T HE HESPERIAN. VISIT HERPOLSHEIMER & CO'S GREAT EXPOSITION DEPT. STORE, Corner Twelfth and N Sts. Lincoln, Neb. The largest stock of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Boots and Shoes, Millinery, Holiday Goods, Toys and Candies in the West. Prices the lowest. Ladies' parlor up stairs. Remember the place and give in a call. FRED SOIECIMHIDT Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Etc. 921 0 Strut, p , Lincoln, Neb. Hello, 579 ' Is That Houck & Wallaces STIE-A-IM! LJLTTIISriDIRX" ? v Where they do the best Work in the City ? Our specialties are dress Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Flannel avid Silk Shirts, All wool shirts gtiaranteed not to shrink. HT 0? STEEET. College oe Physicians and Surgeons, OF CHICAGO. ' One of tlio Largest, Finest, and Best Arranged College Buildings in this country. Heated by Steam throughout and porfectly lighted and ventilated. CLINICAL ADVANTAGES UNSURPASSED. I'ROFESHOnS : A. Hooves JackRon. S. A. McWIUlams, D. k. :. Atcato, L. St. John, Henry Palmer, P. B. Waxham, J. E. narper, A. TV. narlan, A. E. Hoadloy, C. C. l Sllva, O. A. King, It. J. Curtl88. W. E. Qulno, W. K. Harrison, J. T. Jclks, H. J. Reynolds, ChrlaUan Fvnger, Cbos. D. Ulbaon. J. A. Benson. REGULAR SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 24TH. FEES ; Matriculation, f 5,00; General Ticket, admitting to all tbo Lectures and lucludlng all practical work In Histological and VhjA ologlcal Laboratories, fCO.OO. For tmthcr iotormatlon, address WH, E. QUINE, H.B., Boo'yi 3100 Indiana Ave,, Chicago, 111. Or, A. BEEVES JACKSON, Pros., 271 Miokigan Ave., Chicago. J