T II IS II hS l ER I Is v? ij zcx -x - uaauv si Thou ol our ranth'18 who want to cot tlio hoi book for Self Instruction should sunil Si no for Moron 8 licnortlng Mjio (I'ltninn ay bio in), spo'iincn jingoa rrco. Hon glvun liy mull. No chnrgo lor Fond Atlilri'88, Til IS MOIfAN II VNI) COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. IiiBtrtic 1 1 1 11 1 1('H- SlluUT- EKTAI si m MARLIN SAFETY REPEATING RIFLE using the 33, 38, and 44 Winchester cartridges, ha, Inga SOLID TOP RECEIVER, Excludlngalldlrt or moist uro from tlio iock LOADINEEJECTIHG fromthesldo, away from. tun race or me suootcr. Weighing out 6tf POUNDS nnd a model of flym MODEL 8! REPEATERS 60 nnd 45-70 calibres. TRAJEOTORY 8TR0NQ SHOOTING. yflsw40 LUVY XHf tM ACCURACY mi IEr" t. i mctrynntiurnutr. Shoots with greater tn (in any oiucr. uoirt buy until you see i no MARLIN SAFETY MODEL, 1889 THE BALLARD 11 remains tlio best shooting rlflo In the world. MARLIN'S DOUBLE ACTION AUTOMATIC CJECTINC REVOLVER in workmanship, finish and accuracy of shooting; sec' ond to none. WRITE US for Information. All Inquir ies answered promptly. ASK YOUR DEALER to show you our r I Ilea. For a complete description of tho best Repeating Itliles In the world, write for Illustrated Catalogue D, I to tho MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN., U.S.A. tWwOODWORK.cfeiXlf AffAetiMEMlsin Q LYMMi'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are Unequallod both for Hunting and Target Shooting. qwIF double- tholr money selling our Bit A B8 sG 1'inlshod Corrugated tmcAc.?l 2B UNION SQUARE.NY. 5ANrR.-s ST.LOUIS.MD. j,iM.-JMs DALLAS.TEX. H O. HOPKINS, IiIN4 I-N NKBI BUILT FOR A Student. The Only Practical AGENTS REFLECTS SAFETY LAMP. Can bt told In every family. Gives more light than thrco ordinary lamps. Kull sized Lamp sent by Express for VlliriTtOUIB. ,, U ttiau URTQ lUU.VCnb selling corrco 'o in tne u. a, Send for Illustrated circulars to FORSHEE McMAKIN.CInclnnatl.O can make SS.60 per rani selling our S. Wo boat tho for low prices. A BKD riiU.SH I'HUTOUItAPII AI.BIIH. WiljIKlllw I O World for (KxlOK, Kmbomed padded sides, gold edges, exton sion ciasp, noiuing a pages or. uaoinoi nlcturos. sent for 81.00. retails for 12.25. in Jap&noeso Morocco. Illustrated circulars FREE clasD. holding 32 Daces of Cabinet and Card leturos, sent for 81.00, retails for 92.251 bound also of tho abovo and FIIVEIl NTVIiKV Ol? Foratice & Mfoltlakln, iiuciHnini, uoio, ALBUMS rn1" -i mcc m ujflHM n5ffll JLiBBiuW Wm! LHflBft uim. mmHusmrj iW&f&U&rmMZft nr irar w-4r, IAHh"9aflSvii "iiwmowses kaw-Ifttol WOHI.I) TYl'KWlUTKHS ffyesW8Mff, $15 WIIITKK 77 CIIAUACTUUS Cttnlnguu freo. Atldrosa Tvnowrltir Depiitt incut, I'oi'B Mko. Co , llostoii, New Yoik, Chica- .own NEW ISHfiNollll 'Unlil Watch 1 .Worth W 1 UO.OII, Ural fit Iwatrh in tho world Perfect timekeeper Warranted heajr, .soi in inn n nununp niri lllntn lauica and cfiil Htfi, with works unci caici of rautl Tlur ONR I'KUMi.iln 'each lorollty can rrurr one to. together with our larce mil taluablc llneoflloitseliatlil minlfi. Ihrto tamnlea. at well at the w.ich. are fi'e. All Ihe work aou need il. li to ihow wlml r tend you to thou who rail our frtriii! and nriglilxirii anil ttione about jrou-lhat nlw $ rcaulia In valuable trade fr ua, w hlch liolile for ears when onre tlarled, mil Ihui we are repaid We pay all eiprcii, freight, etc. After you know nil, If jou would like to go to work for ua. anu can cam Irom IsVSO to !SO prr week and iiiardt Addreai, Mttason fc Co., llox 81, lNirtlniiU, Maine. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spite ot adtiltoratod Imitations which rntss tin theory, and practical results of tlio Original, in nplto of the Kroftsest mlsrepmBontatlnns by onvlims would bo cr.mptit.tor8, andinspttonf "bannnltomptB tomb"lilin of tho fruit nf his labors, (all of which demonstrate the iindoubtiid suiiorioritr and popularity of his teaching). Prof. Ijoiaettn'sAttfif Neror Forgetting is recognized tn-day In both Ilemispherps as marking an Kpoch in Memory Oiilturo. His l'nniectiiH(iwntiORtfr?e)KlTos opinions of people in all parts of the rIoIhi who have act ually Mtidlud his Systom by correspondence, showing thc.t his Hyntcin la tiMd awv while being studied, not afterward; tliata.it ifc rail bufcanwrf in nsnio.a trading, vmuUtranitrrUm cured, te. Kor Prospectus, Terms and Testimonials addmss Prof. A. LOlSKTTli, 237 Fifth Avchhc, N.Y The H. G, Steven ManufeGkring Go. Buggies and Carriages. Road Carts and Harness. "TJZB JBISST GOODS JFOR THIS MONEY." Bend for On tnlofruo Utiles of latest design. A, showing Sights and Address, WM. LYMAN, Middloliold, Ct. (i) IDEAL KELOAIIHI TIBLS FOB ALL RIFLES, Pistols rf nnd Shot Guns. for Illustrated Descriptive E illrnnlftr. P: SLHal r ms3 eiH$ THE BOSS ROAD WA60N. OUR No, 1 ROAD CART. Our work Is fully warranted, Is of excellent material and finish, and moderate In price. Our lino of Buggies Is very complete. We make a specialty of Hand and Machlno Made Harness. Write for prloes. Address, 15 to 19 West Lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. IDEAL MF'Q CO,, Box 1064 Q New Haven, Conn. ww mmiiiawn iHinsiiliji aVBaVBH