N . .7 THE OMAHA BEE OFFICIAL PAPER-OF THE CITY. Opeslog and ClosiBg of Mails i Omaba. . 1 wrsT. 0. P.R.K - XAST. A N.W. H-B... do do -' H.I.AP- K.B.. 3o do...-. f.&at.R-BJJ do uo.... IwrjTB. ,B.&St-Jo do do. U.&S.'W-K-- .SOEUI. O. A S. "VT. B. B 11:00 llio 11:00 7.03 8:00 2:50 420 4.30 CO 4.30 100 7.45 Chirezo and all Eastern cities. Kebnska oT? HsttiSou. fundU BluB. id Burllng- 3tr. Hat ton. due at 11)30 'fJlTu'l.atilSt. Joseph, due at 104)0 nd 7 p -. t,:15 p-,?; ",ni 1; 1KK1VAL A1 UEPABTDKE OF TBAIXS. - e CrnxH of the ZJBiItaltte Kowte Tim tEAVKOXAH.. F.inrpss .!. AKEIYE AT OMAHA. r v. I Kxprcss- 933 Mill 5 00 Isursyscxcepted. Mondays eserpi-. TbU Is the only "ne running Pullman Hotel. Ecocr. BiitP,1W!i Gen'l. We. " Agt Chicago, IU. Ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb. Calcs Bcle. 1ZATT. J.KEXTC J 00P.M. I0al0 P. M. :tsP.W 5,30 A.M. tc Pae!fte DIly F.xprets ..1133 A.M. Ualiy inixru... 4 At r. Daily Freight.. G 43 A- M- Cbtnco, Bock !! Mall. ..s.ao A. M. 10.40 P. M. tlO.OOA.M. unaafe excepted. tMonaay except. Cblcaco & Iortbweteru. KntCltT,St.Jo.&CooBcll Bind- ornin Express. . 630 A. M. 10.00 A. M. Kvenine Express.. .2:50 P. M. 6.u r. n. fimaBa ic Snrtliwwtero and Sioux "" CUT & PclBC MaUBtpress 8:15A.M. 2:15P.M. m Daily except Snndaya. Omnibuses and BaKgam Waeons leare the ofPce. corner Farnham and Mnth etrecU, nt Jmes ladv.u.ce of the above Kailroad - TTTrtV ...-' A . OMAHA BHtVlllES. X ADTKKT1(''RS The CinrT- I,'lIO o the DALY DEE 1- n than doable tht T any other dally paper ubIUbed In Nebraska. Peycte's Restaurant and Oyster rooms. Tlie leading house of the kind. 207, Farnham street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth. feb24tf Ttn not - noglect to have your name registered at once. Read the registration notices In this paper. Col. C. S. Chase declines tho honor of running.for the office of member of the Board of Education. Among the freight that went west Saturday were four port able engines. Mr L M Bennett, Superintend ent of the Pullman Pacific Com pany, and wife, have gone to the Grand Central to board. " The second term of the present cliool year ended Friday with interesting exercises in the various departments! Hon. J. C. Cowinhas rented an office in Creighton Block, into which he will move as soon as it is fitted up for him. Prof. Snow was presented with a cane yesterday by the pupils of the eighth grade, at the closing exercis es of the term at the High School Friday. The three-card monte men fleeced a nartv of Germans out of $S0 Saturday near Bartlett sta tion on the train from St. Louis over the K. C, St. Joe & C. B. railway. The citizens of Shinn's Addi tion will hold a meeting this veiling to take into further consid eration the subject of the street rail way extension. The panorama of Pacific coast soenery at the Academy of Music Friday evening was witnessed by a lair sized audience, all of whom pro nounce it to be a well-executed, beautiful and finished work of art Professor George Lampkins, a noble expounder of the manly art of self defense, was fined $& and costs this morning by Judge Pea body for pounding hi wife without putting on the gloves. Manager Irish has booked Kclley & Leon's minstrels for the tho 5th and 6th of May, and will endeavor to have Lingard and his troupe stop here on their return from California. The steamer Fontanclle is ex pected here in a day or two from St. Louis, on her way to Benton. C. C. Housel & Co. have a large amount of Montana freight for this the first boat of the season. Tne "Social Hours" Club closed Its season Friday evening at Shoafs Hall by one of the most elegant parties ever given in this city. Hoffman's full band furnished the music , The members of the citizens' committee on water works are busi ly engaged In making out a detailed report ofHhelr inspecting trip to the east, and will have it ready to hand .into the City Council Tuesday eve ning. The Unid States and Wells, Fargo & Co's express office has been removed to 506 14th street, next to IUleyA Dcllone's wholesale liquor store. Their new quarters are quite commodious, and have been fitted up in a- convenient and elegant manner. The examination of Johnson, the notorious witness and carpenter, on the charge of having robbed a drunken man of $65 at the Depot Hotel, was postponed till to day. It will take place before Judge Porter, and Strickland fc Webster will appear for the prisoner. A new grocery store has just been opened at the north east corner of Tenth and Harney'streets, byC. Leisge & Co. This will supply a long felt want in that vicinity. Messrs. L. fc Co. have put in a large and fresh supply of groceries of every description, which they propose to sell at ihe very lowest rates. Al though open but a few days, they have already done quite a heavy retail trade, and will soon build up a splendid business. a.. - rr . 23Q Haw i At a meeting of the Fire De- partment Friday eveninpr a compli mentary resolution -was adopted iif favor of ex-Chief "Engineer -Simpson, and it waa determined to hold an election for Chief Engineer, on Wednesday April 15, at 8 o'clock p. m. A committee was appointed to confer with, the City Council Committee on Fire, concerning the purchase of a large bell for the de partment, with, the proceeds from the sale of the hand engine. A movement is on foot among our Irish citizens to organize a band to be composed entirely of young men and boys of that nationality. Some twenty or thirty youths will be-selected for this purpose, and will be educated and have the necessary instruments furnished them out of the money to be raised by subscrip tion for this object A committee has been appointed in each ward. Personal. Dr. E. W. Schauffler, of Kansas City, is at the Grand Central, Mrs. Dr. William McClelland re turned last evening from the East United States Marshal Daily has returned from a visit to his brother in Iowa. D. W. Quinlan, traveling agent of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway, left for Salt Lake Saturday morning. Mr. S, Goodrich, of Oswego coun ty, New York, has purchased the St. Sharles Hotel, and will take possession of it to-morrow. Capt J.N. Whcelan, went West Saturday to join his regiment, the second cavalry, atFort Ellis, Montana. M. Salisbury, the well-knowp stags man of Salt Lake, passed through the city eastward yester day. Mr. Wiley Dixon has gone out-of business in this city. He intends to seek his fortune in New Mexico, and will leave for that section of the country early next month. James McNiece and Robert Mc Kelvy, two wealthy young gentle men of Belmont County, Ohio, are spending a few days In the city on a visit to Mr. James E. Boyd, of whom Mr. McNiece is a cousin. They are prospecting with a view to investment. The following are the arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel: Miss V Morgan J C Cutler, St. Louis; J P Brolk, Jefferson Iowa; H W Lisiwood, Burlington; R Q Clark, Des Moines; E Higley, Beatrice;- W Montgomery, J S At kinson, De3 Moines; Jas Wood, Chicago; R H Thomas, Nebraska City; C Thompson, Plattsmouth; VBeatty, North Platte; W Craig, Ohio; LFBenn,Iowa; H Harding, Chippewa Falls; H Culbertson, In diana; H P Strang UPRR; JS Goodrich, NeW York; V A Gotham, J Burgess, Davenport A Card of Thanks. I desire to return thanks to the officers and employes of the Union Pacific railroad shops for their kind and gentlemanly attentions to me incollectlng in behalf of the Rev. Thomas McCague. It Mrs. S. J. Kelleb. Just received Fbesii Imported Cigars. Max Meyee fc Co. mar272t Copies of city charter for sale at the Bee office. tf Is the .French Coffee House, 485 Twelfth street, between Farnham and Harney, is always to be had the most splendid cup of coffe, chocolate, fried or boiled eggs, &c Ko liquors. mar 23 It T. C. Bbun'Neb has tho canned peaches in Omaha. m26 5t finest Second Ward Registration If otice. Notice is hereby given that I will sit at the office of John Davis, Esq., over the First National Bank, Thursday', Friday anl Saturday, 2d, 3d and 4th days of April, frohi 9 o'clock a. m. until 5 f. m., for the purpose of making corrections and additions"to the present list of legal voters of the Second Ward. A. R. Obciiabd, Registrar. March 27, 1874. mar276t ALL kinds of SECOND HAND BOOKS Bought and Sold at Doyle's Book Store, Douglas St, near 15th. ' mob27-lw The undersigned will sit on Wed nesday and Thursday, the 1st and 2d days Jiptil, 1874, at T. C. Brun ner'sJ corner of Sixteenth street and Capital avenue, for the purpose of correcting the list of voters In the Fourth Ward, Omaha City, Ne braska. P. Hoaus, mch27t3 Registrar. "Have you tried the MAY BLOSSOM CIGARS? They are splendid, mar 27 2t Max Meveb & Co. A GREAT BARGAIN. For rent, a store with shelving, counters, sugar boxes, ice box, and large back store, corner Sixteenth and Chicago streets, all for $25 per month. Being one of the best local ities in tho city for a retail grocery. Mar.20Ytf. S. A. Taylor & Co. I am now receiving a large and well selected stock of all grades of carpeting, oil cloths, wall paper and window shades, which lam prepar ed to sell very low. Please call and examine my stock before purchas ing. John B. Detwilek, 504 Fourteenth street, bet. Farnham and Douglas. mchl9tf MEN'S KIP WORKING SHOES One Dollar & Seventy-five Cts. WEBBEn & Betim, Corner Thirteenth and Douglas Sts. mar21odtf One 500 mile ticket pve the Chi cago &. Northwestern railroad for sale at this office. mch20tf Chromos at auction at Gray& Allen's this evening, mar 28 It Anti-Temperance. A large an enthusiastic anti temperauctt" meeting was held at Tumerhall Friday evening.Speeche were made by Messrs. Vanderwer, Beneke, Julius Rudowsky, E. L. Emory, Chas, BIndorf, Julius Boss, A. Cahn, and Gen. S. A. Strick land. Ths following resolutions were adopted : 0 Whereas. We believe the move ment now agitating the minds of a certain class of -our fellow citizens and assuming the form of a temper ance movement, cannot but recog nize an unwarranted attack on our personal liberty and the rights granted to us by the laws of our State and city, and the Constitution nfthn United states: ana Whereas, We cheerfully and with gratitude would accept any advice or follow the true course desired for the suppressing of drunkenness and the intemperate use of intoxicating liquors; and whereas. We. have the highest respect for the religious feeling and sentiments oa any class or classes and a strong desire to regard any step taken by any religious body or originating froni a moral pur pose; and Whereas, we believe that the true remedy for the prevention of intem perance is laid in the hands of our mothers and wives, not by pray-iino- or vlolatinsr the law or disturb ing the peace of their orusade, hut by close attention to their duties at home by educating their children to be good men and women, carrying with them through all life's tempta- tiou, a mother's lesson that there Li uo sin in drinking a glass e? wine or beer, but that ft degraded a man in the eyes of God and in society to become a drfinkard. And, Whereas, We would not object to the strict enforcement of a judi cious Sunday law, containing, for instance, provisions that the doors and windows of any saloon shall be kept doled on Sunday, or that any saloon, situated In a block, wherein divine service Is held, shall cease its its business altogether as long as those services last And Whereas, We would favor strin gent laws to suppress all riotous con duct, all gambling 'or cheating, as well as prostitution in any saloon; and Whereas, We emphatically de ny that -any prohibitary law will suppress the evil of intemperance, hut onlv damaire the interests of our industrie", State and ourselves, 1 to an Incalculable extent: tnererore, Resolved, That in the coming city election, as well as in aU elec tions heretofore to be held In this city or State, we will only support men who can agree with us that the views expressed in this resolution liberal, just, and right, both to citi- zens, and to the State itself. Eberhart's "specialities," BIRDS, BABY BUGGIES and WALL PAPER. mch28t2 Oomuiunlcated. Mr. Editor: The Omaha Herald repeats its assertion, in this morn ing's issue, that the Ohio liquor law is a Republican measure. The Ohio liquor law was made before the Re publican party was in existence and at a time when there was a large majority of Democrats in both branches 'of the Legislature. The Democrats have had a majority In the Legislature of Ohio more than once since the law was passed and yet this Ohio liquor Jaw has never been repealed. One Who Knows. Ask for the MAY BLOSSOM CIGARS, take no others. mar27 2t Max Meyer & Co. The yew Union Pacific Management- In conversation with Hon. J. H. Millard, one of the Government di rectors of the Union Pacific railroad, We Saturday learned that the Union Pacific officials, especially Sidney Dillon, President, and several of the directors will arrive here early in May for the purpose of looking into affairs at Omaha, and taking a three weeks Inspecting tour over the whole line. He assures us that everything Is fa vorable for Omaha beyond the shadow of a doubt, and that Omaba people need not have any fears of receiving any other than fair and honorable treatment at the hands of the now management. Simpson's Cigar Factory will re move April 1st to Creighton Block, mar 25 fit Concert and ball of the Omaha Macnnerchor and the Scandinavian singing society, "Lyran," for the benefit of Mr. John G. Buchler, a cripple, Monday evening, tfto 31st inst, at Turner Hall. Tickets at 50c, can be had at the book and music stores, and at the hall m23 2t Any oae desiring g perfect fit ting shirt, should call on Frank Ramge, and leave tjheir measure. Satisfaction guaranteed. mar 27 tf. H. L. Latey, corner Bouas and 12th streets, keeps fresh Tallies and all kinds of candies. Abo, the best pies and cakes in the city. The trade 01 families solicited. mch20tf Remember, At Allendorfs, No. 209 Douglas street, Is decidedly the best place to buy the choicest of all kinds of IHsh ; also, the best of Eggs, lSc per dozen mar25tf W. M. Bcshman has removed to 265 Douglas street, near Fifteenth, and is prepared to show and offer for sale the finest and best assorted stock of Dry and lancy Goods latest styles and patterns, and at the lowest market prices. mar27tf Johnson & Co., 202 Douglas street must repeat that their prices are not to be beaten. No one can save ten per cent on their prices, or In the end buy old bankrupt stocks any cheaper than they sell new fresh goods. Remember thestora, formerly Giffofd kCo., now John son &. Co., No. 262 Douglas street, near Fifteenth street. -mar27 2t ' r T. C. Brunner has the largest assortment oj groceries in Omaha. aar20-5t For superb Job Printing, at "Bed Bock Prices," go w Gray, 12tk street. lttf Pirst Warti Registration Hotice. Notice i hereby given to the voters of the First Ward, in the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, that the undersigned, Registrar of said ward, will sit for the correction of the registry of the voters of said ward at my office, No. 163, Farnham street, on, the 1st, 2d, 3rd and 4tn 1874, from 9 o'clock days of April, a. M. to 7 o'clock p. M., except one hour at noon, of each day. f Jons Rath, mar23toapl4 Registrar. PENMANSHIP. During the next two weeks I shall arrange spe cial classes to accommodate any who may wish to 'spend a short time In learning the art of writing. Here is an opportunity you will not get every day. Terms One Dollar per week. Come and make ar rangements a3 early as possible, Geo. R. Ratiibun, Principal Omaha Bus. College. mar 28, tf " My 35 cent, 40 cent, and 50 cent teas. They cannot be duplicated in the cjty. To be had only at L. V. Morse's, mar 28 It 272 Dodge st . W. B. LORLNG & CO. We again call attention to our ELEGANT SPRING STYLUS of GENT'S CUSTOM SHOES, particularly our "FANCY ALEXIS." "FANCY CONGRESS," with Light fancy uppers, "Grecian" toe, and GENTS' STRAP SHOE With heavy double sole. A full assortment of our standard FRENCH CALF BOOTS Always on hand double and single sole. These goods are all HAND MADE and of the BEST FRENCH CALFSKIN, and having" them in several widths we can give A PERrECT AND EASY FIT. W. B. LORLNG & CO., Cor. 14th and Farnham-sts., Opposite Grand Central. Capture of-Three-Fingered Jack. On Wednesday evening, John Green, alias Three-Fingered Jack, arrived in this city in a sly way, 'on the Northwestern train, and was received with open arms and an artistic smile by officer Steupfell. He looked at the officer in a won dering manner, and ascertained for a fact that it was that same. Yes terday the prisoner was tried before Recorder Burke. That late trans action, in which John relieved a stranger of $700- or $S00 in Frost's saloon, near tne bt. josepn aepot, furnished a foundation for the legal reckoning which thus overtook him in his festive career. The Recorder placed his fine at $100 and costs. He staggered a moment under this announcement, but soon rallied and handed over "$50. Foote will foot the rest of the bill, if John don't Council Bluffs Globe, March 27th: 5,000 Dozen FreshEGGS at mar 26, 3t Bkuxseb's. Hew Registration in Sixth Ward. Please take notice that an entire new list will be made this spring, and that no names will be trans ferred from the old books, as they are not to be found. The judges of election had possession of my books in my absence from home at the fall election,-and I'have never been able to recover them. I will bit at Engine House No. 1 on Saturday, March 28th, for ad ditions and corrections, from 9. A. sr. to 5 pj m;x mr235t H. Monqeb, Register. Fort Scott rusty and black coal at " D. C. Sutphen's, 211 Farnham street bet 12th and 13th. J. JJ. Mapes, Agt. mch24tf Don't fail to attend the auction sale of beautiful chromos at Gray & Allen's this evening, mar 28 It. . Allen, the Grocer, keeps the finest assortment of Groceries in this city; call and buy of him for cash, and savo 10 per cent, on your purchase. mch24tf Seal Estate Sales for the Week " Ending March 87th, 1871 Joseph Black to John G. Spencer, nw32, 10, 11 S700. Herman Fickenscher to Fred L. Reid, w 5 1-2 acres of sw nw nw 8, 15, 13 $440. Herman Fickenscher to J, A. Mc? Clure e 4 1-2 acres of sw nw nw 8, 15, 13 $360. C. M. Harpster to Herman Fick enscher, 16 acre3 ofsenw 5, 15, 13 $640. L. W. Denton to a F. Backhaus, 120 acres in 28, 15, 10-$1,100. G. M. Mills to Fred Bitterolf, 2 acres in sw ne 34, 15, 13 $400. N H CotTman. to Charles Shiver ick, lot 12, Preston & Williams' ad dition $1250. William Doll and wife to A C Althaus, e hf lot 6 block 148, Oma ha $3000. Elizabeth Hume to David E Hume, n hfof s three-fifths lot 4 block 12 $3500, -- Lewis S Reed to Anna M Yates, lot 8, block 15, Omaha $2000. Henry Nye to Jacob B Moore, nw ne 16, 16, 125300. David Hume to George Hume, undivided hfof-w hf, lot 6, block 351 S1200. S H Witte to Albert Woehr, lots 1, . 2, 3 and 4 in block 27, Wilcox's Sec ond Addition. $200. Matt Hansen to J B Leutsohcr, e "hr nw 22, 16,- 9 $800. A Burley, Sheriff, to John G Wells, 55$ acres in e hf nw 30, 15, tO JjllU.OO. B C White to John W Denton w hf sw 22, 1G, 9 $1000. . - J-B Leutscher to J W Dentoneast hf aw 22, 16, 91000. John W Denton to M F Shinn, west half sw and cast half nw 22, 16. 9 2,000. t- LOOK AT THE REDUCTION. Lone Jack unoking tobacco $1.60 per pound. "Bob White Smoking Tobacco;" $2.00 per pound, mar27 2t Max Meyer & Co, ATTENTION, REPUBLICANS, Bepablicav City Convention. A- Republican Convention is oolled to meet at the United States-Court Room mltldick's Opera House, on Monday, March 30th, at 2 o'clock jpi.irforthe purpose of placing in nomtnauua; uiu iuuumiuj, .....-, to be voted 'for at the coming city election: Mayor, City Treasurer, City Clerk, Police Judge, Marshal, Street Commlssioner.land City Engineer and for the transaction of such other business as nay 'be brought before the convention r- said convention- to consist of five delegates from each ward. i Primary electionsfor the purpose of electing said delegates are called on Saturday, March 28th, beginning at 4 p. m. and closing at J5:30 P. M. at the following places :.! First Wardat Turner Hall. Second Ward, at 'the Omaha House, Harney street between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Third Ward, Jit engine house on Tenth street Fourth Ward, at Sherifl's office Court House. Fifth Ward, at Dallofr 's.j Sixth Ward, at englnebouse on Izard street -f It Is further recommended that each Ward nominate a councilman and a member of the Board of Edu cation. Also, thatthe Third Ward nominate a councUman, and the Second Ward a member oi uie Uoardoi JSaucauon to uu. uu-jr, to be voted for at the respective pri mary elections. rt By order of thetCity Republican Central Committee : Thos. Swobe, Cb'm'n. W. M. Frakcis, Sey. "inch23-Gt ig ' - Z T City Campaign. The Republican primaries were held Saturday, from 4 1 6:30 p. m. In the First Ward, 268,yotes were cast; .in the, Secon'd Ward, 1C0; Third Ward, 280; FourthWard, 126; Fifth Ward, 105; Sixth. Ward, 329. y The following delegates were elected to the city convention, that meets in tlie U.-S. Court Room in Redick's Opera Hduse to-day at 2 p. m. First Wa'd.-A. C. Althaus, A. J. Doyle, John Rath, R. J. Jcnken son, P. McHugh. Secone Ward Frank Walters, Albert Nast, Paac S. Hascall, J. G. Jacobs, and Jacob Gteh. ThJ.dWard W. A. Gwyer, Sr., I. W. Miner, W. B. Peyton, Charles B"nckej Fritz Heffner. F.,u.iU Ward W. R. Bartlett, AW. Sftt'deft, Lewis S. Reed, H-v.-a.d Kennedy, Chauncy Wiltse. FiTih Waid H. Jones, A. S. Wt'gly, E. Fisher, John Steffin, Ca.T Axford. Sixth Ward C. F.Manderson, T. J. Staley, .. N. Phillips, Joseph Red m?n,Geo. H. Crager. The following y NOMINATIONS were made in the respective wards: First Ward For councilman, N. C. "Whitman. For member of the board of education", W. H. 8. Hughes. Second Ward For. councilman, Thomas Swobe. For member of the beard of education, J. W. Lytic Third Ward For councilman, (long term) S. G. Taylor; (short term) Charles Banckes. For mem ber of the board of education, I. W. Miner. Fourth Ward For councilman, Lewis Brown. For member of the board of education, Alvln Saunders. Fifth Ward For councilman, Dr. L. F. Babcock. For member of the board . of education, 'Robert McConnell. Sixth Ward For councilman, O. C. Campbell. For member of the board of education, C. A. Baldwin. Communicated 1 Pointed Answer A Card. In reply to a certain Christian lady's communication in the Bee of March 2Gth, and signed "Juan," I would say that it is my misfortune to belong to a class outside of the pale of fashionable society, but not out side of the .pale of protection, and privilege of being allowed to live, and ihe right of locomotion, When this kind, good, charitable lady designates my house as "a "nasty nest" of drunken Inmates, bidding defiance to law, she tells a falsehood most glaring on' its face, and which she knew to be at the time she peneg it My bouse & more orderly, quiet' and free from the sin of the wine cup than those of some of my more fortunate sis ters, pronounced to be respectable. "He that is without sin among yob, jet him first fst a stonpat her.N HAT harper Just Eecefved. Fine lot of sntiNO goods con sisting of French, English and American Casslmere3, Doeskins, Cloths, &c, which I am pre pared -to furnish, made -In latest stylo, and at lowest rates to be found in the city. Also gentlemens', fur-i nishlng goods at greatly be duced rates. C. F. Hamakx, S. E. cor.-, 11th streets. and. Farnham m3t' Jfeach Marmalde at Brenner's. mar2&-5t. .'" Boots andJSioM Largest Stock, -s Finest Goods, Best Assortment 4v Lowest 'Prices. All goods, rarran ted. ,.-,, )fv.T ma261 m Hekry Doitlb A Co.'- tn Simpson's Cigar Factory will re move April 1st to Creighton Block. mar25, 6t " Buy" groceries aheap for cash, nd the -place to do it is at Allen's. m24tf A ri.E asortment of Muzzle and Breech Loading Shot Gunsais4 ! Max Metek &b& mar 27 2t v- Choice Fbesh Butter at marl26, fit Bi I I $5 to Sin pek nw rr Smado- by uny on. W want men. oatn tx)ra, '-1 giraan I jxer tlu" & u nJry to ur Fir.e icvl tuina lncs. Ihrutviu- Cnyon tin- Inrsjilumini'uiis. Photograph-, etc, etc. We now publuaibe flrotussortuem eer placed Velore the jublU-, ml our price are marked rfowm n ku to defr ll com ctltloa. u ooo ubaib.-vr J after evU g our picture and learning oar prL-es. We hare noon; old i gents at or lor us who hare nude canvass n lor books, p ierst et., their buslnest for years, and they all report th it they cu make much more in ney ai.woikfor.u-than aoyt ingtla-. Our mirMinio low that all can afiurito Dur- chsse, and therefore the pi at'almoetvToy house.. K lcture ell at st ht en beginners do as nlMHMt ork elsewhere until you hare teen what great inducements wo ettrr you to ni4 mo money. Weh-iTe'notspjretnexpllliia'l here, but end us your dJre-s and we will sen I full uarticula s, tree, bv m il Ixra't elay if yott ant profitable work for vour lcNttre hours erfor Tour wliol-1 m- Nor is ihe fa ralil lime toeng g-in this uustn-ss. ur plctmes arethf nn-iaud most ple-isiug in this cou -try. and are en iorl br -alt the leading ia peri, inclu ting tl.cNew York Ueral . Thoe who cannot giro t e busi es ttir en'tre stj tentlou can work up their own loVitIes and make a hind-ome sum without erer being away from bou e ovet nigh . Lt all wb,o want-pleisant, profitable employmtat, with out risking capital, eod us their aJJrvsses at unce and le-irn all atxuit the buslnest for themselTes . Address GE"RUt: fTINaON A CO., Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. SPECIAL. NOTICES. NOTICE, AdTertiscments of To Let, For -ale, Lost, Wants, Found. Pnanllag, c, wtJJ l iusertedin these columns once for TfcJi CENTS per line; each suli-iui-iit Insertion, FIVE CtNTd per line. Tb llrst insertion !,eer IrsTahau 'tWKNTY-KIVF. CE.NTS. U 7 ANTED Anuregirl-;c man refcred Uallat Un uurtha eat corntr ot 2Sj s; u rt Hurt sts. nKbiStf .M r ATF.D To mi ' ouseol fire or six W rooms wi u barn.iouTenitnce to business parto town mchlCtl ,, I! KougUsst Tr ANTED A pratt cal tigineir wants a VV situation. Aildtcfs, "E. U. F "I Hu of fiU M "2t- WANlhU While jou are cleanug houie, send our lace iu r atns lo Omalw cuam Lmiidry. they will do them as good s new. uicj7l BOAr.DEr woutef at the .Montgomery House, on CipitalaTfiiue, between Her . m ir.i f4.'n. Anmatml TIl-tl ant rooms, good .table am 111 atJU intlilU . ;w a.ww . X''- iu piice to suit the limes U1CI u FOlt-ssALE OU r.ENT toua and Lot on corner o 20 h and Cutuuiins Street House has 9 rooms ith good ceiLr, one well, tine wale , and 2 cisteis, a g od tab e with ioomlor3hoies. The boaxi is already fuiu- ri-hed. WllV-aorrent iiaron lip prem ises will show the property. pp J' lllOMAS W . I.ULLL, mch2"tf Bcviir iLicou Co. Miss url. l?OL SALE I HEAP I is,bty aLreso' desira- f uie lud in DtfUghis count. Tetms.asj. nauireot BsltuN ItEED A tO. mo.Jbtf FOlt SLE A house and lot n P-n lion , ies r.bieo.atioi for stor , lot2ixH01l. house MxJ5, one Slory anH oue-balf ih. I11 quir at Hire ot Ur. u. t- Beadle, Faplillon. mchJ5iula 7OUBLNT An tleaut lar.e double hou e, J; all uudern c.meiiie ic barn and 4aire 01 ground attached anuatediu tlie City of timaha, oueml eln m the post ortice. tiwner wou.d boat d for rent The situation is eligi ble and as a i-uiuiucr resilience unsurpassed ppl c OK must me be reponib'e. Addiess or luquiie of 1 arke Uodwiu, Attorney at Law, 5" 9)4 1 Jth st Omaha. m hiwl riOK SALE Olt KENT The hotel property P on corner of tiarney ami 11th sts. est sidcCerms eary. Inquire cf jtoch'-il illto. M.MIONLY. W' 'ANTED At the Ilbta tthool liuilumg, a woman 10 do ccneral nouseworK. mrhioif WAN ED g rl o do gei frali ouiewoik. Wages S3 00 per wiek Aptly to II. roMEtfiV. West end oi St. Mary's Avenue, UmaLa,Ntb. mchtt f ' ALL parties wishing to purchase lutnlierfor casu, will hn.t my prices lower than he lows-. .-EO . Kxaoland. febSCtf U.P.R.lt. track. Douvlas and fith sts lEMI ME l'K 1'LUIY IU Sb It, CHEAP Ixt 1 in lliock. 1 ?, an I Lot 8 iu HlocV 1G U.th on comer, aic full tots (66x162 ft.), Iaiit fill I uild ug sites un I In the most iiMlrnWi portinnif the ti y. Ais Sou'll halt ot L018, BlOik I ft, (tfilt kqiitn), N. W. cor ner o Fsrul am aLd 18 h sts. covere-i wi b FKOIT. nd b A h TKE t, and commands a Tit w of thewboieci y and surrounding coun try. A 1. Lot .Boiktl) Inquire of . W. T. RlClIiRDs.iTo. i0J 13 hs ., hot. F.n h m and tjougla. tUJl-mui-tli -yai3w F 1O1: 1ILNT ihe Valler House. Iuquir of mihl tf JOHN T. PAUL&EN. MOSr-Y 1OL11AX. 1 a 1 at woEeofK. L Thomas, n,om 8, Vis--eLer' Mock m 1 If TrANThlJ A good girl totlogeutral boost- wolL, iood wages will b pail. In piire nt IbU ofilce,. r adJitssU. T. Clarke Be lirue. Neb. . 111 h.O f F'Olt bLt 1C0 aLtes ot 1 sa in ag a larg 'arm and Uos' to re tlm ents iu ih soutli.a-t 1 sit of Butler Hm tr, for $ e icreon time, .r thcKlioIefnr S 00 if pall in rash. Laud is 30 mile-, nor liwext of Lit coin. Aiplrt-! ADH W EO ElVAItlt. men Ut FO bAlCORRE T Afjruiuf -' aits witu bouse juil bun, situate-i one half mile mchiSif P. RI DMOND. FO SA FATA OKElT I AltUAtN A family carriage and a match nam of by horo, Willi bar es-:alsoonenewbusg) rndpof te mot H-icL hor-es. '1 lie jb .ve pruperty ill besul I atag eat. larciin. inquire u Juil E. HULL, at ti e Crystal taloon, ,U Dou,Ia n. mclil6lf IOR5ALI A two story whiUhouse.thirteen P rionis, "a wel,a uiidince .ure w it 'r, cis tern, Ac. Tlie lot i- full size, exc. llent gardeu, grjpo-, rasiiberrie , curran sando her fruit. A goO't Ibcatlou or a U rn near a I ere r tailing bro k. Terms tivo the. Inquiie of Mr. J . Page nn the premises, corner of lHh and MaviarVeeU mchl9if WA -TEI) ftw day lioarders can bo ao rommodated with first ilixs board ut Mrs. Grten's, :Su lambaru at, prer noma formerly occupied bj Poycte's restaurant, niclilfltt FOU JjALK Olt RENT Vlneg.r w6it, ererMhinz in eomolete order, with p.ial. lishe I bus nt rs,iLo ISO liarreis vinegar for sale, the Tery I esL FR.VNK DtLLONE. roch.Cif MOSEY TO LOAV l.nquir; of F. A Beals, Room No. 3 Visschcr'j block Oma la. ch!2t PHIRSALE lots, SxGu. on tl c coiu.r cf thsts, with a CittaTe hnt.se C Burt andlAth sts, ou eaih, ol r.ouis each. rice SI 60J each. n-cli9tf J. W . TOW SLLY. w ANTED-A woman f r Mtchen work. J. W. TtiW?LEy. m2if TOAVSLhY'S HOUaE RAO.S1I ensumptior. is grod (or ra2-lm TAL1HC Hi'USE KEOPENED-Tb- Pacific JL HOU basbeen thoruuhlr re. ami. ami Killb voeii for the aicouiniodation of boarders and the public generally, on the 1st of Ma cb by Will, l.ovux-r. Charges reasoi.able 10th St., btt. Cup. ac. aad Davei port St. feCttl EOR bALE A thoroughbred, thort horn bull, four years o'd. Inquire cf Fomeroy A Kennedy, Papillion. feb2tf WANTED A good biacksmi h with some means to start a (bop In a ountry town Apply to Purnroy A K.nuedy, Piplllioti. Utf JTOUE IOU BEN r On N H'ror. lttb and O Chicago. 8. A. TAYLOR A Ctl. Jaltf ALL A UOUITII i:YATEIl 1VOK. The central rity of the West Quite proud of late lias prom, Ai d frels il n m limber wait A pools zed fond to own The greats liiiltl f t e wurld ii wiIi to cut a swell. At once creel a itfer..lr Upon their htglicst hlllj , We read in the days ft Noah That water wo as werelrld; ' ,, The troub t in t ej bsd oo sewers, An so the peoi 1 died. . f-."jletusthn reuicmler ut ' If wat."r works we try. To put in teeiiMOd andrlrorg. Ana maxe our tiiteu quite ary. 1J And when the thing is dene We'll celebrate ct oncct Then erer J body in the t wn . " Will buy their lists of .Bonce. 'Ear all new styles that i ow are out, Some fifty- kinds or n ore. You' 1 Cod them cheap t Eunce's Famous New lork store. The dump on Hitter of tha West, CM Doaj Lu Street. mcii6if ' XlUS. K. H. PALMEB, Fashionable Dress and Cloak Maker, I Sooas,262 EonjlssSt. near 15 b, (C? Stairs.) I cut from actnal" ncasorement not from l tten tend wll-u m,u aai-sfution lo a I Cntllnff ariI Fltt'.n? a Speclaltj, A continuance of the -vert llh.ral istonaje all eady teste weJ, lespectlolly lolldtei. acb-Ctf well as sgtnts wno uare ana i trx experience, for our beautiful subject and iiw prices are .nprccisted by a'l. To cm e large sales erery- boreal lhegent has 10 do Is to show the frnmheusa to house Dont loot Lie Election proil-hatiox. Notice is hereby siren to ihs'qui lined elctt mrj of the ity if Uuiairi, that autlrction will be held within and or the City 01 Ouuh , on Tuesday, the seventh da "ofAfrtl, A. t. lsT4, for the.loil wiaj purp scsto viv-:. Tor th--elec ion f Msor, Tr s.r-r, Clerk,. MkiiiaL Police Judgr, City rugin er, au.i a rret Coin mis.ionet : alocne ounritaian and oie mem ber of the Board of Education within and foi ach ward, hdu one Com cU'-an lo fillvnancy within aut for tLe tl.l d ard; and one tuea -berot theBoaidit-tdncati n 811 Tacinrlfs within and fortechuf lb 1st and Sod wads; also t tlie same time said pL.ce the qu itli.uoi issuing bnds t tne City n the. sum ot 1 wo UanditdThousjnd UoIL.tr. payable in tweuty ) ears with interest at e.cit i er c nt. per an num, foi tie cunj'ructio" of we work-, t all b ile- Ided j b 1 ot by si el ct iou, and those Toting in fT. r o isumz s.ii-l UmI slialln.te a ballot wnich sh-dl read, "iOlt WsTtE BiiM.s," and those rotin agaksi the issuing of s.id b-Ua, shall Mc ballot whl h shall ed, "AG NtT WA Ki BOND-.' At whkh election the p- 1U wiU t upci eu ai me louowing named places in U.i aTcral war. s, to wit: lit wa d, at Tu-ner II 11. ml wjc at Ingltie Ho sSb 3.' 3d wa d at t nlue lb-use o. 2.' 4lb ward at tlie durt ioue. 5th war.t at F. E. .-u-lth's, cor 12th and Chl C3g t-. ' bth wnd at Erg nell. useXo. 1. Which rl ciioii wi I le opcucd at nin o'clckinth rurtilrg.in wllUoniinue op n until Serau o'clock in tho id exuuin. of hi sruie-'a,, In witbess whereof, I are hereun o.srt my lani and caul ti.o seal ot said -( Utytob hen un o suite , this , o I WtMeetilid.j of March, A. 1. 1 L I71. -v- J.S.tltBSOX, Acting Mavor. Establ.shed 1858. 'CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY .?- i S.i'' 53S & 540 Fourteenth Street, (Otficeup stairs.) Omaha, Nebraska. Carriages and Buggies on Land or itae to order. N. B. Particular attention paid to Repair ing. . spr2S-tl L. W0ODWORTH 228 Douglas SU Omaba, Neb., DEALEK IN Carriages, Eaclrs, Buggies Patent "WTieels, Etoad Wsgoas, Trottlnz Sulkies, Skeletons, Stu debater's Celebrattd Wasons Jan-es R. lllli'i Celebrated Concord Harnesn and Whips, Sorso Clct2ii2ag, Bobes, Blankets, Wagon Msti rial of all iHrierip' tions, Spoken, Hubs, Felloe. end alt klnusoi HARD WOOD LUMBER Thimble Skein. Axlraaod Springs jro 3XT 3E .H-tt.. J55 Harn.-y street, between 14th and 15th. Carriage Wnn 11 "e" In all it Branches, in approTed the latest pattern. HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHIM! and repairing done on, short notice. sep26'lT JP-A.C3-E, . CAKRIAGK, BUCGY and TTAGON .MAXUFAtTUBER. N. E. CORNER of 1Kb. and HARNFi STS, WoaloT respectfully snroance tc the pablle th t he is now ready to 011 all contracts in the tboie lines with eatness and dispatch. tFxpress wscns const ntlv on hand an I Ladies' Fashionable Cloak and Dress Maker. T0mpi(locu t , Ercning res rs Mcddin S ills, Mor ing Wrap is, di . ic , ( t o r er th I et Pa lsln s vie . having ar ri d on a hi n b e iu t n,s an fi ti g f ia alis in a I its lin'th s in tbn t r us c piu and c n le if ahio in I-mop and in r , lik pi a ur in tr duct jt n yeif t ih imlies ( niah.. stU'acl ti puar nt-cd in exery d rarduent i my piouui.n. No. O) 13 Mx -trert, oc2yi BWEIF. CL1EK& FRE Cir VTiolesale Grocers And dealers in BANNED GOODS DItlED FRUITS, ETC. Green Fruits ta their Season ORDERS SOLICITED AXD PEOUrTI.T FILLED niO-ly GEOKGE ZAJSJNEK, (Campbell's Block,) JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Ejo Glas-cs anil Spct lacks, 603 13th St, OMAHA, fiEBBiSKA. W Jewelry msnu's-turcl loonier. Fine Watches, Cocks, ar Jewelry, repaired and warranted. seijlAif w E0I ELS AND BB3fAUKAKT3. ILLINOIS HOUSE. TF wj-sf-s m-m SrOO'i rttwten Olh and lOtb. 'CI1AK1 E.S KtLDEltJIAM'rop. nicbllif GRAND CKNTKAL )UAHA, - KTBSASKA Tholsrcest and lst hotel between- Chkio 'md &n Praiiclycn. 9 Opened new epiemtr 3Uth, 1STX i.1u tf ! . THkaLL. Pmrrirtor. Victoi Restaurant ioo rAM4iiAn street. BtV-n.l0th and 11th, VICTOR DLCRO&5, - Prop'i. tlBLES 8UPB LIED WITH 7EBITHIE0 In tlie Martet Open From 7 a. m. -to 12 p. m. All Meals Served to Order. 0YBTES3 SEEVED 15 EVEBT STTLE 'rams in seaaoD. Prices to suit the timf - Southern Hotel. Frcntlsg oa 4l!i,.yi ni W.Ian trtr St. Lonis7 - Mo. Laveille, "Warner & Co., FroTsrl oor. rbe Southern Hole) la Sr-t-rte-s in all Its ppointm'Bis 1 s tl.l- axe at all timn sup pliwt In tne jri-st-t al'Qn nce. with all t'e JeJiearies the nx-rkei niSirL .Its rbrVs.nd mplores are all polite and HtntiTe " Ihr wants of lhiru.-t ol th hotcj. Tlwrelsi-n ImproredeleTalnr Irsdinz from" tie fi ml Boor to the upper oue. IUilna! snl iteamhoat :Icket otSn-s. newsstand, and Western Union Telegraph ofSca In Botunda of the hotel. septl.ly 'm and Wagon Making and most r jt v DEWEY & STONE, -- d Furniture Dealers Are receiving an immense stock ot Furniture from -the eas trn cities, 'lha Public are mvit d to call and see our new styles of PARLOR, DINING ROOM, AND GHAHBR FDRKITURF, SIDE BOARD?, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, DESKS. &c. .1 Largo Stock of Medium & Common Furniture AT VERY LOW PRICES. Nos. 187, 189 and 1 91 Farnham Street. OMATTA. Brass X.wA.S:XV. marie -dt( HENRY HORNBERGER. WHOLESALE Wines, Liq'jobs, Cigars c3c- cfcc ( Tine Old Kenl utkj Whiskies and :mpor!ed Gootl a S)chllj. 239 DOUGLAS 8 rP.,1 ICtlawcU lilock,) mchiSyl STEELE & JOHNSON, Wholesale Gkooers, SIMPSON'S BLOIK- 538 and 540 Fourteenth. Street BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE, - mchlSJr Established PUNDT, MEYER fc RAAPKE, WHOLESALE FANCY GROCERIES Teas, Spices, Tobacco aaidr Qigaf s. "212 Farnham Street, hlcui'rtxljl JOHN Tv EDGAR, -jobi eu or Shelf Heavy Hardware IRON, STEEL, NAILS, WAGON STOCK, AGRICULTT7E AL IMPTiTlTRITTS, riiRisiiKio. iixiiVf-vri-i'M. itv: COUK-PLtMCIIx. I'LOW', tut 1VVTOIU, IIV.- nAKKil WAO.I.W. mch3r HILET & - si crEsou TO n WILLIS & ANDRESEN, . XCTos. OOQ aud CIO -1MFOBTLRS OF WINES, BRANDI S, AND GM Wbolfsale detltn In TUBE UOCRBOX CO, Kli-b oi tlie mist celeb aiMl brands. Alxo, DOMESTIC LIQUOBB In barrels at! cases, role Kent for the rtlelraled J.LVADA. CALIIUIiaiA. COLOJl'DO. MONTANA, OAKOTA and NrBKAiK 8 UAU3. IinportxdM.U..U and BAbS ALE and LONDON rORTEB, aiwsjs oa Land. Alto falltl and ID H i 0 h 03 TIN PLATE, AND Jaranned "Ware. Tools and Machines PartlcuUraltentlon will be paid to Orders from ket can sare Doth time and 0EDEB3 OLI0ITED A"0 81TI3FA0TI0" OrjAXAJITSBO. vmjm Wittera Agency for Nebraska and the MTefUrn Territories for tLe Charter Oak and Stewart hend for Prke Lisa. Add; 3VII1jTOI- marVdtf R. & J. WILBUR, Books and WHOLESALE 7ourteea.th. Stroet, GENERAL AGENTS FOB marSty C F. C3-OOX)"BA3iT. Wholesale And Xoler- 'lax. . PAINTS, OILS AND OMAHA, aprU-ly DEALER IX '. ohvlajk:.a., si EZB. - -- IsTES- 185t DEALIE3 IK vy Omaliii Nehl ANU- r HiiWfuso tLi.,nEE Bin DBLLOITE. 14th . Omaliii, Bar"fcj KENTU KT, C IPER UISTILLrD WHU TOBACCI 0 pa SHEET IRON, the Trade. Merchants eaarealenl to money 6r erierlM trows Ull Cooklm Stores xioo-a eikxe. 3ToIo Stationery AND RETAIL,' - Omah.su, XTol ALL S( H00L BOOtfj Druggist WINDOW GLASS, Neb.1