Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1890, Image 17

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    M, i wji iii mii i'i 1 1 -Hi I. '' 'irfc'"'''nrTT:
; JSnhBK'' .S'S iu43v-V1vAY),, .'....", " .' '' '.; '""' W
' fP CHARIBESSEYBh: .v. AtingOinclLor. '-, '.' V
'&kil$P " ' " ''''" ,;'' : ' . - . ,.:' -r .v- ' ,.,' rj . ''&: '
M' ' ' "y'' ;5The.tyniytrslty:is.tlic head of the" public educational sys- THE COLLEGE; OI'LITERAtUr
ft 'y'jf, m,'.1 , ' .J ,'tem of,hetateV ItairiiUoxontirtuc and;complctc the work ' v. V THE ARTS. - '. ,' " - i, "'W - V'!v ' ' i
& $,; -VwV : ,,eRll Vnlheublic Schoojs, andsecure, to all an oppoWily . - . " ". " - frVA ..- '.' vA&y.. ' ' ' ?,
Vk-.' -' l- liberal c'ulturfc inltcratuW hhd,s6icnce, ana in such, tech- .', ,., . .ciURlxs r.ESSEvrit. p.,DKAW , ... V, . ;rV; ,
', r:'-'i S, .''-' ;' V'"cnl an'd professional courses as shall -from time to time be ;..,Thk ClAssipAL COURSE, leading tp',thc dcgreeoCBkchelpi;-;V!,':H
iD Mvi- ' A ''" ''f ,dddcd.:. These advantages are.ofie"rcd tt all free.f cha'rrrejpr 'or, Art's, atibroV r draining in the Ancient Languages ;ini.; ' 'vrvf y
it! m X, .t !. . , .onjjeVolc condrtionof. pfls$essmg Ufc Intellectual and moral M'Htt'LirERARy Course, leading to) 0ie'4cgrcpr fckeVb v -f4s?
', $'? Xt ' '''')'' qualifichtioriscqiusicxforadhii's$ionMosiicl) aninsUtuion.' lor( of Letters, offers a'trainlug'in H'istory'. Utcratre,'ahMi? 1;Ittw"5
1;t; - :. ' ' S; , ' r .tllE.LATiN SCHOOL, v . v . .. THPmritiTRTA:om.r(;iE. - .?'
CfcA -iM ' '' ' -' '' JAMES T. l.EKSi ?H. D., CRlNCiPAU, '. '-,. 1
'S'l' V '"' ' ;JnthiV?clioolprcp?ratioii is afforded for .ajl'thc Uridcrgrad-
W-T ;''v X ' "ciV-ourses in ine c,oin.v;nKp of i.TpRAT.yRK,- science a-nd
Ti , .' -v , , . ,' tuk Auts, and also for Uioc nHhe Umversity
Sv ,. m ' ' '-" x '''' ' ''Tljc 'preparatory studies' nm Uhrough ycyqars. Applicants
I IV.r. ' Irtt Alv it?ev4 1 lltrt l4ifl urn- ktftll ia Avnniiml Mi1liA int.
,1 .1 .-, ' jx -.a lo"u inR,subjeefcji ptigish Grttfiaiiar dithmith, 'Gcpgrafhy
.'K' '' y;0 ' wa Jistory o.ih VmleitStatts.: Graduates -of high schools
k ,' --' , - acgrbditcd , fyr the. Mhiqr Course how including 'Aurora
Sb. "'."V '':V' "' " ' Ci?Jutulrtis;-' VaitTTio'ntJ Friend, "Gibbpn. Harvard, Hdhronj
''Iffi' '-v '' ' - !- MeUqok,, KorthLoup, Ord.Uci) Cloud, Sutt?h, Tccumseh,
i& ';" ' . Hoidrcdge'naWilbcr) are aitinlited.ao tnc Second' Year class
HwVC '-4" ' 0V)'ifsc?iltttl6'il6'fUi6maS.. -;'' ; '. , . '
W'..' v
Thk UiVHnisnv consists t)f two colleges, orundergradu-
BBftiV. " . .V' v:,'te!dcpvflfjh'ients ' Graduates .f thcLa(m' school,or of .tht
wjg$jjvf. A'."'; ;-: high schools' siccrcdit'cd'-for the .rnajot coivrse (inclndipg-now
EkTiV ""' ",. Altnh. AshUntl. Auburn. HcaHrice. EdUai'. Fremontl' Grantl
iWJmC' . i'v- f : '"."Island, , 'Kearney, Lincoln, Nebraska .Gity, Plattntiu'fh-;arid
iPfSf" " ' ' ' -1''' ' VHSC'?) 'Ve ndmiUet ito c Ereslrtnart 'classof either, xbl-
Eft iii-,, ; V, it,g9 on prcscniauon oi u,pioinav
v'v -. ' 'v ;r 'i.' Students in both colleges attend' classes in
u. ' " "' ! '' Vas possible, and have eyery adyontage aTo
brded by contact
. : , ", tKWIS E. HICKS) J?Hr I.', EANvf'-' lJ,'f' .,vv7ViV . ,
.Tht course in 0f,nkral,5cien'ce, 'lati'ng'tothe degrer, ol.,,,.;' '. ..
nachclot of Science, offers a"Mibcra1 education, in' whiclvtlu ,,.- . - -
"Modern Sciences and the. Modern Languages art. given, mosir ?",&. . . !
proriiincricjj?. The. Elective pouRSES in Sciences, lea'd- Vt- K'
rtie to the 'same decree, aflbrd a- trslinihC in.snccial lines lead- v' , ' M
ing ti? Agricultural, Elccltrical of Scientific Woxk. , ", ' .,' ,'f ;
Thc'Ctfu'rse in Civil.' ENGtN.JERtNO o'ffer&such tvaining'as t-'"''.'y
wili fit a. vouricmah for the practice of Civil' EnKincflrinc;' -. j:,.'"''. i
, For thfosc who .can spend hut a year or "'two -in 'st.udy, ahi A " -H
Klnrhft'htnrv irrau-sp in Am-iciillui'e'lias licfen ftrranfeih ' ' ." : . " ' '"'"
V'.-.-l .... f t.1. .. ...i.j..;1 ll --.. l.. -:.i .i
f. ... J V-.. 1 .3 .
. .. "" SCHOOL OF yHEE'lNE, ARTS'., ' J ' -&,'
Ingtruption givi
still ipe, nature.
iven in draving'and pajdittng frcmjthe fiatcast,' -Of;; Ck"kk;
, and models in; the.progrcssiv'ordct. ' 'Pupils . 'tT'
tpic: seicc-,. ';
ft(i JBk&r' V'"' '."''' v-f!
JjKRft' '' V' V '" v '-c-' v-" t v '-,- .-- ---- Y"
.are, xcquirga.ip provide cnseis an-maicnaj; an nipic: seicc-,. ;'
Jion'jof. Casts' and studies is furnished in the stUdio'vThpipwSifcP'
"charce forclailv lessons durinc 12 vccks' is. $ii;.oo. fcaVablc- ?; tevAlvr
'in nrl villi e' 1' toe lnstrnplihrTis friven tb-elasses in Art Hsstri.',. 'vhA'K'k.
instruction on the'Pia . :;$$(?
violin, Vtuce-lrkinig and Musical Theory. KVt$-?&W
or class, instruction 'arevnioderate. 'Y ? , ,;" lf ;
s j i, : . - ,-. -' ,, L- Ai ' Twp-i.
' . v ' - -r v. . v ' .vv . v itMmjr'?
j msjL
ry, PJastic Anatomy and. Perspccti
The Course in Music includes
Forte, Organ, and
FjCcs for individual
to. the steward.
c S'o-J-r
,8- lV:.jk. '
. I I L
-I. 1 1 .. ' 1 1 V. . .1 . .j. i .''.' 1 .' 1' liiii.
. i' . . . . . 1
Windsor-Block, HortliTwiHili,St;;:; -,.,, vLM;
-iii.! ii.,lTj.i-- , ii.i -, I.. f r 1 1 1, i,.,i.l..i,..w,-i...i.. n .,.., vi. .il..ir, .j.,:....i..,,.lill nil.. ...I "e jP i
1'MEi. V - "'' .":