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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1890)
W I " I THE HESPERIAN. r r UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. w U ? Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE 16. 1890. No. XVII. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. x JOHN B. FOGARTY, Editor-in-Chief. ASSOCIATES: T. F. A. WILLIAMS, '92, -J. W. McCROSKY, '91, -Paul PIZEY, '93, - - E. M. POLLARD, '93, 1 J. S. PEERY,'93, F. D. HYDE, '92, - Literary Miscellany Comment Local Exchange O. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUDSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term . Single copy, $1.00 35 .10 ADVERTISING RATES ONv APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. QjpHIS is the last issue for this school year. There .J are still a few who have failed to pay their sub scription, and we hope they will send it in at once. T half past seven Sunday evening the opera house was Ailed completely,almost all of the churches having dispensed with their own services in order to attend the Baccalaureate address. The Seniors were apparently all present as early as eight o'clock and a little later the Uniiversity chorus opened the ser vices with an anthem, "Praise the Lord." Rev. F. S. Stein then read a chapter from the Scriptures; and after the rendition of a quartet by Madams Jansen and Watkins and Messrs. Seamark and Barnaby the assembled multitude bowed their heads in prayer. "O Lord our Governor" was next rendered by the above mentioned quartet. Rev. Stein announced his text; John, 18; 38. "And Pilate saith unto him, 'What is truth?" The fundamental idea of the discourse was the necessity that a successful life should be an honest one. No matter how well hidden a false act may be it will eventually come to light, and will recoil to the dis comfiture of the doer. A splendid discourse upon the beauties and honors of the path of Truth was fol lowed by an eloquent exhortion to the outgoing re morse totbe upright and true. The audience arose and joined in singing the familiar hymn. "In the Cross of Christ and Glory, "after which the benedic tion was pronounced and the audience was dismissed from one of the best Baccalaureate services we have ever attended. Sometimes a Baccalaureate is taking advantage of in order that the speaker may show that he is more erudite than those for whose benefit he is speaking or can use more rhetorical figures than they may ever expect to master. The Baccalaureate this year was a learned, eloquent, discourse and above all was interesting. cHROUGH the kindness of Lieutenant Giiffith Hy we have been permitted to see his report upon the gynasium to the Board of Regents. The necessity for physical culture is set forth in plain and vigorous language. After reviewing the amount of exercise required by the military department and contrasting the lack of facilities for muscular development at the U. of N. with those afforded by other institutions the following suggestions are made: "First that an instructor be selected to take charge of the affairs of the gymnasium. Second, that his duties shall be, first, to take charge of the gymnasium and superintend the instruction of the students in gymnastics; second, to give constant care and attention to the health and physical development of the student body; third, that a compulsory course of instruction shall be arranged for the Freshman class throughout the school year and that the instruc tion shall be for thirty miimlgs daily for four days in the week, Saturday and Sunday excepted. Fourth, that this course shall consist of exercises as follows: 'Setting up' as prescribed in Upton's infantry tactics calisthenics, dumb bells, Indian clubs, vaulting horses, horizontal bar, parallel bars, fencing. Regular attendance, orderly behavior and prompt attention to duty shall at all times be enforced. Gymnasium jackets and shoes shall be worn at all exercises. Fifth, that some hours be fixed for daily volunteer exercises for all classes, such volunteer exercises of whatsoever kind to be under supervision of the !. J ' ! K mSMmMSmii MHHsliH