BEE sx OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 16, 1874. NO. 279. vol. in. THE OMAHA DAI Y THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD liOSEWATEE, Editor and Prop'i Ofict-So. 138 FaraluuB sireet.lctTr. KlBtU and Tenth. TEEMS OF fcCKSCEIPXIOS: Cfne iodt. one rear. In adrsn .$7.00 .i mnntha. In adTance 4 00 three mtntlis in alrance 2.J l-IX not paid in ad rancf, J8 per annum wJl ro'Wfd FEEDSRICK, LEABIM HATTER! Best Goods, LOWESTFRXCES IFarsIimSt GrandPCntr"lIlotel,; UJM ALL A. omaha mmm directory. ORACXER HANUFACrORT. - fcU'irei J-m'th. lirt Uarney street, bet. jMlIthaidiah declStl GLiSS ASP PICTURE FRAMES. Jl'elnUart, ISC I u;l street, dealer In .nindow feUud picture Irames. ('bains clous to order. " JEWELER. "XTT O. anders,prjctU-al watchmaker..3m.h Y .st. "ei"12" B00T3 ASD SH0E3. Philip Lang, 155 Farnham st. J1 ween i 10th aLd 113U. IcU3fl C0SFECTI0KEE7. HL. Later, comer 12th and I) mglas streets, io niifirturer and li..lesale de'er in candsandconfci.t:onry. "Country tr-de so liCLted. Htf COAti DE11ER8. P)and A Kill it, coil, lime, cement hair, etc., 131 Farnham U feblamS DRUttQISTE!. J A. KJer, dms'st, corner 12lh and Har . neysts IHSUHAKCE. Erench A McKoon. fire and aIdent Insu raiice agent. oTer the ihtoffice. PAWN BROKER. - r ETguttcr, o.03 I'arubaui st. 1el7tf EEAL ESTATE ASD COAL 01 PICE. John Johnwi. office 5W 14th st between Farnham an 1 DoikIjs ; also tickets to and Irom Euroje, drain, lusuranc , etc a21 vl LAUNDRY. ,1 nwlaindryopnudat 511 11th et., bet A FarnJiani and Douil-u. The washing and Sroningwillbcdoneto rJer, fint class work PAINTEES. Lehman 4 Bard. boue and sign painters, 10th st. bet. F.rnlum aud Harney. a3tt E0AP FACTORY. Tirrniluia iMl Worts, I'oweli A Co, still If manuaeture their V.eiuium Soap. Hre rnrst premiums awankd by the Dougla couuty nd btie fair, and l'uttawattajuie couuty, la. Orders solicited from the trade, AITOBHEIB. E. ESTABKOOK. W. M. FKANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE-S. W. Cor. 1 Itln o d Doughs. Oma NeU. nicu21tf O. H. BALLOU. CD. B. G LAgGOW. - Ballon &Glagow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Office n CreLjhton's new 1W, southeast cor room, flour. OMAHA, - EB. 3. a. srAtrn. nan. K. PBITCUETT SPAUN & PRITCHETT, Attorneys w.l Counselors at Law. Otce, 5o3 Twelfth btreet. 1JJ LneV Knr in. Omaha. Neb. DENTISTBY. f DEWTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. CT SHIES, Bet 13lb L 146 Sts., OWAHA. Oldest )roxllclrc Dcutlsto in the city L. W00DW0BTH, 238"Doaglis Street, Omaha, Nebraska CKALKR ;iS Carriages, Hacks, Busfrles. Patient Wlicels, Roal wscons, TfO' ting Sulkier. hl.e etons, Ltudcbaker's, OJebrated Wa o s. James It. Hill's Celebrated Con cord urness and Whips. .HORSE CLOTHING. w .a... Stinkcts, Wagon Matei ill of all Decrii -tioas'.S&Ve-, Uubs Fello-s, kindsof HAK! 1Y00D LUMBER 1 bmU fekeins, Axles and rlngs. rncbCtl - JOHN E. KK1J.KT. Attorney I Counselor at Law OSes Boon 2, Cra!rVE Block, I . OMAJLL Oor. 15tJt aal L'oglu Bts. i - COLLECTIOXSSOLICITKD A D PROMPT ly attendel to. Xo chargs nnJeSJ col ec lions are made. Houses to let and rents ( ej ected. 1U1 estate boucat and sold. apl7tl 100.000 ACSES! IICH JAsKiHS LAND JN NEBBA3KAC 500 HiuiscomPlaceLots! HOUSES AXO l)Ti in the c:ty Of Omaha, forialtcittioaud on cood terms. IJOUfiS i lllLt Beal estate broUTs,oece over JIackey's xtore. on Dodge st. opposite ie p jStoffice apSO ns iJSC. AX. Pia.GrU, CARRIAUS, BDGG1T ad TTAGOS MASDFACTDRER. N. E. COUNEE of 14th and IlAUNrn STS. ITTOULD renectfuliy announce to ths juD- f T lie iuii ue is now nauv iu uia ran- .4ra;s in the above lines ir'ilh neatness and dUKttcn. tlw'Kipress wagons constantly on hand and Jot cri- omaha cjxots" TOVE ST:OS.B. E. F. COOK. fj37 14tb BU, tstwssa DocjU and Sod Vuiufacturcr of Tin, Copper ndSht Iron Wsre, and dealer In Cooking and Heating stoves SULipeJ. Jspana?d an J French Ware on hid. n Itoofiu,-. Guttars and Spontingand JonWork done and warranted. teM Ladies' Fashionable Cloak Dress Maker. Promenade Su'ts. Erenln? Dre-eca, K1 Suit. Mornlns Wrappsra, Coata, J1? derln tn latest PwisUn styles. Hat IB car ried on fashion tola flatting and fitting " difr In all its brauehea la tlje Tirious cipltaU andcentreof fu'aloa in huror and Amsrtca, I taie plaaiuro In introducing ray ull to tne Jadls of Osiah t. sitfsfaction guaranteed In rery department o myTiroaesslon. Ko. 509 ISA Atreet. &2fl ' " ' . WASHINGTON. The "Wind Cave." How Blaine Blusters. The Omaha Bridge Controversy- Senator HitchcockBottling Spot ted Tail- Cronnse Victorious, Etc. ipccisl Coi rrspocdcnee ot the BtE.) Washington-, May 11, '"4. "Veni, Udi, Mci!" I came, I the elephant I conquered the bill of fare at the National. I have been through the Treasury of the United States, and the cost of fceeing the sights has gone through me financially. I have explored the subterranean depths of the Cap itol Building, studied the working!, of the huge fan in the basement that manulactures wind for the en tire building, and must express my astonishment at the need of any such instrument Sincelhave been in hearingof that august body, "The House," there has been more wind to the square inch of tongue than in any assemblage I was ever in. According to newsjaper cognomen, tim TInni of Itcnresentatives is called the ''wind can," and the ap propriateness of the title none will gainsay. A striking instance of confusion, hubbub, and considerable warm-blooded expressions was en acted to-day upon the floor of the Hou, and Shaker Blaine so far furirnt liis pouimimitv and irood judgment as to bring down upon his beau tne severest criticisms, anu the prevJ reporters ill score him severely for his discourteous and imperious demeanor. A bill under discussion was urged to passage, In the faceof very strong opposition, when Garfield moved an adjournment. The speaker crit icised the irtption of Mr. Garfield, and questioned him as to his good faith. In an instant the House was upon its feet, the greatest excite ment prevailed for u uiomont, and several members rebuked the chair wjverely. Mr. Garfield, courteous, calmlybut forcibly hurled baok the strictures at the Speaker, and 6ald, "Sir, I will neither permit the chair, nor any member of this honorable body, to question the purity of my motives, or question my good faith in this matter. The prerogatives of the chair does not glvp you tne province io no ouier than put Ufa question." The re porter's gallery lit thjs Unrepresent ed a very animated scene, a score, of heads, struggling to get over the rail, and all confusion. The course of the Speaker was declared tyran nical, and imperious In the extreme, and was generally condemned. Or der was hnally restored, tfip House went into committee of the whole, and the confusion subsided. The never ending and important Omaha transfer question, still occu pies a Iarg3 share of the time of our Nebraska representatives. A nuni imr nf hiiu I iPM riiic utioii the issue are in the hands of the committee, ing jnadc on behalf of the Iowa roads. Mr, Allison, otTered on the 7th inst., In tha Senate, a bill which strikes a heavy Wow at the interests of Omaha. The substance of the bill is to make the Union Pacific bridge, and its approaches on both ..i.w if tlm rivr. a nart of the cor porate line of the road, "And the j same is nereoy aeciareu io uuuau tute, and shall be operated as a part of the continuous line of the Union Pacific Railroad." This would in effect, legislate the initial point of the Union Pacific railroad, out of Nebraska, and into the jurisdiction of Iowa. Our Nebraska representa tives are giving the closest possible attention to this matter, and zeal ously looking after the interests of the State. It WfU be understood that these bills are at prpsent in the hands of the committees, and not yet reported to either brauoh of Con gress. Senator Hitchcock, in behalf of Omalia, has introduced an amend ment "that this bill shall not take effect, nor be In force, go long as the railroads crossing the State of Iowa and terminating on tho Mis- : -:... -f nnnnsite Omaha shall fail or refuse to deliver at Omalia freight and passengers de signed for Omaha and westward without change of cars or breaking bulk, nor while any statute of the State of Iowa shall remain Jn force, forbidding such delivery." This expresses the line of defense that will brobably be made to the opposi tion, though in the event of the committee reporting a bill, doubt less a number of other features will lie incorporated. Omaha was heard before the committee to-day. Messrs. Millard, Saunders, Thayer, Tulle and others are on hand look ing after matters. Senator Hitch cock introduced a b'tlj whjeh has passed the Senate, abrogating the present bioux treaty, uouur me existing provisions of the treaty the work of finishing the purvey of the northern boundary of the State must be abandoned, as his imperial highness, and royal dignitary, Spotted Tail, says: "Me big In juu; you no come any farther." Congressman Crounse, in the face of the strongest opposition, and in antagonism to tho persistent etTorts of Judge .Hoar, anu oiner jeguwu mlnark's. hits succeeded by perse verance In securing the passage in tim House a Land Tax Bill, of the greatest importance to Nebraska, as it provides lor me collection 01 ue linquent railroad taxes. One of the main features of the bill, and of vital importance, Is In eiTvct, that railroads having land grants under the act of 1804, shall bo subject to all legal taxes imposed under au thority of the State or Territory in which such lands are located, and in the event that such lands be come delinquent; they nhnil be sub ject to the legal rights and title of the tax sale purchaser; and the cor porations holding such lands under the grants, shall be subject to the same costs and penalties, as would accrue to individuals. Judge Crounse Is entitled to much com mendation, for his success jn secur ing the passage of this Bill; he en countered the strongest opposition, and only accomplished his oTject, by "fixing tho pins," and rushing it through under a suspension of the rules, thus cutting offdlscussion before the house, which woidd have probably defeated the Bill. The chances in the Senate are consid ered favorable. .,,.,,, . The great Centennial 1ml s. vir tually defeated for this session, buj will doubtless present itself agin,at the next session. It is a Hydra headed monster, and offers such an enticing field for lobbyists, that it will not be permitted to die, or suffer strangulation. Hawley, of Connec ticut, made a forcible, strong argu ment In its favor, and as Chairman of the Centennial Board, endeavored to carry the load, but his back weakens under the weight. It is estimated -that about $300,000 of contemplated appropriation -is al ready "mortgaged away" to the lobby, and this feature of itself, is sufficient to condemn the scheme. In this letter I have endeavored to deal with matters legislative, and of essential importance to Nebras ka. In my next Twill endeavor to dish up some of the fringed ends of gossip, and portray a few of th pe culiarities of tho Washington ele phant In conclusion, I quote a sen tence that is strung conspicuously across the door of our "poetic Sena tor," and bespeaks the jolly good times, and high carnival of fun held at his rooms byNebraskaians every night. It Is also applicable fothis hurried, rambling letter "HItrhtZu Haben," "Here you haTe it," "Stysqax." Knocked Sown I A remarkable factcanjbe ascertain ed by investigating our stock and prices that we have reduced to a very low fieure all of ouVclothing and Gents', furnishing goods, far below the price of any other house. Over . ....! v-i i r I . . I us now at least 25 per cent less thany, of regular e. onrfnrmnr rtriwfl. Ouick sales and I lnn tttavnnf niouu! in llinxulanilar our former prices. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. -Ph. Gottheimeb, feb.3-ly 20G Farnham street Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gems, pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 200 Farnham st Unredeemed pledges for sale. Bailroad tickets bought and sold. Hamlet Oram, Qih street beween Jopes and teaTenworth sts., OMAHA, -' NEBRASKA. KEEPS THE HOST COMPLETE ASSORT met of Ladies and Genu' straw hats, trim med and untrimmed, l"arasols. Piques, Mar seilles. Nainsooks and all kinds of lry Good, Ladies' and Gents' Bo.t j, etc. My line of Drr Goods is ConipleU. Selling only for CASH, I am able to UNDFHSEJX any other Dealer in tb City Our FnrCESare LUWLtt than erer heard oj before. njyM-3ni-pl Southern llotel. Fronting on 4'b, 6th and WalnttitU,, St. Louis, - Mb. Liaveille, "Warner & Co., Prorriotor. The southern IIol is nrsUclass in all Its an, ointments.' lis tables are at all times sup plied In the greatest abundance, with all the Orlbacies the markets afford, Its clerics and eiiiplorrs are all polite and attentive to the wanttof linguists of the hotel, There is an ImproTeleleTa or leading from the first floor to the upper on. Railroad and steamboat ticket ctfi es, news stand, and western Anion Teieraj.U oQ oin the hotundaof hoteL DEALER IX Fruits Confectionery, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner OMAHA, iep2T Farnham and Eleventh streets, - . NEBRASKA. Surcloal jTft.ooxa3.ssi L VAN CAMP, M. D. Dispenses his own medclnea. and besides regular practice, makes specialities of Derange ments and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Diseases ot the Rectum. Office- and Bcsidesne, Corner Farnham and Hth Streets, first door to .he right, up stairs Omaha, Neb. Address Lock Box ML TMdawtf ' isjssaarsys i ii - NEW FOUNDRY The foundry In connection with the Van Doru michlne shops, Shi. 'MB IIAIUIKT STREET. Isnuwin operation. I am piepared to make all kirds of castings. meb237m WM. FENWICT G. A. LENi QUEST, Merchant Tailor!! 190 ST. Between Tenth and Elarenth htnesta. GENTS' FURNJSHING GOODS. City Meat Market. 0 Kpp con'tantly on'hand A 14RQE SUP? 'V' OF Bszir, Mtirro, TOULTBY, GAME VUG-BTABXiBII JAS. M.MCVITTIE WHOLESALE DEALER IN Clarified- Cider. 133 suad ISO Faratatsa Street. CO CO CO LU h n Pel m S , H -3 kH " D. Mi I VERY LATEST. MIDNIGHT. Specially Bepcrted for the Omaha Daily Bee, It the Atlaatio end Fadfio Telegraph Co. Congressional. SENATE. Washington, May 15. The Senate met at 11 o'clock but only a dozen Senators were present. A resolution was offered by Mr. Clayton a few days ago asking the President for correspondence rela tive to the Arkansas troubles, was taken up and passed. -Mr. Oglesby, of the committee on publio lands reported with amend ment a bill amending the Yellow stone Park act; placed in the calen dar. Mr. Sherman from the committeo on civil service, reported favorably on.the House joint resolution, giv ing disabled TJ. S. soldiers and their wives, or widows, or orphans of de ceased soldiers dying of wounds or disease contracted in the service,the precedence other things being equal, in appointments to employment under the government; placed In calendar. Mr. Anthony, from the commit teo on printing, reported a bill to nf nnhlin rinnnmnntS- Jind rprulate provide lor mo sbuuui caua iahjivs tion thereof; placed in the calendar. He gave notice that ho would call it up at the earliest opportunity. Mr. Logan called up the House bill amendatory to tho act to pro vide for the re-establishment of military prisons. Passed. The Senate proceeded to the con sideration of bills from the commit tee on claims, and disposed of sev eral. Mr. Windom introduced a bill to establish a bureau of internal com merce to be attached to the treasury department, and under the direc tion of a commissioner appointed by the president, confirmed by tho Senate. The duties of tho bureau shall bo the collection and compi lation, annually reported 'to Con gress, of statistics and facts relative to inter-state commerce, charges and managements' The bill makes annual reports to tho bureau, giving detailed information on these and relative sntjecLs. Mr. Clayfon gavo notice that on Monday ho would call up his resolu tions for tho appointment of a sena torial committee to investigate af fairs In Arkansas. JMr. Morrill, of Maine, of the com mittee on appropriations reported with amendments the legislativo appropriation bill; placed in the calendar. "Pending discussion on a private bill, the Senate wont into executive session and'sbon'gftpr'aqjournwj till Monday. HOUSE. The committees on railways and canals have again decided to report npxf Mqnday. Mr. Eads' bijl for tjje improve ment of the mouth of tho Mississip pi River, as it was perfected by the Senate committee. Mr. Donlan, of the committee on printing, reported back with amend ment, the Senate joint resolution, prohibiting the publication iu the Congressi'Jiial'Jtppord of speeches or part of Bpeoohes not actually de livered. .The amendment limits all speeches to one hour. Mr. Donlan said if the origi nal resolution was in the interest gf economy, Congress should go 'a step farther and pro: hibit long speeches as a tnatter of economy. On motion of Mr. Con ger the resojutjon was laid on the table, ' Mr. Clements from the committee on patentB,reported a bill authorizing the appintment of Norman "NViard for a patent for the invention of a safety attachment to steam boilers. The bill passed after a long discus sion. The House went into committee of the whole on tho private cal endar, and disposed of a number of bills. Adjourned. New Youk, May 16 At the evening session of the council of the Reformed Episcopal Church last night, a lively discus sion took place upon the words in the creed ifHp descended into hell," the question being on an amendr raent offered by Row Wm. "Wilson to change the passage to read "He went Into the place of the departed spirits." This was finally passed. Nicene creed was adopted without change. An assemblage of Catho lics filled the parop qftlje Avler Union, to assist the society In the reoeption of the first Americans starting on apllgrlmogo to Rome. Bishop Dwenger, "of Indiana, re sponded to a welcome speech saying they went in spirit and faith to visit their holy mother, and receive the blessing of the holy father, the Pope. - - - Washington, May IS. The Attoiney General this room ing handed the President his opin ion on the Arkansas question. It is very elaborate. The President approved it, and Issued a proclama tion which y shortly be given to the press. Thr Kflnnfo mpr, nt. 1 1 n'olnnk with only one-third quorum present, but a short time after roll call thero was a full quorum. A number of bills were reported from tho committee on claims and passed. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, May 15. Flcar Quiet and unchanged; su perfine winter at 4 404 75 Wheat Dull; No. 2 Chicago at 1 26(31 26J; No. 2 Red at 1 50- Corn Dull, lower; No. 2 mixed 68 on track; 69 June. Oats Dull; No 2 52 oast track Barley Quiet, No. 3 spring, 1 25 0126. Rye Firm : 9S1 00. Pork uuiet, n tu. "Rnlt Mts Firmpr nnrl mnro active ; shoulders 0 ; clear ribs at 81. 8ugar, Hal2: Bacon, dull, 4 75 ; Coffee, dull ; Nominal at 10. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, May 15. Hogs Receipts 1300; active. - Bacon-r4 404 45. Cattle Receipts 1300; quiet, un changed, good to prime steers 4 25 4 75; choice to extra 5 256 50. Sheep Receipts 300; shade easier; good clipped S8J; unshorn, 89; OlUuUUy IU KUWKVt lJa,W, TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. WASHHTCTOIT. Proclamation of President Grant to the Insurgents of Arkansas. Washington, May 15. The following is the President's proclamation relative to tho Arkan sas question, which has been tele graphed to Little Rock for the in formation of all concerned : A PROCLAMATION. By the President of the United States of America. Whereas, Certain turbulant and disorderly persons pretending that Elisha Baxter, the present executive of Arkansas, was not elected, have combined together with force and arms to resist his authority as such executive, and other authorities of said State, and Whereas, The said Elisha Bax ter has been duly elected by the General Assembly of the said State, that as is provided in the constitution thereon, and has for a long time been exercising the func tions of said oilice into which he was inducted, according to tho constitu tions and laws of said State, and ought, by its citizens, be considered as the lawful executive thereof, and Whereas; It is provided in the Constitution of the United States, that the United States shall protect every State iu the Union by ah ap plication of the legislature or of the executive when the legislature can not be convened against domestic violence, and, Whereas, The said Elisha Bax ter, under section 4, of article 4, of tho Constitution ,6f the United States laws, passed in pursuance thereby has heretofore made appli cation to me to protect said State and the citizens thereof against do mestic troubleand, Whereas, The General Assem bly of said State convened in extra session at the capltol thereof on the 11th Inst., pursuant to a call made by said Elisha Baxter, and both houses thereof have passed a joint resolution; also apply to me to pro tect them as against domestic vio lence, and Whebbas, It js provided that the Jaws of the U. S. in all cases of insurrection in any State or of obstruction to tho laws thereof, it shall bo lawful for the President of the United States on application of the executive, when the Legislature cannot be convened, to employ such part of the land and naval forces as shall be judged necessary for the purpose of suppressing such insur rection, or causing the laws to be duly executed; and ' WnBREAS. ' It is lumored that whereever It may be necessary in tho Jndgmontof tho President to use military force for the purpose aforesaid, he shall forthwith, by a proclamation, command such inur gents, to djapf.rc) and retire peacea bly to" thejr 'respective houses, within a limited time. Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States, do hereby make proclama tion of, aud command all insur gents and disorderly persons to dis persp and retire peaceably io their respectjv'p abodes wjibjn ten days froni this dato, and hereafter to sub mit themsolves to the lawful au thority of said executive and the other constituted authorities of said State, and I envoke the aid and co operation of all good citizens to up hold tho Jaw and preserve public peace. ' ' In witness whereof, I have here unto sent my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be af fixed, Done at the city of Washington this fifteenth day of May in year of our Lord eighteen hun dred and seventy-four, of the independence ofthe United States, the ninety-eighth. (Signed.) U. S. Grant. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. Boston, May 15. A potltlon was filed "in tbo U. S, District Court, yesterday, by Henry William Golding, to throw the U. P. R. R. into voluntary bankruptcy. The argument was heard before Judge Lowell, who fixed May 23d for the company to appear and an swer. " The Verifie'd' petition on which proceedings of the court was held, recites among others the fol lowing allegations: that the com pany transferred the road, from Omaha to Ogden, to the Union Trust Company of Kew Yorkon the lfith. of December, I873, to secure $1G,T 000,000 coupon bonds of said com pany; that tho assignment was made with intent to delay, hinder and defraud the company creditors and is a bindranco to the petitioners' claim payable In 1874, and Intended to compel them to take instead other bonds of tho company matur ing in 20 years; and that the com pany performed another act of bank ruptcy Jn transferring t ra.d and appurtenances to the Union Trust company, and said transfer is recor ded as a mortgage in every country through which the railroad runs, and was made while insolvent and in contemplation of bankniptoy. Hero follows tho figures showing the indebtedness of the company to be ten millions ot dollars, payable December, 1874, and that the com pany is unable, In the ordinary run of its business, to pay tbo said ten millions when the same is due. New York, May 15. A dispatch from the City of Mexico says the assassins of Rev. Mr. Stephens have not been pun ished 1 p to the eighth instant. A large assembly of Roman Catholics were present at a recep tion tendered to the pilgrims about to visit Europe last evening at Xavier Union. The pilgrims were there from Fort Wayne, Cincinnati, Vincennes, Loui3rtr!e, Baltimore, Erie, Richmond, Philadelphia, Sa vannah, Wheeling, New Orleans, New York, Albany, Buffalo, St. Louis, Chicago, LaCrosse, San Fran cisco, Toronto, Hamilton, and about twelve othereitles. Among the num ber were eminent Catholjcs present. After the reception a large party were entertained at supper. Madrid, May 15. The new ministers were sworn into office yesterday. The Govern ors of several Provinces and a num. hr nf nther hlffh officers have re signed since the change of government, Little Rock, May 15. Yesterday afternoon Baxter's men captured Brooks' carriage, horses aud driver. They were received in Baxter's lines with wild cheers. The carriage and horses were re leased soon after the capture, but the driver, who was armed, was de tained. Brooks' men captured two of Baxter's pickets this morning. Colonel King, and Gen. White, with their commands, were out scouting, with their commands yes terday afternoon. Three" compa nies were sent after them from the State House, and came in contact at four o'clock, when some shots were exchanged. White retreated, with one man slightly wounded. While going back, White's men fired on some negroes, and actually shot a man named George Hilton, the bullet passing through his abdo men, killing him instantly. The Sheriff's house and stable in Faulkner county, were sacked by Baxter's men. The owner was iu the city. An old colored man, in charge of the property, was shot. A force of Baxter's, and some of Brooks' men are across the river. Chicago, May 15. The schooner Pamlico left this port yesterday direct for Cork, Ire land, with a cargo of 25,000 bushels of corn, shipped by parties from this city. She will pass through the Welland canal and St. Lawrence river to the ocean, and expects to reach Cork In about six weeks. This Is au experiment, and should it prove successful, it will, in time, ef fect a very important revolution in our Western grain trade. Berlin, May 15. The Augsberg Gazette says that the arrest of the Russian Grand Duke Nicholas, was not due to po. litical causes. City of Mexico, May 14. The grant to the limited Mexican Railroad Company has been de clared null and void by the Mexican Con grass. Paris, May 15. As Duke de Broglie accepts the challenge of the left and extreme right on the bill, will make his mo tion for immediate discussion a cab inet question. Madame Ristori, while in this pity, on her way to South America, closed an engagement with an American manager for 50 represen tations in the United States, to be gin next March. London, May 15. A special dispatch to the Times reports that General Manual De La Couoha has received orders to hola 8,000 troops In readiness to march to Madrid. At last accounts Gen. Concha was advancing with 12,000 on the town of Valmaseda, twenty miles southwest of Bilboa, with the intention of driving the Carlists in to Navaia. Havana, May 15. Generals Portilla and Ponda, ar rived here to-day. General FIguera has assumed command of tho central depart ment, in place of Portett. Advices from Porto Rico, state that mem bers of the Masonic lodge at Sabano, have been arrested by the police, flip newspapers applaud thehctjoii of the 'authorities1, London, May 15. The Queen gave a State banquet last night to the Czar and Duke Alexis, Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke and DucljeiS nf Edln iiuig ami other members of th'e royal family, and Messrs, Gladstone and D'lsraeli with all the members of the cabinet were present The Czar will go to Buckingham palace at noon to-day and will probably visit Empress Eugenie. MARKETS UY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. New York, May 15. Money Easy, 33J. Exchangti Active. Gold Stronger; advanced to 12 j; good inclination to hoard. Governments Firmer; !() high er, good demand. Currency Od 1 10; 10 40s regis tered 114$; coupons 115. Stocks More active; J to 2 per cent higher; highest prices realized at 1 o'clock with indications of a still further advance, W. U. 71; Panama 105; U P 28J; Erlo 35j. New York Produce Market. m New York, May 15. Breadstuffs Opened generally heavy and quiet. Flour Heavy super State and Western, 5 255 85; extra, 6 15 6 50. Wheat Steady; No. 1 spring, 1 591 61; No. 2 Chicago 1 491 50; No. 2 Milwaukee spring 1 53(3)1 54 J. Corn Steady, Oats Half cent better, 0204J. Barley Dull. Rye I 081 10. Provisions Opened quiet. Pork A shade higher. Leather, Iron and Wool Un changed. Chicago Produce Market. CnjcAqo, May la. Flour rDull, nominal and lower to sell ; good to choico spring ex tras, 5 37(o,6 00 ; low and medium, 5 005 25; superfines, 3 754 75. Wheat Quiet but unsettled, and a shade higher; No. 1, 1 20; No 2 regular, 1 201 21; closed 1 21; spot, May or June sold at 1 21 122, closed atl21l 21 1 ; July, 1 22; No 3, 1 5; rejected, 1 081 If No2,127J1 28. Corn Active, firm and a shade higher. High mixed, 6000J; regu lar, 0102; fresh spot June, 62 63, closed, 62; July, 63; rejected, 6060J; No. 2 ear corn, 70. Oats Active and firmer, No. 2 regular at 45; and strictly fresh 47J ; rejected was sold at 46. Barley Nothing doing. Rye 9sc spot. Highwines 96. Pork Steady; cash, 16 85: June, 16 62i ; July, 17 17. ' Lard Quiet; June, 10 35; July, 10 52 all bid. Chicago Live Stock Market. CnrbAOo, May 15. Cattle Owing to unfavorable eastern advices, the market ruled weak and easy, and closed dull. Fair to choice steers sold at 5 50a 5 95 ; extra steers 6 OOaG 25 ; stack ers 3 50a4 50 ; butchers 3 75a4 50. Hogs Receipts 7,000 ; active and steady ; common 4 75a5 15 ; medi um 5 20a5 40 ; good to choice 5 50a 5 90, Bheep Receipts 700 ; quiet and easv. Market closed dull; common to choice 4 P0a8 50; fine to choice 3 707 00. ' CLOTHIERS, gents' JPUiisrisHiinsrcs- goods, 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST OUR STOCK FOR THE SIFIRIICTa- AJSTID STTIIIMIIEIR, SESOIsT Is Complete now; Our Assortment in Clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods Comprises the Latest ITovsltios. THS LATEST STTXiES Z2T SATS AXTD CAPS. We HaYo" also a Full Line iu BOY'S anil YOUTH'S ClotUimr. WE WILL SELL OTJRGOODS LOWER THAIST EVER. M, HELLMAN & CO. F-ATiT- STOCK, 1873 ! R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS MOHAIRS, also YELYET& BEAVER CL0AKIXGS. A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS MERINO UNDERWEAR AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LINSES IX GUKAT VAUIrTIT. A FULL LIKE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MAT-TINS RUGS, AND MATS OI3-EAJE ZZJELA3ST OTSIE CHEAPEST gHABLES SHIYEBICK." " Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and every thing pertaining to the FtTRNTTURF, o-nj tt-d HOLSTER Y trafte; has largely increased his Tstok andiw has a complete assortment of FINEMEDTITm p;5 pTrvSf PRICED goods, which be is offermo- at such T?nTrnT PRICES at to make it t ' the interest of eve of deS? anything in. this Tine, to examine his stock before purchS? PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES &e., UPHOLSTERED ANI COVERED TO ORDER. OHAS. SHIVERIC25, G. STRIFFLER, DEALEB N CEOCE RIES, Provl-Tons, Fruit, Kilts, Confectionery, Tjh.icc-, Segare, Ac, &c. &c. S. K.i OR.of IKATIIaiid FARNHAM. splUH Schneider & Burmcster Manufacturers of UN, COPPER ASQ SHEET IR0S WAEE. DEALEES IN Cooking and Heating StOTe. Tin BooSng, Spouting and Guttering don short notice and is ins best manner. Uieen trcet sept24 d MRS. J. K.VAHQKRCOBK Eclectic Physician Residence and oQ.e V DoJge st bet 14th and IStbsts. l " Special atteattqo, paid to obstetrlos and dis eases peculiar la .women and children. I9U. Jacob Kemnitzer, WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. DODGESt., betnUthmd Hth. Ah kinds of turning executol promptly and at reasonable prices. clam.1) J KWELEKtk JOII9T BAUMER, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Faxnoani , 8. S. Ow. Hth St. OUAIIA, .... NEB CHAS. R. SUNDBLAD, VA2CCFACTCXKX AND DEALEK IX Domestic Cigars. 484 13th St bet, Faratanfard Inner. ap'.3Ti F. A. PETEKS. Saddle and Harness Maker, AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER, No. 374 Farnham, ALL orders and reoalring promptly attended to snd sitistacv on gnarrantted. JCTCash paid lor hides. ap39rl H. C. WALKER, MANOFACtOKKHAND DlCALERIN BOOTS & SHOES 510 13th St. Between Farnham and Voajlaa apUrl BTZOS IETD. X.KWIS a. KEXO BYRON REED & GO. TsttOIdttt Establish Real Estate Agency IN JfEiRASr A Keep a cotnplst Abstract of Title to all Baal SU In Omiha tad Dooglaj couniy. M. HELLML&N & CO. -AND DEALERS IN- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRANK J. DRAPER & TAILOR ANI, DEALER IK GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. I'tsll Assorlmenlof Iinnortcd Wnni. m w,. . . . - LADIES' SUITS ! SUITS I SUITS I Just RecelvJJustBeceived ! LOWEST FETCHES BEFITTED WITil EXTRA CHARGE . O. P. HICKMAN, 25 DougUg. mylj-ln. HAWLEY & BURKS, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DELFJjj IK AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Vm Maclainery and Wagons, Xo. 13 South 10th Slreet, KChll xA.2sr. zbjt:r,:r,, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th. and Harney Streets, q:m:a:e3:a., - :et:e:b. W. B. RICH A "RDSOXT, PITCH, FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER. 4SKt M.natturer orDrjr m Saturatc4 Hoofing uUheihlns;Fcl. ALSO DEALERS IS Roofing, Fitcli, Coal, Tar, Etc., Etc. R2rh?LnaAad OiSceopposlto'th, Gas Works, on Fort Calhoun Mills. IFLOTTIR,, FEED & MEAL Mannraelnrcd with Great Care from the Best Grain. Central Depot, Ccr. 14th & Dodge Sts, may S-ly. CK in COA PEE DA. Agents wsnt dO ly 9-4U ed. All clasps of work ins peopla oi either sex, young or old, make mora money at work lor as In their spare mo ments or slltheUme, than at anythW else. Address STINSON i. CO., Portland, Maine- RAMGE ,. ,, imtK iiarrantctf. IjIintcoiiw, maes. EL3I CLRK. J. S. SHROPSHIRE Attorney-at -Law r-Kjr a -r??m 9' VU!efcer's Block. OMAHA. . NEB ff v It k:i 1l i ?