Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Through the kindness of Professor llcsscy we have re
cieved a copy of the report of the botanist on the grasses and
forage plants anil also a catalogue of flora so far found in the
state, Hy examining the contents of the book one can read
ily sec that considerable labor has been expended by Profcs
sor Itcssey, J. G. Smith and II. J. WclnVr in different coun
ties of the state. The catalogue of the flora nfihe state
by II. J. Webber gives evidence of much patient labor by the
author. The catalogue is based on specimens in actual cxis
tance and are to be found in the herbarium of the University
and in the private collections of Professor Hessey, Roscoe
Pound, T. A. Williams, J. G. Smith and H. J. Webber.
The volume contains much useful information both to scien
tists and to agriculturists.
We have been waiting so long to make an item of the
opening of the gymnasium tljat it is not improbable that each
editor will have something to say about it. When we heard
that, thanks to the efforts of Lieutenant Dudley the "Armory
Hill" had passed the legislature, our spirits rose and in imagi
nation we saw a complete gymnasium rise before our delighted
gaze, saw in the immediate foreground a vision of a lignum
vita ball rolling with the swiftness of a cannon ball along the
smooth surface of an alley, and heard or seemed tohcnr the cry
"all down but mine, lct'cr roll"; to the right of the picture we
saw a valiant Sophomore after winning a hotly contested
bout with foils throw down his foil and heard him exclaim in
tragic tones, "the last onc--thrcc." All this we saw, but
alas! 'twas a vision in a desert. Time has passed, he has
probably ground his scythe several times since then, the mir
age has faded the reality is here. The g mnasium is open
now for the use of all students who pay the sinking iund fee
of one dollar. The gymnasium hours arc 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
during this time, with the exception of such hours as are re
quired for other work Lieutenant Griffith will be in the gym
nasium, to give general instruction to all who desire it in all
kinds of gymnasium work. Arrangements will be made for
regular instructions in the Sophomore year and Lieutenant
Griffith informs us that in case the students desire it and a
time can be arranged suitable for all he will instruct a class
in elective gymnastics. Lieutenant Griffith has shown great
interest in the establishment of a gymnasium' and the students
should show their appreciation of his efforts by using the ap
paratus in the proper manner.
The college year of '90-91 begins with brighter prospects
than ever before for the University of Nebraska. In spite of
the predictions of many who maintained that the opening of
our sister institutions in East Lincoln would detract grca'.ly
from our prosperity, the University has a larger attendance
than ever. To compare the number enrolled at present with
the total enrollment of the Fall Term of '86, would of course
be unfair, yet there are now registered fully twenty-five more
students than were enrolled at the end of the fall term.
There are many students, especially old ones, here who have
not registered yel on account of delay in arranging their
work. We can safely say that when the register is closed for
the Christmas holidays it will bear the names of seventy.five
more students than havi been enrolled in any other term dnr
ing the history of the institution.
The Latin School shows flattering piospeits; in '89 Dr.
Lees matriculated ninety-five students, having pan or all of
t licit v. oik in the Latin Schcol. This year, to date, he has
matriculated 104. The number of students classified as
"Preps" last year was about 10O; this year it is 150. The
Second Preparatory class this year has twenty-five in excess
of the number last year.
The Preparatory Grcak shows a building up of the classical
course and testifies to the energy and success of the principal
of the Latin school. In '89 and previous years the class
numbered about a dozen; this year the number taking "Prep"
Greek is thirty-three.
Quite a number of improvements are noticeable
about the buildings. The laboratories have been fitted up
and new apparatus received; about 200 volumes of reference
books have been added to the library, including bound vol
umes of the magazines completing the files to date. Dr.
Lees has secured several fine pictures of ancient 'sculpture,
for his class room and will also have a map of Europe to as
sist the "preps" in tracing the career of the illustrious C. J.
Caesar during his famous bridge building tour on the continent.
The military department also starts under favorable
circumstances. The number enrolled is about the same as
last ycar,but none have been excused so there is a larger
number actually drilling than ever before. The cases in the
museum have been arranged and present very fine ap
pearance. The Physics department has received almost all of the ap
paratus provided for by the legislative appropriation two
years ago and a number of new books for the department li
brary. Another improvement deserving of mention is due to
the efforts of that energetic and succssful lobbyist, his janitor
ial highness, John Green. This staunch friend of The Hes
it.uian, has caused the regents to have a small en
gine placed in the boiler house, to be used in hoisting the ashes
and other refuse products of combustion from the furnace pit
to the earth's surface.
Crops may fail and politics may boil, the University goes
od forever.
Since new students have been receiving advise from vari
ous quarters, The Hesperian ventures to air its views upon
one or two topics that should furnish food for careful reflec
tion to those who have been but a few days among us. We
hope that the few remarks will be taken in the same friendly
spirit in which they are given and that they will cause no one
to attempt to do violence to our office "devil" as an irated
co-ed did last year. But leaving aside all such considera
tions we have at heart the welfare ot the students, both old
and new, and feeling that we have something to say that must
be said, here goes, no matter what the consequences: "Now
most of you are away from home, probably for the first time,"
as you have been told before. At home you were held in
high esteem; your advise upon great political questions had
more weight than that of the whole board of aldermen. You
were a moulder of public opinion and no doubt felt the un
responsibility that rested upon you. A few of you seem to
feel that responsibility yet, and accordingly have started out
to show the world that though but prep or fresnman you
have considerable more knowledge than the seniors. You
may recover from that notion some day. At any rate we
hope that there are one or two professors here whom you
will admit, when alone by yourself, are almost your equals in
the intellectual world. So much for the "smart" man. He
is not very numerous, but yet there are a few of his kind.
Most of them will be taking a vacation by and by. Then
there is the pretty, charming co-ed who stands around the
halls and imagines herself the center of attraction. She is go-