Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1890, Page 8, Image 8
P!UBi HSH THE HESPERIAN I Several of the Uni, boys imported their best girls for the contest and banquet, consequently a few of our most patri otic anil loyal girls did not have a way to go, hence they were deprived of a very enjoyable time. The most characteristic and noticeable, feature of the parly given at the home of Mr. Floyd Scybolt on the evening ofMayGwas the attention shown to a fair prepess by Mr. Clark. The boys say that Dill is "mashed." Dr. Griffith, a member of the Royal Microscopical society of England, lectured before some of the scientific students Friday evening on the microscope. He is the inventor of the Griffith Club microscope which he fully explained. The Phi B;ta Kappa of Rochester university has elected Professor Hodgman to the Tota chapter. This is a special honor which is not conferred to societies but is open to all graduates attaining the highest degree in scholarship. Last week Professor Hicks received from Berlin four his torical and geological volumes on China, written by Baron von Kichlhofcn, These exhaustive works with their excel lent illustrations and maps make a valuable addition to the geological library. V. II. Sawyer, '93, having left his banquet tickets at home, attempted to guin entrance to the grand feast by means of two lecture tickets. At first the door-keeper refused to let him enter; but finally consented, after Mr. Sawyer's lady had made a very eloquent plea. The Sunday morning's Bee, of May 11, contains an article written by Irving Manatt, ex-chancellor of the Nebraska state university. In this article Mr. Manat has. given an interest ing account of the Greeks' celebration of the sixty-ninth anni versary ol their independence. The last proof sheets of the catalogue have been corrected and it will soon be ready for distribution. Its bright, clean appearance, together with accuratencss, will present a favor able contrast to last year's issue. It will show a total of 474 students, 264 male and 210 female, an increase of 47 over last year, which is decidedly encouraging considering that the increase is in the college classes. The poor preppies feel very much hurt on account of the article that appeared in our last issue concerning them, and declare eternal vengence against the editor that wrote it. Poor little creatures we are sorry we hurt your feelings, but alas, you should have made your complaints sooner. We take pleasure in making note of the marriage of Mr. R. S. Mockctt, once a member of '88, and Miss Minnie Broady, which took place at the home oi the bride near Ce resco, Neb. It was a very quiet wedding, only the members ol the two families being present. After the ceremony the wedding party came to Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Mockett will live with the groom's parents until they get ready to begin housekeeping. The Hesperian extends hearty congratula tions to the newly wedded pair, and wish that their life may be one of happiness and joy. Professor Brace has been granted a patent upon his new dynnino. This machine embodies many new principles in its construction, one of the most important being a fixed com mutator. The dynamo is designed for laboratory use and will add greatly to the facilities for the study of electricity. Two alternate current arc lamps have been received and are being tested. These are the only lamps of the kind west of Pittsburg. It is the intention to supply the light for Grant Hall from our electrical laboratory. When the dynamo and lamps are thoroughly tested further particulars will be-given. A 'few days ago Professor Brace received from Berlin some very fine apparatus for the study of polarization and double refraction of light. The order for this apparatus was placed two years ago, and but one man in Berlin was skilled enough in this line to work upon the instruments. In working upon the histoogy ol the young cucumber plant A. J. McClatchie has foumli that the methods similar to those used in zoology can be applied to plant tissue in pre-' paring it for section cutting on the microtome. He has spent most of the term experimenting on the different methods used in treating the several kinds of vegetable tissue and has obtained some very satisfactory results. Mr. Chappcll visited eleven largest towns ol the state to find out the real wages and the manner ol living of unskilled laborers in Nebraska, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it is possible for unskilled laborers to save any great amount of money. He found them particularly intelligent as to the mcansvof ameliorating their condition, and noticed as much intelligence among the unskilled as among skilled laborers, . He spent most of his time in Omaha and Grand Island. Mr. Chappell's investigations will soon be published in a Sunday edition of the Omaha World Herald. Monday aftcroon Lieutenant Griffith gave a lecture upon "Explosives as Employed in the Military Service." The composition of the different explosives, and the various kinds of permaucnt gases generated by them, also the chemical equations or reactions and the relative power of the most power ful explosives arc explained. The lieutenant has a large class that is taking great interest in the work. There was a time when studies in the military department were slighted as much as possible, but the present itstructor has succeeded admirably in arousing interest for the work in his department. Messcrs II. A. Sentcr, B. C. Yates, W. E. Brook, and P. L. Hibbard , having accepted good positions will be in school no more, this term. Mr. Sentcr is employed by the Nebraska beet sugar experiment station. Professor Nicholson has es tablished an experiment station in each county throughout the state. Mr. Scnter will have the supervision of this work; he will also take the amount of rainfall at each place and re port the same to the station at Lincoln. Mcssers Brook and Yates arc working with the B. & M. repairing surveyors gang. The gang with which Brook works makes their headquarters at Lincoln, and the one with which Yates works is stationed in the southern part of the state. Mr. Hibbard is working with a surveying party that is setting grade stakes for the new railroad that is being constructed between Custer City and Dcadwood, South Dakota. EXCHANGE. The Hesperian continues to fight the Greek letter fra ternities. College Chips. That is true. We're in the fight to stay. , The Ogontz Mosaic for April contains a supplement in com memoration ot Lincoln which has, however, but little original material. Nevertheless who can say that ladies arc not patri otic? The Scholastic contains a characterization sketch upon the "Foibles of College Boys," which in genuinely humorous style gives the characteristics of the four peculiarly college "fiends," the athletic man, the bard or musician, the society man and the "man who owns the place." The descriptions are all well drawn, and are illustrated after the manner of Pack or "Judge. The article is full of good hits.