aayt OMAHA THE DAILY BEE. ?" tc OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING-. MAY 13, 1874. ij vol. m. NO. 276.' i 'J THE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD KOSEWATEE, Editor and Prop'r Ofltt-So. 138 tarnbam street. betw. ninth and Tenth. TERMS OF SCBSCB1PTI0K: On copy, one year. In adranee . . L fln 1 eTlt .47.00 4.00 ilz months, in advance. . !. n BilriDM--. 2.00 If not raid In ad ranee, $8 per ummn will roll'trd FREDERICK, LEADING HATTER! Best Goods, XOWESTPB1CES FarahainSt. OMAHA BUSINESS DffECTORYT CRIOKEB HAHDPAOrORT. McClurcA sjultfc, 183 Ilarney street. t. 11th and 12th. declStf GLASS A5n WCTU2E FB'MES. JRelnbart, ISC PouUi street, dealer In .window glass and picture fraiasi. Glazing done to order. 3tl JEWFL'E. WO. Sanders.pract'cal watchmakeraiU'h jrt. Pl2' B0OT3 AST) SH0E3. Philip Lang, U5 Farnham st, between ICth audllSh. feMSrl COHFEOTIONEBT. HL. Later, corner 12th and I .uglss streets, m noficturcr and wholesale deiler in cand'tsandcon e tlonery. Country tr.de sc lleeted. aPl C0AT DEALERS. Pilsnd & FJIi-.t, coal, llm, cement hair, etc., 131 Farnhara st. feblSniJ DBUGGIST3. J A. Feeder, dfusgist, corner 12th and Har. . neysts IHSUReSTIIi. FrachAMcKojii, fire and tc Went Insu rance tents, orer the postolhee. PAWN BB0KEB. T " Elguttcr, So. 203 Farnhara st. JclTtf BEAT. ESTATE AXD COAL OiriOE. John Johnson, office 3. 9 14th st between rartthanan.Uouzls;lso tickets to and from Europe, drafts, insurance, etc 21 Jl LAUHDBY. A n-wlaundrropnedat 511 Hth st., t A. Tamham and Douglas. The washing and ironing will be done to rder, first class work PAI5TEB3. Lehman i IWrd, 1 oue and Jgn palntrrs. 10th at, bet. F rnhini and Haruey. a2sll SOA? rA0T0BT. Tlrcmtura r-osp Woris. Fowel' A Co, still W maou actum their Picmluiu Soap. Fire first premiums awa'ded by the Dougla county and flute Uir-, and Pottawattamie count, la. Orders solicited from the trade. AllOBHITXa. E. ESTABRO IC. W. SI. FRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE-S. Cot. 1 lthn d Douglas. Oma Neb. mcbZltt O. H. BALLOU. ED. B. GLASGOW. Ballou &-Glnsgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Ofico nCrcljbton,newblocttoathftxai cor room. Zd floor. OMAHA, - - M2B. f. a. BALDWIS. GEO. M. O'BBJEX. BtLDinS & O'nKIEST. ATTORNEYS LAW Office Cdawoll Block, Douglas btreet, OUAUA, - NEBRASKA, fet.itl JOHN C. CO WIN, .ttomoy. Solicitor ASP COUNSELOR. OFFICE-CBEIGHTON'S BLOCK, OMAHA, SEUBA9KA. raarStf T. W. T. Richards, Attorney at Law, Offlcc5l0l:U!i St., bftt. Farnliam and Doa?las, Omaha, Xeb. P' 0. Bar 800. ugUt! SAVAGE & MANDERSOfi, Attorneys at Law, 242 FXBNHAJC STEEAT. Salts- yyra w . q-h G. W. AMBROSE, .-ttoaraxov " - " Xl. OCT BEDICK'S OPERA. 1I0ESE OMAHA FEB. aTttf DEXTER L THOMAS, Attoraej anl' .'Counselor at Law. -. OFFIOE-Bocm B o Vbwlw'i Block, OMAHA - - NEB. j. s. srau. OKO. B. rKTCKaTt SPAUN 6l PRITCHEH, Atteraejs ind Couaselors at Law. Office, 506 Twelfth Street. a jjm. Ia-v Knr ana. Omaha, Neb. W. J. CONNIX Counaellor fct Ii' AND . w , tArict AUoraey for Seeoad Jsd- iclal District. OVICS South side ol Farnham, between 15th an I6th tta.. oppoaita Court House, fabi N. J. BTJRNHAM. , ATIOBSEI AND C0CNSELL0R AT LATT, No. 21) Farnham Street OMAHA- - - NEB. Brh30tt JOHN W. LITTLE, Attenurat-Law tad SwUeJtor ia EfUj. OFFIOL-Oru First latins! Bank, mal-U PARKE GODWIN, Attorney at Law. (CaapbeU'a Bktk,) KM 1-3 THiaTIIfiTI.STBEET. 0KAU. al Jow let the Herald editorial staff lubricate their knee joints. President Dillon and Jay Gould will be in Omaha next week. The savage Spotted Tail Is con centrating his hungry warriors for a charge on Uncle Sam's rations, and those Nebraska arms still fourteen hundred miles away. A rdbu, contemporary throws some light on the Impending Sena torial campaign by declaring that the contest will be between Pat O'Hawes and Moses "Sydenham. The journal in question favors the' latter, but the Bee. inclines some what tenderly toward Pat. Fourth of July orations care fully prepared to order for hayseed candidates, at the Bee office, at Grange prices. A three column editorial puff in four different lan guages will be thrown in without extra charge with each order. Councii-max Gibsox transferred his kind advice, counsels of good cheer and patronage to the mam moth consolidated, and now George Washington Secundus declares that he (Gib3on) has nut a redeeming quality to recommend him. Base ingratitude has, we all know, been the death of many a great man, and we should not wonder if it should also prove fatal in this instance. There i-, however, one consolation for the people of Omaha. Mr. Gib son may die, but he will never re sign. Oun Swedish local contemporary receives the following merited com pliment from the Lone Tree Courier: "The new Swedish paper recently started at Omaha, has a name which scarcely any two of our State papers write and pronounce alike, Nearly all agree in saying that it is a very readable and interesting sheet, though- none of them can read a word in it, and we now de sire to add our tardy acknowledg ment of its merit and worth as a newspaper. It is published bj-F. G. Hawklnson, and is said to be the only Swedish paper printed west of the Mississippi Kiver. No family should be without it." Knocked Dowa! A remarkable fact can.be ascertain ed by investigating our stock and prices that we have reduced to a very low fisrure all of our clothing and Gents', furnishing gocd-, far bslow the price of ituy other house. Qvcr COjits in particular can Le bought of us now at least 25 per cent less than our former prices. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. Pu. Gottheimek, feb.8-lr 20G Farnham street. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, genu, pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 206 Farnham st. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickets bought and sold. NEW FOUNDRY The foundry in connection with the Van Dorn intLhlne shops, NO. 2SO IIAKNET STREKT. Is now in operation. I am prepared to make ull klr.ua of castings. melCSTra Wil. FENWICK O, A. LENIKJUEST. Merchant Tailor! 90 FARSIIAM 8T. Between Tenth and El.Tenth htnets. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ILLINOIS HOUSE. M.XXlJtLA Sreet Tetween 9th and 10th. CD ABKS FaXDKIWIAjr, Prop. mcblltf JAS. M. MCVITTIE, WHOLESALE DEALER l Cla.rafied Cider. 13 and IKO Farn'iatn Street. Southern Motel. Fioatlag en 4th, 5th aad Walnatiti,, St. Louis, - Mo. "Laveillo, "Warner & Co., Fronriotorn. The Southern Hotel is first-clssi in all 1U ap, ointments. Its tables are at all times sup plied in the greatest abundance, with all the delicacies the markets afford, Its clerks and employes are all polite and attentive to the wants'ol th gutsts of the hotel. There is an improve 1 eleva'or Itsdinz from the first floor to the upper one. Railroad and steamboat ticket ol es, news stnd. nd western fluion Telegraph offl e In the fcotandaol cotel. GO CO 5( OQ If Q & m GQts S H VERY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. Specially Bepcrted for the Onaha Daily Bee, br ths Atlantis aaiPicific Telegraph Co. Congressional. . . SENATE.' Washinotox, May 12. Mr. Logan reported favorably on the bill amendatory of an act to in crease the pay of soldiers of 'the United States army; placed in -the calendar. Mr. Scott from the finance com mittee reported an7 amendment .to the finance bill proposing to strike out the clause making the total re serve of the national banking asso ciations one-fourth part of the coin recoived as interest on deposited funds, and substitute therefrom a clause making the reserve one-third coin. ""unless the association shall elect to exchange such a proportion of coin for United States bonds, in that case three per cent, of .such bonds shall be paid to the banking associations and the remaining two per cent shall be retained by the secretary of the treasury, and the amount thus obtained shall be ap plied to the payment of six percent 5-20s. The amendment was order ed printed and tabled. Mr. Kelly, of the committee on military affair", reported favorably on the bilTto provide for the better protection of the Toxas frontier from Indian depredations; placed in the calendar. Mr. Logan, from the military committee reported favorably on the bill for th,e t relief of James M. True, late polonel in the Second I1-" linois volunteers ; placed on the calendar. Mr. "Wadlelgh, of the same com mittee, reported" a bill relative to five crimes committed by military persons; it proposes to Invest gen eral courts martial with jurisdiction concurrent with courts of states and territories In regard to the crimes of murder, manslaughter, rape, arson, burglary, larceny, and assault apd batter, when committed within their respective regiments by per sons in the military service of the United States, provided punish ments do not exceed those prescribed by the respective states and territo ries ; placed on the calendar. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the Geneva award bill, the pending question being on the amendment of Mr. Thurman to strike"out the clause excluding in surance companies from tiling claims, which after a prolonged dis cussion, was agreed to. Mr. Sherman offered an amend ment that all claims provable as to be allowed under the act shall be estimated and adjudged upon the basis of United States gold coin at the time of loss. At tho request of several senators it was agreed that this amendment should be debated upon, and that the agreement mado' yeatorday should be temporarily laid aside. The amendment was agreed to, 37 to 2. Mr. Sherman offered an amend ment authorizing tho Secretary of the Treasury to pay the judgments of the court created by the bill, in coin, and for the purpose of procur ing suoh oojn, tijrecting him to issue and sell bonds of a similar charac ter to the new five per cent, bonds. Agreed to. Mr. Conkling moved to striko out the first ten sections of the act which provides for the organization of a special court, and insert in lieu thereof the provisions of tc house bill, conferrln&'Juribdlction upon a regular circuit court of the United States. Rejected yeas, 23; navs, 34. Several other amendments were offered and rejected, and tho bill was then reported to the Senate, and the amendments made in the committee of the whole, were agreed to, except that of, Mr. Sher man, allowing the insurance com panies to file claims, which was re jected. Yeas, 21; nays, 29. Mr. Glaytonjby consent, offered a preamble and a resolution, reciting the disturbed condition of affairs in Arkansas, and providing for the ap pointment of a special committee of three senators to go tuere, investi gate matters, and report to the sen ate. Laid over and ordered to be printed. l Mr. Clayton also offered a resolu tion, which was disposed of in the same way, to ask the President to send to the senate all the papers and correspondence received by him re garding Arkansas matters. Mr. Edmunds moved to reeon sidor the vote-rejecting Mr. Sher man's amendment to the Geneva bills. The bill was then passed, 20 to 17, and the Senate adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Hazlotou, from Uie election commltte, called up the Utah con tested election case, the report being that Mr. Maxwell was not, and Mr. Cannon was" duly elected. He offered as an amendment a resolution that the committee on elections be instructed to investigate the eharge3 of polygamy made by Mr. Maxwell against" Cannon, and report to the House-without recom mendationof action-deemed proper in the premises. Mr, Harrison from a minority of the committee, orjerctj an amend ment that Cannon was not only duly elected and returned, but was entitled to his seat. The majority report was adopted without division. Mr. Harrison's amendment wsts adopted 111 to 75. Tho House then went into commit tee of tho whoio oq the .bill amend ing the steamboat bUl,'whioh gov erns the question of registry of ves sels, protection against fire, charac ter of fire, life boatsand preservers, and provides for the- 'inspection of boilers, and establishos rules for the meeting and passage of vessels, and for signals. An amendment offered by Mr. Potter to Increase the salary of Inspector General from $3,500 to $5,000; rejected. Atter reaching the42d page of the blll,"Mr. 6lanfKasked leave to oflfer'a resolution" rbrthV 'appoint ment of a committee of-five to ob tain jmuriuauuu vuueenung qis turbanoes in Arkansas; objected to. The House thtSi adjourned. Oteqo, N. Y., May 12. At midnight a fire broke out at Gilbertsville, Otegocounty,.and de stroyed twelve buildingsis ,The fire commenced in a new frame build ing owned by G. W. Silber, Insu rance on property very small, Nlw York, May 12. Weston, the pedestrian: after sleeping five hours, started TBtifc30 this morning on his 118th mile. vAt iu:i& ne was on his 167th -mile ant jo good condition. TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW "STOHK President Dillon, Jay Gould and Chief Engineer Sickles, of the Union Pacific, will Leave for the West on Thursday. Baxter Issues a Proclamation Declining the Attoruey General's Prop osition. Special to Omaha Bee. New York, May ,2. Jay Gould and Sidney Dillon, President of the Union Pacific Rail road, accompanied by Chief Engi neer Sickles, leave here Thursday for Omaha, for the purpose of in specting the Union Pacific Road They will be absent about four weeks. Buffalo, May 12. At sjx o'clock last evenirfg a three story brick building, No. 393 Main street, occupied by Wm. Mc Arthur for the past twenty years on confectionery and restaurant, fell in with a heavy crash, carrying away the partition wall between that and the next building, No. 395, occupied by Cook, Shealle & C., and also seriouslv damarrimr the next ad joining store, No. 391, occupied by L. C. Tankee, jeweler. The debris covered the entire sidewalk and half the entire street to a depth of six feet. The fire department was soon on the ground and the work of remov ing the killed was at onco com menced. It was at least an hour before the first body was reached, it being that of a laborer. Passing as he was at the time of tho falling of the bricks, was close on the outer side. The next found were two little girls and a boy all of tender years, the girls were both dead and the boy seriouply injured. A wo man who had beenemplov-ed in the store was next found, she also had received serious injuries, having layed under the Crushed counters. She was carried to tho city building. Darkness came on so soon that the search had to be made with lant erns. The number killed is sup posed to be eight and the same number wounded. The loss of the building will be heavy. Search for more bodies is still be ing actively prosecuted. Four have been taken out so far, and five in jured persons have been removed to the hospital. Three stores, Nos. 393 to 897 inclusive, are total wrecks, and tho next adjoining store somewhat damaged. Cook, Scheflfcl & Co., opened business last .week, with a new stock, which is totally destroyed. Total loss, $5,000; insurance companies, not liable. There are persons still missing, who were known to be in the buildings at the time of the accident. A back wall was removed to-day to make now improvements, thoreby weak ening the entire building. A car penter just leaving work at the time of the accident fell from a second story, and broke his leg. Street car travel is suspended, on account of the crowd of people. Washington, May J2t The following is the reply of Gov. Baxter to a dispatch from the Presi-dent,-sent him yesterday: Little Rock, May 11. lb U. S. Orant, President, Wash- ington: There is almost a quorum in both houses of the legislature at present, and they have power under the con stitution to adjourn from day to day until they have a quorum, and they can adjourn no longer. I am in favor of their adjourning as long as they please, until every supposed Brooks adherent is present. With this understanding I will disband my troops in proportion us Brooks disbands his; but as for the meeting of the legislature at the usual place, Mr. Brooks must go as far away from it west as I am east, and de posit the State arms in the State armory, and let the State house and public buildings be turned over at once to J. M. Johnson, Secretary of Stato, to whom, under the law, they belong. Signed Elisha Baxter, Gov. Arkansas. On receipt of the above dispatch the president and attorney general held another consultation and de cided to send the following tele grams, which were sent last night : Washington, May 11, 2b Hon. Joseph JDrooks, Little Bock, Arkansas: Hon. Elisha Baxter has tele graphed the president that the gen eral assembly must adjourn from day to day until a- quorum is pres ent ; that he is in favor of its ad journing until every one of your supposed adherents is present, with the understanding that he will dis band his troops in the proportion that you disband yours; that you will got away us far west as he is east of the stato house, and allow it to be turned over to the secretary of state, who i. its legal custodian, and that you will deposit the state arms in the state armory. The members of the legislature in Little Rock heartily approve of this proposition. I aw directed by the president to say that ho oonsidors this fair and reasonable, and your Interests re quire Its immediate acceptance. An swer. Signed Geo. H. Williams, Attorney General. Washington, May 11. lb Hon. Elisha Baxter, Little Hock: I am directed by the President to say that he considers your proposi tion fair and reasonable, and I have asked Mr. Brooks for its immediate acceptance oy mm. Signed Geo. H. Williams, Attornoy General. The following was also received : Little Rock, May 11. lb U. S.mGrant, President: We, the undersigned members of General Assembly of Arkansas, pre sent here to meet under call of Gov ernor Baxter, have read his (Bax ter's) response to your telegram to day, and we most heartily approve ana" endorse it. Signed B. P. Asken, President Senate, And oiolir other members. X. J. Pendall, Speaker House, and J UUrry-SUC Oiuvr wemoers jmeuu Little Bock, Ark., May 11 Baxter issued the following proc lamation yesterday : Executive Mansion, ) Little Rock, May 12. J Citizens and Soldiers: N The Little Rock Republican of this date publishes the proposition of Mr. Brooks' friends, submitted through the Attorney General. I have to say to you that I have declined, the proposition. I am not a party to it, nor do I intend to be. f Signed Elisha Baxter, Governor Arkansas. Baxter's iaelslatum met t Yvr- ter's building, inside his lines, at 12 olock, and adjourned to 4 p. m. The members were swom in by the Clerk of the circuit court. Mr. Blackwood. There were five sena tors and thirty-five representatives present. Necessary for a quorum fourteen senators and forty-two In the house. As the matter now stands this legislature is not recog nized at Washington or the state house. J. Pindell is speaker of tne Sen ate, and had eight members present this morning and then adjourned till to-morrow. Jefferson, of White's command, got shot in the Jec: only slight wound. The room In which the of the House met is the Court room. members, old U. S., Baxter's side claims that they laid out nine of Brooks' men. J The House at 5 p. m. adjourned till 10 a. m. to-day, no quorum being present Twentv-eiehtniem- bers answered to their names. UThe House Instructed tho Sergeant-at-Arms to summon all members jiow in the city to meet to-morrow at 10 o'clock. The journal clerk and en rolling clerks of the last House are acting in this one. The president telegraphs to the legislature that it should meet at the State House, In accordance with his recommendation. v Baxter has revoked his proclama tion establishing marshal law, as re gards the legislature. Colking, who has had strict or ders to avoid a conflict with United States troops, and just before they interfered had given orders to ad vance his whole line on Brooks' force. Later; Brooks has issued a proclamation convening the legis lature on the 25th of May, in ac cordance with his acceptance of the proposition of the Attorney Gen eral. It is stated that in the lively skir mishing none of our men were hurt as was stated in the first telegram. The report that two Baxter men wore wounded is doubtful. Twenty five regulars coming here stopped the fight. Both parties have re turned to Little Rock. Little Rock, May 12. In a skirmish across the river this morning, quite a number are repor ted killed and wounded on the Brooks side, while Baxter admits he had only one man wounded. Bax ter's fbrcos claim that at the time of the interference by U. S. troops they had Brooks' forces surrounded, and would have captured the whole party. About ten members arrived to night and there will doubtless be a quorum present to-morrow, in the house aMeast. Baxter to-day received about 600 reinforcements. The city is a per fect military camp, and almost every business house is closed. Mat ters are quiet to-night, but the fed eral troops are on the alert to pre vent any conflict. New York, May 12. A warrant of attachment was is sued yesterday against the Canada Southern Railroad in civil action by Musgrove, banker. The sheriff's officials visited the Company's of fices, but all of the property was missing, and none of the officers could be found. It is said that oth er suits will soon follow. Memphis, Tenn., May 12. The steamer Cheek from below, brings important news regarding the overflow of the Mississippi, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. The levee in front of Friar's point, on the Mississippi, broke at Maynards and Millers. The former crevase is one hundred yards wide, and the latter fifty, and as the water outside of the levee was fully five feet above the level of the ground inside, the water poured through in an im mense volume, defying all attempts to check it, and it soon inundated the town and surrounding country. The crevasses will inundate a very large and rich section of cotton lands. New York, May 12. Weston completed his 115 miles at eleven o'clock fifty-five minutes and eight seconds, last night, hav ing over nine minutes to spare on the last mile. He was guarded by four policemen. He made an ex tra circuit of the ring after complet ing the 115 miles. Betting was 3 to 1 against him accomplishing the feat, with plenty of takers. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. New York, May 12. Money Easy, 33 per cent. Exchange Dull; barely steady; 488J489. Gold More active but lower; opened 112. Governments Lower; declined i to J; currency 6's 1 16; 10-40's registered 1 14i: coupon l. Stocks Weak and lower, declin ing tendency; prices dropped aj; prices now the lowest; W. U. 70; Lake Shore 76 j; Erie 35; Panama 1 07; U. P, 291 New York Produce Market. New York, May 12. Breadstufls Opened generally heavy and lower. Flour Easier; super State and Western, 5 005 SO; extra, 6 25 650. Wheat Easy; No 2 Chicago, 1 48 1 50 ; No. 2 Milwaukee spring, 1 54 155. Corn Steady at 8485. Oats One cent lower, 6364. Rye and Barley Dull and nom inal, but lower to sell. Provisions-Opened quiet. Lard Firmer. Pork Old mess, 15 8716 00 ; new, 17 0017 25. Beef Plain new mess, 9 5011. Dressed Hogs 71 bid. Lard Prime city, 10J10. 'fallow 7i7. Leather, Iron and Wool Un-changed. CABLEGRAMS. Key West, Fla., May 12. Dispatches from Havana say that "William Lantenan, American, acts as vice-Consul for Great Britain and Germany. Havana, May 12. Captain General Concha has Is sued a decree permitting members of the militia who pay one thousand dollars into tho treasury to remain at home. Many persons are avail ing themselveWrf this permission. London, May 12. The Times specials say that Con cha began an advance from Bilboa yesterday. The Carlists are en trenching themselves in the moun tain passes. Gen. Ellis issued, a de cree that all priwners expressing a dissent to the orders of Don Carlos oesnot. n Madrid, May 11. The Carlists under Don Alfonzo, lost 500 men in killed and wounded, in their recent defeat at Afr.rnlln He has been ordered to l.ea.YQ the isjand. within ten daj-s, in eonse quonce of having had communica tion with the Insurgents. Frederick JJocker is still in prison atPuerta Principe. London, May 12. The House of Lords will adjourn from the 22d inst. until June 1st. A meeting of the late Evangelical Alliance was held here last night, a,t whicli addresses 'were made by members and delegates. A special dispatch to the Times" says General Concha began his ad vance from Bilboa yesterday. The Carlists are entrenching themselves in a mountain pass. Gen. Ellis has issued a decree that all persons ex pressing tiisspnt to the pretensions of Doii Carlos will be shot. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 12. Wheat Quiet. Cash, 1 221; June 1 23j; July, 1 23J. Corn Steady. Cash, QH; Juno, 621; July. 63?.' "f Oats Quiet and unsettled. Cash, 47; June, 47fJuly, 45J' Rye Steady at 90. Barley Unchanged. Highwines 95. Pork Active. Cash, 1680; July, 17 00. Lard Firm. Cash, 10 20; July 1050. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, May 12. Hogs Receipts, 16,000. Market quiet and steady with a moderate deman. Sales of inferior to com mon at $4 705 20; 5 255 60; good to fair to good, choice, 5 65 5 'JO. Cattle Receipts 3,S00. quiet and prices flow ing easier. Market a shade 400,000 ACRES!. -OF THE FINEST Elkliorn Talley Lands ! full S.t,K 33- 3VC. CXaA7lX, Wisner, - - IToTd. Tiifm: lvnds auk convenient to the market ami lLo FINEST in the STATE ! And will be sold at from $2.50 to $5.00 PER ACRE! For Cash or on long Time. BSf-LAND EXPLORING 1 ICK ETS for sale at O. & N. W. De pot, bearing coupons whicli will be taken at full co-t in payment for land. MU. It. II. PALMER, Fashionable Dressand Cloak Maker, Rooms, 252 Douglas St. near 15lh, (Op Sta'n. I cot from actual measurement not from patterns and will guarantee satisfaction in all ases, Cutting ami Fitting a Specialty. -S. xxr ia"x 3aXLVC. DEALER IN- FruitSj Confectionery,- CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner OMAHA, scn2f Farnham and Eleventh streets, NEBRASKA. City Meat Market. O Keep constantly on.hand A LARGE SUPP Y OF BE3 33 MUTTOX, FOULTRY, GAME XT" 33 g-eta: Ladies' Fashionable Cloak a.id Dress Maker. Promenade Sulls. Erenin? Dreses, Wedding Suits, Morning Wrappers, Coats, Ac, cut to or der in the latest Parisian styles. Haxln? car ried on fashionable cuttlngand fitting lor la dies in all its branches In the various capitals and centres of fashion in Europe and America, I taep'easure In Introducing raraelf to the ladles of Qmahu Satisfaction guaranteed in eTery department of my procession. So. SUO lath Mrret. ortjl B. WtLF. JO IBB- 255 Harney itreet, between 14th and 15U. Carriage Wagoa Makiay In all it Branches, in approved the laUit pattam. and moat HORSESHOEING AND BLACKS3C ITHINU and repairing done on short notlc. MP28 1T 9! New AT CRUICKSHAN'S ECBOIIDEIES ! EMBBOIDEBIES ! 20,000 Yards of Hambur Edguiss and Insertings of the Newest and Choicest Pattern of this Season's Importation. NEW WHITE GOODS, fcC. New Victoria Lawns, New Nainsooks in Plaids and Stripes New Jaconets in Plaids and Stripes, New Swiss and Mull Muslins, New .Piques and Marseilles. Black Alpacca and Mohairs Another Case of these Popular Goods Just Opened. Aa we make a Specialty of the above purchasing elsewhere. New Spring Millinerv to be Opened tuarS JElATiTi STOCK!, 1873 ! R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street, DRY AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also YELYET & BEAYER CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO UNDERWARE ANQ WORSTED GOODS. TAB&E LIXSEX IN GREAT VARIETY. A FULL LIXE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING RUGS, AND-MATS. CHEAPER THULHST TIHIIEl CHEAPEST oharLes shiepzck:. Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertaining: to the FURNITURE and UP- uujuoir,ni u.a,utj, a conrDlete assortment o FINE. MP.Tvrrnvr o Tmr ETSSS g?ds which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evero-one desirint? anything in this line, to examine his stock before purchas ing. PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES fcc, UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. G. STRIFFLER, DEALEB X GEOCE BZES, ProThrons, Fruit. Nuts Confeclioncrr, ToIkcc , hejjars, &C..&C..&C. S. K. on.or TKNTIIandFAItNIIAM. aplltlf Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering don short notice and Is ihe beat manner, ilteen treat sept24 d) BIK8. J. K. VAN DERCOOK Eclectic Physician Residence and office 2S3 DoJge st bet 14th and 13th sts. Special attention paid to obstetrics and dis eases peculiar to women and children. f'Jtf. Jacob Kemnitzcr, WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. DODOES'., betn 13th and 11th. AU kinds of turning executed promp'Ir and at reasonable prices. xnchlOm. J KWELER.S. JOIIS BAUJlKn, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Paranam , 8. - hz. Uth St. OMAHA. NEB FENCE POSTS. At Wholesale and Retail. BEST O- MISSOURI WHITE OAK AND Burr Oak feuce Poita, also woo-l of the same quality, for sole cheap at S. P. B BIGGS' wood yard - asrStf 335 tfalcKzoSlreetiintr Fourteenth. F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, ANW CARRIAGE TRIMMER, IT. 274 Farnham '.b. 15th ai ICth. ALL orders and repairing promptly attended to nd satisfaction guarrantced. JasTCash pld for hides. ap39yl H. C. WALKER, HANUFAClUUtnt AND DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES 510 13th St. Between apUrl Farnham and Douglas BXBO.t BED. LEWIS S. BEEP BYRON BEED & CO. Th Oldest Established Real Estate Agency INESRASrA Keep a complete Abstract of Title to allJRea EsUia in Oaiba a4 Doajla county. Spring goods, Ladies will find it to their advantage to examine our Stock bafore A. CUUICKSHANK, Cor. llth. and Farnliam St WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GOODS, CARPETS, uas largely mereasea CHAS. jq a?-.x-i3.xx.txx street. I'KANK J. DRAPER & AND DEALER IX- GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. full Assortment oflmporfeJ Woolens. All Work Warranted. 232 FamliamSt, - - Omafca. ITaTs. 3a Srt Oil'T -A.. E. SIMPSO -MAXUFACrUBER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CIGAkS. 532 iFIIFTIEIEJlsrTIH: ST., 03r.33XGr-:s3JOTS- HAWLEY -WHOLE3ALE AND RETAIL DELER3 IN- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm aiacliinory and "Wagon, Xo.l3Sonth lOtaSlrcet, mrhl HD-AJST. BTJKK, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Cor. 13th and Haraoy Streets, OZMIAJHIA., - - - tstep. oruc PITCH, FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER. AnAUauaftctarer orOrr.a I Saturated UooSafc Bd;shtaihlnZ-pjt. ALSO DEALERS IN Hoofing, Fitcn, Coal, Tar, Stc, jJtc. Rfh1SnlIuir0Ox.a,1-0!DiD8SUt- Oopposao i Gaa Work,, o- Fort Calhoun Mills. EXjOTTIR,, FEED 5c !MIE.AJ Xaauf.ic!urcd with Great Care from tho Best Grain. General Depot, Cor. 14th & Dodge Sts. may 0-1 y. 8K Trt G(TER DAY. Agentswant 0 W $4,) ed. All dasea of work ing people of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us In their spare mo menu or all the time, than at anything else. Address STINSUN 4 CO.", Portland, Maine BOT51 Goods. Saturday. March. 7. nis stock and now m.k.m: RAMGfE TAILOR 3ST, ITjOO & BURKS, XaXTSTOOXaZNT, 3ST3iS33.' 2NT333 ELAM CUIK. J. S. SHKOPSJIIBE Attorney-at-Law, A -5oom 9 Vlascher's Block, OMAHA. . 'NEB. ii IMU Ml h : i, i '-. t ii i i I ' 4 i r H 1$ i I ' K s Si tl t m H'H 4i I