7BSsnrr THE QMAHA BEE OFFICIAL rAPEIt OF THE CITY. OpeaiBS Closing or Mails Onialia. In LT. " aM'' T. XJ. V. E.K... .....-- XAST. N.A.R.R... do do.... B.1.AP.K-K" go ca... p.A.R.K-K do do.... SOUTH. .B. A St. Jo do do..... o.-w-R orm. fUNir.ii. B 20 110 110 4-53 110 C30 110 4.30 ?! -30 80 100 2:50 7.43 ton.duetlujwa.in.,cluet4-3. m. " bJ'iTuUand St. Joseph, due ? nd 17 p! o.; dose 1:5 p. m. and 4.33 . " OffM onen Sundays Jrom 12 to 1 p. m. un.ce open "" & xOsT. f ustmaster. 1BRITAL AD DEPABTDRE OF TBADiS. Time Card of thTmi' "" ...nmim. "' - "-". : . Express 20 Mell -5 00 AM. sundaTsexceptert. I t-xprisi MJS A. M. . I Mi Mondays excepted. 10-45 P ThU is the only Une rennlnK Pullm.n Hotel Dl"!1-" TTlHTl DECEX, D-W-"1: .- Ti.ketAecnt Gen'L Werws. Agt- Chicago, 111 Cnlon Pclfle. IUTI. Omaha, Neb. ABBOT- UK) P.M. 100 P. M. 6:4. P-M S.S0A.M. C'Hc Dally Bxp "tj M. Dallj Thdl- DallJ-Vreiirbt -?? - ,7 Dally Freight. 6i5A.M. cutceo. Rork Island 10:40 P.M. ll iIP Xi ...-ft . T tlO Oil A. M SSSrSetSi:" tMonday exec-pie Cblcmso &. Nort!iwtern. S:-J0A.M. :::... .2 jo p.m. 10:40 P.M. tlCnbOA.ai awful ExTrtfM- K,... City, St. Jo. ACouBcllWIua- VomlncExprCB.-.SAM. 100 A ItTenlnz Express- .-S Y. M. o.w as?ssBt"d s,OM ,-rt-nrr Firnham and Ninth strwta, ni 3S5 taSrance of the above Railroad lme OMAHA BREVITIES. - TO ADrtflWW-1' CIUCC Z.iIO or the OlfcT BEE I mare th.B Bble tbt-r W oilier dally paper pablUbed toSebrmk. Peycke's Eestaurant and Oyster rooms. The leading house of the kind. 207, Farpham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. - lel24tf Dr.Tsaac Edwards-ieriously ill. Attend to the registration of your name If you wish to vote. "Pleasant Hours" will give two, and perhaps three, sociables after Lent. Business at the Police Court is. dull at present The public schools are liaying vacation thjs week. John W. Hugus, post trader at Fort Steele, is in the city vi3lting friends and relatives." Dr. McClelland can always be found at the Grand Central Hotel during thPcvemfigT-i " The orctiestra will accompany the singers at the Philharmonic re hearsal this evening, We are informed that Mr. E. Allen, of Engine Company No. 1, is a candidate for the office of Chief Engineer. "Social Hours" may give62or two more parties this season. This club intends to indulge in moonlight dances during the summer. The omission of Col. Wilbur's name from among the nominations in the "head" of the Republican City Convention repart in yester day's Bee was not intentional, be ing an oversight Republicans of the 6th.;Ward should attend to regiatratida ifithey wish to secure a full votg xl;Tues day. Their attention Is Cali&thc Registrar's no'tfee in animfctyjcol umh. & The Douglas County District Court is in &ewion Judge Lake holding court in the Clerk's office, and Judge Maxwell in the Court Room. Judge Maxwell is engaged in hearing the case of Williarn9 vs. "Lowe, a long contested matter, and one in -which Judge Lake was formerly interested as counsel. In thocaseof Adolphu3 Boehme vs. the city, for damages in tearing down "the wood front of his building on Thirteenth street, under the au-. thorlty of tho fire limit ordinance, Judge Lake has sustained the de murrer to the petition, deciding lhat the plalnuii nas no cause oi action. Bpaun & Prltchett for the city and Savage & Mandersou for the "plain tin. . - George Wilkinson is the name of an eccentric cripple who arrived here yesterday from tie East He has a short leg, wears a crutch, weighs but 84 pounds, and claims to be the champion hopper of the world, being-able torhbp a mile: in thirteen minutes. Among other tricks that he performs Is the whirl ing of a lot of plates, making them dance a waltz, schottlsche, or a pol ka. Mr. James JJowcn, who is to re open the Belle Union, under the name of Grand Central Vaudeville Theatre, on Thursday evening, is a man who thoroughly understands his business, having been engaged as a minstrel himself, and also as manager and agcnl for different troupes for over "seven years. He promises to make a fir&t-class place of amusement -out of the Grand Central theatre. Mr.'E. C McShanc, who was nominated last evening as a Demo cratlc candidate for councilman for th First Ward, declines the honor xith thanks. lThc concert civen at Turner hallMondav evening for thebenefit of the cripple, Buchler, was fairly at tended. The entertainment was a wwvl one. The violin duct per formed byrastcrsAlstadtandSan- I ders was well rendered, inese youths possess consldcrableusical talent, and promise to become bril- The Grana Central billiard room has been greatly improved by the new entrance on Fourteenth street, which was thrown open yesterday. The bar has been moved to the north side of the room, and elegantly re arranged. Th'ere will bo two new tables put in, oueof wlncii wiu oe a monitor pool table, which will be a if. in this r5tv. This room is indeed a-very attractive resort, and will continue to be so as long as Har ry Erdman mixes and dispenses the liquids at the bar. Personal. Hon. T. M. Marquette, a promK nent lawyer of Nebraska City, is stopping at the "Wyoming, Captain C. B. Rustin, of the Oma ha Smelting "Works, left for the East yesterday afternoon. Judge Dundy is expected here to day, to hold a special term of the United States "District Court. Mr. C. P. Dueli, father of H. P. Duell, yesterday returned from a visit to the East J.H. Pynchon, the newly appoin ted traveling auditor of the Union Pacific, left for the if jst yes erdajj The following are the arrivals at the "Wyoming Hotel : .1 "R Silvis. Grand Island: A J Baric, Toledo, Ghio; Geo P Russell and wife, "West Point, Neb; Tho3 F Sullivan, Ixwel; G S Cruickshank, MHaight, Denver; MChambcrlin, Burlington; Miss E Robinson, Dr. Clayton Teffinsand wife,Knox- ville, Mo; AHShcaley, M King, S S Dunham and wife, St .Louis; J H Kimball, Hcsinan, Neb; RC Tooker, Chicago; J BTooker, Chey enne; D A Harmon, Fremont;- A Casfier, Leavenworth; D North, Columbus; Miss Hoyle, Kearney Junction; W M "White, Hastings, Neb; H P Handy, Grand Island; MFSafield,J 31 "Whiteame, Chi cago; if D Thompson, Des Moines. The KINGS! "3 specialities." BABY BUGGIES. I am agent for 4 factories. .Sell MUCH BELOW others. WALLPAPER! Sloci large, JYiccs low. BIRDS J T am the ONLY .dealer in genuine IM PORTED German Canaries.' The above at -wholesale, LOW! J2BER HART, "KING of all dealers. nich 30-It , . ..Copies of clty'qhafter for sale at the Bee office. tf Ix.the French Collee House, 4S5 Twelfth street, between Faniham and Harnoy, is always to be had the most splendid cup of cofle, chocolate, fried or boiled egg9, &c No liquors. mar 23 It Second Ward "Registration Hotice. Notice is hereby given that I will sit at the office of John Davis, Esq., over the First National Bank, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2d, 3d and 4th days of April, from 9 o'clock a. m. until 5 p. m., for the purpose of making corrections and additions to the present list of legal voters of the Second Ward. ' "" " A. R. Orchard, Registrar. March 27, 1874. mar2J6t All kinds of SECOND HAND BOOKS Bought and Sold at Doyle's Book Store, Douglas St, near 15th. mch27-lw The Temperance League. To the "mperance Citizens of Oma ha in mass mc? assembled-: Your committee appointed? "e moss meeting held at the Lutheran Church on the 23d inst, to present a plan of operation for tho temperance citizens of Omaha, would respectful ly report and recommend the fol lowing plan, to-wit: The organization of a Central As sociation to be called the Omaha Temperance League. The membership of said League to consist of one delegate from each church (without regard to creed), Sunday or day school, and each Fraternal and other society in the city of Omaha taking an interest in the objects of said organization. Said delegates to he elected for the terni of one year. Said organization to elect officers and adopta constitution and by-laws for its government with no unneces sary "red tape." Your committee Jceming it im portant to avoid merely a spasmodic effort to correct the great evils aris ing from the use of intoxicating drinks and seeking to secure imma nent and continuusfveffort would recommend that said league, repre senting that all temperance people, have for its main objects the secur ing of hignaturcs to a pledge, the reformation of the intemperate, the organization of sub-societies, the opening and maintaining of free reading-rooms, cofl'ee and tea rooms and the publication and circulation of temperance literature. We would especially urge the-im-portance of labor among the youth of our city, and the organization of "bands of hope" in our Sunday and day schools. Your committee recommend in case the?e vie meet with the ap proval of this meeting, that a com mittee of five be appointed to invite churches, Sunday and day schools, and societies to appoint delegates -for die purposes above stated. Respectfully, i Watson B. Sumr, W- A. Lipe, Emlen Lewis. Omaha, March 28, 1874. A GREAT BARGAIN: ' For rent, a store with-shelving, counters, sugar boxes, ice box, and large back store, corner Sixteenth and Chicago streets, all for $23 per month. Being one of the best local ities in the city for a retail grocery. Mar.20, tf. S. A. Taylor fe Co. lam now receiving a large and well selected 6tock of. all grades of carpeting, oil cloths, wall paper and window .'-hades, which I am prepar ed to sell very low. Please call and examine my stock before purchas ing. Joiin B. Detwiler, 504 Fourteenth street, bet Farnham and Douglas. mohl9tf Hotice. On and after the 1st day of April, 1S74, we, tho uudersigned bakers, will sell bread at a uniform price. Bcixdorff & MAcss, W. Ublatj Bno., W. Latey, Mrs. C. Carey,- H. DrcTERicir. -March 31,1874. C--- CITY ELECTION. TUESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1874. Republican Ticket For Mayor, CHAMPION S. CHASE. For Treasurer, JOHN BAUMER. For Clerk, For Police Judge, ,'B. H. "WILBUR. For Marshal, JOHN CHRISTOPHERSON. For Street Commissioner, J. H. BUTLER. r or jny xuyiucvi, EDMUND DUTTON. For Alderman: 1st "Ward N. C. "WHITMAN. 2d "Ward THOMAS SWOBE. 3d "Ward, Long Term S. G. TAY LOR. 3d "Ward, Short Term CHARLES BANCKES. 4th Ward LEWIS BROWN. 5th Ward Dr. L. F. BABCOCK. 6th Ward O. C. CAMPBELL. For Members of the Board of Edu cation: IstWard-W. H. .HUGHES. 2d Ward-J. W. LYTLE. 3d Ward E. R. WILLIAMS. 4th Ward ALVLN SAUNDERS. Kth Ward ROBERT McCON- NELL. 6th Ward C. A. CALDWIN. PEN MAN SHIP. During the next two weeks I shall arrango spe cial classes to accommodate any who may wish to spend a short "time in learning the art of writing. Here is an opportunity you will not get every day. Terms One Dollar per week. Come and make ar rangements as early as passible. Geo. R. Ratiibun, Principal Omaha Bus. College, mar 23, tf A Farewell Party. Last evening the past and presen members of the "Bachelor's Club," and other friends of Charley Byrne, tendered him a farewell party at Mrs. Ryans, the Club's headquar ters, upon his approaching depar ture for Plattsmouth. There were about forty gentlemen present, and music was voluntarily furnished by the City Band of eleven pieces. An elegant supper was set out by Mrs. Ryan, who is noted for her excellent cuisine. Tho evening was passed in the most pleasant and sociable manner, and was thorough ly enjoyed by all. A general regret was expressed that Mr. Byrno had concluded to leave Omaha He has long been a resident hero, and has ever been known as a genial and affable gentleman, honorable in bu-Bine-sand other affairs, and a prom inent socieTyman7What Omaha looses, Plattsmouth will gain. Fort Scott nisty and black coal at D, C. Sctpiien's, 211 Farnham street bet 12th and 13th. J. B. Mapes, Agt. mch24tf An "Unsuccessful Attempt at Poi soning. Sunday afternoon two men, who wanted3- rId of a dog owned byoneofthem,tookcanlno the bottoms for the purpose of po" soning him. Arriving at a certain spot they threw to the animal a piece of meat stuffed with strych nine. The dog devoured it with great voracity, and then looked up pleasantly, as if it said, "Thank you; have you got any more?" The dog didn't die, but kept skipping arouLd as lively, if not livelier, than ever. The two men came to the conclusion that the canine either possessed a cast-iron stomach, or else the strychnine was not of first class quality. They started for home, followed by the dog. Hap pening to pass by a Union Pacific freight car, the idea of sending the dogwesttolet him grow up with the coutry, struck one of them. Opening the door the two men put him Inside, shut the door again, and proceeded to their homes. The dog Is now probably on his way to the Far West First "Ward Registration Hotice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of the First Ward, in the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, that the undersigned, Registrar of said ward, will sit for the correction of the registry of the voters of said ward at my office, No. 103, Farnham street, on the 1st, 2d, 3rd and 4th days of April, 1874, from 9 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock p. 31., except one hour at noon, of each day. John Rath, mar23toapl4 Registrar Ebekhart's "specialities," BIRDS, BABY BUGGIES and WALL PAPER. mch28t2 The undersigned will sit on Wed nesday and Thursday, the 1st and 2d days April, 1874, at T. C. Brun ner's, corner of Sixteenth street and Capital avenue, for the purpose of correcting the list of voters in the Fourth Ward, Omaha City, Ne- itaraska. P. Hugus, mch27t3 Registrar. W. M. Bushman has removed to 265 Douglas street, near Fifteenth, and is prepared to show and offer for sale the finest and best assorted stock of try and Fancy Goods latest styles and patterns, and at the lowest market prices. mar27tf Hotice. Mrs. J. W. Majors will re-open her house for boarders on Monday morning, Apnl 6th,J8t4, .at the cor ner of 16th and Douglaa ttreeta. Mils. Majors, Proprietret. eh 31-lir, THE DEMOCRACY IN COUNCIL Ponderous Bodies Move Slowly. k Babel in Embryo. nominations for City Offices. For Mayor-tCoL 8Tge. For Treasurer Edward Johnson. For Clerk S. V. Mealio- For Police Judge E. I. Emory. For Marshal Wm. P. Snowden. The Democratic City Convention mot at the United States Court room in Redick's Opera House, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tho Convention was called to order at half-past two o'clock, by D. L. Richards. . L. C. Richards suggested aa tem porary Chairman, Fred Mete, who asked to bo excused. Charless H. Brown was then elected to that position. A. B. Snofrdon was oloctod tem porary Secretary. A committee of three on cre dentials was thon appointed, behig Messrs. M. Donovan, F. Mete, and S. Herman. Considerable time was spent by the committee on credentials, who finally reported the following dele gates as entitled to representation: FRST WARD. Patrick McGavoek, George Kleff ner, C. C, Merick, Chas. Brandes, L. Y. Morse, Patrick Doran, Fred erick Krug, Frederick Mete, Maurice Dee, Ed. Creisrnann, W P. Wilcox, J. F. Morton. - SECOND WARD. M. Donovan, J. R. Conkling, Thomas Kennedy, Henry Bruning, Chas. Simpson, A. Murphy, L. C. Richards, J. S. Marsh, Jacob Stick ler, Christ Hartman, N.N. Vinquest, John Whitnell. tiiird ward. Phil Mehriiug, Henry Lauer; John T. Clark, Peter Mattingly, Joseph Leis, John Galligan, C. H. Brown, Fred Dellone, P. H. Lary, A. B. Snowden, R. Kimball, Geo. H. Peterson. fourth ward. Frances X. Dellone, M. J. Johan nes, E. H. Samrop, Wm. Scott, S. N. Mealio, J. W. Yates, H. W. William, H. H. Jeffries, Fred Williams, Henry Hornberger, David Schonrich, C. H. Downs. FIFTH WAKD. Wm. Lumb, A.J. Roljersts, Thos. Faulkner, Pat Swift, Maatin Kenny, D. F. Richards, J. W. Crawley, F. Streitz, Wm. Gushart, Thos. Mel drum, T. J. Casey, Wm. Paver. SIXTH WARD. Shields, Willhelm, E. V. Smith, Medlock, Hodges, Mell Smith, Herman, H. Hume, Weimuller, Mackey, McKinnoy. Report was adopted. Tho temporary President and Secretary were made the permanent officers of the convention. "IAYORr Nominations Col. J. W. Savage, Hon, Ezra Millard, and J. J. L. C. Jewett Informal Ballot Savage 53; Millard 0; Jewett 7; Gen. Mander sonl; Peter Her 1, On motion Col. Savage was then nominated by acclamation for the office of Mayor. CITY TREASURER. On motion of M. Donovan, Ed ward Johnston was nominated by acclamation, and was declared the uanlmous choice of tho convention. CITY CLERK. On motion a formal ballot for City Clerk was taken, the majority of votes to elect The following gentlemen were nominated : S. N. Mealio, E. D. Kitton, Peter Hughes, Frank Thorn, Julius Hlnes, and John M. Clark. Formal ballot Mealio, 41; Kit ton, 11; Hugus, 2; Thorn, 9; Hines, 2; Clark, 5. Mealio was declared the unani mous nominee of tho convention. POLICE JUDGE. Nominations.-"-J. T. Holteman, J. R. Porter, E. L. Emorj't E. D. Chandler. Informal ballot Holtzman, 7; Porter, 22 : Emory, 32 ; Chandler, 11. Formal ballot Holtzman, 2; Por ter, 19; Emory, 41; Chandler, 10. Mr. Emory was declared the unanimous choice of the convention. CITY MARSHAL. On motion Wm. P. Snowden was unanimously nominated by accla mation. STREET COMMISSIONER. The foltowing were named for Street Commissioner, viz : Thomas Swift, Miles Serio, Peter -"Larson, Thos. Brady, Patrick Powers, Oliver Dennis. The following was the result of the informal ballot : Larson received 5, Grady 6, Swift 12, Dennis 1, Powers 28, Leise 1. On the formal ballot Swiftrcceived 9, Serlo 15, Larson 1, Brady C. Powers 41. The nomination of Mr. Powers was declared unanimous. CITY ENGINEER. Charles G. Herlitz and Louis Von Froben were nominated for City Engineer. A formal ballot was taken in which Herlitz received 52 votes, Froben 1G, Jones 1, and Frazer 1. CENTRAI. COMMITTEE. The follow ing City Central Com mittee was appointed upon nomin ations made by the delegates from the respective wards: First Ward Charles Brandes, W. P. Wilcox, Second Ward L. C. Richards, M. Donovan. . Third Ward H. Lauer, C. H. Brown. Fourth Ward S. N. Mealio, W. J. Yates. Fifth Ward-D.'F. Richards, F Streitz. iUCl"T "I.. .- JJiixthVard Sam Herman, v. af . Mackev, ' ' ? : CITY CMNCIL. The city counciltfheld a regular weekly meethigln e council cham ber last night 7 The following Biiembers were pre sent: Bristol, Dojic, Gibson, Jones, Lucas, Marsh, gtinenson,ouiijucii, Thurston and MrPresldent. The Judiciary Committee reported back the circus ordinance, without alteration. $ . The committee $n public property and improvements, recommended that the communication of E. D. Pratt in regard io the location of shade trees, oe mu j" - ""- which report was aepted. The committe oafire reported -k the matter concerning "night artillery" without recoiunendaUon. Report was adopted. & The same committee ajBo reported recommending the Coun to pur chase three feed cutters' fnd close tne coniraci wim mc w.)" -.... Grain Company. This report was referred back to the comrjiitfc with power to act Further uoae was granted to the committee inVhich to purchase an alarm bell. S The committee on sidewalks and bridges recommended that the pe tition of a number ofoiUzenaasking for cross-walks on 16th steet be granted. Adopted. Jh A communication from the com mittee on water works was,placed on file. ,,a The Investigating Committee was granted further time in whichto examine tne dooks oi i-ot. in.-vyu.-. On motion of Mr. Thurston, the Council fixed upon next Friday night as the time at which to meet and finish the business now in Jho hands of the several committees A-communication from thejfKreet Commissioner, stating In detail the work which he had not as jret com pleted, was placed on nie.y The appointment of Joseph Shee ly as Chief Engineer offtho Fire Department was confirmed. The plat of Mr. Boehflffis's addition to the city of Omaha, was referred to the committee on"reets and grades for examination. An ordinanoo to repealr6rdlnance No. 303, in relation to watet works bonds, was presented by Mr5Bristol, road a second time by title ami laid upon the tablo. J The oruinance nxing me uuusu of circuses was laid over unttl next meeting. )i Mr. Marsh moved that the matter of repairing the city scales onllth BhTOi-lo referred to Mr. Stephenson, and the street" commissioner, W4U1 power to act, Uarneq, : Mr. Weidensall Declines. Omaha, March 31, '74. To the members of the Republican Convention of the 30th tnst: a Gentlemen : Having noticea in the papers that I had been chosen as a candidate for tho office of City Clerk, it is with regrot that I in form you that through a misunder standing my name was brought be fore your convention, and not by my consent Those who used my name, I believe, did it in good faith, believing I would accept, though they knew I did not want tho office. "While I fully appreciate the honor conferred, and am sincerely thank ful to my friends for their Intended kindness; nevertheless, injustice to myself, I must respectfully, but positively, decline. Yours truly, J. "Weidensall, Jr. H. L. Latey, corner Douglas and 12th streets, keeps fresh Taffies and all kinds of candies. Also, the best pies and cakes in the city. The trade ot families solicited. mch20tf Rejiembee. At Allendorfs, No. 209 Douglas street, Is decide'dly the best place to buy tho choicest of all kinds of Fish ; also, the best of Eggs, loc per dozen mar25tf Allen, the Grocer, keeps the finest assortment of Groceries In" tfils city; call and buy of him for. cash, and save 10 per cent, on your purohasc. meh24tf Just Eeceived. Fine lot of SPKEfa goods con sisting of French, English and American Cassimeres, Doeskins, Cloths, &c, whloh I urn pre pared to furnish, made in latest style, and at lowest rates to be found in the city. Also gentiomens fur nishing goods at GREATLY RE DUCED rates. C. F. Hamann. S. E. cor., 11th and Farnham streets. m26 6t Peach Marmalde at Brunner's. mar25-5t 3oots and Shoes. Largest Stock, Flnost Goods, Best .Assortment, laowost Prices. All goods warranted. ma2Gl m Henry Doiile &Co. Si3iPSON's Cigar Factory will re move April 1st to Creighton Block. mar25, 6t Buy groceries cheap forcash, and the place to do It Is at Allen's. m24tf Choice Fresh Butter at mar 20, 5t Brunner's. T. C Brunner has tho largest assortment of groceries In Omaha. rnar2(5-5t For superb Job Printing, at "Bed RicTrPjffrx," go to Gray, 12th street. 14tf Si3Ipson's Cigar Factory will re move April 1st to Creighton Block, mar 25 Ct The nicest assortment of Groce ries, both fancy and staple, together with produce and vegetables, are to be found at the Cash Store, 272 Dodge Street L. V. Mobse. mch 31-lt Auction Sale of the finest lot of oil paintings and chromos ever brought to Omaha. Sale commenc ing at 7 p. m. and to-morrow at 2 p. m. at Bushman's old stand, .Church block. Gray & 'Allen, mar30 It Auctioneers. ilEN'S KIP WORKING SHOES One Dollar fc Seventy-five Cts. Webbeb & BEinr, Comer Thirteenth and Douglas SU. mar21odtf One 500 mile ticket over the .Chi- asBs"at . sWsV. . " rigo k aNvnweMn nuroafl MOoattl-isoiloe. Eepublican Central Committee At the Republican City Conven tion Monday afternoon a central committee, composed of tho follow ing gentlemen, was appointed : First Ward John Rath, Josiah Kent . Second Ward Thomas Swobe, Frank Smythe. Third Ward I. W. Miner, W. A. Gwyer, Jr. Fourth Ward W. M. Francis, Lewis S. Reed. Fifth Ward H. Jones, C. Fisher. Sixth Ward C. K. Coutan., W. B. Smith. Mr. Wlltse Introduced the follow ing resolution which was adopted : Scsolvcd. That It is recommend ed by this convention that in the future tho registry list should be used at tho primary elections, and that no nersons be allowed to vote who are not an elector in the ward and a voter in the Republican party. SPECIAL. NUTIUES. NOTICE. Advertisements of To Let, For !le. Lost, Wants, Found, Boarding, c, wlU tie insertedin these columns once for TEN CENTS per line; each sub-oiuent insertion. FIVE CbNTd per line. The unit InsrUon never leu shun TWrNTY-FIVP CENTS. II f ANTED Anurseuirl-Ge man i refercd. W Call at he northwest corner nt 23 1 and Kuttsts. mcli'istf WANTED To ent a House of five or six rooms with barn,onrenicnce to business parto town. mchlStf II Douglas st WANIKD Wliilfljou are clfantrg house, send your bee ur ains to Oinali. M- am laundry. I hey will do them as gaud is new. uicii-7! "OOARDERS wantel at tbe Mumeouery l Hous. on Capital avmue. between Hev- thaud Twilfth Newly leno ate.!, pleas ant rooms, good table mid ptico to suit the limes. nicb27tf FOR SALE OR RENT' ouw and Lot on corner o' HO b and Cuniuilns fctrert llmiaA h4 O TVWlml- with 1? od Cell r. nH Well. fine wate , and 2 cistcrs, a g od tab o with room for 3 horses. The hous is already furn ished. Wilsellorrent Man on the prem ises will show the property. Apply to IllOMAS W.HDELL, mchS'tf Bevi.r Macou Co. Miss url. ITlOL SALE UIEAP-1 ighty acres o" deslra- r lii laud in Uoue las count . leinis .asj inquire of mcu2&tf BxKON REED Ot CO. FOK SALE A house and lot "n Pjji lion , lies nlile lo. stion for stor , lot 2iiH0 It. hous- 18x.!5, one story and on-balf ij.h. In quir at ffirv of Ur. I), fc. Beadle, Papl lion. mchSinl FOU RENT An elegant large double hoae, all tn dern convetiianc s, turn and 4aire- of ground attached situated in the City of 'niaha, one ml e ir.im thf post orhce. owner would board for rent The situation is eligi ble and as a suaimer rest ence unsurpassed ippl c nts must me be re"pon,ilb e. A 'd ess or Inqube of arke Gudwiu, Attorney at Law, & 9" i3th st Omaha. m hiiwl WAITED At the Huh i-chool Building, T a womsu to do general housrworic. mchiMf yiTrANrED A few lioarders can be, accomo- Vii dared witn eooa ooird ana pioi-ani rooms iiaquuu ri iwr ioiu &i. uiiik "- T. t.-,P.. . I. Enqulio rt 9 15m st. mrh.SO.6 "J. 'J-OHEAP" A Houseof S room, snd one "-rcars lease on lot, on Jackson nearTenth streetsor 2JM- Ground rent, $! er annum, Possession nuen 1mm dlate'y. $ J. F. MOUTES A CO. mrl 30U5 Brolers, ) Tenth t. vv ANTtD A few m re lard.r- at S. E cor. '8th and Capital t. nil hint: A sts; N YONE p.Tii g osl a sow ai d litter of pt cannpq luetnai ice tor .hui ! no ge 'j? ' r m-'M'T B OY WAM'ED at 31. J.O'eir4, J17 t in- mcL30tf -i. WAN ED A n rl odog4 eral ousewoik. Wages f 5 00 per w 1 eV Aptly to II ruMER 'Y. West end of St. Mary's Atenue. Omaha. Neb. A LL parties wishing to purchise lumber for . cazu, wU14nd my prices lower than the lowes . feb2fitf liEO. A. HllAOLAND. TJ P.R.R. tr.ck. Douas and 6th sts UESIDhNCE ril'Jl'KUTY I-Olt SaLE CHEAP I ot 1 in li'ock H, an I Lot 8 in HlocklC b-th on i-omer, arofu'l lots (6x12 ft ), beautlf tl building iitus and in the moot desirable! ortion of the iiy. Als South half 0tLul8, Blotk US, (6 It nqusrt), X. W. cor ner o' Farnham and 18 h sts. covered wl h FRUIT and S AI'KTRIfe, and commands a Tirw of the whole eli y and surrounding coun try. Also Lot r, B o k 40 Inquire of I. W. T. RichaBDS.No. 0ii 13th s ., bet. Frrhm and Douglaa , n.cbl-raou-thr-at-3w FOR RENT Th Vallev House Inqulr of mchl tf JQHX T. PAULSEN. WANTED A good clrl to do general house woik, good wages will bj pail. Inqttiro st this office, or address II. T. Clarke Belle Tue, Neb. m-h.-O'f WANTED At tbe Wjoming Hotel, two ' good glr's, at once. Ap ly b twren 9 12 a.m. M'hll FOR SALE 160 acres 01 lunl nai ining a larg tarm and clos to e'tle- ents in ih southeast part of Duller C. untv, for St o er creontlmi-, nr the whole fur J 09 if pail in cash. Land iiSO ulle- uonhwrst of Ld coin. Applt t ADRbWB03EWATLR. men Ott FO bALE ORREnT A farm of 1 aires witn house and barn, situate-! one half mile west of the Barracks: inqui of mcht6tf D. P. REDSfOND. FOtBAlEATA OKEIT HAKUA1N A family carriage and a match ttatn of bay horse,wflh bar es-:aIsoone new buggy- sndpoli te mot black boe. The ab-.Te property lll be'soM at a g eat laugatn. Inquire or JOHN E. BlLL, at tbe Crystal taloon, il Doula- st, mcblftl FOR SALF A two story wlntehouse.thirteen ri-oms, a we l.ai'UBdmco 1 ore wat-r, cis tern, Ac. The lot if f uU size, exo lien t garden, grapes, raspberrje .enrran'sand other fruit. A goo- location or a barn near a t.evcr (ailing bro k. Terms favo b e. Inquite of Sirs. J. . Page on tbe premises, corntr of 1Mb and 3iasoustieets mchl9tf WANTED A ftw day boirders can be ac comn odated with first class board at Mrs. Green's, VS6 lrnliaru st. over rt-oma formerly occupied by Peycke's restaurant, mchietf Tl I; eTerjlh ng til cotnp'ete order, with estab lished bu n cf.iiso 100 tiarreis Tinear ior sate, . . ro t xrir iiLir iivl ine Tery itsu mch 8t f FRANK DLLLONE. M OSEY TO LOAN hnquire of F. A lieals, lioom rio. isscuer s diock um rqchUt ua.. nWRSALE 3 lots, 22xC6. on the corn, r of I; Bnrt and 16th sts., with a cottage house on each, ot J r. oms each. 1 rice 1 600 each. . mch9tf J. W.'IUWSLI.Y. WANTED A woman fcr kitchen work, mjtf J. W.TOWeLEY. rWSLhY'S HOttsE HAD.Eil Is good for OMumptioo. ni2-lm PAQFIC HOUSE REOPEN ED Tho Pacific II out; has been thoroughly rei aired, SDd will be open for tbe act ommodation of boarders and the public generally, on the 1st of 31a ch by Wm. ltowltzrr. Charges reasonable 10th St., bet. Can. ate. and Darei port st. fe24tf FOR SALE A tboroushbred, shiirt born bull, four years od. Inquire of Pom n.y A Kennedy, Papilllon feb'itf WANTED A gno-1 blackstnl h with some means to stun a shop in a country town Apply to Pomroy A Kennedy, P pillion, till CM J Chicago- Ja2ti - S. A. TAYLOR A CO. PASSENGERS GolHf East or South from Omaha And Points o U. P.E.B.. iheald Ute tht 1 LINCOLN ROUTE" ATCHISON & NEBRASKA JRAILROAD ! Aad near for th'nts-lres the cholc Six . f Pepolar Rentes fron KiUmj to Cfcicagt aud St. Leuls, aUlsBaklnf BaJiablaConnectleas and being BqBifptdwitkFahea Dayasd Blespist; Can. All delay aad fnconrenlenc aniTlng from Feriiaaard transfers can be aroUed AVcst ef Chicago and St. Louis j securing Tickets Tia ATCHISOf sinrt th ATCIIISOJr A HEBKAMKA RII4lOAI. iraet and RellaUa Connections are sls made with tba A.T. AS F. R. E. for the Urratairtansas Vallej & Colorado, Ab4 with all lines running South to points ia Kia.ii and thr Indus Territory. Ask lor Tickets Tia rCOLN & ATCHISON. . c. sirrrn, Cca'l Snpt. W. F. WHITE, Gtn'l Pass. Att. atf Ateklloa, Ksiiu, ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Notice It b'erebj- given to the qmllfiol elt on of th I ity of Omaha, that aii election will tie held wi'.hln and tor the Citr of Omaha, on Tuesday, the seTenthtlaj of April, A U. ls74. for the lollov nns Durcs.io u: For the electios of Major, Tr.asurer, Clerk, Marshal, Police- Judge, City Engin-er, and Street Com missioner -alio one i ouncilman and one mem ber of the Board of Education within and for each ward, and one Council-nan to fill Tacancy within and for tbe thiid vara ; and one niej; berol the Board oi Education to fill vacancies within and for each of th- 1st and 2nd wa ds ; also t the same time and place the qui stion of issuing bonds ot the City in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand DolUrs, pay able in twenty years with Interest at eight jr cent, per an num, for the construction of wa'er woiks. ball be decided t.y b-U.ot by salJelcCtion, and those voting in favor of issuing said bonds shall voU a ballot which shall read, "FOR WATER BOXDS," and those Totiiu against tbe issuing of said bods, shall vi te a ballot whi h ahaU ead, "AGMNST WArEK BON'DS." At which election the polls will ba opened at the following named places ia the several wards, to wit: 1st ward, at Turner Hall. 2nd war t at inline House No 3. 3d wa d at Engine linuse No. 2. 4th ward at the Court House. 5th ward at F. B. smith's, cor. 12th and Chi cago gt. bth ward at Engine House No. 1. Which election will t opened at nine o'clock in the morning an t will continue oprn until seven o'clock la the af.eraoon of tbo same day, In Witness whereof, I have hereun'o set my hand and caused the seal of said C ty ! be hereunto amxe', this fourteen- day ot March, A. I) 171. J. S. GIBSON, Actios Mayor. . 0ABBHGB XoHUFA0TDIlS3. Established 1858. a. a. si"fviapsc"tj's CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY 538 & 540 Fourteenth Street, (Office up stairs,) Omaha, Nebraska. Carriage and Buggies on hand or tu e to order. N. B- P-rUcular attention paid to Repair ing. apr28-ti L. WOODWOBTH 228 DoHglas St., Omaha, Neb., DEALER It' Carriages, Hacks, Buggies Patent "Wheels. Road Wagons, Trottine Sulkies, Skeletons, Stu debaker's Celebrated Wagons, James IU U1I' Celebrated Concord Harness ami Whips, Sorse Glotlii-ag, Robes, Blankets, Wagon Material ot all Descri) tions.Spokes, Hubs. Fllocs.and all kluusof HARD WOOD LUMBER Thimble Skeins. Axles and 8prings !' O EX 1ST E a3 255 Harnty ttreet, between Carr'at-'e and Wagon Staking tn all It Branches, in tne latrst and most approred pattam. HORSE SHOHNQ AND SLACKSM'THINU and repairing done on short notice "P2 it , CAKRIAGK, BUGGY aud WAGON MASUFACTDKKR. N. E. CORNER of 14Ui aid HARNEV STS, Would respectfully announce tc the nubile th t be is now ready to 011 all contracts in the abore lines with neatness and dispatch. Ot2s.Expres3 wagons consUnUr on hand and Ladies' Fashionable Cloak and Dress Maker. . J.I . Pomnffc-n tM cnin, r-Tr,,I -xvwWin Suits, Mor-I , '.r r, . i. . -nT er i th-l.t-t riri.t-T. .t1. Virlnt -sr rl dqn a lil-.n-l. .ii i n f " I" - n- I-i-db-s in alt Its hr-i"i n h t r' n r n'ta' andc n'resnf .!iii In rnnv-M m rr-, Itk pl',Ur ; , -, , n vel " 1 dea .f lma"i'. cti.-a'li'n rn-otre.1 tn evftrj d rsrt ent 1 t"t : j n. Xo.530 It tr-f. oc2yt r.wrLr. CLARK & FRE.NCII Vholesale Grocers And dealers In BANNED GOODS BUIED FRUITS, ETC. Green Fruits in their Season OBDERJ SOLICITED AND PBOJ1PTT.T IltXBD ni9-ly GHOIIU': ZAxTER, JEWELS Ltd f?;riCIAN' Ee Ulasocs and Ssertaclc. (309 13th . I. a . WJeweW m Watches, Clooc, wurrantml. ir i 'o r. Une Jrwtlrr. rrpaired and .lfilt HOTELS 1 0 BESTADBABTf. ILLINOIS HOUSE. Jo xxxia.cBataa. X xoo , Petwcen 9th and 10th. 'CIIARl.KS PlL.DElt.MAN Propa mehlltf GRAND CEjNTKAL -BOTSZi. )HAHA, ' - HESBASKA The lamest and best hotel between Chicago uid S.-in rancisco. Opened new September 30th, 1S73. sW tf Oti. THkALL. Proprietor. Victor Restaurant 10O PAKNHAM sTRKKT, Bcfn 10th and 11th, srrcroR dlceos, - Prop'i. TABLES SUPPLIED WITH ETEBYTHISe In the Market. Open From 7 a. hi. to 12 p. in. All Meals Served to Order. 0YSTEB3 8EBVED 15 EVEBT STYLE r"ime in aeaton. Prices to rait the time Southern Hotel. Fronting n 4 6ti tad Sslaatiti St. Louis, - Mo. Laveille, "Warner & Co., t?roT3rlotor. The Southern Hotel is first-clan In all its ppolntroents. lis tab'es are at all tlmrl sup plied in the greatest abnndance, with all t- delicacies the msrkets afford. Its clerks and implores are all polite and altenme to the iranu of tbe (nests of tbe hotel. There Is an improTedeleTator leading from tbe first floor to the upper one. Railroad and steamboat :icket offices, news stand, and Western Ucloa rlgnk oaU la Rotuada of the heteL BL a 14th and IStb DEWEY & STONE, Furniture Dealers Are receiving an unmens-e stock ot Furniture from the east era. cities. The Public are invited to call and see our new styles of PARLOR, DINING ROOM, AND CHA1BR FURNITDRT, SIDE BOARDS, BOOK CASES, WARDEOBES, DESKS, 4p. A. Large Stock of Medium & Common Furniture AT VERY LOW PRICES. Nos. 187, 189 and 1 0-tvrjaL.Tac.. n marteodt' HENRY HORNBERGER. WHOLESALE DEALER TN Wines, Liquors, C'&abs, Tine Old Kentucky Whiskies and tmporfed Goods a Speelnltj. 239 DOUGLAS UP.,) (CaldweU Bluck,) f mchi9yl STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Grocers, SIMPSON'S BLOCK 53S and 540 Fourteenth. Street, BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE, OZMZ-AI-A., nichl32y - Established PUNDT, MEYER & WHOLESALE FANCY GROC Teas, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars. 212 Farnliam Street, - - - Omaha, Neb hlCnlTi-O Wl ,aaaaBSBBBSSBSBaBaBBBBBBBlBBBl JOHN T. EDGAR, JOBBER OF Shelf l Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, COK.N-PL 1XTBfiS''Aft 'UjXHi'Eir &c SICCESSOKS TO WILLIS fe ANDRESEN, SOS a&d OlO 14tbi St. OmiOin, 20013 litPORTEUS OF Noi WISES, BRANDIES, ANT "61 Who'esals dealers in PURE BOURBON CO.. KIS oi the most celebrated brani's. cases, sole gents lor the relet rated nm rpnts for thn rrIM rxtnl MONTANA. DAKOTA and NHWA and BASS ALE and LO.N DON hl3tl and O 'Xi. CQ l 0 B (SI SO Si pUHHHH MaQUllalBlHaHBalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaS TIN PLATE, AND SHEET IRON, Japanned Ware, Tools and Machines. eartlcaiarattcutlon will be paid to Orders fr.m the Trade. Merchant ronrenisiii to this iaar ket can save oolh time and money br oniwlnn from us. 0KDEB8 0LI0ITED ASD 8aTI3FA0TIO- QOARAHTEEO. sssrtxjie Western Agency (or Nebraska and the Wetarn Territories for the Charter Oak bend lor Print List. and Address iurS-dtf K. & J- WILBTJB, Books and Stationery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, .Fourteenth. Street, - Omaha., XTeb GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL ROOKS marSly O. "F. C3-003D"NA."N", Wholesale Druggist sVxxcl. 'aOosnlwx'.riXB. PAINTS, OILS AND UMAHA, sprU-ly 4BBBB"SR g m "aaaaWl MM 91 Farnham Street. - b - 3 - r. laA.. ODLAIEaL, 3STEB. - - USTEIB. DEALERS IN ? a. .. u raaT ailTI ritt? D WAGUNS. eb DBLLOITE KENTU' IT, C-PPER DISTILLED WOH Also, militant l-iyuuiui in oarreis sua NEVADA, CAUFOKn I A. COLUK VU, NEVADA. I - ' OARd- ImMrtadSCO CH PORTER, always a band. AU TO: .oco. V- tr1 5 ft 2 f W w ERIES, Stewart Cooking Stoves. IVIIXiT,0,J' "C.C3-"a"El.3. OXatXAtXA. N"oU WINDOW GLASS, Neb. it musicians. L - 8teB--KKT ,