.! rw THE OMAHABEE CFF1C1AL PAPEiTof"tHE CITY. "llil.nAL AMI llEl'ABTCRE OF TBALXS. Time Card of tlie BnrHnston Konte . r.rKCViUi. ARRIVE AT OMAHA. "&&& 'Mondays excepted. This Js ths only line running Pullman Hotel. Chlcaso.lU. Omaha, Neb. Colon Pacific 1XATI. AR1UVZ- 3:(W P. SL IO.uO P. M. 6: P.M. !iOA.M. Tiiw Express ""-srti D.ily Mixed-. J r. . D,1Iy Freicht 5?f- ftallV Freight. & A. 1L ciucko, nock ii k c- Mail ..530 A.M. 10:MP.J. ...aaor.ar. tio.wA.ji. sTvs excepted, tllondaysexcepu.. uij-reee Cbleago it Northwestern. nr.ii 530 A.M. 20:401. 31. S;::..::::;:.iS p. m. a. h Kiui dtr, St.Jo. & Council Ulufl. Yoruiug Express... A. M. 10:00 A. M Krcnins Express.. .230 P. M. t.4iii . a. Omaha V Nortliweajterxi and Monx City A; Pacific. jlUExpre 8:15A.M. 2:15P.M. Daily except fenndays. CEniboses and Paffia.se Wajotie leave the oScc. comer Farnhani and Ninth streets, flf; eUmte J In advance of too above Railroad irae pjnin anil Closing of Oiuaiin. Is in west. A. X. r. . 2:20 110 11:03 110 7.0C 3:03 2:50 a. a. nwo 4:3) 4.30 4:30 4. JO 10. U0 U. P.R.K. - VAST. & N. W. It. R... Jo do.... R.1.4P. K.1L. do do f.A. H.ILK do do.... WITU. r,. tsu jo .... do do... U.Ai. '. K SOB U. O.A- W. K. E. .43 Cuicajo and all rjitM-n cities. Nebraska City, I latwnuulh. Council Blulls ton.dueat luuua in., closes at na isuruug- ;l in. ana M.'Lou'isanl St. Joseph, due at 103 a in. ... i m - !. at 1:15 l. in. aud -J:3 a. m. OSice open Sundays troiu 12 to 1 p. ui. j- & YOST, I'ostwastcr. OMAHA BRtVlllES. T" AOVKUTIJ.K11S ine C'CC- l. Tlt- oi ibfDV I.Y IWfcl.moie ttian double tlint ' t any o licr dally imprriJUblUhcd iu Xuru"i- l'eycke'a Heiuurant and Oyster rooms. 'I lie leading houss of the kind. 207. Faruham street, between Twelfth and Tbiiteentb. feb24tf An Omaha milkman "wants to know if 'cre()m-ation has any thing to do with the milk business. The crusader from Arizona is still swinging around tho circle in this city. An attractive programme will be performed at tho Grand Central Theatre this evening. A lost boy, three years old, was picked up in the streets Saturday, by Edward Riloy, who took him to the Police Court. Police man Burns took charge of tho youthful rooster till his parents shall call for him. The anniversary of the Douglas County BUle Society will be held at the Congregational Church one week from this night. Ad dreaKAx from Chancellor Benton, Prof. Xellom, aud reports from The Agent and others, intersersed with music, will be the order of tho exercises. All are invited, Sheriff Burley, upon his return Saturday from Schuyler, whither he took Capt. Smith, brought iu John Miller, from Elkhorn, aud assigned him quarters In the county jail. Miller was arrested and ex amined at Elkhorn for breaking into the school house at that place with intent to steal, and was bound over for trial at the next term of the Douglas County District Court in the sum of $500. Yesterday afternoon, a blind man, having only one arm, had that arm broken, and a deep cash cut in his forehead, by a runaway acci dent. He was returning from Coun cil Bluffs, in company with a friend, and on reaching this side of the river, the horses became frightened, and ran across the U. P. railroad tra?k, spilling out the occupants of the buggy, with the result above stated. The unfortlate man's name is Logan, and he belongs "" 2"e vada. George Zanner, the well-known jeweler and optician, intends re moving to Tekamah, Burt county, about the first of next month, where he has some very bright bus iness prospects before htm. He will take up with him an extensive stock oflirst class jewelry, clocks, &c, and being an excellent workman, we have no doubt but that ho will reap a rich reward in that prosper ous town. Mr. Zanner is a pleasant and popular young man, and while Tekamah will be benefited by his removal there on account of his business, the societj- of the town is to b j congratulated upon the acqui sition to its ranks of a true gentle man. Mr. Zanner's many friends in Omaha regret his departure, and wish him abundant success in his new location. Saturday proceedings by quo warranto were begun in the District Court against M. II. Brown, coun cilman from the Tliird Ward, and against H. J. Lucas, councilman from tho Fifth Ward, to eject them from their seats, on the ground that when elected they did not own any real estate. They are required fo answer on tho 25th of May, and show by what authority they hold their seat3 as councilman. District Attorney wnneu and W. M. Fran cis are prosecuting the cases. Mr. Lucas claims that he has owned real estate for some time past, but that he has never had the deed recorded. Mr. Brown, it is said, also owns real estate, bat likewise has not recorded hisdeed. Tho questions as to the time of purchase, whether the laud was bought by them bafbre or after election, etc., will come up. Ex-Marshal Rustin was Saturday moruing examined before Judge Peabody on the charge of assaulting and battering Peter Brickncll. He was bound over for trial at the Dis trict Court in the sum of Sl'00. Go to Eaton's and get a photo graph of Tennie C. Claflin. pr23-tf. Personal- Dr. II. J. Riggs, U. S. X., is at the Grand Central. Mr. A. T. MacMillaii has returned from a pleasant trip'to the "West. 31. K. Towne, superintendent of the M. K. &T., is in the city. United States Marsnal Daily is in the city. Mr. Joel T. Griffin has just recov ered from a severe illncs3. frs D. Eosrle and sister -went East yesterday via' the Chicago and Northwestern railroad. Col. Carpentier went East yester- i day afternoon over the Chicago -and i Northwestern railway. Miss Lelia Simpson, tho well known pianist, who has been resid ing in Omaha forsome months past, has removed to Cheyenne. She left on Thursday, and many of her friends bade her good-bye at the ilnnoL Durintr her short residence I horo. Misa Simnson made many warm friends by her lady-like and entertaining manners and her ac complishment as a pianist. Her de parture is regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Tho following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel : N J Miller, G Christ, Dcs Moines; "Will M Riggs, Ed L Haff, Chicago; J E Saunaton, Nebraska City ; Mrs Mary Summers, Sioux City; Mrs Light and son, Philadelphia ; Thos. Hooper, M Laharty, S "VI Peeke, Napa City ; Isaac Liggins, Nevada; J H McNall, "Williamsport, N Y; John Neville, New-York; John H Weber, Nebraska City; Geo L Par son, Ogden; Chas Bowers and wile, "Wnrensburg, Mo; John A land, Princeton.IU; Mrs Moore and child, Chicago; M 1 "Warner, Fremont The largest and most complete stock of corsets ever brought to this city, is at Gladstones & Co's. apr24-tf A CERTAINTY. The finest stock of parasols, and at the lowest figures in the city, is at Gladstone & Co's. apr 24-tf. FASHIONABLE HATS. Novelties Daily ! Largest Slock! Lowest Prices! at ARMSTRONG'S GREAT HAT "EMPORIUM, 511 Thirteenth Street, apr 24-it. "Well, Jonos, where did you get that new hat?" "Why, Smith, that ismy old one. Bun'CE, the Champion Hatter, made it into the spring style. apr23a25. WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS WAITER and a Porter at Peycke's restaurant. april 13-1 1 Let everybody know that the Steam Dye Works is tho principal clothes cleaning establishment in the city. Tenth Street, between Farnham and Douglas. aprl4-tf. Copies of city charter for sale at ho Bee office. tf TuRirsn Baths every day and evening at Redick's Opera House. ajtrStf For Sale Cheap. A Desirable residence property, on 14th street. Enquire of V. Borkley. aprll-tf Who Wants Water 1 We arc now prepared to furnish water in quantities as desired, to residents in any part of the city. Fletcher & Hubbard. apr 16-tf. Spring Lamb at Harris' Union Meat Market apr 1-lm. Spring lamb at Harris' "Union Meat Market. aprl lm Boots and Shoes. . . . Largest toi Finest Goods, Best Assortment, Lowest Prices. All good3 warranted. ma2Gl m Henry DonLE & Co.- ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! Orders for ice will be promptly filled at the published rates, and contracts for ice will be given on the best terms. Send onlerstoEmpire Ice Company, Ninth, street, between Farnham and Douglas. aprlG tf Fletcher & Hccbarp. REMOVAL. Dr. M. T. Anderson has removed his office to Room No. 8, Creightou Block. aprlS lm New Jewelry Firm. Largest stock of watches and jewelry in the city, cheap, at .Butterfield & Whipple's, 2G4 Douglas street, near Fifteenth. apr2eod-lm At Private Sale. House and Furniture, 213 Dodge street, between 12th and 13th streets. Fine house, nice rooms, well and suitably furnished. A bargain is offered. Apply on the premises to John T. Holtzman. apr is, tf Fort Scott rusty and black coal at D. C. StJTPHEN'3, 211 Farnham street bet."12lh and 13th. J. B. Mapjs, Agt mch24tf Burt's hand-made shoesat W. N. Whitney's, apr23 It 255 Farnham St California Flour, the best in . the market at Allen's. apr24-lt Spring lamb at Harris' Union Meat .Morket Aprl lm Window Shades and Curtains, of almost every description. Detwiler's carpet store, Fourteenth street between Farnham and UTty'.anT uTea a'cLhe riverT uu6Aiu,. uiire-u i AF- An Exciting Time on a Union Pacific Train. A' Passenger Shooti a Telegrapl - Operator, Fires at and Kisses a Second Man, and. then "Winds up by Shoot- . "ing a-Sheiiff in the Arm. All Done Under a Mistake, and Excused by the Plea of Sudden Insanity. A strange and unaccountable shooting affair occurred Friday morning on the Union Pacific ex press train that lest this city for the West on Wednesday morning. WJiile the train was standing for a few minutes at Green Riverstation, the night telegraph operator, named Putnam, entered the sleeping car, and was leisurely making a tour of observation through it, when a pas senger suddenly drew a revolver, and without one word of warning or explanation, except tho remark, "You're the son of a b hi am after," fired at him, the ball entering his right breast, and causing him to fall to the floor, not dead but prob ably fatally v-ounded. This sud den aud unaccountable action caused the utmost confusion and excitement among the passengers, who did not know who might be the next victim. Tho man ra out on the platform and attempted to shoot another man, who was stand ing in front of tho depot Just at this moment Sheriff John McGlynchy, came up, when tho. man turned and fired a shot at him, hitting him in the arm, and maikng a deep flesh wound. The citizens and passengers, who had by this time bftcame thoroughly aroused, surrounded the shootist, closed in on him, and securing him, locked him up. During the whole affair a nephew and another relative of the man sfood by him, and made no effort to jnterefre with his bloody work. They, with others claimed that he must have become suddenly crazy, although he had be fore shown no signs whatever of in sanity. It is said that he is now in his .right mind, and that the only reason he can give for shooting Putnam, is that he was robbed at Green river about two years ago, and that ho supposed Putnam was one of the robbers. He shot at him on sight, having previously determined to shoot any one of the gang, should he ever meet them again. He did not discover the mistake until after he had fired. The sight of Putnam, the supposed robber, crazed him, and he blazed away at him regardless of con sequences, Putnam was taken to Evanston, where he is now under medical treatment There is some slight hope of his recovery; but if he dios his murderer will stand a first-rate chanco of ornamenting a telegraph pole, and becoming food for the crows, as tho citizens of Green Itiver are greatly incensed and excited at the dastardly out rage, and are anxious to take tho law into their own haujls. PUNDT, MEYER & RAAPKE, Grocers, 212 Farnham Street apr24-4t STARTLING. Have you heard of tho big stock of farasols that has been just opened at Gladstone & Co's. apr 24-tf. THE GREAT WAR In Corsets. It you don't wish to be beat out of much money for corsets, call on Gladstone & Co. You will save money by so doing. apr24-tf JUST RECEIVED Pate de Poles Gras, Champignan, r per-.15'-: Canton Ginger, Guava Jelly, Truffles, Boneless Sardines, Potted' Meats, Bass ,&Co'8, Ale, Guiriess's Stout or Porter, Pcndt, Meyer & Raapke. apr24-4t Arrest of a Deserter. Last night officers Steupfeli and Holmes arrested a man named Wil liam Tollcs, who finally confessed to being n deserter from the sorvin. of "Uncle Sam." He took "French leave" of the barracks at Umaha on the 3d day of April, 1873. and until yesterday succeeded In eluding the vigilance of the detectives. This morning Marshal Jackson tele graphed to the proper military au thorities at Omaha, and it Is proba ble that ho will be taken across the river in irons this evening. He is now in the city calaboose. Council Bluffs Globe, 23d. Funny. Tho funny man of tho Council Bluffs Globe labored and brought forth the following, which is enough to make a statue laugh. It will be appreciated by the oltizens of Oma ha: The Omaha BEEays "the Iowa pool puts a tax on immigration to Nebraska nearly thirty per cent higher than to Kansas," and that "in view of these unjust discrimin ation against Omaha and Nebraska in favor of arrival State, the pooling lines should not be surprised if the leading business men of this city and State should enter into a com bination at no distant dav. to hav all their freight shipped via south ern route-to St Louis, thence to Omaha.-" - The Southern routes would, no doubt, be greatly benefit ted, and the Iowa roads seriously crippled by such a change. The merchants -of Omaha sell several hundred dollars worth of goods in the course of a year, but the major part of them are purchased in this nucKster wagons. MYSTERIOUb SHOOTING FAIR. Sftrftton-a School Exhibition. The examination of Saratoga School District No. 2, began Fri day morning at 9 o'clock, and was concluded in the afternoon. In the evening the exhibition took place, and was very largely attended, there being many young ladies and gen tlemen from the city present by in vitation. The large room in the sec ond story had been neatly arranged for the occasion, a stage, drop cur tain, etc.. bavins been nut up. The programme was a very lengthy one, being acceptably interspersed with vocal and instrumental music ; tho latter being furnished by the band from the barracks. The programme was well rendered throughout, and was as follows : Instrumental selections, orchestra ; opening school exercise, "Hero we Stand," 5th grade, males; The Evil Adviser, dialogue, P. Sanders, L. i t -' Kortman and M. Sanders ; Bernar do Del Carpio, declamation, James McNultj'; "Come Birdie, Come," song, Minnie McCoy ; First Speech, Charles Elton ; The Moneyless Man, declamation, John Alexander ; "Bright Eyed Nell,', song, Frank Patrick; "Gentle River," declama tion, Frank Owens; The Six Vir tues, dialogue; Carrie Pratt, Rilla Jonc3, Ella Aumoek, Amanda Elton, Eflie Hazard, H. Donaghue; The Inquiry, A. Gano Burt; "When You and I were Young Maggie," song, Jason Tousely; The Fairies, declamation, B. Fitzgerald; Ne braska, declamation, Hattie Donag hue; Mrs. Mark Twain's Shoe, dialogue, Frank Patrick and Mag gie Taylor; The Little Graces, Jen nie Patrick, May Wiggins, Laura Elton aud Bessie Donaghue; Ad dress, Ephriam Pratt; "Let the Dead and the Beautiful Rest," Ella Aumoek, The Rum Maniac, decla mation, Jason Tousely; "I Have no Mother now, I'm Weeping," song, John Alexander; Eloquence in a Western Court, dec lamation, Eddie Patrick ; How Not to Got au Answer, dialogue, Rilla Jones, and Carrie Pratt ; "If Papa were ouly Ready," song, Minnie McCoy; The Irishman at Home, dialogue, John Alexander and Ed die Patrick ; The Soldier's Farewell, from the German, duett, L. Kort mann and P. Sanders. acting charade: matrijiony. Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Alice Tay lor ; Miss Arabella Hamilton, Miss Eliza Taylor; Mis3 Ellon Hamilton, Miss Carrie Patrick ; Katy, servant, Miss Maggie Taylor; Charles Har per, Jason Tousely; Count De Vaurien, Frank Alexander; Den nis, Irish servant, Frank- Patrick. Tho ovening's entertainment con cluded with the laughable panto mine, entitled, "The Pedagogue in Trouble." - The exhibition throughout 'reflec ted a great deal of credit upon the pupils of the school, for tho interest taken in the affair. Top much praise cannot be bestow ed upon Mr. Wright, the able and efficient teaoher, whoso successful efforts to raise the school to a high standard, are appreciated not only by the pupils, who greatly respect him, but the parents, who very highly esteem him both for his qualities as a gentleman and a teacher. After the exhibition a dance was indulged in and a merry time was enjoyed till an early hour this morn ing. Attempted Bribery. The following testimonj', taken Saturday in the Johuson-Baumer contesteo" election case? goes to show that an attempt at bribery was made by some unknown person in the in terest of Johnson. JOHN Oi BRANDT testified: My name is John G. Brandt; age, 35; my residence is corner of Howard and Tenth streets, Omaha; I do business in the' bar room of Turner Hall. The election was held in the big hall of tho same'building. At about half past one o'clock, I heard that Baumer was two ahead. That was spoken of in my place of business. A man came in the door. I was alone in the bar.room, and he said "There's a chance for you to make $500.00." "How?" Ho said "On ac count of the election. It is so close." I said "I ain't that kind of a man." That Is a!, Then other people came in the bar-room. Question Did you understand that to be in the'interest of Johnston - "Baiiist Paupier? mZi . u" Jhiston, Objected tou,, . -- hat. I Answer I haven't .. ' - have not asked for what party, i have just stated what was said. Q How long was it after the re sult of the election had been re ported as near as you can recollect, when this conversation took place? Objected to by Johnston. A A vorv short time. A mimln of minutes. The cross-examination was con fined almost entirely to an identifi cation of the man who offered this heavy bribe to Mr. Brandt to tam per with the boxes in the interest of Mr. Johnson. Mr. Brandt testified that on such davs he never took- iir. ticular notice of any man, as there were-so many coming in and going out. He did not know the man per sonally. Thinks he had seen before, but couldn't say he had fcceu him since. Mr. Brandt evidently gave this testimony reluctantly, and en deavored to shield, as much as he could aud tell the truth under oath the party who offered the bribe. Make no Mistake in buying your WALL PAPER or BABY BUGGY. EBERUART mil not be undersold, and is tho" LARGEST DEALER. A good croquet set for $4 only. a25-lt - ForRent.Two first-class dwell ings, centrally located. S. Wright, Cor. Chicago and 19th streets. apr25 3t Ice Cream at Latey's. Fami nes supplied cheap. Leave your orders. h. L. Latey. aprillStf BOOTS AND SHOES WELL MADE." PRICES VERY LOW. EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES. . W. B. LORING & CO. Cor. 14th and Farnham streets, opposite Grand Central. apr251t Olipioneer Gone Death ol S. S.-'Bayhss, of Council Bluffs. Mr. S. S, :ss, of Council Bluffs, who has lying very ill for some time past, whose death was prematurely unced, died Satur- day mornins; o'clock, at the age of 57. He e of the pioneers of this wi country, and was in Council Bluffs known not' and Omi throughout Iowa and Neb: ing come to Council BlufiV ery early day. He was one of iginal proprie- tors of the CMiJ luffs and Ne- braska Feny !my, and also one of the fo Omaha, hav- ing been a largv lerinthe town site when it was funeral took from the Pacific lout. The yesterday at 3 P. it. Grangers' "feast. Wat; UGLAS Co Neb: il 24, 74. Editor Omaha The Graneers of -thw Mace gave a w .. ' . ,j "Harvest festival" jeir lodge- room Thursday eve,;. 24. We were invited to parti the feast, and of course accept kWe never refuse to take part la, lat of the ceremony which lntrwi ges food for the inner man. Pra; fas offered by the Chaplain, and we pro- ceede J to unload the burdened tables of their deli . . ., Alter ine feast we adjourned Mi John Logan's house, 1 evening was a Thanks to ther e rest of the in dancing. rs of Water loo for their pleasant utertalnment, and hope we may. again. from them SBantom." First-class tii Cincinnati, Ohio, and Goi ille, Virginia, for sale at Ph. Q liner's, Ticket Broker, 200 Fai treet apr23tf Luniber, The lumber trade of neapolls, Minnesota, must bo much; indeed, one ing very there, J. Tipnn A Co.. have the nt sea- son 35,000,000 fact of thefcrgest, finest and best logs ever b'roht to - - J A - . that place, and beside thotjj they have a very large stock of dry lumber, which .they are - 1 .... " very low tor casn. uney are ling common lumber from $9 S10 per thousand feet and other lumber in prortion. apr24 3t DRIED Peaches, Apricots, " Poland, Rasp berries, Whortle berries at ALLEN'S apr25-lt STORAGE AND COMMISSION. The undersigned having purchas ed the interest of Dr. E. P. Child, in the Mammoth Warehouse, comer 11th and Dodge streets, are prepared to do a general toraSe and Com mission business, on a large scale, and hope by strict attention to all orders and conslgnmets, and prompt payments, to gain a fair share of the genoral patronage. The trade will be liberally dealt with. apr24-2t Clark, French & Co. Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes, CHEAP FOR CASH. W. N. Whitney, apr251 1 255 Douglas street. FOR SALE. One first-class piano, but little used. Will sell for cash or. on time. apr25d2twlt Clark & French. ALL who use the California Flour say It is superb. For sale at P. H. Aleen's, apr25-lt. Creighton Block. COLORED SHOES a choice assortment ' of MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COLORED SHOES Button and Laced at W. B. Lorino & Co's., cor. 14th & Farnham sts.? oppo. Grand Central Hotel. apr25-lt " See McKelligan's card, on third page. apr7 tf LADIES' GOODS. The most co.mpjetesfock of ladies' underwear and suits at Gladstone feCo.'s, Htu St, between Farnham and ftpHHrf Douglas. MARRIED. HARMON 8IMPKINS-On the 22d insL, L A. Harmon, of Omaha, to Miss Mary H. Simkins. of Falrview, Ntb, No cards. City Meat Market. wB Jc. tl a ac Ji3Jr&a"H Keep coestaaUy .hand A LARGE SUPPY OF B 33 33 M0TT0X, p. Po PODLTEY, GAME """"" E! G-BT. EZRA SOLL ED, Preeltfeal. J. H. MILLARD Caanlir OMAHA NATIONAL BANK Doaghu aad Tkirteeath Streets. OMAHA. MB. CAPITAL 130.660 00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 13.060 00 FINANCIAL AQKNT FOB TEB UNITKD STATES km DzamtATxa ddositobt om Trwrmt This Bank deal r"l"p. flnummi Bonds, Vouchers. Qold Colli BULT.ION AlfD GOLD DUBT, ' and Miia drafttraad makt eoDaeaaaa ea parta of XaroBe . Drafts Stiwb payable tn Gold or I the Back of CalUorala. Sao Fmefces. 33 j3 -ea- a-. i. ar o io- m -su""' rxcrcxxm or ajtd duub ns- Lambr-riaias u Wl4w Steiet, CllilXOS, EXGKATUffiS A5 PICTURE FRAMES. 270 m-TiTiim itnrt nw m An Bi """""T BfHlMo fKV U d inflBi& flrtal ' V. v7V "" SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let, For Sale,Lort, Wants, Found, Boarding, Ac, will be inserted in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line; each subsequent insertion, FIVE CEF S per line. The first insertion never less than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, TiKEN UP-One cow with sur on forehead. The owner can hark hr by paving 'ni ages ap:5l2 CLARK A FKE:CH. EOUND Friday, April 21th, on Ninth St., two buck saws. Tte owner can have the same by calling at this ott.ee and piylng for this advertisement a 512 AIIOU-E AM LOT 1-OIt SALE On 13th s'. txtwten Uowaid and Jackson, amiable for business and family residence, containing II rooms. Inquire of Mrs. J. N. Page, 13th and Mason sts. rptt WANTED Furnished rcoui for a gentle man, near new Union Pacific Depot. Address, C. II S.. I'ostomee a25 4 MONEY TO LOAN Inquire at Uw office f L. F.Ma inn, VIssiWs block, Omahi. ap22:f R OOMS TO REST An 277 Davenpert St. Also a houe with six rooms, cistern etc. Apply at 277 Davenport St. apati FORSALE-Lots5 and 6. Godfrey's :ddi Uon, together or separate, each for $5W on the following liberal terms: $30 or S100 cash, the balance I' one and two years ; title ptriect lots front seuth.next to new brick house cf Mr Kritschcr's W. J. CONNELL, Aity ap23t3 Omce opposite the Court House. SERVANT WANTED One who csn ttoi, wash and iri n well. Such a one can find a eo-id home and stead v euipl ymcnt by apply ing to S. WARtiEN CUASK. ap233 Chicago st. be 2ist and 2id. .. ANTED A first class cabinet maker ai 270 Farnham st. ap23l3 TTlOBSALli Two lull lo's with improvem rts 1' on n w cor 'Jist an ' izird.ua Inquire st a22w2 next house north ot steam laundry . mo LET A three story house suitable for a I noAid m nonse, .so lo3 avtnpoi tween 10th and 11th sts Inquire oi Oiid m house, No 153 avtnport st, be- a22t4 KICH'D KIMBALL. w ANTED Men to work in garden ap20tf TOWS1.EY. AV ANTED A cheap farm in exchange (or a Vi merchandise. Address, tanner. B E - fibfice. ap21tf f ANTED A ban Ho do stit hing andean VV wore at cirruga trimmiu ,ai A J. SIMt-SOJi'S Card ice Factory. p?lwl tfOU SALE OK REN 1 No. 3j Chi.agj Apply to HARRIS, TAFT A WOODM IN, ap21 Oil Mill. -TEUSONS WISHING BOARD, by the day at Mra r or week, can-be accoiuniodited at Mrs- Delaware's, s. w. cor 11th and Harney. 18w2 ,iOR SALE Four ol the btt residence lots in C the tity, on tt. Mary's av. an I 22 1 street. Inquire ot ap!5ml A. BQ2UME, M 0 LET Mnall ho ise on Capitol avenue, s e I cor. 14th st , from May 1st. Apply at Coz- lenslluu'e. a ,1'tf WANTED To rent a rnrnbhtd House or 4 or S rooms, eitBer ail or parti v furnish ed ; must be near tho cor of 10. li aud Farnham "sts. Address, P. SMITH, aptatf Mek ofnee. FO SALE OR RENT A farm of rj ares with house and barn, situated one half mile west o( the Barracks: inquire of mchlJtf D. P. REDMOND. MONEY TO LOAN Enquire of F. A Heals, Room No. 9 Visscher's block Jma ha. iuehl2t PACIFIC HOUSE REOPENED Thjraclfic House has been thoroughly repaired, and will be open for the accommodation of boarders and the public generally, ou the 1st of March by Wm. Howitzer. Charges reasonable 10th st., bet. Cap. aie. and Daveuport st. fe24tf CJTORE FOR RENT-Ou N W cor. 16th and CJ Chicago. S. A. TAYLOR A CO. R RENT A store, 138 Douglaj street. In- j i aire m vv kuuui: x m-uirs. apztt npB RENT The Valley House Inquire of J icIUiI QItt iclUtf IIS T. PAULSEN. CHANCE 1 oOer uiv brlcc rei- dencetn Dodjest Ivt. Hth and 15th sts.. for sale a1 a bargain. This is good business pro ertj, and wiU soon lecoiiie very valuab'e. as only the street separates it from the U. S. Court and Postofllce. It. M. MARSHALL, aorltf VTOTICE T THE CITIZENS OF OMAHA JLH There has len a company of city scav angers Orgxuized, who propose to clean alleys and outhouse of all filth, on ihe shortest no tice, and on reasonable teru.. All orders left a 124 Farnham st., will re cive prompt atten tion. Work done at niclit without inconven ience to resident". CITY SCAVENGERS, aprftf WANTED A'too.l iron raou'der at Neb raska City Foundry. Adiress Box SGS Nebraska City,-Keb. ap23t5 FOR RENT Bquse No. 4 9 12th St., 7 rooms cellar, cisienraml well. Inquired Aw D.Jones, n w corfHarnoy and ICtlists. a22t4 FOR SALE A house and lot iu Papillion. DeIrablc location for store, lot !2x40 let, hus 18x35 feet, onr story and a half high. Inquire t office of Dr, D. E. Beadle. PapUlion. mchZSnil EBE RH ART KIN ran DE1LEEIN I BABY BUGGIES! Is SOLE AGENT in Nebraska for 4 of the Bet Makers. My prices are awa below ! these small dealers, have 300 in stock, and WILL NOT be undersold! Make no mistake see the "BAZAR" before buying, or write for prices. You nave dollars by so doing, gee the new ' BOsTON CANOPY TOP!" Which makes 5 styles of a buggy. Large or small orders filled at FAC TORY PRICES ! for cash. I make a "specialty" of filling retail orders for a single buggy. B IBDS Imported (all kinds) wholesale and retail, apl3eod2m U. a Tho First National Bank QJ5 C3VEa.I3:u3... Cor. FarnliaBi and 13th Mtrrela. THS OLDSST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN NEBRASKA. (Saccessor tc Konctze Brothers.) Bcttbllshed In ISIS. . Cnrani&xl a a National Back. Aoccst t$. IS.? Capital az.d Fronts over .... 2250,000 oraCKRS JTD DIRECTORS- K. CRSiaHTON, iTc-iia.int. H. KOTJNTZ3, VlcePreis't. A.KOUNTZK, Cufbler H. VV. YATES, ..Aco't CaiUer. A. J. POPPLKTON. Attoreev. ALTDI sauxdiss, ' Preald-Jit, SMCW LOWK, Vice Prtoldent. BEN. WOOD Cashier. STATE SAVINGS BANK. K.W.COB. FARNHAM &12TH STS. Capital, $100,000, Aatherized Capital, 81jCO0,OOC Deposits aa small n one dollar received and Compound Interest allowed on same. Advantages OVER Certificates of Deposi. TWwfcoleorsxy part ot a deposit alter re alBlBS in this Rink three month, will dnw fctereat from date of dcpoe.t to time of pay sac aco wco.e or any pail oi a deposit c n 4rswB at tar pnu. aaaB.-t DENTISTBY. tVW OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. cr STA1ES. Bet. 13th & 14th Sfc OMAHA. i-OUlest rractlclns Dentists Iu the city DR. A. S. BILLINGS, TDIEIsrTIS-I?, 234 fcix,3it-LAX-rx St. Bet. 13th and 14th, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain, by use ot Nl- trous Oxide ( uas. sWOfflce open atall hour ?Y8I0TAS. e5U Suxeloal JEt. oo3a.fi" L VAN CAMP. M. D. Dispenses his own jii&Jcines, and beside. regular practice, makesX9ealiti lea ot Derange ments and Diseases Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Disease, of the Rectam. Office and Residence, Corner Farnham and 14th Streets, first door to the right, up stairs Omaha. Neb. Addreas Lock Box 'v4. vSldAwtf IUILL1-4KRV. Ladies' Fashionable Cloak and Dress Maker. Promenade Su'ts. Evening Dra sea. Wedding Suits, Morning Wrappers, Coats, Ac, cut to or der in tho latest Parisian styles. Having car ried on fashionable cutting and fitting lur la dlei in all its branches In the v rious cipltals aud centrei of fashion In t-urope and America, I take pleasure In introducing myself to the ladles otOiaah Satisfaction guaranteed in every department o- my proffession. No. 500 13th fetriet. oc2yl B. Wi LF. MRS. K- H. PALMER, Fashionable Dress and Cloak Maker, Rooms, 2C2 DoujlasSt. near l'th, (Up Stairs. I cut from actual measurement not from patterns and will guarantee satisfaction in all asts, Cutting and Fitlin-: a Specialty. MRS. S. C. WHITCOMB. Dress and Cloak Maker, Booms over Mrs. Smith's Millinery Store, 833 FAltMItin ST.. OMAHA, XEB. Opposite the Grand CentraFUotel. Pattern-, of all Kinds on Rand, And cut to order from Actual Measurement. Cutting & Fiting a Specialty ft36tf. GAEMAGE HAHu"FA0TUBE3. Established 1858. ua.. t. sx:M--iPsc-i-r-fi- CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538 & 540 Fourteenth Street, (Office up stairs,) Omaha, Nebraska. Carriages and Buggies on hand or male to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Repair log. apr28-tl to: :j-r 235 Harney street, between 14th and 13th. Carriage In all it Branches, in approved the latest and pattern. HORSESHOEING AND BLACKSMITUINI, and repaid He done on short notice sei25 lv L. WOOD WORTH, 233 D:ng'a. Streat, Omaha, Habriaka. DKALXX IK Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, Fattcnt Wheels, Road wagons, Trot ting Sulkies, Ske'etons, Ltudebakers, Celebrated Wa o s. James R. Hill's CeUb-ated Con cord arness and Whips. HORSE CLOTHIN G. Robes, Blankets.Wagon Material of all Descrip tions, Spske, Hub, Felloes, and all klndsof hak!iyood lumber 1 hlmbis Kkein j, Axles ancl Springs. mchfitt JAS. M. McVITTIIi " WHOLESALE DEALER IN ClaraHed Cider. 135 and 186 Farnbttni Street. FENCE POSTS, At WholosaTe and Retail. REST Qv MISSOURI WHITE QAK AND Burr Oak feme VoiXi'. sla.j oo-i of the tame quality, for sole tbwp at P BKIGOS' at-rttf wood yar. 335 Chlca; trcutb. oH(netnrr (on. NEW FOUNDRY The foundry in connection with the Van Dorn machine shops, IfO. 50 IIAU5ET STOEKT. Itnowin operation. I am prepare4 to mike all kinds of castings. meb237ra WM FESWHX T'ESuZU' XjXJB'B'B'EI.'X? T-AJCILiOIR, 13th St., bet. Farnham and Harney. AU kinds ot TAILORING, CLEANING ani REPAIRING done at reasonable rates apr26ti f 512 Fonrteenlh St.. Omaha, INeb. If. C WALKEB, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BOOTS fe SHOES 51015th St. apl3yl Betwcea FarcLam aid Doaglar GEORGE ZANNER, (Campbe fa Bl .) JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Eje Glasses jnd Spectacles, 509 13ti St, OYASA, HEB1U3XA aWJewelry mannfactared to order. Fine Wabhes, Clocks, aod Jew.Iry, repaired and warranted 3EE. 1. JE.A.GrJS9 CARRUGE, BUGGY a4 WAGON ( HfffTCP end Wagon Making most MA5UFACTDKER. E. CORNER of 11th and HARNETi STS, K. STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Grooees, SIMPSOX'SBL OCK 538 and 540 Fourteenth. Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - nichl32y MORGAN & GALLAGHER. -SUCCES-ORS TO CREIGHTON AND MORGAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 205 Farnliam Street, OZMI.A IHTA., - USTEIB. apiJdly WHITNEY, BAUSEUMAN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS XTo. 247 Douglas Street, oiivriA.iEar.A, - - - unties. ach27yl AGVT FOR THE Kurtz JfoHR& C JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GL0YES and NOTIONS. 231 Farnliam Street, JOHN T. EDixAJl, JOBBER OF Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, ACUXCTTZaTTTIlAZi IMPLElblEITTS. IIRKSIIKlt. II VHVKSTK11S, UKa TUN MOWKltS. DKILL. MKKUKK- COUN-PLANTEltN. PLOWS, CUaUHVATOKS. HA1. " KAKKi ANl WAOOXS. -,,hii. 246 Douglas St , GEO. A. HOAGLAND, Wholesale Lumber OFFICE AND YARD COR. OF DOUGLAS AND 6TH STS., U. P. R. R. TRACK. anlltf ESTABUSUED PUNDT, MEYER & RAAPKE,' WHOLESALE FANCY GROCERIES, Teas, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars. 212 Farnliam Street, - - Omaha. Neb hlcmTeodrl RILEY & SLCCKSSURS TO WILLIS & "CO a. SXO 1 ICos. SCO .d -lil'OUTtRi'OF WINES, BRANDIES, AND GINS. Wholesale dealers In PURE BOURBON CO., KENTU KV C .t'PEK lirsTri I rr win KI.S of the most celeb iI bran ls. Al. Dt!jIE?riC LIQIWIW I Pu Mrl-els aV" " iIONT.NA,l)VMr.VandNKBtt.V.,K a GAIfcj. IrnnortediCOtCU and BAJJ ALE aud LON DON lOBTEI alway. .,. oand. AIs. hl3tf e'JCejjs -a AZLd HENRY HORNBERGER. DEALER IN Wines, Lw, Cmbs,. ttodbo. fist Old Kentiickjr IThLikies aai Importel linoii a SpacIiKj-. 239D0UOLA8 3r? (Caldwell Block.) h!9rl B. & J. WILBUR, Books and Stationery, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fourteenth, Street, - Omaha., ITeb GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL S1H00L BOOKS marSlr F. D. COOPER, LIAITTJFACTnRERi OT "WAGONS AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN AG-ICULTURAL IMPLEMEISTTS Oor. X-Atla. .xxci ET.xrxi.oy Bttm- - WHOLESALE CANDIES I am now manufacturing all varieties of candies and will fell at IE A-.SriEIRIISr PRICES. Dealers la Utls State iced not want to ga Eut fji CANDIES. Atrial is sUcl ted. oaa;li mchllU &t- Oor. IStlx. HOM1.S and 3TARACS in XTXBRASSA The Barlinton and Uissiurl Rirer iUilroil C)., oT;r bat U sat law prie.s oc 1 years' cuditatti per cent, luteres aud wi habjnus praaiiuaof 'japjrcual. ou lb aaa.ajtof tha purcluse, u lull ths Lull ucultiroteJ, withla two year, troiu ai barchas.. LaVRGE DEDUCIOXS FOR CASH PAYMENTS. North of Platte, Loup Fork and Elkhorn Valleys TheB. AM. R. R C. wIIIm'I tbal I.0W.MJ icriM f spl'alllzrasla;aajajilaltaral laid la aweU watartc3J0lry, -tlrou Jt'- tjSTOO per acr.oa lonerliu South of he Platte TheComisnyownsalari.hoIf o'thj bstitial iq Nur. , i.iru'ttl'ir siajsli rtfr anda JaceuttJilUMilroiIaiiliri thslirest al bjt I.ra pl pirtoffu iu:, ai atoll ti f.DousPrpubllean Valley. For circula.-saal loll laf.r aatl.n apply to C. R. SCIIALLtR, Agent R. & M. Land Office, Cor of MatU and FanibaH 5H., )abj, Or iieuerl Laa4 Departaaati LiacoLi, Xeb. EB. IlCPOT POWDFR CO. -AND- Omaha, BlChlSw 2Tebraska. USTIEIB, 1IC6- DEALER IN BELLOITE, ANDRE SEN, - atlx st. Omalin. arAVs Tcoa .ooo. - - Isl Ol&JLZZJL, DSTSB. A.Ixa, Dirblit - - 43tXXlX