Jfflf! BEE. OMAHA DAILY NO- 285. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNINa. MAY 23, 1874. THE vol. m. r i IHE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD BOSEWATEB, Editor nd PropT OaBc-So. 138 rmxmhmm -tre-t. HlBtk sua Teaatfc. TEEMS OF SUBSCBIFXIOH: t collMea. FREDERICK LEADING HATTER Best Goods, FarnhainSt- SSSSl'at OMAHA. Grind OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORT. OBAOKEE MABUFAOrOBT. McUureA ttnlth. 1S3 IHrney " ' lltu and 12th. lecl,a GLASS ASD PICTURE rJMXES. JBeinbart, ISC Rouilas street, dote In .window glass aodpicturafrainss. 1"S tloue to orJer. -" BOOTS AED SHOES. Philip Lans, 153 Farnham t. botwesn 10th ,i.d U5h. febUrl COHFICTIOSEET. HL LstT. corner 12th and D mgla streets. mnufsctarer and whulesale deer In end . s and conle.tionery . Country trade so liceted. " 00A'. DSALEBS. F land A Elliot, coil, lime, cement hair, etc, 131 Farnham it. feblSmS DRUGGIST?. J A. Hosier, druggist, corner 12th and Har . neysts PWN KKUK.t.B. M. Elgutter, K o. 209 Farnham it. 1el7U aAUHDEY. -1 .. KM IKti !-. ht. A Farnham and Doutss. Tie washing and X-, -- .ill be done to nrder, first c"ass work CoolO pAIJjTBIa. L. . . T3nl. nou and sign painters, l.i T- V-mUam and Harney. tl BOA? FACTORY. !. Woi-k. VqvoV 4 Co, tUU Prcmlnm feoap W ;i.elaiUQ Boap.' Fire minu'actare thetf Doagt,. county Orders solicited from the trade. ATT0RIET3. JJ. ESTABRO )K. W. M. FRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. .OFFICE CffUlton Block, 0ll"k SJjj t. a. srau. " MJTC" SPAUN & PBITCHETT, Attsneja ud Cous-clars at Law. Oflce. SOS Twelfth dUeeL xAj. Vnrk Rn am. Omaha. Veto, G. W. AMBROSE, KEDICK'S 0PEB1 HOUSE OMAHA - 1'EB. arttl DEXTER L THOMAS, Attorney anl Conusilor at Law. tOFPIOE Room Ho Vlifcaer1! Block, OMAHA - - NEB. JOHN W- LYTLE, AtlorBefat-Law aad SWitftor ta OFFIOb-Ow Pint Itiasl Muk, saat-tf " ABKE GODWIN, Attoi:ey LaWf (CampCu,i B5lrt- 5091.2 THIBTBUirTH bT?"1' 0MAIi s26la - C A. B1XDT7IX. GEO. X. O'BBIXX. UALDIVIX O'BKIES, ATTORNEYS 5 LAW Office Caldwell Block, Doaglaa Street, OMAUA, - - - - NEBRASKA. iehttl JOHN C. CO WIN, Attonxov. aSoXloltOX1 AND COUNSELOR. OFFICE CREiaHTOS'S BLOCK, 031AI1A, KCBBaSHA. aaarttf T. W. T. Richards, Attorney at Law, OXce 510 13th St., bet. JaraluH aad DoHgUs, Oaaka Hek. r a. Box so w"u SAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorney at Law, X& FAKKHAM 8TBEAT. itMmw.i.kmS. losaaka,Xccaaka. N.J. w MHrfHI ATTORSEI ASD CO LAW, Ko.24) Farnham Street OMAHA. . . NEB torVjOtl " i J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney-at -Law om 9, Alaseher'a Block, OMAHA, - - NEBR. .KT LT IStk St., bet. FsU-hIum ui luiv. AU kinds of TAILORING, CXSASmfQ assi REPAIRING done H rnuiiile tatea aprtttJ U. P. R. R. MEAT MARKET, ICth street bet California aad Webster. WE KEEP ON HAND THEV BEST supply ot FBESH AND SALTED MEATS. Also a large stock ot Fine Sofar Cured Hams aad Breakfast Bacon, at the low est rates. VfiL AUST A KNUTH, wjl-lr proprietors. v Tpmir citizens -want to avoid bloody beer riot, let them build uarrow guage road to Milwaukee. Let Omaha rejoice. Henry Rochefort, George Francis Train and Moses Sydenham will soon be in our midst. - . Ax official barber and a city boot black, wiU have to be created by the City Council, to enable the Omaha police force to comply with the new regulations. Moses, Uie Hebrew law giver, broke all the Commandments at one time, and why should not Moses, the South Carolina law executor, be indicted for breaking one of them ? We are happy to announce that the British lion wagged his knotty narrative approvingly, when he heard of the ratiGcation of the Anglo American alliance. Does regulation regulate, is the question with Omaha policemen just now. That depends entirely upon their fortitude to withstand the allurements of a friendly game of whiiky poker. Professok Swing now threatens to sv !ng around the religious circle outside of his own church, with his new fangled dogmas, and we say, in tho Lord's name, let him swing, hut give the newspapers a little rest The Winnebagoes are again hankering after the old soup house. A delegation of "Wisconson AVinne goes, rocontly removed to Nebraska, were at Madison, "Wisconsin, on Thursday, to solict the Governor to allow their return to the State. Eve Uie rellgjous press of Mis souri seem to have taken the war path against Carl Schurz. The Western CM, of St. Louis, the rep resentative organ of Catholicism in the Mississippi valley, lias opened its batteries, and is throwing a per fect shower of shot and shell at the philosophical statesman. Hamlet Oram, 9th street between Jones and Leavenworth sti., OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. TTEEPSTHE MOST COMPLETE ASSORT IV met ol ladles anauenxi siraw una, uuu Goods AjnU I ha Cltr. terd4 Woro injrll-Siu'-pl Victor Restaurant. 1G0 FARXHAX BEEr, ot. lOtH and lltlx. VICTOR IjUOItQSS, Prop. rnABLES SUPPLIED WITU EVEBY X thing In the market. Open from 7 . m. lol3 p. tu. . jy-All Meals Served to Order.-a 0IBTER3 SERVED IS EVERY BTYLB. J A K!CT? IN SEASON. Prices to suit (tAME the times. C. 7. TTA-M-VBTlSr, TAHiQW. i1 t'pr. lavrBam and EJeTentli Sta. All kinds ol TAILOBINQ, qeaning and re pairloK done at reasonable ratps. A fine lot ol FUBNISIIING (JOODS consiantly on band and fold cheap. tecSGlI NEW TOUNDBY The foundry In conoecHjsn rU11 ibe Van Dorn midline shops, 2tf. gO ttAllllEY STHEKf. I now to operation. I am prepared tomike M w 7J1 klE,i of castings. auv&jm wii. fenwicc City at Market. jEMp conttanllj on'hand A LARGE SUPPYOF Bus MUTTON, POULTRY, GAVE VUG-: JAS. M. McVITTIj), WHOLESALE DF1LEP TK Clarified Cider. 3S fuad 1S6 Faineant Str-et. F, OOFRT. Leading Bootmaker IBS FarBsaam atrcef TTASon hand a full line of Ladles' Goods JX hlcfe he Is closing oat at cost. Glte Mm acUl aadfet goo4 barpina. SEW GOODS ARUIVINU PAjLy n has on hand an cxcellen stcck of r U' wear, best In the city, of Eastern manu- ure or nome maae. jiiui fftLIN0B$ HJJUSE. " II 4S-tfft- Bet "HtlWjVrorj. CH1ELK8FEU -3.a 2TwleatlCe ro.l ana unmuiuitu, j. ..!.., -. SSto.i'ftJnwo and all kinds of Vry Goods, Ti3S'and'66nt,Bo..tl.tC My liueof Ury . .. L- "I?.rM.. .il. f. fll 1 BPATJLBI.NG JODBDllC Utk St. Bet. FarHkaaa aad Haraej, saehl5-Sm Oppo He the G rand Central O. H. BALLOD. ED. BGLAsOO W. Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Osaoa n Creigbton's new block, soathr-at cor room. floor. KAMA. NEB. Wood! Wood! Wood! Immense Reduction! A T S. P. BBIGG3 l-AED, COBNEE OF A. 14th and Chicago Streets. Good Hard Wood 7fl0; Soft $V5L Sioto Wood suit any number of store Tcrdiean. splSU VERY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. Specially Reported for the Onaia Daily Bee, bT tit Atlaatlo and Pacific Telegraph Oo. Congressional. SENATE. "Washington-, May 22. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, presen ted a petition from the Georgia Ag ricultural Congress, asking that half the proceeds of public land sales be used to support the agricultural col leges, education and labor. Mr. Oglesby from the committee on public lands reported favorably a bill for the settlement of accounts between the United States and the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Mr. "Wright called up a report by the conference convention on "Wednesday-, on the bill for facilitating the exportation ol distilled spirits, and amendatory acts thereto; agreed to. The Speaker announced the civil rights bill as unfinished business. Mr. Sargent asked that it be laid aside, and the deficiency appropria tion bill might be taken up. Mr. Fre)inghuyten objecting, Mr. Sar gent gave notice that he would call up the deficiency bill at the earliest opportunity. Mr. Boutwell, from the commit tee on commerce, reported favora bly on the bill appropriating $63, 000 for the relief of Wm. B. Thomas, late collector of customs of Phila delphia, which sum subordinates had embezzled from his ofiico; passed. Mr. Logan, from the military committee, reported favorably on Uie bill for extending the time for filing bounty claims, placed on the calendar. Mr. Morrill, of Maine, from the committee on appropriations, repor ted back tho House bill relating to the centennial, with an amend ment; placed on the calendar. He also presented a memorial of the board of centennial commissioners; ordered printed and tablet!. Mr. Morrill gave notice that he would call up the bill at the earliest opportunity, A bill amendatory to an act to promote tho developement of the mining resources of the United States, was passed. The Senate took up the civil rights bill. Mr. Ha wes spoke iji fa vor of the bill and in support of its constitutionality. Mr. Bogy opposed the bill and denied the iower of Congress to pass it. Mr. Pease ad vocated tho bill. Messrs. Cooper and Sauleibury opposed it. Mr. Merriman considered the decree a majority and that this bill must be set out this evening and moved for adjournment. Lost by 3 to 1G. Mr. Kelly opposed tup bill. Mr. Ramsey moved an adjourn ment. Lost, Mr. Hamilton spoke against the bill. Mr. Stockton moved when the Senate adjourned it be till Monday. Lost by 32 to 12. At 2 o'clock the Senate showed no prospect of com ing to a vote on adjourning. HOUSE,. Mr. Lawrence from the commit tee on war claims reported a bill making appropriations for the pay ment of claims reported and allow- under act of March. 1S71. lie stated the bill allowed claims aggregating $67G,000. He mo veil to strike out the claim of $45,00o to William Bauly, Rapids Parish, La., for cot ton destroyed, arguing mat proois exist of his disloyalty In the early part of the war. After discussion, the Housp tien wont jnto commit tee oj tho wholo on tho" privato cal endar. A number of private bills were passed and the House adjourned. 1 Little Rock, May 22. It is expected that serious com plications wjll arise from the resig nation of Goneral Newton, com mander of Baxter's forces, whjph was caused by the adniisioivof two of Brooks' officers to i-cati In the Legislature. Tho resignation Is llkejy Jo cause an open breach be tween pojltipjaijs and thetmllitary, who says "Baxter should not have permitted the "permission qf Brooks' assembly members, Dispatches have been received by. Newton in which Baxter Is repubUcated and men are joining at division. Jfo disturbance has oecured.jSf ' 7 Sew York, May 22. The decline in tluC market of Central Pacific bonihr and stock, which has taken place within the past days, both hero akd In London, has attracted much 'attention and comment In Wall street, and is ac counted for in various ways. One story Is to the elTectthat the fall is attributed to the side by the city of Geneva, or somt4uu,wu worm ui stock, bequeathed;. to It by the late Duke of Brunswick! Prominent fiqleBclal men who are interested in tfcfroad say that the circulation of Ah? inU?Jljs:ence of the California' VWty, WW fot H able to pay tbe4iwrest oW its bonds this year. It has-wterplsed n very depressing InflueHf In all Paoifiic railroad stocks. ex. Phovidenck B. L, May 22. The sale of Irqlng stock at Nar ragansett Park wjis oonclud.ed yps; terday, tho amount realized being $35,000. The rest of tho Sprague stock will be disposed of at Leaven, worth, IKansas, sale commencing June 3d. JS Wash -ft t "' JKJJA Hit May 22. Tlip l.irtrp maioritv-ln tho House -.in mo in' favor tof the aiTmtesion' of 'New Mexlpo was a surprise to most of pie. The speechaof uovernor ids, delegate. seMaieu to taKe '"of 'flie House ami secure its holu 4'f9a: ?ntigP a -4cn whole at. the popula- r..;rn H The facts -nc tirvn onil nlntms whiu (Presented j4 cred- were received in full fai& it A bill has been repo by u committee on naval for tne rollofnf the widow taln Hall, which authorizes th secretary of the navy to purcBa ithe manu- script of her husband sand dollars. ;n thou- Vocn.ivri. Mich..Mal frtrn crlrla ITPrp lirOWnell he st evening, by the capsizing of a 1 TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. WASSIXTCTOIT. A Bill to be Reported, Amend ing the Pacific Railroad Act, Requiring Connections to be Made with Branch -Roady, Without Dis crimination in Freights and Fares. Further Complications Expected in Arkansas. Chicago, May 22. Prof. Swing, yesterday, sent a telegram to a friend in this city, from Oxford, Ohio, where he is now residing, in which ho says: "I cannot endure any further theologi cal war. Please announce my with drawal from the Presbyterian Church. (Signed) David Swing." Swing is evidently determined, as he projwsed the same course, just before his trial commenced. "Washington, May 15. Captain Carlton, of the Tenth Cavalry, reports that another out rage in Camp Augur, Texas, has been committed by reservation In dians. This is the third time the reservation Indians have fired into the camp and then retired to their reservation protection, where, un der existing orders, the troops can not follow them. In forwarding Captain Carlton's report to army headquarters General Sheridan en dorses as follows, respectfully for warded to headquarters of the army requesting that It be ascertained if there is any objoot objection on the part of tho Indian bureau to troops pursuing Indians and punishing them. This the third or fourth at tack made by the reservation In dians on tho camp on Red Rlver, and it is time some measures be taken to stop them. The President and family loft here cu the 1Q o'clock, train furXew York. Tho secretary of war has officially announced the death of General Dyer. ' In the Senate a bill forthe relief of W. B. Thomas, late collector of tho porf: pf Philadelphia was passed; also "a bill to issue . army rations to the destitute people on the Tombig beo and other rivers. Several bils were reported; among them one to settle certain accounts between the US. anil tho States of Ohio, Imlianarand Illinois. Mr. Sargent presented a memo rial of the citizens of Oakland, Cal ifornia, asking appropriations for the improvement of W(ter works of that cjty, twas refej-r"id' to tho committee on commerce. A Senate 'bill amending tho act to promotothedevelopment of min ing resources of tho United States, was passed. Thcclvll rights bill was then pro ceeded witii, and Mr. Stockton con cluded his argument. At tho expiration of the morning hour a bill making appropriations topay the award of the southern claims commission camo up, and ifiwrenco moved to strike "out the appropriation of tufty-five thousand dollars for Wm. Bailev. Ho said ithero were over a thousand names ,in the bill, anu disagreement in the committee, except in this crse. He claimed that Bailey was disloyal and had sold cotjon to the eonflederate States. A motion to strike out tho Bailey claim was re jected, and after further amend ments the bill passe. The House then went into com mittee of tlQ wtyoh! on private cal endar. Washington, May 22. The House Committee on Pacific railroad has agreed to report a bill to amend the fifteenth section of the'Paplflc Railroad Act of 18C2, which' requires eqnneptlon to be mado with branch roads without any discrimination in freights and fares. That aot, however, did not provide for any penalty, and there has been a great many complaints growing out of disputes between tho inroad Companies; especially between the Union Paciflo and the Kansas Pacific roads.' ' Tlie new amendment proposes to provide a penalty of one thousand dollars for each violation of the jaw, The House committo on mines and mining passago report favor ably a bill to extend the provisions of tho fifth section of tho mining aot of June 10th, 1872, so as to allow locators of quartz mining claims until the 10th of July, 1875, in which to perform the amount of WOfk requisite to hold their claims. This waqppqseil In the committee bV "Messrs. page and Kendall. -,:Tho ImprpssjQ" Is Uint the bill is solely in tho interest of eastern capitalists, who aro Interested in mining claims in California, Nevada and Utah, and who do uot wish to spend any money to develop them until the people of these regions have by their Own "pnergy and enterprise, demon strniMl the value of the niine9."Tho consequence is that a large numuer of mines of tho Pacific coast are locked up and w'lthbeld from devel opment. If tho present bill does not pass there will bo a large num ber of mining claims forfeited by these eastern men and thrown open tq re-Jopation. There is a large lob by Infliienee gathered in this city in the Interest of the AUqntlo and Pa cific railroad, and vigorous opposU tlou is being taken against Pago's bill, to declare forfeited the compa ny's land grant. The Senate committee on privil eges'and electlops liave had some little discussion on the charges pre sented against Senator Mitchell, of Gregon, but have not yet taken lieu up for formal action. Theim- "jsion is ujat tne cnarges are not 1- ""to 3 nature as can be taken of su. -t ef by the Senate, cognizau. v committee on pjpe- The Hou &rdaY not to take tions decided ye- q hp case of Immediate action - "'U, but to Twlpo-&te Cannon ofb lanlv to give him further time to . fcgs the charges against which he 1 so tar declined to notice. New York, May 22. W. J. Harding has again been matched to walk from the junction of Thirty-eighth and Fifth avenue to Jerome Park, for a thousand dol lars. He is to perform the feat in one hour, thirty-five minutes, and fifty-live seconds, and beat Ben nett's time, eleven minutes. It takes place, June 11th. Hon. John Jay, United States Minister to Vienna, arrived here Wedriesday on the steamer Russia. He was accompanied by his son-in-law, General Vousch Minitz, of the Austrian army, and the latter's wife and child. He proceeds to Wash ington in a day or two to consult President Grant and Secretary Fish. Springfield, III., May 22. The circuit court of Sangamon county yesterday decided that it has jurisdiction in railroad cases, and that the civil rights bill does not apply to said cases. Tho attorneys of railroad companies refused to ar gue the case as they had removed the hearing by writs of certiorari to the circuit court; thought judgment by default would be entered againt the roads. The prosecuting attor ney, judge and clerk of court will probably be indicted under the stat utes for attempting to stay the course of U. S. laws. Gov. Taylor of Wisconsin, has issued an address to the people on tho railroad sub ject, in which he states the posltlor of that State to railroads. Indianapolis, May c2 The verdict of tho jury ', t"ue Fleetwood murder trial at Seymour was "Guilty of murder lrl tue flrgt degree." The Fleetwo oj brothers were sentenced to the state prison for life, and left lramediately for JelTerson. No violr.nce wa3 attemp ted by tho vlglb.nts, as had been threatened. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. New York, May 22. Money Easy at 24 per cent. Foreign Exchange Quiet and steady at 4S8J for sixty days, and 491 i for sight.' Gold Dull but firm; ophned at 1 123. Governments Steady ; good bus iness ; currency Gs, 1 17. Stocks The market is dull and rapidly drifting into extreme inac tivity. There is nodisposition among capitalists to buy the mar ket. Before midday it was f per cent lower, but is now stronger and Recovering, yet devoid ot sufficient interest to command remarK. n.ne, 35; Pacific Moil, 42; U P, 27J; WU, 71 i. New York Produce Market. New York, May 22. Breadstuffs Opened quiet, Flour Heavy super State and Western, a335 8n; extra, 6 15 G5Q. "Wheat better ; No. 1 spring 1 551 58; No 2 Chicago 1 46 1 48; No. 2 Milwaukee spring 1 52. Corn Quiet S7. Oats Firm, G264. Rye Nominal, 1 09. , Whiskey Quiet at 98. Provisions Quiet; firm. Pork Shade higher. Qld mess 16 50 bfd; new 18 Q0, Lard 111J, Leather Best grades active at full prices; other grades quiet. Iron Dull. Wool Supply light; new spring high. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 22. Flour Active, spring extras, 5 25 6 25; winter white extras 0 e03 7 50. Wheat More active, closed strong and lower; No. 2, 1 21$ 1 2l; regular, 1 21jl 21?; closed 1 21J; spot or May or June sold at 1 211 22, closed at 1 21J; July, at 1 21; No 3, 1 10; rejected, 1 071 08; No 1, 1 241 25. Corn Active, firm and a shade higher; high mixed sold at 63 J; No 2, 61J62; fresh spot June, 61 J 62, closed 62j; July, 62; rejected; 5960; No 2 ear corn, 70. Oats Active and firmer; No. 2 regular at 47; and strictly fresh 48; rejected was sold at 46. Rye Firm; No. regulas 93 J; fresh 9798, Barley Quiet, unchanged. No, 2 1 59l 60; rejected 1 151 18; No. 3, 1 35. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, May 22. Flour Quiet and unchanged; su. perflnc winter at 4 504 75 Wheat Dull; No. 2 Chicago at 1 251 2oJ; No. 2 Red at 1 50. Corn Dull, lower: No. 2 mixed 60 on track; 69 June. rtnfo T...1I. Vn HH onof trnnlr Barley Quiet, No. 3 spring, 1 25 12Q. Rye Firm ; 68l 00. Provisions-Quiet, Seeds Unchanged, Whisky Dull at 9J Pork Quiet, 17 1Q, Bulk Meats Firmer and more aotlve shoulders 6J j clear; ribs at 8$. Bacon Dull; 4 75. Sugar llal2. Coflee Dull. Lard Nominal at 10J. L top Up tock Market. ST. XiOUis, aiay , Hogs Receipts 2,800; active. Cattle--Receipts 2,200; quiet, un changed, good to prime steers 4 25 4 75; cnoiee to extra 5 25Q 50. Sheep Receipts 300; shade easier; good clipped 88J; unshorn, 89; ordinary to choice, 10 15. Chicago Live Stock Market, Chicago, May 22, Hogs Receipts 0,111. MarkeC fairly activo and steady; common, 4 00525; medium, 5 205 40; good to choice, 5 355 CO. B. 6BIBK. J- KABBACU. (JBERE k KARBACff, 5th ft, Letween Farnham and arney sts. OMAHA, - - " NEB. MAXCFACTCBXX OF- Spring and Farm Wagons, BIGGIKS AID CARRIAGES. " Dealers in and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! PABTICUlCb ATTENTIOH PAID TO nORSKSHOEISO. araTBcpesring of wagons and blacksmlthlng promptlr done at reasoaabte prices. mydAwGm MRS. J. K. VAH OERCeK Eclectic Physician- Bealdence and ofice 350 Dodge st bet 14th and 15th sta. Special attention paid to'obstetrlcs and dis rjies peculiar to voaea and children. Qtt CABLEGRAMS. Paris, May 22. A duel between the Count of Monteblo and the Prince of Metter nlch, was fought to-day. The weap ons used were 9words; the Count was wounded in the arm and dis abled. London, May 22. A Paris dispatch to the Standard, says : It is thought that the combi nations made to-night to complete the ministry, will besucccssful, and that the cabinet will probably be reguiaieo 10-oay, witn Decases, or D'Auflrete, and other Bonapartists, and legitimists, will be excluded. London, May 22 A Times special dispatch f'm Paris says that the weaknK .i? Bourse is attributed to .vf rJ2t that 300 deputies have ? JgJ tion for the dissoii' -"S11. sembly; but thetr utnTlt ismy' a prolongation " " ggi. crisis. jj, r London, May 22. hi w ",zar Ieft England to-day on "jturn to Russia. . .t is rumored that the British rigates Narcissus and Endimonare uaiiure at iraiermo. Ten persons at Cork, on suspicion of being concerned in the mys terious disappearance of arms, have been arrested. Madrid, May 22. It is reported that the Carlists shot several women Saturday. A fight took place in the Prov ince of Argocia, to-day, between Republicans and a body ofCarlists, resulting in the defeat of the latter. The insurgents lost sixty killed and many wounded; Republicans lost five killed and ninety wounded. A body of Carlists in Cartalona, numbering 2,000 men, have been defeated by tho Republican troops, with a loss of 21 killed and 14 taken prisoners. Gen. Concha has re-occupied the townofOrdena. OZwX OXT-5T STOVE STORE. E. F. COOK, 537 14th 8k. "b-tweea DoBglu and Dode Manufacturer of Tin, Copper andShoet Iron Ware, and dealer in Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Japanned and French Ware on hand. "Tin RooGng, Gutters and Spoutingand JobWork done and warranted. fehtf Burcioal JFt.ooxka.Bi I.VANCAMPM.D. Dispenses his own medclnes, and besides regular pracUce, makes specialities of Derange ments and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Diseases of the Rectum. Ovfics and Residence, Corner Farnham and 14th Streets, first door to the right, up stairs Omaha, Neb. Address Lock Box M. Tftldawtl TTxaAtea. ntaTos Confectioners' Tool Works, Th.cs. Mills cSs B?o., Manufacturers of Confectioners'Tools UacUlnes, Manilla, Ice Cica Freezers. &c, Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Proprietors : Tiiouas H etors: "1 Established 1SC. has Mills, 1 . M. Mills, f CATALOGUES SEJ Geo. M.Mills, f CATALOGUES SENT Atlkk P.PamiSB. j j upon application. tnarTdawZni G. A. LEXDQUEST. Merchant Tailor! 100 FAItXII.'Jtl ST." Between Tenth and Eleventh fctneets. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Established 1858. k.. T. JSI2VHS03NT'fi CARRIAGE HT4NQFAGT0R7 538 & 540 Fourteenth Street, (Office up stairs.) Omaha, Nebraska. Carriages and Buggies on hand or made to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Repair log. apr28-U S3 WT I TT 33 3BC aa 1 3VI . DEALER IN Fruits, Confectionery, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner Farnham and Qerenth streets, OMAHA, - " - NEBRASKA. sep2f 1,L, ABOUT THE AVATKB WOHKS The central city of the West Quite proud ol late has grown, And feels it can no longer wait A goo I sited pond to own. The greatest cities, of the nor J J Who wish to cu. a swell, At once erect a rcsern.ir Upon their highest hlU. We read In the days of Noafc ' hat water wo-ks were tried; The trouble was ttey had no sewers, And so the people died. L-t us then remember If wster works we try, To put In sewers good and strong, And make our.strcets quite dry And when the thing Is done We'll celebrate at once, Then exerybody In the town Will bay their hats of Bonce. ! For all new styles tfcat rw ufc'au.t, Same f(ty kinds or mere, YoqU find them cheap at Uunce'sJ Famous New York storo. To Chimplon n-ttar oflth9;Wet,2o,Doug asStrecet. mcl28tf U. WILLI! ELM. J. TAYLOR. WILLHELM & TAYLOR, PORK PACKERS, 17th and Chicago streets, OMAHA, XEB. ARE now prepared to dellrer in large or sraslt quantitios, their mUd supir-curcd "KONE SUCH" brand ol ham? and breakfait bacon, put up expressly for family use. On hand pure kttlerendered leaf lard, by the barrel or In cans of 10, 13, 25 or 40 It. axsrtftder prompUy filIed."SH Ladies' Fashionable Cloak a.id Dress Maker. Promenade Suits, Etenln? Dresses, Wedding Suits, Morning Wrappers, Coats, Ac, cut to or der in the litest Parislaa styles, flaring car ried on fashionable cutUngand fitting for la dies In all its branches In the Tirious capitals and centres of fashion in Europe and America, I take pleasure In Introducing myself to the ladies of Oman v Satisfaction guaranteed In erery department of my proffession. SswfrwVMtla Street. oc2yl B. WLF. "WILIilAM SEXA.TJER. 225 Paraiia Street, - Omais, 5eb ITBOUSalZ XXD EIT1XL DE1XXS IS FUB1HTURB, BEDDING, ETC. CLO o--jistts' FUKisriss:iisrc3- goods, 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST. OUR STOCK FOR THE Is Complete now; Our Assortment in Clothing i Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises -Uie Latest 2Tovelti.es. THE UTSST ST'STiES ZXT SATS AUD CAPS. We Have also a Full Line in BOY'S and YOUTH'S Clothing. WE WILL SEJ-L OURG-OODS LOWER THAN EVER. M. HEIXMAN & CO. tpat.T, S?OQ 1873 ! R. A. BROWN, 248 Pouglas Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MEBINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELYET & BE AYER CL0AKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINSEX IS GREAT YARIETIT. A FDLL LIXE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OH, CLOTHS, MATTINff RUGS, AND MATS, CHEAPER TZEaLAJST THE CHEAPEST CHABLES SHIYEBICK. Furniture, bedding, .Mirrors, and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his sfcock,andnow has a complete assortment ot FINE, MEDIUM .and LOW PRICED goods, which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of everyone desiring anything in this line, to examine his stock before purchas ing. PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHAS. S2XVEHXC32L gQ3 Vn.xrxM.Xk.rn.Txx Stroot.Omnlia. G. STRIFFLER, DH.VLEU N CROC RIBS, Provis'ons, Fruits, Xul.s C'onrccllonerf, Tobacc-, &c, &c, &c. S.RrCR.of ilT andFARXIIAK. a llllf Scliucider & Burmester Manufacturers of TIX, COPPEIt AXD SHEET IR0X WARE. DE.VLEBS IN Cooking and Healing StoTes. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering don short notice aud in tho best manner, iltctn trcet scpt21 dj CLARK & FREXUIL Wholesale Grocers Anddcalersfn CANNED QOODS nniro frcits, irc. G-reen Fruits in their Season OP TEES 0LIC1TED AND rEOMrTLT FILLED UN Spring and Summer Styles. 9M&- -V lk Fine and Medium OHEAPEB M. HELLMAJt' & co- THIERS -AND DEALERS IN- FRANK . DRAPER & TAILOR AND DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'GOODS. Full Assorlmcntof Imported TToolcus. All lTbrk Warrantca. 232 FarrOaamSt., - - Omalia, IToTw. oq"5eodlr LADIES' SUITS ! SUITS ! SUITS ! Just Received ! Just Received ! TO BE SOLD AT ' LOWEST PRICES ! AND REFITTED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE ! ! C. F. XXXCX-L-ACT, 256 Douglas. myU-lru. !DA.:rr. btti2,k,, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th. and Sarney Streots, O-yCA-EIA., - - - NEB. A. POLACK, CLOTHIER, 238 Favb.om St. IToar l-tli. ii0l- 9P Clotliiiig, mad Fmriii-king Goods. CilJ3?liE RAMGS TffMB?r !( IB t Bvf v f i---v -V- f V S "t I I !. I A L i I . I! r -I 1 I UXXJTJUO-J. apI22C i 4 ,1 iv ) t w A li . Jr.?