Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1890, Page 9, Image 9

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The famous open lilcrnry society of Princeton, the Whig,
is to have a new $40,000 hall.
The Nexus Letter and Pulse ol Iowa college have suc
cumbed to that grand law that in union there is strength.
Hence a new paper, the Unit, has come forth.
Every exchange thus lar icports encouraging increase in
every way in the attendance at their respective colleges.
Surely the future of America ought to he assured if this in
crease continues and if the colleges do their duty in the
This editor wishes now to give expression to his surprise
at an article he read in the DcPau Adz of May last. The
writer of the article and an editor of a department had the
audacity to accuse the fraternities ol "cruelty" and of giving
vent to 'cruel hatred." It was indeed shocking hut yet
perhaps it was no more than was to he expected from a paper
that would dclilicrctcly insult a gentleman of the standing of
cx-Oovcrnor Crittenden as a means of excusing a wrong act.
The summer months have come and gone and with them
the long vacation; the fall and winter months arc coming on,
and with them that burdensome query. How shall the ex
change man make his columns original anil readable? How
much clipped matter shall he use, how many notices make,
how many and how harsh criticisms hurl, how many and how
great commaudations give? 'Tis such vexed questions that
weary the unused brain of the editor just from his vacation.
And what can he, poor lellow, do beneath their weight. He
can but yield and do his best.
In the first issue of the year the exchange editor has but
little material to work upon. It is true that many college
papers arc published during the entire summer and very fair
papers they arc too considering the season of the year, but
nevertheless, the disputes, the discussions, the criticisms, the
commendations, the friends, the enemies, the general run of
college affairs and papers has been well-nigh forgotten and
dropped. Old students have gone, new students have come,
college life for the year has not yet settled down. And so
the exchange man must rely much on his own verbosity, but
if he has none, what shall he do? Alas! 'tis not related.
This department had occasion in one issue ol last year to
call attention to how little reliance is to be placed on the ac
curacy of many items in some exchange columns. The Napa
Classic of California furnishes a good illustration of this in its
issue for September. It has an item as follows: "Madison
University of Wisconsin will hereafter be known as Colgate
University." One might almost suppose that a girl wrote
this item on account ol the manner in which the conclusion
has been jumped at. The .truth is that Madison or Colgate
University isjocatcd in New York and had its name changed
on account of the bequest of the millionaire of New York City.
Hut credit should be given where credit is due and the same
paper has the following item, which is correct; "A capital
punishment to be hugged to death."
$75 00 to $250.00 a month can be made working for us.
Persons preferred who can furnish a horse and give their
whole time to the business. Sparc moments may be profit
ably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities.
U. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va.
Ten per cent off to students ol the State University at J.
Z. Hriscoc, the shoe man, cxpositton building.
Call on Edddd. Ccrf vV Ooooo.
Skinner lets good rigs at low prices.
Hats and caps at Ed. Ccrl & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps.
Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Go to Ed. Ccif & Co. for furnishing goods.
The latest styles in hals at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students pat
ronage solicited.
Ten per cent off to all students, at J. Z. Briscoe's boot and
shoe store, Exposition Building.
Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses
fitted. Rooms 16 and 17, Richards block, Lincoln, Neb.
Ten per cent oil to students of the State University at J.
Z. Hriscoc, the shoe man, exposition building.
For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short-hand,
ypc w tiling 01 telegraphy, the Lincoln Business College is
he best place to go. Over 600 students last year.
Prof. Loisettc's Memory System is creating greater inter
est than ever in all parts of the country, and all persons wish
ing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus
free as advertised in another column.
Ten per cent off to students of the State University at J.
Z. Hriscoc, the shoe man, exposition buiiding.
T. Ewing & Co have now an opportunity to show off an im
mense stock of clothing to great advantage. Their new qnar
tcrs 1115-17 O street arc undoubtedly -the finest in the city.
Call around and inspect both store and goods.
II you receive a copy of The Hesperian with this pas
sage marked accept it with the compliments of the business
manager. A limited number of sample -copies of this issue
arc sent to old students, alumni, new students and others who
arc likely to bcintcrestcd in the prosperity of The Hsperian
and the University. During the past year Tin: Hesperian
has been enlarged and otherwise improved. We intend to
continue to improve it. In fact we must do so in order to
keep pace with the institution which the paper represents.
To do this, however, it is necessary to have money. We are
not going to ask you to give us anything, we simply ask you,
if you take an interest in the success of the paper, to pay us
ONE. DOLLAR for a years' subscription to the only organ
ol thrj students. Subscribe for the paper that will give you
all the college news, that will discuss all qustions of impor
tonce to the student body. SunscKiiiE tor The Hesper
ian now.
Business Manager.