J - - - ' 'j-lJM...ljm-JM-LX3& THE OMAHA BEE u OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING-. MAY 11, 1874. av NO. 274. vol. in. awiRMgr-r,,y :"ggrsTf? xo ; DAILY tl '? r IHK DAILY BEE. EDWARD BOSE WATER, Editor nd rr-.p'r Office So. 13s;iniliM" s-reet. bctw. Klolh and Tenth. TEEMSTOK SUBSCRIPTION : three mmths in artranee 2.W JCT-Jf not raid in adrance, $8 per annum will FREDERICK, mmm hatter i Best Goods, ILOWESTFRXCES ParnliamSt - 0:.rositeUe WW Y ATT A fi Grand Centr 1 Hotel, J -l1.JSA.AJ.XX. OMAHA BUSINESS- DMJTORT. CEAOSEE MANUFAOrOBY. -a yctt ire A Finitb, ill lllbMbdUtli. 183 Harney street. tt. uecisu GLE3 ANJ) PICTUBE FR'HF8. T l'cinhart. 1SG PougUa street, dealer In J .window gli. and picture Iraines, Crazing done to order. a -" JEWELrE. , W.O. t'anders.j.raaical watclimalCT.'MHth .st. Wi112" E00T3l'HT SHOES. PhHIn Ijti;, 153 Farnbaai at. ltirren 10th ad 113a. JcMD,l COHFICTIOHEET. HL Latey, corner 12th an I D -nglai street, m nufjcturrf and wholesale dei'er in taml"sand con e tioncry. Cyuutry trle s. licetcd. aPl" C0AT. D3VLEBS. PJir d A Kill .t. coll, lime, cement lmir, etc., J31 Faruliara U f AltmS DBUGJ3IST3. J A. rosier, eiuss'st, corner 12.U and IXar . neysts IKSU2AK0E. 1 Tench A McKo n, fire and accident insu- rancc agnt. over the pfl-toJire. FATCN BEOKEB. -1 r EgatteT, No. K) rarnhara at. JcKlf SEAL T STATE AS D COAL OFFICE. Tohn Johnson, office 5'3Hlh ft- between .1 IarahamandIou.I.s;Uo titlels to and fruia Euro, drafts iusu ance, etc ailyl LAUHDET. A new laundry opened at 511 11 HI st., bet. Fa-nl.aui and Dhu1s. The was'ilng and lroulnj will be done to rrdtr, first c -ss wort PAINTER3. Lehman A B-ard, l ! and Un painUra, lath t.l'i- F.rnhiiu nud Harney. a24U SOAP FACTORY. Premium fconp Worts, rowel' & To. at ill matiu acturc the r 1" cuuuni froap. 1 ie first premiums awa-ded by the Dougla county and Sntc falrt, rnd Tottawattamie county, IX Orders solicited ftom tha trade. A110RHEY3. E. ESTABROUK. W. M. rRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE -S. W. Cr. llth, v d Dour las. Oma Neb. ucb21U O. H. BALLOU. ED. B. GLASGOW. Ballon &Glusgow, ATTORNEYS ATLAW. Office nCreigV.on'ne block, southeast cor room, id floor. 03IA.1IA, - EB. C X. BALDW1V. GFO. 11. O'BEIEN. IMI.OIVIV & f'BUIEVi ATTOllN EYS LAW Omca-CaUell Bloct, Iiouglaa btreet, OMAHA. - - - " SEBBASKA. fel-.2ti JOHN C. CO WIN, Attorrtoy, Solioitor ASD COUXSELOIU OFFICE-CREIGHTOX'S BLOCK, OMAILV, SEIinASKA. marftf T. TV. TlUcliitrds, Attorne-y at- Law, Officer, 10 ISth'st'., bet. rarnham and Douglas, 0iiia, ca. T 0. Box 803; uglJtt SAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, 212 FABNIIAM STEEAT. jaues tt. at. 'ahb, I Omaha, Kebraaka. lltr.MAXTOuBIilXCK, Fasliionable Tailor, Xo. 204J Faniham Street, Between TwelitU and Thirtrenth streets, OMAHA, - " - NEB. a LL OBnEJi ATTENDni) TO PJUIMPT V lyand eieTut! In th- mmt fashionable tipe fc'l.-'airiiig and c-'caning a siwcia'ty, and done in the be-t manner, ui 1-lui VAN BOBN'S JOACIilNE All kinds pi lighUaud heavy MACIIIXEUY MADE & KEPAIBED. EgfAU Work Guaranteed. &. 253 HAESBY QTBEET, - . OMAHA. sepiitJ JOiO H. GREEN, STATE MILLS DEALER IN GliAiX, rLOUR'AND FEED, COMMISS IOSv MEUCH AXT ILLINOIS HOUSE. Li IE jnrjg33.TY Sroot rttween 9th tnl l!Hh. CII KlKS FIXDEKSIAN, Vrop. mcliiltT" ' " TAILOR. 13th SU, bet. Farniam and Harnej. AU inds of TAILOBKO, CLEANISa and BEPAIIUNU dartpeonahIe.rale aprtftl I JACOB CISH, S6I rarubiua KUiet. 14li JW AiliMi UNDSKTAKER ow that Ben Hopan Is dead and Allen ha3 fled, who is to be the champion bruiser of America? The U. S. Grand Jury is still pon dering over the conundrums "Who stole that Government timber?" Andrew Johnson discussed the financial issues before a Nashville audience Thursday night. Andrew knows the sad consequences of con traction by his own experience. He contracted $60,000 worth when Jay Cooke's Washington bank col lapsed last fall. A Lincoln correspondent of the female iersuasion, writes to the Chicago Timc8 from the State luna tic asylum. She had recently se cured a divorce fromjan impecunious and shiftless preacher, and that probably accounts for it. A disease resembling epizootic has carried off about forty dogs in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, within a few days last week. It is to be hoped .that the disease will reach Omaha before the dog days. We have a few thousand four-legged curs to spare. Knocked Down ! A rem.trkable fact canbe ascertain ed by investigating our stock and prices that we have rednced to a very low fiirure all of our clothing and Gents', furnishing good-s far below the price of huv other house. Over coats in particular can be bought of ui now at Iea-t 25 per cent less than our former prices. Quick sales and umall profits is our motto. Yll. GOTTHEIMnB, feb.3-ly 20G Farnham street. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gem, pistols, and merchandise in gcner-vl, at Ph. Gott heimer'e, 20G Farnham st. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickets bought and sold. H01 ELS A D EESTAOBAMTS. GRAND CEiNTKAL T2 OTEIj. 3MAHA, - - - HEBBA8KA The lantcst anil beit hotel between Ch'cago Indian Francisco. Open new September 30th, H73. So If GEO. TtlKALL. Proprietor. EMYAUD KUEHL, MVGISTKR OF HIE DEPARTED. Ho- 403 lota Et, between Farnian & Harney. Will by the aid of guatdian spirits, obtain or any one a Tiew of the pa-it, present and lu ture. o ft charbed in issei of sickness. ap3.f Victor Restaurant. 1GO FARXIIAX S1KEET, Bet. lOtb. and lltla.. VICTOR DUCROSS, Prop. TABLES SUPrLlEO WITH EVhBV tuiug in the marLet. flpru from 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. -All Meals Served to Order.-a 0YBTEB3 SEBVED IN ETEBY STYLE. n rn ik reason, paces to suit (jAiMJu tbetlmra. F. COURT, Leading Bootmaker tS3 Parubam atrtelf HAS on hand a full line of Ladles' Goods which be is closing out at cost. Give him a call and get good bargains. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAIEY jRTIIc has on hand an"xceHen atock of cents wear. lcs' In thccity, ol Eastern manu f urc or hon.e made. 29"nl G. A. LEN'nqUElT. Merchant Tailor! 1O0 FAUX HA SI ST. Between Tenth and Elerenth htne-ts. GENTS' FURTSHING GOODS. 4IJi AUVUTTHE WATEaJ WOllKS. The central city of the West Quite nroud of late has grown, Ai d fesij it ran no longer wait A goo I sized pond to own. The greatest cities of the world u i wish to cut a swell, At once erect a lescrT.dr Upon theirhigcest hill. We rrad in the dsya of Kcah That water wo ks were tried; The troub'e was t ey had nostweu, An I so the jeoj I died. L t us then remember If water works we try. To put in wneisgood and strong, Api make our stiieU quite dry And when the thing isdono We'll celebrate at once, Tlien everybody ia the t-iwn Will biiT their lists of Bance. For all new styles that i ow are out, Knnii cut kinls or n.ore. YouM Bnd them cheap at Bunce's Famous New York store. The Cbimp Qn Ilitter of tha West, 23o Dbng aiStreet. mfh26tf Villi V sS t? 5 Ed!5 m rf) ? Wn s VERY LATEST. MIDNIGHT. " Specially Beported fcr the Omaha Diiiy Bee, It the Atlantis and PciSo Telegreph Co. Arkansas TronblcV LrTTLE Rock, May 10. There is no attempt to do any busiues?. Women and children living in the vicinity of tlio State House have moved away. The clergymen of the city have called on the people to unite in services to-dasy to God to avoid bloodshed and see that right prevails. Ail the armed men found in the Metropolitan Hotel yesterday were ordered out, and Coloqfl Rose placed guards at the hotel. Nearly enough members of the legislature have .arrived to make a quorum in both hoiues. Arrangements have been made for the legislature to meet in one of the town halls out side of the limit of the State House. Governor Baxter has received several companies to-day to re-in-force him, and now has consider able force in the city. Baxterites caught a negro up in the city this afternoon and clubbed him over the head, 'searched him for arms and then left him. Both siJes are very vigilant. ' The United States troops are ready for any emergency by having stationed a look-out on the top of the City Hall. The Baxterites have erected barri cades of cast iron pipeson the river banks. Baxter has been receiving reinforcements all the afternoon. Theie is great cheering as they come in. Some sort of fight is probable. Colonel Rose, commanding the United States troops, has directed the State House party to turn over the steamer Hattie, to her owners. This order was to be executed by 7 o'clock this morning. Col. Brooker, with asquad of State Houmj troops, boarded the steamer, and scuttled her. She sank to the hurricane deck. Everything of value was taken off before she sank. Gen eral King White arrived from Pine Bluffs to-day, with 200 cav alry, to reinforce Baxter. He has an equal number of infantry, who are expected here to-night. JJaxter was rcluforced to-day by a company from Humstcad, and an other from Lone Oak county. The Baxterites have planted a seventj--four pounder on the river bank in the rear of Elm. .street, between Markhamand Scott streets, com manding good view of the State House. Everything has been quiet to-day, but the lines are sticktly drawn up, and very few persons are allowed to pass in or out of them. The following document has been sent to the president: We, the undersigned, members of the legislature of this state, have come here to meet, under call of Gov. Baxter, to-morrow, and we wish to meet and settle the troubles now existing here, as the country requires it, and wo respectfully ask the protection of the genoral gov ernment while we meet and delib erate. We hold that this matter should not be postponed, and all that we can do to have a fair and honorable adjustment shall be done, and unless w e are protected there may be blood sljed here in a very short time, and the consequences no one can tell. We are well satisfied there will be a quorum of the legislature pres ent to-morrow under the call of Governor Baxter, and we are satis fied that the quorum would bo here now were it not for unwarranted citizens and suppression of trains on the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad necessarily delaying mem bers of the legislature from north western portions of the State. Signed by a number of senators and representatives. A copy of the aflidavit made by Lieut. Summerhill, who was one of Baxter's forces who arrested Judges Bennett and Searle, giving some details thereof and subsequent cir cumstances, has been received here. It is sworn to by Associate Justice Stephenson of Arkansas Supreme Court. Summerhill says that upon the evening on which the judges were arrested he received orders from General Brochen to keep them out of the hands of the United States solders or Brooks' at all haz ards and not permit them to be rescued aliw, and afterwards Jg&rRs od from an authority which he had confidence in, that they would bo asssassinated between that time and day light, whereupon hebegan to plan a scnomo pi escape, toe par ticulars of 'which have been pub lished. He aho says he has reliable information that tho officers of Baxter's force have received orders to shoot him (Summerhill) on sight, and Is advised by his intimate friends, and thinks he cannot live longer in the State without armed protection because of the efforts ho made to save the judges. Dispatches were received here to night by the friends of Baxter, and signed by forty members of tho legislature, stating thero would be a quorum of the legislature to-morrow, although Brooks' adherents wero"doing all they could to prevent it by tearing up raijs n tno ort Smith railroad. Ijlspatchps to the governmenthave also been received, feigned by a great maqy members of tlpj legislature, ehowjng that they are 'apprehensive of trouble, and asking for military protection. New Yobk, May 10. To-day was the warmest of the season, thermometer rising to US, and scarce a breath of ajr stirring. Th3 sudd.en advent of hot weather has opened up a subject as to tho ico crop, and it Is understood the ice companies have decided to advance he price of that article to nearly double what It was last summer. The companies claim, inxdefense of this action too, that Juo supply will be exhausted beforo the bnd of the season, and that they will be com pelled to pay exorbitant prices. ,o eastern companies fur. Joe. Extensive preparations are being made at Jerome Park for tlw com ing 'spring races meeting,, which begins the 6th of June, Tho trac is iielng put in order: all arrange ments for the accommodation of visitors will be ready within a week. Stables have already been fitted up, and await the arrival of horses. The cheap transportation society meets Tueday morning next and important reports are expected to be presented by the various com mittees. & All arrangements for Weston's pedestrian feat at the American Institute Hal have been completed, a'dd ;at 12:05 tomdrrdw Mornajfhe will commence in his effort to wiik 500 miles in six days. Weston. weighs In uniform 128pounds. Hi says he never was in better con dition and feels confident of ac wmpli3hing the task. TELEGRAPHIC. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. THE EAST. Death of Ben Hogan, Pugilist. the WASHHTGTOIT. The Attorney General Likely to Report to the President that Brooks is the Legally Elected Governor of Arkansas. SOTJTS. The Arkansas War for Governorship. the Intense Excitement over the Recent Bloody Fight. Fears that Baxter's Hen will Bombard the State House, Capture the Peniten tiary, &c. Lively Trouble Anticipated fore Monday. Be- Little Rock, May 9. Gen. Churchill has given orders to those living on streets near the State House to movp out, as he was going to bombard it, and would probably damage to adjacent houses. Occupants are moving out. It is rumored that Gen. Churchill brought a cannon ball, fired this morning from across the. river, to Col. Rose and demanded that he should take the gun. The general impression, however, was that only blank cartridges has been fired. The steamer Hattie is barricaded with cotton bale, logs, wood and planks. Col. Brooker's command, after the fight, formed and marched back to Carlam, got on the train and re turned to the city. They marched across the railroad bridge and down Markham street to their quatters. There was much excitement in town on their arrival. The steamer Hattie, with the dead, wounded and prisoners on lward, was sighted about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. She steamed up to the back of the State House and moored there. The boat is perfectly riddled with shot. Houston, the pilot, when going up was protected in tho pilot houso by a barricade, but as the current took the boat over he became exposed and re ceived a wound, from the effects of which he died in an hour. After the arrival of the boat Doc tors Dale and Deball went on board and attended to the wounded. Bax ter's forces, commanded by Colonel Letafield, were armed with muzzle loaders. Brook's men were armed with breech-loaders. Col. Letafield was in command of 150 colored men. ThejT fought well and pre vented the boat from going up the river and attacking Fowler's left. Most of Baxter's party were young Southerners of good families. The utmost excitement prevails in town. A figlit occurred just five miles above Natural Steps. An at tack on the State house js expected to-night. Baxter has extended his jdeket line. Jackson Blackman, one of Brooks' militia, died at the depot from the effects of a wound. Edward Houston, whose clothes were riddled with shot, says he told his brother who had command of the boat, that he had bettor turn baok wbpn halted, or they would all get killed, Baxters men who escaped took their arms with them. They are credited for bravo fighting. The sides and deck of the boat were covered with blood; some of the prisoners admit that they went out to fight, and said that thoy fired first, and found no fault with Brook's men. The Baxterites aro now at work making scaling ladders, and thero will be troublesome times here before Monday. The casualties on Baxter's side were Frank Trimers, shot in the temple, being instantly killed ; Sam Hurston, captain of boat, shot through the lung; Capt. Mercer shot in the breast and Jog and will probably die in hour ; S. B. Lehigh, shot in the leg. Sam Houston jumped oil the pilot house to get some water for the pilot and broke b leg. On Brooks' side, Jackson, (color ed,,) of company B. was shot in tho spine mortally, and captain of com pany C, in the left breast. All the wounded on Baxter's side aro whites, and four or five were taken prisoners. Dr, Dealos went on tho boat from -Lame hock as surgeont and atteno ed the wounded, Tho figlit, from all accounts, was a very severe one. A rumor was rife on the street last night that an attempt would be made to capture the pppitentjary and make it a fortllieq stronghold a.nd headquarters of Baxter's forces. A small detachment of United States troops were sent thorp tp pre vent it, A squad of Baxter's men n,cvqnped to within two blocks, but learning tho situation of affairs, re tired. Earthworks are being thrown up in the State house yard, and the approaches are covered by two pieces of artillery loaded with buck shot, A. strong stookado has been erected in the r?ar of Benjamin Block, which building, together with all the State houso buildings opposite, are crowded with State militia, and both inclosures, era bracing nearly four acres of ground. are full. The men are fully armed and provisioned, and aro prepared to withstand not only a determined attack, but a protracted siege. Fort Smitji trains have been stopped by "tho Brooks party so as to prevent members of the legisla ture from reaching the city. Itis also reported that trains on the Cai ro & Fulton road are to be stopped. i is aiso reported mat tnree oi iiax- men were snot on ooara tne do; New Yobk, May 9. It is stated that the lease of the Atlantic and Great Western Bail way to the Erie company was com pleted yesterday. The Atlantic and Great Western is to be taken' just as it stands, with rolling stock and'all appurtenances, and be run t and managed by the Erie management. The rent for the rolling stocky etc., is thirty per cent upon gross re ceipts, leaving seventy per cent for running expenses. The lease'is for one hundred years. Competing lines of railway from Chicago to the East have advanced the rates of freight transportation 5 cents per hundred pounds. The advance has been forced by the Erie and New York Central to drive freight to the lake steamers owned by these roads. The advance Is in the inter est of these roads and against the interest of the Pennsylvania road, which is an all train route. WAsniXGTOX, May'9 The House Committee on the Pa cific Railroad have unanimously agreed to report and recommend the passage of bill directing the Sec retary of the Treasury to demand of each of the Pacific Railroad Compa nies the immediate payment of the 5 percentjannum of their respective net receipts as required by law, anil which is to be paid over to the Gov ernment and applied to tho liquida tion of interest on their bonds. The bill will also contain a provision di recting the Attorney General to commence proceedings to enforce tho payment of this 5 per cent.incase the demand of the Secretary of the Treasury is not complied with. The legislation of last Congress merely authorized the attorney gen eral to commence suchs proceed ings. This bill proposes to enact positive requirement to effeot the same object. Representlve Hough ton is a member of the Pacific rail road committee, and has made a special study of this jailroad ques tion. It is his opinion that under the contract the .interest on the bonds is not due, but that the five per cent, is due, and should be paid over to the government. The committee on war claims has agreed to give two thousand dollars to Mrs. Thayer, of New York, one of the most noted nurses during the late war. She attended the sick and wounded of the battles of sec ond Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, etc. Among those she attended after the bUttlp ot Antie tam was Gen. Hooker. She re mained in Washington until the close of the war, ministering to the wants of the soldiers and, after as sisting them with her own means, she is now advanced in age and in destitute" circumstances. Ottawa, Ont., May 9. The Government proposition for the construction of the Canadian Pacific railroad, is as follows : It is to be in four sections. First, from Georgian Bay to tho wastern end of Lake Superior; socond, to Red River; third, to a point between Fort Edmunton and the foot of the Rocky Mountains; fourth, to a point on the British Columbia coast. One of the branches to be built is to run from Fort Garry to Pembina. The gauge of the road is to be our feet, eight and onehalf inches. Every contractor is to prove thathc is worth' one thousand dollars for every mile of his contract, and de posit 25 per cent, in money. Land for the road is to be laid out in al ternate blocks of twenty miles, in all 20,000 acres per mile, with from three to six miles frqntage on the road. Tho Government may also subsidize branch lines at $10,000 per mile. The subject of the shortest route to Europe Is occupying the attention of committee of the House and several witnesses have been examined. One Col. Farrlne, hydragraphic en gineer says the only winter port on the St Lawrence is Passepediac on Bay De Chaleurs, and is more elegi ble than Shippegon, or even Louis burg, C. B. Free " traders and protectionists had a free discussion to-night. Strong arguments were adduced in favor of more protection, but the free traders seemed to have the best of it. The House will, according to the Premier, break up about the 25th of May. A report is cii-nT"nero thnt tbe ainjstfl"? of Marine received in formation that the ice is piled up to an enormous height at Quebec, sinking six vessels and damaging twenty more. Fears are entertained that the vessels lying in Indian Cove will also sufler. The damage already done will amount nearly to S1,000,000. - 4 New Yokk, May 9. The Tribune's special from Quebec says: The ice in the St. Lawrence, near Quebec, has began to move. Yesterday, in consequence of efforts being made to dislodge the ice bridce in front of the city, which has held long beyond the usual time, the ioe was cut up by two steam tugs, and with the tide began to float down last evening. There has been groat damage done to the shipping. The Government steamer, Napoleon II, was caught in the Ice, torn to pieces, and sunk. New York, May 9. Dispatches from Washington say that it Ls confidently assorted that the Attomoy General will to day report to the President his opinion that Brooks is the legally elected Governor of Arkansas, arid as supb, $. entitled to federal recc n'tion.' Col. Roc Commanding U. a. forces at Little Kock, Arkansas, to be Instructed to turn over the State arms to Brooks, and the post master to dellvor the Brooks mail matter, New York, May 9. Tho steamer State of Pennsyl. vania, which arrived last evening, reports that she overhauled the missing steamer Ethiopia at sea with her main shaft broken, mak ing her way under sail. The Penn sylvania brought a number of tho Ethiopia's passengers to port. New York, May 9. A largo shipment of specie for Europe will be made to-day. Tho steamship Breckar, of the North German Line, for Bremen, takes out $650,000 gold ; the Algeria, of tho Cunard Line, for Liverpool, $100,000, and the Celtic, of tho White Htar Line, lor .Liverpool, $600,000, making the total for to-day $1,350,000, and for the wee? 1,950,- QQQ. ' Lyxchburg, Va., May 0, An express train on the Orange & Alexdria railroad ran of the traok early this morning, about forty miles north ot this place, turning o"ver the baggage .and. express cars, and seriously injuring the conduc tor and baggage roaster, Cause broken. nUL . --m Washington, May 9. The Senate is not in session to day. In the House on motion of Mr. Cox, the President was requested to send to the House all correspond ence between the State department and other governments, relating to foreign convicts on our shores; also to report what, in his judgement, would be necessary to prevent this outrage. Mr. Houghton, of California, from the committee on Pacific rail road, reported back the bill suple mentory to an act of July 1st, 1SG2, authorizing the construction of the Pacific railroad, was ordered print ed and recommitted. Mr. Bradley, of Michigan, from committee on public lands, also re ported bill of similar import, and it was ordered printed and recom mitted. House then wentinto committee of the whole, on Indian appropriation bills. The amendment appropriat ing $25,000 for the subsistence of the Arapahoes, and other Indians, on reservations in Texas, was adopted. New yobk, May 9. The bank, statement for the past week is very favorable, showing an increase of $2,103,950 in the net re ceipts. The banks now hold $17, 313,775 in excess of the twenty-five per cent legal requirements. The following are tho figures: Loans decreased, S70,700; specie increased, $2,005,900; legal tenders decreased, $35,000; deposits increased, $1,835, 200; circulation increased, $32,000. l'iTTSBUUGii,May 9. Ben. Hogan, the pugiINt, died this morning from the effects of a shot accidentally fired by Mrs. Van camp, In Hogan's house, yesterday morning. Halifax, N. S., May 9. At a meeting of the friends of Geo. Brown, oarsman, hero last night, two thousand dollars, tho sum required to back hira in tho race with Wm. Scarff, of Pittsburgh, to be rowed on the 8th of July next, was quickly subscribed. Brown is heavily backed by the sporting men in this province. Large numbers of cattle aro dying throughout Nova Scotia from starvation, owing to the scarcity of feed. One farmer in Lents county, lost his herd last week. Madrid, May S. Senors Castellar, Zebala and Ad miral Topete aro mentioned as be ing probably selected for the new Ministry. The Carlists have returned in force to the north side of Bilboa and occupy the heights above Som morastro. Desperate fighting ls imminent. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Monoy Market. New York, May 9. Gold 1121. Money I per cent. Sterling Exchange IS8 forsixty days, 4 9H for sight. Governments Quiet and firm, without feature. Stocks Opened stronger. Erie, 3G55; Pacific Mail, 45 ; U P, 30 ; W U, 721. New York Produce Market. New York, May 9. Breadstuffs Opened generally heavy. Flour Dull ; superfine state and western 5 C05 05; extra 035 6 05. Wheat Easy; spring 1 601 04; No. 2 Chicago 150151; No. 2 Milwaukee spring 1 50 bid. Corn Dull; and cent lower at 87. Oats Quiet; new mixed western 07G3. Rye and Barley Dull and nom inal. Provisions Unchanged. Pork and Lard Nominal and lower. Leather In good demand and steady for light and medium. Wool Slightly more active, chief for choice assortments. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 9. Flour Dull and lower; good to choice spring extras 5 25590; low to medium 5 0005 90; supers 4 00 4 75. Wheat Firm; cash 221; Juno 23Ja23; July 23i. Corn Quiet; cash 6U;; June 62j; July 04. Oats Steady; cash 47$; June 48; July 45. Barley Steady; No 2, 1 42al45; No 3, 1 Ooal 12; rejected 90. Rye 94. Highwines 94. Pork Firm; June 10 05 bid; July 16 87JalG 90. Lard Firm; June 1015; July 1035. Chicago Live Stock Market. CnicAGO, May 9. Hogs Receipts, 2,)00; market firm and fairly active. Sales at 4 505 20 for inferior to common; 5 005 GO for medium to good; 5 255 75 for choice. Cattle Receipts 1,000; market steady and prices fuily up to yester day's quotations. MONDMNTS, -iOMBSTONES, ETC., ETC. D.COOKE. o. n. BALLOT. COOKE fc BAIXOU. POEB. PAC2EES ASD CATTLE DEALERS. Orders lor dressed hogs, httl and mutton promptly filled. OFFICE IS CHEIQIITOX'S BLOCX, Omaha. - - - Xehraah G. W. AMHtOSE, a.ttoriio-v' vt Xjm ov KEDICK'S OPEKA HOUSE OMAHA FEB. arSU DEXTER L THOMAS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. OTFICE-aoci? B9 Visi Ebdc C"I'ha - NES w New AT SDSBZO.T3DEE;IES ! EMBROIDERIES! 20,000 Ytards of Hambur Edgings and Insertings cf tho Newest of this Season's Importation. NEW WHITE GOODS, &C, New Victoria Lawns, New Nainsooks in Plaids and Stripes New Jaconets in Plaids and Stripes, New Swiss and Mull Muslins, New Piques and Marseilles. Black AApacca and Mohairs Another Case of these Popular Goods Just Opened. As we make a Speciatlyoi the above goods, Ladies will Gad it to thciradvantaga to examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. New Spring lillinerv to be Opened Saturday, March. 7. rnsr5 R. A. BROWN, 24! DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house ia the city, consisting of MERINO EMPEESBOL ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELVET & BEATER CL0AKINGS. A FULL STOCK OF StlAWLS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO TJNDERWARE AND WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LLXEX IX GREAT VARILTT. A I'ULL LIXH OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING RUSS, AND MATS. CHEAPEB mEX-A-INT TIEIS CHEAPEST "" " CHARLES SHIYBRIOEI. Furniture, bedding, and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely Increased his stock, and now has a complete assortment oi .b'INE, MEDIUM and LOW PRICED goods, which he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as to make it to the interest of evero-one desiring anything in this line, to ezamine his stock before purchas ing. FAHLOBSET3, LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. G. STRIFFLER, DEALCB N CROC ERIE S, P.OTU'ons. Frali; Xub, Confectionery, To.UaCO'i Segaro, tic., Ac. &c. S. K. rOK.otTBSIUaodFBIIA3I. aplUK Schneider & Burmester Manufacturers of riX, COPrER AXD SHEET IROX WARE. DEALERS IN Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing, Spouting ind Guttering don hort notice nd In the best manner, iltcen treel iept24 dj ?in8. J. E. VANDKRCOOIt Eolectio Physician Keaidencs and office No. 533 lS'h St., IHween Dodge su and Cajltol Tenue. Special attention paid to obstetric and dis eases pt$ullar to women and children. I'Jlf. Jacob Kemnitzcr, "WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. PODGES-., betn 13th and 11th. Ah kinds ol lurnlnj executed prorqp'lr siyl at ressonaUe prices. mcMOm."! J KWELEUS, JOltX BATJ.nEU, Practical Watchmaker, 171 Parnnam , 8. 5- Ow. lit! 8t. 05IAUA, ..-- NEB FENCE POSTS, At Wholesale and Retail. T-iERT O MISSOURI WHITE OAK AND rood ot the P. imGCS atrSti r rtnrrOit fen re Polls. aUo nine qualit j, for sole cheap at S. wood yard S35 chlearoStrretnar Fourteenth F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, A5 CARRIAGE TRIMMER, So. 2T4 Farnham '.fcet. 15th A IGth. LL orders and repairing promptly attended A to nd satisfaction guarrantted. aarCash paid lor hides. ap39yl H. C TTALKER, MANDFACTUUKK AND DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES 510 ISth St. aplSTl Between Farnham and Douglas btxos tnv. lxwis s. arED BYRON REED & GO. The Oldest Established Real Estate Agency d 2itBAsav I Keep a complete Abstract of Title to all Be l B,tlaOiaUaadDonidac)uaty. Sprin CHUXC PRICES LOWES TKA2? A. CJITJICKSHANK, Cor. 3-t:b. and ITarnliam Sts-, -F A T.Xi STOCK!, 1S73 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OIL Lg, Same j. deaf; m fCi-ta ore U 2. as. l?n AND DEALER IN GENTLEfVIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. "n!l Assortment of Imported AVoolens. "All "Work TTarraated. 232 FarnliamSt., f .V 1T A. E. SIMPSO 1ST, -SIAKCFACICKER AND WHOLESALE- DE ALEE IN CIGAKS. 532 fiftbeistth: ST., QJgg.JBxcs-Etirr'.pTxr blook. HAWLEY & BURKS -WHOLESALE AND P.ETA IL DELER3 IN- AGRICULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm Macliiaaery and Wagons, Xo. 13 South lOlh Slrcct, "fhtl IDAIsr. ETJKK,, AGR1CULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS, Cor. 13th. and SEarnoy Streets, oimiailhia, - - - neb. W. B. RSCSARDSOIT- OTVT.TV, PITCH, FELT AND !J ( AnilMauafictarer of Dry an"! Saturated Hoofing anilJSheathlug.Felt. ALSO DEALERS IN Roofiag, Pitch., Coal, Tar, Etc., Xtc. R?2fhiTrLn"S.ir1lir bEoJ0raa-o:Dln2Stl'- OfficopposUe th. Ga. Work, on Fort Calhoun Mills. FLOUR;, PEED &c IMIEAXi Manufactured with Great Care from the Best Grala. General Depot, Ccr. 14th. & 30o&c Sts, omaha; may 9-1 y. ( 85 to $20 auVW': 1 1"; people ol either s, younj or old, ihiko i more money at work lor us in ineir spire m- raenisoraii iMume, inaa a. nojiavn cue. Address STINSON 4 CO., Portland, Malar BQTSyl oodSp sfirH BAN'S EVER. rd Choicest Fattems ;Ifts Street, "k5? SIPILLANH, mirrors, - " ' - - m mm.m. ramse TAILOR - - Omalia, Neb. ap25ml XXvTOOXjTO", 3XT233 zrsriEa .a-st GRAVEL ROOFER. EUAXCttBK. J, S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney- at - Iaw, Room 9, Visscher's Block, OMAHA, NEB. .f . ? n ,m HM n s fi I iM '': .'1 UV ' M H "W rV