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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1890)
Ilium hi in i mum iwiniPiiri nriiirnmifnTiiiTii ,,tf,mnmrmm,T- L " -"- 0Witaiaftw?bjUurf im'VtiZK ' - ' a ' . . . wuaiv.c. :'t..ivfaJNJ jis,J!Kas,.'s.-fc-fe.,'Urv THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. J , jRb" r Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE i. 1890. No. XVI THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. JOHN B. FOGARTY, Editor-in-Chief. associates: T. K. A. WILLIAMS, '92, -J. W. McCROSKY, '91, -Paul PIZEY, '93, - - E. M. POLLARD, '93, I J. S. PEERW93, F. D. HYDE, '92, - literary miscki.i.anv Comment Local Exchange O. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, .... S1.00 One copy, one college term 35 Single copy 10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub i scriptions. Address all communications to The IlESPERiAN,Univcrsity f of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 1. C. Taylor, Prcs. C.vM., Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. II. C. Peterson, Pics. Miss Edna Hyatt, Scc'y. DEL1AN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Jessie Wolfe, Prcs. F. A. Rockhold. Scc'y. PIIILOD1CEAN LITERARY SOCIETY. II. 1). HlCKS, Prcs. F. II. Woods, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. F. C. Taylor, Prcs. F. F. Almy, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Rosa Bouton, Prcs. Miss O. VAnIIise, Scc'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. Hkrhert Marsland, Prcs. A. C. CorE, Sec'y. CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Fred Hyde, Prcs. Miss Josie Treeman, Scc'y. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUR. C. E. Ting ley, Prcs. EDITORIAL NOTES. CHE Hesperian wishes to remind .nil university athletes that the inter-collegiate field day will soon be here and further that if they wish to majn tain for the local athletic association the honor that the base ball team has won, it will be necessary for them to do considerable training in the near future. UR base ball team hassucceded in covering itself with glory. Boys, The Hesperian is proud ot you, for you do honor to the university youjrepre- sent. In college oratorical contests we never win, but in college base ball we are never defeated. It is consoling to know that we can win in certain kinds of contests. MN this issue we present our readers with a list of (il the periodicals that are accessible to students of the university. It may be well for each student to preserve this number of The Hesperian, for it will certainly assist him at some time in his reading. Since it has been impossible to persuade the powers that be of the necessity of publishing a printed catalogue, The Hesperian has done the next best thing possible by giving a list of the periodicals. But this has occa sioned some extra expense and we trust that many will encourage the enterprise by purchasing extra copies of the papor. Send copies of this number to your friends. They will be surprised at the large number of periodicals recieyed at the university. We do not advertise our advantages as we should do. A great number of the people in the state are ignor ant of many of the superior advantages that arc af forded by the university. Let us try to give those people a correct impression of what we arc doing. ofr LTHOUGH it is some time yet before the next Jjhj state oratorical contest we may be pardoned for making certain suggestions, because in making those suggestions we have at heart the interest of the university. In the last state contest the gentleman who wondid not do so on manuscript for two of the judges on thought and composition had ranked our orator ahead of him. If our orator had been as suc cessful in delivery, he would have won first, for four judges decide. Now we are certain -that every stud- 1 Jt.'A J iT i immmSSmm g: es