TMK II KS PERI AN. -V . !-' h. i .? THE ORATIONS. CONSERVATISM AND RADICAL ISM IN SOCIETY. Geo. O. Furouson, Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Neb. In the study of the progress of society from the begin ning to the present, two forces ever meet us conservatism and radicalism each contending for mastery. Wc are in turn shocked, grieved, and alarmed as we pass through the diversified events of their conflict. As we follow them through history wc come to three distinct periods stamped with their encrgy.the barbarian, the pagan, and the Christain. The historian might particularize this classification still furth er, but the record would read the same. In the first period man was little more than an animal, governed by his instincts and passions. There was an occasional flash of reason's light, but it was like the passing of the moon from one cloud to another in the midnight storm. Science had not as yet lit her torch and begun her flaming march of investigation and discovery. The mechanical arts had not yet subdued to their service the proud achievments of scientific research. Litera ture was smothered in ignorance and superstition. The high est ambition of these dwellers in darkness was to possess suf ficient physical power to vanquish every assailant on the field of blood. They hurled the javelin in war, they roamed the held and forest for their food, and dwelt beneath the thatched roofs of their rude huts for shelter. They clung tenaciously to the traditions and customs of their ancestors, and were suspicious of every innovation in their established manner of living. 1 hey were conservative through Fear or displeasing the gods, who were supposed to be the custodians of their peace and prosperity. Had a philosopher appeared in their midst, possessing a knowledge of the fdrces in nature, their infinite combinations and varied utility, his radical notions would have cost him his life. The ownership of property was ettled by force of clubs and spears, and the law of the sur vival of the strongest governed their social intercourse. Wife hood and motherhood were debased to the lowest servitude, and the family life was coarse and selfish. Still, there was some progress toward the light. They watched the stars, they observed the seasons, they noted the changes going on about them, and deduced a meagre system of natural laws. They felt the upward yearnings of the soul; they saw, every where, the operation of a supreme power; they were by intu ition religious beings, and thus they came to have a faint kuowledge of their relation to the spiritual and the divine. Yet all was chaos and, confusion. The knowledge they pos sessed was purely sensuous. Ignorance was on the throne and reason had not begun her contest for the crown. In the transition, as we pass to the next period, the light of progress in society shone out with an incandescent glow. Conserva tism, no longer in the ascendancy, withdrew to the caves and desert places. Radicalism had obtained the field, and with lavish hand was sowing the seed of a new life. Philosophy, science, law, and art sprang out of the soil on the shore of the jgean sea, with a depth of root and vigor of growth that furnished scions to every garden of thought in the world of letters for all time. The influence of these living, growing forces spread everywhere; and civilization received an impe tus upward and onward it had not felt before. The people lived better, worked easier, and advanced to architectural elegance and comfort in the construction of their homes. The Greek mind possessed nothing to itself but thought. Thought in philosophy, represented by Socrates; thought in science created by Aristotle; thought in law constructed by Solon; thought in art, carved out by Phidias; and now these new en ergies of civilization were hurled in every direction. The world at last began its advance toward ideal perfection. Teachers of the new order of truths were at the court of Koine, the school of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, arousing the people to a study of themselves and the laws that bound them to their environment. Said Mendimus, the pedantic courtier, to his master, the emperor: "If I shall go on studying this Greek writing, I may become an oracle, or even one of the gods some day." So potent a factor had Greek thought ana life become with men of learning in that piecocious age. The religion of this period alone escaped the ravages of the radical spirit. It rested on an elaborate system of mythology, and was so interwoven with all that was lovely in nature, and all tW wos poetic in imagination, as to exercise n most powerful influence upon the character of the people. The idea of God that seemed to flash across the pagan mind was an ecstatic vision of divine energy, a world soul, which, rushing through all created things, as the wind across the lyre, thrilled them into divinest harmony. They held the soul to be a portion of Deity Himself. And as a bubble arises from the boundless and fa' hornless sea, floating about here and there, merging into other bubbles, and then floats on to its inevitable destiny an absorption, an incorporation into the ocean again. So individual souls were emanations from the great infinite soul; and and as a sunbeam touches at the same time the sun and the earth, so they touched at once the source of eternal reason and corporal be ing. And when at last the soul should throw ofl its earthly shroud it was to be absorbed into the abysmal depths of in finite love. Such, then, were some of the most important re suits of the operation of these two giant forces radicalism and conservatism upon thought and life, during the infancy and early growth of the race. In passing to the Christian period, wc may trace with a keener analysis the varied achievements and disasters wrought by their iron hand. Conservatism, peculiarly sensitive to the influence of antiquity, pursued tin ghost of ancestral habits and refused to sanction a single law of change. Progress was interpreted to mean destruction. Every new thought, every new invention, every new discovery was regarded with the most baleful suspicion and with fearful forebodings. Deter mined to be the insisted that the people should be subject to a king who ruled by divine right, and developed the miserable system of feudalism, and clung to it till every mediaeval nation was deluged with blood. By its endeavor to control religion it made the church a storehouse of abuses and citadel of tyranny, so that at her behest a Gali leo was sent to prison and a Savonarola to the flames. De siring to contribute something to philosophy, conservatism busied itself with the most ridiculous and unprofitable ques tions in metapysics, science, and theology. Occasional', as in the French revolution, it checked the muddy stream of error, but far oftener it dammed the crystalline river of trnth and doomed the world for a longer time to the drought of gloomy superstition. On the other hand, radicalism, ever active for the improvement and progress of the race, stood out opposed to everything that was tainted with antiquity. Though impetuous and extravagant in all its actions, it saw the need of reform and invention, and plunged ahead to se cure them. It faught against authority, despised custom, and made the end to sanction the means. Over-confident of re sults, it disregarded the warnings of defeat and rushed head long into the rapids, whose flood but hastened it on to the terrible whirlpool below. Like the swift flying shuttle of a mighty loom, it passed from one extreme to the other, and seemed never to be satisfied. It fought the blending of truth, equality, and justice, and would challenge an army, face any peril yea, would sacrifice life itself merely to satis fy its caprice concerning ideal right. . Coming now to our day, we find that these two powerful elements, look in what ever direction we may, continue to wage the same relentless warfare. Like the ceaseless heav ing of the ocean, the fight is now subdued and scarcely dis cernible, and anon vehement and irrepressible, agitating the social mass to the very core. Every great reform of the past has been and every great reform of the present must be car ried forward to triumphant consummation by either the ag gression of the one or the opposition of the other of these elements. Conservatism sought to perpetuate American slavery. Radicalism ordered to arms its forces and swept the gigantic curse out of the nation. The victory cost one million of men and four billions of money, but it transformed the four mil lions of serfs into free men; and, to-day, "There are domes of white blossoms "Where epread tho white tent. There are plows in the way Where the war wagons went, And there ana songs Where they fined up Each el's lunent" Conservatism seeks to build upon a firm foundation a traffic worse than j eslilence, fire, sword the traffic in strong drink legalized and licensed by act of congress and legisla ture. Radicalism in tears and woe and despair pleads pity ingly for its prohibition, root and branch. Conservatism would fasten upon the nation all the enormoui evils of unre stricted immigration, anarchism, the destruction of the Sab-