p C""fc. &i 2m- i $ it?' i- j - THE OMAHA BEE OFlTciAIi FA I'KU OF THE CITY. TO COKUESPOKUKJiTH. Wr 00 hot desire my contributions whatever of a literary or poetical ihaiactcrt and wo will not imilcrlaVe to preserv e, or to ret urn the tame, In any case winterer. Our 6tn li sufficiently 'r lo n "lila upplT our limited space la that direction. Heal Navk op Whitm, In lull, muit In each .and every caso accompany any cou.Mun.ca tlon of what nature toever. Thle If not In tended lor publication, but for our own atl lactlon and as proof of good faith. Oo Covatar FsiaitDt we will alvays bo pleased in hear from, on all mattara connected with cropa, country politics, and on any tub lect wbttever of general Interest to the peo ple of our But. Any Information connect ed wltu tue eiecuon, idu reiauuK V uvuuj. accldenta. etc., will be gladly received. All each communications, however, mint be arlel aa poulblo) and they mini, Inallcataa, Tie written upon ono aid of the abeet only. POLITICAL. ALL Announcements of candidates for office whether made by eell or frlcnda, and whether aa notice or couimuntcatlona to the IVlltor, are (until nomlnatlona are made) Imply personal, and will be charged aa ad virtlaouienta. Allcomniunlcatloniahould bo addressed to B. B08KWATER, Editor and I'ubllahcr, Draw- NOTICK. On and after October twentr-firit, 1372, the city circulation of the Dailt Iikk It asauiurd by Mr. ljlwln Davis, to whose order all sub scriptions not paid at the. office will be payable, and by whom all rccelpta loriubscrlptlons will bo countersigned. K. KOSEWATEK, Publisher 18 7 3. Another eventful year in the histo ry oi Omaha, Nebraska, and tho Nation has passed through tho end less cyclo of eternity. It would Lo inipossiblo within tho brief space als lotted to us to attempt an extended retrospective vlow of the dickered field over which we hnv passed in tho Inst twclvo months. For tho Butt they were marked with a dei gree of substantial and gratifying progress, seldom if ever surpassed in American newspaper history. For these most gratifying ovidences of popular confidence, we desiro to Under our heartfelt thauks to the host of patrons who havo given us such generous support. We would vainly scok to find words to illustrate the facts connected with tho remarkable history of tho Bkk more forcibly than do the following sentences, penned by us Just twelve months ago: "Amidst the most persistent as "faults from ungenerous riraln, per sonal, factional and political enemies; amidst jealousies, persecution and prejudices; amidst incendiary flames and crushing blows from every quar ter, the Uf.r has, by tho aid of its proverbial industry, perseverance and pluck, sustained itself against fearful odds that would havo mado even holder hearts sink in despair. The victory, for such it might bo called, is, however, not a personal one, but that of principle against op pression, bigotry, find wrong. "flint. llin Indonc-ndpnt. mid '7nnBl&tnt. rmiruA nt tills imirnnl eiiuuiii uuvfi nuu IUI Jl IUC IVPIVWb VI lajaa.t.l ! aa.naa I n a. a. 41. at .Aamint t. n community ns intelligent aim up preciativo ns is that In which wo live, is after all not surprising. It is ' but tho expression of tho popular mind, when wo say that to-uny tho Dei. has no longer rivals, enemies or competitors, for even those who most - persiftcntly sought its suppression "Would to-day cheerfully accord it the proud position as tho acknowl edged orguu of popular rights." Theso arc sentimenta even Mnoro applicable to-day than they wero at ,tho closo of '71!. It is n pardonablo plensuro for us to call ilio attention ofotncmlftUwdespelJiany t""6 about to cuter upon somo great and difficult undertaking, to the .living example of tho IIek. Jdet them remember that onergy and .? iafstry aro oven more powerful J .- '. . . . . Were than mere money, wtciueu without these indispensablo motors j, of success, In partlug with 187.1, wo desiro nco moro to reaffirm the cardinal principles which havo so far guided ujln our journalhtle career. With $,. -.charity to all, and malice toward U , nono, wo still proposo to maintain & our privileges by an armed iudc- , pendeuce. Ever ready to defend tho 4C -rifiht. cspoim corruption, and de. , nounco tlio wrong, wherever and whenever found ; wo shall, also, a always be ready to do jusltco to those J 'i f whom inadvertently wo may have "4 "---..... . . . wronged by intimation or positive accusation, In the future as in tho past it will b our aim to labor earnestly and unsolliahly for tho matOTiaTiuterests of a conununitvwitU which, for ten years pnskfwe have beeu Intl infttely-JAtlfied. Nor shall we W-7J E'An fnnt that the Infill" ov ,lio lii.n is not conuncu kuarro7 city limits of borrow nn ex- limes mado uso of by tnbitloutt ilvnls, th Lanka is not bound Irate limits of Omaha," merely an integral imonwoalth that de ft energetic and impar- L a Citizen and Jour- Irpatrons in Omaha and veil iu to those iu every iuton, vooxtond hearty iho hopo that the Irlug boundless and uualbyed tt'eir.. Tim editor of tbc Jin aid i. doing gome very cccculr'c and concentric twisting to get into tho Grangers' crib. Tito greatest bar to his success flccms to be tbnt "monop" nppendngo which sticks bo prominently out of ills conltnll pockets. AcconDlNO to the Doston Globe the cooperutive plan of purchasing is getting very unpopular among the working classes of Boston. The em ployes of some of their manufactories have clubbed together for the pur chase of the necessaries of life at con siderable discount below retail prices. Altmouoh tho City Council did not adopt Councilman, Jones' resolu tion of censure upon our Reform l'o lice Judgo and Marshal these officers ought to consider tho fact that such a resolution was ofl'erod by ono of their political associates as a pretty strong evidence of the unmistakable temper of our whole community. Asd now wo learn that the Mo doc war is not yet ended, at least that part of it relating to dam ages and compensation Settlors in California and Oregon aro urging llicir Congressional Representatives to iuduco tho general government to reimburno thorn for lows sustained by Modoc depredations. Their claims aro said to cover several millions. According to tho Now York Her ald, ono of tho charges against At torney General Williams is tho fact that when appointed a momber of tho Board of Visitors to West Point, during his Senatorial term, he charged and took full mllcago from Oregon to West Point and back, amounting to nearly $3,000, although ho had tho snmo year chargod oud taken tho same amount as mileage duo him as Senator. This was doubt less legal, but "should a man who will iudulgo in such sharp practico put on the ermine of Chief Justice?" significantly ask Senators. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. Sixty-five per cent of the male population in Spain neithor read nor write. Tho Cincinnati Wcsleyan College delights iu tho attendance of 100 young ladles. Tim rlrls In Ttnsfon'H Hi'rrli Snlinol are to bo taught photography, per haps to imprefs upon their minds tho grammatical rulo that two nega tives do not always inako an affirma tive. It is probable that an an evening art school for tho benefit of mcchun ics who could thoreiu receive in struction in their own branches of business will bo established at Pitts burg, Pa. The total number of pupils en rolled in the public schools of Ten nesneo is 178,070. Of this number 24,325 aro colored. There aro 080 schools in tho Stato now organized, and 5-12 colored teachers aro cm ployed. It is said tbit tho Kindergarten system in the St. Louis schoois, al though introduced but a short time ago, is now in full operation and pro ducing excellent results. It shows all tho benoflts claimed for it, and dovclops particularly the two widely different activities the mathemati cal and tho productive. Tho British Government has ap pointed Miss Pogson, the oldest daughter of tho Government astron omer of Madras, to bo assistant as tronomer at the Government .observ atory. JtritC tho. jDfATlfctlOU of such n teacber how delightful to talto observations of Venus, and how intoxicating would become the con tents of tho "dippor." Dr. Sears, agent of tho Peabody School Fund, naya that nn intelligent citizen of Raleigh, N. 0., lately told him that they had not a public school in that city, but they had just paid out ?20,000 on account of a few criminals which fact tustains in a measure his assertion that it costs moro to maintain the people in ig norance than it does to maintain a system of public schools. A writer iu the Mcriden (Ct.) lie pulUcim says that "more than one naif of tho tcachors of tho State havo been spending their time for years upon orthography, reading and ar ithmetic, living and moving and hav ing their intellectual being, as teach h. iu tho spelling-book, tho primer, and reader, and the rudiments of numbers and calculation, until tho minds of both pupils and teachers slip over their smooth, familiar pages almost without a gleam of conscious thought or intelligence, and this stato of things has come to be ac cepted and acquiesced iu by the com munity, in a helpless kind of way, as a sort of drearynecesslty from which thero is no escape. anu" tno average teacher, lust liko tho averauo work- i-WaTlTu every other pursuit, will earn her wages as easily as sue can, uoing no moro and no better work than is required by tho obligations nomina ted in the bonds. The teachers aro not so much to blame as the system under which they teach. They aro not dead, but sleeping ; they lack not capacity, but opportunity ; not abili ty and willingness to advance, but tho obligation and necessity of ad vancing." It apnears that Harvard was not tho first American college toreiecta n.nmr. nil tllllnnl. T.tl I'! tllla. 1' OOtp. daughter of tho Rev. John Footo, of Uneshire, uonn., was a line urceic nn.l Haiiraw ophnliir. mid at tho airn of twelve was fitted for Yalo College, as pppcars by tho following copy of u translation of a certificate in Latin, given to her by President Stiles, upon parchment, anu aiso iiiseueu uy uitu n )l ilUrv nn tho same date, unon the occasion of her passing her ex amination for admission to Yalo Col- ,eft f"f ho President of Yalo College, to all to wuotn uicse prieum unaii come. Greeting: uo u Known 10 ..,. timt I hnvn examined Misa Lucinda Foote, 12 years old, and have found that iu the learned lan guages the Latin ud the Greek hlio has made commondablo progress, giving the true meaning of pasMgcs hi the. Eneid of Virgil, tho Select Orations of Cicero, and in the UroeK Testament; and that sho is fully qualified, except in regard to sex, to bo received as a pupil in tho Fresh rran Class in Yale University. Given in the Collego Library, the 22d of December, 1783." Ezra Stii.cs, President. Though kept out of college, Miss Foote pursued a full course of college studies, and also studied Hebrew with President Stiles, tfo far, how ever, from becoming a bluestocking cd old maid, she married at 18, and died at the good old age of G2, having been the mother of ten children. PUKOENTISTIO. John Hay says it's an advantage to know how to spell correctly, unless ono is an American humorist. It is said that two cats over one mouse, two wives in ono house, and two lovers of ono lady, are things which never agree.' An Indiana, gentleman, who stole his wifo's liair and pawned it for liquor, has beeu ordered to provide iter with soaio more "oi similar qual ity." Tho Mount Ploapant Journal joker says: "It was found on tho North Side. It's about eight Inchon long, with a steel bucklo on tho end. We think it's n baby's belt, but Babb says it's a garter." This is rulT. A Wostern editor says ho saw a maiden in tho street "who had what seemed to be a stake-and-ridcr fence of laco around her sloping neck so high that sho was compelled to stand ou tip toe in order to see over it. Pekin, III., is described by a news paper correspondent as rather a re markable place. It has two packing houses, three, large distilleries, thirty liquor saloons, four newspapers ; and there is to bo a great "proporty dis tribution" by lottery there next month. Tho Chicago Timet is begging for a job. It wants tho State to "sot up a h 11 on earth for tho punishment of defaulting officials." It known no such institution could be started out sido of the Times office, under au thority from headquarters. Vlcksburg o fiord a roward for tho recovery of an old ludy, aged one hundred and eleven, who, it is sup posed, had been kidnapped by some felonious journalist from n rival city, desirous to obtain her obituary for his own local items. A fashionable and would-be-industrious yonng lady was visiting in Waukcgan, HI., and thought to do her own washing as an evidence of her good Intentions. Somehow the operation was n failure. Sho used tho batter prepared for buckwheat calces instead of soft soap. In Richmond, Va., they put the heads of infants destined for newspa per life under a jet of water to strengthen their brain. Tho Enquirer man is tho only ono in that city that failed to receive such baptism. His head wan doused iu mush. Walking ton Chronicle. A drunken Irishman was found by his friends, the other night, lying in tho snow, with his heels placed upon tho fence, warming his toes by the moonlight. Ho was muttering : "What a cowld firo you havo got, Biddy darliut ; have on some carry sane or my futs will fraze." A Titusville paper says: "A man called ut ono of our ehoe stores yes terday, and vainly essayed to get on either numbers eleven, twelve, and thirteen shoes. The storekeeper then suggested that ho should put on a thinner pair of stockings and try on the box." It isn't worth while, untla?-ifny, cir cumstances, to oxuKBifyour senti ments freolyvwAess you hanker after martyrdom. Whllo Lydia Thorn p sysr'was capering in a Memphis thea tre the other 1 light, a fellow in the audienco shouted, " Bully for you, old tow top I Good Lordy, look at her kick 1" and they put him out. CURRENT TOPICS. Canada is to have a peimanont Committee on Woods and Forests, looking to their preservation. Thoro is a prospect of the estab lishment of a national inebriate as-, aylum at Washington, D. 0. The Texas Legislature will meet on Tuesday, January 13, when Gov ernor Coke will be inaugurated. Tho number of female applicants for positions in tho Treasury Depart ment is becoming alarming. Tno applicants come from all parts of tho country. A fourtccu-yoar-old Pes Moines boy confes.sed that ho poured coal oil on a dog Christmas eve, and set it afire. He was "sent up" for fif teen days. Thero is now a discussion at Chi cago about selling the Lake front there to railroads for $800,000. It is 1,200 feet front by 300 feet wide. It is Important that tho world should know that theGovernor of Iowa took four prizes at the late hen show at Cedur Rapids. Hard times and dishonesty among stewards havo got a pretty tight grip ou the clubs of New York city. The Manhattan Club has got to raise $00,000 at onco to meents Obligations. An offer of free rent of forty acres of land for 11 vo years is made to auy whito family that will settle iu certain oounties of Mississippi. The granges make tho oiler and do It to promote immigration, It appears that the English agent who bid $10,GOO for a cow at the famous ialo of fancy cattle in New York, exceeded his master's initruc- llina liawlnrv ImpIMA pnnfltun.Y am tn IKIilO, illlll.!) a,,,..-,., wwa..uwi4 aJ w the rolatlvo value of dollars and pounds sterling, and tho animal has since been sold fur $30,000, thus net ting tho buyer a loss of $10,000. At Bavalai, France, some ytty valuable, relics havo just been found. A workiugman has dug up a vase containing many gold pieces of the times of the Roman Emperors. Other vases have been discovered, and it is reported that there aro more than 10,000,000 coins con coaled In the neighborhood of the anolent city, Nearly 1,000,000 have already been dug up. The proprietor of the land claims thb treasure, ai do alio the workmen and the State. , MADISON COUNTY. Report of J. E. Ritohoy, County Immigration Agent. NojiFor.K, Mapisom Co., November 22, 1873. Hon. J, H. Xoteware, Male Sujierint Undent of Immigration: DeakSir Incompliance with your request, I havo tho honor to submit the following report on Madison county, arranged in the form of ani swers and questional Ques. What soil T Ans. Clay aud black sandy loam. Q. Have you timber; what pro portion and kind? A. Yes; cottonwood, oak, ash, elm. Q. Ts tho surface of the soil even, rolling or broken? A. In Elkhorn Valley level; back from river, rolling prairie, well wa tered. Q. How many acres of govern ment and how many of railroad lands? A. One hundred thousaud acres of railroad lands. Q. How many acres under cultiva tion? A. Thirty thousand. Q. Is fencing general? A. No. Q. What are the different crops raised? A. Whoat, rye, oats, barley, corn, potatoes, and vegetables of all kinds. Q. What is the average yield of each kind per aero? A. From 18 to 250 bushels. Q. What is tho average price of each kind of produco? A. Sixty cents. Q. How many fruit trees havo been planted In your couuty? A. Seven thousand five hundred. Q. What success have you with them ? A'. Good. Q. Has the grape vine been culti vated ? A. Yes; grows finely. Our bluff land is well adapted to grapo cul ture. Q. Have forest trees been planted ; frowth and success thereof, as well as ind? A. Yes: cottonwood, soft maple, larch, walnut, ash, ehestnut, and lo cust, with good results. Q. What is the estimated popula tion of your county at this date? A. Six thousand five hundred. Q. Was the emigration to your county large this season ? A. Yes. Q. How many churches and ohools in your county ? A. Forty-one schools and twelve churches. Q. Is your county in want of any particular kind of mechanics ? A. Yes; carpenters, wagon-makers and blacksmiths. Q. What water power havo you ? A. Best in Nebraska Elkhorn river. Union creek, Battle creok, and North Fork of Elkhorn river. Q. What advantrs for auy kind of manufactories? A. Good; water power fine. Q. Do your farmers principally de pend on stock raising, or is tue grain marketed ? A. Our farmers are beginning to raise a considerable amouut of stock, but wheat la our staple crop which is marketed. Q. What are the present and pros pective means of communication and transportation through your county ? A. One daily mail, three weekly mails, two semi-weekly, and two railroads in prospective. Q. Give couuty seat and towns of your county? A. Norfolk, Madison an Battle Creek. , . "" Q. Give toUluBseMed valuation of lands.? -- - - a7 Value ef personal property, $865,829.30; school property, $13,562; school, $5,300. Q. Have the kindness to add any useful suggestions of your own. A. We havo two good flouring mills, one at Norfolk and one at Madison on Union creok. Improved farms can be bought at from $5 to $20 per acre. Unimproved lands at from $3 to $6. Farm hands wages from $16 to $25 per month; carpen ters, $2.00 to $3.60 per day. There are a great many good places which can be entered by pre-emption and homestead. Yours Respectfully, J. E. RlTCHliY, County Immigration Agent. 8 s $10,000 Worth of Choicest Groceries to be sold within Cd daya, at the only exclusively O .A. fit XX IBTOHU, at price.) that defy competition, 37J Dodge St., opposlto new Postotfico. U. II. SPENCER. aeptS Dm FllEMU FISH ANU OYSTERS, All kinds of tresn Bin, audi white trout, bass, pickerel, and perch, from the Usheries. Chickens, live and dressed, aud all kinds of game, wTioleaalo and retail ; sauer kraut far sale by tho quart gal lon or barrel, at II. llehren't, 'JuJ Douglia street. Hoods shipped t ibojt HOtlc, l'H6l ' I " " U. S. DEPOSITORY The First National Bank OJB O.EMC.A.Jcr.A.. Cor. Prnliam and I3th Mlrrcla, THB OLDK8T UANEINU BB rADLlSHMENT IN NEUKABKA. (Baccetaor to Konntte Brothr.) Katabltaned In IMS. OnianUed a- a National Dank, Angnit H. IS08 Capital aid Proata otm MSO.OUO ornoiEa AMD oiBicrona K. CRSianTON, A.KOUNTJ.B, l'retldeat. Caihfar B. KOUNTZB, H. 'ft. YATE8, Vle Prta't. Aaa't C'aaliler. A. J. POl'PLBTON. Attornar. The Oldest Estaonsheu BANKING HOUSE IN NHIiltAMKA. Caldwell, Hamilton & Co., .a9.A.XaTXC3aZl.fll. Business transacted same m that of an Incorporated Dank. Accounts kept In Currency or Gold subject to eight check without io tlcc. Certificates of Deposit Issued pay able on demand, or at fixed date bearing Interest at six percent, per annum, and available la in all parU of tho country. Advances mado to customers en approved securities at market rates or Interest. Buy and sell Gold, Dills of Ex change, Government, Stato, County, and Cltr Bond. We giro special attention to nego tiating Itnllroad and other Corpo rate Loans issued within tho Stato. Draw Sight Drafts on England, Ireland, Scotland, and all parts of Europe. Sell European Pasaago Tlckots. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADB. aatttl ALYIK BAUKDIR. HNOS LOW!, BIM. WOOD Prealdaot, Vice President, Oaahler. STATE SAVINGS BANK. N.W.OOH. FAIUUIAM A 18TB BTfl. Capital, $100,000, Aitkorlied Capital, $1,000,000. Depoilti u small u ono dollar reeolrev and Compound lotoreat allovrod on same. OVEK Certificates of Deposit. The whole or any part of a deposit after re maining In tula Bank three months, will draw Interest from date of deposit to tine of pay ment. .Tho who.e or any part of a deposit can drawn at air time. atm28-tf. BZBA MILLARD, J. fl. MILLARD. Prciideiit. Cathie OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, ....cojutaa.... Dovglu tad Tklrteeatk Street, aVAIIA, NIB. CAMTAL $108,060 0 SURPLUS AND FHOFITU 100,000 00 FINANCIAL AOBNT FOB TUB UNITED BTATB8 - -"" VKb iiuaiilTiS DiroiiTODT job miatntsrxe) orrioMf. This Bank doalf Bxchange, OovermnMat Bondi, Vouchers, Gold Cola BULLION AND GOLD DUST, and aoha drafts and make co.leet.oni oa parts o'. Europe, Draf drawn payable In Gold or Currency oa the Back of California, Ban Francisco, TICKETS for aaie to ait pant of Bnrope via. the Cnnard and National Steamship Ltnet, sad the Hamburg American Packet Company. IrtT-U TUB ONLY FBBFECT Danper In use. Aallr.a, ", E. F. COOK, 037 14th 8t., bttwttn DoagUi and Hedge. n OMAHA. HEM. MUSTARD & PICKLE WORKS, Cor. Jackson and nth ata. Dealers In Grocet lee, and Agenia (or Flelschman'a Ooxwtxaxrowaieedl "Vmm.mt dll 3m 1IKCK at TIKTJB.NS. WELL DIGGING. Having hid Ion; experience. Id welf-dlgglog, I am prepared to All all ordera tor dining and repairing wells or maklug cisterns. Terms reaaonable. CHARLES LINOHOFF A Co., 6U TcBlk street, by Fred Haiatke, elllni Omaha, Neb. pgNTJTBV, DENTISTS, OFFICE, No. 232 FARNHAM ST. - W STAII'S, - Bel. 13th & 14th Sts., OMAHA. Bar Oldest jiructlclns lk)iitUts lit the city JanldAwU DR. A. S. BILLINGS, IDIElISri'lST, aa-d. IPaiX'.saJb.aim. mt.f Ilet. 13th and 14th, up stairs. Teeth attracted without pain, brute of Nl- troua Oxide (Jat. aWUfflco open stall hours. jl CENTUAL CT.OTJ(INti STOBK m rAIINHAU siTUUKT, Q. JAQOBQ ana urge assortrnept ol Clothing, ITats, ftps, ae., which he will tell at . H Mt k V euai raHrri. fsHtsi-.te, r I H0ir.L8ANDKE3TAUKA.m GRAND CENTRAL HOTBXi. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Tlinlarsrat ntitt Imt tiolcl between Chlcntf) ami H.m 1-r.iudoo. OiHMie-1 uew rVpleniber OOUi, W.t. 030 U (IB.). TllltAM.. Proprietor. Southern Hotel, fronting oa 4th, Sth'tni Walnut at,. St. Louis, - Mo. Lavelllo, "Warner & Co., ProiDi'lotorai. Tha Southern Hotat la flrat-olaa In alt III appointments. lis tatilai ara at all times tup plixil in the greatest abumlanM, wltli all the deJlcarUi tin muleta afford, lis clarka and employe are all polite aud atteutlreto tlia wni( the guoata ol the hotel. There is an improvndtileTalnr leading from the flrat floor lo the upHr one. ItallroAd and steambont ticket nlltre. neHsatand, aud Western Union Telegraph olitce In ltetunda ol the hotel. aeptl.tr CALIFORNIA HOUSE, FRITZ HAFNKR, . I'rop'r., X70 aDo-uclna St., 'Corner Elorenth), OMAHA. ". NI.H. Board and Lodging by the day or week. Single meals, 23 cents j Lodging, 23 cents. Leek Box 283. rnirtl-Sm TREMONT HOUSE, Cor. 16th St. & Capitol Av. Dajr Board, f 4 ner week ; Board and Lodging from 15 to f S ; Transient, f 1 .60 per day aprV-eodljr TEKAMAH HOUSE TEIAHAH NEB. J. R. L II. O. BPRkmVK, Prop'. The UliST LODGING, and MHALU IN TOWN Omaha men. giro tie a call. aprtl U GRAND CENTRAL EUROPEAN HOTEL, Pine atrect, between Fourth and Fltli atreeta 8T. LOU Id. tontilnlng ISO rooms; having lately added 50 more room, la now prepared to oifer te th traveling Public tho best nccomtdo datlobs. Booms, 75 cU. to II per day. AI meals 24 ate. each. DOOB A THATCHER Proprietor eTxaaet Openod The Central Hotel The new building at tie southeast 'a lieaTeaworin ana renin streets nortl of U. P. Deoot. m-mmr -" '17 U FRBD. THIKS. Prop Ladies Fashionable Cloak and Dress Maker. Promenade Sulla, Evening Dresses, Wedding finite, Morning Wrappers., Coats. Ac, cut to order In the latest Parisian styles. Having carried on faahlonable cutting and IHtliiK lor ladles la all its branches In the various capitals and centres of faahlon In Europe and, Amrrle. I take pleasure In Introducing myself U the ladles ef Umaka. Satisfaction guaranteed In every departme.lt of my prof salon. No. 500 IStk Street. eeteVHv . WF.I.F. MEB0HAHT TAIL0KBS. J. ANDERSON, (Late of Thirteenth street.) Practical Tailor, Douglas St., opp. Metropolitan Hotel. Special attention paid to cleaning and re pairing. Will be glad to receive a call at my new store dom my former patrons and the public generally. a-sTP, 8. 3a(liactlqn guaranteed in every respect, aeplO-Sni O. T. HAMAXTIT, 171 Cor. Ft.rishs.sn stud UlevtMtl. Sta, All kinds of TAILORINQ, Cleaning and llo palrlDB done at re-ieonaMe rates. A line lot of FlIIWUlUNf! (1QOD3 constantly on hand and told cheap. decSutf TAILOB, IStk St., bet. Faruhnm autl Harnejr. All kinds ol TAIUmiNO, CI.EANINO and HEI'AIKINU done at reasonable rates. apr2fi-lin Farmers, Read This ! Bujr your Groceries where jron ran Ret tho most lor your money, I'ttronlso lo xiaax ar 3 o 3r a , And tare TEN TEIt CENT, Northeast cor. 1Mb aud IJouglu sts., Omaha. fl w f.0 420 f.d'r: Agenta wante.1 1 people o( either set, young or old, uoke more uioner at woik far us In llmlr m.r. i.ir,.nt. or all the tliue.than tt snythlog i I.e. Address U HfimW A 9., 1'OTlla.d, Vain.. .,,.." rfl 'He ) V 'pHFV A. B. HUBERMANN fc f -x-ioi WATOHMAKERS, S. E. Cor. 13th WATCHES, CLO JEWELRY & AT tVIMT.VUIT ., --v.aj.vur, VN HH1A1.J. ' -an Dealors Can Savo TIME and FREIOI uruering of Us. ENGRAVING DONE Sf G00DS WARRANTED . 0. Aiaorr ' S. C. ABBOTT cfc CO.. Booksellers WAUL PAPIRS, DXOOHATI WXISTIDOW No. 188 Farnham a'nbllghora' Aaronts for School Uokt mseel la NkrAki very singula: FOR SALh ! AN ENTIRE SOLID TOW) nne.Jirt'iriV.'"1"0- .ndigYouVwhowl.h I tirnni-t-i.i tn au t I.I. . i... if. i.. " en...T1'..?Tf.aJ!0,..,!,'er'. ' 'fe'"!1 ' f 7ii '.! . "-. iiwijw iiuuit, this the purtlmscr must nay casl.-l3.Utf per other block lo mimosas of . neii nn. ch.-ii. Is taken by reliable p.irtlet, who wll luipro've tho preuW fnvsyaiefi mad'i or oue-fourthof the whole sum .In In. hun ,i.V.,.i. J. -rlTi 'Jlr!T" "S.l lan2dll Taylor't Oroat land Agency, orerTirsiTratloaai CaT.Tj" BRADY & Wn0LE3ALE AND 'WHITE JL.-E2JLTD, OOIli( OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS. Artists' and Decorators' Materials D,?J&m &36 onrtecntU St.f . . OMAl A. HUBERMAX FUR HOUSE, 511 & 513 Tfiirtflflnth Strfifit. OIVXuiVXXlLt arxr330BXl..A.a5IS:v FURS, FORTY PER CENT. BE LOW NEW YO-R.-K- ImTinpfflTif i.e. T.afliac..T nnTrr r-ffis larere stock of Fnra prices, including a stuuii ux iiiiuji iurs, unuiuo tu-iu stjieuieu sjKins acoorai 4-Via 1qoot--citt1mi All , ft " 40 per cent, below NJ&FtMui u ukm j.rjtUETaaTi . ai.v inr-,. See for V0UIflJrTr,TlT?"nnalDre anrl'nfw nnnriA Tter&?rzrz:; l.i .a .rr. ordering east, Burlington Route Time Tabli EAST. SOUTH AND SOUTH- WcitinglaOuso Safety Brake. LEAVE OMAHA fitaltmi. Atlanticit. Arrive Hurllugton B.60 a. if, do Jleii'lota U:M a. u. do CUf0n n..)ii .. u .1:20 p. h. Mall. 9:15 1-. SM A. 7:41a. do I'eoria ."." o'm i'. u' i-?...iSr.l?.ff SPA-.... -,..!LS?. 'olurnbu.. -ut, ...,, &.nn?5,.l.0n, ,.uf,lwu wllh Hes leading lo tho East. Worth sad Oeutk. iw.uiwmi.HHuai, quickest ana cheeiwst route. " A. fc. 10UZAU, Ueni Ticket Agest. a K. PK11KUI, OeTlbup't I M. J. MoKEIXIGON, Importer ud Jobber Wines and Liqiio TOBAOOOM AXffX) OXOr'AKl No. 142 FnrnliftTii Sfrnnf ' w-'i. OLD IBITnoiT WHIBKH8 A IfiitsUTT.I f i HTAOVNT FOR TIIK irrvminn otiwb u-. '-"Ml 'f. l maylltf T. 6TJSrilEM8. STEPHENS DEALERS 1 STAPLE AND FANCY BIT: n . -aT-AS iurjiuiN, xiuiiuiiM 239 Farnham St., ov7l! CHEAP FARMS, on the union Pacific A'LMd.0rant:cf 13,000,000 Aoret tf tn U, ESIN NEUHASKA THE 0ARDBN OP IHE STheso Itndtare ntho etntral portion ol the Un ted States, oa tb.il.1 iAAli' Itude. Ibe central lluool the great Temperate Zoue( tho Aiaarliit nf-iflll l) growing and stock raising uosurpassod by any In the Ult3 btsUfc l ' V i'' 0HEAPEE I. MM-ato'HUrtW 1S .U tIM ' FIVK ind TEN fEAIW credit G0L0NI8T3 and ACTUAL 8I.rOLEll8uabu7oa Tan T.art' Ortalt. l .( l crlct to all 0REDITrrPRQHABEB3. A ' f A Deduction TEN I'EIl CKNT. FOIl OAB1I. . ' TJntJK1 1JftHPUTtrvci .a. ibuu iiMiii BUataa a i-jii t ib And tho Best Locations for Wmlm Soldiers Entitled to a HomeWlfi 160 Acres. ST' mi JfXTOm Jtwa.n.assaiaKai .- -n..-. IX'Jf . .is'im - hand Knl b. . Si X1,V.1."-"JE2' wl,n luuif m maw 1lAA-.l.at,l .vi a s.i " ' urt;iiv( Mi.nufAOV OP JEW & Douglas 81 PLATED - WiR nn'-,,... 'J FREE OF CIIA1K TO BE AS RKPRHflENI i 1 Station f IlKAT.SflM I'M I STZJlIDEH Street, Omaha, far-la. IsnJ. well' ' .Vn or 11,0m .r au.rte MctloV 3w ACKMI Will MdsraU.l 1a A t t aere, or Sl.fM-Md eblhrsU teV'i ...,i .'.u iT i "?" .!''" ' J ..,,, ,j, , p,Ki, AmXM McATJSLAN RETAIL DEALIB3 IV lin I K- c" n.t irrAp.liT rrl- large and elej manuiaoturea oj i. ii . -. i.' ""7 .r'J auuui A,HUBERMAJ TO TUB Pullman'- Ftlae k I M V Ar. Indianapolis.. t:Mp.j. do Clnelnnstl...a,tl:M p. ., I i.corui;u.S: a.. us uu iuiperi. a:oo p. n. vnicago, inauaaaolla, aaelantsU, Logsuspor of Forelfa - .u ""- "-'-:.9mPmk "" Usl v &: V ra & & WiLQO, ,i. . V !- . v ..'& 'J'S nnu inaiMi runs, - kc fihrr 1 v FREE $ Hue ol the L ,j PAH1IIH0 aal MWllWUOa IN THE UKKAT ,Ui WW7 MOW POa MT.Ktt 1 gives with Interest at BIX PIB ll J T'nn . -.m. . jr.... ' j via sit n i- a - s i m m J i.eiiiir iii r m jm . ".wmwmJX EK "! mwl' . . ''rT, it LvJi WJWJfZA mru z mi td-' a ' li -r 1 af'Wil J . w.