' Wt,iijiiinfts"iii--r-wftS!!!I!B5 f "1-wflf . . ,1 , , ,- r 4 s .q"- J if f .i'tv f w M. HELLMAN & CO.. CLOTHIERS! S"BX j 2fla Pitruliiim at,, Oor lam, Are offering the greatest OLOiT'-HHsTG -A.!-! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ! THEY M8T SELL WINTER STOCK, -AND MARKED, DOWN THE PRICES TO SUIT THE PRESENT HARD TIMES. tfitTOALL SOON BEFORE THEIR STOCK IS EXHAUSTED. d.cC-codly M. TOxo 37a.tloauiLAl coal" AND Mining Company, Of Utlmmra, Iowti, Hareopencd anoftlcoat 212 1-2 FnrnhimSt., Omahs, (or tliu tils o( their celebrated "OIL J,ASI'rl"and,,I..KIOHTON" Coal. JWTSpccUl Ratos for Car Lots.-K MP I Unlfi THE NXIXAr Wheeler & Wilson HIGHEST PREMIUM, LOOK fi 1" I T O XX, Rotating Hook SEWING MACHINE. NEARLY A MILLION IN USE, One Hundred Thousand more thauany othor Family Machine. Maclilno findings, Oneida silks, Juliti Clark A Co. 's spool cotton and linen thread constantly on hand. OFFICES 155 Stnto St., Chicago, mid 511 14th St., Omaha. C. W. KINCELY, Local Agent. o'J 3 in Chas. L & Geo. Krutli, Have removed irom531 13th street, to their NEW STORE, 507 Dottglnn Nlrerf, Corner 1.1th. Thankful for imsl f nors, and hoping for a conliiminca of the same, we would Invite our old lilciids toctnie to our new ttoreand mo hi. Wo lure laid In a largo stock of Imported LIQUOKS AND CIGAltS Wo Khali mile a specially ot supplying pri vate families during tho hulldays. diotojt -dkai.kk in- Fruits, Confectionery, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner Faruham and Eleventh ttreett, OMAHA, .... NKURASKA. tep2d ly Farmers, Read This I Jluy your Groceries whero you can act moil for your inonoy. 1'atronlxe fhe the 2E.2EIX rHOWTT, And save Tr.N' PKR CKNT P. It. AUEN, Northeast cor, ISth and Douglas it., Omaha. acplJI wly A AVord to "Traveler. , Vfchaveaword tossy lu favor of (he MU alutl 1'aclflo llallroid. It was ths "pioneer" line weilward, and Utbo "old reliable" route to fit. Louis. With the linprovementa that have been niada during tho pail year, we -llcvo that the Missouri Pacific rMlrosd has tbe twit track and tho Illicit and saloet equipment ol any lino west of the MUtltilppl. It la the only lino which rum three dally express trains of lino coaches and Pullman sleepers, equipped with the Miller plslfotm'and Hit patent air brake, from lesdlngiiolnts In the Weil, through Kantst City, tMalia aud JeOcnon City to M. Louis, without change, connecting at Ht. 1onli with eleven different through routes to points north, rait and south. Mb thange of cars from Omaha to fit. I-ouli t! this route, .Psrtlcubv Information, with mans, tlinb tables,' Ac., may bo had at tho "Through Ticket" Hal I rood Sta tions lu tho West, or upon personal or written appllcallonto (, If. Raxter, Western l'aisen ger Ageut, Kansas City, Mo,-or.U..A. Kurd General Passenger Agent, Ht. Louts, Mo. IrWtf ICu. 'K','" Turnlnic Cheap Vnrinaj 111 Bouthwcat Mlaaourl Tti Atr,n" raclAo "railroad corapuny ol ora 1 S)0,t..,K ' "I lan'l " Central ud Southwell M.'"0U'l. t from $1 to IIS pr actt 'oven years' time, with freo tramportatlon ?L ti Ht. I-oult toallnurchuers. Cllmato, toll, ff0. . mineral wealth, schools, churches and ""L . Hdlnz soclttr Invite emigrants front all lawl n tl,i! land'of fruits and flower.. For polnti i tixttta A. Tuck, Land Commit partlcula. I.nU. Mo leodU sloner . $mw The State Executlvo Cointultteo have mule arrangements with T. llAYMKS, Ku. 31N, Third tt ,'btr l.onli, who Is an excellent engraver 'and reliable gentleman, to nuke .will for cnnsei of 1'. SFiALS. Mti. O ranges In other If . tl.n InwntL tAlhlfl ft n'atei dcilrlniJ seals itiouW foriampleiApilcci. fcatlit address Mr, Utyne, etlon Kuaranteod. OB6TACLEStoMAiPIA6E: VlUppy ,"'y.0J'Dlrn me0' MVnhod of Krrors and Ab use i In early me. M reitort.1. Jmjlwenti to Marriage. k Mow method of treatment, hew arid , f ShU Pa ,-in Institution hiving, a blgli pu; & forTonorable conduct and Ig" aklif , "'"' Please Bead. w would call attention to our superior U- ..lY? .,i .trtini all kinds ol Tin, Copper, and "" &$$ .k on bulldli.gs.'or any WftMrvffla?5-l, worimen, and u.'.r.lascentsfor van's iiuin -, peiiaiy uren.lii4 ever '" M '-nTk done in our taiablbhwcnt. .,, . . , Induc'tnontHfi the purchaso of OFF THEIR IMMENSE HAVE- HEXiXiMAXT eft OO. XONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, &c, & aug23dlyp GEO. II. FITCIIETT, Carriage Painter, 88 Harney st.,het. 13th k 14th, stand opposite "Checkered Barn." Trimming and Kcpalrlug done at short notice, cond-uand Buggies bought uml sold. TlS-ddm STEAM ENGINE OG3MCX.KT"Srf SUCCESSORS TO HALL DROS., Manufacturtrt of Stam HSnglnes 1 1 Mining and Mill Machlnorj, Building, Oaulxxc. and all kinds mora- wohk. Corner Ninth and Nicholas Streets. EDMUND MJTT0N, Civil Engineer & Surveyor, Will make 8HIIVKYS, MAPS, and ESTI MATES, rctrjce (lOVr.llNMI'NT LINES, -s tabllih loit section cornen, lay out TOWN H1TE8 and do general turveylng.--adi,rft', Omaha, or leavo orders nt tho City Engineers Ofllco. w QIwIVTTV MUSTARD & PICKLE WORKS, Cor, Jacluon and 13th sti. Deilrn In Orocei lea, and Agents for FlcUchuiau'a Ooznprowaod Voast dll 3m 1IKCK & TIKTJKNB. WELL DIGGING. Having lud lonz rxiivrlence In well-digging, I am prepared to (111 all orde is for digging ami repairing wills or making citterns, 'lermi reasonable. CIIARt.RS I.IS0H0FF A Co., SU TcnU street, by l'red llaratke. elllm Omaha, Neli. CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE! 180 FARNIIAM STIIEET, S. JACOBS hat a la.ge assortment of Clothing, ITata, Caps, 4c, which be will sell at prkei to ault his cut. toniers. Call and tea. dlltf Save Your Paper Raga ! Patronize Home Industry! H.iiEUTllOLD, lOtandKW Pouglt. atreet, between loth and llih, north side, nuking tr rasigemtnlt t1) build a PAPER MILL IN OMAHA, Petirtt to purchue nveral hundrtd tons o! TS ol all ktndt t Wlliril uncea, villi on ifUTrjr, 2U K2 13,) O 1 S g 3 s s j ft 8 qS 0' i 15 u I - S B 3 I'M g2 g 9 a a 1 ' sf A - Q 6 com MianoiAij. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Omaha, Dec. 30, IS73. For deta'led condition o( Market ud lt I tall Prices, see local columns. tlUTTIR AND KfOJ. Choice Utile butter.. (Jowl flrklu .. & per dot CUIKJI. Sew York Factory, per lb 2S.127 28 uxuy, iiiii IU12 western twiervs, tr lo ..., Wests. n Dilry, rxrlb corrzu. O. Q.Jsva Costa Rica .... (llo, thrice... . Wo, common., Star .... Foraphlue ...... Tallow .. C1XDLKS. 19 SOa M 10iall Ji it 14 3 (0 Sail 42 30 2212.1 aalO IS lOSOall 0. 2 00s2 00 7 00.7 SO 1 COai M 19 00 tt W raotTi. Applet , Figs, drums, per lb. iiaisins, layers, i. ner r box, new.. Dried currenu, Zanta, uaw Dried apples, eastern urieii rupipcrries Dried pitted cherries Peaches, pared, new . reaches, unpared, new (halves). Turkish prunes new n risu. Codfiih. Qeoraes back ... f Mackeral, No. 1, K bl3 an While Flih " K bhlt. " " " kits Sardine. boxes, per case - FLOUR AMD MB1L, Flour, winter, V bbl do do t sack. ....... 10 00 R (0 t 0013 0) 1 I Sal 23 1 15 18 00 Jtdo Nebraska dot -Meal do bolted do do plain...... Unti, per ton .. oiuiir. Wheat, choice milling .. do No 2 VOrn(teetseeeeeieeeeeeeeefeetee Oata, tn bulk Buckwheat raovisioNs. Mess pork V bbl Hams, plain, V lb Hams, W lb., sugar cured Bacon clear sides V lb Shoulders f lb Dried beef, plain auuAK. Patent cut loaf.... .... 03 S3 3.1s3. U8 14 00 Crushed A coffee ioj! iuJJ 10-s ioj. D extra.. 0 , New Orleans.. Pepper, per lb.. Alliidce. ner lb 80c 23 43 1 SO 1 20 S3 Can la, per lb... Nutmegs, No 1. ii ii 2 Cloves .'.' OILS. carbon.. ....m. .................... Unseed, raw do boiled Urd. No. 1 Bon tine West Va Lubricating Oil.... Fish Oil...... Turpentine FAINTS. White ad, strtctlr pure. . do do fancy brands ... do Zinc, pure French do do do American do do fancy brands Red Lead, puro American . Putty, In bladders ALT. Coarse per lb av lnO Mteetatettieeeeeteeeeeetaee.t Dairy, with bags. Catry, without bags 12a18 Pall 14alfl 12al4 Sa 12 ISall 4j6 SO i 80 S7S 10 4 BO Young Hyson, common do do fair do do good - de do prime. do do choice do do extra choice Imperial, superior to fine do extra to choice Gunpowder, superior to line do extra to choice...... Japan Natural Leaf,flne to extra fine Japan Natural Leaf, floe to choice .............. 63a SO 03a 73 73a 83 83a 03 05al 03 loiil SS 7fci8ti lOal 13 VSal 00 43al SO 7Ca"5 SOal SO 0a93 COaSS 85a90 JapanJNaturalLu. . uoiong, lair 10 gc"' -Oolong, good to prime.. uoiong, extra.. liv rroot. . Native shipping steers. Native butchers' stock Hogs, on foot, 3 lb. . Sheep, V lb............ . Calves, V lb. gross Lambs IDtAYV BBOtTM SlIKETINfll. Pacific extra Atlantic II , DwightW Suflolk blkacukd ooocs. York Mills IS I Loccsdalo Wainiutt 17 I Amotkeag CRACKERS. Soda Butter Boston : Sugar Picnic RICS. Ramoon - 4a4V 12 n ii 01 ot II 1-10 11 1-10 8io Carolina - -. sjuuMWa. Fine cut chewing, atr SOll 00 7fa 80 70 cnoice.,. Medium., Common at-.ee . SO 80 00a 60 PluK.naturalleal, Half bright. 70 uarx navy LIHC, HAIR, AC. Lime. bbl. 2 00x3 25 8 00a3 23 1 OOaSSO 4 00 2 00a2 23 6 12 ISalS 1'ialS Cement.Utlca. do ixniiiviue Plaster, Orand Rapids.. inir, per Date oi u u libs.. (J rcen butchers.. Green salt. (Ireen calf., Dry flint..., Dry Bait.... Branded, lOper cent, aged M do off, SCRJ. do shoe robes S OOalO 00 T. 00a3 SO SO 1 00a 2 23 0 10 S SOafl Oo 8 73at 00 fl 60 S OOaO SO 4 2ta0 23 Deer, dry, per lb In hair, MlUK .... ...M..... ....... .MM........ CAHH8D OOODS. Peaches, lb. per case.. Strawberries do .. Tomatoes do ,. Lima Beani do ,. (Ireen Corn do Cove Ovitera do DRY eOODS rRIVTS. lSWOll................................. ...... Amoskeag........ .... Iondon Mourning , H Aierrimao u.. q Siirague . 10 WamsutU.. ieeeeeeta KAILS. 10J to 01, per keg., 8d do ed do .. 4d do . Sd do .. 8d line blue do (S 00 8 S2 6 60 5 73 0 00 800 6 80 693 6 CO 860 7 60 22aJ0 7 SO 860 120 00 18 00 10 00 20 OC 800 12 00 00 Wrought nails per 100 lbs 6d Untitling mill, per 100 lbs... 8 do de do do... 10 do do do do... 1-ln. bbl do do do.... Horse nails NortuwiMtern.per lb Burdeu't horse shoes, per keg... do mule do do ... COAL 1IARD AMDSOrr. IUotsburg (Blacksmith) PltUburg Slack (Blacksmith)... X Ub OW.lt... Anthracite... Iowa Wyoming..,. Missouri OlHOUAata. Hartford... Lancaster., !$ Kettle, ren. choice Country, choice, per lb F. A Co., wood caddies . Steam rendered soArs. M. A R.No. IPalm .... do No. 1 Ueaso. I. X.L. Olfve.......................M Toilet Honey, per gross do Castile, per lb Family soap German Mottled 1ROX AND STKRL. Iron.common bar per lb do round and spuare .. ilo horse shoe liar.................. do hoop aud light band Cast steel, American....... . do English Blister steel American. ....... German tteel.plow and spring.. Norway naU rods, Benaone....... 8al0 7a 14alS 7a7 1-4 12 00 1100 Ha7 07 t3 7 Sail 2022 23 20 12X13S STABClf, J (KtlUustarr,. Qmimi. VfitNa) Mff.i l fly K 11 i lwiau .uiHwa H.s)asW. MWaMN MillHeliilHIillill MOTHER 8HIPT0N FEOPHECY. Mother Shlfton, lorn at Knarril.oro, burled tork. T e Prophecy date 1413, republish, flldtl, and now ajln 1874 Carrlagpj without hariea shall g.i, And aim dents fl.l lie wurldwl b w e: Around tli world man's th jujlit, slull fly In hs tnlnktlDgo' an eje. WttersMull )et mo-e woadersdo; IIw strange' but el iLey shall Iw true. The worlliillJcdon shall be, Aud gold be found at the root of a tree. 1 brouith hills mull shall rlrlo And iu bone, ur ais, be at his side: Under water men shall walk, Shall ride, hall sleep, shall talk; In tbe air men ihall be teau In htf, In black, In green; Iron un I In waltrihall float, A sully ss a wooJen boat; Hold shall be found, and showu In lands not now known England shall at lia almltaJew, And Are and water shall wond rsdo; The world to au end thill come la tlghlesn hundred and elgbty-ooo. BAZAINE'S SENTENCE. How the Marshal Received Hit Sentence of Doath. The sentence was rend out nt half. post 9 in tho eretiiug by the Duko ot Aunmle, President of tbo Court, tho prisoner being ubsont tho wliile, ac cording to the French 'custom. When the Eontence had been deliv ered tho judges retired and the court was cleared. Nono were allowed to remain but the soldiers on guard, a company of gendarmes drawn up un der arms in tho body of tho court and the Clerk of Arrnigis. Then liazaine wits introduced, and according to a repoit furnished mo by tho ollicer in oummand of the gendarmes what happened was this: Ikzaino stepped hastily up to tho ledgo of tho dock, and perceiving from the solemn faces of tho sol diers that tho verdict had gone against him, ho turned deadly pnlo and sank down in a chair. Col. Villcttc, the custodian, took him by the arm, and, whispering to him to composo himself, assisted him to ric. The clork read tho sentence amid profound stillness, but when he .citmo to tho works "penalty of death," Baznino brandished his bunds, aud exclaimed, in extrcmo excitement, "It's an infamy I 1 am being sacri ficed. There is not one of those gen erals who would not havo done as I did." Again Col. Vlllctte entreated tho prisoner to bo calm, but liazaine continued with a growing agitation that bordered on fronzy: "soldiers, this comes of having done my duty faithfully for two and forty years. Somo of you must have served under me. Did evoi act liko a coward or it traitor?" It was a ghastly scone. Tho soldiers stood immovubly presenting arms, not at the prisoner, who was no longer au officer, but to tho docu ment which tho Clerk was holding. and sevoral of them appeared horror stricken. Tho Cloik proceeded, however, and wound up by declaring to the prisoner that ho had five and twenty years to lodgo an appeal. Then onco more Bazaino exclaimed : "It's an infamy;" and ho was going to add some other words when his custodian touched him aud said, " Venn Monsieur I " This last word, Monsieur, being the first formal result of his being no longor a Marshal of Franco. Bazaiu9 turned and walked out of court to his privato rooms, where ho was at once told that he must submit to having au officer with him all night, it being contrary to regulations that a person under death sentenco should bo for a single instant alouo. Bazaino has been wearing tho broad red ribbon and star of the Legion of Honor, and tho yellow ribbon and pendant of the military medal, lie took them off uubidden and handod tham to Col. Villotto, who replied, however, that ho had no orders to take possession of the insignia, aud that ."Monsiour" might keop them until his uppeal had been heiid. "Oh, what use h thcro in appealing? 1 was condemned before I was brought up for trial' answered tho prisoner bitterly, and his next question was about bis wife and childron, who wero certainly more to bo pitied than he. Mine. Bazaino has been allowed to see her hmlund ovory day, and it is not likely that this privilege will bo withheld from her now though,of course, she will not to allowed to re main nlono with her husband. She is a Mexican lady, 23 years old, with bright, intelligent features, not un liko Mme. Adelina Patti's, and she has'ever been devotedly attached to tho Marshal. They have two chil drcn, a littlo boy and girl, the eldest of whom is five years old. How Joa Hawley Flogged Ben Butler, A Washington correspondent of the New York Stm gives the key to Ben Butler's dislike of Qen. Hawley, of Connecticut. Tho lotter gives the story as told by n Mi. Seward to the correspondent: BUTLEU BOTTLED. "Well," BRld Seward, "you know that Butler had about -10,000 men at Bermuda Hundred while Grant was fighting Leo' in tho Wilderness, If ho had been prompt nud bold ho might havo gono into Richmond liko a book. But he got 'bottled up,' as Grant said, and that was tho end ot him. Then Grant took the most of his troops away from him, leaving niiii iiiui uo n t i,uuu or o,uuu men under Generals Terry and Hnwley. It cut Butler uji mmuiy KHOCKCU uis military dignity into n cooked hat. So Butler got his back up, and determined to do sometljing on his own hook. Ho had his engin eers cut n new road through tbo woods which would bring him out iu the open country between Petersburg and Richmond. Ho ordered Haw ley's brigade to march over this road during tbo night, expecting that ho could reach the open country by day. light, and then assault and capture Petersburg. Ho sent Kautz with a regiment of cavalry around tho other side of Petersburg, to make au as sault on tho works south of that city, nt tho Hamn time that Hawley struck it on tho north. Well, Joo started off with his brigado on as dark a night os over you bow. It was the night that Grunt was fighting Lee at Cold Harbor. I remember that wo could hear tho guns of the battlo. But Joe found that Butler's road was wonderfully and fearfully made. It was hacked out of n thick forest. His engineers hnd left tho stumps two and three feet high. It was almost impossible for Joe to get his batteries ovor thorn. Ho woikcd liko a beaver, hut at d.iyv light he was not more than half way to the open ground. Butler heard of it, nudtcnta messac to Joe, wntit ing to know why in hell ho wasn't in tho open country. 'D you!' said Butler, 'don't ycu know that I have rcmovod Major-Gcnernls for less than this?' Joo sent back wotd that ho wai doing the b:st ho could, and if it w.n not s-itUmclory to Butler ho could remove and be hauged '.o him. It was well along toward noon whon Joo struck tho open countrv. Thero was a tine of works cxtcudiug toward Petersburg for miles. A LIVELY SHAKE UP. It would have taken several hours to rt-ach tbo city in a straight mnrch. it. was so lar away mat you could only see one of its church steeples, and you know the city is on rising ground at that. But Joo obeyed or ders. Ho carried lino after lino of works nt the point of tho bayonet, but tho city seemed ns far ofTas over. About sundown Kautz'H cavalry formed n junction with him. Kautz reported that he had assaulted tho works at several places, and found them well manned. Ho had been re pulsod on overy side. A strong force was already massing in front ot Haw icy, nnu common tirmienrA dictated n return to camp, It was lato at night when tho troops reached their quarters. Joe sat dowu without going to bed his nowspoper lifo had mado him a sort of a nitr,ht owl aud wroto out his official report, sending it to Butler as soon as it was finished. Next morning an orderly canio to tho tent, and said that Gen. Butler wanted to seo Gen. Hawley immediately. I rode up to Butler's headquarters with Joe. Joe got off his horse nnd went inside. I re mained without. I could hear them at it inside. Butler was roaring at Joe, and browbeating him as though ho were a witness in n rapo case. Every onro in a while Butler would snout, "xou say in your report so mm eo. ximviey would answer, 'You misquote my report; I say no such think.' Then Butler would swear and talk about the Major Gen erals ho had removed. For n long timo Joe kept his temper. Then the lio direct was given. It was too much. Joe went for Benjamin. Ho caught him by tho coat collar aud shook tho stuffing out of him. I was thinking about going In, when Joe appeared at tho door of tho tent. Ho was as calm as a summer sea. Como, Seward,' he said, 'let us go. I shall bo removed iflstayhcremuch longer.' And wo went back to our quarters." St. Nicholas Bulletin. St. Nicholas says, with his usual leer, Kcctin bright eyo and you'll soon see htm here. The funny old fellow, perhnns you may know, Asked Hatter lluuce to help out his show. St. Nick and Bunce good friends long havo bcoii, Th-refqre be called to see him again, Saying, friend Bunce I've got work for you, Don't ttaud for prlcca,put tho goods through. He looVcd round the store and says with a wink, Those caps for boys are nut equalled I think, Then there are many, I know, who would prize. Fur collars covering all but the eyes. And mittens, wo hoar, are oft given away By Lvo's fairy daughters to their gallants so Oloves, my il ar friend, ne'er come amiss, As some think of refuting a fair damsel's kla. Furs for tho Ladles, dents where are' your eyes, They always think them a very great prise, While the children delighted will think it enough If you buy from Bunco's a oollar and muff. 81, Nicholas took a grcntfancy to many other things and concluded that Dunce's was the placotogo. UUNCK'S, Tim Clinmploii Ilatletr, 233 Douxlas .St., Omaha, Neb IOFFICIAL.J SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. !57. For levying a tfcclal lax for the construction of a sldewslk. Suction I, That the several sums stt op posite (o the lollowlng described premises, 'to wit: 5:is i !i ii S33SSgas8853SSSfiS COr.tr t"i,.t-tj""e,fr ! i ! ! i i mm - i- -Sw' i if ii i il! e to r to oq . y. ! i it e mum l &.b 3'25-a!Saa .-! ss being the cottt and expenses, approved by tho City Council, forconstructlng the sidewalk In front of and adjoining uld premises, by the Strott Commissioner, lu pursuance of a reso lution passed by this Council, and after the failuro nt the owners thereof to do the same, after due notice, be and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed against each of said lots, parts of lot, and premises payable to tho City Treasurer within thirty (30) days from this date. Hoc, 2. This ordinance shall take effect, from and after Us ptsiate. l'assod Pec. 30th, 1873. (Signed) J. B. GIBSON, I'resldent City Council. Attest t Jos. M. McCtiNC, City Clerk, lly E. U. Kittox, Deputy City Clerk. Approved Dec. 31st, 1873. (Signed) J. S. OII1SON, Ja2-3t Acting Mayor. Book, 4n.x3.cl. tTolo KiisrTiiiTa- D0NK AT THE BEE OFFIOrJ, Omaha & St. Louis Short Line. 18 7 4! Tho Kansas City, St. Joo and Counoil Bluffs R. R. Is the only direct line tn mi? . IiOTTXS and thi; i:ast, rnoM OMAHA AND THE WEST. NO CltAMtlE of cars between Omaha and St. I-ouls, and but ore between OMAHA ana suw YORK.. This tho Only lue running a PUiniAS SLEKPINGJ OAK BAIT FltOM OMAHA, ON AHHlVAt, UP TIIFS UNION IM4JIP10 CXlllENs TIIAI., ...... rrm;ngers tating oilier routes have a dlsagrceiMo transfer at the Hirer Station. 8 rA.si;aHii tuains daily i UlUCUtNa ALL EASTERN. AND WB3TEBK CITIES With Leu Changes and In advance ot other lines. This Entire Due is cjulpnad with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cats, Palaco Day Coaches aud Chair Cars, Miller's Safoty Platform and Coupler nud tho Celebrated Wcstlughouso Air Brake. ' srSse that your tickets read via KssusjaajC'lty, . JoirpU & Council jJluffe llallrod, 17a Omaha and St. Louii. Tlcktta for sale at or. Tenth and Farnhsm streets, and'U. P. Depot, Oaitha. J03.TniION, KO. L. BHADBUKY, Fuss. Agt. Uen'l Agent. J. V. BARNAKD, A. C. DAWKS, Uen'l Supt. Uen'l !'as. Agt., St. Joseph. St. Joseph. J!tf POEROEZAPADU (WESTERN PROURES8), The Only Bohemian Newspaper Pub lishcd West of tho Missouri IUvcr. CIRCULATION OVER 2,000 And constantly Increasing. Two-thirds of this circulation In the States of IOWA, WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS. TEXAS, :iNDIANA,MISSOURI, MINNESOTA, KANSAS, nnd NEW YOUK, CANADA, and BOHEMIA. A FIRST-CLASS MEDIUM IMMIGRATION PURPOSES Tho Bohemians are, for the most pari, In dustrloun, thrlity agriculturists. Over 2C-0,000 of this nationality nru settled In Iowa, Wis consin, Illinois, Ohio, an 1 Mlnnosotn. Thou sands are constantly Immigrating to tho trans Missouri territory. There are FIVE BOHEMIAN NEWSPAPERS In tho United Stales, and the "POKROK," now in ITS- THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION FRANKLIN TYPE STEREOTYPED ELECTROT'P FQUNDIY, 1 68 Hue Street, let. 4th &? $th, CINCINNATI. Allison,6mith&Johnson Alinu.'icturers of, and Dealer! In Booa and 'News Type, AND PRINTING MATXMAr-S, Of every description. STEREOTYPING & ELECTROTYPINO In all their vaiioui branches. Woon Enosavjko, and Pattixn LiTTiMre FoilNDEtt. A. K, BTKVKXH, PURCHASING AGENCY I OFFICE 512 Thirteenth Slrcci, OMAHA, NKH. Make a spectslty of Purchasing floodi aud attending to business lu Omaha and Chicago, th-uugh the principal firms nf both cities. Col lections promptly msdo. Also Agent for the Ureat American Art Journal, "THE A L DINE." illDartw fta tn fitOft P" day. Agents wanted I pi IV ffliiU All classes ot working people of cither sex, young or old, make more money at woik for us In their spare moments, or all the tlme.than at anything else. Address O STlMHONi Corottland.llatne. 09101? J.OV4L. X074. THE WORLD. .The peat Democratic victories In New YorV Ohio. Marrlaml, and Vlrglali,ihettar ling It, publican ilefcata In WIcotislc, Iowa, Kim.Ai 1 ml Illinois, foreshadow the e'cctlnnuf a Dem ocratic Cong ess in 1871, and the election of a Democratic lnMrnt In IS78. Tbe rrrctof the triumph al-rady won has lw'',,'?'",'l adherence to the orgtnliatlon, unflinching fidelity to the principles of tho Democratic mrlr. Ilia U'n.i.l'' l... I-.. faltlful to Its trust. When faint hearts talked ola spoiled party, nd.'ad wrty, a new part), It bore aloft the flag of the historic, Indomit able Democratic party That flag. ln.crlU.-l w It 1 thn legend., Frto Trade ard Farmers' Rights, Hard Money and no Mou k!Io, tho Donocratsot Ohio and New York carrlrtl to a glorious victory, subverting (Iraut'a uialoiltlea ot 37,UHO and 51,m A new career now opens before the Demo cracymote glorious and more beiieDcent than Its pa.t caret r, Identified though Ihat be with the founding of the Republic, Its expan sion acro.s the continent, In half century of proH'tltyand peace. Theenc-i serrpt of Its future, as of ll t...l atdpnseut triumphs, Is still a steadfast ad herence to tbo organisation, an unfllnihlng fidelity to tho pilnclplcsot the Democratic par ty principles never so needful asnowMo le applied throughout our Nation, Mate and niiiuicipai i:ki, to liesl tho wounds and ilemor nidation of war, to stop corrupt and prolllgiio exendltiire, to limit and localise powers en trusted to tho people's servants, to lib. rato our Indu.trbs from tho fetters of t baibarous tarltr, our trado from tho fliiiictuitloiw of sn Irrcilecniible paper currency, and our agricul ture from tho double plundering of both, ns well as la repair the wide-spread financial ruin wrought by the fiscal policy of the Republican parly. 'I ho duly of the World In this onward march of tho Democratic hosts to victory, Is the dis semination of iHillttcal truth. Our work will be fruitful 111 nrnnarllonna the World lawlilelr read. We nsk Democrats everywhere lo aid us In scattering the good seed broadcast over tho whole laud iluruw the period so Important to the coming lurvests. Whero tr how can any Democrat work so elfictciitly for the dltruslon of the principles of his party, and their triumph at the lull it Inix In '71 and '70, ns by procuilng new lenders for the World, now 7 As a vehicle of news, the World will spire no expense, no energy, tj maintain and mhanco Its place in the first rank of metropolitan Jour nals. Its fresh, abundant, tarlous, and accur ate news, comprising tho whole rlnlo of cur rent Intelligence, will be dlsuisned as becomes u trustworthy organ of opinion, with candor, with steady devotion to sound public aud prl vatemorals. with sprclsl knowlnlgofor anitlat themes, ami with various and wide-reaching h prehcnslun nf the manifold lntercsisol men and women iu their .homes, their market-places, their workshops and their farms. Till: WKKKLY WOKI.D is our great cdlttpn (Wednesday) for tho conn. 11 t contains 1 1. The latest prices (tclrgraDhcd from all tin markets of the United States) of live slock, country produce, general produce nf every kind, aud of money, stocks, and freights In Now York and EuroJHt. 3. The fanners' pago, with' all the doings of the Farmers' Club of the Amo lean Institute, letters from practical farmers, and silenllllc discussion on profitable farming. 3. A pago for the family circle, of lively and puro reading. 4. One or two firat-rato novels during the year. 5. All the news In con' lie summary. TIIK NKSII-IVKKKLY contains (Tuesday and I'rldiy) all tho contents of thuw(cly,oucur two tlrst-rato novels dur ing the yoir; and at the same ratos per month foronypart ofayear, and all the cream of tho Dally World. ' tiiu daily wonr.n. Prlco for ono copy fir one year 810 (tnclud Ingbuii'lay edition, SU), beginning any day ; and also tho same rates per month for uny part ola yoar. THIS WOItI.1) AI,nANAO I'Oll 1871. (Ready about January 1, 1S74 ) Ono copy, post-paid, 25 cents. Five copies, post-paid, SI 00. I'llICEl, POSTAGE IM.II, If subtcrlled for botore April 1, 1S74, WBKUI.I AVORI.U. For oue year, each copy separately oddrcs'cd. 1 copy t 2 00 6 copies 7 00 10 copies, nnd extra copy to club agent .12 00 20 coplos, and extra copy to club agent 20 00 SO copies, and Soinl-wcekly to club agent CO 00 100 copies, and Dally to clubagent 100 00 :sUII-WIIIClYrWltI.D. For one year, each copy separately addressed, 1 copy 8 2 00 2 copies - 5 00 8 copies - 12 00 lOcoplus, and extra copy to clubagent... 20 00 POSTAGE PAIIi.-On every subscrip tion for one yoar to the dally, senu-wiekly, or weekly pall tor nt abovo rites before April 1, 1874, we will repay the postage. TKHMH. Cash In advance. Send postofllce money or der, bank draft, or reclstoied letter. Dills sent by mall will be at risk ofaonder. Additions to club lists may be made, any time In the year, at tho above club rates. Lhingea In club Hits mado only on request ol perilous reviving club psckage, stating dato of subscription, edition, postomce, and State, to which iopy has previously been sent. Wo have no traveling ngcnls. Specimen copies, posters, otc., sent free, wherever nnd whenever deilretl. Address all orders nnd let ters lo "THE WORLD," litf D3 Park Row, New York. THE NEW WnEELEIl & WILSON Sewing Machine, Will Seam, Quilt, (lather, Braid, Cord, Tuck, Hem, Fell, Trim, Frlngr, Illnde, Unfile, Pipe, Em broldcr, and do every other kind of work WITH QREA THR EASE ' ' T r THAN ANY OTHER Machine in the Market I acaei.-sr it AND YOU WILL BUY IT READ THE FOLLOWING DISPATCH! Wontn's Exposition, ) Viknha, August 10th, inn. j To Miasm. Faiiuku A Wiikkluh, Chlcugo. Ills; Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company, G2S llroadway, New York, awarded ORAND MEDAL on progress, GRAND MRDAI. of merit, and THE ONLYbEWINO MACHINE RECOMMENDED by tho International Jury for the ORAND DIPLOMA OP HONOIt. 8igutd, O. H. WOODS. Tor salo by Traveling Agents throughout the State. Olllces 135 Htate htieet, Chicago, and 911 Fourteenth street, Omaha, Neb. octOwSm New Type! NEW PRESSES NEW MATERIAL! ATTHi BEE JOB OFFICE. M a. H n OSaffl rzi mm mm w if . i. -atiir torr,i HV re WOMAN Ur on ImmenM pr.icllce. evlcmllni Ihroii'jh i pcrKluf jnte, lining uithltt tint timo tr itol laany d ouraml cuw of tluivo Oikoiims ik'CiiUu lo tinman, llmt Ihtii rn illicit tn perfect n inot potf.it nnd niiiablo lunllcliictlint uiwtslho hull, cailons tnaoiitcil by fiat ofdleiasve Hllli po.Rlte icrtslnty nml ojacineis. To ilcsli-nato this natural specific compound, I luvoimiiKdlt i 'Dr. Picrco's Favorito Prescription. ' 1 The term, Viowcvcr, Is hut n fcclilo expression of my mot maturnl appreciation or Its aluo, baseJ upon actual and whueeevil realities. As n clos observer, I Imu Lllo ultucssluj,' Us posltlo re mits In tho feu-special dlxcnscs Incident to tbu repsratn organ. sm tf unman, eluglcil It out as tlio rlliuux or crou-iilna ftum olmy inoitlcnl vnrcor. On llsmcrltsnsnpoltlw. wro, and efiVclnil runerty for IhU clssaofdlscaiie. and ono lint u III at nil times nnd tinder nllclrcum rt.niccn act Kindly nnd tn harmony with the laua nbirliRovern tho femalo system. I nmllhii( tn stako my icnutitllon ns n physician Nay, oven mora so confident nm I that It w 111 not dlsippoint tho most ranulno expectation ora elnglo Imulhl lady who employs It for any of tho ailments for Mhlch I recommend It, that 1 nflcr and eell It under A IM1MTIVI! tlUAUANTi:!:. If nbenetlclaleaVC. Is not experienced by tho limn tuo-thlrdsoftho contents of tho bottle aro used, I will, on return of thu bottle, two thirds of tlu mcdlclno r.jvliiff. been tnl.cn nccunllnpr to direc tions, nud tho enso beltiff ono for which I recom mend It, promptly refund tho money paid for It. Had I not thu most p"rfcct confiiUucn iuitsMr tucs, I could not offer It ns I da under these condi tions; but hating witnessed Its truly mlrucnloui cures In thousands of caeca, 1 fei xviir rniitoa nuil porfrrtly xnro In rlaklni; boiii my rrpututluu mul mymuuov on Iih inorltN. I ho following nro nmonj those dlrcasas lt which my I'uvorlto I'rCHt'rlptlnii has worked cures as 1 1 by magic nud w Ith n ccitalnty sever before) ettatucd by any medicine: Leu rorrhsra, Kxccss!o Flowing, 1'nlnful Monlhlr Periods, Hupprcs.loiiH when fmni unnitiitil causes, Irrejularlllcs, Weak llacli, Prolspsus, or falling or tho Uterus, Autetcrrlou nnd Uctroic--elon. Hearing Down Uenrnllone. Internal Hear. Ncrtoas Dcnress'oii, Debility, Deponr!er;cy. Threatened Miscarriage, Chronic Conistlon, In- nammaiion anu un.ernuon oi inn uterus, l m po tency. )jrronnc.orhtcrllitv. Female WeaLnem. end cry many other chronic dlfcaecu incident to woman not mentioned here. In which, ns well ns in tho cases which I rmo mentioned, my Favorite Proscription works cures Iho innr vol of tho world. This mcdlclno I ilo not extol ns a euro all, but it ndmlmbly fullllU it KliiKlcnces) of Pitrpoho being n most per feet epecldc in nil chronic riUcac of tho ocxual aystcin of woman. It will nut dirnppolnl, nor will It do harm In any stnto or condition. It will bo fonnd lnvaluablo In ill. cacs Incident to prer--nancy, and can be taken In moderoto dores wllii perfect safety whllo In that ctato. Indeed, It Is a iTIotlior'a Cordial, nnd fo prepares tbe system for parturition that it lenders chlUl-tsuoi easy. I h'"' rccohed tho lienitfelt liralso from hundreds ol uiothers for tho Incstltnablo bcnctiu thus conferred. I offer ray FaTorllo Frcpcrlptlonto the Ladies of America with thu elnroMty or an honest heart, and for their best weirare. 'fhoto who dcslni further Information on theso euldi'Cts ran obtain it in my Treatise os Chronic diseases oftu.i OEXtnATIVB AND UKtN'Altr OllOAM, fCUt BCCUM from observation npon i-ecelpl of two pO'taJ nainus. ii irt'ims miniuciy on moso nisensiM n 19. ICA cullar to Venules, nnd fires much valuable nUvb iu reranl to their manneemeuf nit. I'ir.itcr.'s lAvoRrrn I'ltr... ROItlPTION IS SOI.II ICY AM. FIUST CliASSlJntJGGtSib, at t)1.6U per bottle. IlSQUfactnred s t the Chemical Laboratory of , jj. r. viruav, Jr. j rrap'r jiW'r.vLo,u!vv ASK FOR PYLE'S OK S s A.XjS KA-TTJ -AND- BAKING SODA ! BUST I 3TXT XJfS33I BOLD by nil rinST-CI.ASH UitOOKlUt uovl5'7dAwlr PLAIN AND FANOY JOB PRINTING IN TUG GERMAN AND ENGLISH LANUUAUES At the BEE Office, Don Willi NeHiifl nuil Ilcajpatok 138, Farnham Stroot, Ratween Mnllianit.Teulb, fall t thn 11KB HIVE for all kinds ol P,UU log tn (it niital tttvlsdl tli Art m i.j m i "-, 'm. a M! rim (! J I :!, il r, 4 3,1 i