T'W- T -tMm tSi&&&Ll rj ffAi?;-' z&ri .-?s- -'Tfir ' - h& . - . i'V-i' . - ?"- -i-irf-V-1 J..,1C..- A" - - S - jv.' - 1 - --','i .t .- I J v. '? - y;v ; ' .? tjrt-es. I;. s K c r THE OMAHA BEE. OFFICIAL PATEK OF THE CITY. THE OMAHA DAILT UEB J Is serred to rabacnbers by carrier, to any rand the city, exery ercniiig, (Sundays ex- jepted,) t filteen cents per week, or JS.T5 lor six months, sxd S7.00 perannum, when paid All complaint! about Irregularities, addressed this oflice will receiTe prompt attention. Thi Omaha Uxilt Bkk will be mailed to inbscriben at tbe following rates, arable inTa tiably in advance : F7.U0 per an turn. S.75 " 6 .ontta. Tux Ohaua Dajlt Bee baa by tar the LAKGEtST circulation in the city, and is, bereforc, the beat and cheapest advertising medium. Bates OF Advxetisisg. Local notirea, 25 cents per line: local advertisements, 20 ct-nuper line; by the month, 10 cents. Ko advertisement inserted (or less than 50 cents. ;wt!al notices, 10 cents per line; single inser tion. Dot less than 25 rrv1. Transient abTertiscments must invariably be paid lor in advance. Hates (or standing advertisements by special contract. All legal Sotices, Statements, iaouiai Work, etc., requiring careful revision by copy, or proof to be furnished, mint be handed in teiore ten o'clock a. at. to insure Insertion the same day. fepedal and Local ad vertisemeita before two o'clock r. x. Advertisements before cne o'clock p. x. All advertisements for the Wkeklt Bk must be handed in before Monday noon, for the me wreVrissue. 11C1UVAL AMI DEl'AttTUUE OF TIIAI'S. Time Card of the Burlington Route LEAVE OMA11A. ABKIVK ATOXAIIA. Express.--0 p. St. I Express 9:55 a. it. Mail 5:W A. U. Mall 10.15 P. M. 'Sundays excepted. iIondays excepted. This Is the only line running Pullman Hotel. --"Dining un. V. W. HITCHCOCK, Uaeut T. Decel, Gen'L M . l"ass. Agt. Ticket Agent, Chicago, 11L Omaha, Ieb. Union Pacific. IXAVK. Dily Eiprecs 1130A.il. Daily Mtzcd 1 KM. Dill Kreltft.t 5aJ0A.M. Dally Frelfcbt G.45 A. 1L lLU-k"t Ko - Mali '530 A.M. . Tr.... "iOP-M. ABBIVX. 3.03 P. M. lOaw P. M. C:tP.M S:50 A. M. A d . 10:40 P. Jl. TlO.OOA.M. aonaav exuspicu. Tjionuaye uwiiwb CIiIcuko A: Nortuwealeru. ilail '530 A.M. 'ICCtOl'.M. Exprees 2:50 I'.M. tlir.U)A.M KauRUH City, M.Jo. A: Council Itlulla MominK Kxprvss . 530 A. M. 10:00 A. M. Evening xpret.. .2:53 P. M. 6:40 P. M. Ouialia A: ftnrtliuealern and Moux City A: I'aclllc. Mall Bxprers 8:5 A.M. 2:15 P. M. Dally ta.ct.pl Sundays. Cmnibases aud Pagage Wagons lcate the olxe, corner Parutuin and .Nmth etra.le, nf 'S exu mtuuUT in advance of the above ltailroad lcie peuing and Closing or Mails iu Oniiiliiu CXOoE. WJUT. P.R.K A.M. r. x V. KA8T. & N. W. K.U... do do.... K. 1. Jt P. K. li do do 1 .4 A. ILJUt do do.... 80CT1I. B. iaU Jo.... do do.... 0.&8.W.U XOBtU. O. A N. V. U. B 2:50 .7.45 Cli!ca-o and all IvitUrn elites, Nebraska City, PUttmnoutu, Council ISIuiLi and Burling tun.dueut lOSJa. m., closes at 43J a. m. aud 1:45 p. m. .-iu Louis and SL Joseph, due at 104)0 a. m. and 7 p. m.; closes at 1:15 p. in. and 4:3J) a. m. Ui&ce open Sundays lroui 12 to 1 p. m. C. E. YOST. Postmaster. TO AOVEKTI.lKKSine CIHCC L. fi'IO ot lUe DAILY BiK la more ttian dsable (lint f any oilier dally paperpublUIiH InA'rbraaka. Peycke'a Restaurant and Ojster rooms. The leading bouse of the kind. 207, Farnliam street, between Twelfth and Thirteen tb. feb24tf OMAHA BREVITIES. Please send in church notices at .an early hour to-day. J nu.c-Norton, the man who was stabbed last Sunday is able to be out again. A young red cow busted Tom Urunner's pump this morning, and the is now held a prisoner till the owner calls and settles for this dam age as well as this notice. It The Grand Central theater, by general request, will re-open this evening, with the old troupe, and on Monday evening a grand array of new femalo talent will appear before the footlights for the first time. Says the Lincoln Journal: "We arc pleased to learn that Gen. C. J. Manderson, of Omaha, has been invited by tho University authori ties to deliver the Annual Com mencement address next summer at the State University. Gen. Man derson is a finished orator and a cultivated scholar, and wc do not doubt will add much to the interest and pleasure of the occasion. His address will be delivered on tho IBd of June." Joe iiurpliy in"Help" was the attraction at the Academy of Music last evening. He is a talen ted comedian, and his specialties of song and dauce, and character de lineations cannot be excelled. He is well known in Omaha, and is a great favorite among theatre-goers, having played a successful engage ment here last year. J esse Osterhaus, special Union Pacific depot policeman, and John U. Creed and ,!f the Emigrant House, the parties who were arrested Thursday on the complaint of James Van Daniker. resenting a public house. were examQieJand dischargedat the Police Court prepayment of the costs!? They appealed tho case to th District Court. Frank Thorn while attempting to arrest one Dan. Callahan on Dodge street yesterday for drunkenness, had both-of his hands badly skinned by tho nippers which ha was trying to apply to the wrists of the prisoner. Callahan gave a sudden and violent jerk, causing the nippers to tear the flesh in everd places from the hands of the officer. The Bee made a mistake vestor- day in saying that Capt Payne was among those who were arrested on the complaint of Van Daniker. Per haps we were somewhat too severe on the men who were arrested, as P. M. 'A. M. 20 11W0 11:00 4sD 11:03 4.30 110 4.30 7.X 4.20 3.-00 10.-O0 --j "vnvu mai mey nave never proceeded any farther in their .representations and warnings to strangers than have the Omaha newspapers, who have never hesi tated to publish the doings of monte men, aud denounce them and warn travelers to Ieware of them. Yet as these things were allowed to ex- fart here, no 'other course could be pursued. Bat now that the author. Hies have suppressed this evil, it Is fut . -il--j..i . .. .. -nmujuyiopnisc-up the Jompany, ;xinth street, between cttyuMteadofiiarpiog any longer Farnham and Douglas. aa ttlor tlie past. J aprW tf Fletcher fc Hcbbabd. J We were shown at Whipple & Buttcrfleld's jewelry store yesterday one of the finest gold -watches ever brought to this city. It is val ued at $600, and is supplied with hands that, by proper setting, will time two horses .running or trotting at the same time. Messrs. Whipple & Butterfield also have silver timers of the same style, as well as "fly back" time-pieces. These watches and time-pieces are just what many of the horsemen of this city have been wanting for a long time. The High School Debating So ciety's literary entertainments on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, having been so successful, the mem bers propose to give a matinee this afternoon. Personal. Exr-Gov. Paddock, of Beatrice, is at the Wyoming. -Dr. A. S. Wright will leave for California on Monday to recuperate his health. Joe Murphy and wife, Maederand Gardner, and others, of the Murphy combination troupe, are registered at the Grand Central Hotel. Hon. J. H. Millard, after an ab sence of several weeks in the East, and at Washington, has returned home. W. P. Cooley, ex-mayor of Val ley, returned yesterday from an ex tensive pleasure tour through the sunny south. He says that he will leave on Sunday to take a bath in Lake Superior, as there is nothing like enjoying life. Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer, Jr., Assist ant Superintendent of Immigra tion, left for the far east yesterday, on a tour combining business -with pleasure. He will visit New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash ington, in the interest of immigra tion. During his sojourn at the National Capital, he will act as a special correspondent of the Bee, aud our readers may look for some very spicy letters from "Styngan." Mr. Gwyer expects to be absont for about two months. The following are the arrivals at the Wj'oming Hotel: A C Brommel, R Christie, A An derson, H Wentworth, E C Ellis, and daughter, Joe Murphy Troupe; H McMurray, Keokuk; H A Rob erts, do; C Briggs, Chicago; R T Conner, Atlantic; J J Hathaway, do; S Dembor and Bro., San Fran cisco; G H Galbreath and wife, Julesburg, Cal.; E II Denison, Ruth land, Vt; J F Walker, Kearney Junction; R C Jordan, Grand Isl and; Mrs. Ed. H Laj'cr and child, Elkhart, Indiana; L Browning, Da venport; A R Zergter and wife, Sewanl; C W Lambroth, Nebraska City; T Foley, Neoler, Iowa. Communicated. OUR ELKH0RN LETTER. Elkhoux Station, ) May 1, 1874. Editor Ojlviia Bee: The Waterloo Grange met last evening in pursuant to adjourn ment. Several now members were initiated in the first degree. A great deal of interest is taken in the cause by the working members of this Grange. After the usual busi ness was over, wo adjourned until irext Thursday, May 7th. After Grange, we were invited to attend a social party at Mr. J. Logan's hotel. As usual dancing was indulged in by all present. A more sociable community is not to be found in this county. Atone o'clock the pleasure seekers retired to their respective homes, well satisfied with their recreation. Bantam. MASONIC. A mass meeting of the Masonic fraternity will be held at the Lodge room in Central Block, Farnliam Streot, Saturday evening, 2d inst., at half past seven o'clock, to take final action in regard to purchas ing a site for a Masonic Temple. Martin Dunham, may lS-t. Chairman. There is no stock of CARPETS, -OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, and WINDOW SHADES West of Chicago that will compare with Detwiler's on 14th street. His stock is very large in the above line of goods, and his prices will compare favorably with Chi cago and the East Don't fail to examine his stock and prices before making your purchases. John B. Detwiler, - KKr I4tu street ritii Kam1.m..M a Wanted Two first-class Carpet. tcrs. Inquire at Wirtli's Restaut-LjAVGi am, v.aimeii AJiwyjaTnuam St , bet. 13thand I4th. aprSO tf First-class tickets toCincinnati, Ohio, and Gordonsville, Virginia, ior saio at i'u. Gottheimer's, Ticket Broker, 20J Farnham street. apr23tf Tue largest and most complete stock of corsets ever brought to this city, is at Gladstones & Co's. apr24-tf LADIES GOODS. The mostcowytfcesfocfcofladies' underwear ami suits at Gladstone &Co.'s, 14th St., between Farnham and Douglas. , apr24tf Special Conclave of Mount Cal vary Commandery No. 1, K. T., this evening, at 7:30 p. ni., for work. apr301t W. R. Bowen Recorder. THE GREAT AVAR In Coijets. It you don't -wish to be beat out of much money for corsets, call on Gladbtone & Co. You will save money by so doing. apr24-tf -ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! Orders for Ice will be promptly filled at the published rates, and contracts for ice will be given on the bestterms. SendorrlprsfAT'mr.ti.T H lllc A TALE OF BLOOD. Mysterious Stabbing Affray. A Kan Cat in Four Places- He Eefuses to Tell About It Anything A mysterious stabbing affray oc curred Thursday night in tho north western part of this city, near the corner of Twenty-Third and Cuming streets, in the vicinity of the Great- western Hotel, the victim being one Max Lehman, a stranger in the city. He came here from Fort Dodge, Iowa, fdur days ago and obtained employment at tbeWestern brewery Thursday evening about 11 o'clock, after drinking considerable beer with two or three companions, who are unknown to him, he left the sa loon at the brewery in company with them. The next that was known of him was when he was found lying weak and faint from the loss of blood upon the floor in the kitchen of the house of Mr.Otto Sclucfer,li ving diagonally across the street from the brew ery. The police were immediately informed of tho affair, and summoned to investigate the mys tery. Policeman Benedict and Mansfield came up at onco for that purpose. They found that Lehman had got into some difficulty with his companions near tho Great Western Hotel, and had been stabbed in four places, once in the back of the head, once over one of his eyes, once in his left arm, and once in his body. After being stab bed he proceeded to the saloon door of the brewery, and tried to get in, leaving behind him a trial of blood and fairty painting the saloon door red with his blood. Failing to effect an entrance, he dragged himself to the yard of Mr. Sehaeffer, marking his footsteps with blood, which flowed from his wounds in streams, and climbing over the picket fence, he burnt in the kitchen door, fell upon the floor and and fainted. The noise of the fall awakened the inmates of the house, who found the man as above stated, lying in a - pool of blood. Dr. Mercer was summoned, to attend him, and he dressed the wounds, none of which are at all dangerous. Lehman was reti cent concerning tho affair, being unable or unwilling to state who stabbed him, or Jiow or when, or why it was done. He was drunk at the time, and declares that he cannot give any particulars of the affair. This may be the case, while on the other hand he may have got into some scrape, and received a just punisiunent for it, aud there fore thinks it advisable to Keep "mum." Even Deputy Marshal Snowden in further investigating the case this morning, could not draw any thing out of him except what we have given above. It is thought that the parties are known, and that one witness, who soparated the combatants with a brick, can be brought forward to clear up this mystery. The row was overheard by several citizens, who might also throw some lijrht on the mattor. Go and see the new flower stand at Redick's Opera Houe. mayl, 2-t. Special meeting this evening at 7:30 o'cloekof the Directors of Odd Fellows Hall Association to con sider the report of Committee to ex amine walls. Evans, Sec'y. May 1 tl GRAND OPENING OF KUNTZ' BEER GARDEN. SOUTH OMAHA, SUNDAY, MAY 3d, 1874. Maylt2 Auction Sale. The attention of dealer?, and the public generally, is called to the clearing out sale to morrow of all consigned goods now in our hands. Salo commences at 9:30 o'clock. G ray & Allen, Mayl It Auctioneers. Turkish Baths every day aud evening at Redick's Onera House. apr3tf Ice Cjuvm at Latey's. Fami lies supplied cheap. Leave your o-ders. II. L. Latey. apri!18tf New Jewelry Firm, largest stock of watchc& and iTT"liTtr-cityr -cLeapTat BCTTERFIELD & WHIPPLE'S, 2C4 Douglas street, near Fifteenth. apr2eDd-lm STAIHTJNU. Have you heard of tho big stock of Jirasols that lias been just opened at Gladstone & Co's. apr 24-tfI For Sale Cheap. Desirable residence property, on 14th street. Enquire of V. Berkley. apr 11-tf Trees and Shrubbery. C. C. Housel & Co., have just re ceived a carload of choice three year old apple trees; also, oherry and Siberian crab trees. For sale for about the freight. Call at south west corner of Sixteenth and Dodge streets and price tliem, C. C. Hocsel. apr27 5t WhoWantt Water! "NVe are now prepared to furnish water in quantities as desired, to residents In any part of the city. FUSTCITEB & HCBBABD. apr ICtf. .and REMOVAL. Dr. M. T. Anderson has removed his office to Room No. 8, Creighton Block. pri8 lm HE WANTED TO DIE.' 1 Five Men Have to Held Down a Would-be Suicide, While His Mouth is Fried Open for the Insertion of a Stomach Pump. Thursday at noon, while Mr. P. H. Morrisey, a cooper, was eating dinner, he made the suspicious re mark to his wife that "that was probably the last dinner he would ever eat" His wife thought noth- ing of it, but at supper, when her husband complained of becoming suddenly sick, she became alarmed, and when he became quickly worse, she immediately had Dr. Stangland summoned. The doctor, upon his arrival, at once saw from the symp toms of Mr. Morrlsey's sickness that he had taken poison. Procuring a stomach pump he attempted to use it, but Morrissey for awhile suc cessfully resisted all such efforts of the doctor. He seemed determined to die,and five men had to be called in to hold him down and pry open his mouth sufficiently to allow the insertion of the stomach pump. The oison, which was arsensic, was pumped out and emetics were pumped in. After this process had been comple ted, Morrissey changed his mind somewhat, and took everything that was given him by the doctor. He refused to give any explana tion of his conduct whatever; but it is thought that he lately became despondent on account of financial embarrassment, and misfortunes in business and affairs generally. The High School Entertainments. The High School Debating So ciety's entertainments on Wednes day and Thursday evenings were very pleasant affairs, and were great ly enjoyed by the large audiences that were present on each occasion. The programme Thursday evening, with but a slight change, was the same as that ofWednesday evening. The instrumental duet, "Golden Youth," which opened theexercises, reflected a great deal of credit upon Misses Blanche Deuel and Claire Rustin. "The defence of Paul Clifford" was admirably rendered by John Creighton, who is quite an elocu tionist. Miss Katie Copeland recited the declaration, "After the battle," in a charming manner. She is perfectly at home on the stage, and fully brings out every point. Mrs. Latey rendered the vocal solo, "When the tide comes in," and her efforts on this occasion, as on every other, were highly appre ciated by all. "A Scene at the Natural Bridge" was a declamation by Miss Claire Rustin. This young lad3' always acquits herself perfectly, and has won for herself golden opinions of her powers as an elocutionist. "O'er the hill, o'er the Dale," was admirably sung by Mrs. Latey and Miss Clara Campbell. That beautiful and spirited poem, "The Polish Boy," was recited by Miss Clara Campbell. This young lady who isoncof the sweetest sing ers in this city, is also a fine elocu tionist. She has perfect command of a charming voice, which fact was shown in her rendering of "The Polish Boy." She also evinced a careful .study of the piece, as the ef fect upoiiXhe audience seemed to be just as the author would have wish ed it The drama "Down by the Sea," was very muoh Improved Thursday evening, the different characters all being well sustained. Bertha Isaaas as "Juan" in the trial scene of "Joan of Arc," ren dered the part most eloquently, and fully entered in the spirit of the piece. The solo, "Esmeralda," by Miss Ella Spoor, was sweetly sung, and was considered by many the gem cf the evening. Henry Estabrook, who, on Wed nesday evening declaimed Webster's second speech on Foote's resolution, Thursday evening favored the audi ence with a song. LittleLizzio Calderwood also sang a solo, and as usual did very well. To-morrow nfternoon a matinee will be given at tho High School au ditorium, at two o'clock, and it is hoped that the room will be crowd ed, as it certainly ought to be. Fort Scott rusty ami black coal at D. C. Sutwien's, 211 Farnham street bet, 12th and 13Ui. .J. B. aIapes, Agt. mayltf See AlclveHigan's card, on third page. apr7 tf Go to Eaton's and get a graph of Tennie C. Clallin. apr 23-tf. photo- Hillinery. Grand opening at Mrs. Wood's, 236 Douglas street, on Saturday, may 2d. a29-3t." Copies of city charter for sale at the Ber office. f BOEKHOFF & BRO. Chemical Cleaxixq Estad W8iiiiEsrr. Dresses cleaned with out being taken apart. Silks a specially. Tenth streot, " between Farnham and Douglas. apr2S tf A CERTAINTY. Tlie finest stock of parasols. at the lowest fimires in tli city, is at Gladstone & Co's. apr21-tf. Grand XiUinery Opening at Mrs. Wood's, 230 Douglas street on Saturday; May 2d. Lajjes wisldng to see the finest display of spring and summer goods ever limnnlif (a Aivi.I.. i t - . -vU(,ui w , auouia not fail tooftll. at. Departure of Prof. Nightingale He is given a Handsome Present by the High School Pupils. Thursday ended the connection of Prof. Nightingale with the pub lic schools of this city, over which hejias been Superintendent tor the pastltwo years. In the evening he badet good-bye to the pupils,and yes- tcrdayafternoon betook hisdeparture for Lake View, Illinois, just north of Chicago, where ho will i the management of a large assume school. AtToho o'clock is the afternoon, before he left, a doloratimi nf vnnni ?i ladies and gentlemen from the HighScshool and tho Debating Club paid tho Professor a farewell visit at the residence of District Attorney Connell. Before bidding him farewell, President McCartney, of the Debating Club, on behalf of the pupils of tho High School, and the- members of the Club, presented him with an elegant and costly ring, arcameo of Julius Cassar, most beautifully mounted in crown setting, and purchased of Huberman. After a neat and heartfelt ex pression of esteem from Mr. Mc Cartney, Prof. Nightingale, who was thoroughly surprised, feelingly responded, and accepted the gift as a token of good will from his young friends, and referred to hi3 pleasant intercourse with them for nearly two years, and said that in the faco of the many public criticisms he had received it was peculiarly pleasant to know that in leaving he did so with their friendship and esteem; -sThe pupils were much affected bydiis remarks, and all bade him a kind farewell with their best wishes forhis success in his new field of labor. More Immigrants. AVe understand that Gen. John O'Neil, whoas employed some time ago to travel in the interests of the town anucoimty of Holt, by capitalists in thfs city, has met with great success, a'nd is now on the way to that locality .with 160 families. These immigrants are nearly all Irish, and come from Brooklyn and New York City. It is expected that no less than 600 families will settle in Holt county, througtfthe work of General O'Neil. Holt county is situated in the northwesternjiart of this State, near the Niobrarawhere there is plenty .of timber good water, and a splendid soil and climate. The parties who have the matter in charge, wiil notjfonly make a good thing out of it, bufdw serve the thanks of the immigration committees. Lincoln Journal. At PiuvateSale. House aud Furniture, 213 Dodge street, between 12th and 13th streets. Fine house, nice rooms, well and suitably furnished. A bargain is offered. Apply on the premises to John T. Holtzjian. apr 8, tf Academy of Music. TWO NIGHTS XLV. Friday aud Saturday, May 1st Sc 2d. GARDNER A MAEDER. .Manager!. The Great Dialect Actor Mr. Jos. Murphy! Supported by a carefully selected Company, iu his great local and scnsatl n- b1 Drama of BCELP! T3 Introducing bis world renowned I'lsh, Dutch and Ethiopian Cotni(-liiis, Witticisms, etc., ks also his celebrated Magical Changes ! Saturday Afternoon, May 2d Grand Help Matinee. SA TURD A YE VEXING JI.liDER-S EMOTIO.SAL I1RAMA, ttl .A. XT Jvx o' H. 3E3 ! 3"Mr. Murphy In sir distinct characters, vrithfon?, ca cei and specialties. ICtcrved wan , i M General admis-lcn 72 GllerT.......... 50 BSTKc-erved He)ta three days In adva"c at Tiuan A Eterbarl'. p2SU Anything! L. W. JOITES DEALEK IX MOST -EVERYTHING 531 ami 333 I3lk ntrte' Opposite the PostJ Offica. IN Children's Carriages, Bird Cages, . Croquet Sets, Stationery, OR ANYTHING ELSE. I WILL X0T BE UNDERSOLD! Choice Imported and Domestic Cleats ap2n2eol F. A. PETERS. Saddle and Harness Maker, ANI CAKRT.tGE TRIMMER, A'o. 274 Farnham St. b-t. ISth JblCth. ALL orders an 1 repairing promptly attended to snil satisfaction guarrant ed eU'Cash p id for Uldt. ' ap39rl BTROX BEEP. LEWIS S. RKED BYRON REED & CO. Tti. Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IN HKBEASXA. KP comnlete Abstract of Title to all Bca tKateln Omha and Donglaa connly. 3 J3 sa ir. x.-a o zo-x s -AT" TACTUBKV Or AJTD CEAI.KX IX- Laabrqaias and Wn&ow SJuife, PICTURE FRAMES. 170 Farnham street, corner FlfUulh 6. A. LENUODL'ST. Merchant Tailor! Between Tenth aad EUtcbU Btixnti. SPECIAXj NOTICES. NOTICE. Adrertbements of To Let, For Sale, Loct, Wants, Found, Boarding, .Ac, will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS pt-r line; each subsequent Insertion, FIVE CEF S per line. The hrst insertion nerer lessthvi TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, FOR RENT Fur one Tear or a term of six jean, 40 acres Und in goo I condition for planiin. . I j-j miles s Mith oftiie content ; aiso two other 4-acre tracts near the pour h use; alio thnecitj- iots near Jlercy- Hos, iul, see J G. Megeatiiit A.I'ociiza:. uaytjwU F IOR SAL At 205 Farnham St. one first clast li Vei to UoiduvilIe. near Washing ton, br the way of Ciuc-nntti. ill UOTTIIIEUF.R, niyltf Ticket Hrofcer. 1T7ANTE!)- A small ice chest, cheap, at 150 U ti bVrnliam street. niTl'l f ANTED Dkt boardersal 191 IVui;Ia at. lV opixsiie Melrojvliua Hotel. Terms $1 per week. rayliG i P ctllar. c-oJ cistern and an excel eut wll of water, ith two acres of ilch utrden .rounJ; all ftucH, fir 512 per month, for one j far, sit uated near Convenr, south side of M. ilaiy's avenue and Colorado sts. Apply to J. E Kkl ley, Attoriiey-at-Lair, twin 2, Creighton Bioct . ap3 t3 FOR RENT A liOUM with six r-ouis and good cellar, hous rewly pajwred kinl in pood repair. Inquire of U. W. IIoman, cor. Harney and 13th sis. apji2 w J ANTED Agiodgirlcan find stiady em ploy uient in small fiuiily, by applying at second h-ivi? nonh of alhy on wrst side 1 01 i,insi ,u4inetuuiucri.iaanj netster. lC0-f T)LANTS-Cabbage, Cauliflower. Tomato. JL 1 epper, etc (p2itf iovs;.ey. FOR SALE A desirable residence priperty, two lots and house, well k cited, good im provements, such as shade and fruit tuts aud graie ine. Terms easy. A idre s aCD:f J I". B.lJ.Koffi e. mo RENT-A residence, 37.5. Web-ter street, L near mo strctt railway Ior iariiculars inquire at the hou-c. aijyi3 LOsT Last Sunday between the poor home and on f 3.1 tn 1 I'i;rce6is ,ac.py cf Ihos. l'aine's Theological Wor. The finder wil bo rewarded by leaving Ihcsaiuo at tlisifSec. ap.!3i3 F7I0R EXCI1ANGE-I will oichange 1fmix4 nnil Inl In riAVtll, rt ,,itir III my s'ock, merchandise or property i 1 Omaha or vicinity. Address J. A. W., care of Col K.V. Smythe. apiOlf lor PIIOTG GRAPH GALLERY F0R RE.NT One of iho finest galleries in the State wilt be rrnttdto agood artist ou ery leasonablc terms, at Lone Iree, county sen of Merrick county, in a nne, thhkty settled region. Ad dress MOROA.M I- Weight, 1 on i Tree, Neb. ap23tf WANTED situaiion for a moJest girl of H ears ot age iu a good. A merican family. Apply ..t the RtU othca or address F. .1. V.. Bee office. ap29tt P.vRTlEdesIrina fiimtlon, or in need of labortis, ssrvjutsand ha ing tenements Ur rem, or property for sale, will p!e:u0CJll at this oiuplovinent aud ril (slate ottlce, room 9, Visschcr's block, corner of Dous'as aud 13th sts. Omaha, Neb. r 29tfl I.N.FI-UER. IfOR SALE A Singer s wing inachiLe, J new. Inquire of ilx MejerA Cro. apJTlf J7IOR SALE One st parlor furn'ture ; also ; a piano. Iuquireof Max Meyer A Bro. up27lf AIIOUsE AND LOT FOR SALE-On 13th st. b tween llowaid and Jackson suitable for business and family resiJcuce, ontainirg II rooms. Inquire of Mrs. J. N. Fage. 13th and Mason sts. rp 5tf MONEY TO LOAN Inquire st law office tIL. F.Ma.iun, Vissiher's block, Oiuah . ap22tf pOOMSTOKCXT An 277 Davenport st. Iv Also a house with six rooms, cistern etc apply at Z77 Davenport st. ai.2tf InOU&ALE Two full lo s with lmprovem i.ts fj on u w cor 21st an 1 Le.rdsts. Inquire st ' w wi Picjiu iituiiury. pir xwz9 $ ANTED A cheap farm in exchange for merchamllae. A-ldro s. Farmer, B e ofice, ap21lf KOR SALE OR RENl-No. 3jl Caica, i HARRIS, TAITA WOQDM IN, P- Oil Mill. PL.1&ONS WISHING ISOAltP, by tlie day or week, can be accorunioJated at Mrs. lelaware's, s. w.cor 11th and Harney. il8wi F Oil SALE thelity, ! Four ot 1 lie Ust residence lots in on t. ilary's av. an 1 22 1 street. inquire 01 a pi. I111, A. JME1IMU, WANTED To rent a ruruisiiid nouse or 4 or 5 rooms, either a'l or partly furnish ed ; must bs near the cor of lUih aud Farnham s's. Addrtss, 1'. SMITH, Pl3tf liEEoince. FO SALE ORRET A farm of i2i acres with house and barn, situate.! oue half mile west of the Barracks: inquneof mchlGtt D. P. REDMOND. PACIFIC KOUSE REOPEN ED-Th Pacific House hai been thoroughly repaired, aud will be open for.iho a.toiuiuodationof boarders and the public generally, on the 1st of Match by Wm. Itowltz-r. Chargs reasonable lOih St., bet. Cap. ae. and Davei iort st. L-24U QTORE FOR RENT On N W ror. loth and KJ lUIC3gU. 5.A.TAYLOKAIO. ja2li -dt Ijiuni.i-.M-. store, I!i3 Dougla street. In- j ijuiiu uk nLuses a t A KEilu'a. u- -4tf EORKLNT IheA'ailev Hou-m. Inquir. of uichl-if "OiIN T. PAULSEN. RARECHANCE-lJoOLr wy btlc resi--- denceon Dod.est. b.'t. 11 h and. 15th sts forsa'eata bargain. Ibjs U od business pro eny, and wjjl s on. Income very valuable as only the stroet separates it fr..ui the U. a """' u" lusiouce. xn. ji. jUAiL-lIAl.r. ai.rlif PLATTE YlLlTEVr REAL ESTATE! Sfamue! C. Smith,. Local Agent for tho U. P. R. R LANDS, Ooliambvis, - STeb, Government Lands Located I U. R Lands Sold! Improved Farms and Town LoN for , OH " ONLOlsra TIME!! STA11 Communications Clieer fully Answered. ar-"ltl L. WOODWORTJr, 233 Doaghs Strset, Omaba, HooritU DCALKB K Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Patient hel, Koad wucons, Trot ting Sulkies, Skeeton-, Ltudebattr's, Celebrated Wa o s. James It. Hill's CeUb'ated Con- , coril -am ess and Whips, HORSE CLOTHimq R,l,. Blankets Wagon 3Iateriil of all Descrip tions, Spslw, Hubs, Felloea, and all tindsor HARD HOOD LUMBER , 'J hlniUe Skemi, Axles and. Springs. I mcbCtt MRS, S. C. V HITCOMLB. Dress aud Cloalc JTnter, Booms orer Jfra. Smith's JTilIlnery Store, 313 FARM! ial ST.OMAIIl, XEB. Oppos!!e the Grand Central Hotel. Pattern, of all Kind, i. on Uand, And cut to order from Aetna! Measurement. Cutting &Fiting a Specialty ji2,:U sAcys, C1IIRIAGE, BUGGY and TTAGOS ADPACTDKER. K. E. COXH of Hth and HABNIT.- fiTS .WJ.U re-pectIuIlj-anoaEetotha pub- ----.-. uw.. vu iu uu aJi con h uio auoTe ijnes wim neatness and F. COURT, Leading Bootmaker 1S3 Farnham itrtet HAS on hand s full line of Ladles' Goods which he Is closing out at cost. Give him a call and get good bargains. NEW GOODS ABRIYISG DAILY! S"IIe has on hand in excellent stock of gents wear, best in thecity,oI Eastern manu stern n a29ml facture or borne made. DENTISTRY. OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. CF STUC3. Get. 13th & 14th Sts., OXWIAXZA. oa01ilft r-ructicinsDeutists lu tliecitr DR. A. S. BILLINGS, DENTIST, 5334 Fnm Ti ckvo. St., Bet. 13th and 14th, up stairs. IYcth extracted without pain, by use of Ni trous Oxide viu. 'OShix open stall hour PHT3ICIAKS. eSt! Surelonl Roozus LVAN CAMP, M.D. Dispenses his own molclm-5, and besides regular pnutlce, makes specialities of Derange ment and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Diseases of the Rectum. Office and Residence, Corner Farnham and 14th Streets, first door to the right, up stairs Omaha, Neb. Address Lock Box 04. v31dwtf 9IILL1AKRY. Ladies' Fashionable Cloak and Dress Maker. Promenade Su'ls, Evening Dre ses. Wedding Suits, Morning Wrappers, Co Us, Ac, cut to or der in the latest Parisian styles. Having car ried on fashionable cuttingand fitting for la dies in ail its branches in the various cipitals and centres of fashion in turopoand America, I take pleasure In introducing myself to the ladles of Omah. Satisfaction guaranteed in every department of my profession. No. 00013IU Mnet. oc2yl B. W: LF. 3IUS. K. 11. PALMER, Fashionable Dress and Cloak Maker, Rooms, 252 Douglas St. near 15. b, (Up Stairs. I cut from actual measurement not from patterns and wlllguaraatee satisfaction in all aaes, Cutting: anil FiKin? a Specially. CAESIAQS HANUFA0TOR&B3. Established 1858. S.. O. SX2VIFS OCT'S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538 & 540 Fourteenth Street, (Otfice up itairr.) Omaha, Nebraska. Carriages and Buggies on hand or maile to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Repair ! apr2S-U aroBiv :e h. xv. as . 253 Harney itreet, between Hlh and Hth. r&rrlase nn& "Wagon Making In all it Branches. in the latest pattern. and most approved HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHING and repair! jK done on short notice. ep26 It 100.000 ACJRES! fRlOHFAKH.NGLANu IN KtBBASKA!! 500 liaiiscomPijiceLots! HOU-.ES AND LOIS I., tie cit of Omaha, Iorsacthi.4 .i.dcn goodteiia. n OKO II. UDHi.v, l.eal eotate brol er, ..fCcc oer .Macfcey's store. onDodgesl. opposite i ew p stoffico- a&) 2 CHAS. R. SUNDBLAD, snscracrunEn and dealer i.v Domestic Cigars. 481 13th St. bet. lamina aid Haitey, apV8y: TAILOR, 171 Cor. Karnham and Eleventh m. AH kinds of TAILORING, Cleaninc and re patriiifr done at reasonable rates. A line lot ef tUOMtUIXG CIXJIIS mn.lantlr r,n i..n.l and sold cheap. -ipcitf "WILLIAM SEXAUER. 225 Farnnta Street, - Omaha, Heh WHOLE-ALE AND BETAIL DKALEB IS FURNITURE, BEDDISG, ETC. JAS. M. MCVITTIE, WHOLESALE DEALER IX Clarafied Cider. I3 "" l0 Farnham Street. VXI-3Xr 3JIX3SXXIT 13(h St., Let. Farnliam and Harncj. KtJ'AlMiili done at reasonable rata FENCE POSTS, At Wholes ale and Ketail. BEST II MISSOURI WHITE O" .vn BurrOjk fence P,n?n -- AD same iiualiiT. Ior' . oo.l of tbe Won.' ..e cheap at S. I BHIGGS" -'-ru atrttf 833 ChlcnsoNirret.ie.r rourtrenth. NEW FOUNDRY tfe. 1 Dornhln7shoV.0nnCttJa,r,lh ,h9 Vln XO. Xso MARJfEV STIIEKT. Inwln operation. I am prepared to mike all kinds ol castings. -cebUTra Wil. FESiriCK KZHA MILL BD, J. B. -fir.T.ap Pre-ldent. Cutlir OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ....ooium.... Doaglas and Talrteeath Street, nxinA. NEB. CAPITAL 1-0.000 00 8UKPLU8 AND PEOFrra U.OCO 00 raiAMClAL AOBNT FOR THS UNtTID STATZ8 AXS IfllaMNAXXB DXTOSTrOST OS SUSCSOO amcxMB. TMaBaak detli Exchange, Qorwami Boua, vooehen. Oold Cota BUU.ION AND OOLDDUST, asdtdxa dnfta amd nuke etitoatlevs aa parti of ateepe. a STEELE fc JOHNSOX, Wholesale Groceiu, Jl3flSO.'SBL OCK 538 and 540 7ourteent2i Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE rachlSjr MORGAN & WHOLESALE GROCERS, io. 0o farnliam Street oni: 13: jl., VH1TXEY, BAUSERMAX & CO., WHOLESALE GROCER No. 247 Douglas Street, mchlTyl AK.TS FOR KUHTZj(IOHR& (J JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GL0YES anaiVOTIOXS. 231 Farnham Street, QIMIAJBIA., ;et:e,T3 JOHN T. EDiR, -JOBBEi: OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, ACRIOULTURAL XMPIiEMElTTS IiRESllKlts. HAKVrKIlS,IlEAI'KS MOWKKSnttT?T'9 COIt.V.PLtSTEIw'ptOWS CCfcriVATOilP A ' KEDt a-a cougias St., GEO. A. HOAGLAND, Wholesale Lumbe OFFICE AND YAISD COR. OF DOUGMS AND 6THSTS., U..P. B.R. 1R1CR. yfL'-J- ' ROBERT -DEALER IX Paintcs nlM BRUSHES, LAMP GOODS ETC. 257 Douglas Street xncUSeodlT oiimSOlU JO WILLIS & Wos. SOS .d --- iMPoirrtRS of WINES, BRANDIES, AND M Wholesale KlfS cases lilJtf 3 nncl "ndBASSALEandUWDoVrOKTKH .t lmP' SCO ICU HENRY HORNBEP.GER. DEALER Cf Wises, Liprs, Cisars, tfcoebo. FfaaOWKcnluckj Whiskies ami r,npor!e,l JoJ, a Speclillr. OOft TiTTit inn i lYweUliloca., 'f OMAHA, IS! B. & J. Books and WHOLESALE Fourteenth Street, B11 AGENTS F0 ALL SC1I0.)L ZoOKS F. D. COOPER, . affANTrFACTXTIlER " OF XAGOITS -AND WHOLESALE DEALEK IN"- AGIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS -" fc-i.d. Ana. irtruoy JBItav. WUU1,SAI, CANDIES I am now manuiacturing all varieties of candies and will rell at EASTERN PBIOES' Dealer In Oil State n:ed not want to go East fji CAVDIiy. Atrial Is solicited. SEITE.? Cor-iata, mchlltt SOMES end rAPJMS la WXBRASZA purchase.U hall tho laul ul". lltlVSiuJ "aat0' " LxVRGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte. lonD Fork and Fllt-hnm Via TheB. A M. p n O). w.IIsVl ,i4l 1 0J 0 vrrei o( splra HI -railnr and airUaltaral Ian. aw.U waive! country, .tlroaj Jl 'r t . J7.M per acr. i Iojerdlt. rl,a"a "n South of he p!"aaJr7'ls.r?9hIr oth butlartl In Kbrasu,IiUri-telbr aaasj- fZSZl J?,'" nxl xaJ ia . l batt toM3-l pwt of t"3tl:.,.i iaoaPepabllcan Valley. ForclrcoUisaattuU laor-matloa applr b. snKAT.rii kn , ... .. GALLAGHER. -SUCCESiOns TO CREIGUTOX AND SIOHGAN 3tH - ZLSTIEIB-, T11K DU10NT POWDER CO. AND Omana, ITebraska. " " 1TEB, C. STEELL, tt-ti- - - OMASA. ANDRE SEN -t-aitn. St. Oxia..ii .aXoi3. en, aiwajrs on band. Also TO.a.oco. E3B. WILBUR, Stationery, AND RETAIL, - Omalia, Nefc OmaUa nicblitf T.TEY, Otnahn il fa Platte rai-oat rirer ali.Ia th n r t "V GENTS' FURNISHING Cr.raiaai - . . -' --waafraHfvm,HB j --; ov- .z R ,i a -&. res wagons cansUsUj- on hand asd BnAi am fftW cU cr