ar lar-i?!i. "" ,S3?, T- it- -!! r m n iTifTii in r -1 it tb-tt""- v , b L '? I s i ffi. VY r 3 V APPLETON'S American CYCOPAJEDI Hew Eevised Edition. i Entirely rttrritteD by the ablest Til tors on ttev ubieit- irmieo. "u yp, amJIlJraicdwitb fc,Teral Tlwui-ia EngnTinssnlMi. THEworkorisiniEy published under title of The Ncir Avi JaS-Ctcxopaedia to JrtJ,irnlS..?inc. which Ua..tb.wia. iirra.latIonwincoit.iw.- r--- tiieUnicdd.ates,aniineis"" """i--" which have taken pia in every- """,' ene. literature, and art, nave uw. itllT XIKl Ilk l4 4. i.. . editors anil pawr. --vr" V ". " ..' . . . i , .lnnU IT in an BIUL an 1 thorough tS YfcA oaori.. eiiioa Within the last ten year. . tht 2J- Wrto movement of poUticalaIiii.ha.kep AcTwithibe discoveries of science, and their ES5fUprf"ai Udujtnal.nduselu arts and t8 convenience aud refinement f social iife. Gnat wjm and consequent rereiu- Toluinsof the old work uppeared, has happ.ljr Lcrn ended, and a new conn of commercial nd industrial activity hai V-en commenced. Large accession! to our geographical know ledge hare been made by U.idetatiafcle ex plorers of Africa. . . Tho great poUUeal rsTelaUeni i ef the last with the natural result ' .'Taie of ti me, hire brought into publie ew a multitude of liew men, whose aamee are U ery one a South, and'of whose '7 B."u: to know the parUcuhu . Groa battle. i hare of which as yet prescrred. only In thenewspipcaoMn the transient publla ti..U.ot the'diy.bu hlchoughv w - uke their place in lrtteH2: in prcpannnuo j .- --.---, i. i.-...iir,ir ivra the aim of the editors to rArinrdown the information to the latest po k im..i..- ...itnfnrnkh an accurate account T .i.- V;.A. mt HU-nieriM in science, e! !. . -, nr.4iictlan in literature, and ef Ft? ie newest Invention In the practical arts, as IB -ii cmUe a succinct and original record of L. L".. nr.u of njlitlca and hlsiorial event. i -f ; ... r . i... in wpt,n xfirlnnf aud care- &l prelunlnary labor, and with the mosiajnpie Jr-lluTct for 'carrying it on to a .uccsful ' i up .iir. u. .ju .."" - a SSnfofThe original etereefrp. yUtes hare fc S "EffSct. newVycioppin, lttnrim.PUnandma,fUpr;c?: ., uut "-?. .., i,.,icn in ill com- iire. in u "'" . i i ,i... . tuition as have ieen kugusicu uj w -riini anlenlarged knowlsdgo. iT7 Th7lltritioas are ntroduced for I alst Uuifln the present edition have been led n'.t lor the sake ot pictorial effect, but to sv greater Jutlditr and force to the ezpUna. Pns iTlhe Uxt, iT-ey embrace all branches of. Kjnsintueio". d de,llct the M.o" famous and remarUaU. Inures ct enery ' ?i, artiitd excelloncet the. cost of " ;T;xution is enormous w it U belieTa Ftlb-y will finds welcome rwPo miAble feature of the cydopasJIa, rectDtlou 1 an ad- ma wuriuj IS of Its Wrt cnara-tej. cK1S(Mlr MrlhI. The worK is siiu ;""' iii"iirvm .n J.livery of each volume. It will be com- ?? i i alTtin lanwoctaTO Tolumes, each ril hoiiaua wirf tngravlngs. and. with Dum7rousVS.rod UthojraphlcMaps. raiCB AD STYLE OF BISDISO. In extra Cloth, pir to1....- zxtiM; In Library LeHtlir, per ToUr'CT "" 5 S la Half Tu key Morocco, per "Tol 7 Ot In Half i:us!.a, eitra gi r rA , In luaaiorw. antique, gilt odges, per inuii nussia, per ; - 10-?f Three v.dums now VeaJy. f ""liL'ilr lums. until completion, wf lb. issued ono. in .oj5,,eciin90 pages of the AMERICAS C cto-i-akdi, showing type. Ulustratlons. ejc. wUl be s-nt gratis, on application. Finsr class CASVAssrsa ageni WANTLU Addros the Publishers, D. ApDletoii & Co., 119 & 55i"Broaaway,-" Atqw Xoik. Ia37ti KEARNEY'S FLUID-EXTttACT - UCHU Tbcony "kuown rcaicny lor IIIGUT'S DISEASE And a positive cars for Gravcl.TStricl'ures, & s Diabetes, uyperwia, v ... -. Nor-. , vou3 Debility, Dropsy, , BaS. ' MM R, a ii&v-i An.r, or'Incoitlnenceof UrlnrIrrl- lenceof UrlnrIi Ion, Inaamitlon or Ulceration of the DDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERMATOBRH(E -hoe or'Whites. Diseases of theTroslraU nl. Ji one la tho llbvider. Colcul us. 'bust de on mticK 10IT, t 1 Mucus or MUky Mschirzes. KEARNEY'S Extract -Buclvja I A- -J- IVnaanenUy Cures all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Spellings, "i w Existing in lien, Women and Children, JTo Mailer Y7hL the Age!? rrof. Steele eays- "Oao battle of Kearney's riuid Eitract.Uucha is worth more thm all ether ISuthus comblnod.'' - , Trice one d llar par bottle; or, six bottles for five do.lars. Depot 104 Duane St.'N. Y. A physl iin in attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis, iUjjp for pamphleU, free.sar Crans Urigham Wholesal, Agents, Fan Frjiacico. C si ap?8Vtf " " TO THE Jl NERVOUS & DEBILITATED OF BOTH SEXES. SO OHABttS roa advioe "ASD BTJLTATIOS'. OOH- Dr. JB. Dyott, graduate ef Jeffer son Medical College, Philadelphia, author of sjvcral valuable worts, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual and Urinary organs (which he has made an eseclal tudy), eith-Ofia male or fertile, no ft ft matter from what cause orip -tiug or of Aow lopg standing A ? ctice of f year enables him to tr ,t dia- erj-s 3 witn success, vurtc guaruor .., ' Charges reasonable. Those at ft " L C III 111 M lisianca can forward letter describ- j sjmptOHis and enclosing stamp to repay postage. Send for the Guide to Health. J.B.J)Y0TT,M. B.t Physician ami Surgeon, 104 Duane street, X. Y. JaCdlT -OBSTACLESto MARRIAGE. Happy Belief for Young Men from the e&cta of Errurs and Abuses In early liie Manhood restored. Impediments to ifarriaje removed. w method oj treatment. New and remark able remedies. Iliioks and, circulars, snt (ree, n sealed envelope. Address, HOWARD AS OC1ATIUK, o. 2 Sooth Ninth eH., PniUdel hls, 11m n lustlwUos suving jistithncia aiior lor iwoorahle conduct sM proteaslonal MfHJai J 19 If- IsSBBBBBBBst OF TUOLUMfE. BY B2ET HABTK. From the Sew York Time 1 ; TcKAPTER I. '" It was nearly 2 o'clock in morninjr. ilobinsou' been dancing moon, riding high, painted .. . windows with silver. The i , -- , , , I cavalcade that an hour ago had ..- , , , , , ., T. .. , , shocked the sedate pines with song anu laugnier, were an aisperseu; one enamored Hsvain had nuuen east, another west, another north, anotner soutn, anu ine opjecttoi, their adoration, left within her bower at Chemisal Ridge, was calm- Jy coin" to bed. I regret-that I am not able to in, icate the exact stage of that pro - dicate cess. Two chairs were already filled withdelicate enwrapping and white confusion, and theyounglady herself, half hidden in tne ilky threads of her yellotr hair, had at one time borne a. faint resemblance to a partly-husked ear of Indian corn. But she was now clothed in that one long, formless garment that makes all -women equal, and the round shoulders and neat waist that an hour ago had leen so fatal to the peace of mind of .Four Forks had utterly disappeared. The face above it was verypretty; the foot below, albeit shapely, was not small. "The llowera, as a general tiling don't raise their heads much to look after me," she had Ktid with superb frankness to one of her lovers. "The exnreiBion of "The Roe" to-nlghtr"was contentedly placid. She- walked slowly to the.window, and, making the smallest possible peep-hole, through the curtain, looked out The motionless figure of a horseman still lingered on the road, with an excess of devotion that only a Coquette or a woman very much in love-could tolerate. "The Rae" at that momentwas neither, and after a reasonable pause turned awa3 sa3-lng quite au dibly, that it was "too ridiculous for anything." As she campjback to her dreving-table it was noticed that she walked steadily -aud erect, with out that slightaiTeclion of lameness common to people with whom bare fegt are only an episode. Indeed, it. was only fqur years ago that, with out shoes or stocking, a long limbed, colty girl, in a waistless calico gown, she had leaped from the. tail-board of her father's emi grant wagon, when it first drew up at Chemisal Ridge. Certain wild habits of tho rose had outlived trans planting and cultivation. A knock at tbeiloor surprised her, In another moment she had leaned llio bcdJ ai& darkly-froWttinsfj I ' f rLK, ,1, mauded, ''Who!s there 5'? An- apologetic niunnur. oa the other side of the door'was the re sponse. s'Wljy father is that you ?' mere were mrtuor nmrmurs, kaflirmativc, deprecatory and persist ent. "Wait," said the Rose. She got up, unlocked the door, leaped llimbly into 1jed again, and said," "Come." The door openetj Himidly. The broad, stooping shoulders and grjz zledheadof a man past the middle age appeared; after a moment's, liesifationa pair of large diffident feet shod with canvass slippers con cluded to follow. "When the ap parition Wits complete it closed the door softly, and stood there a very shy ghost indeed, with apparently more than the usual spiritual .hi disposiHon to begin a conversation ligbly : "Do, father, I declare !" "You was abed, Jinny," said Mr. McCIoky, slowly, glancing with a singular mixture of masculine awe and paternal pride upon tlio two chairs and their contents. "You was abed and ondressed." "I was." "Surely," said Mr. McClosky, seating himself on tlie extreme edge of the bed, and painfully tuck ing his feet away under it, "sure ly," After a pause he rubbed a short, thiok, stumpy beard, that bore a general "resemblance to a badly-worn, blacking brush, with the palm of his hand, and he went on ; "Youiiad a good time, Jinny V" "Yes, father,'' "Thev was all there?" . "Yes; Hance aud York andltydcrij anu jock i" iT' "And Jack 1" Ir. McClosky en deavored to throw an expression of arch, inquiry into his small, tremu lous eyes; but, meeting the una bashed, widely-opened lid of his daughter, ho wjnked rapidly and .blushed, to the roots of his hair. "Yes, Jack was there," said Jen nj, without change of color or the least self-consciousness in her great gray eyes, and. ho panip home with me." She paused a moment, lock ing her two hands under her head, and assuming a more comfortable position on the pillow. "He asked me that same question again, father, and I said 'Yes.' It's to be soon. "We'rcsoing to live at .Four Forks, in his own house, and next winter we're going to Sacramento. I sup pose it's all right, father, eh ?" She emphasized tho question with a slight kick through the bed-clothes, as the parental McClosky had fallen into an abstract roverie. "Yes, surely," said Mr. McClosky, recovering himself with some con fusion, !rfter a iause he looked doyn at the bed-olothes, and, pat ting them tenderly, continued : "you couldn't have done better, Jinny. They isn't a girl in Toulumno ez could strike it as rich ez you hev evon if tlioy got the chance." He paused again, and then said, "Jin ny?" "Yes, father," "You'so In bed and ondressed ?" "Yes." "You couldn't," said Mr.. McClos ky, glancing hopelessly at the two chairs and slowly rubbing his chin, "you coultln't dress yourself agin could yer?" "Why, father?" " Kinder get yourself into them things agin?" he added hastily. "Xot all of 'em, you know, but some of 'em. Xot if I hdixid you? sorter stood by, ami lent a hand now and then with a strap ora buckle, or- a neck-tie, or a shoe fitring;" he continued, still looking at the chairs, and evidently trying to boldly familiarize himself with their contents. 2" Are you crazy, father?" de manded. Jenny, sudd'euly sitting up with ji portentious switch, of her yellow mane. Mr. McClosky rubbed one side of his beard, which already had the appearance of having been quite worn away by that process, and faintly dodged tho question. "Jenny," he said, tenderlv strok ing the bed-clothes as he spoke, "this ycr's what's the matter. Uhar is a stranger down stairs a 1 stranger to you, lovey, but a man ezI'veJinoweda long time. He's been h.ero about an hour, and he'll be here ontil foM'er o'clock, when the up stage passes. Now I wants 3-e, Jinny dear, to get up and come rdown stairs and kinder help mo pass the time with him. It's no Use, Jinny," ho went on, gently raising his hand to deprccat any interruption, "it's no use he won't THE ROSE . 'ine iign were out- in Wftllili11itfl!,ic ve. Jinnv. I wouldn't. 'a Hall, where there had , hr,n ino, iw 1 thoiicht ez 1 and revelry, and- the ,w,.ir.f .. nrTvfiiinir with him. go to bsd! He v.'ou't play kcerds; whisky don't taku ni cfiL-ct bn him. Ever since I knowed him lie was wr the most .ou'satisftictory critter hev round. "What do von have Him round for, then?" intcrrtiDtetl JrLss Jenny,f bUarplv. Mr."MeCIos.kv's eyes Jell. "Ef 1 hehedn't kem out of his wayto nieht to d. 1ife"a .eood turn, I tli" J Voii misht come down and sorter a,,.!. i.:m. .ii,mv. as vou did thf- IL'ICI , otile .w..... j fc- , - V r. ' -- - . MiasJennv shniffKed her nrettv shoulders. - "Is he old or voung?" tVHe's young enough, Jinnv, but helinows a power of things." "What does he do?" "Not much, 1 reckun. He's got money in the mill at 'Four Tories. I jje travels round a good deal. I've J heard, Jinnee that he's a poet writes tbem rhvmes. vou know." Mr. McClosky here appealed sub missively, but directly to his daugh ter. Ho remembered that she had frequently been in receipt of printed elegaic couplets known as "mot toes," containing inclosurcs equally saccharine. MissJJenny" slightly" curled her pretty lip. She had that fine con tempt for the illusions of fancy which belongs to the perfectly Jiealtny young animal. "JSot," continued Mr. McClosky, rubbing his head refiectivety,' "not ez j.'i advise ye, Jinny, to say any tiling to him a bout poetry, lt-aiu't twenty minutes ago ez I did. lsct the whisky afore him In thu ijarfor. I Wound -up the music box and set it goin', Then I scz to him, sociable like and free, 'Just consider your self in your own house and repeat what-you allow to be your finest production,' and he raged. That man, Jinny; jest raged. Thar's no end of tho names lie called ine. You see, Jinny," continued Mr. McClosky, apologetically "he's known me a long time." Jiut ins daughter Had already diini-&sed the question with her usual directness "I'll bo down in a few moments, father," bhe said, after a pause, "but don't say any thing to him about it don't saj- I was abed." Mr. McCIosky's face teamed. "You was allersa good girl, Jinny," he said, dropping pn one knee tho better to imprint "a respectful kiss on the forehead. Dut Jenny caught him by the wrists and for a moment held him eaptne. "Father," said she, trying to fix his ghy eye3 with the clear, steady glance of her own, "all the girls that were there to- i night had some one with them. Maine Robinson had her aunt, Lucy liance had her mother, Kate Pier son her sister all except me had some other woman. Father, dear," her lip trembled just a little'T wish there was some other woman" in the family besides me. 1 ain't lonely with you, father dear: but if theie was only some one, you know, wnen tne tune, come tor John -anu nie " 'Her voice hero suddenly gave out, but not her bravo eye, 'that were still fixed earnestly upon her face. Mr. McClosky, apparently tracing out a pattern on the bed-quilt, es sayed words of coinfort ! TO 1IE C'OATIKUED. JrSCHOONMAKER & SON rBormsTOitoi the PITTSBURG-. AND. COLOR WOESS PITTSBURG. PA. 33trx.T3Xialxoci' IDG3.' Manufacturers of Strictly Turc While Lend. I'eil Lsail, LUliaro I P.iltj, Colors Dry an:l iu Oil. PURE VERBIT2R T 2J1-S The strongest -and brightest manufacturered. green GUARANTfE. Wo uarnteo our branl of Strictly Pure- White ca' tole fne frni imparities, and will pay $50 InsoM f ir every ojii cat! ad ill laja'inn found In this ptrlire. cuir73ai J. SCHOONMAKEC A SON J. S. SHIiOPSHTIUr Attorney- at - Iaw, Roim 9, Vissc'ucr's Cljci, OttAHA. - NEE EinVAIU) KUEHL, MAcisrca or nie bepaiited. Ho 40S 10th Zt, ncticea Farniaa & Haraey. Will by the aid of cairdian spirit', obtain forany one a view of tho pan, prs--nt and lu ture. No fee in tasei of sicLniss. ap!3if STOniAiti & HL'ai.nuTt Market Garaners ! ALL. KINDS QE 'VEGETABLES AND plants, for u c Orders addrcs&ed ta us at our garden - - Cor. 21st and Taul Street, Will receive prompt attention. apl5J3m STOV3 STOJ13. . F. COOK, t 557 lith BL, betxeea Dottjlis aid Dode Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and'Sheet Iron Wre, aad dealer In Cooking and Heating, stoves Stamped, Jjpanne.1 and Frcnc'i Wse on an i. Tin Raaj, Getter ind Spoutincan 1 ti WorV do end warreJuantd. f. SZRA MILL RD. - Pre!,, J. H. MILLARD Carhttr OMAHA NATIONAL BANK Doaglafiantl Thirteenth Streets, OTtAiiA. rsnn. CAPITAL surplus and PKoyrrs.. I2"j.000tt! 3'&0 FINANCIAL AUCXT FOR T!I3 DNITSD tTATES and nssnwAW3) nrrusiToaT rua jnssusarxt. . omcxr. This Esak deals XieSsage. Grreret Bxiit, oachens, Gali Coin BULJ.TOZ.' JUYD n OLD BUST, aad ee drafts d ra&kcs colicctfeis en , part or Jituope. I Drifts drawapsyibl - la Gold or Currency cc I tis Biz cf Clcn., S33 FrrrclKO,- tne niaht to d. life "a .eood turn, I fliITi " US-Ik ej at R fig Money ami Commerce. tot Daily He-view. Office Omaha Daily Bee, April 2S, 1874. Advices from the East indicate a steadier feeling in monetary circles, and a disposition on the part of banks to accommodate customers 1 more freelv. I The grain trade of Chicago i3 re- 1 rvirtml no imnrnvincriiiiflar increased frv fcW V J W w J mm w - - - r fmnrwl for grain for lake sllP" In ment. f- Business in this city has not been particularly heavy this week, but prices have been well maintained and a cheerful feeling has obtained in ail lines. "We notice a fair list of arrivals from the "West by to-day's trains, many of whom are merchants in quest of goods. OMAHA MARKETS. Carefully Corrected Dally DRY GOODS. rmsTS. "'American, ' 9 ; Albion, 10 ; Al iens, 91; Connestogi, 10; DjnneM, 3 ; Truman's, 8 1-2; Garner & Co., 9 ; Htmilton, 10 ; Merrimack D. 91 ; Oriental, 10 ; Tacific Mills, 10; Spragues, 9. BUOWN DRILLS Amoskeajr, 12 l-2c; Augusti, 12c; Everett, G, G, 13 l-2c; Great FalL-, 13 l-2c , BLEACHED SHEETINGS. Peppencll, 8-4, 30c; do 9-4, 37 l;2c, do 10 4, 40c; do 11-4, 45c; Waltham, 84, 27 l-2e; do 9-4, 32 l-2c; do 10-4 371.2. . DROWN SnECTINCa. Indian Heads, lljc; Peppcrcll, E, fine, 12c; do It, fine, lie ; do 0, 10c; do N, fine, 9c ; do sheeting. 8-4c, 27Jc; do sheeting, 9-4, 32 l-2c; Puttman, A, A, 12c; Stark, A, 12. CORSET JEANS. Amoskeac, Hie; Kearsarge Satin," 131-2c; Laconia Satin, 13 l-2c; Naumkeag Satin, 14c; Peppenell Sat an, 14c. DEN1M3. Amoskeag, 24c; Arkwright, blue 19c; Beaver Creek, A, A, 19c; Hay Maker, blue, 13 1-2.-; India, B, B, blue and brown, 19c; New York, B, 2oo; Otis B, 15, 19c; d.q O, C, 17c Oakland, A, lGc;" Warren, B, B, 18c; do A, 1G l-2c. " BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Androscoggin, 4 4, A, A, 17c; L. 4-4. 15c: Boot. S. 4 4. 11 l-2c: d B, 4-4, 13c- Fruit of the Loom. 15cf do 100, 18c; Gold Medal, 12 1-2 LTope, 12 l-2c; NewYork Mills, 18c ; ta, ISc; Longdate, 131 c. T OIXCJIIAMS. : Middlesex 12 ; Glenarni3 10; ' TICKINGS. & Amoskeag, AO, A, 28;- d A, 23; do B, 20; Conestoga, A, Pre. U, 27; 'do Gold Medal, 20. 26: do YAXKEE NOTIONS kurtz moiii: A- co., 231 Farnhaui t. JS T r 1 i- sroDL COTTON, m, ' " N. T W v Claris O. ( oat's ..... 7o 7U Merrici's .... 1IO-1L1! "ftTh Domes! ic. 5I00 Brltbh tZ. PAPER COOL ES. PicLcns' Inst .. :r. King William ft. ...... l)OIll'SllC........w. .... ii. SOCgCOO S 90 1 35 2 10 2 50 auuey -. SHAWLS. OUoma'i strips.. fc.. SUIRTd. While common . . ?,,;,,, " mwliilnl , , m ... $2 2oQfl 50 SI0 SO 15 0) 30 CO ' custom luado , Percale .. Calico ..... S1200a21t0 7ii7 50 tC 50a7 23 . 7 7oa9 00 7 00a7 50 8 00a9 50 S'OOaS 50 (5 50aS 00 . 15 00 OYEBALLS. iBrowfl drill. ' ilncU. RIuc drill ' du.k . White 1EZ CORSETS.7 French whalcloiie ..... O ir own.. Cointt "KTA 22 50 M'UINQ, SKIRTS. Jiln'ii printed 3 900 12 00 15 OJ " riilllc-t " fluted.. BUTTER "'vAND EGGS. J. C. Roscnfield, Produce commiv mission morchants,199 Douglas street, furnish us with the following quota tions: Butter, choice roll, 32.i35; common roll, a20; eggs, demand ' active at 12 ; prime apples, 8 00 per bbl ; potatoes 1 40 per bu. Cranberries $9'pr bbl. ILiUlDWARE. JOIr-T, EDGAR. IBOX, Common '" , Iioiscrhieb r T ...,,. . Norwaj nail rod.. STEEL. Guuion ............... i ,,. Aaier can ca'n, oc'sgon and tquaxe Jess p' Eugli-lir do do ISurdca'shorso shoes, per keg do mule , do. do ,,, Northwestern bore nails.. 12 II lf3 22 2j 40 7 25 22a 23 Dundee thimble skein., discount 45 per cent, btor ha f patent axles, discount 10 per cnt. . NAILS, 101 to GO! per kc2..... 4 43. 405 4 9U 5 15 5 93 740 5 15 a uo id do . 4 1 do, 5. M do 3d fine do lod Unls'ng do, S.I do do Cd do do 10 1 casin; do SI do d 5 5 51 5 40 5 CS 5 15 70 pre 20 pre 35 do 30 pre 25 do S5PTC 45 pre 45 do 20 do 45 pre 40 pre LCI do do WrougLt, all sizes . BOLTS. Carriage and Hre. BUTTS. Narrow wrought, fart jointdiscount i!al, loose pin ruTorsfLIo. do MISCELLANEOUS. Hay nnd manure forks , discount Hoes and gxi den rates do HINGES. Strap and T, . discount WRENCHES, Taft's blacV. discount Cue's immltatIon.... do Coe's ginuine.. do v SCREWS. American Tmn do brass .. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SCTT1IK. 11 Hull's Hare3tKins,perdoi, net Champion Ueaid's Eurctsrr do red .i SPADES ASD SHOV.LS. lwlnd'sNo2 black thorels, D II do do polished do do do 'do black spades do Moore do poluhed do do . do's "spring paint" L H shoTelf . AXES. Llppencott's Western CrowB-. do do do b Tefev M COFFEB VILLS. Parke's Ne 3, iron box,1 .nt do do 103 do ,, , , do rtn?ITninn Iri co do 35 do Britanla . FILES. Harsrare, Smith A Co.,discount American File Co do HAMMERS. IM25 U00 10 00 9 00 12 00 13 00 12 00 13 00 13 50 13 00 13 50 525 5 73 11 00 13 00 30 pre rauo Maydole's, A E No 1, lf, 2 Hammond's A E No (9 00 10 50 10 00 13 50 14 00 IT CO '900 750 50 do do do do hnrinicr's No 1 do do 2 . do do 3- do do irATCHETS, Morri.' shingling, No 1 do do do 2 do co do 3 do cliw do 1., lo do do 2 LEATHEII. uja ImS. soic a Hemlock BL ,ol do do uo do )im do span sola froodil. uo uo dam.. uo harness. do line. do bridle. do call. da kip do upi er ! f i use foie f n. do calf ..... dj ki, ; do hjrness F"chcaif Jodots nrdr. Other brsnds difi'creut wt, rrench klppr a Kirk. liniai.. Dryfiiotprlb. urjsaiuu ore-n Green salted Jan. nd Feb, shaiu e lumq Ros- ndale. Witter line POULTRY. Supply limited with as follows: Chickend turiceys, i4.iic; gee; 10c. FURS. A. Hubermann, 511 street wholesale tations: mink, NoCl, 251 50 coon?, 45c; muskrat, mc for, fall and 21c.for spring ; skunk,prime black, 1 00c ;do. strined. 15 to 33c totter. No. SS.4L. IC- 1, 5 00 to 6 50; do. NaTs, 4 00 ; fishs er, in good order, m 00 ; wolf, large mountain No. 1,2 An. V O 1 Kft. W "" "v do. small, 50 to 80 ; ver, well fur- red and cleaned, 1 OOlfto 1,25-rerb martin, frcm 2 10 to4 W, according to color; fox, silverlgray, 10 00 to 25 00 ; da cross, 3 00 y do. red, 1 50 ; deer skin, hair red and sGbrt, 25a per B). ?)" " Cooke & Ballou furnish llw'follow ing quotations, for butchon" stock, native steers, 4a4 1-2; eTexaV steers, 3a3j; hogs unsctt!ea,prime, 4a 4 1-2 ; 6heep, firm and'-active at 4 12a5 00.5 1 MEATS. JT Dressed beef, C l-2caressedpork, lc; dressed mutton, S j.-2c; JS. C. hams 63c; shoulder?, 7 l-Treakfast bacon. 10c; clear sides, 1 Op lard, firm at 9c Powell & Co., SoEirmonuracturer?. Sapo Publico, (Wi26 3-4; Savon Republic, do., Chemical Olire, G to 61-2; Palm, 55 1-4; German Mot led, 6 l-4aG&f ' ART GCOeVAND UPHOLSTERER'S -r'-"1 STOCK. BcnjaJjfnjB. Jones, Decorative Up holsterer and dealer in fine artgood, 270 Fainham Street, furnishes the Farnham Street, folloning'quototioiis; agjli' FRAME MOULDINGS. Oil walnut mouldings, one inch, per foot, 5c; 2iich 10c; 3 inch 15c; polished walnut, 1 inch 7c; 2 inch )5c; 3 inch 21c. Berlin gilt, 1 inch 615c; 2 inch 1230c; 3 inch IS 45c; imitation rosewood and gilt, 1 iuch 510c; 2 inch 1020c; 3 inch 153Qc ' Window shades. Plain bands, 6 feet, all colors, per fair, 1 50; ornamental bands, 2 00 00; each additional foot, 75c per pair. P.EPP3. Union md all wool terry, per yard 1 503 jQ; Imperial, plain and stri ped, 2 50a8 00. PAMASK. - Hnionj5eryard, 1 50; all wool, 2 00a3 00. MATTRAS3ES. Husk-, 4-4x0-2, 4 00a5 00; straw, 3 00a4 00; Excelsior. 3 50a4 50. All of the above quotations arc on the basis of ordinary thirty day transaction?. Parties who buy for caih, or any strictly first-class buyers, can always secure reasonable concessions on largo orders for short tima paper. LUMBER. Subject to change of market without rotice. WM. M. FOSTER, On U. P. R. R. track bet. Jarnham and Doug- las. GEO. A. HOAGLAND. Joists, studding and sills, 20 ft, and un der : 1 $21 00 OverMft, each additions! ft aJd'l : 60 Fencing No 1 , 2? 00 do No 2 21 01 1st common boards 22 CO -2nd do do . 20 CO "A" stotk boards, lOand 12 inch 45 00 "B" do do do do 35 00 "C" do do di do J 0 00 1st clear, 1, 1i, IK aad 2 Inch C5 03 2d do do do do ...- 58 00 Sd do do dQ do 45 00 Flooring, dear. 00 00 do 1st common- ..,. 40 00 do 2d do 3 50 do 3d do . . 25 03 do ni-rrow, tlfar. ...r 45 00 Xt clear ceiling Y. Inch . 35 00 2d do do Y, Inch.. 32 50 1st do do A Inch . 30 M 2d do do J, iuch 27 50 1st clear sidinz 0 00 2d do do ... 24 00 20 00 18 00 4 50 350 2 CO 35q 350 IJ? 1st common siding- 2.1 do do ....... .. "A" shinies , Extra No 1 shingles-.... Common No 1 shingles ...... Lath per 1000.... . .. DA 11 pickets eer 100 Squire do do do .... O O Ratten per lineal I r Bough do do do ... WINDOWS, (Glazed.) 35 per cent off Chicago ltt, DOORS, (Wedged) 25 per cent off CI icago list. BLINDS, ro per cent off list. White lime per bbl Lonlstllle cement per bid... Plaster parts per bbl Plastering hair per bushel,. Tarred felt -,. SI 75Q2 00 , 3 003 25 3 5953 75 40 4 S2 Plastering board- OILS. PAIST4, 0LiSS,v&e. N.I. D.SOLOMON. ROBERT C. STEELIi. BRADY .& McAUSLAND. Coal Oil $ Linseed Oil, raw. 105 " " bl'd 1 10 Lard Oil, Ne.1 S M 44 44 Jj.. ", " winter) "straln'df Lnbricsting) w.v. j-r Turpentine Headlight OU 65 Si PAIXTS, AC - W White LcsJ, St. Looia, SrtieU irPu Pur $ ll'i Brands;'. US Puttr in Bla dderslJ. Bulk--: . Ensmrld Glass, colors, ) sq.ft,7. riaiuias, au tcaiscouni TIN, SHEET-IKON. WIBE, AC. MILTON ROGERS, COR. 14tli & FARNHAM. TIN PLATE. CTIASCOAL. 10x14 IC, fair q'nalitr- t!3 00 Oxl ic, nest quallt y li 50 1x14 IX do do 16 50 14 00 17 00 14 50 - 17 50 20 50 23 50 23H) . 11 00 17 0) 207)3 15 00 12x12 IC 12x12 IX lli20 IC do do do do do do do' do do do 14x20 IX 14x20 IXX do 14x20 IXXX 1(0 plate DC 100 plate DX, 100 plate DXX 160 plate DXXX s A No I. S-.Q K No 2 3r Xt- 3i si I 32 ,833 ZS JU'JS !s Klil J!t "TJr5 3J l . 1 25J 1 50 mil so 7S."l.Ji i(Bj,i. 63 -aSfe. xi ?2 rv m nn pr a l 7SE2 3 1 4tmtl c ) J9 oa SKINS. Ot'.fA- !L u&li s llu KL'23, 1 to CE Jl EST.""' .ftes 03 .. - nonvlu i4.iTA tri- ijz:z a riio. .inicsicu. J, -" Ji. . , . co10c; 'ducts Qpil2 , 13th dmlers.. Quo- (bestqnalitj). do do do do . do do . I do do . do do . do do Roofing IC charcoal Roofing IX do IS CO 12W 10x14 IC coke 20x23 IC charcoal roofinz 27 50 20x78 IC charcoal roonnf. ISO eixi i cnarceBi .2S 00 ..21 00 10x30 CtkS) (for gnttxr.) . BLOCK TIX. I Lu-ge plgj' 35 39 frnau pm IMrtia ZINC. iertlin-itoin Wdo do do it half casks do do do lf.-JJOIj caaks-.. Shcel ?4 to:Sinchei pershct.. Tinners s jl.Ici (era n.fine-1 do do No. 1. M Uo do roon.i . ... Babtid inetal . ,,,,, SHEET IRON". First qual ty, umbersIC to 24 do do dr 15 , . .,, do d di IG... do do o . Charcoal, loth !des;motha fa No 21 do l C ,. . do do -7 JubUa, No. 21 .. uo ao .0 do da 27 Ki -ssla m if t 7 to 1 do No 1, st mod ... lss tin . 1. 11 bun.! cs, M rnont. "A'Aiui-rIcuiuinitit'.i I unii, all Nos. iss ban full i uu-'los, aii oneit-nt. OALVANIZKD. No 1 1 lo 20 . lUt to2'lo2 ., ,!., do 25 to j.j .... . d (16 rr . iio do S3 . . to FuRbunJIm.'iscount lSjcrciut. COPPER. ,Erai'ers C to 9 ;. uo 10 to : &... ,t do 12Uti 10J hia bin, 1 1 n I '6 o . ' PNuithtil. Ilinil IC 02 Nos 7, S and 8, Punished 15 It copper . .. .... Copper t'ot oius ... ..... UltlGIIT WIRE. io ii ir - S Noi. 0 to C S.S3 15 10,11 i; u 13 N03-15,IC 17 12 19 P.r bundle 15 per coat discount. GROCERIES. STEEI.Es4 JOHNSON 53S-540 14Tn ST. CLARK i-FRENCH COR. TARNIIAM AND llTH ST. rnXDT, MEYER A RAAPKE, 212 FARN II VM ST., WHOLESALE DEALERS MORGAN & Gallagher, 205 Farn- ham St. WBCITNEY, RAUSERMAX Douglas St. 4 Co., 247 SUGARS. Granulated prlb UJa -UM4iik "Hal if? '10i? rowurr.a ao . Cruslie I do , Itatcut loaf do . Standard A do A do . Extra C no . Yrflow C ii . . N O clioico do . JO'J lUJIV'i In.lAI con EEs. Rio choice pr E ,.- . . 2S i3 do prima do . . . . . 27i2s logood dj . ...i 16i27 O G JaTa ............ . 3113.5 SVRUPa. Common jr gallon ..... JTatj Goud do .. . -.. E0aS5 Choice d) . . 70..8) do N O molasses .... ..... jo ', RICE. . Rin;con choice ..... t: . SJaS Carolina 9Ki CANDLES. M Wcsk A Co : 16i17 tthofcrs . .... 16)al7 SOAP. Misurl Vrlloj. . CJGJa Kirk's tavon ... .......... C, M. West .t Co 7a7 chofer's ODrnnn. ........ ............ 7 Kirk's, ttiiubrd A do stetling- . -lai4 PLUG TOBACCO, r.iacfcgo'ds, V..-tern . 45 Uo uo Mrgl"ia . 4-1150 o do Lorirlard's -.. 52.57 Bright do do i'o ... . B7jR5 do do Virginia ..................... r0u55 Natvral eal . ...... 75aS5 DDIED FRUITS California pwclies per nound....- lRVal7 do aj plos dj ... 12al2i S.ate do do .. 13al3 New currants ..-. ....- 8 y do prunes ..... ....-..- Italic do (itrman ihcrr.'o3..... ............. 17 do blackberries ... ... -. 17al8J do rasnlrries ..- . 33al do ta ins pr box........... "S3 ?5 do sicdlcs tasics per pound . 12.J SALT. New in barrels. . ...-.S2 S0a3 00 du liuirj.-..........-..- 4 50a5 75 CVNSED GOODS. 2paundcanMj-cr'soystcrspcrroscSI 25al 50 1 do do do do do 2 50j2 75 2 do do Will it's do do 4 00a4 25 2 d i do peahes . do do 4 75a5 00 3 do do il do do .- 6 75a7 10 Tomatoes, 2 pound can, j er rasa ... 3 50j3 75 do 3 do do do 5 00 Corn, Trophr, p r case ......... 5 50 iiu win.iov uo -.. u .ua w do Yarmouth do . -i 0 00 strawlrries,"per case-,-.- - 475a5 5J Rirpbcrrics, do do ' 6 0' 1'ineappes, dosdo SCO TEAS. Oolongs icr poucd ..- .... 25j7j YounIlvfou, per ou-d........ 4r-al 00 j'unOKdcr. do do .... Cual 5 rLOUIL Gn'd Dust .. .......-. 3 10 XXXX Io a City 3(0 California... ...'.. 4 7'. 00 RAGS. Gunn'es, heary weight . . 17 do light do 16 Iturlaps, four bus la 1 .-.-, .... 8Xal9 Dundee gunnias .... .- - 18 Grain bai., Amoskcg A .. 30a31 do do Rcokfore- ,, ,, 3G fcPICE-. Nutmeg, Pnang lest, per pound 1 35al 41 tlovo do do -. CO A'spice . do do ISa 0 Cinaniun baric do dj ... 35alC CIGARS. A. n. simpson, Manufacturer, 532 lotn street. Upman r. $ M. S 35 CO II. Reconstruction do 35 &) do 35 00 do 40 00 do 43 03 do 50 00 do SO 10 do 75 (0 do C5 00 do 50 00 do CO 00 .do 75 03 do 100 00 do 100 00 do 100 00 do 75 CO Grand Central- Univer&i..- . Vara ............. La Roquet- Mmin Pure -, Panijas .... ,. Yours Truly-, Gold Medal La Efspanofci ..-. Triplo Crown-. Henry Clay.. Do Vlllr-t t. Y Vlllcr 1S7G .. 3 TllAIiSrS DAILY ! LKAVa ST. -OU1S WITH Pullman Palace Cars THB0UGH WITHOUT CHAHCIE TO Indianapolis, ' Cincinnati, Louisville, Ci-ieago, ,. Columbus, Pittsburg, Piiiladelphia, Saltiniore, Wasbington, ASD NEW YORK Arriril of Trains from tie West. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston TICKETS Are for Sale at tbe Comiwnv'n Office. A. K. cururr fc'oartb &. Chestnut f ta., hi. Lotiix, and at the Principal Bnll wy OfBccs fn tlio AVesl. CUAS. BABCOCK, C. E. RUSSELL, , b'thern Pass. Ax't, Wesfn Pass. Ag't. Dallas. Texas, Kjlssab Crrr, JOHN E. SIMPSON. CHAS. E. FOLLETT, Gen'l fcupL, Ocn'l Pass. Ag't. S )tf IXDIAXArOLIS. St. Lovis. 3it.t.. iroirss -J-"- TACTUBE7 07 ASD SEA UtK 15- Xarabrtiulns and Window Shades, CHBMOS, EXGBATIXHS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 270 Farcua itrect, ccrner FUtata 15 ssssl VJ' 0x2 ,Ma 6H ML( ?K sL ississssssssVbsV. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSBSSSl stssssssssrsssssssssssssssssllsH isssstissssssssssssssssssssssa is BB ssassssisssHssssflisssssssssi I6 issssslsssssHissssssssssssssssi " lissssssssssssHisssssflsssssssssssf ' isssssssssssssssssssssBsssssi issHI(ssssissssssK'l iflHsissssiH fHSHsaPsasssM J.1 VSBS&SS BBBBas 4' ssssM Kill S3 BH bJ 20 rs Fine and Medium CHICAGO &NORTHWES'N The Popular rtoute from O vI A. E31 Jk. TO- Chicago and the East ! AND THE OxxXy liroot Kouto TrWterIoo Port ToiIsr,TJulnane,l Crone, l'ralrie Uil Clilcn. Wluo in, St. I'o u I, Uulutli, .Jaiir.vtMc, Hlia, Crcrii a.. KmcIiio. tecii'a l'olnt. IV .trrloivn, O.liVjsb, I'uu DuLjc, JimlUoii aittl .1illit.iuk.c. It lWug tLe Shortest and FUstComuIctcd Line lklifctn OMAHAandCHICAGO, Constant improv in nts hard taken placd in the wav of rlucin (IraJe, and placing Iron with Steel Itu's, adding to iid rulliug stock new aim l.icyaui DAY mill SI.KEP1M1 CARS Equipped with the"Vestluhou'C Air Rraie" and "Miller 1'1-t'orui." rstab'isliingcimforta ble and Kiting lUrses.ulleringall the comforts of trartlmj tLoaco can pioduic. From 4 to 10 Fist Express Trains run each way daily orer the various Hnrs ol this load, thus seuirius to the traveler selevtm this route sure and crrtaiu connections in any dl tCwtiou he may wish lo j;o. Ir.ncli:il Cnimrcllons. AT MISSOURI VALLEY JUNCTION, for Sioux Cty, Yanktoi and points reached via j Sioux City an J rautic raiiro in. ATGRVMi JUXCnON for Port Djdge, Des Moices. Ottiwaand Kcokut. AT MARSHALLdrbt. Paul, Minneaio is, Duluth, an 1 northwest, rn points. AT CEDAR RAPID-, for Waterloo. Cedar Talis, ' Iiirli-t Citr, Rurlinton and St Iuis. ATCLIKION for Dubuque, Dunlelth, Prai rie du Chifo, Ialroe, and all points cin the Chic go, Clinton an 1 Duliuque, ud Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota railroads. AT l'Ui TON for Freciirt. 1 cine Mllwau-. bop ami nil nolntslu AT CHICAGO ith all railway lines leading- oo t of Chicago. Through tickets to all eastern cities Tia this line can Lo rocutil, and any niforirat oil ob tained conctrning iiimte, Rjtrs, tt&, at the Company s office. 21 Farnliau street. Omaha, and aloal the piinnpalTUketOuiL-es aluiig the lineo! theU. p. R. U. tttryiaggae checked tkroiigh to all principal I'astern iioints. W.H.STENNI.TT, JIARVIN HUGIIITr. Gcn'l Pasrj.'r Ae'l. Gen. ui t. J. II. LAa.Y. TIcLrt Ai't, Onului. nichlSt 1 C G. LDDV, Geu'r A; t Ouiaha. Omaha Sl St. Louis Short Line 18 7-- Ll '--i i-or ft 3 Zll The Kansas City, St. Joa and Council Bluffs R. R Is the only dire t line to T . -jOTJIS AND THE EAST, FROM OMAHA AND THE WEST NO CHANGE ol cars between OmahiandSt. Louis and but ore between OMAHA and NEW YORK. This the Only Ino running a PULkllAN SLEEPIXU CAR EST FUOJI OSIAllA, O.V AUKIVAt. Ob' THE IINIOS PACIFIC UXVllKSt XltAlN. inrPassengcrs taking other routes hire a disogtccablu transfer at ma Hirer Station. 8 FASS-XGEIt TItAINS DAILY I REACHING ALL EASTEBS AUD 'WE3TEHy CITIES With Less Changes and In aJrmco of other lines. This Entire Line is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Dap Coached and Chair Care, Miller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the Celebrated Westinghouse Air ifrake. a73ei that your tickets tU KausaaCity, S . Jos?pli &, Coniitll Uluf llalrod, Via Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets for sale at cor. Tenth and rarnkatn streets, and U. P. Depot, Ouiaha. J03.TEHON, Pass. AgU GEO. L.BR1DBCRY, GifI Agent. J. F. BARNARB, A. a DA WE?. Gcn'l i'ai.s. Agt., bt. Joseph. Uen'l cupt. SU Joseph. Establisned in 1851. CASTLE BROS., IMFORTEBS OF TEAS AND India Goods, East 13 and 215 FRONT STREET San, Francisco tncliTme California. SffifSK t"aw A, POLAGK, -a "L fin m, 23a asaiiiuafit. 2Toas ltlx WvliSSSSsW. KEllfllBBBBBBBBBBlIlisH isKXisssssssssssssssssBE VisbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV sfHisB ssHisH Clotliing;, and nrnisliing G-oorls, tiJiicaso 4f-M- lioclk Island &v, and Pacific R. R. THE GRAND CENTRAL ROUTE FROM OMAHA TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via Des Moines, Davenport and Rock Island. o All Passenger Trains are equipped with the W'KSTIMIIIOUSK I'AIKhT AtU liKlKk and Miller's Patent Saiety Platform and Coupler. 2 Fast Exprc-s Traius Leaie Uailj, Cinnccting ssfolows: AT DES MOINISwith the Des Moines Valley Railroad, lor Oskilooeu, Oltumwa, KtvLuk aud bt. Lonis AT (iltlNNKLL with tho Central Ikillroadof Iowa, for all point north to StVPauI. AT WLbl UllERTr with the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Minnesota Railroad, for Lurllngton, l' liapnls, Dubuquo A St. Paul, At WILION JUNCriON with the Siutli-Westcrn ranch, for Muscatine. Washington and all points south. AT DAVENPORT with the Ihiicuport A St. I'a l r.allroa.Mur k nts north. AT l.OtK IsLASD with the Western Union l'lroad for Frtepit, Ucloit, l.atini-, Mll wauke" and aloiuts!u northern I linol. an l WIe nsin. AT R.XK ISL.VXD with the Rocklord. R ct ls!indandSt. Louis Railroad for St. Louis and points routh. AT RUCK ISLAND with tLe To ria A Rock Island Railroad for Peoria and joint east. AT ItUKEAU JUNC. with brarch. for Hen ry, Iju-ere, Chilllcothe and Peorii. AT L.V SALLE with the Illinois Central Rail road for points nort ban l south. AT CHICAGO with 4il lines East, North and South. THROUGH TICKETS lo all Eistcrn cities, via this line, can ho procured, and sny infur n.atioti oltained, conctruin points at the txlct olMce of thecompanr, lit Farnham St., Ouiaha. autl also at tln pnn!pil ilctt otllcts aion tlio lljcol tne u. r. 11. J' njiTiSC Tlironj;li lo l'ltnclpil l-iktoru l'otnts. nil A.M SMlTif, Goa'l l"aj'rAc' ChF II. RIDDLE, Gtn'l Sup't ao. Chi. ago. S.S STEVENS, Geu'l Wistirn As't J. II. I.ACEY. Ticket Agent, jZMI (Imiha Ouiaha. er, Proprietor of the i - EISING BUN LOS ANGELES YIXEYRDS. Depot for the sale of hia NATIVE WINES AND I3A.JTIDIEl13 &. SSIi25l & Co., Corner ol Batlcry amrWashinston Sis. aAS FUkJiTISCO, ma." 11 CA1. ALEX. Jl.rciHT. XATU'L C. IIUU30X. WM. II. HUDSON JAS.'tJ. llLTLkK O V !' fr1 ST. LOUIS T3BACC0 WORKS. Lcggat, Hudson & Co., Manafu-tnrers of evory c.Tif -Tino Cut CiaoNTring AND S3IOXIXG TOBACCO Our Special Brands: FIXE CUTii BE A UTY. GILT EDGE, SMOICI.VUSt INGLESICE. BULLION. MONTAA'A. A110urTofoacco3 Strictlj Waraated. OFFICE AJfJJ SALKSROOM Cor. Second & Yine Streets, St.'Iiouia IVXo. ar7Imo I sssssssW W Jfi isssssssssH lisssssssssssH vK9?l!isssB, M "tit n Or Scrjar-Coaictl, Conccntratcil, Rco: and Herbal Juice, Antl- KIlUuiGranulCB. TIIE"tIT-C CI.'T CATIIXTXC. or JIultum la larvo Physic. Tho novefy of mHlent Mcdloni. Chcnlcal ntl Phaiuuci-ulical SikiicC No m of auy Iobjl'i taking tho lare rc;miTi ncrt nanweou pilli. ch-nposod of-cacap. c tide, and balky ingredients, uhen ueaibnca c!hl application of chemical rjencc. cxtru u'.l tuo catuaitic aud other . .'nil properties tiom t inuotTal ua bt roots anu hcrbJ, aaa co.iccuinto the Into a mLnnta Gran de, hcarcoi wrscr tiian a niuntsrd nocit, tlt cai db readily biiatloucd by thomot tho mctoin.'ivo no:uclu S'ld fai-tldlous tutc;. llirh little l'nrntlvo t'cllct nprti-cnt.. laa cu'tcoucentratevl form, a much cathartic poee oa Is embodied i.i nny ot tlio n;o pills fbond Xt fila in ths druu i-ho;4 Fro their wonderful ca thartic ponrer. ii pWTortio-i to thi lze,pewlf wha havi not trlel theni nro apt to fnppco tst Ih-ynrjhiHn oril-t-"icia cflcct. but tcchUcct at all tho ca-v. .ho di rent acttro rdiclcsj pr. ciptcsor which ficv aru composed bein so tar. n nlzca and mtxliScd. one bv tho others, as ta praJuro rt i:n"t eonrt'lilna and thor ou!i,vfl Kontlj-tu-dUiuUlyopcratiusr cutaarti;. fj'JO Kotraril Ii iicrc'ry olTcrsd bylhe pro-p-tctor of .hesa l", to any chemist who, upon ana!ys4, vt'l fnul i l them nnv Col omclcr r.ihcr forms of ucrtury ot any other jawai. poloon. Coins ctitircIrvejTCtable.nojiirtrcutar caro is .-cqalit while ustu; them Ihey ope-r-to w ithotit dtnrbanco to tho constitution, diU. oroccupvicn. For Jaundice, llendaclir CoiiMiiitlon, impure iSlood. l'alu iu tho .shoulder, Tie "itcs of tlio Client, UizzIucHM, Sjur JEructations ot tlio Stotnach, ISnd tnsto In utOMili, Itllious nttnclco, Ialii lu rrciou of Ikltlncyn, Interim! Fever, Itioatod reeling ubotit Monisrli, tuliof Klood lo Head. EIIku Col ored k'riiif, K iiocIar,Ulty nd (.'loonv Ei'orcbodiuus, tako I Jr. Vlcnc'uPIea-aut I'lirsRSlvoI'cilctr. In explanation of tho remedial power of my Tar- fitho lclktsovcrfo priat a vx Icty of dlsee. wish to cay that their action upon tho animal ecotioa: Is, notrt rrlaml or tiMto cncaplns their nana tlvo Injure. A -o d ics not Imjiair then; fieir fa-T ccn'Injaril btiricnclo-cil in gla; bwles prcenQthcIrurtaes unimpaired foranr I 4thcrtie. iamy chmnte.tothaithcyaro sl iviv fn'i tad r?lubio. which, is not thu cao i. tit tha pi) fosnd In the dru? stores, pnt np ia hta.'Kxt or patc-bcard box's. Recollect that f sre'i d.hica where a Laxative, Altera tlro or l,uriatl.o i indicated, the-o llttlo I'd tA will ohcthstaoat perfect etitisctioa la all whoubothc. They nro bo!1 by nil enterprising Drugu'Ii' at 3 coutti a bottle. Do not allow nny dniist to lndnco tph lo tike tiaythic cUi t .at to ma tay U Jui n pood as my rcllcto bvati"c ho makes a rjet profit oa that whi'h Lo neonunends. Jf your dnitylft caanot i-npp'y them, enclose 23 ctuts and rtcciM. thfm ny return miil from c r. i'ij:au, or. i , jyjvt . JJUITALO, N. y. ASK" FOE PYLES ,li J H-TJ T -.VKD BAKING- SODA ! B333T IInT TCT S 3 Sold by PundU Jtjyer A It unite aad Whitney, llanseruian A Co, norlS '73 dAwlT BIDS FOR WOOD AND HAY. lfEJCS DEP'TorTIIEPCATra. ) Orrii BCtiiKi'QfABrjRMi.srEi, 5 Omaii i. No .., April 13. 1371. j Scaled Rids, In duplicate, with guarantee, sl?nd by two rrspoiisiMo parties, not Mddar, that they will Imcoiii ilmn Isiiin on award of contracts, w libo rec'irel at this ofueo untlt e'eTCn o'clock a. mou Krlday, May 15th, 1871 for tho delivery .f a iiuantlty of t ooclandXXay at the station In this Conimind.vl: Omaha Dopot, Omaha Dirracks, Kort Mcl'hcrson, North Hatt, -i.lniMr llarracks. Fort D. A. 1U6.-1, t.'herenne Depot, Kurt fU'iders. V rt Biider, Camp Douj(l.u, I'u.t of Ueavtr, I'ort Laramie, Kort Ketterinan, Cloud Agency, Spitted Toll Agtncy, Camp llmwn, Camp btauibauxh. I'ort Krol bUiie. Ddsforthesunnlles to bo delivered at easn of the above nauio statlo is, will also ba re ceived uptotbesiiuodiy and hour, by there-'pectlveVjm'te-mast rsat iU stitions, and lorwarded lo tna undersigned, as .lirectel In general order No. 57. WarDjpartiuetit, H71. Tlierlihtto reject any cr alt hi Js Is reserved . Kull conditions and requlremeots will bo mode known and blank hiis lurnlshed, on an a pjil cation to this oilice. iUlsfora'ny portion ot tho above supplies will be considered Py ordcrof the Department Coiniiander. ALEX.J. I'EEUY. Chief Quirtcam tcr Dp'l I'littc. al DC Ilrev'l Brii- (,'cn'l U. H. A. ADVERTISE i.. K 8 s jr T) A.IL-2T 303 m la? $ i I i 1 ,l r . i ii SJ i .a h.1 ft" -t. T i3wrf