Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 02, 1890, Page 3, Image 3
THE HESPERIAN. y, -i 1'? Ii- R r-v j. I & I 8 I Thought nwi Composition. "5. J 5 a , M V. O -S D tH O S i "Tho llaco rroblem," 04 ST. Wm. H. Wise, Indiana. 7 2 3 12 "Democracy, Tho Dominant Idea," OS 05 11. Tucker, Ohio. 2 14 7 "Tho First Amorlcan," M.5- SO 11. II. TiMnKni.AKK, Minnesota, 6 B R 10 "Individualism in Society," Oft 7! M. II. Lyon, Iowa. 16 8 15 'Martin Luther," 05.fi 73 IIaiiUV N. Wilson, Colorado. 4 7 7 IS "Conservatism and Undlcallsin," Gko. O. Ferguson, Ncbrar.ka. "Liberty," " 9S 70 -W. n.Min Ann, Wisconsin. 2 8 C 10 "The Purltnn and Cavalier," 05 83 S. W. Nayloh. Kansas. 8 3 1 0 "Qur English Language;" 00 SI A. C. Douglas, Illinois. 3 4 2 0 i i I h Delivery. g" o a &: "si - - : "35 fc o o o ' S - . E o eg E- fa Ho "The Hat-e Problem," 85 Sg 00 Wm. H. Wise, Indiana. i 4 1 21 nomocracy, Tho Dominant Idea." 75 00 03 It. Tucker, Ohio. 0 3 3 10 "Tho First American," 80 SO 03 B. H. TiMnEnLAKE, Minnesota. 5 7 3 31 "Individualism in Society," 05 02 05 M. H. Lyon, Iowa. l l 2 io "Martin Luther," 05 75 00 Harry N. Wilson, Colorado. 8 8 4 3S vConservntlttm and Itndlrallsm," Gko. O. Ferguson, Nebraska. "Liberty." 70 82 ' 00 W. B. Millard, Wisconsin. 7 0 4 33 "Tho Puritan and Cavalier," 00 01 00 S. W. Naylor, Kansas. 3 2 1 15 "Onr English Language." 03 S7 05 A. C. Douglas, Illinois. 2 5 2 18 The following arc the positions of the various states ac cording to the markings of the judges: i. Kansas. 2. Illinois. 3. Ohio. 4. Indiana. 5. Iowa. 6. Minnesota. 7. Wisconsin. 8. Colorado. Accordingly, Mr. Naylor, of Kansas receives the first prize which is $75, and Mr. Douglass of Illinois the second prize of $50. The successful gentlemen deserve all the hon ors that they receive, for they have won fairly in a very close contest. BEFORE THE CONTEST. Although a few of the delegates to the contest arrived last week, there was nothing unusaul in the appearance oi attain. until Wednesday morning. . Several things combined to make excitment at times. The badge committee had the badges ready for distribution and everybody seemed anxious to be decorated with the bright colored ribbons. The fact that Mr. Ferguson had arrived in the city the evening before caused no little excitement among our students and groups of prep ies might be seen here and there carrying on annimatcd dis cussions. Not having made up their minds as to the merits of the case the prepics adjourned their meetings at the sound ol the class bells and decided that it might be better to allow the state executive committee to settle the matter. Mean while the excitement increased. The local oratorical associa tion met and transacted some necessary business. During this meeting the various Jass rooms were almost depopulated and at least one professor showed his appreciation of the diffi culties with which the students were struggling by assigning work for Thursday much heavier than usual. As has been re marked, .1 few of the delegates were on hand early, the first to arrive being those from Indiana. Indiana men arc rustlers and usually manage to participate in all the fun. Indiana has the reputation of being a doubtful state. Her sons are great politicians, and it is necessary for success to be on the grounds early. Next in order came the delegates from Ohio. Ohio is a great state. She has a record for furnishing presidents for the United States and judging by the appearance of her representatives to the contest the rifing generation in that state will be fully equal to the present. After the Ohio delegation the other delegates dropped in promiscously. By Wednesday noon one might readily see there was something unusual happening at the Windsor, Political schemes were being discussed, Ohio and Indiana lookd suspiciously at each other. Nebraska was un fortunate. It looked blue for us. Meanwhile the state exe cutive committee was listening to Mr, Ferguson's defense. The evidence was all present and the committee deliberated long and well. After supper it was decided that Mr. Fergu son's oration although not strictly original should be allowed to represent the state. Another difficulty for the executive committee to settle was that Nebraska, though entitled to but three votes in the convention, had elected seven delegates. If credentials were given to only three delegates, some of the colleges would be without representation. How to decide without hurting the feelings of anybody was the question. When the executive committee had reached a decision in the Ferguson case a band of about fifty Weslcyan students pro ceeded to paint the town and to impress people in general that the Weslcyan and Ferguson are all right. Thursday forenoon several of the delegates visited the University build ings and attended chapel exercises. We wish to inform our visitors that although the U. of N. boasts a large military de partment we hope that they may not Infer on account of this fact that U. of N. students are a warlike body. We are a peaceable people and have no love for stirring up strife as many of our exchanges may testify. Shortly after 1 o'clock in the afternoon the president called to order, in the University chapel, the seventeenth an nual convention of the Inter-state Oratorical association. A motion was immediately carried to the effect that the de liberations of the convention be made with closed doors. Now, we do not propose to make any objections to the will ol the majority, but it seems to us that the newspapers should have been allowed to report the proceedings. But we sub mit to the decision, and although several important matters were discussed by the convention, we will pretend that we were not present. The delegates hoped to finish the business in time to attend the game of base boll played by the clubs from &t2ffBk -IS. - . ;m 55S5 2E 2nam mivwtu "i?W4t ri. a..jJ,.i-tf'.iJ8.. .i3. J i?-