, w THE DM Arl A BEE OFFICIAL; I'AI'F.ltOF THE CITV. TO L'lllllllMl'OXUUNTN. Wk no ynr desire any contribution whatever nf a literary or Kiotlil ihtiractor ; and we will not uii.Jortuke In preserve, or to return llieRiinttr In atijr t,iv whatever. Our Stair Is suuicleiitly larg In morn tliati supply our llnillcil spnco In tint direction. IU'.Ai. N.uir. UK Wniiitr, In full, mint lu each and every ca actompmy any tcminunica tlonof wliat mturo soever. This I not In tended for publication, but for our own satls (action niiilai prjof of good fallh. Oun Coi'sinr Kkikmh wo w'.II always bo pleased to hear front, on all mattr.'s connected with crops country oIltlia, ami on any sub Jerl whatever of general Intern! It Itio eo ploof oiirfcMte. Any Information cotinoit iil wllli tlin election, and relation In flood. Occident etc., will lt gladly rccrlvol. All sutli communication., howcTer, limit bo lirlef an possible; and tlicy must, In all cases, l written upon nuo side ol the sheet only, POLITICAL. ALL A KNoitxrKMKNT of candidates for offlcc wlietlier made liy ael! or friends, and whether as uotlccaor communications to the lllltor, are (until nominations are made) simply personal, and will Iw charged an ad rerilneiucuti, All communications should lie addressed to H, llOSKWATUll, Editor and Publisher, Draw r27l. Two of tiicflloopiof war authorized liy n recent net of CongrcM, arc to bo built nt Norfolk. The force employ ed in the United .States Nary Yard at tlint point was very considerably increased lust week. Tun Second Comptroller of the United States Treasury Department, last week, decided that a deserter, oven though ho rcccivo an honorable. (Uncharge finally, is not entitled to nud cannot rcccivo bounty. A Nr.w OitLKANScontempory com plaint! that only one hundred and twelve, veterans of tho war of 1812 arc living in Louisiana. Wc appre hend that if they remain in Louisiana their numbers will bo materially re duced within tho noxt twelve uuuitliH. Till: New York papers nilirm that the crimes committed in that city in a Hiuglo month outnumber tho depre dations of the Apaches, Sioux, Modocs and till tho other H.tvagcs in this country, in an entire year, and Ktill a majority of tho criminal lawyers of New York go about looking lank, lean nud unhappy. Tin: Seventh U.S. Cavalry, Gen. CiiBlnr commanding, required one hundred nud foity freight nud pas senger cars to move- tho men, hordes and equipments from. Memphis to Yankton. Tho oxponso incurred by tho Government for tlteir transporta tion must 1)0 quito a consideration with tho railrood companies. Tho Illinois Central received tho lion's share of it. Tin: inexcusable folly of tho Indian pence policy received n very forcible IJlustration at Wit-hington yesterday. While tho whole nation was in con vulsions of indignation and rago at tho perfidy of the Modoc assassins, our religious CommUioner of Indian Afliiirn was delivering himself of n sermon, which had for its toxt "Tho only road to roform of tho noblo red man lies in the path of nnlvution." Wo apprehend tho only roud to In dian salvation lies in tho path of the cannon, j-lllo ball and sabre. Ki)WAUr H. S. Oaniiy, llrigndicr General in tho regular army, and Brevet Major General, was n nativo of Kentucky. Ho was appointed to tho Military Academy at West Point from that Stato in tho year 18!15. Graduating in 18111), ho was commis sioned second lioutcnaut in tho 2d infantry. On tho 18th of"Junc, 1810, ho v.as ptomoted to first .lieu tenant, and in tho following year he was mado brovet capTttin and assist ant adjutant general. Dining the Mexican war ho won two further bre vets for gallant and meritorious con duct. In March, 1855, ho was pro moted to major of the 10th infantry, and upon tho reorganization of tho regular army in tho spring of 1801, lie became colonel of tho 10th in fantry. His services during tho war wero active and conspicuous, and advanced him rapidly to tho rank of major general of volunteers. On tho 28th of July, 18GI), ho was commissioned brigadier gonoral in tho reguhtrarmv, .which position he hold at tho time of his death. A TIMKI.Y HUT COSTLY I.KNSOX. Tho cruehissassinatlon of General Canby nnd Messrs. Thomas and Men chain, while acting in tho capacity of peace commissioners, by tho cowardly and perfidious Captain Jack and his gang of red-skinned cut-throats, can not fail to leach tho iii.tion n timely, but rather expensive lesson. It will undoubtedly forcibly impress upon President Grant and Ills cabinet the criminal folly of pursuing thu o called Quaker policy lu dealing with bands of marauders and murderers of Indian extraction. It will arouse ,tli entire nation to a just under standing of tho character of tho noblo red man, whoso chivalry and manliness havo so frequently been ox tolled and misrepresented by extrava gant romances, CromFoiutlmoroCooi er down to tho present yellow-back novelist. An organized baud of white thieves or highway robbers is usually pur sued by shorllfs nnd militia. If cap tured they aro dealt with in accord ance with criminal codes, and often in accordauco with tho rules - ami regulations of n vigilanro committee. If, however, n band of copper-colored savages or ganizes for raplno nud plunder, de liberately commits all manner of nlfocilief, including larceny, arson, and murder, they nro treated like bo many prodigal eoii. A pence cm- J bassy is appointed to havo a talk with them. Valuable presents nro sent to them. Pipes of peaco arc smoked, nnd flasks of whisky demol ished to npenee their wrath. Im plicit confidence is placed in their pledges nnd promises. They nro coaxed to return nnd partake of tho fntted calf that the generous Great Father has killed nnd prepared for them. If a desperato and uncom fortable situation compels theso pam pered criminals to accept tho proffered invitation, tlteir crimes arc white washed with red and yellow ochre, and their infamous conduct rewarded by liberal donations of costly trinkets. Hloodtliirsty savages, who had been promoted to chieftainship for their atrocious cunning and relentless cru elty, arc transported nt the public ex pense across the continent to thu Na tional Capitol and the great cities on tho sea-board. They are every where fawned upon nud feasted liko trav; ellng princes. After much dining and whining, much smoking and a heap of talk, they arc permitted to roturn to their kith nnd kin loaded down with numberless presents. In a short Jtimc they resume their bloody work, and if, perchance, these chiefs arc captured, they readily explain by excusing themselves under tho plea of inability to control their young warriors. Wo havo for hoiuo time past treated tho wholo proceed ings with the handful of Modocs as a costly farce. Tho farco has wound up in a tragedy, and that tragedy is to lie followed by a drama, which wc hopo will termluato in tho extermi nation of tho wholo Modoc tribe. Tho unexpected treachery thnl culminated in the delibcrato butchery of the Modoc peace commissioners, makes humanity shudder nt tho bru tal degradation of theso wretches. Liko n spark dropped into a powdor mngtixino it explodes tho theories and speculations of phllautropists of the quitkor stripe, and places tho Indian onco more before tho American peo ple in his true character. Tito wholo fabric, based upon tho vng.irio.' of the so-called peace policy men, must now fall before these irrehistiblo facts, but if in the end tho life blood of General Canby nnd his mnssacrcd companions shall bcrvo ns a sacrifice to savo tho lives and property of hundreds of other peaceable citizens, wo may yet havo tho consolation that thoy havo not died in Ynin. I'UKUC IMIMtOVEMKNTS. Wo understand that within a few days tho plans for a general system of grading nnd scworago will bo present ed to our City Council for considera tion und approval. Theso plans havo been prepared in accordance with careful topographical surveys by tho City Kugineer, in consultation nnd with tho ndvico of Mr. Phillips, one of the most prominent soworngo en gineers in this country. Tho adop tion of theo plans will involve no immediato outlay, unless tho Council shall deem it advisable to put them into execution. Assuming, howovcr, that lite permanent system of grading and sewerage shall bo deemed a mat ter of absolute necessity, the question will nrise whether we, as a city, are prepared o inaugurate such a system during tho present season. For our part wo nro convinced that Omaha must either enter actively upon tho work of grading nnd paving our prin cipal thoroughfares, and provido an artificial system of drninago thorcfor, or sho may as well prepare to surren der her boasted prestige as tho ac-J kuowlegcd metropolis of Nebraska, Even tho young and thriving city of Lincoln is nlready far ahead of Oma ha in this respect. Their principal thoroughfares and public square has been graded, and commodious side walks may bo found on nearly ovory street. Thoy have built one very substantial sower, erected bridges and sunk nu artesian well at a cost of sovcral thousand dollars. Under our now city charter tho legal obstacles that hava hcretoforo prevented tho systematic collection of special taxes havo been removed. Tho subterfuge of certain anti-progressionists, who seek to escape their liabilities for constructing sidewalks because tlto grade has not been established, will soon bo removed. Our Mayor and City Council must now seo to it that tho obstacles to Mife nud convenient locomotion in our streets bo also re moved, and that very speedily. There is no uo of inviting capital ists to coma to Omaha, u invest their money, until our citizens can exhibit their individual confidence in her fu ture progress and prosperity through well graded and pa vod streets. Cities, liko men, are generally apt to make n hitting impression at first sight. Let any stranger view tho formidable tips and downs on our principal thorough fares, or attempt to drivo through them after n heavy rain storm, and twenty chances to one, ho comes to tho conclusion that tho town is on tho verge of bankruptcy and Its citi zens preparing to movo to a more favorablo locality. Thoro nro those who will oppoo every cflbrl at public improvements just now, on the plea of poverty. To thoso wo would say Omaha, as com pared with towns and cities of tlto sumo population in any part of the country, Is exceedingly well fixed. Sho owes a total debt of about $G00, 000, which can almost bo olf-sot by the value of real estate nnd othor property owned by the city. Lin coln, with about lino-fourth of her population and one-tenth of her weaUh, ou-4 a bonded dtfft fully nsi large ns ours, whllo Davenport, Des Moines, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, nnd Kansas City, each owe many hundred thousands more than Omaha. Kansas City hits just voted n half million in bonds for water works. She lias expended nearly n million in grading and paving her streets, and to those public improvements as much ns any other cauo she owes her advantages and standing as a city. Washington City contracted a bonded debt of five millions last year for public improvements, and her news papers now confirm tho wisdom of the step- Property has since then advanced there vciy rapidly, and her population is increasing at an extra ordinary rate. We do not nrguc that wo must complete tho projected Improvements within ono or two years, but wo assert emphatically that wo cannot allow this season to pass without making n vigorous beginning. Wo hope Mayor Urcwcr will per sonally urgo tho necessity of early notion in this direction, upon our City Council. Ho can do nothing that will raise him in tho estimation of our present ns well as our future population, so much as tho inaugura tion during his term, of a system of pcrmanicut public improvements. Correspondence ot thaftaK A WOOUK.V WEDDINU USDKU IilKt'ICUlYl'IKS. Foivr limiwr.n, April 10. EniTon Bi:i:: On Monday morning, April 7, a party consisting of Judgo Carter, of Fort Hridgcr, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hryant, Mrs. nnd Miss Crane, ami Miss McAlpine, of Cincinnati, took tho train at Omaha, where they had remained over Sunday. Two of the party wero going to Fort Hridger, and tho others wero found for San Francisco. Thoy were a merry party, ever ready for lun nnd excitement ; but towards evening they wero wish ing for some now amusement, when to their surprise and delight Mr. Brant announced that tho coming day was tho fifth anniversary of his wedding tiny, nnd consequently thought it ndvisablo to havo a wooll en' wedding. Tho young ladies im mediately entered into tho spirit of the affair, und appointed themselves a committeo of arrangements to havo all things mado ready, and conduct tho ceremonies in a stylo which be fitted tho occasion, and insisted that tho Judge should perform tho mar riage ceremony, that the happy couple might again bind themselves by yacrcd vows. It was very difficult to obtain suit able gilts for tho occasion, but "ne cessity knows no law," and. although everything was not to their satisfac tion, yet what was lacking in quality was replaced by quantity. At last tho eventful evening ar rived. All were in a flutier of ox cltcment, except tho two most inter ested, who were very indifferent to all proceedings. llio brido submitted verv grace fully to having her hair dVcorutcd with flowers, which Miss Crano very tastefully fashioned from bluo tissue paper. Tho groom, also, with a for titude rarely equalled, allowed ono of tho ladies to victimize him to the extent of placing one of tho spurious flowers in his button-hole. Besides tho above mentioned per sons, there were present Mr. Tibbals, palace car conductor ; Mr. Millo, pas senger conductor, and two or thrco others. At a quarter before eight, on Tuesday evening, tho ceremonies be gan with tho presentation of gifts. Most conspicuous among tliom was a keg, which was obtained nt Sherman, tho highest point on the U. P. line. "It has uo top or bottom, but yet it is a very good keg," was tho explana tion given tho astonished groom, by tho young ladies. Next in order wero two large billets of wood, measuring from three to four feet in length, and six to eight inches in diameter. Thirdly, a few bundles of kindling wood, which Miss McAlpine beenred nt Grand Island. Their uso was in definite, but we presume they woro intended to bo used for toothpicks. They were nbout eight inches long, and one-half inch square Lastly, a cigar box, containing numerous ready mado tooth-picks. Tho greater number of tho gifts woro presented with tho compfiments of tho party, and of courso tho croom especially, was hiehlv delitrhtcd with them, and had serious thoughts of ciiuriuniig u car in carry iiicni to an Francisco. After tho presentation, tho party wero regaled with cake, crackers, ap ples, doughnuts, hard boiled eggs, nnd lemons. Next in order was tlto marriage ceremony by Judgo Carter, which took placo while tho train was pass ing under tho second snow-shed west of Lookout. After tho Judgo had pronounced the words, "Whom God hath ioined together," etc., lie ad vanced nnd kised tho bride, and then proceeded to kiss every lady of tho party. One, howovcr, resisted, and tho struggle resulted hi upsetting two boxes ot Latoy's best candy. Tho popular toast of tho ovonfug was, !'lhe health of tho brido and groom, and may they live long and prosper," which was drank with hearty good will by tho gentlemen of tho party. Lastly, thoy partook of ginger-snaps and peanuts, nnd agreed that the wholo affair had been a success. After tho excitement had abated somewhat, tho happy irroom remarked, "1 have lived wftli4iy wlfo 11 vo years, nnd I bcllovo I like hor better now than I did at tho beginning of that tlmo." After this remarkable concession Mrs. Hryant was looked upon as an un common lady to desorvo such praise. A MliMULMt 01' THU P.UITY. They have a petrified woman in Gold Hill, Novada. Sho was so ns tonished at her husband coming homo sobor that sho has bccoiuo petrified with astonishment over since. It is a snd cuo, and should bo n warning to Gold Hitlers not to astonish their wives by nny such unnatural pro ceedings. Wlien a wife expects hor husband to como homo inebriated it is u reflection on her judgmont for him to go home perfectly sober, as did tlilsiinitc. sat n.u :uiuosiTit-.5. Iowa has n man who can carry n load weighing 1,200 pounds. Savannah, Ga.. expects a credu lous public to brook a rout weighing 115 pounds. Dubuqtto has it three-legged dog. Davenport is compensated with two legged puppies. AnlowaFallswoman has named her last baby Welcome Awful Catas trophe. Fact, says the Sentinel. A Connecticut man swears to an ox which trots its milo inside of four minutes, and offers to enter it for beef-steaks. - An embryo citizen of Preston, Iowa, lately made his advent Into this breathing world with two teeth ready made. Tho latest natural productions in Pennsylvania are a calf with a thick flecco of wool and a dog which gets drunk regularly every day. Convis, Mich., has a lamb with but ono eye, in tho certro of tlto head, a noso like the beak of n hawk, nud unusually long ears. A Sheldon, (Indiana) woman wns delivered of four healthy chil dren tho other day, and mother and children, nil girls, nro ns well ns could bo expected. Next. Six little black Australian swans liavo just emerged from tho shell in tho Jnrdin des Phmtes, after sixty days devotion of the mother, who lu.tched them in tho open air. A pair of these birds cost from 2,000 to 2,500 francs. JEWELRY MANUFACTORY. M. J. JOHANNES, Diamond Setter and Manufacturing Jeweler. Twciily-llirco Years' Experience .In . the Finest Factories in Now York, riillaiielphla, nud Baltimore. N. K. Oor, Uth and Douglas, orer McAoi .. ,. land'a Qun Bwro, WF. 0. llox 41. llOYlOtf BYHON ItKKH. LKWI3 3. HRUD BYRON REED & GO. The Oldest E.tnbllalicd Real Estate Agency IN NCnilASKA. Keep a complete Abstract of Titles to all lieu Lstatc ill Dinah and Douglaa county. C12 Fourteenth St., Omaha, ob. fetillf C. C. H0USEL & CO., Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants, DKAI.EltSIN 33-ui.ttor-, Oldoi', Houoy, to. Agents for the Mlunuri River Htcamboala. Agents for Merchants' Dcipatcli Fast KrclEut. Agents for M. Work's Cincinnati Candles. Agents for Champion Ileapers and Mowers, nnd llolllngworth liny Hakes. Choleo Apples by Itariel or llusliel. 8Comn nnd see ns, at 401 Thirteenth .Strrel. npr'J-lf 0. C. HOUSEI, A CO. Wm.K.jDoolittlo&Bro., GROCERS. SVAY STOKE 1 NO REST!! LOW l'ltlCESil! BOO Bodco St., OMAHA, - - - NEB. Jaii2'wtl City Meat Market Slieely Bros., iCeep constantly on hand a largo supply BEEF, PORK, Poultry, Game and VEGETABLES Jliue24dtf Cliictigo, Hock Island , AND Faciffio R. R., THE LUKKAT C'EXTHVL UOUTE, NOW OPKN PIRKCT TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST, Via DES M0JNE8, DAVENPOET, AND BOOK ISLAND, ConnuctlugjU Pus Moines with Des Moi'ics Valley Hallroad FOR KooUuli.(liiat.Xjoula to Davenport with boat for all points on tin UPPER MISSISSIPPI. A! La Halle with the ILLINOIS OENTBAL RAILBOAD, NORTH AND KOUTH.1 And at Chicago with all tho fait llnes.Eost and (South. TWO FAST EXPIIESS TRAINS Leave. Council UluHi dally. TRAINS KUN ON CHICAGO TIME Tbls rod Is being thoroughly equipped with ELEGANT NEW OOAOIIES AND SLEEPING CARS, And having the advantage of a smooth, well balanced track, oiler, lo the traveling public, tu Ea.tern line une qualled for SPEED. COMFORT. AND SAFETY. Through tickets via this lino lo all Intern rltlea can lie had at the Company's Ticket Olfices, at Ouiaba and Couucll liluifr, and at !;pot. HAGGAGE OHECKEDTHROUGII TO AM. I'RINCIl'AL UABTERN TOINTH. A. A. II ALL, 8. 8. STEVENS, Atst. Oeo'l Sunt., Uen'l Agunl, Chicago. Council UlufTs, M. -JMITIJ, fieuTl'au. Agl., Chicago. F. COURT, Leading Boot Maker And all kinds o! LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .Mending neatly dont.j ' 183 IVtweon Utli and 12th. L. WOODWORTH 228 Holloas St., Oiiiahn, Neb., UKAI.KK IN Carriages, Hacks, Buggios Patent Whools, Road Wagons, Trotting Sulkies, Hkelelom, Hill debakcr'a CclehriMl Wtgons, James R. Mill's Cclebrlted Concord Harness and Whip., Hor so Clothing, Robes, Blankets, Wagon Material of all Pcscrlp lions, 8pol.es, Hub., Felloes, and all kiutisof HARD WOOD LUMBER Thliiible.8kelns.;AxlcsaudaHprlngi roarMJ S. JACOBS, . TAILOR, 190 Farjah.am St., One door west of Abbott's Book Store. All kinds cf Clothing mado to ordtr. Clean ing and Repairing done a! reasonablo rates Gentlemen's Furnishing Uoods constantly on hand, aul-lin XXEXTR-BOXiZiXT, dkalf.r in Groceries & Provisions, Flour, Feed, AN I) 3E".xxia. Frodtioo, WINES, LIQUORS TOIIACCOM AND CIGARS. N.E. Oor. 8IXTEENTII & OALIFOBNIA Sts, nprin-tl JUST OPENED ! A New Lager Beer Saloon, 8. E. Cor. TENTH St. it CAPITOL Av. Jl'NTll!. ICKNOf.KIt, - - l'roi.V. nprU-lnt Charles Shiveriok IVXlVXXTLX TO, O tXTT-O X" AND Wholesale & Retail DEALER IN FurniturE Bedding, Mirrors, Etc HA8 THE LAB0E8T STOCK IN OJfAHA. Awn r MAKES THE LOWEST I'fUCEH. 203 Farnam Street. anldcod-and-wtf. GRAND CENTPVL EUROPEAN HOTEL, Pino street, betweon Fourth and Fltli streets ST. LOUIS, containing 160 rooms; having lately added CO mora room. Is now prepared to offer to the traveling Public Ihe best accommo dations. Rooms, 75 tts. to SI tier day, A meals US cts. each. DOOR A THATCHER i'roprlet N. I. D. Solomon, Manufacturer ot SHOW CASES. Dealer In Whitlow Ulnss lMetiirc Frames, and Mirror. 108 Fariilinii. Street, Omitti Aeb. - lebltf. Burlington & Missouri River R. R. in Nebraska. INo. 23.1' To take offset Monday, March 10, 1873.11 . Kxpntxi . , STATIONS. WKST. KAST, FlatUmoiitli litis 4. in 1:16 p. in. Oreaopolls U::w " j;oi " Omaha , 10:30 " 2.00 " Ilellovuo H:03 i,....,l'?0 " Lnl'latle ..llj'.'O " M j.. 11 Oreaopoll H:J3 " ,.,. i:ol Oreaopolls 12:S1 " Concord ,11:47 " ...12:8 ' Louisville UM " , 12.0a " South liend 1I2.21 " , u-si 11 Ashland 11M0 u-aj 11 Greenwood .TJ..Vt Hn ig 11 Waverly 1:07 " UjtM " Newton 1:19 " lo.Si " IJncoIn 1:33 " -10:33 " Lincoln 1:30 p.m 10:23 ' Denton..... 2:13 ' .10 02 " Highland 2:33 " ;4i 11 Crete 2:45 ' , 8:37 u Crete 2:53 ' 11,32 it Dorchester 3:17 " 0:U " Exeter 4.01 " 8:31 " Fairmont 4:20 " H:14 " Oralton 4:37 " 7:48 " Harvard 8:13 " , .7:07 ' Inland 6:13 " 0:4.1 ' Hastings.,,,, 0:27 " 6:31 " Juniata .0:46 " .0:11 " Juniata 7:00 6:M h Kenesaw 7:28 " fi;33 1 Lowell 7:56 " 5:11 Fort Kearney 8:12 ' 8:57 11 Kearney Juucl'ii. 8:10 " 4:30m. m. Train. Between Omaha and Platt.mouthl Leavennd arrive as follows: W.ATTHMOl'TH. OMAHA. Leave 1:50 p. 111. Arrive 4:17p.m. Leave 12.23 ' Arrivo 2:00 " Arrive ..11:50 a, 111, Leave .10:30 a. m Arrive- ).m " liave 7;00 " BoatrlceZBranch, 1-' mxi:n, , 8TAT10XS. WKST. KOUTII. Crete ., 4.4) p. 111 6:43 a. 111, De Witt 3:57 " 5-37 Caldwell 6:23 " B:'9 " Beatrice 6:51 " 4:10 " .,... ... .....a !: .WIO IS IIISI IJI Omaha, and Is W mluutes slower than that ot Clilcago. C. F. MORHi:, Hupt, Q. O. MANCIIIiSTER, Heu.Tlcl.it AKt. V II Tit II... .!.. .!... I- .1... .. U. S. DEPOSITORY. The First National Bank OJP OB4LZXja.. Our. fnriilium Mtu! Ulli Mri-ela, I'HK OMIKVP l(NKIMI BhTMILHHMENI IN NKIIIiAHKA iSuioessurtn ICimlitii l!nl!iurn.) .CMtsWii-h-d m iK5s. Organized Nalhmai lUtik, Aiuutt SC, 1N.1. Inpllil ...J I'roillsuvcr . . . fjft0,oo(l wiciH" anii mnacron 8 i'llhlOHTUN, A.KOUNTZK, ., I'ru.ldetil. . Cashier It. KOUNTZK, H. VV. YATKS, Vice l'rcK'l. Asa'! Cashier. A. .1. i'OI'l'LKTON. Attorney. AivimAUKium, iko. uinrs, mkm.wuud I'rCKldfiit. Vice I'roMdent, Cannier. STATE SAVINGS BANK. N. W.COIl. KAIINHAM 13TI1 BT. Capital, $100,000, Anlliorlxril Cnnhal. 91,000,000. Deposits as nnsll aJ ono dollar recede ,ml Compound Interest allowed on same. Advantages JVKIt Certificates of Deposit. Tho wholo or any twirt ol a doKMt arter re maining in this Hank threo months, will draw Interest from date of leMtt to tlmo of pay ment. Tho who.o or any part of a tlciOKlt can drawn at any tlmo. auc23-tf. EZRA MILLARD, J. H. MILLARD. President. Cashle OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, ....OORNKR..., UnnglitH unit Thirteenth StrrelR, OMAHA, NKII. OAl'ITAL f 100,000 0 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 100.000 00 FINANCIAL AOKNT FOR THB UNITKD STAVIiS ANl DESUINATSII IlErOKITORT rOU UtSBUnflllt orrtcckii. This 5;ank dcali Exchange, Oovernment IMucls, Vouchers, Gold Coin BULLION AND UOLD DU8T, and Bella drafts and rnakee collections on parts of Europe. Drafts drawn payable in (Ipld or Currency on the Rack of California, rtan Francisco, TICKKT8 for aaie to ait pana of Kurope via. tlio Cunard and National Steamship Lines, and tho UamborR American Packet Company. Ivar.f, The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSK t.v HltltANKA. Caldwe Hamilton &'Co llaslneta transacted same as that of an In corporated bank. Accounts kept in Currency or Oold subject li sight check without notice. Certificates of Deposit issued payable on de mand, or at (tied dato bearing Interest at Six per cent, per annum, and uvallsblo In all iwrtr or tho country. Advances mado to enstomers on approved k curltlcs at market rates of Interest. Ruy and Hell Gold, llllls of Exchange, Onv ernment, State, County and City Uonds, We give special attention to negotiating Hull road and other Coriiorato Loans Issued within tho State Draw Sight DraHs on England Ireland, Scot land and all parts of Europe. Bell European Passage Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE auuitl White Star Line OF MAIL STEAMERS Bet ecu Now York, Cork and Liver pool, rpiiU magnificent, now and full-powered J. Steamships ot this Lino offer uurivaled ac commodations to all classes of passengers. Tho steamers being alike, travelers secure the great advanlago ot having an equally good and fast steamer lor each and every sailing. Oceanic, Celtic, Atlantic, Republic, llaltlo Adriatic, Majestic, and Uritannic. They sail regular, from New York on Saturdays, Iroin Liverpool on Thursdays; calling at Cork Harbor both ways. Rates as low as any first-class lino. For further lufoamatlou apply o Qomptnv'a Western Qffioji, 00 Market streot, Chicago?,, ALFRED AQEBOEEN, ' cago. oa&dly fleeni, A. AVorU to Travelers. We liavo a word to say In favor of tho Mis sourl Pacific Ilallro.nl. It was tho "pioneer" line westward and Is Ilia "old reliable" roulo to St. Louis. With the Improvements that have been made during tho past year, wo be lieve that the Missouri Pacific railroad lias the best track and tho finest and safest equipment of any line west of tho Mississippi. It is Ihe only line which runs three dally cxpreis trains of due conches and Pullman sleepers, equipped with the Miller platform and tho patent air brake, from leading points In tho West, through Kansas City, Sedulfa and Jeflursou City to bt. Louis, without change, connecting at ht. Louis with eleven dlHercut through routes to points north, cast and south. No change of cars from Omaha to St. Louis via this routo. Particular information, nllh maps, tlmo tahlos, Ac, may be hail at tho Throiinh Ticket" Railroad Shi. tlous in the West, or upon pemonnl or written application to U, II. lt.ixter, Western Passen ger Agent, Kansas City, Mo., or C. A. Ford, General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. ly2'Jtf HALL STEAM ENGINE 0OTAa:DTwTX-V, SUt'CKSSOnS TO HAM, IJUOS., Manufacturers ol Steam Enginem 1 1 Ml nl n? anil Mill .H.icliliiory, aaviilclirxc-,. On cut lax, ml all kinds laenoiw veox.as:.,, COH. NICIIOL.1SS AND 10th. BUT IrVHITNBY BOOTS, At 255 l)oii!?l..M SI., bet. Fourtcenlli & Fif'tccnlli. nprl'.'-tf A. B. HUBERMANN &; CO., ?Xt AOTXOAli I nX(iu.iiraotii'ov WATCHMAKERS,! OF JEWELRY, S. E. Oor. 13th & Douglas Sts. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY & PLATED-WARE, AT V.'.IOLi:SAl.K OH HIlT.tll,. Dealers Can Save TIME and FREIGHT by Ordering of Us. ENtilMYIXG DONE THEE OF CHARGE ! BsaTALL GOODS WAUUANTEH TO UK AS HKPHIiSENTED.-i Jati3l-lf NOVELTIES AND ATTR ACTIONS MERCHANT TAILOR Has tha Finest Stock "Ever Brought to thl i Market. 1IIAVE secured tho service, of ono of tho leil Cutters In Kew York, who wilt alleiul to Ihe Cutting Department. I hive given Urge InJuremonbi lo my Cutler, so tlut I nny proveul ome of tho Usl trade lc.ivlu our city. oclsklll R. & J. WILBUR, Books and Stationery, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Neb., GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS.. novGt . (J. Abbott S. C. ABBOTT & CO.. Booksellers 1 Stationers, DUALKIfH IN WAXtX PAPI3B.3, DSCOB.A.TI01Ta, VITIDP'VT" SHADES, No. 188 Farnliani Street, Omaha, Neb L'ulillsliprH Aireuta lor School Hooks nscd In Nobnutkn. M. HELLlvIAlT die CO., - Have on hand now t ho Largest Stock of CLOTHING & GENTS'S FURNISHING O- O O ID S, FOR FALL AND WINTER, And nro prepared to tell at XjO-WZEST fig-tjres. . FINE CLOTHING A SPECIALITY. Tlirp largo lloors stocked with tlto different lines or goods. M. Hollman. & Co ill AMI 'it nprilW.twtl Heal Estate Agent, and Agent for Hall Road Lands, HAS FOR 200,000 Acres of Land, In various parts of Northern ftebraslca, situate chtelly on and near llio Klkhorn, I'latte and Loup HI vers and their tributaries, and embracing every variety of Farming and (1 raxing Laud. M.ao to 810.00 jwr aero, with credit on part from one to ten years with a per cent, interest. 2diwtf Wholesale IDA.-VIID LEACH, West Room in Grand Central Hotel Farnham' Street, JanMAwm. B'-A.ri.lVII33fR.J3, XXIjA. G-ROOERS & SEEDSMEN, 3NTc. 2fJO Xn.xrxxlo.M.xxx SJtx-oot, Omnha, PO'oTo. Woaronowofloringoiir largo slock of OIlOCKItinfl, Fruits, Wooodonware. Olaiswaro, etc., at Iteduced l'rlces, to mako room for our Immense stocks of Field, Forest, Garden, Urass, nnd Flower Heedw, Which no aronoir roi-elvlng. Wo will keep In slock overr variety of mwls adsplel to this cl. mate, and will sell at HAHTIUtN CATALOGUE l'ltlCCS. ALL WAItltANIXI) FltK.ill. We will keen the BEST LAWN MOWER, and a variety of OarJea anil Agricultural ImoU' menu at the Lowest Prices, Wo nlvvuyH pay tho Highest JIarkot Price in Caili for Cliolco Buttor nnd Fresh Eggs. iirAII our Uoods are Guaranteed to bo as Iteprcscntod. Gri-ooorlow, 3?rovliouN, Soodsj, febS-wtf OTTO TJHLIO-, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA,. DHALnt IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HAEDWARE, GLASSES, CHINA i -a. i axrT m , o x Xs s , ' Liquors, Tobaccos Cigars, Etc., Etc. THE J. S. CAiii.mi.n. BI STUBKT, COllNKU Tilllt'l'KICNTH. SALE Office 143 Fariilinm Street, Uinnlin. Hardware Ornana, ITeltsr - sj 3D I j'.