j BEE. 9 '-' tAJA" n- i OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 19, 1874. VOL. m. NO. 281. THE OMAHA DAILY t THE DAILY BEE. EDWARD ROSEWATER, Editor and Frop'r KtBrtliaadTcBUL. TERMS OF SUBSCBIPTIOK: -$7.00 OM copy, one yew. "";"" i w - six moatha. in 1"?1"- , " three menthi m ad ranee z.wj W nofpSdln adTanee, $8 per annum will , coueiea. FBEDESICE, LEADING HATTER! Jkst Goods, Farnham Stt a3&l. OMAHA. OMAHA BUSINB8 DPCfflRtr 0R10XEK MiSUFAflrOIT. MedureA Fniitb. 185 Ilarney street, het. , lltbandlztb. decls QL1B3 KD PICTUBE MAKES. T Belnbart. 1W Doagiw street, dealer J a J .window glaas and prnture frames, Glaring 2e to order. -2U JEWELER. WO. niw,prct ad watthmakeralU h .st. "a12" BOOTS AHD SHOES. Philip Lenj, 155 Farnham st, Jiet ween i loth audllJh. JeM9rl C0IFE0JI0IERT. TT LUtr. corner 12th and Douglas streets. XT. ja nuficturer and wholesale dier In ,Tl7n nd con'e.llonery. Country trade eo Uceted. ltr COAti DEALEBS. Flan 4 Elli t, caii, lime, cement hair, etc, 134 Farnham st. febldmj J A. BJer, diujgUt, cornef12lh and JJar IS8URAS0B. FJ ..A i Ifoiriftn Ara .n.i e Ident lnaa- rance (genu, orcr the iitotfice. TAWS BROKER. M Elgstur, Sfo, 200 Farnham st. 1el7tf UF1T. ESTATE A3 D COIL OEPIOE. Jon Johnson, office 5J9 14th st between Farnham and Douglas; alo tckats to and (rum Europe, drafts, insurance, etc a2Jyl IAUIDBY. 4 new laundry op ned at 511 11th it., bet. A. Farnham and DouUs. The washing and ironing will be done to order, first elaai work PAIHTER3. Lehman A Bard, houe and sign painters, 10th, it. bet. Farnham and Harney. aMtl ROAP PA0T0BT. Tlrcmlum Soap Worts. Powell A Co, silll T aianu'acturc their Pipjninm Soap. Flte first prainlums awarded by the Duugls, County and StxU fairs, and Pottawattamie county, fa. Orders sollut! frpni the trade. A110BHET3. K. ESTABEOIK. Vim' FRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE. W. Cor. Hthtrj d Douglas. Oma Neb. mcb?ltj O. H. BALLOTJ. ED. B. GLAgdOW. Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. Office n Crelgbton's new block, southeast cor room, lluor. OMAHA, - NEB. 1. a. srauir. ato. . rarrcBKTT SPAUN & PRITCHETT, Attonejs Md Counselors at Law. Office, 506 Twelfth Btreet, iMtMi. Lock Rut ana, Omaha. Neb, G. W. AMBROSE, A.ttomor - j Xsm, r REDICK'S OPERA HOUSE OMAHA 1'KB. arttl DEXTER L THOMAS, Attoraej and JCoanselor at Law. iOFPIOE Boom So Yiaachert Block, JOHN W. LITLE, ittoraT-t-Law aad SoiJejt9r Lb Equity. 0FPI0h0rr Fint Vttiosal laak, mal-U PARKE GODWIN, Attorney at Lawf (CampbeU'i Blctk,) 8001.3 TEIBTEEHTH 8TBEET. 0KAHA 26 1m e. a. saum - oeolHi jmb ' " UttBWIS nBmiFar;' ATTORNEYS 5 LAW Uttt-Caldwell Block, Douglas Street,' V J0HN C. C0WIN, Attorney. olloltoar AND COUNSELOR. OFFICE CREICirTOX'S BLOCK, OMAHA, XEMBAS1LA. marttf T W. T. Riciards, Attorney at Law, 0co 510 13th SU, bet. Faraaaa h DobjIas, OBuika. Kefc. P 0. Bex 80 utUU SAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, HZ FARHHAM STREAT. MW.t'Mli 1 Omaha. Sahraaka. amp r yPMJ"lC, f . N.J.BURNHAM. ATT0KXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, S60 Farnham Street OMA.HA JTB1 rhsau DKALSR Ds'r- Fruits, Coifectionery, CIGARS J2fD tobIcco. ItE corner Farahaa ad Ekrsjath ctreeta, OMAHA, . . - VEfUUSKA. The smash up In McMahon's Cabinet was caused by his moving for an upper chamber. Dr. Johnson's medical purveyor laying in a heavy stock of medica ted mineral water with a stick thrown in. It is now understood that Pro fessor Aughey's chemical test if Lincoln brandy smashes is merely to serve as a preliminary proof of his fitness for the position of United States Whisky Guager. It is to be hoped the Professor will get the ap pointment. The editor of the Herald will doubtless be Iwppy to learn that Councilman Stephenson is on the narrow guage track to repentance. He is only waiting for ijrs "yan Cott to pull him to the fire limit termi nus. The classic village of Lone Tree has been suffering from an over abundance of dullnpss, and their wide-awake Courier favors us yith the following lucid explanation : The quiet appearance of our streets for a few days past, may be at tributed In some degree to the pres ence in town of two or three light ning rod men and a canvasser for a "family paper." The rapacity )f the middleman and the oppressed and down trod den Granger, is vividly portrayed by thg Brownville 4?vPrt'eri in tue foJjQuluytjrsphic comments: "But ter last week wis W) cents per pound. O, the poor granger! Potatoes $2 a bushel. Dear, dear, what will become of us poor farm ers such price3 for produce! Dog gone tile mjddle men anyhow if we could drive tbein alj qut of town, and on to farms, then we wouldn't fee compiled to sell our butter at 25 cents to $j cents, We could have tho fun of eatjng it ourselves, and middle men could make their own butter." KnookedDown! A remarkable fact can) be ascertain ed by investigating our stock and prices that we have reduced to a very low figure all of our clothing nnd GenU', furnishing gojds far below tlif price of any other house. Over coata in particular can be bought of us now at least 25 per cent less than our fonder prcea. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. Ph. Gqttheimer, feb.8-lw 206 Farnham street. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gem, pistols, and merchandise iu general, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 200 Farnham at. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Bailroad tickets bought and sold. Hamlet Orum,, th street between Jones and LeaTenworth sts., OMAHA, - XEBRASIvA- T7-EEFSTHE MOST COSIPI.ETE ASSORT IV met of Ladle' and GenU' straw ha4, trim tuS and uQtr)iuuod, Parasol.. Piques, Mar seilles, Nainsooks and all kinds of Dry Goods, ladies' and GenU' Bw ts, etc. My Hue of Dry Goods Is Complete. Selling only for CASH, I am able to UNDLRSELL any other Dealer in the City Our PRICESare LOWER than erer beard blbUore. njyH-3m-pl NEW FOUNDRY The foundry In connection with the Van Dorn machine shops, J.l. 39 IIAR.KKT STREET. If n.w In operation. lam prepared to make all kinds of castings. mehlJTm WSI. FEN WICK 1. A. LENDftUT. Merchant Tailor! 10 FARNIIAJJ 8T. Between Tenth and EWrenth btnnta. GENTS' FURNISHING qOODS. City Meat Market. Krrp constantly on'hand A LARGE SUPrY OF v. MUTTO I'OULTEY, GAVE Xszin VBCrBT. .J4. .m. sjcvrra?iF, - WHOLCaALE nEAElj JN Clarified Cider. 135 aa ISO Faraaam Strict. oo CO S VERY LATEST, MIDNIG-HT. Specially BaporUd for the Omai Daily Bee, br tilt Atlaatio and PaciSs Telepapk Oo. Congressicasil. SENATE. ' Washington, May 18. Mr. Edmunds submitted a reso lution that the President pro tern, of the Senate and Speaker of the House declare the two houses of Congress adjourn sine die on the22d of June at noon. Ordered printed and laid over. Mr. Morrill, of Maine, in accord ance with a notice given on Friday, moved to take up the legislative ap propriation hill. ' u Mr. Frelinghuysen gave notice that as soon as the legislative appropriation bill was dis posed of he should ask the Senate to take up and pass the civil rights bill. Mr. 'Frelinghuysen introduced a bill to provide for telegraphic com munication betwpen the United States'and Asia; referred, Mr. Spencer submitted a resolu tion requesting the President to transmit to the Senate an swers received by the civil ser vice commission from heads of de partments and bureaus regarding the effect of the civil service rules in their departments; agreed. Mr. Alcorn introduced a bill pro viding for the appropriation of a commission to investigate a report on a plan for reclaiming the alluvial basen of the Mississippi ; referred to the committee on levees. The leg islative appropriation bill was then taken up. Mr, Morrill explained that the bill was in harmony with the gen eral reduction of expenses, having less extraneous matters than such bills ordinarily do. A bill to regu late the diplomatic and consular system amending an act of August 18th, 1850. was passed. The" legislative, appropriation bill was then read and the amendments of the committee were agreed to. Mr, Sherman moved to strike out provisions flj'at no internal revenue guager shall receive a compensation greatpr than ?5 ; agreed to. The amendment of the pomm jtteo increasing the appropriation for the purchase of official postage stamps, for the treasury, from Ave thousand dollars to two hundred thousand dollars, was agreed to. Mr. Sherman moved an amend ment authorizing the Secretary of War, to detail two enlisted men for duty in the ordinance department. Agreed to. The last sejctjon wqs amended to instruct the Secretary of the Treas ury to cover into tho Treasury, all uupxpended balances from appro priations on tljp llrst of Jujy of each year," Allien such balances hive re mained upon the books of the Treas ury for two flspaj years. Mr. Carpenter moved to strike out the section forbiding civil offi cers to receive by compensation or lerquisite from the Treasury or United States propprty, beyond their saary or legal" compensation. Adjourned. HOUSE. Under a calj of stgtos q number of hills were introduced and referred, including one by Mr. Cessna, fixing the first Tuesday after the first Mon day, as the tlatp fqr the ejgetjor in 1874. A iijotjon jiliujp jy Ivasson several days ago to 'suspend 'rules and pass a bill to attend the three per cent, temporary loan act of the 12th of June, 1870, and provide for a more equitable distribution of the atQna purrncyj it'canlq ' up for action ':p(J was qij motjqi qf Mr, Ivassqi) jt was 'allowed'lo etaud over for another week. Under a suspension of the rules Mr. Hayos moved to pass the bill authorizing the President to furnish a supply of rations to miffbrers on the. Tombigbe, Alabama, and Warrigo rivers. Mr. Willard suggested, including the sufferers of the Hood in Massaclmsettd, Mr. Hayes declined 16 lufluilo',' and the bill paedWrtd 08. The House currency bill with the Senate substitute was taken from the table and referred to tje cqm Uitteo qn hacking and currency. On motion of p. K.lloar under a suxpensiori of the rues'thqimend ment to the postoflicip hill, making postage on ajrrjcultijrrtl rapqrts not to pxeeed ten pents, was in order, House bills were introduced by Butler (Mass.) for the creation of a court of adjudication and disposition of tho Geneva nwunlj ordered printed and recommitted. By Starkweather, to secure an anti-monopoly ocean cable between Eurone, Asia and Ajncrisq. '2By'Mr;tMyieM, foKthfctabllsh rnent of an American Iron steam ship mail service between the Unit ed States and England. Mr. Poland hioved'the appoint ment of a special pohnnjlteq qf five tq nrocet&l to Arkansas' UQ inquire into the disturbances and ascertain whether the State hasa republican form of government. The resolu tion was rejected. A motion by Mr. Ward, to sus pend the rules and nasi the bill giv ing bounties to the heirs of soldiers who served less than a year during the war, and died or were killed by reason of such service, was refected. AldjbYnedj, '"S- St. Louis Produce Market. , St. Louis, May 18. Flcur Quiet and unchanged; su perfine winter at 4 404 75 Wheat Dull; No. 2 Chicago at 12G12G;No. 2 Red at 1 50- Com Dull, lower; No. 2 mixed C8J on track; C9 June. Oats Dull; No 2 55 east track Barley Quiet, No. 8 spring, 1 25 1 26. ' Rye Firm : 9S t 00, Provjslons-4Quiet. - Seeds Unchanged, v WhUky Dull at u8, Pork-fytet, 17 10, Bulk Meats Firmer and more active; shoulders 6J: clear ribs' at Bacon Dull; 4 75, Sugar Hal 2. PnflW Tiill f Lard Nondnal at 101. Itt-U- 7 lift. it. ... t'' s r St. Louis Uve Stock "irkrk.t. St. Louis, Miaj Hogi-ItePoipts 13QQ actii-Q Jtaoon - otq -fif, Cattle-rfteceipts 1800: quiet, changed, good, to prjine stpers 4 2 4 75; choice to estra 6 loSilSo- -Sheep Receipts SOO; shade easier good clipped 88; unshorn, 89;' ordinary to choice, 1015. TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. THE EAST. Further Details Concerning the Bursting of the Reservoir in Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Northampton', Mass., May 17. The lowest possible estimate of the loss of life made this after noon is one hundred and seventy five, and many think that the num ber cannot -be less than two hun dred. One hundred and fifty-seven mutijated corpses have already been'recovcred," and no one can tell how many moro are concealed in the debris, which covers hun dreds of acres of meadow land on either side of the river. The finan cial loss is certainly not less than one million, five hundred thousand dollars, and may even reach two millions. Millions of acres of meadow land that was worth two hundred dollars per acre before the flood, is to-day considered worthless, being covered with land and rocks at least two feet deep. No services were held at the different churches to-day, and everything hereabouts presents a deserted appearance. It seems that the entire population of Hampshire, Hampton, and Franklin countjes had emptied themselves into roads leading to tho scene of devastation, so great is the crowd arriving, and at least five thousand teams and twenty-five thousand people have blockaded tho road. Everything betokens gloom and sadness, Jong lqncmi processions, and great wagons loaded with oof fins, wacons niled with'brldfiro tim bers, and groups of men' with hooks I and tools In their hands in search of dead, fill the streets. The devasta tion at Williamsburg was complete. The mighty torrent rushed through the heart of the village; 53 lives were lost. The'peoploare besieging the authorities to open a gate of tho other reservoir for fear jt wouljl also burst, but as it has been pronounced perfectly safe tiie request was not complied with. At Skinnersville but four lives were lost and twenty-five buildings swept away, more than half of which belonged to William Skin ner, who looses $125,000 on his silk factory, silk and building. Tho ono hundred and twenty-five hands in Skinner's mill escaped to the hill, having only three minutes warning lefore the flood struck tho mill. Visitors have flocked to Skinner's mill all day. " At Haydensvillc twenty-eight persons werp lost. The loss by the destruction of ffayjjbn. Gere & Pp's brass factory is cstim'ateir at $lQ0,r 000. A portion of the walls are still standing. Notices were posted to day stating that the firm would be gin re-building to-morrow, and would furnish employment fqr all. Fifteen otjier buildings, mostly cheap tquew'q'ntH, ivpfo destroyed. The safe of the Saving's Bank was found in the river today a few rods, below, but has not ye.t Ijeoh opened. The rapjrl that it contained a large sum In cash is unfounded. , The devastation at Leeds is in describable. Onjy hrec houses on the east sjduof t'ig river emii'ii in their, t.rigiual position. The Iron bridge was carried away from this point. The water poured down, making the doomed village ''car the full foroe of tlg tesoi-rof M struc.tjou. Fivp dead 'Indies were recovered tolayPona nian, two women and two children. They were swept down from Haydenville, and were moved to the hou-.c,s. of their friend. The "number of those' los't at LectU Is ascertained to bo thrty-one. It is said tho orles of tho drowning were heartrending. The scenes attend ing the search for the bodies were full of sonW Many v'ctims were sadly disfig ured, their limbs broken', ami bodies cut and gashed 'by rocks and tim bers. Supplies of fqod and clothjiig for tho survivors, are pouring in rap idly. The village of Florence, is said to have escaped, without serious dania gest Representative Edison, of Had loy, will introduce a bill in the leg islature to-morrow, for the relief of the sufferers. Several of the Now York illustra ted papor, havo artists on the grounds, sketching the scenes of disaster. Nejv York, May 17. It is stated ''that "eston is -to un dertake another pedestrian feat in Juno ho having realized twelve thousand dollars by his "work last week. J?ew York, May 18, A Times Washington special says tho Arkansas conflict Is now to be transferred to Congress, and strong efforts will be made to havo a com mission Investigate the jiolitical condition of that State to discover whether it has a Republican form of government. cw York: "May 18. Jonathan P. Laper, son of the millionaire, Captain Laper, who was convicted of setting lire to Max Law's stable, on Madison avenue, last fall, has been sentenced by Judge Sutherland to-day to seven years in State prison, being the full penalty of the law. The funeral of Edwin Hoyt took place to-day at Dr. John Hull's Church, on Fjftty aveime.,' His re mains Mere 'taken to Greenwood cemetery for interment. x PW York, May 18. As a trucks with two nipn on the (rivers' seat, was passjng under me yreenwicii street ejevateq rail road at tjjo intersection of Morris aqd. Qrenwfph streets, tie passen ger bridge over the street fell upon the truck. Ono man was ratally Injured and the other had both legs broken, Tills is the pecond acci dent of the kind on the elevated railroad. TOThe te Qf tho Atfon t-tv & great Vestprn Railroad by the. Erie has bjoen fully agreed upon by tho board of directors, and will now be sub mitted to the stockholders of both Companies, i i . . Chicago, May 18. tx- L&st vwninar a meeting wasudii Inft oamiru'"" the nhnlilinn nf iha o!rVf. hourC&r, and to-night the working men'sVaoclation hold a meetin? for tbeJHjto purpose, New York, May 18. All the morning papers are unan imous in their expressions as to the cause of the disastrous flood in Mas sachusetts, and the culpability of owners of the reservoir. The Her ald says the owners of this work are more criminal and more worthy of tho penitentiary, than two-thirds of me uiieves sent to sing Sing. Tne Herald also speaks of the great suf fering of the people living in these devastated villages, and calls upon the citizens of New York for hand some contributions. The Times also condemns the in competent manner hv which the' reservoir was constructed, and says if the facts as stated are established it will be apparent that there has been almost incredible ignorance or recklessness in the Mill River Val ley. It suggests that measures be taken to-day to extend to the suffer ers the full measure of relief to which their sorrows and sufferings entitle them to. The World says it is the old story of recklessness on the part of private capitalists, and incapacity or worse on the part of the public authorities. The reservoir seems to have been hastily-aud cheaply constructed,and to have been patched up when re pairs were absolutely necessary as economically as possible. The Tri bune also condems the manage ment of the reservoir; but says whatever the explanation In regard to the catastrophe maybe, the duty of the hour is to shelter the homeless, clothe the destitute, and feed the starving, and appeals to New York to send help to the suffering: and afflicted people. The Tribune'a Washington special says that in conversation with a member of the oabiuct recant'y on the suluect of the Secretaryship of the Treas ury ho said that It was ' the most difficult matter possible to find a suitable man for that important place. Richardson would retire at an early date, but not while the newspapers were so bitterly tfe-nount-lng him. Among" the names mentioned" for the position were Jackson S. Schultz, Gen. Sohenk, William W. Phelps, and these, he said, have beenr considered by the President. MARKETS BT TEI.EQRAPH. New York Money Market'. JfEw York, -May 18. Money3Money continues a "drug at 33. Exchange Steady; 4 8S for 60 days, and 4 91 J for sight. Gold Firm but dull; all sales at 12J12i, but is now lower. Governments-r-J!r higher; no speolal feature except a good de mand from bank currency; Gs 1 1GJ. Stocks Weak and lower; under the Influence the fall sales bj the bears, the decline ranged from J- to 1 per cent, W U, Lfcf, N W fnd U P,U0 lowest prees now being made The "bears meet no" rcsjstanceaud the market s hqw" heary: P M 41 J; UP2l5;Ere3,qjj AY U qt)J, ' Naw York Produce Market. New York, May 18, Breadstuff Opened generally hpavy aiu qujet. Flour Heavy super State and Western, 5 2o5,S5; estra. G 30 6 50. "Yheat Steady; No. 1 spring, 1 481 54; No. 2 Chicago 1 481 50; No. 2 Milwaukee spring 1 531 54. Corn Firm, 8487. Oats Firm, 62Ua,' Ryel Q9, Whiskey Quiet at 98. Provisions Opened quiet. Pork Old mcos 10 2516 50: new.17 85; beef: plain new meks 9 $ 5(!? titrlt iiSffiH 50; ijacoiy, lQj; eqt meats, pickcled UanmQlli; shoulders, 7; smok ed hams 13A13c. Lard Firm and quiet. Leather, Iroij mid, Wool Un changed. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 18. Flour Dull, nominal Qty lower to sell ; good to choice spring ex tras, q 00j6. 00 ; loy and medium 5 005 25 : superflnes, 3 754 75. Ayheat Steady, Cash, 121; June, 1 2.1 Jl 3 j .July, J 3lj 1 ljt Corn Firm. Cash, 61 J ; June, 62; July, 63. Oats Firm. Cash, 47$; June,47'; July, 44. Barley Dull; nothing doing. Rye 98 spot. Pork Firm. Cash, 17 051710; July, 17 3017 35 June, 17 15. Lard Strong. Cash and June, 10 Q7i; July, 10 75, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, May 18. Hogs Receipts 13,900, Mqrk.pt fairly aptlvo. and stpady at Satur days prices, fedes at 4 506 00 for inferior 'to 'extrat' chiefly at 5, 20 5 75. DR, WM. HALL'S . BALSAMfortheLUNGS. 'ME ORAT AMERICAN COXSUMP TI YE REMEDY. Consumption Is NOT an incurable disease, Physicians assure ns rf this fact. It is only necesmry to hare the right bemeot, and the terrible malady can be conqured. HALL'S B.ILSA3 IS THIS REMEDY It brvtks up the night sweats, re eres the oipresslve tighlpess arrow the Jungs, and heals the lacerated and excoriattd surfae.s, which the Tencm of the disease produces. Wlillc Lire Last There Is Hope. It may not be too late to effect a cure. eTen after the doctors have sir n you up. HALL'S BALSAM is sold every where, and may be had at wholesale of the Propilators, J. F. HESRY. CUP.UAN A CO., at their Great Medicine Warehouse. 8 and 9 Collegu Place New York. Pr'cefl per bottle. HALLS BAL3a:.a ,ur'e remedy for COUGHS, - 1-- t i COLDS, PXEOMOXIA, BRONCHITIS, SPrrTTNO OF BLOOD, CROUP, WHOPIJfQ COPGH, and all othar diseases of the respiratory organs. Also. P-rttprietors of ScotIU's Blood aqo Lire Syrup, Carbo'ic Salve, t'dey'a Troche', Oxy genated Ultteia. Moll's Liver Pills. Ac JOHN F. HENRY, COBBAN, 4 CO , and St College Place, New York. ap274w GrEO. W. ELKINS, Commission Merchant, 1916 & 1918 Ma'ket St, rauuAu VrflA. Grain, Flour, Seeds. SiwUltiM Buler, Malt Hops. surTwCa. CABLEGRAMS. Bayonxe, May 17. The Carlists are harrassing the Republicans in their intrenchments near Bilboa. PERIT. Anrilf or In the Department of Amazons the Prefect and other authorities there have been deposed by some citizens. Madrid, May 17. General Concha is approaching the river Ebro. His headquarters will be transferred to "Marinda, whither stores are being forwarded. Valparaiso, April 18. Tho Chilian authorities still In sisted that the steamer Toucona was lost in Chilian, waters, and that the captain was responsible to the Tri bunal's decision." Captain Hyde appealed to the Supreme Court at Santiago. In reply to the protest of the British Minister, tho Chilian Minister of foreign affairs, stated that he could not meddle with tho judicial affairs of the country. Kingston, Jamacia, May 17. The election of Pres'j'eflt had not taken placo. Gen. Domlqueze was in the vi cinity of Port au Prince with eight hundred men, but only the general 'himself has entered the capital. There was a majority in the Chambers of Deputies in Port au Prince opposed to Domlqueze's pros idency, but the north and south hold the troora atn( tha'haminor to defeat theeleVtion. Domlquozo re fuses to meet. Incendiaries ate at work to create disturbances. Paris, May 17. The division between the moder ate and extreme right rentiers, prob ale.an allianco between the former ic'fkVn and the conservative ving of tho left centre. A new majority may be constituted which will sup port the common government, and go on .with the execution of the programme of Septennata, mid. bring about tl? speedy adopt -on of the Constitutional bill. It is not thought that there is any immedi ate prospect of dissolution of the as sembly. Tranqullltyprevalls, how ever, throughout France; President McMahon's power U unquestioned. London, May 19. The Times and other "morning pa pers say that theimpressiou than an early dissolution of the French -W: sembly, is liUqly. o oeeuflioiirly, gathers'strorigth. Tho Czar went to Winsor yester day, and bid farewell to the Queen. To-day he will visit Guildhall. All tho flags of the city are flying; The Czar's nejJ-.c.iv Jq' v4s ar rested i St. P-etgrsburgfor tb."e thirt of diamonds, Is a relation of the Grand Duke ConstRtnP. The steamer Faraday with the new Atlantic telegraph cable has sailed from Gravesend. A collision is reported at Merthy ten Tydoil Vils, between a coal and a passenger train, Forty persons were seriously injured. Special d.ispatohps from Madrid say that the new Government in tends to revive the titles of nobility anil subsidize loyalty. Paris, May 17. President MacMahon has act-opted the resignation of Do Broglie, and has Intrusted to Mr. Goulard tho formation of the new ministry, which is expected to be completed to-moriow, as follows : Count Chnni- bord, Minister qf Fo.r?"g'i Affairs; Marae., Minister of Fiuuuee; Dis erhgny, MinMerof Commerce; Gen. Boykiid, Minister of War. The Republican journals strongly ;nro the immediate dissoh'Uim. nf the Assembly, which tiny declare powylhNi ' q "constitute anything. There h a rumor that the extreme Right interest to move restoration of monarchy, and if the motion fails will vote for dissolution. The opinion is generally expressed that tho legitimist party in the Assem ble, by its vote of Friday, commit ted a political suicido, It is avert ed that their pojioy was Jusplred from FfohiilortJ'. JLoxdon, May 18. His Majesty the Czar was tendered a civie-reception at Guild Hall this aft6raoon. He entered the building at 1:25 p.m. accompanied by sev eral of the nobility, and was formal ly received by the Lord Mayor. An immense crowd thronged tho street in the neighborhood, and tho enthusiasm was unbounded. Paris, May 18. M. Goulard who was appointed by President McMahon with the task of Minister has failed, and qn. other appointment is to e nt,' Immediately. I.VANCAMPM.D. Dispense hla own medclnet, and bealdea regular practice, make specialities of Derange menta and Disease Peculiar to Women, Fistu la. PUea and other Diseases of the Rectum. Orncs: and Residence, Corner Farnham and 14th Street, first door to the right, up italra Omaha, Neb. Addreaa Lock Box ,0slUwU W. J. CONNEU,. OoTxxsjoW:t;r t X-r and U"jtrlct Attorney for Secoad Jad- klal District. OFUCS South tlda of Farnham, between 15th an teth sta., opposite Court House. let MANUFACTJIrr. qf a i a- jl : dr, s, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TOBACCO, Pipes and Smokers' Articles, 145 DOUG LAS STToMAHAi eB QPPtsUo Metro politan 'licjtel. Cousqmers and Dealers will rind tto, their ad.ran.tage to examine iny stock peiosa puruummii cirn"" "ji-j HALL STEAM ENGINE CO! (Successors to Hall Eros.) MASUFACTUHEKS OF STEAM ENGINES . O 3BC I N Z3 JR. And all kinds of Corner Xicholas t Wth Streets, OMAHA, 2?EB. m. n.xiiLtm.n.N Be CO., ; J CLOTHIERS, if o-eistts' Fuie,isriss:iisra- goods, 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST . OtTR STOCK FOR THE SIFIRHsTGi- .A-ZLSTX) STJHNwdlCEK, SEASON" Is Complete now; Our Assortment in Clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises tlie Ziatast ITovoltios. We Hare also a Full Line in BOY'S ana YOUTH'S Clothing. WE WILL SELL OURGOODS LOWER THAN EVER. M. HELLMAN fc CO. FALL STOCK, 1873 I R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other houaa in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS. ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also YELYET & BEAYER CL0AKINGS A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLK LINNEN IX GREAT YARIETY. A FULL LINE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OH CLOTHS, HATTING RUGS, AND HATS CHEAPER 1?KAT THE CHEAPEST CHARLES SHIYERICK. Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertaining: to the FURNITURE Q-nr ttt HOLSTEfRY &&e; has largely increased his Tstockndnw has a complete assortment oi FINE, MEDIUM n-rS it nw PRICED goods, which he is offering at such RPTiTTnT PRICES at to make it to the interest of eve onf delS anything in this line, to examine his stock before purchSs? PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES &c., UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER, G. STRIFFLER, DE.VLEU N GEOCE HISS, ProTis'ons, Fruiiit, Nuts t'onroctioHcrj, Tob-eci, Segars, &c, &cM Ac. s. K.fcn.tf aptlllf K. THaudFARNIIASr. Schneiaer & Burmester Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET 11103 WAKE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating StoTeu Tin BooGnr, Spouting and Guttering don short notice and Ic (he best manner, ilteen treet aept24 dj MKB, J. K.VASppRCOOU Eclectio Physician. Residence and oGUo 350 Dolga st bet 11th and ISlli sta. Special atteutloa paid to obstetrics and dis eases peculiar to women and children. 1'JU. Jacob Kemnitzer, WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. DODGES!., betn I3lhj.ind Uth... 4Ali kinds of turning executed proma'lr and at reasonable prices. mcblOmS .1 KWELEHS. JOBS BADflEU, Practical "VVatclinialcer, 171 Pirnnaa , 8, B,Oir. 11th 8t. OMAHA, .... NEB GHAS. R. SUNDBLAD, MlNUFaCTCIUn AXO UEALCB IX Domestic Cigars. 434 13th St. let Farntua'and Haxtej. F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, AND CABRUGE TBIMMER, Ho. 274 Farnham t.lcf.l5ifclSlli. ALL orders and repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guarranUed. aXsTCash paid (or hides. ap39rl H. C WALKER, -MANOFACIOKEKAND DEALER IK BOOTS fc SffOES 5101JthSt. Betweea Faxfi)" M(1 DqujUi apQTl BTXOX SEED. LXWXS t. BKKO BTRON REED & GO. Tba Oldeat Eittbllshed Real Estate Agency I NEBRASKA Keep a complete Abstract of Title to all. Real FjUM la OiaUu and 9gsM count'. HELLMA.N -AND DEALERS IN- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL gQ3 VtKtrx3.txn.rxx FRANK DRAPER & TAILOR ANL DEALER IX GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. uU Assorlmentof Imported WooleHs. AH Work WaTraatetl aggjjrMaMagts - - cto,iTK LADIES' SUITS ! SUITS .' SUITS ' Just BeceivedJJust Jleceived Y ' AND REFITTED WITHOUT EXTRA CHABGE ! ! . . wAmAWj 35S DoTagla. HAWLEY & BURKS, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DELERS IN- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm Maohinery and Wagons No.WSoatk lOthSlrcct, tnehll liXWOOiaO-, NSB: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th. and Harney Streets QlA-BIA., - - - USTEB "W. B. HICHAUDSOIT. OM, PITCH, FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER. Aatl M.anhttjr.r r Dry ami Saturated Hooana; adkeatlilaarelt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofing, Pitch, Coal, Tar, Xto., Xtc EfhLn,Addr?0lB,nSSUlefc caoppo.,te:th80M worka.0. Fort Calhoun Mills. FXiOTJR, FEED & MEAL XasarielBred irith Great Care from the Best Grals. General Depot, Cor. 14th. A Dodge Sts, may 9-1 f. 0"T 4 OOA PER DAT. Agents want 5)0 W Qi) ed- -ll elaases of work ing people of either sex, young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare mo menta or all the time, than at anything else. Addreaa STISSON A CO., Portland, Slainr treot,QmIua. J. RAMGE aylli KUKCUBK. J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney-at-Law - .om ' VI', Block, OMAHA. NEB in M i , i 3 'I k .t fi