Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 02, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Donne college and thtf UriiverfcTty of Nebrnskn. In tbis they
were disappointed, lor it vVaVfjbt until five that the conven
tion adjourned. At the above staled hour stated the conven
tion adjourned until 9 ojcl'ock Friday morning. The dele
gates then went to their hotels in order to prepare themselves
so that they should be able to yell as loudly as possible for
their orators.
The Lincoln Daily Call of April 25 contained a long arti
cle accusing Geo. O. Ferguson, of the Nebraska Wcslcyan
university of plagiarizing his oration. The article contained
extracts similar in thought and also in words, taken from the
orations of Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Coffin and Mr. Morris. The
orations of Mr. Coffin and Mr Morris, recicved first and second
prizes at the intcr-stalc contest held at Jacksonville, 111., in
1881. Mr. Ferguson, who had gone to Chicago, was tele
graphed for immediately, and arrived in Lincoln Tuesday
night. Wednesday morning the Nebraska state executive
committee met at the Windsor hotel to investigate the charges,
at which time the orations in question were compared. Mr.
Ferguson based his defense upon a claim that he had read the
two ojatious and had committed ccrtian portions to memory;
in writing his own oration he had unconciously used parts of
these orations. The trial was long, and was a terrible strain
upon those who were interested in the decision. At about
seven o'clock the committee reported the following decision.
We, the executive committee of the Nebraska Collegiate
Oritorical association, having duly considered the evidence laid
before us this 30th day of April, in regard to alleged plagiar
ism on the part of Geo. O. Fcrgerson, do decide, that al
though .said Geo. O. Fcrgci son's oration is not entirely
original, yet the evidence brought against him will not warrant
us in debarring him from the intci state contest May 1, 1S90.
Executive Comtittee.
N. C. O. A.
The above decision was agreed upon by the following
vote: H. F. Cleland and G. A. Stuff, in favor of such deci
sion, and E. P. Brown, against.
It is certainly appropriate that the HEsrERlAN, the official
paper of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association, should publish
the obituary of that lamented organization. One year ago it
started upon a career that all hoped would be bright and
glorious; today it seems to be entirely forgotten; we have
not even heaid awoid oi regret, concerning its fate. Is there
no one to take an interest in intercollegiate journalism? No
one to revive the Inter-Collegiate Press association?
Although the convention of the interstate association was
in session, quite a number of enthusiastic base ballists went
out to the ball park yesterday afternoon to witness the sec
ond game of the series of intei -collegiate contests. The
time until 3:30 o'clock was spent in ptacticing by both clubs.
Then the umpire called the game.
The first part of the game was taken in "working up" as
it is termed. The next part was the best, and in the middle
of the game some good playing was done. At this time the
U. of N. gained such a lead that the game wns practically
decided, and after that not a great deal of interest was mani
fested, except when Doane would make a short spurt only to
settle back without hope- For the greater part of the game
Woods was in good form for pitching but the length
of the game seemed to tell on him. Donne's pitchers
were in fair form. Donne lind the most active catchers, for
our own" Goodcll wns feeling quite unwell. On the whole
the unine wns a fair college game, but Doane docs not put up
as good a game as Wcslcyan. In batting Woods, U. ofN.,
lend with a clean over-the fence home run. The following
list shows the positions of the players;
V. or n. 1OAN'"
Goodcll c Dungan
Woods 1 J"110"
Peters c. f. Davis
Slrc-man 2 II. House
Chandler r. f Lovclar.d
Hicks 1. f ..Green
Reese lb ..Jackson
Marlay .. 3b R. House
G.Wood s. s Weston
The Uni. boys arc all good hitters.
Who says our pitchci cannot uat?
The umpire did pretty well. He is therefore alive.
After the game the camera was turned upon the players.
It made a good shot.
U. of N. has a winning ball team and 22 to 14 is a mas
Davis, the one armed player of Doane, is one of their best
Foot ball games did not materialize. It was hoped that
a South Dakota eleven would come down and play us but
they could not secure rates, a trouble that K. S. U. boys
claim kept their base ball team at home.
This afternoon a drive will lc taken to the new an
blooming universities of Lincoln. This will take the place of
games and sports. A very enjoyable time is expected
Every delegate is cordially invited to take the drive and in
spect our beautiful college town.
A reception will lc given to the orators and delegates in
the representative hall of the capitol this evening. Govcrnoi
Thayer, Chancellor Ilcsscy, Kcgcnt Gere, Lieutenant Grif
fith and others will receive. The reception will last
from S to 10 o'clock, when the banqueters will pass
into the Sanatc Chamber- Here E. R. Holmes President
of'the U. of N.f oratorical association will welcome the guests,
and G. M. Culver, of the K. S. U., President of the inter
state oratorical association, will rcsond. After the first course,
P. H. Honncs, of the Denver High School, will respond to a
toast to "Our Western State Universities," and E. B. Cush
ing, of Knox College, 111., to the coast "Our Western Denom
inational Collegesr" Following the second course, "The Win
ning Orator" will be toasted. Between the third, and fourth
courses, 1L A. Reese of the U. of N. will respond to a toasst
to "Our guests", and W. J. Barreltc of S. U. I." to a toast to
"Our Coeds." The banquet will .ose with "College Ora
tory," by W. A. Bastian, of DePamv University, Indiana
and "Inter-Collegiate Fellow ship" by W. H. Clark, ol the
Ohio State University. Judge A. W. Field will be toast mas
ter. MKMT.
Blue I'olut.
Mackerel a la Viniagrette, Imported Sardine.
Sliced Tomatoes. lettuce,
Honed Turkey. Afsplr Jelly. Honed Chicken,
Smoked Beef Tongue, Sugar Cured Ham,
Chicken Salad en Mayonaise, Shrimp Salad. Liobeter Salnd,
.Aspic Jelly, Lemonade,
Strawberries and Cream, Bananas, Oranges.
Vanilla Ice Cream, Lemon Ice Cream,
Lemon Frnlt Ice.
Lady Fingers, Kisses.
Macaroons. Angel Food. Sponge Cake,
French Candies,
Almonds, Eaglich Walnuts, Filbert. LairliniUii,
Cqffee, Chocoat.