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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1890)
T THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. 'vnrr-"tpnr - ' Vol. XX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER i. 1890. No. I. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. JOHN B. FOGARTY, Editor-in-Chief, associates: T. F. A. WILLIAMS, '92. -J. W. McCKOSKY, oi, -Paul l'IZEY, '93, - - E. M. POLLARD, '93, J F. A. ROCKHOLD.Vj, f " " F. D. HYDE, '92, - A. A FAUKOT, '91, LlTKKAKV - MlSCEC.LANY - ' COMMENT - Local - exchange Business Manager SAYEK & MILLER, Printers and Puulishers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, (in advance) One copy, one college term Single copy, $1.00 . EDITORIAL NOTES. jg'ROM latest accounts it is now a moral certainty c&j that Cupid has taken up his abode not many miles from these classic halls. EVERAL men who were students here a short time ago, are already becoming famous in state politics. But this is not surprising when one consid ers the opportunities that are offered here for political training. HE largely increased attendance at the univer sity this year amply demonstrates the fact that t dry weather and poor crops do not lessen the desire for an education. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to The IlESi'ERiAN,Univcrsity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. V. J. Brown, Pres. F. IX Hyde, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. A. IL Trover, Pres. G. L. Sheldon, Scc'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. John B. Fcoabtv, Pres. Miss Lura A. Stockton. Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. A. M. Trover, Pres. N. I). Bare, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. V. C. A. Miss pannik Baker, Pres. Miss E. Merril, Sec'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. Herbert Marsland, Pres. A. C. Cope, Scc'y CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Fred Hyde, Pres. Miss Josie Treeman, Sec'y. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. C. E. Tinglev, Pres. F the Philodicean literary society has a president andsecretary we shall be glad to publish their names in the society directory: If not we shall feel ourselves justified in regarding the society as cither dead or sleeping and treat it according. JMT seems that all interest in foot ball has died out (m. this year. This is to be regretted. With a sufficient amount of practice the University could certainly put a foot ball team into the field that would be able to win as much glory as did our base ball nine last year. Of what use was it to purchase a ball and to incur other expenses if all interest in this matter is to be suddenly dropped. We hope to see the old enthusiasm for foot ball revived. It is a good mus cle developing game and should become a permanent feature of the University. F l'ER long years of impatient waiting the stud ents of the university are at length permitted to enjoy the privcliges of a good gymnasium. It is now something like five years since we were assured that a gymnasium would be fitted up in the near future. Several classes have graduated since that time. ' A few of the students who were then in the first year of the Latin school are now seniors and thus have but a few months in which to enjoy the much needed op portunities for physical culture. But several more, who five years ago were struggling with Latin conju-