"3- THE OMAHA ' r : -. - -- Y BEE --l OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING-. MAY 15, 1874. NO- 278. JLJI vol. m. ' - ; K -; m" i p? ,? U; , lK "l i ft f H rr i- i THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD IiOSEWATEE, Editor BdProp'r OaU So. 138 Ftnkui eiree. betw. M-ath suad faith. TEEMS OF BUBSCBIPTIOSi One ropy, one year, in ad-mee.. t7.00 six months, in adTanee -W " three mentha in atnw - " tOTll not paid in adranee, J3 per nnum wdl .itl FREDERICK, LEADING HATTER I I - "Tlnct fiflftd. jacafxl wj v- - j TstrnliamSt. f- OMAHA BUSINESS DiECTORfr CaAOXES'.llANTU'ACrOET. , vr TircClureA'Smlth. IS5 llarneyreetlwt. l'l n.w,nrf lih. decl8U nT.iRti iwnVrnriTRE FBiifEE. i JBelnhart, JSC rou?U.teVdekr4n .window glass aad picture iram.s. ;'"InS done to order. .. , -f" jcwel.' - a WO. Sanders.practical watchmaVer.":! li .sU - sepl2tt U- U00T3 A5D SH0E3. 1 , . i T)l.!Ilp Lan;, 135 Faruliam st. i-ween lum X mtdllsn. ..w. 4 II COSFECTIOTJi-iiK. rand liccted. apltf nnT. TIRALEIIS. .- n TitfandA nii.it. coal, lime, ee'iuentnalr, etc." X" 13 Farnhamst. - ...rieumu. '. -r a rnslor. drn:ist.-)rneT 12ih nd-Utf-' tl . ney sta IHSURAKCE. -r-ia.i, ji VrTToon. fire and -e Went Jnju- f ranee eeals, otu the posUiffice. , PAWK BEOKBH. - 1" Elgutler, No. 200 Farnhauj it. 1el7U EEALISTATEAFDroALOiriOE. . Tohn Jolmsoa. offlre stelh-at -between'. .1 Karnhaiu and Kouslaa; also tickets to and iroaEaropo, drafts, iusu.anceetc ajl t LAUKDEY. a r.lanndrropsnudatSU lltU st.,J)et.. A FA.chaiaandI)ouil3. ITie wxibing and Gonin" -wlU be done to rdcr, first cau wort PAluTEBS.. .,' Lehman & Earl. ho'u-c and ISn 1l"j" 10th st. bet. F-rnlnin and Ilari.ey. -ait BOAP 'PA0I0BXA?'. t- !. ... xekrli. Vnircll A Co. atlll P""..: 1 MrMVemlnmPaap.' Fire" fint premiums awarded by the Dpugla county and dute fairs, and l'ottawttamie county.Ia. Orderi solicited irom tbatiad-. AllOEMEIi F ESTABBO'lK. w. Jt FMANCIS ESTABROOrC&TRANClS ATTORMYSAT law. OFFICE-S. W.Cor.'ilttHv. d DongtajjOma.i t Keb. -2 JJBS: c- . . . o. n. BALWO. ED.B.r,Asaow. Ballou&Glasgow, ATTORNlEYSATLAW. Ofiee n Crelghtoa'a now block, wutheast jor room, 2d lloor. t.i OMAHA, AEB. C X. BALDWIS. OXO.V.-O'BBIKX. BALDWIN' Si O'BBIESf. ATTOEEYSLAW Oaka-CUldwall Block, Uougln Street, 01IA1IA, - KEUBASKA. fet-.X JOHN C. CO WIN, A-ttonxoy. SoXloitox?. AND COUSSELOB. OFFJCE-atEIGJ?TO'3 BLOCK,.' OMAHA, SEHUASKA. 'marttf li T. W. T. Biclwrds, A tornev at ' Lslw. . ii!;i0 13t!l St. hot FgrakftB asd Denglas, 0ha Xeb 0. Box 0 ugHU SAVAGE & M ANDERSON, Attorneys, at Law, 342 FABSHAM 8TBBAT. A jamksw. SX.AOB, I Omaha, Nebraska. CBABr. r KDKBSnX. SJ G. W. AMBROSE, A-ttorxier " 3cf otr UEBICt'S OPEBA HOUSE OlMHA. -E ItEB.' arSU DEXTER I: THOMAS, 4f..mst: T1WTJ Attorney anl iCounsclor at. Law. OFTIOE Boom Bo Vkaclier'f!! OMAHA - NEB j. a. aram. t(X X. rKXTCatCTT SPAUN-& PRITCHEFiy Attorneys and Counselors ?t I. "Office, JOfi Twelfth (Street. ( f aaJ. Ivvk Rat sJfi. "Oinaha."Neb. w. j; COmTELL .Oo-x-ci.-l-l.o-c fc Xistk-jB-; AHD - - m SS V'Mrict Attnraey for. SefMi-..JM-Icial District. OKUCS-South aide oi Farnham? Ww-am 1Mb v tsib at., oppo-JU Court nouae. 4-.V 7 - K-m W -i--k !, N. J. BURNHAM. ATTORSE. AND C0D3SELL0B ATr LATV, No. 39 Farnham Street OMAHA - - --NEB. -nrlCOtl ' JOHN W. LYTLE, ktitmT.iiZyr and lollcllor : Eitj-. r 0FFI0a-OT Bn IasMl"tok,". Bal-tJ; .-? V f PARiUOTTJIl Attorne; SlK l!-"- - .-- u--t CouxcnaiANSTEPHEXSOX has al ways danced to the niusic of the Bourbon" organ, and now the grate ful organ grinder plays the rogue's march for him. You pays your money, and youjbakes your choice. Oxe Congressman has already been Bent'o a lunatic asylum on ac count of his muddledflnancial ideas, l-and others are likely to follow permanent relief does notsoon comeu from some quarter. Dr. Johnson has Just opened a commodious recruiting office for the coming campaign. It is very con veniently located for dyspeptic re cruits. Captain Lee has been com missioned as medical purveyor. oiJTHK - editor. of, the Omaha, Herald, iij respectfully referred to the follow- -'nir-iT-r4--ir"frnm th-lt staunch Democratic organ; the Cincinnati Enquirer : " '"The "Western man who enters and lounges around the Ulanhattan Gliib rooms, is in a house of political ill-fame, and 'his virtue will bo with justice suspected by the people." Thk citizens of Omaha, - and es- pecialij'hoseAvho admire and re vercthe Inevitable George Francis, will rejoice that he who might have been lie next President of America still lives- From the New York Crusader of the 5th Inst, we glean tlxat' .the great American uniei of the French Commune has taken several hundred Turkish baths within th6 past-four months, and now he has discarded the idea of ueing President or Dictator, and J'says that holias found out that it is .a greater thing not to no a dictator than to be one. He asserts that Jt is. a matter of fact that ho has "power of fore telling great public events. Upon lo6kiug into the future he clearly discerns and in fact smells approach ing plagues and Asiatic cholera which will devastate this cduntry unless the people purify themselves. He can no longer eat meat, as it is -tainted, and now confines himself io vegetable diet. "Why, how can it be safe," says Mr. Train, "to eat animal jfood with murrain in the cattle, pip in poultj-, scabs on sheep, and triehime hi swine? AVhy, sir, theAmericau public to-day is living on stewed boils and roasted carbun cles! Purify yourself, my good Jfriends; put your house in order or you will be lost!" s-'t -'KnoclcedDova! " A remarkable fact canbe asccrtatq ed by iavextig-itiug our atockjafid prices that we have red need to a very low iliuire all pf our clothing "'and Gents', furnishing go.ds, far below thc price of any other house. Over coats .in particular can be bought ol m now at least 25 per cent less than our former prices. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. Pit. GOTTHEIMEK, feb.8-1? 2QG Farnham street Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gems, pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott -heimer'a, 200 Farnham st Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickets bought and sold. Hamlet Oram, flfli street between JoP and LeaTenworth aU., OMAHA. - -NEBRASKA. EEPSTIIE MOST COMl'LETEASSOUT TTzi nn.i ntrlmiiixl. farasols. Piaue! mmt f Indies' ana Ueau' atraw nat trim-. fuied Mar- lulu wu mm.. - i - . : . . .? ;. j- !lle. KainsooV and all Klqtlf o: iiry poas, ri .riiA-Vonil ilntV lio-ta.fltc. ?'?'? Goods is Complete. Selling only for mplete. selling ouij jur un, am able to UNDEKSELL any other ueaicrtn the City. OurriUCEbaieiWWiittXiiao ejer heard ot betore. my 144u-pl "Southern Hotel, Fronting on 4th, SUt and WkatitfM St. Louis, - Mo. "Laveille, "Warner & Co., The Southern Hotel is first-class in all its spi-olntmeats. Ita tables are at all times sup plied in the gTeatest abundance, with all the delicacies the markets afford, Its rlerks and employes are all polite and attentire to the wants of th. guests of the hotel. There is an ImproTeJeleraor leading Irotn the fint floor to the upper one, Uallroad and steamboat ticket olli vs. news tUnd. and western Anion Telegraph oO e in the Botunda of hotel. iX3 - - -DEALEB IN Fruits, Confectionery, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner Farnham and Elerenth ''street. OMAHA, NEBRASKA.' .piT a-p-.tr I f hat lT Tf aft XI o a " n S Ei .& H i I I h m .9. a - 2 p o ft '. eii- la bjj "rrx rfl c S -S31 :" VB lYIffilT MIDNIGHT. BjadallJ Bapcrted fcr the (teal Dally Bee, bT the AUantlo and Pacific Aleerapn Oo. Cong: .. Ch tn s . 3 i - SENATE? H . I ' JiA i WASHnraroK,' May 14. - At the first roll call jthis morning, only fourteen senators" werep'reseiit Mr. Chandler movedlo aajourn,buC subsequently witiidref the jnotion; for the second roll, which showed'a q"tlonim'Tewi ntfiBSBz-.: asrra Mr. Pratt, from theLeoramittee oh- tensions, reporteaon'inany' appu cations of soldiers during the war of 1812, for the reason that a majority of the Committee authorized him, to report iavoraUykn Hie house bill providing a pension' of. eight dollars per month for'siinriFlrijr soldiers of: tlie war of 18I2)""and-'for their-1 widows. At the expiration ot the morning hour the senate resumed the consid eration of-the finance Milr-pending question being Mr.Wright's amend ment to make the proportion of le gal tenders retired as new" national bank notes are issued, 25 instead of 50 per ceriV The amendment jpas; agreedto;32to24. A vote was thenZ taken, on lr. Wright's amendment and it was agreed to ; 44 to 14. Mr. Chandler, in accordance with, his intention. Mstacd yesterday',, moved to table the bill ; rejected. Mr.-Wright movedto amend-by making the rate of interest of-golu-bearing redemption bonds, proposed .by the bill, 4 J instead of 5 per cent; agreed to. He also moved to make the time for the redemption of theses .Donasu.iusteaaoi.li years: agreca to. 31 to 6. He then moved to make the date for tho resumption. -of "speSl cle payment by means oft tnese bonds, v January, 'lCTD ; agreed to without division. - v '-'-- Mr. Conkling moved to strike out all after tlie enacting clause and in sert a provision for the redistribu tion of 540,000)00, national bank currency; t -"' Mr. Merriman offered an amend ment toform a." eubs'titute embody ing" "the substitution of greenbacks for national bank currency, jemoyai of. lax on. statej.banks, paymentof custom ;dues in greenbacks,, and va rious other projects. AiteTsonlS lIscussion'o'n polntsof " onler. Mr. Conkhng's order, was re jected. - "' - - Mr. Merriman's substitute was then rejected. Mr. Wright moved to insert the word "shall" instead of many in the clause authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to reissue United "States notes redeemed affer July i, 1S5S, as provided in tho' ninth section. Agreed to. Mr. Washburne asked Mr. Sher man if it was'the intention of the finance committee to compel thegov ernment also to retain a portion of its gold as a reserve with a view to the resumption of specie payment, and being answered in the negative, he argued that it should be done and that tho nation was bettor off now than It would be after the pass age of. the bill. , He believed there were banks all over tlie country which would Iks willing to surrender their circulation, receive their bonds,' sell them and wait till January, 1877, when they could obtain. them at par: Congress could not afford to do anything whipl) would leave any uncertainty; Tlie business men of the country felt that Congress was pieugeu to travel iu uio uiiecuuu ui specie "resumptlbn, ' but" in such a manuer as not to break down busi ness. He did not want backward steps taken. Paired, Gordon, IJarmon, Cono. vor, Browrtlow, Ingalls, forron, Pease and West, in favor, with Bay ard, Salisbury, Chandler, Ferry of Connecticut, FrelinghuyBen, Mor rill, of Maine, Scaurs, fmd, Wadf leigh opposed. Mr. Howe introduced a bill to au thorize the settlements of claims with Jtho seyera) States for o per cent, oi me vaiuo oi innian reserva tioiis. Beferred" to tlie committee on public lands. Mr, Conover intrpqugod a,rasolu tion wliioh waslaidover','asknff the Presidont for copies of correspond ence, etc., In relation to the arrest of Froderlok Dookory, by Cuban au thorities, , y Mr. Conkling again offered an amendment for the withdrawal of $40,000,000 from States having an excess of national bank. circulation, and a redistribution thereof to the States, having Jess than their pro portion. Bojected. Yeas, 18; nays, 28. Several other amendments were offered and rejected. The bill passed, yeas 25, nays 10, as follows? c Ayes Alcorn, Allison, Bogy.Car penter, Goldwaito, Harvey, Howe, Johnston, Logan, McOreary, Mer riman. .Mitchell. Ofrlesb'v.Patteraon. Pratt, Bamsey, Ransom 8pencer, Spurgeon, Tipton, WIndom and Wright ,Naya Anthony, Boutwell, Buok IngluunConklLng,, Cooper, Davis, Edwards, "Fen ton, "ffdnen, Hamil ton flf Ma.ryland,vHamlln, Jones, isforrillof Vermonf, Sargent.Soott, Sherman, Stewart, Thwrman,Wash. burne. f Adjourned. f HOUSE. The bill1 authorizing the first na tional bank of Senacaj Illiqois, to change its name to the first' nation al bank of Morris, was passed. The bill amendatory to the char ter of the Freednien's Saving and Trust Company .vas passed. A up, xiouse men weuu miu cuu; mittee of the whole on the deficient cv bill. . Mr. Shanks moved to strike out -the iitcm of $90,000 for the ..rent of the building to Johne-W. JYrtgnt, stating that he made the motion for the purpose of putting on record the fact that the Interior -Department rented the building from a man who had robbed and plundered In dians, and put up this building with 'the proceeds. i - Mr. 2csmith suggested that be cause Mr. Wright robbed the In dians jt was.jno. reaaoBr, the Government" .should rob'Wright The amendment was rejected. The bill was laid aside to be repor tedto the House, and the commit tee fook up the consul and diploma tic appropriation bill, which appro priated $3,327,304, of which amount nearly $2,000,000 Is to.pay claims of British subjects. Mr. Swan ex plainedthe .bill, and without action on hrthe conlmittee rosaVfrtported the dencienoy hill tothetioow. ana the lull wasps - Adjourned, TELEGRAPHIC, 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Important Contract of the Bir mingham Iron Works with theU. P. R. R.fortha jb- , Coiiatruction of l '' .Rolling Mills. L InvMtifiation of the Erie Books. TtaLexniatoB Races Tom Bowling Won the Running Race, 1 1-2 Mile, in , -, 2:343-4. ? The Inundation Proving Disas trous to Mississippi. Boston, May 14. Vice President Wilson, will leave for his trip to California, on Tuos day.hext. New York, May 14. A Utile Bock dispatch says that a small skirmish occurred in the street last night, but at a late hour everything was quiet. New Haven, May 14. W. W. Eaton, of Hartford, lias been nominated by the democratic I caucus for United States Senator. New York, May 14. Baltimore dispatches say the. first installment of Mennonitcs from Russia arrived yesterday, 185 in 'number. They bring $80,000 -in cold Thej camo from Odessa, and Kwill-settle In Nebraska or Dakota. They wont West last night Albany, May 13. Representatives of the Liberal Republicans are now here to deter minetho future policy of the com ing campaign. It is reported they will favor a separate convention prior to the convention of other parties. New Yokk, Maj-14. j.Tho Birmingham iron works of Connecticut, have just concluded a contract with the Union Pacific B. R. for the construction of rolling mills to be erected west of the Bocky Mountains on the Pacific slope. Lexington, K y., May 14. In the mile and a half race yes terday Tom Bowling won in 2:34J, the fastest time on record by three seconds. He ran the first mile in 1:41. The two mile heat race to day won by Jury time, 2:46J, 3:36J,! 3:45, 3:51 i. The second heat was a dead oiie. New York, May 14. Weston closed his third day's walking after midnight, with one half of his task not quite completed. To succeed he must now walk 250 miles in two and a half days, which he says he is able to do. Ascension services were held to day in many of the churches. The services at tho Trinity, and Church of the Ascension, and several oth ers, werft attended by unusually "grand and immense" audiences. I Washington, May 14. The President has nominated W. K. Halenback, collector of Internal Revenue of Dakotah territory. The Senate has confirmed the nomina tion of J. M. Hodre, receiver of public monies at Cawker City, Kan sas; and Edward M. Brown re ceiver of public monies at Bis marck. Newark, N. J., May 14. The jury in the case charging cer tain oltyoffiolala with conspiring to defraud the city arc- still out, with no prospect of a verdict to-dayi They.have bepn out slnpo 2 o'clock yesterflfiy, and. at midnight stood about even bq the sihjeoof a ver dict. Memphis, May 14. The southwestern inundation bids fair to become as disastrous in the State of Mississippi as it already is in Louisiana and southern Arkan sas, wliero the greater portion of the country Is under water. Addi tional crevasses are reported along the east bank of the Mississippi, and the country in portions of the State of Mississippi is being rapidly submerged. New York, May 14 English accountants employed by the Erie stockholders, and selected by MeHcnry, to Investigate the condition of the Erie books, arrived yesterday, and are named James G. Legg, H. Bisnop, .kuwara Jones, and P. T. Duffy. They hold a con sultation with. President Watson and McHenry? and it Is expected the work of overhauling the books will last two or three weeks. The second annual dinner of the Silk Association of America was held at Delmonieo's last night, with representatives from Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massa chusetts, New Jersey, and other States. Cincinnati, May 14. A desperado named James Long, shot two men on Fifth street this morning, instantly killing one of tbem. Long accused a roan named W. Benson of seducing his wife, at the same time drawing a revolver and firing, the ball passing through Benson's arm and hitting a strange man across the street who died in stantly. Washington, May 14. The Arkansas troubles are now under consideration Jby the Cabinet, and it is fully expected that some definite result will be arrived at this afternoon. Chicago, May 14. A special says two members of the Yellowstone expedition have re turned to Boiscman, Montana, and report the whole party returned. The party penetrated the country to near tho vicinity of Tongue river. From the first to the twenty sixth of April the force was har rassed by Indians. Four pitched battles were fought, and one hun dred Indians were killed. Skirmishing was continued by bands of trom 100 to 1,000. Indians are hovering around the whole out-It. TB35r SOUTH' New York, May. 14. The society of German patriots of 184Saud 1849, of which Gen. Max Weber is Dresident. celebrated the 25th aniiiversarj- of the outbreak of the German revolution last evening in tliis city. It was a grand affair. Jersey City, May 14. The extensive clothing house of Alderman Samuel Clark, 23 and 25 Newark avenue, wios robbed by burglars last night. Clothes and cashmeres valued at five thousand dollars were stolen. This same store was lately robbed of ten thousand dollars of goods. No clue to the burglars. The storo is in close proximity to the police head quarters. Portland, May 14. Tlie Maine Bepublican State Cen tral Committee was organized here last night: Speaker Blaine wa.r re elected chairman: W. S. Puller will act as chairman during Blaine's absence. It was decided that the State Convention .should be held at Augusta on the 18th of June. New Iork, 3Iayl4. A cable dispatch from Hong Kong says that the steamship Great Republic arrived from San Fran cisco on schedule time. She will be due at Yokohama on tlie 20th of May on her return trip, arriving at San Francisco about June loth The American Bible Society held its 58th annual meeting at the Bible House to-day. President Wm.;H. Allen, L. L D., in the chair. The business meeting commenced immediately after the devotional ex ercises in the morning. Managers for the next four years were elected. The annual report was presented, containing a synopsis of the work done and money received and ex jended during the year. It appears that the amount receivcdfrom all sources Mas $664,436; expended, $611,728.73; gratitious .work for the year amounted' to '$340,644.50. Of this SS4,408.53 were the cost of ex peditions to foreign fields. Appro priations for foreign "lands for the ensuing year, $92,071. V San Francisco, May 14. Tiberico Vasquez, the bandit for a long timo tlie terror to the south ern portion'of the State, was cap tured with two of his gang thisaf ternoonnear Los Angeles. A dispatch from Los Angeles says that deputy sherifF Johnson, of Los Angeles,-and four men wero the captors of the notorious Vasquez. They found him at tho. houso of Greek George, in Cayhuengo Can yon. Vasquoz was in bed unarmed. He jumped from a window, when they fired on him, and hit him three times. "One shot from a rifle passed through his back. At live o'clock Vasquez was safely lodged in jail. The wounds are not dan gerous. The jail is guarded by po licemen. No access to the prisoner is allowed. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Hew York Money Market. New York, May 14. Money Easy, 3 per cent Exchange Dull; barely steady; 468491. Gold Dull; but by mid-day be came active.. Opened at 112 J; de clined to 112, andrallied to 112; now 112. Governments Quiet and a shade lower. Currency 6s, 116; 10-40s unchanged; coupons, j. The treasury department sold one million of gold to-day. Stocks Active but lower, under the influence, of a sharp bear raid upon W. U., U. P., Pacific Mail, and Lake Shore, which carried down prices". Tlie bulls have lost courage, and present little resist ance. Market is now sternly, and partially recovered. U. P., 272; W. U., 70; P.iH., 105. New York PrQtjuce Market. New qi" if '4 Breadstuff-0pened geuerally il."y and quiet. Flour- Easier ; super State and Western, 5 005 80 ; extra, 6 20 6 75. Wheat Steady. Corn Steady at 8386. Oats One cent lower, 6264. Barley Dull. Bye 10 81 10. Provisions Opened quiet Leather, Iron and Wool Un changed. Chicago Produce Market. Ciiicaoo, May 14. Flour Dull, nominally and un changed ; good to choice spring ex tras, 5 37J6 10 ; low and medium, 5 00(S)5 25; superfines, 3 754 85. Wheat Weak; cash, 122; June, 123122r; July, 122. Corn Weak; June, 62-62r; July, 63. Oats Quiet; cash, 43J - June, 45J; July, 43. Barley Dull ; No. 2, 1 40 ; No. 3, 95100 ; rejected, 75. Pork Firm; June, 16 6716 70; July, 16 8590. Lard Firm ; June, 10 3010 35. Bulk Meats Quiet and firm ; shoulders 6, short ribs 9; bacon firm and unchanged. Whiskey Steady at 95. Egg3Firmer; fresh at 1213c. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, May 14. Cattle Owing to unfavorable eastern advices, the market ruled weak and easy, and closed dull. Fair to choice steers sold at 5 50a 5 95 j.extra steers 0 00a6 25 ; stock ers 3 50a4 50 ; butchers 3 75a4 50. Hog-4-Receipts 1,600 ; active and steady ; common 4 75a5 15 ; medi um 6 20a5 40 ; good to choice 5 50a 5 90 . '8heei Beceipts 700; quiet and easy.. Market closed dull; common to choice 4 00a4 50; fine to choice 5 70a7 00. St. Louis Produce Market. St.- Louis, May 14. Flour Quiet and unchanged; su perfine winter at 4 404 75 "Wheat Dull; No. 2 Chicago at 1 2GJ; No. 2 Bed at 1 50. Corn Doll, lower: No..2 mixed ail 26 68 on track; 09 June. Oats Dull; No 2 52 east track Barley Quiet, No. 3 spring, 1 2 WnisKy uuii at o. Pork Quiet, 17 10. Bulk Meats Firmer and more active; shoulders 6J ; clear ribs at 8. ;i Bacon Dull;. 4 75. ... Sugar Hal2. CABLEGRAMS. Publication in Madrid of a Let ter of General Burriel, Explaining the San tiago Massa cree. The Czar and Grand Duke Alex is in England. Celebration of the Pope's 83d Birthday. Reconstruction of the Spanish . "' Cabinet. Rome, May 14. The Pope celebrated his 83d birth day yesterday. A number of cardi nals, bishops and other dignitaries were present. Hp was unable to give his attention to all that waited oulhlm on account of his inability, caused by excess of work on the oc casion. Paris, May 14. The Duke de Broglie declares that he will call up fcr immediate dis cussion tlie new electoral bill. The left and extreme right opposo its present consideration, and will make it a cabinet question. The debate will occur on Friday or Saturday. The assembly re-elected Mr. Bullet president. London, May 14. The Czar and Grand Duke Alex is arrived at Dover at 7 p. m. last evening. An immense crowd wit nessed the debarkation of tlie party and greeted them with hearty en thusiasm. The Duchess of Edin burg, Prince of Wales, and Prince Arthur were waiting to receive the Imperial visitors, and conducted them at once to Windsor Castle. Madrid, May 14. The cabinet has been reconstruc ted, and a new ministry announced to-day. Conservatives are largely in the majority. It is constituted as follows: Seabala, President of the Council and Minister of War; Sagasta, Minister of the Interior; Ullou, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Sanacho, Minister of Finance; Alonzo Martinez, Minister of Jus tice; Alonzo Colmenarez, Minister of Public Works; Romero Orliz, Minister of Colonies; Roeriguisz, Associate Minister of Marine. n.WANA, May 14. The steamship Quimfo was lost on Malunell Reef while carrying provisions to the Spanish troops. The crew were saved. J. H. Gacctn to-day publishes a decree prohibiting white or colored persons subject to militar3 duty from changing their place of residence or receiving passports unless they deposit $500 in tlie treasury. The provisions of the decree heretofore issued exempting from duty n the bill all white nipinbcrs of the militia who pay 5-500 in gold or $1000 in paper has been extended to the col ored militia. This amount can be paid into the treasury either before or after the parties are drafted. All military not drafted and those over thirty-five years, unless pQri are ordered to pay monthly contribu tions of-two to'ciglit'dollars, accord ing to ihe position of tho individual. Madrid, May 13. A letter published to-day gives the text of a letter written by Gen. Burrell to Dcauxmonde, explaining the Santiago i.u.assaere. He denies that the court martial was estab lished on board the steamer Tor nado to try prisoners, and says there were one hundred, and tlfty pris oners, the niost Qf whoi were regularly tried, h-- - .... tribupan finu-- of J g. were tried by a marine tribunal on board the Francisco de Borga in regular form. Thirty-seven were sentenced to death; twelve to im prisonment, and three were lib erated. This ho can prove by official documents; also that the Virginius was clearly proved a pirate legally captured, and unduly carrying the American Hag. Of the remaining prisoners sixteen were sentenced to death and executed while, 87 re mained at the Captain General's disposal. On the 8th of November he sent the war steamer Bazaine to the Captain General in order that he mieht. if he wished, commute the death penalties of those not ex ecuted, as orders to stop the execu tions had been received from Madrid. He then relates the surrender of 102 survivors. The special circum stances of the case prevented him conceding to the protests of the Bri tili nnd American consuls. The laws and orders under which he acted were absolute and peremptory authority proper. The executions justifies everything ho did on legal grounds. He denies yielding to preserve the volunteer; he asserts that only the mob in the United States were indignant at the execu tions. . The financial and commercially interested men, lawyers, well in formed military men, and the sen sible portion of the press, are op posed to the war on the Virginnius question, and recognize Spain's right to do what she has done. He trusts that the time to clear the whole matter honorably to Spain, is near at hand. NEW EOUNDRY The foundry In connection vrlth the Van Dora machine ahops, NO 230 IIARNET STREET. Is now In operation. I am prepared to mute all kinds ol castings. meb237m TVM. FENWICK G. A. LENUqUEST. Merchant Tailor.! 1DO FARXHAM ST. Between Tenth and Elerenth BtneHs. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. City Meat Market. -tx:E2:B:s-m Kfp com tanlly on.fcand A LARGE SUPPY OF B JE3 E3 V, MUTTON, POULTRY, GAME OSTABZi! New Spring Goods, AT CRUICKSHAN'S "B"tvB-ES,OI"D-E3E2,I"E!S ! EaBrROZIDIEIRI-ES ! PSZOXS X,0'7ZB. THAXT EVER. 20,000 Yards of Hamburg- Edgings and InserUngs of the Newest and Choicest Patterns of this Season's Importation. NEW WHITE GOODS, &C. New Victoria Lawns, New Nainsooks in Plaids and Stripes New Jaconets in Plaids and Stripes, New Swiss and Mull Muslins, New Piques and Marseilles. Black Alpacca and Mohairs Another Case of these Popular Goods Just Opened. As we make a Specially of the above goods, Ladies will find it to their advantage to examine our Stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. New Spring Millinerv to be Opened Saturday March 7. A. CEUICKSHANK, mars Cor. 14.t2i and TarnJuaa Sim. R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, t WHOLESALE AND BETAIL 'f DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other hbus9 in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELVET & BEATER CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO TJNDERWARE AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE USNEN IX GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LINE Of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS' MATTING RUGS, AND MATS, c:h::eajp:e:r, rrnA-isf tieshs cheapest OHIDEIjS SHIYEBICK. Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertaining: to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock, and now has a complete assortment ot FINE, MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods, whioh he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evervonedesirinsr anything in this line, to examine his stock before purchas ing. PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES dec., UPHOLSTERED AND G. STRIFFLER, -DEALER N CEO C S XL i g Pro.'"- ..ons, Fruit", Nuts Confectionery, Tobco, Segflrg, Ac, &c, &c. S. K. COR.of TKKTII andFARIVIIAa. apllllf . Schneider & Burmester Manufacturer! ot m, COPPER AND SHEET IBOX WARE. DEALERS IK Cooking and UeatlHg Stores. Tin Hoofing, Spouting and Guttering don - ahort notice and lc tha beat manner. Uteen trcet aeptM dj MSB. J. E.VA5DERCOOK Eclectic Physician- Residence' and office 230 Dodge it bet Hth and lStlt its. Special attention paid to obstetrics and dis eases peculiar to women and children. f'Jtf. Jacob Kemnitzer, WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. DODGES:., beta 13th and Hth. AL kinds oi turning executed promptly- and at reasonable prices. mchlOmS a kweIiEks. JOHN BATJ9IKII, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Faianara , OMAHA, 8."".0.llthSt NEB FENCE POSTS. At Wholesale and Betail. -rvrcT rnr mtssotRI WniTE OAK AND K nun-Oik- fence Post, also wood of the same quality, for sole cheap at wood yard . P.BBIGGS" aDrStl 333 Chtenzo Slretsieair rmrteth. F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, AND CABRlAGE TRIMMER, if o. zr ii-i- ' . will ietb. ALL orders and repairing prompt'-' attended to and satisfaction guarranteed. 9-Cash paid for hides. apJDTl H. C WALKPB, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES 510 ISth EL aptSTt Between Farnham and Douglaa BYSO-f IEKO. XJtWlS 8. BXXO BYRON SEED & GO. Th Oldaat EatatHh4 Real Estate Agency IH NKBKASXA Ke-p ' complete Abstract of Title to all.Eea Est-te in Oniba a4 DwcUa coual j. FAT.L STOCK, 1873 ! UUVJttUUJ TO OJKDliK. 803 Fct-rali-- FRANK J. ) DRAPER & TAILOR ANL DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Ml Assortment of Imported Woolens. All Work TTarraated. 232 FarnliaznSt. - . OxnaJia, Hb. LADI2S' SUITS ! SUITS ! SUITS ! Just Received ! Just Received ! TO BE SOLD AT lowest h?:r,ic:e3s ! AND REFITTED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE ! ! C. 7. SXCZftLAlT. 256 Douglas. HAWLEY & BURKS, WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DELERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm Machinery and Wagon, So. 13 South 10th Street, rorhtl AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cor. 13th. and Harney Streets, OMAHA, - - - USTIEIB. "W. B. oivr PITCH, FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER. AodMauafjctarer of Dry ana Saturated ttooflaa; andSheAtbing;Pelt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofing, Fitcn, Coal, Tar, Etc-, Utc KOOFIXG intnrPKtof Nebraska or ad.olnlng States. Office opposite the Gas Works, o 12th street. AddVessP O. Box Hi. " "' Fort Calhoun Mills. IFILiOTTIR, FEED & "Miat, Mtiafiiclared with Great Care from the Best Grain. General Depot, Ccr. may 9-1 j. O" (5 O A PER DAY. Agents want S5 W SiU ed. All classes of work ing people ol either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare mo menta or all the time, than at anything el: i.MrM.STTXSOXA CO.-PorUaad. Maine ' - - --ST iwt5jI " i "5 v tzx 0t3"ea't.Oxx-Li'b..w: RAMGrE mjw-im -CjIk-ooiiN, nexn -txrBs l-4tn & Dodge IXAM CU1K. J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney-at-Law Room 9, Visscher'a Kock, OMAHA. NEB. I t j a ill Mi 10ei-2 THETEEHTI sl . rITBEET,-CisU.- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf "-Bk p. . , V. .