THE HESPERIAN. Finest of work nil sizes and descriptions University trade a specialty. Call on me at 226 South Eleventh, ground fl 00 Special Prlcos to students Ti VV, TO wIn EsJjJllN! 3D. H P. SHER WIN, nr.M.KR in Drugs, Fine Cigars, Stationery, Perfumes and Toilet Articles, UK ALSO KKKl'S ON HANI) A COMl'I.KTK LINK OK BOOTS AND SHOES. . T Tf T Q Krci-el-irk ivinrl ; 9 enf s? , wvsia ,PJ : kJee our Men s shoe for 3.00 DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. STUDENTS TRADE SOLICITED. . 1124 O street, - Lincoln. 'a&tt. MIKADO STUDIO. Cor. 14th and 1' St., Lincoln, Neb. ilOPICTURES FOR-Sfi &i SC I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF VIEWS. Satisfact on Guaranteed. Photos at Reduced Rates. PHOTOGRAPHER, Docs the most artistic work to be found in the city EXAMINE HIS WORK. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. - ANTRIM & MASTERSON, l'ROl'RIKTOKS OK Lincoln : Steam ; Laundry. STUDENTS WORK A SPECIALTY. Office, 13S North Eleventh St. Tki.khionk No. 62 Second - Hand : Books Sold on Commission at The Hesperian Office. S.SCHWAB, Fine Clothing,Gents' Furnishing Goods HATS JLIDsTZD CAPS. Cadet Suits a Specialty Special Prices to Students, fojp 0 Street.