter vomited fragments of a blanket and bunches of hair. Tbe Alcalde states that the people was experating against the Zacarias and demanded that thej be burned. The pretence was executed with his approval, and he adds that he has his eyu on other sorcery against whom complaints have been made by the citizens. The official Diario of the city confirms the report of the outrage, and saysseveral families in the town havp since compelled tie ottlcpr to burn another opf womfjii ami her son for thp same cause. The general government has asked the authorities of Sentoloa, to send a detailed report of these proceed? ings, and to take rqeasurps tq pro? tept tbo lives of pprsous threatened with similar viojeuoe, MARKETS DY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. Ucw York;, May ? Money Easy at 2 8 per cent. Foreign Exchange Dull and steady at 48SI for sixty days, and 491J for sight". Gold Strong but dull; opened at 1121, with a rise to 112i, at which prlcO all aides sinee mid-day havo been made. There Is now a firmer tone and feeling in the market. Governments Steady; but de void of any special feature; cur rency 6s, 1 20J. coupons of ?6o 11SJ new 119 1. Stocks Quiet, with only limi ted speculations, Market strong, however. This morning prices ad vanced 1U porcentwPacific Mail, 22; U. P., 28; W. U., "Si. Erie, 35J, Panama 100. New York Produce Market. a New York, May 25. Breadstuff Dull and unchanged. Flour Heavy super State and Western, 5 335 80; extra, (5 15 650; bakers! and funiily' brands, Wheat Heavy- No. 1 spring, 1 521 53; No 2 Chicago 1 451 47; No. 2 Milwaukee spring 140 150. Corn Quiet S080. Oats Steady, 0264. Rye Heavy, and lower to sell. Prices nominal. Pork Old mess, 10 401C 60; new, 17 90 bid. Beef New mess, $1020; extra, 1314 5Q: Provision'! Bacon short rib, IQc bid; long' deaf, "lOfelOlc; pickled hams, 1011 Jc; shoulders, 77Jo Lard 10, 11. Leather Easier. Iron Dull. Wool Unchanged. Chicago Live Stock Market. Phicaqo, May 25. Cattle Receipts 1,100; steady, firm, but dull; fair to choice steers sold at 5 006 30; extra steers, 6 006 25; stockers 4 554 02; Batchers 3 74 50. Hogs Receipts 6,000; market active and firm; sales of infe'riorto common at 4 75p 40; good to choice extra 5 505 85. Sheep-rReceipts 200; quiet, easy; closed ' dull; common to choice 4 006 50; fine to choice 5 70 7 00, St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, May 25. Hogs Receipts, 1,550, Market firm and unchanged, Cattle Receipts, 290, Market steady and unchanged. Sheep Receipts 300; shade easier; good clipped 88; unshorn, 89; ordinary to choice, 1015. JOHS E. KKLX.SW Attorney 1 CounseloratLaw OSce Sooai, Creighton Block, . avatti Ocr. 15th and Douglas Ets. 0KAHA. COLLECTIONS SOLICITED AND PBOMPT ly attended to. No charge unless collec tions are made Houses to let and rents col ected. Ktal estate bought and sol J. aplTtf NEW FOUNDRY The foundrr In connection with the Van Dorn machine shops, SO. S50 BARNEY STREET, Is now In operation. I am nrepared to mike all kinds of castings. meb237m WM. FENWICK City Meat Market. Keep constantly "onhand A LARGE SUPPY OF Bee MUTTON, 3e ro POULTRY, GAKE "7" 3B Gr OB If . XaXXSI Victor Restaurant. 160 FARXHIX BEET, "Bot. lOtb. and Utlx. VICTOR DUCROSS, Prop. rnABLES SUPPLIED WITH EVERY X thing In the market. Open rrom 7 a. iu. to 13 p. m. J-AU Meals Served to Order.-gSa 0IBTEB3 BEBVED 1M EVERY 8TYLE. GAME IN i-rASON. the times. Pikes to suit ILLTJSTOIS HOUSE. "Parnliaui Sroot Between 9th and 10th. CHARLES FXXDERMA.X, Prop. mchlttf UTovr Meat Market. - SPAULDMC ii JOURDIX. 14th St. Bot. Farnham and Harney, mchl5-2.u Oppo Ite the Grand Central C. F. SAMAXTXT, TAUjOR, 171 Cor. Karnbaia and Klevenlli Sis. All kinds of TAILORING, Cleaning and re pairing done at reasonable rates. Anne lot of FURNISHING GOODS constantly on band and sold cheap. -iec'tf Tho B.oatrloo Hydraulic, Cement, AND PIPE COMF.A.N-7, WOULD INFORM THE TUBLIC THAT they are now ready to furnish HY DRAULIC CEMENT, of the rery best quality, aud in any quautity.eitber at the factory, which is located at Bcatnce.Neb., or at the Pije worts in Uuiaha Thevalsoare prepared to furnish allUndsofChMENTPIPINUforSEWERAGK. DRAINAGE, ETC, Also manufacture all styles of CHIMNEY WORK. WE GUARAN TEE OUR CEMENT TO BE EQUAL TO ANY HYDRAULIC CEMENT MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED .STATES. BORDERS FRO.M DEALERS RliPECT FULLY SOLICITED. BEATRICE HYDRAULIC CE3IEST fc PIPE CO. OMAHA - - NEBRASKA. mxll-Zm MANUFACTURER OF o x a- j e, s, -TIT IIOLESALi: AND RETAIL. TOBCCO, V 1'iitT ami MwiUr' Articles. K! DOUG LAS ST., OMAHA, NEB, Opposite Metro jwlilan Hotel. Consumers and Dialers will tied it to their adantage to examine my stock bcfoe purihasiug elsewhire uiy5-ly DEKTISTilV. lUKXEU DENTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. rpsiAins, Bet. 13th L Uth Sts., OMAHA. asOUleit iructiclnir lVniuts iu the city L. WOODWQRTU, 238'Bongli3 Street, Omaha, Hebraska DKALER IX Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, raiient Wheels, Road was;on, Trot ting Sulkies, Skeletons, Ltudebaker's, - Celebrated Vajoos. James R. Hill's Celebrated Con cord Harness and Whips.; HORSE CLOTHING, Robes, Blankets, "Vason Material of all Decrir tlons, Spake, Hubs, Felloes, and all kindsof HARD WOOD LUMBER Ihltubie Skeins, Axles and Spring' . mchfill MRS. U. U. PALMER. Fashionable Dressand Cloak Maker, Rooms, 202 Douglas St. near 15. b, (Up Stairs. I cut from actual measurement not from patterns and willguaranteo satisfaction in all atts, Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. Wood! Wood! "Wood! Immense Reduction! AT S. P. BRIGGS" YARD, CORNER OF 14th and Chicago Streets. Good Hard WoodS" 00; Soil 55 00. Store Wood to su!t any number of store Tery cheap. aplStf E3 wxirxs: XiIZ.1, DEALER IN Fruits, Confectionery, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner OMAHA, aep2T Farnham and Elerenth streets, NEBRASKA. Established 185. a.. r. sncpsozflT'i CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 53S'&540 FoHrtecnta Street, (Office upatain.) Omaha, Nebraska. Carrlagtf and Buggies on hand or made to order. N.B.- Particular attention paid to Repair lng. apr2S-U OAK OX'X V STOVE ST:OEE. E. F. COOK, 637 14th St, tttweea DnLu axi Dodt Manufacturer of Tin, Copper andSheet Iron Ware, and dealer In Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Japanned and .French Ware on hand. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spoutinzand JebWork done aad warranted, itwxl T? iy rV M. HELLMAN & CO., CLO THIERS . O-EIsTTS' 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST SIEIlSra- AJfcTID SUIIIMIEIR, SIELSlSOIT Clothing s Gents' Furnishing Good We Hare also a Fnll Line in BOY'S ana YOUTH'S Clothing. WE WILL SELL OTJRG-OODS LOWER THAN EVER. TW- TTELLMAN Sl CO. FALL STOCK, 1873 ! R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also YELYET& BEAVER CL0AJONGS. A FULL 6TOCK OF StIAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS 3j-A.XX:ES .A.TST33 OECXXaDZUOXtiT'S ' MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE USES IN GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICA!! CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING RUGS. AND MAT! CHEAPER 'T'lESIA.Isr THE CHEAPEST CHARLES SHIYERICK, Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE anr ttt HOLSTETRY tra&e; has largely increased his stocknd tw has a complete assortment o FINE, MEDIUM .I flrSS PRICED goods, which he is offering at suclT RfttTSK PRICES at to make it to the interest of ew- onfdKS anything in this line, to examine his stock before piuroha mg. PARLOR SETS LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTERED AVD W G. STRIFJEXEK, DEALER N CHOCE HIE S, ProTis'ons, rrulu, Xuts. ConfeclioiierT, Tobrcc, 4c, &c. &c. s. is. I T ciitlfAltKIIAM, jiisr Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating StoTes. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering don short notice and in the best manner, iiteen trcet septzt d CLARK & FRENCH. Wholesale Grocers Adsd.aler.l,in CANNED GOODS I)HI ED FRUITS, ETC. Green Fruits in their Season DER3 9h OMITTED ASDPaOMPILT FIM.KD Spring and Summer Styles. lLSMgl 238 Fine and Medium CHEAPER AND DEALERS IN- IFUZRISIKIIIa - GOODS; OUR STOCK FOR THE Is Complete now; Our Assortment in Comprises th.o latest ITovaltia. LATEST STTXtES ZXT SATS A2TS SVHOLESALE AND RETAIL GOODS, CARPETS, W JbUEfeEJ JS X V Xt JSCiXt. C2A5; gQ3 Farnham mtTt FRANK DRAPER & TAILOR ANL- DriLEKIN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. i'all AssorUnentof Imported Woojans. 232 rarnhnm,St. 3q SeodlT LADIES' SUITS ! Just Received ! TO BE LOWEST ,. AND REFITTED WITHOUT C. F. 2XCZ2&AXT, 256 Douglas. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th, and Harasy Straats, OMAHA. - A. POLACK, CLOTHIER. Farnham St XTear Clothing, and Furnishing Goods, THA2ST 'THE CHEAPEST, l1ik. J.RAMGE All Work Warraate. 2fb. SUITS ! SUITS ! Just Received ! SOLD AT PRICES ! EXTBA CHARGE!! mjU-lm - 14th. Im. BstrslllllftBW H )" ar aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiA. i n1' sHslllllBlllr isllllllllllllllilllllllla a iBb1111111k9 iliUlllllllllllllllllllllllB bHIIIIIIIIIV siiiiiiiiiw siiiiiiiV M t I s I ii BM