THE OMAHA BEE 01TICIAL l'At'BIl OP THE CITV. TUP, OMAHA DAILY MX In (ctTCl In iitlsy rilipri by (urrlcr, In any fartol Hid c It j-, every etctiliip, (Htm.layn r cented,) "l tlltceii i-iits r week, ur for six month', and J7 to ieriitiniiiu, when mlil In nJ ram r. Curriers lira nut allowed In riii-hr muiioy lor ulncHiitiuMJ. or lo tell mules of the DAILY y Ike. All i-umi'Ulnts about Insularities. ddressed lothls oflicuwlll recclre .loinl attcnllun. TiikOmuia Iuii.y llkk will Ik to aulacrlhers al ihr following rates, ihjhI.Ic Iiih rlsbly In altaiuc) t7.i0 Mr milium. H.7J " Qmonll 1 UK Omaha 1UiL, IInk has lijr lur tho I,A1UI1-Vr lirrulatluu In I lie illy, and In, thcrtfotr, the licit mid iho;iiit advertising IllMlUlll. Haiku op Aiivkrtisiiii. Uk-iI uuthes, .1 cents cr line! total advertisements, 211 cenl)r lino; lijr the month, IU cent. No advertisement Inserted for less than .V) cents, Special nutlet, 10 cents iht lino ; tingle Inser tion, not Ions than 23 rents. Transient iibverllseiiicnl must Invariably lie ild fur In advance. Ilntcs for Handing advertisement lijr tibial Cuntruct. All l-exl Nolhis, hlHteiucn.ts, Tabular Work, ute , requiring i artful revision lijr cujiy, nr liruof tube furiit.lie.1. must I., In lure ten o'lluck 4. M. tu Injure Insertion the StnocUlaiid lurl advertisements before two clock p. t. Adverllsciucnl More one o'clock p. M. All luherlUeiucuts fur the Wkuki.y Hkk mint b handed In befuro Monday noon, lur the sanio wifek's lue. XOT1CK. On and after October twenty-Hrst, 1S71, the city circulation of tho Daily; IIkk is assumed lijr Mr. IJdwIn Havls, to whose order all sub n'ritluiiH nut paid at the of llco will ke ayTile, ami hy whom all rccoiils forsub-tcrlnttoii will bo countersigned. E. UOSKWATKIl, Publisher. anieuir. Another ChnBKC A iiroiniiiont but rather liiinow minded dealer it; high-priced enrpcts, is recently employing his spare tinio in, lm mining fot advertisements in a m.nirtinotli but reudorliMs nownpapei in these p.irtti. .Judging from tho nmoiiiit or time than gcneroimly wasted by tho dealer in tjuettiun, the demand for hicui-pctrt must bo rather low just nqw. Ifho meets with no bptter encouragement in his Iegiti ntato occupation than ho has so Tar met in lib pli'erilo attempt to prop up 11 decaying newspaper concern, we fear ho will not require to lay in it new fltock of carpets in the next live years. 'fur. Farnham Street niKjned last ui&Ut with, u Theatre crowded hoime. Chrirftlo and Egan made tie- cidctl hits. Open to-night with now Maw and full company. It Till! Plantkrh Housi: is well fur nitihetl throughout ; two parlor belts, 21 bed-Heads and bedding, dining room and kitchen well furnished, dlslie.i and stoves, carpets, etc. Sale will tako placo on tho premises, Tues day, May Oth, at 10 o'clock a. m. C. Wilson, Auctioneer. may: tf Came of IIIHnnlt Pr. riinoy, one. of tha meuibers of the County Jinard for the examina tion of tho insane, this morning cx nmincd John JohiiHon, living with Peter Johnson, on Twelfth street, near Capitol avenue, who is wild to bo insane. He made a report to the other members of tho Hoard Gen. C F. Mandcrson and Major Arm Rtrong, Clerk of the District Court this afternoon at 3 o'clock. This is tho first caso that has come before llio Hoard under tho new iusauo law. Foim spools Coats! thread for 2fc, or three for 20c, at Hush man's now cash atorc, 13th st. apr2.r)tf ClNNUlNr. O'Nelirs. Cheviot Shirts at apr21tf Ci.auk & Fjikncii havo received another invoice of choico Japan tea. nprSOlf Vtrbenas Strang J'lant, $1.25 per dozen, at Floral Hall, comer of Six teenth and Douglas streets. No agents employed by us. ap20tf Kyan & Co. GnNuiNi O'Neill'. Cheviot Shirts at apr29tf Look for bargains in dreaa goods, shawls, or anything iu,M'o dry goods lino at Hush man's new one price cash store on 13jlh si., between Douglas and Farnham. apr20tf A FINK ASSOUTilKNTOF COIN .SETS AT ItlEGKLMAN HKO.'S LADIES' FANCY HAZAlt. aprlStf VA iMle Trout T. C. HrunnerV. mavl 2t NorwiTHSTANDiNti tho extra ex penso necossary to the cnlargmcnt and improvement ofhisolegant cloth lug omporium, Stcln, tho fashionable tailor of tho West, still continues to outfit his customuM at .ho old re duced rates. IIo has tho best cutter west of Now York City. aprl'Jtf "Jjiphtiuf wait on succm.". This is why so many nro praising tho ele gant suits made by Stein ho succeeds In adorning all who order their flothcM from him. 2iltf 0. II, Fitch pays cash for second hand furniture. -190 Twelfth stteot, botween Farnham and Harney., npr25cod!Jiu LACKS, FUINGIS, GIMPS AND OTHER DKKSS TltlMMINS, AT IHEGKLMAN HKO.'S LADIES' FANCY HAZAlt. aprlStf. WlUTNKY, tho old roliablo boot and 6hoo imtn, has received an cud-Ics-s stock of goods, which ho menus lo cloao out at tigurca away down. inar3l tr lItoiiit prices paid for raw furs at A. Hubermaii, 511 and 013, Thir teenth t., Omaha, mar21tf 0l15Zlw U-.IOQIIP "'H 'Muwufi "J U iNDtAN curiosities at KM Farnham treeU Htf Oiiialiii Brevities. TO AHVKUTISEKSTho clly cir dilation of Jho Dally DEE exceeds by scleral Imntlrctl, that or Its dally local eouleinporaries combined. See third page for additional local. The St. Joe train was six hours late to-dny. The steamers Durfeo and Katie P. Kotintzc are looked for hourly at thh or(, Tho Union Pacific train from the West this nfternoon was two hours late. Tho fines from the Rolled doves were duo at tho Police Court this morning, according to law. Our reverend friends will do u a kindness by sending in their church notices at an early hour to-morrow, The elevator for tho Grand Cen tra) Hotel arrived yesterday, and also some steam heating apparatus. During tho rain-storm of the Inst two or three days, nn Inch or rain fell, and not a foot, as some suppoie. Mrs. StcnhoiinO lectured to nslim Council Mull's nudienco last evening. "Mornionism" is the burden of her Hong. fchephens ,V Wilcox hcnt off four wagon loads of deer and antelope hides this morning for tho eastern market. Tho Union Pacific Director's car, which convoyed the Presidential party to (Jnlenn, returned to Omaha this morning. Tho engine that carried tho President to Galena over the Chica go & Northwestern, was appropriately named "General Grant." An impecunious drunken soldier vn.s the only case that disturbed tho hublimo equanimity of the Polico Judge this morning. lie was dis charged. Four Sisters of Charity passed westward through this city yesterday. Their destination was Missoula, Mon tana Territory, where they intend establishing a school. Overland pas-cugcrst and live tons of foreign mall, will go east to morrow over tho Chicago it North western railroad, tho only road hav ing a train out on that day. --Prof. Duval's May party, which was iohave come offatShoaf's Hall thU evening, has been postponed to Monday evening, on account of the muddy condition of tho streets. -A car lontl of fish from the Pa cific const is among tlio freight that will bo received hero to-morrow by tho Union Pacific Express Company. It is destined for Chicago stomachs. Tho tuna who walked away with that prize a Scandinavian piece of money and a bottlo of champagne to bo given last night to tho best bil lard player at Larson's billiard room in (Jibe's Hall, was tho well known comedian, Mr. James Nccly, who knows how to chalk his cuo and punch the ivories in a scientific man ner. Tho complimentary concert that has bceu tendered Mr. E. M. Gage, Thursday evening, at Simpson's Hall, by the best of our homo vocal and instrumental talent, will bo a splen did afi'air. We understand that Miss Fannie Kellogg, tho well known songstress of Council Hlttfi's, will also assist. Quito a number of tickets havo already been wold for tho enter tainment. Tho following choico bit of scandal w nu Omaha Judge, was clipped from an Iowa.paper: "Wiso sayings of great men are very inter esting reading, mul tho remark of tho Omaha Judge will bo handed down among tho Rayings of eminent persons. Said ho, tmittiug out a quid of tobacco, and taking n fresh one : 1 1 haven't been judging n great while, but I think I can snatch jus tice bald-headed as well as any on 'em.' " Tito Now York Harbor Shop, located on tho south side of Farn ham, between 10th and 11th, Is so called becauso Mr. Henry Dlllmnn, tho senior partner of tho firm of Dill mnu & Schroeder, proprietors, is n Now York barber, and can cut hair in the latest and most fashionnblostyle. This shop is one .the neatest in the city, having been roccntly rofitted, painted, and decorated. For nn easy shnvo, and an attractive and stylish hair cut, try Dlllmau & Schroeder. It Give tlio dovil his due. St. A. D. Hnlcoinbo, tho siuiuiger of tho mammoth dilapidated consolidation a readorless newspapor is doing himself proud by having a now side walk laid around his residence on Sixteenth street and Capitol uvcmic. It is tlmo ho was doing bomething of the kind, its hitherto ho has had tho worst walk in tho city running past his placo on Sixteenth street. It was not long ago that a prominent citi zen canto vtry nearly being killed by tho man-trap In question, and now Unit tho nuisance is being abated, it is suggested that tho manager bo hon ored with a sorcunda from tho Omaha City Hand. Window (ii.As.-i, wholesale and re tail, at Irwin & Ellis', 221 Farnham street. may2tf. GO AND SEE THE LARGE STOCK OF KIBHONS, HOWS AND FICHUS AT RIEGELMAN BRO.'S LADIES' FANCY I1A.AR. aprlStf grand social event. Tho Silver Wedding of Col. ana Mrs. Ohaso. The silver wedding of Col. and Mrs. C. S. Chase, was celebrated last evening by a very pleasant eocial par ty at Simpson's Hall, which, notwith standing tho muddy condition of tho streots and tho rainy weather, was comfortably crowded by the many friends of the happy couple about 2o0 ladies and gentlemen being present. A largo number of the members of the bar were In attend ance, accompanied by their wives, and the military was well repre sented. At an early hour (lancing began. As the dancers moved gracefully to the delightful music of the Omaha City Hand, it was n noticeable fact that the party was u very drensy one, there being a largo number ol ladies who attracted considerable attention by thcirbeatitiful dresses and toilettes. Tho gentlemen, too, were nil richly and appropriately dressed for the oc casion. Those who did not tako part in the merry dance, either enjoyed them selves at n social gamo of cards in a quiet corner, or passed the time in pleasant conversation. Tho supper tables in tho library wero laden with everything that could bo desired. Although Col. and Mrs. Ohaso had especially requested that no presents lie given, yet they were mndo the re cipients, of several costly articles of silverware, from Judge mid Mrs. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Hediek, Mr. and Mrs. Poppleton, Mr. and Mrs. Doaite, Judgo and Mrs. Wakely, Mr. and Mm. Cowiu, Hon. J. M. Woolworth, United States J)istrict Attorney Neville, Hon. J. L. AVcbster, and other members of the bar. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Strickland, gave a very costly and appropriate present. Mrs. Chaso also received. -omo elegant gold bracelets, with pearl settings, and other costly gifts. Col. and Mrs. Chaso received their friends in tlio happiest manner, and mado all feel perfectly at home. Numerous congratulations were ex tended to them by their guests, and tho hopo that they would live to cel ebrate their golden wedding was a ganoral ono. They wero married at St. Luke's church, Racine, Wiscon sin, May 1st, 1843. General surprise was expressed that so young a look ing couple could have been married twenty-five years. Tho four sisters of Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Woolworth, and tho Misses Put tcrfield, Emily, Fannie- and Nellie wero all present, and added much to tho, pleasure of tho occasion, and greatly assisted in tho reception an.d entertainment of tho guests. Master Clcmmio Chase, tho editor of tho " Excelsior," seemed to enjoy himself very much, and entertained the little folks in tho happiest man ner. Tho party of last evening was a grand hocial success, and it will long bo remembered. No expense or pains wore spared to mako it such, as it was an event that occurs but once in a lifo time, and had boon looked forward to for somo timo with a great deal of pleasant anticipation by Col. Chase and his estimable wifo, and their friends. CARD. Now" that myself and an other party havo both told you how chmp W. & E.'s HAZAR sells I J All Y BUGGIES, Rlrd Cages and WALL PAPER you all know where- to buy. I havo plenty of "blow" (facts) left yet, ready for use on short notice. EBERHAltT, Manager, and KING of Haby Iluggy Dealers. It. Foil new stylo of millinery goods, hntr goods, switches, side curls, frizzes, toupees, etc., go to tho Omnhu Hair Store, No. 2(12 Douglas street, between 14th and Kith, at Mrs. Anna Sorel, French hair dresser. All kind of hairwork mado to order cheap and promptly. For human hair I pay tlio highest prices. april4-lm A n:w barrels of sweet cider for sale by Clark & French. apr2.r)tf Show iv,v-.s nnil window glass nt H ilomott's. JnnOtf Gknuin'i: O'Neill's. Cheviot 'Shirts at apr2t)tf Another .Mlli.Url Hull. The European Restaurant, on Fnni ham street, botween Tenth and Elev enth, formerly known as tho Atlantic Hall Varieties, has been purcha-ed by certain parties, who intend to turn it into a first-class minsticl hall, ami put it under the management of that votcrau minstrel, Mr. Sam. Gardner, well known in this city as a gentle man in every rcsjHJct and a "star" In his profession. Tho workmen began this morning to rearrange tho build ing for tho purpose intended, and in nbout ten days it will bo thrown open to tho public as a first-class placo of amusement. Ukkuixi: O'Neill's. Chovlot Shirts at arp2'Jtf Jiuxltior Floral Hull, corner of Sixteenth and Douglas streots. np28 tf ,1$ Co- Humnksh Oajuw of thr latest styles nt tho Deb ofliro, quick, neat and cheap.. Call nnd teo. - janOtf Cam. at the Hub Ollico if you want I good job printing, nt reasonable prices. tltf. I'crnoiiMii I Mr flisnPirA W llfiimiti ! r.i. I turned from N'tv b ork this morning. Dr. Hayford, editor of the Lara mie Daily Sentinel, went West this afternoon. Assistant Superintendent Chirk, of the Union Pacific, relumed from the West last evening. George W. MacMillnn, Eastern passenger agent of the C. H. & Q. railroad, left lor Hurrisburg, Pa., yesterday, his Eastern headquarters. P. A. Older and wife, of the Great Trans Atlantic "Exposish," are stop,.!i j a Uio Voiiiing, ami will be oldet before they leave OiPiiha. Alderman W. J. Hamilton went lo St. Louis a few days ago, nnd yes terday being moving day, he was moved to commit matrimony. He is exacted buck in a few days accom panied by liis wife. Senator Hitchcock will soon start for a visit to the Yiiuna Ex IKwition. lie will bo accompanied by his family, whom, upon his return to Ameiica, lie will leave in Germany for a time, ns he is desirous that his children should learn the German htngtiagc. 11. P. Stanwood, of Chicago, tho General Agent of tho Chicago ft Northwestern railroad, went east to day. Ho has been rusticating on tho Pacific slope, and indulging in the ordinary food of that portion of the country strawberries, fresh fruit, salmon and "sich." Among the many arrivals at the Wyoming Hotel are the following: II. D. Williams, Dakota; (!. H. lliiney, SioiK City; E. Vmith, do.; C. A. Wesson and family, Nashua, N. 11.; S. D. Robinson, Now Castle, Pa.; Wm. Crces and family, Pittsburgh ; O. Denton, Pcria, Ills. Mr. C. K. Lord, Assistant Gener al Passenger Agent of tho St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad, ar rived in town this morning, mid hon ored the lli:i: ollico with a visit, in company with Lyman McCarty, Western Passenger Agent of the sanio line. They aro being chaperoned about tho city by tho gentlemanly Fnsign, tho ticket manipulator of the Kansas City, St. Joo & Council HliiU's sliorthaudlo rou to to St. LouN. (CommunlcatiHl.) Wi: fail to bee what connection the recovery of Dr. Conkling has to do with "River News," as given in tho last Evening Drone. llrjmbliivn. Only a mistako in tho "ninkc-up," Miner, sumo as there was in yours got the wrong head over it. Ask us a harder ono next time. C. P. R. Wll.UAMH, Foreman Hni:. Fresh JltttterT. C. maylt3 Rrunncr's. Gexuixi: custom-mado clothing by M. Elguttcr, 200 Farnham street, marl8ml A noon pair of Indies or gents hose for 10c, at llushman'H, 13th st. apr2Ctf Ni:w styles of summer goods re ceived daily at Mrs. C. Wood's, 230 Douglas street. apr2i)tf Juht received, a magnificent stock of mirrors, chromos and pictuio frames, at Iticgelman Uros. apr21tf Sioux City and Omaha llusincss Colleges open April 21st, 1878. Day nnd evening sessions. nprliitf FoitinriN Ai'i'ituciATiON op Am nut can Chemists. P. H. Mitlmstcn, Professor of Chemistry and Medicine at Scralimcr Hospital, Stockholm, writes, "I havo tested Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hnir Renowor and can ,wy that it will beautifully re.storo gray hair to its natural color." 1 1 Sr.R McKelligon's card on tho fourth page. aug23tf Geo. Siiaw, tho most scientific cut ter west of New York, is with Stein. api23 tf Special NotlceH. NOTICE. Ailvertlieiuenta of To 11, Tor Sale, I.ost, WanlH, 1'oiiinl, ltiKinlln', ac will I ... i....t..llii I.Mn . ..!.. .... ....... .. .... I...- iiipvi ii-uiii iiiiru .minium umu rur CENTfl tier lino; each milneiiueiii insertion, l'lVE CENTS per line. Tho llrst liinertlou tierer ks-i than TWENl'V-lTVE CENTS. IJIOll SALE CIIEAI'-Or will rent In a (jooil ; f.iinlly, tlio iri'ttleit plain on Mxtciiith ulrei'l i IIMJ iicit-t nf KrounJ, wllh hrlck (ntlii.-c, Komi atiiiile, anil nllier conU'iilenccK, The Kruuniln uio flmly iinjirovcl Ith Mim grnm lawn, ptrnnlierry IhiIh, iiirranlK, kuM"""i etc. lk-il iielRliUirliiNHl In iliiuity. 1'or terms np ply to It. N. WlTIINEl.l,. nu'MP , J (1ST A plmo of Culltn, Lllhir nu Harney J ur Ninth streut. Thu under will plca re in in to sit'pM'ns .v. i iuoc. It 171011 1IENT Uirge, uiiiiforlithlu khiiiih, con 1. trail)' luratnl ; fur lwiilM-lci ilnn fur mail unit ulf . iiuoit will, lUicrn, uml otlnr tiinicnlenii-.. Inquire at llio IkuDlhio. liiuvlMf WANTEK A Iioiisk th Hiuhi ur four roouii. Aihliets h. 1. U., Iko Olllee. mayV-'Jl WANTED. A small hoine, with slahle, will Ivmcil. Will p.iy lllieral rent. Apply nt lluf.J. V. 1". Wi:uii.i:it. may 113 AY ANTED-Aglrltoiuok. AiIJicm Link upruoif iiux cai. KW. AND T. E. CAIll'ENTEIl will start their heiil next Moudav, May fith, to tho prairie, near Went Omaha. Parties wl.hinx to placo their cows in our herd can do sound lute them taken ore of. Apply tu It. V. CAIU'ENTElt, nprOO-31 1BJ Douglas strict. J7IOII SALE A jouniidiw and i-alf, J ut Clk'ar sloie, i:'l i'ariituia sheet. BprSOVIl Apply TANTED-At tho High School, female T help. A Herman who ran sieak Eng lish preferred, (loiul wages will do paid. Ap ply to Janitor, at tntrauoe, south basement door. Hi'iiXt li ?Ml'l)VMENT OKFJCi: ami llusisrss J ADOI'V. Northern.! rnrlii-i. nt Ulh t.ti.l j'uug as streets, help cl all kinds wanliM. (nnis-iw "TrUOUTY ACIlia Ol' LAND for ule rhoan, JV tlireo miles west fruui Omaha. "I'r-ltf JO. ItEDMAN. MONEY TO LOAN.-rall at Uw Office nf 1. I. Ihumas, Ituoms, VIsmIh-i' lllwk, t USE EOT Ol' MOPKISU WIUW lu.l . rrreherl from llin South All snlendld sincere, l'or iale hy Mrs, llanerr, at llcnj D. Jone', corner I lltcentli ami liiriihaui l. itprW-tw ONE 1'LUNlSill.H, and ll.r.o unliiriilthed rooms to rent, orcr U. 1". 11. It. Drug , Stoic, cnr. ICtli nnd Wtlxtt r. npr28-lw l)ii. W, Eiiwakik, l'ltor. MOM'.Y '10 1.0AN.-Iniiilreat Uw Oillro or I.. 1'. Moglnn, Vlsuher's llloik. ipr-J'J-U WrANfED A Iioiimi wllh i Mil rounm, Will pay good rent for otic jear. ,U drti ljtk l 1013H. apVytf WANTED To girl" l one lur kllihen and one for (Itnlng-room. Call nt Amcrhau lloue, cor. l.lcTcnth and Duiiglai ilmh, npr.titl AKMV (ir.NTI.EMLN. tan lie ncrniuiiin. daleilwtlli pleaviut ruoms nnd Imard In prhnle f.iuillr., Inquire at reildcnce, on I'll tcenlh, lietwren Chhagonnd Cttii shirts, an tn.1 houso frdlu turner of Cns. nprJl-lm l.lINi: STOHE l'.OO.M TOTtENr, hy Dr. i. lMwnrds, 1SI 1 iiruham strict. nprllml Dlt. EDWAltDS has procured some Iresh actlneiunlter, and will attend to Muiln ntlng all lvruns ut his olllee, ISI 1'arnham strixt. nprllml Use the Peerless Wringer I feU!3-vod:im J 71011 fAI.E Twenty targe horws nnd mares, J hy E. Patrick, nt Dunuell Sinhlis, lurntr Dudge and Sixteenth streets. uprl'ilf f.-lOll HENT-'llie llrlck llljiksiullli Shop V lorner rourlecntli nnil Harney stteels. 'llio liet estahllthed slntid In Oiunhi. Apply to 11. V. Homan. m.irSA-lf J7IOII SAI.E At ii Imigtlii, iiiulllMiteil f ' thrcr miles from thu city, luqulrouf V. J. SISIl'sON, r. O.llulldlng. marlU-t 1710H nitST-CI.ASS No. 1 TUltNINO, In ; e cry si yle, nnd td-it at jour own price, como lo .lOllN NUSI.E1N, una blink west of Military llridge. marl i-od tf. WYMAN & EBERHART'S 1 KICKS, S5 lo .Still, o . 30 Style tud 300 Buaaii:s now In tho "BAZAR." "VARIETY HAZAR" sell HETTKR HAHY CARRIAGKS, and 20 per cent. HKLOW other tlealers. Don't bo FOOLISH, and buy elsewhere. Sent 0. 0. 1). State stylo and price. Address AL. G. 15HKRIIART, Man ager. P. S. Send in wholesalo or ders for Stationery, Toys, and Fancy Goods. " mar8-3m ARMSTRONG & SHOCK, J2 TUDE Leading Fashionable Hatters XO. :18 T1IIUTLKNTII ST., Bet. Farnham and Douglas, iipri.Mf " tiiukup a: ji:sji:xs Shirt Manufactory, irjo i?,.xxxri.,xMLTst. Keep on himl a well assorted and hrge slock of Shirts. All kinds ol Shirts mado to order. tlreat lndiiceiuiiits ottered to retail dealers, JnnJS-codly G1MLVT JiAItOAINS! A M-ry largo 11ANKIIUIT STOCK of (100DS just reieheU hy Robins & Loiighlln, Pawnbfokcrs, No. 1.'17 Knriihniii Street, Consisting of lllllcs, Pistols, nnd Shot-guns of suiierlor ipmllty and llulsh, lmlh new nnd scinud-liiud. Also n largo lot of now and se(-nnd-lnilid CLOTH INO, lll.ANKET.S, HOOTS, SHOES, nnd many other articles, whlih uu will self nt half their aluc. Call nt omo and seeuronllAUOAlN. , uprS-lm Fremont Reduction Store NEWG00D3I LOW CASH PRICES!! Br.Seml for l'rkuLM. lJox s:i, rilEMtlXT, NKII. iiiar2T-tf James Platz & Brother, DEALERS IN 6R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS 207 110 UO LAS STItEirr, OMAHA, NEIIItASKA. All kinds of foreign uml domestic frulls, prccn vegetables, fresh lish, butter and eggs. All ui ders prumptly lllliil. mail Hit ALliKN A; CIIAUIIKFOSSI!, Gun ami Locksinitlis, 3Boll XXtiiigoi'M ruact i.vacx.oli.l'rxicistw. Stationary Rulues, Print in,' mill Stamping l'n-se, and JIu- cliliicry JU'pnlrcd. SIWINO MACHINES UEI'AliiED, STEEL TilOl.S AND ,-'1 AMI'S MADE '10 OUDEIt. Awnings Manufactured nnd IU-piJre.1, rarmlii;( Implimiuls Itip.ilreil, Vail.- i:e(i.ilriHl, N,IKK LOCKS A NI'KCIAI.TV. .loblitng of nil kinds nc.itly oticuhsl at uiihI er.ilu prk-u. Cull und mo tlieiu ut lliilr now shop, 141 X- . x-xjl Ix Atn Elt.. llel. Vtli and 10th, oppollo llin: OlUce.;iuif The Adimil of Spring. Thvcliuius whltli hound our pralrlo slreams Imto jlolded line hy Dili', Ileforo tho iill-iervadlug seanli of spring's re turning sun : So tho ill klo goddess rainfall, crer on tlio wing, Sllll piles Im busy arts 'gainst i-aih returning spring. As Christmas' patron saint took his abode Ith lllllHC, So now tho gudJcss rnsliton goes rlht thero nt ouco ; l'or bo It known that (hero's tho laco to get tho styes for Hiring, Whlth all unito In e.ijlng are lust about the thing. Now, gents, who seek tliaoutcr mill to crown nil grim fnl eumi, Iluiicii has the hats to do It they (annul fall In please; Ami if jour hat is seedy, ami yon can't nilonl a new. Bunco will fix It up so for a tlmo 'twill do, - , J. W. IIUNCE, hew ork Hat Sloro. 2.V5 Douglas St., Intwton rouiti-eulh und I'llttinth, marlOlf NEW GROCERY STORE JULIUS TUKlThCIIICK, 1J DIULKIt IN Groceries & Pro visions, Cigars, ToUccoa, Ornln ami rruduco, Toys, iuttfeMlhlta I tfMlb i GOME i SEE US ! COME! SOME COME! -AXD- JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES, INSPECT OUR STOCK, Ask our Prices, LOOK L'OR BUT Don't Expect Anything for NOTHING-! NO CHARGES FOR SEATS. Doiit All Come at Once! MEET ITS AT THE NEW YORK DK5T GOODS STORE, 228 rarnham St. WEIflSTEIN t KOLLS. Sl.l O F Singer Manufacturing com rjisnr i Satisfaction CuaraxTtood iti Every Caso EVEItY MACIIIiVti WAIUI ANTED! The BEST for all PRACTICAL USE. BETTEK; TEBMS Than Offered by any oilier Itcliublo Company. Cotton Thread, 75c Per Doz. 500-Yard Spools, Six for One Dollar. SILK THREAD, jutjCK.xpLGrttmrv stock xnxr wxnn city, AT UASTEKN PniOFJ?. 2ir?,fI)0l'lSlas St., - - - Omaha. 'Jl sW m 'A 0 Lh CD vv'sflr I'lPti 1 1 T.O- :i t' T j. j . Ti jtlBPl TIN PLATE, AND SHEET IRON, Japanned Ware, Tools and Machines. rarlleulariilleiitluii will lio paid to Orders fioui tho Trade Mcrrh tuts convenient to Hits mar ket cm satuliulh timennd money by ordeilug frum us. ORDERS SOLICITED AND eATISrAOnOU OUARANTEED. "ir.olo Western Agency fur Nebraska and Iho Weflern Territories fur the Cluiiicr Oulc anil Steward Cooking Stoves. M ml fur 1'rlf i l.Ms. .ddresi tsvrnjWoiiNr r1.OG-33x1.1a1, '"lr31" aiaa-fylav, JXTolo. wm. .vn:i'iu:NK. i'.. wii.cox STEPPIENS & WILCOX DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FAN6Y DRY GOODS. Carpets, Notions and Indian Goods, ROBES AND FURS, 239 Farnham St., - - OMAHA. ov7tf xp.A.xiwXxoin.fs. xi.ia-A.x t IE.-V jUSTS & 1DJ3 K;3iTA.XJIJ G-ROCERS & SEEDSMEN, 3XTo. 2GO aparnliaiu Qtroot, Oinalia, nrob. We are now nllerliigniir hro stock of OIIOCIIIUIW, Kriilts, Wooo.lAiiw.irc, (llassware, otc, nt Itoducud Trices, to mako room for ourlnimenso slocks of rit'ltl, rorosl, (Jiinlen, Grass, nnil I'lowor Scctls, Willi li woaronnw recelvlnif. Wo will keep In sloik nvery v.irlelv nf swts n1 iiiti-1 lo this ell male, mid will sell nt IJAiTIUtN (JATALDMtn: I'ltlCHS. AI.I, WAl'.UANrlllt I'UUOIl. WowlllkcoDthi)HL'3X LAWN MOWER, ml a vtrletyof O.trJcn ami Agrlcnltural Itaulo- nioata at tho Lowest Prices, Wniilwnymwy tlio Highest Murkot Trlco in C.wli for Choice Ilnttor nnd FichIi Kggn. 'T"AII our (iondsaro (lu.irjutecd In lions IteiiriM'iitcil. fcM-wiP1'0001'1013' 3r,xo7-ifiioati.ia(, Soodm, Mannfactnring Confctioner. OYSTERS, CANDIES, NUTS, ETC. Onialia, - Nebraska 33natoru C5x-ciosri'X3xui-slio,tocl. sprll.l wlf. AT OMAHA, MAY 9LlA.ND:iO. THE LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH! THE GREAT TRANS-ATLANTIC EXPOSITION! Museum, Menagerie, Aquarium aiidHinnodromo! 70 Unlhoad Cars, Soien Tt-nls, Coierlny Five Acres Uroiiml. 100 PERFORMERS iu the Circus ! QOO iliiiiuals ixi. llio Moiiagorio 1 Fitnn ah'i.n.sion i:vi:iiy hav iiiiuno iioat am:xihi iiiayHH COAL. UNION COAL AND MINING ooavixvivr-sr. Olllni I'ust sMo liltli, lu't. Douglas mul I'aniliitm. MINI-.IANIIDHAl.nitHIN AU.KINDrl 01' COAL. NGER! a a i to V. M W HANKJtUPT SALE. (Voi-kory, Clilna, nnd UIiish Ware. NII.VIUt-PI.ATI'.U AVAUK, OXTI'XjiliJXl.'V. ETC., Will l-i soil CIIKAI', al t'Iti:.Mi:U'rl Of.f hIA.Mi, :.i i-.uiruiAM Hi'., conimi'iicliiis Mnroli BO, 1070. Iluilnirs Is meant, ns It is tin desire lo sell tl.u ll.inkriijit nl'M-V, tu mako iuuiu for ut'H' oml comtik-li) lino uf Koods erlsliiluK to tUs branch of butlne.s. i.iar."MI JOKI. T. OIIIFFIN. . . -i' ffpls' 1 H -'- i i.. IMWIW : & - if niimw i mi b . . l. U.-Lv . .a