Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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- Mr. I II. Stoughlou lias prepared a thesis upon "The
Origin of the Pelvis in Ampliiuma and Amlilyslonin." From
these studies the theory that the vertebrate pelvis arose as a
paired structure receives additional confirmation. The ma
tcrial for the u urk was furnished by Dr. Kingslcy, who has
the only lot of ampliiuma embryos ccr collected.
Scene on pond at Cushman park. Captains Marsland
.and Peterson rcaluii g the dignity of their Tank, undertook to
teach the grand army men and cadets how to row a boat as
the Indians do. 'I lay were not successful, for the boat over
turned and they were compelled to swim to shore. We un
dcrslaud the captains have since confessed that they know
nothing about rowing boats.
Wc still have a number of copies of the inter-state contest
edition of the Hesperian which contains a full account of the
contest, trial of Ferguson the plagiarist, and his plagiarized
oration, election of officers for ensucing year etc. We will
mail them to any address upon receipt of price. Copies 15
cents each. Address,
The Hesperian.
U. of X. Lincoln, Xebr.
The girls are humming, the boys are bumming, the exams,
they say, arc almost here. The birds arc singing, the bells
arc ringing commencement comes but once a year. The
preps are cramming, their tutors , the Seniors, it
seems, have nothing to fear. The Frcshies are passing, the
Juniors arc "mashing" commencement comes but once a
year. Prohibition is winning, the barbs have an inning, the
frats, of course, are beginning to fear. The chancellor is
scheming, the registrar is beaming commencement comes
but once a year. The co-eds arc weeping, their loved ones
are sleeping in the guard tcnt'at Hastings, so wc hear. The
lieutenant is missing, the captains are fishing encampment
comes but once a year.
To the Editor of The HEsi-nniAN.
A few words in regard to the library during the closing
days.. On examination day, it will be open from 11 a. 111. to
2 p. in. so that those who have examinations in the forenoon,
afternoon or loth can have the opportunity of returning, ex
changing or consulting books without making an extra jour
ney. On Saturday morning, June 7, it will be open from 10 to
12 a. in. for the return of all books, and those neglecting this
matter will subject themselves to a fine.
It will not, then, be open again until the afternoon of
Commencement day from 2 to 4.
Through the summer vacation it will be open from loto 12
a. 111. each Saturday .
Custodian of Liiikarv.
Prof. I.oisetlc's Memory System is creating greater inter
est than ever in all parts of the country, and all persons wish
ing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus
free as advertised in another column.
T. Ewicg & Co have now an opportunity to show ofTan im
mense slock of clothing to great advantage. Their new quar
ters 1115-17 O street are undoubtedly the finest in the city.
Call around and inspect both store and goods.
The board of directors of the Xebraska Intercollegiate
Athletic Association met here Saturday May 17, and made
out the following program for the Intcr-collcgiatc Field Day
to be held at Lincoln ball park June 1, under the, auspice of
our local association.
11. 1.
One-fourth mile.
Running backward 75 yds.
Egg race 75 yards.
Toad race 75 yards.
Wheel-barrow race.
ico yard dash. 2.
One-half mile run. 4.
Sack race 50 yaids. f.
Hurdle race 120 yds. 8.
3-leggcd race 100 yds. 10."
Relay race between colleges, four 300 yards cou es.
Standing broad jump, without weight.
Standing hruad jump with weight.
Running broad jump.
Standing high jump.
Running high jump.
Standing hop, step, and jump.
Running hop, step, and jump.
Light weight, under 150 pounds.
Heavy weight, over 150 pounds.
Square holds.
High kick. " 2. Hall throw..
Hammer throw, 16 lbs. 4. Casting the shot 16 lbs.
Foot ball kick. 6. Tug of war between col
leges, 6 men 900 lbs.
Each college will be allowed two entries in each sport ex
cept the team contest.
All entries must be made to C. E. Winter, secretary I. C.
A. A. on or before June 5, 1S90.
All contests will be governed by inter collegiate rules
when possible.
The contests will be held at the ball park, tracks will be
laid out, and matters so arranged that the contest may pro
cced without interruption or delay.
A. F. Woods, president of U. of X. A. A., will be director
of sports, i. e. master of ceremonies for the day, and wc may
be sure, that with Rert at the helm, field day will b: wcl
Albert F. Woods' thesis is upon ''Studies in Plant Rio
graphy" the object of these 'studies' is to begin a general out
line of the physiological phenomena of life the main idea will
be to look at the plant from the standpoint of development,
through the "law of survival" and through the modification in
accordance w itli the changing and permanent conditions of
Ten per cent off to all students, at J. Z. ISriscoc's boot and
shoe store, Exposition Building.
Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses
fitted. Rooms 16 and 17, Richards block, Lincoln, Neb.
If you can't "keep your shirt on," then go to the Capital
City Shirt Factory and purchase one at a very low price that
will stay ON. 939 O street.
For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short-hand,
type writing or telegraphy, the Lincoln Business College is
the best place to go. Over Coo students last year.
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